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London is a-scatter with barriers...

Chris Evans | 10:54 UK time, Thursday, 19 April 2012

All over the gaff. It's the marathon this weekend and we're pretty much already there. I've never run it and I probably never will but I've been to watch it. We had a fabulous time. There is a whole subculture of spectators dashing from one location to the next to cheer on their loved ones. And it's a bit like festival camping when it comes to remembering where your tent is. It's good to take something with you so you can stick it in the air and stand out from the crowd making it easier for your runner to spot where you are.

There's always a healthy trade in inflatable sharks on The South Bank at this time of year.

Good luck everyone. I'll be thinking about you.

Steve Coogan's on the show tomorrow ! Should be fun.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Am i first

  • Comment number 2.

    Good luck to all the London marathon runners ,hope all goes well

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris

    I've never understood why people do marathons dressed as SCUBA divers, sporting mascots, Bugs Bunny etc. It's hard enough to run 26.2 miles in runnign gear, let alone dressed up in all that garb.

    I've done 2 Moonwalks and always had a bit of a titter (see what I did there?!) as you see bits of disgarded costumes along the route ...... first a feather boa, then perhaps a tiara, then a batch a fairy wings - I often wondered if the homeless people pick up these items to brighten up their day a little bit. One year we were given these vile cereal bars on the route and I remember one homeless chap cheering us all on along the South Bank and being over the moon as we all gave him our cereal bars to tuck into.

    Not long now til The Limpix too - 99 days and counting.

    All eyes will be on London this Summer. Good time to go and enjoy the Lake District, methinks!



  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: oooh, it's an incredible achievement to complete a marathon - I could never do it! But I remember being so proud of my husband when he did the Glasgow Marathon, way back 1985. I was in tears watching him cross the finish line! Re: Steve Coogan - love him, what a very clever boy he is!

    Debs: terrific news about you getting the CarFest tickets - what a fun weekend you will have, I just know it!

    Hope everyone is ok, just popping in for a quick look, in between tackling yet another pile of paperwork!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Rain here today but we need it.

    I won't be running in the marathon Chris as I prefer to watch it on the telly from the comfort of my armchair. But hurrah for those taking part!

    Aha! Steve Coogan should be super on the show tomorrow.

    Ooh I wonder where up north Chris is thinking about?

    MM xxx

    PS PJ-The Monkey Forest is at Trentham J15 off the M6:

  • Comment number 6.

    hello all

    welcome to all the newbies - please stick around

    Now I'm not going to car fest - just not practical for us to be thinking that far in advance and i refuse to camp - but well done to all those who did get tickets - if I had relaised there were day tickets for sale I might have tried to get a couple.

    I do think we need another blog day out Deev/ Maddy - or who ever - again I was thinking of organising something but really son't have the time - its manic at the moment.

    Anyway hi to all, and hope you are well, will be back on next time I get a minute to breathe!


    PS - funny story from my office - one of the guys at wor got made British yesterday after a long process, the first response from the Bristish people 'why?' How can you not love a nation who knows how to take the mick out of itself - I'm proud to be British :-)

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon ,

    Debs, well done on the tickets , make sure you know where the nearest A&E is as a priority.

    RIght got to dash, am snowed under , hey Baggy , when you can be made Invisible let me know , i'll be first in the queue.
    Today is not a good day to fill in my personal development report ....... are there any other areas of responsibilty you wish to get involved in ?????? err think that will be a big fat NO .

    MC grrrrr

    living life in the could be happier lane today

  • Comment number 8.

    Bonjour Tweeps,

    Gutted I didn't get tickets :-((( teenager not though she was paniced at the thought of camping lol!!

    Hopefully it will be bigger next year as it has been so well received this year!

    Have a good day y'all


  • Comment number 9.


    Thanks for the info. Think it must be the same place I was thinking off - drive past on my way to visit friends who still live in Staffordshire. Looks great fun - blog picnic coming up Deevs?


    We had a visitor yesterday from Canada who loves Britain. Has lived here for a year or so and doesn't want to go 'home'. UK does have its problems for sure but still a great place to live.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 10.

    PJ, Trentham Monkey Forest good place to visit but wear practical shoes as some of the pathways are steep and can be slippery when wet, cafe was okay but very busy and not too clean when we went. Oh & if going to the shopping park; watchout for the traffic queues, they can be a problem at peak times, amazing how many people don't know how to use a roundabout. Other than that have a great time.

    Good weekend to all, wish it was Friday.


  • Comment number 11.


