
Â鶹Éç BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Verity Murphy | 11:42 UK time, Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Here is what is coming up on tonight's programme:

Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled the biggest UK spending cuts in decades - with welfare, councils and police budgets all hit.

The pension age will rise sooner than expected, some incapacity benefits will be time limited and other money clawed back through changes to tax credits and housing benefit.

Tonight Jeremy Paxman presents an hour-long Newsnight special assessing the details and the impact of plan.

We will be hearing from one of the architects of the Spending Review, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander.

Our Economics editor Paul Mason and our Political editor Michael Crick will be giving us their view of what has been announced.

Stephen Smith has donned the mantle of Motorway Man once more, returning to his general election home, the Donnington Park services, to get reaction from the people there.

We will be discussing whether Britain will feel culturally different in the wake of the swingeing cuts with artist Grayson Perry, historian and author Amanda Foreman, and businessman Sir Martin Sorrell.

And we will be getting the views of some leading newspaper editors.

Do join us at 10.30pm on Â鶹Éç Two.


  • Comment number 1.


    How predictable. Dave is now protecting us from the 'Danger Zone'. Just when you thought it was safe to go down to the The Employment Opportunity Portal (going forward) ANOTHER BOGEY MAN is abroad.

    'ONE DANGER ZONE to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.' It's called Westminster.


  • Comment number 2.


    Not with angels around, singie, and not just two.

  • Comment number 3.

    Well after watching the Spending Review - I'd say they did pretty well! I'm particularly happy that Winter Fuel Payments will remain and Extreme Weather Payments for the elderly increase, as well as free eye tests/bus passes/prescriptions too as these are the most vulnerable in society and need help. The NHS budget is also going to rise :o) so good news.
    Plus free museums/exhibitions remain too.

  • Comment number 4.

    #2 update

    Angels are doing just fine
    And why wouldn't they?
    They are after all fearlessly divine
    Getting their strength from beer and wine.


  • Comment number 5.


    Good to hear, Mistress76uk


  • Comment number 6.

    I see the " Corporate Nazi " New Labour shadow cabinet members are remaining silent about plans to time limit ESA, which must be the equivalent of 5p in the pound on national insurance for all those who do hard potentially dangerous manual jobs, the real key workers in our economy. Its all part of the eco-fascist / Corporate Nazi stock market parasite plan to reduce the UK population starting by freezing and starving any potential " defectives " to an early death. Note Climate Scam money only cut by 5% to appease the eco-fascists !

  • Comment number 7.

    Means Testing based on Savings

    If you do a hard manual potentially dangerous job there is no point for anyone to try to save for the deposit on a house if you get injured and don't get better within a year. It probably means that if you are are injured at work and disabled but not enough to make you a candidate as an econimic unit for " battery farming " in a private care home you wil be expected to freeze and starve to death whilst losing all your savings if any.

  • Comment number 8.

    So the Child Benefit for a household with a higher income tax payer has been cur, but think a moment. When universal Child benefit was launched after the war it was because there were grave concerns in government about the projected fall in the population by the 70s and the impact which that would have in terms of an ageing population. Now, it's been said before, but think about this. That accounts for all the immigration (the benefits idea didn't achieve all that much), but wait, as this was a European phenomenon, can you think of any group which was also subject to this projected population decline, but which could not import immigrants to increase its numbers? Note, it's worse the brighter the group too.

    Does anyone see a problem? Does anyone see any reason why European nations may have been induced to keep this birth dearth issue just a little bit quiet?

  • Comment number 9.


    On the first reading of your text, since I'm not wearing my glasses, I mistook your 'defectives' for 'detectives' and thought to myself that the UK was getting selective.

  • Comment number 10.

    red ed made a point some may of missed. His question of 'would the govt change their plans if the economy recovered' was batted away by cameron with bluster. Which highlights the Hayekist doctrine cameron is following. Even if the economy turned overnight, all the bank debt paid off etc they would STILL do what they are doing because they believe in the hayek model.

  • Comment number 11.


