
麻豆社 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Len Freeman | 11:42 UK time, Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Here is what we are planning for tonight's programme with Jeremy Paxman

Strikes on Libya will continue until Col Gaddafi meets UN terms, stops attacking civilians and pulls back his forces, the US's Hillary Clinton has told the London conference of allied leaders.

Tonight we'll talk to the Foreign Secretary William Hague. The London conference was intended to be a demonstration of unity but just how solid in reality is the coalition?

Our Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will bring us up to date with the day's events while out in Libya Tim Whewell will bring us a report from Derna, a town in the east from where more fighters went to join al-Qaeda in Iraq than anywhere else in the world. It highlights how little we know about the rebels and what could replace the Gaddafi regime.

And our Science Editor Susan Watts will report on the latest CJD scare. Two separate incidents have emerged in which patients have been told they were put at risk of contracting the brain wasting disease - 38 patients have been warned in Wales and 21 in Essex. In both cases the fatal disease could have been picked up during surgery.

Susan speaks to one of the patients affected and medical experts about the risk of contracting CJD from surgical instruments.

From earlier

Today's Libya conference is intended as a demonstration of solidarity but will show up the differences in the coalition.

Our Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will spend the day at the conference, being held in London. We are also hoping to talk to Franco Frattini, the Italian foreign minister, who is pushing the idea of giving Gaddafi safe passage into exile.

We'll also have Tim Whewell's from Derna, a town in eastern Libya. How much do we know about the rebels and what could replace the Gaddafi regime?

Ed Miliband shares a platform with top Lib Dems including ex-leader Charles Kennedy to launch the official Yes to AV campaign - but not Nick Clegg.

Our Political Editor Michael Crick will look at what concessions might be offered to the Lib Dems after the referendum and local elections to keep them in government.


  • Comment number 1.

    history of liberal interventionism


  • Comment number 2.

    the rebels will find taking towns is not the same as holding them

  • Comment number 3.


    When I was just becoming aware of our disastrous human occupation of Planet Earth, the wireless set would talk of what the 8th Army were doing and of the 'Second Front'. Britain was fighting to preserve her way of life - it all made a sort of sense.

    Listening to Liam Fox and War Leader Dave, one might think we were under similar threat. I get a sense of unreality as the odd casualty is announced - in the early 40s they did not dare tell us of the slaughter.

    This only serves to reinforce my point that these juvenile cipher-ninnies are playing with guns by proxy. If this is how a civilised democracy behaves (and let鈥檚 not forget Manichean Tony) then it is time we had a world congress to find something better.

    Till then, Britain should be in Special Measures.

  • Comment number 4.

    "Today's Libya conference is intended as a demonstration of solidarity but will show up the differences in the coalition."

    It seems that before the conference has even started you have already decided on the angle you are going to take regardless of what happens. You don't need all that "..early thoughts on planning...". Just say : "Tonight we'll be broadcasting another 45 minutes of depressing negativity and doing our best to extinguish all hope for the future".

  • Comment number 5.


    I remember the Rose Garden scene, where Nick appeared not to know that Dave thinks he's a joke. The recent 'bigging up' of himself, by Nick, recorded on a lapel mike, confirms that he now fears Dave is right. Not to mention the deep scorn in Dave's 'No to AV' speech - 'you have to be a fool to vote yes'.

    But the show-stopper, was the blatant lie, widely used by Conman, to scare off the L/D vote in the 2010 election. Perhaps Nick doesn't know - again. (I sent it to the Lib/Dems BEFORE polling day.) Or perhaps he CHOOSES NOT TO KNOW. Either way: I continue to push for a show-down in terms of the Cons having used a FALSE INSTRUMENT to apply UNDUE INFLUENCE on the voters of Newbury, and a swathe of other constituencies, contrary to 115 of the Representation of the People Act.


  • Comment number 6.

    I hate to admit this but Al Gore of the Algorleone crime syndicate was right after all...well he was half right..its global cooling.

    Globopoly. I'm struggling with the pronunciation there Baz. It looks right but sounds wrong.

    Glob-poly. Gloobpoly.
    I used to pronounce hyperbole as High-per-bowl, so maybe its just me...i'm a bit thick.