    I'm getting a little bit excited as I think I can feel my first blog meet coming on. I can make it most of the time but need to rely on my son giving me a lift and putting my scooter into his boot. So as he is always very busy would have to work around when suits him.

    Talking of shoes I bought a pair of sensible flat velcro fastening sandals but then thought to myself NO! I'm not yet ready to be old and have since bought a pair of very fashionable heeled sandals which are more me. Will have to give in eventually I suppose!

    But as Sharon says practical shoes are best for The Monkey Forest.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    'Lo Chris and 'Lo everybody

    i love watching the London Marathon - like many from the comfort of my sofa! I'd love to be able to say I'd run it but don't think that'll ever happen!!

    I usually watch it in tears - there's something about that music that sets me off especially when you watch the runners and you can see that they have put everything into it.

    Maddy, I have a pair of sensible sandals! I'm hoping we get some weather nice enough to wear them and take the dog out! No sign of it at the moment!

    MC, sounds like you need chocolate to get you through!

    Deevs, I now have a lovely picture of a happy homeless chap wearing his wings and tiara eating cereal bars!

    Baggy, good to see you. Hope all is well for you

    Right, puppy wrangling time!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon each from dreary Fife.

    Good wishes and weather to the marathon runners. I once ran round the block with oldest son when he was training for a marathon - that was quite enough, thank you.

    Well done those who got carfest tickets and Debs, don't take high heels, you know what'll happen!

    When youngest son went to Glastonbury with friends they flew the Saltire from their tent thinking that would help them find it when they were incapable. Sadly, other Scottish campers had the same idea - I never found out where they actually slept.

    Maddy, I'm trying to resist the sensible shoes as long as possible too.

    Hello to everyone else.


  • Comment number 14.

    ha ha to Annie and MC - you know me so well! can confirm only wellies and birkies on the cards,

    Can also confirm that Annie does do heels!

    Ooooo cheeky midlands blog meet on cards??? puppy time!

    well its fair chucking it down today, HAVE located tent in loft - need GD to venture and get it down, but I think the weather over the next few days would give it a good testing/washing if its ever dry long enough to put it up! No chance of either gardening or sitting in it over the weekend me thinks booooooo.

    Right had enough for today so its me leaving the office upstairs and venturing to put the heating on and some warming pasta dish!

    Not around tomorrow, so Annie I'm handing over the honours to declare you know what open!

    See you at the weekend folks

  • Comment number 15.

    Debs, have you got a camera in my house??

    Am having a sneaky glass from Friday's wine.

    Good luck with the tent. xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Oh right, you mean tomorrow. Well, that's me blown my cover. Bums.


  • Comment number 17.

    Annie, i think i had Friday's wine last nioght - ooops!

    Debs, I was going to do a big tasty salad tonight but gave up on that idea! Much too miserable!

    Puppy all worn out and asleep in a heap now - bless!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Anyone watching One Show? Amazing young man on there has just nearly made me cry. How strong some of our young people have to be!

    x x x

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm watching Sezza. A wonderful young family.


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi all

    I missed the One Show on account of being asleep...lol

    My fella's coming round tonight, have already apologised for having fallen asleep once, and then did it again...and that's with only half a glass of wine! Luckily, he now has keys so doesn't need to try and raise me from the dead to get in!!

    I suppose I probably should eat something too...

    I hope everyone's ok, and hope that normal blogging service will resume shortly, as I've managed to recruit reinforcements at work from 1st May!

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.

    JG, Sounds like you've got a nice evening planned. Hope the new recruits work out well

    Annie, I just wanted to take those children and give them a chance to be real kids!

    Time to switch off now

    Night all, sweet dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Good morning everyone,

    No hope of catching up before having to leave for work so hope you all have a good day and weekend.

    Great to have you back on the radio CLP, and well done on the Car Fest Sales, it will be brilliant.



  • Comment number 23.

    Good morning all,

    We have sun this morning ,don't know how long it's going to last as showers are forcast well into next week.

    Well I only seemed to have blinked this week and it's Friday already ,where does the time go . Don't know what youv'e got planned for the w/end but I hope that you all enjoy whatever it is ,and by the way just to let you know I won't be running on Sunday ,just not built for it ..lol.

    My two lovely Daughters are taking mum out tonight ,so for me a real treat and a nice girlie night out ,only dining nothing to hectic..

    Take care all and have a good day .

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning everyone

    Lovely and sunny (but flippin' cold!) here folks.

    Randall walkies done - he has a "thing" for splishing and splashing through the puddles with his fast-growing puppy paws and getting covered in mud. He's also becoming a regular on the doggie-walking circuit, receiving a massive amount of fuss from fellow walkers and indulging in some tip-top sniffing action with his new four-legged friends. Love it!

