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Thursday 12 August 2010

Lucy Rodgers | 11:18 UK time, Thursday, 12 August 2010

Here's Emily with news of what's coming up in tonight's programme:

Fraud or freebies?

It cites the plasma TV, the Xbox, and the monthly mobile phone bills her boyfriend runs up of nearly £400. On the same page is an article by David Cameron that begins 'we have a problem with benefit fraud and it's a problem I'm determined to fix'.

Interesting, then, that fraud and freebie living have become merged. What exactly is this government trying to fix? And after years of trying to rid themselves of the 'nasty party' image - are they prepared to get nasty again if it saves a load of cash and strikes a chord with the public? We will be talking to the Sun's managing editor.

But first: boundary hunting. . It throws up some extraordinary results and questions. We'll be speaking to the main parties about our findings.

Martin McGuinness has told the Â鶹Éç that the British and Irish governments are in talks with dissident Republicans. Both governments have denied the claims. Liz Mackean will be investigating what kind of co-operation - if that is the word - is or is not going on between the establishment and the groups they believe are responsible for a string of recent bomb attacks.

And a man from Massachusetts has been found with a pea growing inside his lung. Apparently he had laughed whilst eating a bowl of vegetable soup and it went down the wrong way - completely the wrong way. We're not doing that story tonight but we like to keep you well informed about global affairs.

Join us on Â鶹Éç2 at 10:30pm.


From earlier today:

The Labour Party is opposing the coalition's Referendum Bill - paving the way for a referendum on electoral reform - because it includes constituency boundary changes that, it argues, would reduce the number of Labour seats.

The proposals to shrink the number of MPs from 650 to 600 and to create constituencies of equal size across the UK would benefit the Conservatives, Labour says.

Political editor Michael Crick has enlisted the help of two academics to assess the true impact of the proposed boundary changes, and will be canvassing opinion on the bill in Liverpool and the Isle of Wight.

We'll also have much more. Further details later.


  • Comment number 1.

    if Michael wants a tour of Liverpool I will gladly oblige.....the Kop, the boozer where John Lennon bought me a brown mixed, the 86 bus where Paul gave me a Dunhill ciggie on top deck as he went get his Ford car from Blakes garage so he could drive to M/cr to go on Bill Grundy's 'Scene at six-thirty' at Granada television. Paul lived opp my Aunt's house in Forthlin Road....so if it's a tour you want, Michael, leave it to me anyway you may need a protective arm around your shoulder you being a Manc and all, I'll just say 'leave him alone, lads.....he;s Newsnight....

  • Comment number 2.

    Interesting piece from Mark Urban last night and I was very interested in the section with Karzai's brother.

    I doubt that the various war lords and drug barons run up to Urban and give him lots of details about their activities but given farmers can grow opium and then they are getting converted into drugs and exported I would then assume there are pro-government and insurgent lobbies competing violently.

    If they aren't then I would tend to retain suspicions about Karzai and wonder how much tacit cooperation there is between the ultimate enemies in certain areas.

    The Talibs certainly don't seem to be struggling for money on the basis that they are spending a lot on their training camps and munitions and so on.

    But a very interesting piece that was not undertaken without some risk so it is appreciated.

  • Comment number 3.

    Well there is the thing isn't it that in the last election after they had gone through the boundary process we had 35,000 votes for a Labour seat and 44,000 for a Tory one.

    If you were going PR then every vote counts - and I would not be opposed to an AV Plus system where you keep constituencies and then have top up MPs - but if you aren't then it makes some sense to even out the voters to an equalish number.

    I don't think Labour were ever keen on AV anyway and so I tend to see their posture as faux.

  • Comment number 4.

    Marc Ostwald, strategist at Monument Securities, said there had been "a lot of unwinding of positions, a general exit from risk assets" yesterday but noted that trading volumes were thin, with many people on holiday. "In a thin market, everything tends to get exaggerated. There are concerns out there without any doubt but it's a very reactive market. If someone sees something moving against them everyone rushes to the door."

    He also observed that "people are still completely fixated with the US as a leader of the world economy and it isn't."

    So if the markets are looking at the wrong factors in a subjective way does that not create an implicit demand for experts who aren't trapped, I assume, in an historical perspective?

    You can't legislate against stupidity but you would expect market forces to gather behind those who have a proven record.

    If there are none and there is the odd "flock of sheep" panic or automated trading blip is this not more evidence that we need to rely a lot less on the finance sector who refuse to fund the SME category due to the risk?