    I'm reluctant to ask, but what group? I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking.

  • Comment number 12.


    What do you know!

    Mr O’spawn never used any of my suggestions!

    And I was only trying to be helpful ‘coz I thought we were all in this together!

    Perhaps he just wasn’t in the mood to listen?

    No change there then!

  • Comment number 13.

    Ed Milly...shameful response and those behind you shifted nervously,always a bad sign.....

  • Comment number 14.


    I couldn't possibly comment! (:o)

  • Comment number 15.


    Dave demonstrated that when the chips are down 'that public school boy' will always wipe the chamber (pot) with the bog standard comprehensive oik. This is one of the infinite number of unacceptable faces of Westminster 'politics'. Just a party game, in the interest of Britain - going forward. They didn't come into politics to attend to governance.


  • Comment number 16.

    "10. At 4:45pm on 20 Oct 2010, jauntycyclist wrote:
    Even if the economy turned overnight, all the bank debt paid off etc they would STILL do what they are doing because they believe in the hayek model."


    Goods are what people will work for. Behavioural Economists study this in terms of 1) contingencies of reinforcement and 2) individual and group (e.g. national/ethnic/gender) differences along two basic dimensions of behaviour a) intelligence (one factor 'g') b) Personality (five factors). The term 'factor' is a technical statistical term.11.

    At 5:25pm on 20 Oct 2010, the art teacher wrote:

    "I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."

    If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you'd better report yourself to the appropriate Quango before its abolished or has its funding cut! Of course, should you report me for thinking what you're thinking, I'll deny it!

  • Comment number 17.


    Mmm. I have no idea what to think. That's probably the indoctrination right?

  • Comment number 18.

    "17. At 8:35pm on 20 Oct 2010, the art teacher wrote:

    Mmm. I have no idea what to think. That's probably the indoctrination right?"

    Either that, education, education, education, or The History Channel. It's very hard to tell these days.

    Â鶹Éç FOUR did a series about HG Wells and his utopian Fabian ideas '(War With The World) recently. Did you know that he was a bit of a sex fiend?
    It was very 'educational'.

  • Comment number 19.


    Are you one of those as well, educating table? Funnily enough I was just sitting on my table with my legs crossed up in the air singing and reciting a Polish poem supposedly for children about a large locomotive. It's excellent, the poem is. It has fantastic rhythm and rhyme, it's very clever and hilariously funny. The songs I was singing, however well or badly, were 'Summertime' and an aria from Bizet's 'Pearl Fishers'. Do you know the songs, table?

  • Comment number 20.


    I didn't know that about Wells. War of the Worlds is good though. Especially the one with music. I think Jeff Wayne worked on COINTELPRO though didn't he....;)

    Not everything is a conspiracy. Don't overestimate people's intelligence, we're mostly thick, even when we're trying to be clever.

    So where's the rub? I agree education isn't what it could or should be. I even agree it perpetuates the 'system', to an extent. Do you think intelligence is measurable? Or is it simply measured as whether you think the influence of Hayek ideas isn't worth mentioning because it's soooooooooo obvious?

    Give peeps a chance

  • Comment number 21.

    I & everyone I know am DISGUSTED that the foreign aid budget has been increased - it should be slashed to ZERO.

  • Comment number 22.

    As someone who describes himself as a compassionate hardliner, I'm a bit undecided about the spending review.

  • Comment number 23.


    Maddeningly thick at times and soaring to great heights at other times.


  • Comment number 24.

  • Comment number 25.


    As Cap'n Hector Paxman, threatened to keelhaul his passengers, behind him his command, Her Majesty's Palace - Westminster, was going down by the obsequious bow, as garish, stylised shark-fins circled. All in saturated colour, of course.

    Once again: a triumph of oblique comment, by Newsnight, upon precisely where cuts might reasonably be made. Bravo!

    God knows what they were discussing - I was watching the show.

    A tour de force - going forward.

  • Comment number 26.