    Thank you all for your lovely words on FB yesterday. It's a day I now dread every year but got through in one piece.

    It's been a fantastic week for business: new clients and new projects, a regular monthly rolling booking and the promise of lots more work coming my way from an existing client over the coming months.

    I've also volunteered my social media services free of charge to help a local charity raise its awareness and promote its cause (brain tumour research). I met the Chairman of the charity at a networking breakfast on Wednesday and his story just touched a nerve. I diccussed it with Nic before contacting him but basically we are going to meet up and agree a strategy to hopefully take the charity forward. I'll pop details on my FB page as and when there's anything to promote: anything from cake sales to black tie gala evenings. I just felt I had to do my bit.

    Fair bit to do today - Friday is shopping day and now there's 2 lots to do as I'm still doing stuff for m-i-l. And I'm treating my wonderful chap to a goat curry tonight, so have to go to the posh butchers at the Farm Shop to collect the meat (funnyily enough, they don't sell goat in M**s!)

    Loving Steve Coogan on the show this morning. Such a funny, talented man and his c hoice of tunes are fantastic - I can't remember the last time I heard the Smiths and Siouxsie & The Banshees within half an hour of each other! He's also strangely attractive, but only as Steve Coogan, not as Alan Partridge. Explain ......

    Right, coffee drank, so time to shower and get spruced up for ELH & M's.

    Have a fandabbydozie day, whatever you're doing!


  • Comment number 25.

    Oi Coogan, Evo ....

    Please please play some cruddy tunes so I can go and get ready to go out!

    You're twisting my melon, man .....



  • Comment number 26.

    Morning Lovely Bloggers,

    It seems such a long time since I last blogged! Welcome back Chris, and don't leave it so long next time to post a blog!!!! I don't care if you're busy ;)

    Glad that Carfest was a success, but then why wouldn't it be, it sounds fab. Congrats to the bloggers who got tickets, you'll have a ball. I've got a tent if anyone needs it!

    Lovely and sunny here, which makes a change as April has been living up to it's name all week with showers! I can't tell you how many times I've got caught in a shower over the past few days.

    Got to admit that I am not super keen on Steve Coogan, but then we can't like all of the people all of the time. And Chris, we are not all interested in cars, so Steve was quite right when he said it must be a bit boring for your listeners - it was! IMHO xx

    Bids, have a lovely time tonight with your girls xx

    Nothing much planned for the weekend, lunch with the parentals tomorrow.


  • Comment number 27.

    Morning all

    Especially Ali! I was worrying about you last night and was going to txt you today! Hope your Mum's ok? Something you mentioned before?

    Deevs, sounds like business is blooming! Well done! A reward for all the hard work (and a poke in the eye for the auld boss! Bet she's still running round like a headless chicken!)

    Bids, enjoy your night out with your girls - bet you have a lovely time!

    GG, Hi! x x x

    Hope no one else has sneaked in but hello if you have

    We have a quiet-ish day tomorrow and I think the boys are in a St George's day parade on Sunday hopefully not too busy then!

    Just today to do first - hasn't this week gone quickly!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone:

    Great to hear all the news - everyone is busy, busy, busy!

    I have a nice weekend ahead (I hope) going out for lunch tomorrow with three girls I used to work with, we have all stayed in touch and meet up every few months. This time, they asked if MsS can join us, they want to treat her to lunch for her 21st, which is so nice of them. They all said to me: last time we looked, she was 15 - what happened??!

    Annie: how I laughed at your comment last night, about having a wee Thursday night glass of wine, and being "caught"!

    Bids: hope you have a lovely time with your girls tonight. Lots of lovely chat and laughs, I bet.

    GG: nice to see you, hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Cheryl: isn't it great, everything is going so well for you. Hope your m-i-l is on the mend, she must appreciate so much everything you are doing for her.

    AliB: hiya, enjoy your lunch tomorrow.

    Sezza: hiya, hope the weather is kind on Sunday for the parade.

    Cheryl and Sezza: it's great hearing about the puppies!

    So looking forward to listening to Chris tomorrow morning on iplayer - I agree with Cheryl, there's something about Steve Coogan ... but not Alan Partridge!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    afternoon peeps - lots going on for many of you.
    Weather in Wrexham is odd, to say the least. Sun and blue sky earlier, then a deluge of huge hailstones, now bright and sunny again - but flippin cold!