    If the BoE stepped into that niche and we increased manufacturing and did move to a more export driven economy then I would think there would be few complaints.

  • Comment number 5.

    Most who are at ease with a multicultural society and will not be seduced by the dark lies and poison of those who rely on nonsensical racial notions tend to see humanity as a whole and common unit.

    As the poem says "no man is an island..." and on analysis most divisions are found to be due to perception and ignorance and unhinged malice. A creative will to overcome problems exists and given time these problems are resolved - hence Powells "Rivers of Blood" never happened did it.

    But those who kick against the common sense of science and the unchallenged law on racial equality will always find some hint of a flame of division that they would seek to fan destructively.

    But you will never see them challenge the law or the science and the notion that they can circumvent this fatal weakness by relying on "culture" is a nonsense as culture is not fixed or owned and is a thing of the mind unrelated to genes. They don't rail that they can't have their culture as it always was they rail against other cultures.

    When it comes to multiculturalism they say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" and we are all being Balkanised. Its all going to happen soon .... and then people will flood to their banner.

    Then they tend to froth at the mouth a little.

    But I would hope that those who protest that they are interested in the legitimate merits of immigration debate would not fail to distinguish their views from those who are clearly influenced by, if not actively promoting, the evil racial nonsense of National Socialists.

    Too often on this page that has not happened.

  • Comment number 6.


    If localities elected home-grown talent as MPs, based on their integrity and maturity, this debate would be much less fraught.

    A Parliament of true REPRESENTATIVES dedicated to managing the country in the best interests of its people, is long overdue. Let's make a start.


  • Comment number 7.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 8.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 9.

    7 don't bother the Law and they wont bother you

    Bother the law and they still wont bother you.

    apart from your or other peoples FigURES,figure

  • Comment number 10.

    "5. At 12:57pm on 12 Aug 2010, thegangofone wrote:
    Most who are at ease with a multicultural society and will not be seduced by the dark lies and poison of those who rely on nonsensical racial notions tend to see humanity as a whole and common unit."


    If you looked at the surveys (which I believe have been brought to your attention in the past by posters such as ecolizzy) you would find that most people are NOT happy with this at all. In fact, the Â鶹Éç itself has run programmes where Britons (of all nationalities) have explicitly said on camera that the country has a major problem on this score. So, why do you keep asserting statements which are clearly false? Why do the moderators allow this behaviour?

    The cost has been dear in the USA too as another poster has made clear:.


    A day hardly goes by when the press on both sides of the Atlantic doesn't report major economic problems i.e. that there isn't enough money to pay for healthcare and other welfare services because we don't produce enough to fund such services. Yet you make out here is no problem. All you do is tell us that you don't understand what is going on by posting such nonsense, and yet when people correct you, you launch tirades of abuse at them. Please go away.



    I am clearly not alone in finding your daily posts here extremely naive, annoying and irresponsible.

  • Comment number 11.

    If the US fails, we all go down.

  • Comment number 12.

    Here in Wales there will be a lot of concern, once everybody has woken up to the implications. One Â鶹Éç commentator said that if they just did the changes on the 100K number then Wales would lose 10 MPs, that's a quarter, yes a full 25% of Wales's Westminster representation. We will need a lot of convincing that it is a good idea. The only way we will have of expressing an opinion is in the AV referendum. So that'll be a 'NO' then. Then there is the small matter of how the LibDems have behaved locally. Taking away a 100 year old playing field against 90% local opposition and before that in a desperate struggle to form an Assembly Government with anyone other than Labour, by far the biggest party after that election, with all the others in what they called a 'rainbow' coalition. That came to grief amid considerable acrimony. Everything they have tried here has been a miserable failure. So farewell then to AV. Regards, etc.

  • Comment number 13.

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  • Comment number 14.

    13 could be unlucky

    In the Eyes/Ayes of Privates Fraser We are All Doomed

    I prefer The Sturdy Thighs

  • Comment number 15.


    My dearest wish is that when the proposed nuclear power stations are half-built, tidal power (courtesy of the Moon's gravity) will prove cheap enough to neutralize nuclear. Having said that, I predict there will be some sort of government indemnity, payable in full should that happen. We may well see nuclear power stations stand UNCOMMISSIONED - bought and paid for because today's watchword is PERVERSITY.

    Tidal power has always been our best bet. Scotland has the relevant skills and manufacturing facilities, and the technology is accelerating. Salmond will have the last laugh - again.