  • Comment number 7.


    But what use is a step IN ANY DIRECTION if taken while still 'living within the lie' of Westminster governances?

    Just heard 'Dr' Reid saying some voters get more than one vote. My instincts tell me he doesn't REALLY understand. Might NewsyNighty call in a really competent LOGICIAN to drag this issue into the light of reality?

    Oh dear - now Hurd extolling universal suffrage! That disqualifies him, for a start!
    LET'S HAVE A CERTIFICATE OF VOTING COMPETENCE. You need a licence to drive or fly - why not one to 'steer' the direction of the country?

  • Comment number 8.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 9.


    It is simpler than: "A bunch of improperly elevated juvenile (needy) nobodies, inexpertly playing games with the lives of the hapless billions, across the world".

    I derived it from Monopoly, in much the same way as 'workaholic' derives from alcoholic. But you already know that. Something similar was played in the original of 'Whoops Apocalypse'.

  • Comment number 10.


    Precisely! Now go to the Chilcot archive and watch his face as he INSTRUCTS THE COMMITTEE regarding the LAST BATTLE and the importance of Iran in the defeat of EVIL on the earth. Delusional and barking - a typical Westminster success.

  • Comment number 11.

    #6: my best guess: the effects of huge carbon emissions over centuries, combined with the other devastating environmental effects (deforestation, desertifiation, poisoning of the seas, oceans, land and air) is causing crisis with Gaia/the ecosphere. The Atlantic conveyor is weakening. This means although the Antarctic is shrinking, the Arctic is already gearing up for a new ice age across the North. The problem for climate change is that in a cybernetic system (feedback loops), there will be automatic compensations that will also have their effects. Greater heat-entrapment leads to higher water-vapour levels, leading to greater cloud cover blocking out the sun, for instance. Greater cloud cover will also then affect plant/tree growth. The extra carbon absorbed into the oceans is killing off the plankton, which effects the entire Oceanic food chain. Absolute disaster is staring at us in the face, but do you agree THAT deckchair would look better in the corner, or by the railing?

    #7: i would prefer to take that back a step, wire up the prospective CANDIDATES to polygraph machines, and let THEM pass a test to be eligible. People should be allowed to vote for whatever idiocy they wish to - but they should at least know the truth of the candidates positions.

    how different those 'Fuhrer Debates' would have been with the 3 wannabe Dictators aware their honesty was on technological trial. And even more so if we had been able to hear the OTHER parties as well.

    Democracy - not the strongest point of our elected representatives, is it? After all, we might not choose them...

  • Comment number 12.

    Will Mr Cameron be recommending first past the post for Libyan "Democracy"? As our election in 2005 showed, you can get a comfortable absolute majority of parliamentary seats with as little as 35% of the vote.

    I wonder what the state of residual support is for the Gaddafistas? The Westminster system with an unelected upper chamber might suit them quite well!

    It's funny that our system is not seen as any use when there are endemic bitter divisions in a society. In Ulster it was part of the problem and not the solution.

    This government's taking from the poor to give to the rich will lead to an even more divided society; socially and geographically. Suppose next time we get another government with absolute power, but barely more than a third of the vote. Suppose we too have riots and revolts. Where will the legitimacy lie then?

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    #11 Child_of_Kali

    So it would appear that you believe all the scare stories put out by the CO2 warmists but the last time I checked the Antarctic ice had grown considerably, at least at one side. The Arctic Ice was getting bigger on average but failed to grow as much last year probably due to a local climate incident, it was unusually warm in Greenland when it was freezing here. I personally don't fall for the plankton all dying alarm story either and for anybody that does you have to weigh in the balance what Corporate Nazi policy initiatives their scam is being used to further.

    For example do you condone locking all low income people up in Warsaw style ghetto's, banning people from eating meat ( or at least making it so expensive only an elite few can afford to eat it ). The following links just about sum up what the eco-fascists have in store for us, although they have taken one of their cartoon video's down from YouTube because it was widely circulated by Alex Jones.

    This is the Cartoon video they didn't want you to see !

  • Comment number 15.