    Last night Wrexham Community Choir performed at a 'gig' that had proper professional musicians on the bill! The 'headliner' was Jodie Marie - her single 'I got you' has been played a lot on R2. We were on in the parish church, St Giles - a truly beautiful building with fab acoustics. The gig was part of a three day music event called Focus Wales 2012. Google it & You Tube some of the acts - great sounds.
    The choir sounded wonderful and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Hoping to make the most of my 'artiste' wristband to see of the other acts over the next couple of days.

    Have a wonderful weekend, all.
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon All,

    Sezza, Thanks for worrying about me xx No news yet, which we are hoping is good news!

    Chrissie, Enjoy your lunch too xx

    Hi Crumpy xx

    Those with new puppies, give them a tickle under the chin from me xx

    Have a good weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 31.

    I've just had a wrestling match with Randall. I won. He is now sporting his dotty purple big boy collar with his name tag and phone number on, just in case any of his new lady-friends from the morning walkies club want his digits!

    Matching lead too!

    Back later.


  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon each from a very wet Fife

    No babysitting today so didn't hear the show this morning. The upside, though, was not having to go through the bloomin' roadworks to the bridge.

    Sounds like a good weekend for most peeps - enjoy.

    Back later to stand in for Debs. xxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hiya everyone!

    Well I am glad that week is over well almost!

    Chris, I'm not one for running either except of course to get to the bar before it closes ;o)

    Can't wait to hear more about CarFest North.

    I have puppy envy ;o(

    Sounds like you all have a busy weekend ahead - have a good one!

    Annie - cheers for later xx

    Take care folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Cheryl: Randall is sounding rather foxy!

    Annie: It must have been nice to avoid the bridge today. xx

    Mary: race you to the bar - I am sure it will be a dead-heat!

    Have a good weekend, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Anyone with puppy envy, more than welcome for a snuggle and a chase round the garden anyone time!

    Now,help me out here! Steve Wright just said it's nearly 5 to 5 on Friday, here's Sally (I think)

    I, of course, said "It's Friday, It's 5 to 5, It's................." to a deafening silence from Boy1 who was in the car with me!

    What would you have said? :-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 36.


    Sezza: sooooo many memories! I always wanted a Crackerjack pencil!


  • Comment number 37.

    Sezza-would that be it's wine o'clock? It will be choc o'clock here at 7!

    Chrissie-I always wanted a crackerjack pencil too but I probably would have got a cabbage instead :)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    D'oh! I'd forgotten all about Crackerjack time on Friday evenings.

    Take no notice of my previous comment LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.


    I always wanted to play Double or Drop ...... where did they get all those cabbages, and did the kids really get to take them home?!?!

    Randall is indeed a foxy lookin' boy. We're just waiting for his daddy to come home (that'll be Nic to you and I) and then it's off out for a nice evening walk a trois!

    Wine o'clock won't commence until we get back from aforementioned walk. It would be wrong to be intoxicated in charge of a puppy in public for starters.

    Another good day today - I've discovered (and had a play with) an online FREE email management thingmejig so I am now thinking about eShots, newsletters etc. Yikes, sometimes I scare myself ...!

    Right, time to catch up with CDWM and FIAB, my guilty tellybox pleasures!

    Be good.

    Love y'all.


  • Comment number 40.

    FNWC here I come. Anyone at the bar?


  • Comment number 41.

    Annie, make mine a treble please. Am sat at the rugby waiting for it to start. Had our chips in the car and himself asked me where i had put the tickets. Quick pocket check revealed neither of us had them Plus he couldnt find his car keys. So fifteen mile trip home to pick tickets up off kitchen table, found car keys and set off again. Got to stadium and we had left tickets in car, so back up road. Perhaps make it a treble treble please. Right must go, there are legs to admire, MC xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening all, long time no blogging!

    Good luck to all those running the marathon on Sunday! London is certainly going to be the place to be this summer, what with the Jubilee and the Olympics. I'll be in the big smoke twice this summer for work, and given that it's about seven years since I was last down, I'm really looking forward to it!

    Sounds like everyone has good plans for the weekend, I'm actually off work this weekend so it really is Friday in my world too!


  • Comment number 43.

    My sister is running the marathon on Sunday.

    Sezza, i cant watch the marathon without crying either.
    one year my eldest daughter was away on a school trip, i sat infront of the television and cried, then thought got to do something so went outside and beat the brick bbq down.made me feel much better

    husband and i happened to be up in London to see a comedian on the weekend of the marathon last year and we walked back to waterloo from our hotel on the sunday. we walked passed all the runners gear that gets put in st james park for them to pick up after the run. we could hear the end of the race and walked to westminster bridge we did stop to watch some of the runners and it made me cry there too. everyone was clapping it was lovely.
    they were about 2 or 3 miles from the finish at that point. it was lovely walking round london on that sunday, no cars, no car fumes, everyone in a happy cheering mood.would recommend going up to cheer on the runners.
    my sister is running for the charity Bliss.

    good luck to all others running the race on sunday.