    So Dave puts up windmills.

    We have got ourselves another one.

  • Comment number 16.

    Is The Guv talking/yackin 2 dissiDents

    I talk 2 dizzidents every day,including myself

    I am a Disident

  • Comment number 17.

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  • Comment number 18.

    #15 barrie


    Looks promising, we need some in the Menia Straight also, stuff the shipping !

  • Comment number 19.


    Ships are supposed to float on the top bit. Mind you - submarines will be dying like birds!

    Thanks for the link.

  • Comment number 20.

    #18 Brossen

    Is it a dolphin blender?

  • Comment number 21.


    I have just seen the amounts donated to the various Labour leadership hopefuls. Is it reasonable to assume they need all this money to - effectively - BUY the position? And is anyone left in the country who does not know that donations get 'called in' by the donors, downstream?
    There is a word for this - one we like to use about Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. We may yet have to BOMB OURSELVES - with or without a UN resolution.

    Oh - it's all getting awfully perverse.

  • Comment number 22.


    Hi Celtic. I can't find any data on dolphin blending and the Irish project has been going since 2008.

    If it becomes a problem we can train the dolphins to avoid them or, better still, put them in dolphin treadmills (swimills?) to generate power.

  • Comment number 23.

    Fiona Bruce's stalker. GROSS!

  • Comment number 24.


    The poor DEFENCELESS chap is a victim. Sometimes exploitation backfires.

    Gross indeed. I call for burqa TV.

    Have you seen Jan Ravens take on Fiona Bruce? Impersonators are VERY perceptive. It'll be here - somewhere.

  • Comment number 25.

    nn 2 night

    rats in a trap

    apples 2 rats

  • Comment number 26.

    "And after years of trying to rid themselves of the 'nasty party' image - are they prepared to get nasty again if it saves a load of cash and strikes a chord with the public?"

    If it strikes a chord with the public, it won't be viewed by the public as 'nasty', will it?

    Then again, the views of the Leftie chatterati are of greater importance; convinced, as they are, that they're on the path of the righteous.

  • Comment number 27.

    I am probably thinking right outside the box, but in the event of the government having to nationalize all the banks perhaps we have the opportunity to create a brand new sustainable stakeholder economy. The creation of a Citizens Income could overcome the current state benefits stigma, and would replace the complication of all current benefits including the Old Age Pension.

    The object of the exercise would be to give every person ( over 25 or ten years income tax paid legal residence ) in the country a theoretical 100,000 quid in a national savings account which paid say 10% interest. This would equate to a " citizens income " and people would be able to be employed to increase this as they pleased. Income tax could be 50% after the first 5000 but it would be possible to allow tax relief on the purchase of your own home. Children could also attract tax relief, 7500 for the first, 5000 for the second but only 2500 for the third and extra children.

    There would also need to be a maximum income, say 10 times the citizens income, anything above that would be subject to 100% tax. However some tax relief could be given for every full time person directly employed.

    The object of the exercise would be to achieve maximum income via saving throughout life up to retirement. Obviously people in high paid jobs could retire earlier ( after having paid in full for their house ). Perhaps they could continue to work part time as consultants in their chosen field.

    To prevent depreciation on consumer goods there would be no credit allowed on any product not capable of ( with maintenance ) lasting 30 years.

    Inheritance tax would be 100% on cash savings but all property including business equipment and land could be tax free.

    This policy could make it worth voting for the lower income working class, although I expect that the stock market parasites would object so no chance of their puppets like Cameron and Clegg doing it.

  • Comment number 28.

    Here you go: If your not registered to vote, your not getting a council tax bill. Labour pandering for the immigrant vote was a wasted effort as most ain't registered; a glaring thought-ommision on that labour party strategy. Labour will probably repeat this strategy again because they're fundamentally stupid.

    Ecolizzy. Its not "if" but when the US fails.
    Here is a period to look out for when the mad rush for the exits begin.
    Sept-Nov. Consider any investments you may have totally flushed away from this period onwards. I pray I'm wrong but what follows, I believe, is gonna be a nightmare. The lamestream media are collectively in denial about whats about to come, that and the responsibilty they feel they have to always talk-the-economy-up.

