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Great to have the Masterchef boys on today. ..

Chris Evans | 11:29 UK time, Thursday, 15 March 2012

Greg and John are always huge value. And it really has been another corking series this year. But who will win ? Find out tonight Â鶹Éç1, 9pm.

In other news, the fog still to lift in Berkshire but I know what's waiting for us because I left it in London and it's blue skies and bright sunshine. Quick nap and then the rest of the day to take on. Can't wait. See you tomorrow for rugby/F1 and general pre weekend warming up.

Peace and Love





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Chris.

    Who will win Masterchef indeed, two great chefs in the kitchen there.

    No fog here in Wirral but no blue skies either but I'm not complaining as there's no wind or rain.

    Strewth, the Australian grand prix is almost here! Don't care who wins the rugby but as I'm half English and half Welsh I'll support both of those teams.

    Happy Thursday!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.


    I forgot to say 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :) MM xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    'Lo Chris. The fog has lifted up darn essex now and we have beautiful sunny skies! Amazing what a difference it make to the temperature! Wish I hadn't dressed for the chill this morning

    Listeneing to The Masters of Masterchef this morning made me think how few of those shows - masterchef, apprentice, that sort of thing, I watch!

    Boy1 is currently "doing" american crime drama in English at school at the moment!!!! So that seems to be our TV constant!

    If the ranty pants are handy, can I have a rant about the trailers for programmes on R2 at the moment. It's bad enough when they trail a programme coming up again and again but now they are "trailing" programmes that have already been on!!!

    Ok said my piece!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Good afternoon blogettes:

    Maddy: Sorry to reply earlier - Jury Service got in the way. Yes that was my village. I wonder how you know it? Ice cream or candles got anything to do with it ? The reason most people say they know where I live.

    My road was actually featured. The one designed by the architect who did Portmeirion. Not my house - unfortunately !!!

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 5.


    Should have said: Sorry NOT to reply earlier.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 6.

    The fog has lifted and we can see the other side of the building again lol. My manager made it in today having been poorly yesterday which means that I'm on for my appraisal this afternoon - hopefully he's say I'm super fab and lovely but I'm sure there will be some negatives because I need to know how to improve for next time right?

    Chris - I haven't been watching it but GJ on the other side got super excited when Gregg popped in for a chat earlier this week it was a bit silly - that's the problem with colleagues who would pick who pick the other side.

    For poop's sake!!! My manager just moved our appraisals! I wouldn't mind but that's **three** times now!!! Right going to stew in the corner

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Guys hope everyone is hale and hearty.

    Is it morning yet? Still to dank and dismal to tell in Ashby de la Zouch. Yes Christoph, it exists and I live here!

    You know, I would love to see those Masterchefs have a go at cooking at CarFest, but they would have to use only the equipment the tent campers have.

    Back to the grind. Have a good rest of the day everyone.


  • Comment number 8.

    Afternoon everyone,

    Well, it's grey here yet again, and cold too . If anyone can spare a few rays of sun, then whizz them over please.

    Not much to report today, which i'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing .
    Dining out with a friend after work ,so I must remember to go the pub instead of home !

    Right, I'll love you and leave you ......

    MC xxxx Living life in the same old lane

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon all

    Smiling here, as Jeremy Vine's just playing Ffyf Dangerfield. I LOVE HIM!! (possibly a teeny bit more than I love James Morrison, but please don't tell James, he's kinda sensitive). (And let's not go via Paolo Nuttini .....!)

    Chris, loved hearing John and Greg ShoutyChefs on this morning's show. I made a proper effort to watch this series of Masterchef. I was put off a couple of years ago by the abundance of wasabi mash that kept apeparing. Just wrong! Now Saffron Mash on the other hand ..... Anyhooooo, I'm thinking Shelina will win. She seems calm (unlike Andrew) and has no problems with her timings (unlike Tom) but yes, she must have shares in a mango plantation somewhere. I've recorded last night's so will watch this afternoon, then I guess I'll have to watch the final early o'clock tomorrow before it's given away as to who won. Sometimes I hate the media!

    Sezza - Apprentice is back next week - yaaaahhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooo!

    Jollygit - loving the thought of Randall The Tasmanian Devil. Spot on! He likes to "help" with shoe lace undoing when he can, and shows his appreciation and love by tiddling on my bare foot. Bless .... ;-)

    So, I've been for a swim. I actually escaped for 2 hours, did 32 lengths and had 10 minutes in the sauna.

    May I don the ranty pants?