    As I type, Billy the Spud is intoning claptrap, to Gold Standard. You really could be fooled into thinking this is a world war. Will Carol Anne Duffy be writing a paean to British Glory with references to Britannia, Arthur, Churchill, Montgomery et al?

    "And we'll drum them up the Channel as we drummed them long ago." Oh - I am filling up - so proud to British - BY JINGO.

    Let us hope we are every bit as magnificent, when the jobless begin to riot. One thing WE KNOW: we shall not kill our own people COME WHAT MAY. Let Billy address the rioters. They will be so inspired, as to go straight home and 'Dig for Victory', having whittled their pick-handles into dibbers.


  • Comment number 16.

    I predict Jeremy v William Hague will be the finest of the night!

  • Comment number 17.

    We're doomed :o(

    Radioactive particles from earthquake-hit Japanese nuclear plant are detected in OXFORDSHIRE


  • Comment number 18.

    '17. At 19:01pm on 29th Mar 2011, Mistress76uk wrote:
    We're doomed :o('


    Head for the hills... or... maybe, first check which ones....

    @channel4news Sky is reporting that traces of radioactive iodine from #Fukushima have been found in Glasgow

  • Comment number 19.

    "Susan speaks to one of the patients affected and medical experts about the risk of contracting CJD from surgical instruments."

    migraine is very common:-

    The drugs NICE plug via GP's, Triptans make you much worse in the long run - more sensitive to the triggers so that when your in your 40's 50's your pretty much disabled .

    Having problems being able to work ? ' ok there is Sumatriptan a preventative drug that the GP will prescribe, you will think its fantastic not having a migraine for 6 months then you realise a year later you cant take it all your life - the doc brings you off it and bang. Your a walking wreak. You see if you can sue the NHS and are told what it says on the leaflet 'side effects' - 'headache' so the lawyer says nope you cant sue. Wanna claim disability benefits - doc says ha no way for a headache.

    The Dailymail alluded to it here:-

    And stopped the comments on #6

    This is far more THE problem than CJD with emphasis on MORE.

  • Comment number 20.

    ..But with no end in sight to its nuclear problem, Tokyo Electric will have to lean on the state for support, analysts say.

    Taxpayers outside the greater Tokyo area that the company serves are likely to balk at the cost of what could be seen as a bailout.

    鈥淚f you were the government, would you let it go bust?鈥 said Paul J. Scalise, a former financial analyst who is writing a book on Japan鈥檚 electric power system. 鈥淚 think the answer is no. The effect on the larger economy at a critical time would be too great.鈥

    more privatise the profit socialise the loss?

    this is the logic of nuclear.

  • Comment number 21.

  • Comment number 22.

  • Comment number 23.

    Child of Gore at 11:
    Can I have my deck chair near the railings please?..so i can get some sun light. And then I can re-read those emails from the east anglican University and give meself another good belly laugh.
    Is the shoe on the other foot now child_of_Gore?....good!

  • Comment number 24.

    Absolutely loved today's bumper edition of Newsnight :o)
    From Jeremy's interview with Frattini (:p Had he ever been to Berlusconi's Bunga Bunga parties?) to a priceless interview with Hague - oh how he squirmed! To the person from the Arab League (again, trying to skirt around various questions) to the last interview. Great report by Tim and a very frightening report from Susan. It's amazing that hospitals FAIL to have any guidelines when it comes to hygiene, yet has numerous guidelines on the most pointless things.

  • Comment number 25.


    A day or two back one post here drew attention to Emily's rudeness to foreign guests. I found Paxman's harping on negative outcomes, smacked of edgy before informative. I suppose if we can gratuitously bomb distant Johnnie Foreigner, then if he has the temerity to turn up in our midst, he should at least be treated with a modicum of contempt. Standards must be maintained.

  • Comment number 26.


    I suppose making it impossible for Gaddafi to survive, is not the same as killing him?
    Very 'Merchant of Venice'. But then, we are a country that will not help one of our own, who is begging to die, BUT WILL WITHHOLD FOOD AND DRINK FROM THEM.

    Nuff sed.

  • Comment number 27.