    We noticed when times were good and not just the bad times that welfare recipients are carried on an almost bill-free-lifestyle by us tax payers. And we in our wisdom -thanks to the fools from the left - had an open door policy for migrants to work here, whilst the 'scroungers' recieved state funded benefits and continued this lifestyle and was never checked or tackled by Labour, its as if they encouraged it..maybe for votes perhaps?!..yeah that was a really smart policy eh! Labours horrid legacy is gonna prove impossible to solve I think...radical politics may have to be introduced.

    Northern Ireland and the sniff of the troubles of the 70/80s : Get Gango to sort this problem out, it seems he has all the answers.

  • Comment number 29.

    #10 tabblenabble01

    "If you looked at the surveys (which I believe have been brought to your attention in the past by posters such as ecolizzy) you would find that most people are NOT happy with this at all."

    No actually ecolizzy provides recycled nonsense from the old jaded_jean National Socialist poster and the surveys you mention doubtless point to concerns about immigration levels but NOT about multiculturalism. You have to read the words and then use your intelligence sometimes.

    If so many people are so discontented with a multicultural society then why would they vote for political parties who endorse what you say they despise?

    People like the BNP have very little sway and where they do get councilors elected they usually don't keep them very long as they tend to rely a lot on untruths.

    "So, why do you keep asserting statements which are clearly false? Why do the moderators allow this behaviour?"

    As above they are not false. Also when some of the people on here have been noted as Holocaust deniers that could almost count as humour. Almost.

    "I am clearly not alone in finding your daily posts here extremely naive, annoying and irresponsible."

    The feelings are mutual on responsibility but I don't see those who would seem to belong to the far right on here as naive as they know very well that what they are saying is wrong.

    By extension those who are clearly associated with trying to provoke trouble such as the BNP waffle on but never gather up there profound evidence of alleged significant racial differences and take them off to court to challenge the EHRC ruling on their failure to comply on non-racial membership.

    If you are getting terribly upset why not try a different website?

  • Comment number 30.

    #10 tabbenable01

    "All you do is tell us that you don't understand what is going on by posting such nonsense, and yet when people correct you, you launch tirades of abuse at them. Please go away."

    No I won't go away and your seem to rely on the notion that those who "correct me" are objectively right when they are often laughably wrong.

    I tend to use examples to illustrate what I say so for example when the old jaded_jean far right poster used to try to show that the Holocaust was "made up to put people off statism" I would challenge that and the groundless notions of Jewish hegemony.

    Tirades of abuse would not get past the moderator and in terms of "abuse" I suppose I have been called variously "an anarchist and Trotskyite", "running dog of the Jews", "useful idiot" and so on and so on.

    I would not try to really change the minds of the far right as they are usually too far gone but I would make sure where I could that people reading their posts could see them in context and guage their validity.

    For instance you cite the views of ecolizzy who has stated how influenced that poster was on racial IQ differences by the openly National Socialist jaded_jean who for instance thought Hitler had some very valid policies. There is no science behind those views or people such as the BNP would have taken it off to court with the EHRC by now wouldn't they. The Nuremburg trials have not been refuted.

    When people can say "Hitler was a peace lover" and not be laughing its time that other readers woke up and smelt the coffee.

  • Comment number 31.

    #10 tabblenable01

    "A day hardly goes by when the press on both sides of the Atlantic doesn't report major economic problems i.e. that there isn't enough money to pay for healthcare and other welfare services because we don't produce enough to fund such services. Yet you make out here is no problem."

    That is total tosh as was almost every point that you made so I hope that you did not sit up all night just to come up with that.

  • Comment number 32.

    On the boundary changes I think the key thing is that they are not being done for self interest and the comments of Labour ring a little hollow as current arrangements strangely favour them whilst the new changes favour nobody.

    The public aren't fools - I exclude the far right - and so when they come to make their judgements at the next election I would hope that they will remember who acted on the economy and on fair votes in the interests of the nation and who acted due to partisan self interest.

  • Comment number 33.


    "The public aren't fools" Sadly Gango, the public ARE fools. The proof lies in just how often, and in how many ways, they are FOOLED.

    If the public ever mature out of their foolish state, politicians (to quote Douglas Adams) will be the 'first up against the wall'.

  • Comment number 34.


    Exploitation can backfire big way indeed, singie.

  • Comment number 35.

    #28 Hey Kev, stop worrying me, as an OAP what happens when the banks gobble my savings???!!! But I think you're right, here's some more of it...

  • Comment number 36.

    tabblenabble01 that gango, he's a laugh isn't he, he doesn't get it, does he?!!! ; )

  • Comment number 37.