    The place we go to is a provate health club with a spa, attached to a lovely hotel. They have loads of day spa guests, which is fair enough, but WHY do they all insist of howling and cackling like banshees in the saunas, and having their mobile phones poolside with a c onstant stream of text bleeps, incoming calls, updates as to what they've had done etc etc. It's a SPA. Peace. Quiet. Relaxing. LEAVE THE PHONE IN THE CHANGING ROOM!!!

    And .... why do some ladies (of a certain age, it has to be said) go swimming wearing full make-up, including lippy, and bling? What's THAT all about!?!?

    Ranty pants now off. Phew.

    Right. Work to do and then the penultimate ShoutyChef.


    ps: I had an oriental duck salad by John Torrode once at the Â鶹Éç Good Food Show. It was quite possibly one of the nicest duck dishes I have EVER eaten. Thanks! x

  • Comment number 10.

    Mia - We stayed at the YHA near Ashby back in November :) We went to Ashby for dinner because it was one of the bigger towns near where we were lol.

  • Comment number 11.

    Meant to say Han - your manager is showing not very good managerial skills by repeatedly postponing your appraisal. Whatever the demands of the business, the staff are still the most valuable asset, and the easiest, quickest way of making the staff feel under-valued is to NOT give them what they deserve, ie time to talk on a one-to-one.

    Let's hope he/she sorts themselves out soo, before they find themselves on the recruitment treadmill!


  • Comment number 12.

    Deevs - I don't get the thing about doing all your make up and then going swimming - the water just washes it off right? Then again I always was the person for bombing rather than getting in gracefully (Well I look like a whale in my swimming costume why not make a statement lol.) Then again I bombed into the pool in Turkey and nearly got hypothermia - oops!

  • Comment number 13.


    Blimey, that Spa sounds a mad old place . Phones at the waterside ??? Why ?? As you say, its supposed to be a place to unwind and have a bit of peace and quiet .
    Can you have a "word" with someone in charge ?

    Right, am off again, feeling a rant coming on , so I'll scarper ........

    MC Xxxx living life in the exasperated lane

  • Comment number 14.


    Just did a post which then would'nt post as I was interrupted by a telephone survey (surveys all over the place). Will calm down and start again.

    Hello PJ.

    Yes! I thought it was your village, it's a beautiful place. I have stopped at the ice cream farm (I had cherry by the way and it was delicious).

    How lovely that your road was designed by the same person as The Italian Village, Portmeirion. That's one of my favourite places,sitting on that seat down by the hotel feeding crumbs to the birds while looking at the spectacular view.

    Will have another look on the i player!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    hello all

    1) sorry for my absence - have had a nasty cold and its mad week at work - roll on my holiday next week!

    2) I go to a nice gym in a chain of hotels, and mostly its treated well by the members but the guests do seem to make a mess, not respect the rules etc. And at spinning class last one week one man actually answered his ohone - dispite a no phone rule in the gym!

    3) carfest - would love to go, but am not camping, maybe we could go down for the day? I have managed not to buy reading festival tickets this year dispite the foos performing, well we are going to the closing ceromny thing at hyde park and I thought going to two concerts in a month is a bit much!

    Love to al


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon each

    Missed the Shoutychef boys this morning as was at work by then. I do have a bit of a `shouldn`t but would` crush on Gregg..think it`s the way he loves his puddings as much as I do! Haven`t seen this series but a couple of colleagues have and are of the same opinion of who should win as you Deevs!

    Dozer..love your description of your mornings..do you think it`s the lighter mornings that`s winding Ash up? He probably thinks you should have been there earlier! Enjoy your evening ride tonight!

    The other part of Chris`s blog is all about sport I see... well the GM and I shall be up, downstairs with duvet and pillows and in front of the tv from about 5.30 on Sunday morning... F1 IS BACK! Sooooooo excited. I know it`s just car race and some people dont get it but its the thing I love to watch and pretty much most of our Sundays til October will now be planned around the races... sad i know!

    Right, must be off..popping over to a different shop this afternoon with my I.T head on... if you hear shouting and swearing and stamping feet than I can pretty much guarantee it`ll be coming from my direction!

    Happy Thursday all!

    mSc x

    PS - MC, clouds now lifted here and sunshine all round..shall send some of it over t`pennines for you! x

  • Comment number 17.

    Deevs - it's more frustrating I get it's not their fault (instructions from higher powers) but at the same time it's not professional there is enough going on at the moment that some days I need stuff spelt out to me in monosyllabic words but there we go! Thankfully my desk doesn't look like the Amazon exploded across it today - still have a presentation to finish for next week and would really like to curl up in a ball but I WILL SURVIVE (Even if I can't spell my own name today!)