    Surely there is a logical fallacy in all the AV discussion? My second preference is not equivalent to my first. If my first choice carries a weight (of conviction) that makes me choose that person as MP, then my second might only carry half that weight. The two votes are neither equal nor equivalent. Ergo: transfer of my first vote carries more weight (in terms of my wishes) than transfer of my second.

    If we add the fact that heavily funded, unprincipled, manipulative parties, coupled with a dumb electorate, will defeat any system, there is only one thing to do:


  • Comment number 28.

    The World Gold Council making a comment to the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

    They are against Position Limits on gold .

    Having no position limits ( example; big bank being able to buy $ billions of copper - holding until demand pushes up price, now extend that to food and you see the problem ) leads to excessive speculation and manipulation of the price down or up for profit. The deal is: hold the price down ostensibly so people can buy jewellery, but far more importantly so the value of fiat money $ is held. The banks are basically talking via The World Gold Council .

  • Comment number 29.

    #27. barrie

    In past blogs, I have agreed with you, that AV contains some illogical and unfair aspects and in my #13 At 19:59pm on 16th Feb I quoted the NN poll:
    65% think the system of electing MPs needs a major overhaul;
    63% said a referendum on changing the system is a waste of time and money;
    41% support UK AV in place of FPTP; and
    41% said they oppose the move to AV.
    suggesting that:-
    鈥1.The apparent conflict between the first and last percentages above indicates that a substantial would prefer straight Proportional Representation (PR);
    2. My objection to AV is that all second preferences count for nought, except in cases where no candidate gets 50%, then 2nd choices are given Equal Weight to 1st choices? Not fair?
    3. There are 430 MPs (like Phil Woolas) elected with less than 50% of the vote, who can鈥檛 even claim to have majority support from their own constituents.
    4. 鈥淭hose polled were asked whether having coalition governments elected more frequently would be good for Britain, 38% agreed. However, 51% disagreed.鈥 The dislike of coalitions is probably influenced by the dire circumstances that the present alliance inherited;
    5. Holding a referendum on this issue is not a waste of time/money. We (those of the GBP who have a concern) need to establish our right to be heard over the Whips and Toffs.鈥

    AV is a poor compromise for PR (as used in our election of EU MPs) but we must demonstrate our dissatisfaction with Big 3 Parties control by FPTP, and use this referendum as a first step to establish a precedent, and if WE (the GBP) wish it, later claim a further change to PR (or even my points system!)

    AV should remove the apathy against 鈥榳asted鈥 voting or non-voting for minor parties and Independents. Tactically, one might 鈥榰se鈥 the AV weakness you suggest, by placing an obvious non-runner as your first choice, and your Minor/Independent as your second choice. Except in safe seats (where the obvious winner is going to get the 50%) your second choice and maybe subsequent choice then become viable votes.

    With a bit of local co-operation and organisation your goal could be in sight:-
    SpoilPartyGames - vote YES to AV

  • Comment number 30.

    DOING MY HEAD IN (#29)

    Hi IDG2 - I read you with interest.

    I am under the impression that the 'simple fact' of no candidate receiving 50%, triggers the quantum-physical follow-on; it comprises a re-distribution of votes found on papers where the least-successful candidate is their first choice?

    Personally, were I voting Raving Loony, my whole attitude would be one of comedy nihilism. My other choices would be neither representative nor relevant.

    But that aside: I believe Nick has acquiesced to this because he had not the backbone to risk his one chance of (albeit tainted) high office by saying: "PR, or no Coalition". Further: I believe Dave sees it as 'getting rid of the referendum slot'.

    I do not see it as a step in any definable direction. Westminster is so 'incredibly' devious, and the electorate so predictably dumb, and the whole of British money/power elite so inexorably corrupt, I will be amazed should I see this change to AV facilitate my aim to


    Remind me of the points system. I was playing with one recently - maybe I stole yours!

  • Comment number 31.

    people who have a job, a house and income do not go off and fight in iraq. desperate people are created from desperate conditions.

    JP's more heat than light style is a bit boring and 20th century. There is 'no way of knowing' is such a stupid vestal virgin demand in the middle of a war?

    maybe the bbc institutionalises people. in the real world most of us live with uncertainty all the time.

  • Comment number 32.

    fell asleep during NN...is it worth watching anyone?

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