    We have got another one! St Tony could not have done it better.

    They intend to reduce the number of MPs. Why not send them ALL home and let Dave run everything?

    No wonder poor Nick is comfort-eating. Coalition - what coalition?

    Oh - it's all going awfully well.

  • Comment number 38.

    Thatcher and her policies are squarely to blame for this...

    You take away centuries of work and tradition, but you offer nothing in it's place. Men who have worked down pits etc. are very strong, tough, and have a very strong collective mind. When offered nothing to replace their lifestyle, they crumble, their whole reason for living is taken from them, without similar work etc to replace it. Everybody moans about the working classes and chavs, but you only have to look back a couple of decades to find the reason for it. I saw all this coming, the workers relying on benefits, it was so obvious, these people are destroyed they are so depressed they just don't know how to pick themselves up off the tip.

    And what did we eventually get in it's place nulabour and what did that do, not support the working man, oh no it supported the glitteraty, the media, the rich, the chattering, but blow their original core voters, they just imported millions more of them, the grateful useful idiot, to "rub the Right's nose in diversity". Labour completely and utterly turned it's back on the working man in this country, they were more tory than the tories. And now we have shiney Dave following in Tones footsteps, it's all about me, me,me, and I thought it was my generation who were supposed to be like that.

    Sorry tab01, I think it is about personality, we just can't produce the right leaders in this country anymore, they are narcisstic wallies!

  • Comment number 39.


    The same reasoning that I apply to our MPs, also illuminates Obama. No man who can COMFORTABLY ACCEPT status-gain through expensive PR, advertising and oratory, is in touch with the fundamentals realities of life - NOR, INDEED, WITH HIMSELF.

    He was always a Blair (I think I might have mentioned that?)

    America didn't 'get themselves another one', like we have, but they - sure as little green apples - got Obama by the same flawed, corrupt process, and are reaping a metaphorical whirlwind, some earthquakes and a tsunami or two, to go with the real ones. Oddly biblical!

    Hey - it's going kind'a swell aint it?

  • Comment number 40.

    Singleton's Eco li ;

    It was on a website from the Alleghenies that I read that symptoms of the above infection include delusions about having all the answers, a pathological fear of all things unfamiliar and a sense of smugness that can be terminal. Commonly known as "hillbilly hives."

    All power to the Gang of one; at least it's an attempt to start a debate rather than the self regarding, know it all piffle - ironic or not - purveyed by some posters here.

    I see the Gene Jeannie's back, poorly disguised as knefltafl or summat.

  • Comment number 41.

    This would be a good idea

  • Comment number 42.


    Reading Lizzy's link, the word 'psychology' screams out (absence of).
    All our PPE educated career politicians, should go back and trade in the philosophy component of their 'PPE' (that they never manifest anyway) for that other P: psychology.
    Then they might be equipped to make less of a mess of people's lives.

    The Ape Confused by Language can function, viably, in two modes: as a tightly proscribed unit of a limiting culture (such as a mining community) or as a self-constrained anarchist, at ease with life's apparent pointlessness. Trying to exist in between, like those habituated to welfare (a poignant phrase) must, requires a lot of anaesthetic. Western 'culture' is an Anaesthetic Culture - anaesthetics comprise the whole gamut of sex, religions, pulp TV, booze-n-fags, big dogs etc.

    Dave is top man right now. Have you caught the 'easy phrase' - on everything? He is ALREADY OUT OF CONTROL - intoxicated by childish triumph. "Look mummy, I am at the top of the tree". "Yes dear - that just shows how badly you wanted to be. And climbing is not a qualification for governance - well, perhaps it is at Westminster."

    Britain is going mad. Westminster is ahead on points. The lunatics will bring down the asylum. (There's a word to ponder.)

    Oh - it's all just awful.

  • Comment number 43.

    36 GOO he doesn't get it does he.

    neither do I, I could do with a bit, my week/weakly ration of malcontent is being rationed.

    38 Leaders, how many readers/leaders, lead yourself

  • Comment number 44.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 45.

    Gorrilas in the mist sorry I missed that

    so did u ant beeb no point in u/or ur tax

    sky news.. look round the corner or bend

    children killing children, what is that about?

    fierce fighting in the congo..con and go

  • Comment number 46.

    Started my new Burqa/qa/qa TV Channel

    I dont no which Channel its on

    quick can the the burqa its in the cant

  • Comment number 47.




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