    Excellent grilling by Jeremy of Alexander tonight :o) oh how he squirmed! Ha ha ha. Also enjoyed the extended paper review with the gaggle of journalists too.
    Somehow I wasn't suprised Ed Miliband wasn't featured.......

  • Comment number 27.

    20. At 10:11pm on 20 Oct 2010, the art teacher wrote:

    "Do you think intelligence is measurable?"

    That's a bit like saying 'do you think mass is measurable?'.

    and decide for yourself whether a generation has been radically hood-winked, and why.

    This is one of the main factors used in individual differences to both analyse and manage behaviour (see schools CATs, SATs etc).

  • Comment number 28.

    Struck me tonight how the comfortable 'suits' live in a disconnected universe debating hardships to come for the poor.

    And they wring their hands in sorrow, knowing how the poor will suffer.

  • Comment number 29.

    I've missed the start of Family Guy because of this special extended Newsnight:(
    Anyhows: Martin Sorrel was your smartest guest and the Blonde called Patience also knew what she was talking about, she spotted the common sense headline from the Mail: rolling back the state. Someone mentioned Ben Bernanke knows something about economics,(I could've heard that wrong, I was belly laughing at the time) well, if that includes how to hide large sums of money...
    Not sure why Grayson Perry was on but somehow it worked.
    The only thing I'm disappointed about this spending review was that Osborne couldn't do something about the Socialists, those Marxist ideologues...can he not cut them, i mean, its proven it don't work, they spend too much and all we get is four men to a light bulb. Maybe Ozzy could build a retirement home for those failed Labour people, it could have charity status..i'd happily give towards its upkeep.

    P:S. he's before my time but was that the silky voice of Matt Munroe on the steve Smith Report?

  • Comment number 30.


    But he was mentioned, Mistress76uk. Apparently he is not one of those shallow politicians that would deny any valid ideas and policies made by the opposition just for the sake of it and possibly as a consequence Angela's contribution to the currently going on discussion about the cuts seemed to be sensible and well balanced.


  • Comment number 31.

    The only thing really worth watching on tonight's programme was the long cat right at the end, the rest was just right wing lunacy. Perhaps tomorrow night you will give the TUC a chance to respond, likewise grass roots disability groups ? ( not the big corporate charities they are useless )

  • Comment number 32.


    It was an excellent show, singie, but equally very discussions from which I have both learned things as well as got the feeling of what the overall mood might be in the UK following the cut announcements by GO.

    Luckily, I don't think we'll see here anything similar to what the French seem to get up to (and have got up to in the past) at almost any hint of a substantial change, regardless of whether a socialist or a right wing party is in power. It seems that the English are much more pragmatic, reasonable and sensible to 'create' revolutions.

  • Comment number 33.


    If you are into behavioural management yourself, please may I ask you how Gould measure that activity and what score you would award yourself, a Nobel Prize, or perhaps a few of these, i'n science and peace n science, economics and peace, for example?

  • Comment number 34.

    I knew that's what was missing from the Â鶹Éç's coverage - commentary on the spending review from that noted economics expert, transvestive potter Grayson Perry. Presumably Cheryl Cole was too busy advising Mervyn King on quantitative easing to come on the show. And didn't we lack for some incisive analysis from Jordan? How can Paxman keep a straight face when he is asked to do something like this?

  • Comment number 35.

    :o) Ann Widdecombe's most coveted job would have been Jeremy's! Now however, she wants "Songs of Praise."


  • Comment number 36.

    #29 Not sure why Grayson Perry was on but somehow it worked.

    I think he was there as the token representative of the arts Kev. If one looks aside from the little girl dress, an astute man. Or perhaps he was just representing the common man? I dunno, but too many economists spoil the broth! ; )

  • Comment number 37.



    I feel Tesco Man would die in the Bush but an Abbo might not die in Tescoland?

    Are we back to 'first define your terms'?

  • Comment number 38.


    Ah, oh boy, the 'hidden' money. Is it Starbucks?

  • Comment number 39.


    Jeremy's quite good at that I've noticed, 'pen pusher'

  • Comment number 40.