  • Comment number 44.

    hello all you lovely, lovely people
    the marathon, I know people who have run it and it used to be on my list, but my kness play up now when I run (getting old I know) so maybe not.

    I woke up at 6 this morning from a strange noise in the bedroon (not mr bp!) so am catching up with my online life and friends before we do our charity event today.

    We are cycling 200km (in a gym and between a few of us) for a very special little boy - not sure if I can put the link on here but check my past fb status updates for the details - will be glad when its all over though :-)

    Anyway good weekend one and all - happy birthday crumpy

    Rosie - let us know when you are in London - would you have time to meet for dinner or something - mini London blog meet anyone?


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all!

    First of all
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRUMPY!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend listening to all that music and song xxx

    I have to say I am getting fed up with the showers I want the march summer back! So nothing exciting for me this weekend, a bit of light hoovering and ironing is the most exciting it will get.

    LOL at Annie thinking I had a camera in your house on Thursday ;-D

    Right been a long ole week so off for some RnR
    Happy Weekend evreyone

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi everyone:

    Popping to say to our lovely Crumpy: Happy Birthday! Hope you really enjoy your day. xx

    Maddy and Cheryl: I had forgotten about the Crackerjack cabbages!

    AliB: thank you. xx

    Annie and MC: sorry I couldn't join you for FNWC - one of those Fridays, I will be here!

    Rosie: nice to see you. xx

    djeli: I hope everything goes well for your sister tomorrow. What a fantastic thing she is doing. xx

    Baggy: good luck to you and Mr bp - it's wonderful what you are doing today.

    Meanwhile, I am looking forward to a day of fine dining, and possibly, perhaps, a little wine ... I do feel slightly guilty!

    Have a great weekend, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning all!

    See, I knew wouldn't let me down! I have tried to explain Crackerjack and double or Drop to Boy1 but I'm just getting That Look! The one that says Have you lost it Mum!

    Happy Birthday Crumpy!

    I hoping to have a nice lazy day - what do reckon my chances are? ;-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Morning everyone


    A late night for us last night, with possibly too much vin rouge on my part as I have a pounding headache this morning. Still, Nic is taking his lad out somewhere today so I can have a relaxing afternoon at home, watching the football, a bit of reading and cooking a roast for when they return from wherever they go.

    Sezza, I think The Look must be fairly common. Basically, if it doesn't involve some form of games console and remote then it's an alien concept. We've tried to explain to Nics lad before now how we only had about 2 hours a day of children's telly, from 4-6 after school Monday to Friday. He just doesn't g et it - nowadays he has the choice of gawd knows how many channels showing 24/7 kids' tv, cartoons etc. Personally, I don't think this is a good thing.

    Chrissie - enjoy your fine dining, and don't you dare deel guilty woman! Just enjoy. And report back please ...... :-)

    Baggy - good luck with your fund-raising. Here's to a nice relaxy evening of recovery with MrBP later.

    Right, my brain is now officially hurting so I need coffee.

    I'll probably nip back later just to check you're all behaving yourselves ........!

    Muchos amore,


  • Comment number 49.

    Good morning all,

    Happy Birthday Crumpy ,I hope that you have a lovely day doing lots of nice things ,the sort that you like doing best.

    Well ,I can honestly say that today we have sunshine and blue skies ,but its chilly ,but I will not complain as it brightens my day day just to look through the window .

    I had a lovely evening with the girls last night ,Food was fantastic ,drink flowed and lots of conversation ,we did say we don't do it often enough ,so there just might be more nights like that to come ..bring it on I say .

    Sezza ,I would love to come and have a snuzzle with little Gibbs ,think I just might have to start a puppy round ,there would be Gibbs ,then Henry ,then that rascal Randall. But for now they wil just have to be virtual waggy hugs.

    Baggy, good luck with your charity bike ride today and hope that you raise lots..

    And yes good luck to all those running tomorrow in the marathon ,they certainly do deserve that medal come the end .

    Right , pottering day here today bits and bobs to do which seems to take up most of my day ,don't knoe why but they do ,Oh well !! onward and forward ....

    Have a lovely day all and take care .


  • Comment number 50.

