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The world's a stage

  • Jon Kelly
  • 29 Sep 08, 06:00 AM GMT

Friday's presidential debate may have ended in a draw, according to the of Memphis, Tennessee. But the paper says there was one clear winner: the University of Mississippi, which had invested so much in the stand-off.

I've already noted how relieved locals were when John McCain showed up. They sensed a big pay-day was up for grabs.

But the Appeal concentrates on the political celebrities, if you can call them that, who were in town: ex-Democratic White House contenders John Kerry and Bill Richardson; Republican Governor Hayley Barbour of Mississippi and Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina; plus TV anchor Katie Couric and debate moderator Jim Lehrer.

Not to forget the candidates' wives. Cindy McCain appeared, we are told, "in a bright red pantsuit", while Michelle Obama was wearing "a more-muted pink dress".

I don't think any of these figures could be used to support Jay Leno's thesis that politics is showbusiness for ugly people. Is the paper trying to suggest otherwise?


  • Comment number 1.

    "But the paper says there was one clear winner: the University of Mississippi, which had invested so much in the stand-off."

    Congratulations Mississippi!
    May folks come back again and again to finish the sight-seeing they couldn't get to this past weekend.

    You know, they said the same thing about the Democratic Debate in Philly --

    Philly has long had a reputation as a poor crime-filled city.
    I happen to love the place and think it's a beautiful town filled with rich history, wonderful art, and creative people... and much more grass and trees than you usually find in American Urbania.

    The debate's outcome was fairly tied, but Philadelphia had received a national news spotlight to positive ends.

    -- kinda' funny for the 'Birthplace of Democracy' to fall into hard times, eh?

    I've been wanting to see Mardi Gras for decades-- and I'm thinking it's about time we ventured south with the kids. Road Trip!


  • Comment number 2.

    That was a "more-muted print dress," Jon, not "pink dress." You should have linked the article itself, rather than the website home:

    It's not unusual for reporters to remark on what the women are wearing, although the more serious political analysts would best avoid it, I think.

  • Comment number 3.

    Gary -

    "serious reporters" ... um... do we have those here in the States?

    I thought we had a Capitalist Press -- the best news the public can buy -- competing for ratings, telling us fluff, competing for sound-bite slots with cooked data and sensationalist crap.

    And the world thinks us Americans are clueless about world events...
    No kidding. If all YOU had was Fox and CNN, you'd be pretty clueless, too.

    Thank God for the Inter-Tubes.

    PS: I thought Michelle's dress was lovely. But, I thought Barack's bracelet was a much more interesting fashion statement.


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