    And why not, Mistress76uk, Ann is religious after all and quite a clever lady at that.

  • Comment number 41.


    I reckon GP is the human equivalent of the Newsnight video wall. An incongruous assemblage that gets the attention, and makes you wonder 'WHY?'

  • Comment number 42.


    Back to defining terms, singie? From Tesco chap? He never even started on that. As for the art teacher I don't know as the person has not been posting here much and I'm just trying to understand what the person is on about.

    As for myself, I've been very clear for quite a long time what my terms are. If you're interested what they are, please do not hesitate to ask, after which I'd be only to happy to let you know either on here or by e-mailing you directly through your website.

  • Comment number 43.


    Wise words, Ecolizzy, but which economists are the right ones, that's the question to which I know the answer.

  • Comment number 44.

    I know the answer who is the master
    Of doing their best to stave off disaster.

  • Comment number 45.

    Did anyone else notice the comment from the lady in the working men's club: "I can't believe it, it's disgraceful, we've decided to move to Canada as a result!" Wow! It can't be so bad if you have the funds available to simply move to Canada, how ridiculous.

  • Comment number 46.


    Have a good journey on the way, dizz.

  • Comment number 47.

    20. At 10:11pm on 20 Oct 2010, the art teacher wrote:

    "Or is it simply measured as whether you think the influence of Hayek ideas isn't worth mentioning because it's soooooooooo obvious?

    Give peeps a chance"

    The place of libertarianism (Austrian School economic and political
    anarchism) and post-WWII LSE Hayekism has been a major posting theme to this blog for at least three years as many regulars will know (search Google for Hayek Newsnight)..Jauntycyclist has been banging on about metaphysics, the Greeks and 'The Good' (as an abstraction from
    goods) for quite some time, all the time resisting enlightenment.
    Now he's suddenly struck by the association between anarchism and Hayek and thinks he's had an insight when he's just finally caught on to what has been being said for ages, even by the Â鶹Éç.

    How much of a chance does one give people before pointing out that they are just victims of Blairite (and Josephian) disregard for deference at their own cost??

    37. At 10:00am on 21 Oct 2010, barriesingleton wrote:
    Are we back to 'first define your terms'?"

    Maybe you should do an OU degree Barrie? You have much to learn (one being that if you think all this isn't defined, you haven't a clue what science is). For instance, if you look at the Dark Continent, it isn't exactly brimming with infrastructure of its own making. What accounts for that do you think? Our Development Budget has gone up in order to help flog more beads like those dodgy bomb detectors I suspect. What makes people dark? Is it the sun, or what they inherit? Big question for you after you've completed you OU course and then done another 10 years post grad work before you get tenure.

    37. At 10:00am on 21 Oct 2010, barriesingleton wrote:

    "I feel Tesco Man would die in the Bush but an Abbo might not die in Tescoland?"

    Are you a mate of Philip Green?

    Do you think aspirational fish can be taught to breath out of water if you just put them in the right schools which employ the right teachers?

    Have you seen the death rate (longevity) in Africa and amongst Aboriginals? Why is that do you think? And why has Nigeria tripled in size in the same period that Britain has effectively been shrinking?
    It's because it's been well known since the 20s that 'with ability comes infertility' Did you know that Beveridge said that at the time he launched his universal Child Benefit scheme?

    That was in your era wasn't it? Did you know this the time?

    If you don't behave yourself I'll ask ecolizzy to have a strong word with you, as you're getting nearly as naughty and as obscure as at least one other, and some of us still try to care for each other in this community.

  • Comment number 48.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 49.

    CANADA GOOSE (#45)

    I saw that dizzy. Then she tried to suppress a smirk of cleverness. Isn't Canada a vassal state of USA? I'll stay on our island, this side of the Atlantic. And if I get into power, there is concrete waiting for that damned tunnel.

  • Comment number 50.

    #37 Hhhhmmm Barrie good point, I'd sooner have an abbo around me than an economist once the world blows up! At least they'd find me some food and water, even if it is a grub. : )


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