    Deev, Snap (headache) .Not good on a Satudaty morning eh!! .Oh!! and Yes forgot to say Cracerjack ,loved it .


  • Comment number 51.

    Doesnt look right without the K does it ..Crackerjack ...right I now am really going..


  • Comment number 52.

    Deevs, I got asked by a boy once "What was you favourite DVD when you were little?" Weeelllll, no DVD's or videos or............

    Bids, you're welcome any time. Just let me know so I can put the kettle on!

    Right, might be an expensive trip out - Mr Sezza is thinking about "looking" at a car!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Good morning bloggers,

    Happy Birthday lovely Crumpy - have a great day! xx

    Annie I couldn't make FNWC but I did leave a drink at the bar for you and MC hope you got them ;o)

    Seeza - I loved Crackerjack too.

    Hi Rosie - nice to see you.

    Cheryl, Bids hope your headaches are better soon.

    Baggy - good luck with your event today.

    Chrissie - enjoy your lunch with the girls and the gorgeous MsS.

    Djeli - good luck to your sister and everyone running the marathon tomorrow.

    Just back from the shops - I like to get there before everyone else, it's great getting home as everyone else is just thinking about going. Day of chores for me and then a wee hour of so of pampering before The Voice and catching up with Silent Witness.

    Have a great weekend folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning All

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRUMPY xx The day you've described on FB sounds perfect - enjoy xx

    I was hoping for a lie-in this morning, but the neighbour above me felt that because she was going to work at 7:00 I should also be awake! Then the neighbour below did the walk of shame about 15 minutes later! So there was no hope of me going back to sleep.

    Housework done, second lot of washing on and now I am sitting down with a "proper" coffee and Saturday Kitchen before going to my parents for lunch later.

    Bids, Glad you had a good time last night xx

    Deev, Whoops! But I am sure it was fun. Meant to say well done on your charity work, they will certainly appreciate any help you can give them xx

    Baggy, Good luck today xx

    redj, Lots of admiration for your sister and all others running the marathon tomorrow xx

    Mary, I've still got last weeks Silent Witness to catch up on xx

    Sezza, I remember Crackerjack well. If I am ever running off a list of anything I always add a cabbage...lol, of course only those of a certain age know what I am talking about xx

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone.


  • Comment number 55.

    Hello Everyone.

    Raining on & off here today.

    Washing and just a bit of ironing for me today. Oh! And finally putting those things I definitely will never ever wear into the charity bag to be left out on Monday.

    I see that the Bahrain Grand Prix is going ahead afrer a lot of will it won't it talk.

    Looking forward to an evening of TV. The Voice at 7pm and then all of Britain's Got Talent as I see that Simon has had it moved to 8.30pm.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    ***Happy Birthday Crumpy***

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Happy birthday Crumpy,

    I'm having a very chillaxed day. Early ish doggie walk in the sunshine, reading & some chores. This is what a Saturday is about.

    Hope you are all having a great day too.

    C x

  • Comment number 58.

    Evening each

    Anyone need rain??

    Didn't stay at the bar too long last night but thanks Mary for the drink you left.

    Had lovely lunch at daughter's today, with youngest and his family. Now looking for something to watch on tv.

    Happy Birthday Crumpy, hope you're having a lovely day.


  • Comment number 59.

    Evening all, yet another showery day here in Edinburgh.

    Baggy my main trip to London will be 24th June to 9th July, and I will certainly have an evening or two free to meet up during that time!

    Just watching the programme about the auction of Elizabeth Taylor's jewellery. She definitely didn't subscribe to the notion that "less is more"...


  • Comment number 60.

    Rosie, I watched it the other night. Fabulous jewellery, isn't it? How the other half live, eh?


  • Comment number 61.

    The jewellery is amazing, but there's no way I'd wear any of it!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Annie, got plenty rain ta muchly!!! The lawn's all soggy as it's so hard the water can't soak away!

    Rosie, Liz Taylor certainly lived life to the full!

    Cath, our Saturday has been almost as laid back! Can't take doggy out yet so lots of running round the garden!

    Maddy, Want some more ironing to do? ;-)

    Right, bed time! Sweet dreams all

    Sezza xx x

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all!

    Yet another showery day ahead so mainly an indoor day with loads of ironing and a roast later on - oh the high life!

    Just watching the marathon kick off and its blue skys all round at the moment but it looks chilly, so good luck to all that take part, I applaud you. I'm doing a 5K in June and that will be a tough enough challenge for me what with 2 dogdy ankles and a dodgy knee! GD is going to accompany me so we'll get round.

    Right time for a coffee and some toast with marmalade to kick off the day,
    Happy Sunday everyone!

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning all!

    Beautiful Marathon day weather here today!

    London is looking at her best today. Just watching a clever map view of the route - never really saw where they ran before!

    Good luck and well done to anyone who has made it as far as the start - let alone the finish!

    And Well done to anyone - especially Debs!!- who's planning something for this year!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Morning all,

    I'll need to catch up later when I have more time, I hope everyone got on ok, and finished, regardless of time, on the marathon yesterday, hats off to them all.

    We had our night at the Mariott on Friday night which was most enjoyable, drinking, swimming, saunaing, steam rooming, eating, sleeping and of course more drinking. Saturday was spend catching up on housework and walking the dogs. Yesterday I rode Ash early and then walked the dogs, then met my Mum at Glasgow Central and we walked out to the SECC to the Girls Day Out, which was not our cup of tea at all, you could hardly move it was so busy and it was just full of trade stands of make up, hair products etc., I was so glad we hadn't paid money to get in as I had got 2 free tickets throught a magazine I subscribe to, the best part of the day was the walk to and from Glasgow Central to the SECC!

    I hope you all had a good weekend and have a good day today.



  • Comment number 66.

    Can't believe I missed Crumpy's Birthday, Belated Happy Birthday to you Crumpy, hope you had a lovely day. XXX G and D.

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi everyone, and Happy St George's Day!

    Hope you all had a good weekend, Monday has come around much too fast, as usual!

    GG: sounds like you both had a lovely time on Friday. I do like the Marriot. I know what you mean about the Girls Day Out - not my cup of tea either, but there would be loads of people in their element, I know!

    Debs: well done with the plan for the 5K - I really, really should have a word with myself and do something like this, too.

    Sezza: hope you enjoyed the Marathon - I just didn't get the chance to watch it.

    I had such a great day out on Saturday. Lots of laughing, a great catch up, and I suppose, it must said, quite a lot of wine! The restaurant we were in is just across the motorway from the flat belonging to MsS and her boyfriend. She texted him to say that we were sitting at the table in the bay window, looking right at the flat, and he came out onto the balcony to wave hello ... I was in the ladies, and missed him!

    Lovely day here in Glasgow, just ideal weather for being stuck in the office!

    Happy Monday, all.

    C xx

  • Comment number 68.

    You know it's a proper Monday morning when your porridge over-flows the bowl and there's more on the outside than in!!

    Now the reception on the radio is so bad I had to turn it off

    Hey ho! Is it Friday yet?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Good morning all,

    Happy St George's Day!

    Not a very nice day here today onthe south coast ,its wet,wet,wet. Had to be up early this morning as I had to take my car to car hospital for a few days ,hoping to get it back for my girlie w/end in the Cotswolds.

    GG, your Marriot treat sounds fab and glad you had a good time ,and yes so good that you got those ticket for the other free.

    Crissie, I had a fab time with my two GD's and we said that we dont do it often enough ,and I'm out tonight with friends ,this is all getting too much for me ..lol.

    Sezza,hope that your day is improving ,allyou need to do is thing of that little bungle waiting to greet you with a wag when you get home ..that should bring a smile to your face ;-)).

    Take care all..Bids.xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    afternoon peeps - taking 5 mins during lunch to say hi and to also thank you for the birthday wishes.
    Have had a lovely few days - isn't it great when birthdays seem to span several days because we see folk over a period! Had unexpected invite out from brother and sis-in law on Friday, for a Thai meal and then some cocktails at Grosvenor Hotel in Chester. Saturday was lovely, opening cards and seeing friends through the day and then telly (Mad Men catch-up) and takeaway with pal, Jan.
    Sunday saw more pals calling so three days of celebrations - RESULT!

  • Comment number 71.

    Looking at what you've all been up to it looks as if I wasn't the only one having a lovely time.
    GeeGee - glad you were able to make the most of your day. Can't say all that 'girly' stuff would appeal to me either.
    Chrissie – Shame you missed MsS’ bf, waving and you not there to see it. I can just picture you 'coo eee' ing loudly if you had see him.
    Bids - pleased you had a lovely time with your GDs, and out again tonight? What a 'giddy kipper' you are - lol

    Enjoy the rest of Monday
    ttfn, Crumpy - older but definitely no wiser :o)

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi all, glad you all had what sounds like good weekends, Chrissie - wine? surely not!

    Have just had a little catch up with Susans GD in my/our local sainers! Funny when you see someone so out of context! I was just about to apologise as I had forgotton bread and needed to leave my checkout queue - then said "arr its only you - you wont mind"! lol and she then stalked me out to the car Suse! LOL couldnt get rid of her.

    And that Bids is a bit of a gad about now isnt she! Why not I say, you deserve it.

    Thanks for comments about 5K - I most certainly wont be running, but aiming for what I'm calling jolking - a cross between jogging and walking!

    Right best get back at it -and anyone seen Deevs - is she MIA?

    Happy Monday everyone

  • Comment number 73.

    I'm here Debs ......

    Feeling a bit "hmph" today so keeping a low profile. Nice and busy though, which is grand!

    Well done on the 5K - you'll do it, but take some tissues for when you read the back-plates of some of your fellow runners/walkers.

    Back later when I've remembered how to smile.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hello everyone:

    Busy weekend. Popped to see my Mum in Manchester on Friday. She's not been well and I managed to get a doctor to visit. Anti-biotics seems to be kicking in now.

    Saturday was in Chester shopping - passed the Grosvenor - thought I saw a very grand lady popping in for cocktails !!

    Sunday over to Liverpool to see the Giants. Very clever - the dog, little girl and her uncle walking around the streets. Hundreds of thousands on the streets watching. No trouble. Liverpool always does put on a good show.

    Also managed a bit of time on my 'lottie' as well. Came back into work today for a rest. That is not going to plan - busier today than I've been for weeks.

    Deevs: Remember frowning takes more muscles than smilling. So save calories and smile !

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 75.

    Deevs, heres something to make you smile, just had a copy of our company "end of conference" video which show the people, the conf, the workshops and the evening events - lots of quick shots of most people to funky music - that kind of thing - the one shot of me in it is getting a glass of wine at the bar!!!! LOL

    PJ - saw a bit of the puppets on the news, looked brilliant - I didnt realise they were telling a story though until later in the weekend.

    right not here.....

  • Comment number 76.

    Hiya Debs: Yes based on fact. Little girl wrote a letter to her Daddy on the Titanic. The rest (I believe) was fiction but what an imagination. The whole thing was so well done. We went on the Sunday when she and her uncle (the diver) sailed off down the Mersey. The people on the puppets were working so hard. They must have been exhausted by the end of the weekend. And what a great weekend for Liverpool it was.


  • Comment number 77.

    Oh how I wish I had been back home in Liverpool to see the Sea Odyssey, it looked spectacular! Apparently more than 500,000 people saw it and it has boosted the economy by around £12million which is fantastic for the city.

    A day off for me today, although I did have to pop into work for a meeting about my London secondment this summer. It's starting to feel a bit more real, and I'm really looking forward to it. Will be heading out in a bit to celebrate St George's Day Catalan style which I'm looking forward to, if only my stonking headache would clear!


  • Comment number 78.


    Well Debs fancy that? Did she tell you we were there on Saturday and stayed overnight? We ate at your place near to sainers but weren't impressed by the service or some of the food.

    Sorry didn't mean to make the blog a personal communications tool.

    Been catching up as haven't been around for days. Lovely to see Chrissie x

    Hugs and stuff to everyone as can't remember anything I have read!!

    Love from Susan xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Susan, she did, but not about pub being bad - I'll have a word LOL!

    Right of for my traditional monday night tea making - bacon leeks and pasta in cheese sauce, perfick for a shonky day like today.

    Will be out of comms for a couple of days, I'm heading norf via brum but going out for drinks with team so no time for a cheeky mini meet - there WILL however be a chippy lunch on the cards on Thursday - with a PIE huzzah!!!

    Wonder how CLP got on with his venue search for norvern carfest - hope he makes it back for the morning to accompany me on my 2/3 hour journey!

    Right have fun you lot

  • Comment number 80.

    Pasta cheesiness here too! Weather was bad and has got badderer!!!

    I saw the puppets iin Liverpool on the news but ws it just me who thought they looked really scarey? I had visions of the children of Liverpool having mass night =mares!


  • Comment number 81.

    Evening each. Where's CLP got to?

    Little boys have just gone home. An extra treat as their other grandparents are on holiday - so I get them Monday and Tuesday.

    Saw the Liverpool puppets on the news - they looked fab.

    Rosie, hope your headache has gone.

    Hellooooooooooooo to everyone else. Sounds like you all had a good weekend.

    Did the coastal drive yesterday (in the sun!) with man in the cupboard and had our first Anstruther fish 'n chips of the year. Yummy.


  • Comment number 82.

    Morning, i wanted to compete to that marathon but i was out of town, people had told me that it was just great, too bad i could not make it
    maybe next year


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