  • Comment number 18.

    Baggy - the Foos will be brilliant (as always!) but if anything, I would've gone for a Reading/Leeds ticket purely to see The Cure. I've only seen them once and they were absolutely blimmin' amazing! Love the BobCat x

    Hope you feel betterererer soon hon :-)

    And yes, it's more often than not the "Day Trippers" who abuse the facilities. When I was yoga'ing on Thursday evenings, the day trippers were generally getting showered and dressed to leave - the state they left the changing rooms in was dire. Just wrong. I've tweeted something about the day trippers/phones, so we'll see if the hotel management pick up on it.



  • Comment number 19.

    P.s. Our Sidekick might be doing the Bedford Sport Relief Mile :D Well me and Mr Han think it would be so up his street to do it but we're going to ask him when we get home. I'm not sure me or Mr Han will keep pace with him by foot and I don't think bikes will be allowed on the route. (I might need to borrow some roller skates!)

  • Comment number 20.


    Thanks for trying , it's that grey today i dont think anything will get through . Grrrrrrrrr.
    I have been trying to get a backup to work for the past hour, grrrrrrrrrr

    MC xxx counting down till 5 :-) living life in the grrrrrrrrr lane :-(

  • Comment number 21.


    Masterchef and in fact any cookery show bores the pants off me. If we had smellyvision then I might be interested; otherwise, what's the point.
    Deevs - I would complain to the Management.
    I can confirm that our new dog is officially bonkers. My boss and a colleague both said we were mad to get a Springer but as we were mad anyway, then a third mad thing in the house isn't so bad.


  • Comment number 22.

    Nic - we don't watch masterchef in our house - don't really do food programmes!

    Deev - are you sure cure are playing reading this year? just checked the line up and I didn't see them? Would I buy a day ticket just to see the cure - hmmmmmm possibly :-)

  • Comment number 23.

    Baggy - they're headlining on the Friday night, I believe (at Reading).

    Nic - I've sent a tweet to them, but I did complain about the temperature in the changing room - sub-arctic!

    It's nice coming home to a bonkers dog instead of an empty house!



  • Comment number 24.

    I finally get a chance to post and then CLP delivers a new blog .... typical !!

    Absolutely love Masterchef ..... I really hope Shelina wins - she's pretty unshakable (unlike Andrew!).

    Deevs - I haven't been 'jollygit' for ages have I?! I like that name - and to think it all came about when I was trying to type with newly painted nails for one of our virtual parties on Moose's blog ....... aah, those were the days!!

    Isn't this sunshine lovely? The students on campus are walking around like it's the height of summer and there's a tad too much flesh on show for my liking ...

    jillygoat/jollygit xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Deevs - I stand corrected - they are indeed headlining Friday at Reading
    But - at just under a hundred pounds for a day ticket each I don't think I can justify it - shame!

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon Each,

    What I heard of the Masterchef Boys this morning I enjoyed. I too think Shelina will win. Haven't watched a lot of it and have been out both nights this week when it's been on. But caught the last 15 minutes of yesterday's and shall be watching tonight. I do think Tom is a bit hot, if a little young for me;)

    Glorious day down South after a very foggy start. Jillygoat the flesh is out here too!! Why is it that the first bit of sun and everyone strips off. It's not that hot!!!!! I have walked to work today, so looking forward to a nice stroll home in the sun.

    MC, I like the way you are signing off your blogs xx

    Han, What's an appraisal, haven't had one of those for years!! I hope you get it sorted out soon xx

    Mia, My brother used to life in Ashby de la Zouch. I remember a butchers shop with rabbits hanging up in the window!

    Is it Friday yet?


  • Comment number 27.

    Chris is damned if he does blog and damned if he doesn't! For those of you who think bloggers are an "after thought!" you don't know the real Chris Evans! On a number of occasions ie at the O2, when he did his book signings, at CiN, and in one to one discussions with those he has met and still communicates with Chris has asked if WE want the blog to continue and WE have said yes and that's why Chris does it. I for one feel honoured that he still takes time out of his day for US in fact I feel I let him down because I don't post as often as I would like to. As for it being part of his contract that's just ridiculous beyond words.

    Whilst I'm having my say is all this carry on with the numbers really necessary? Chris' posts are criticised and yet it's okay for all that to go on!


  • Comment number 28.

    Evening each

    Ohhhhh, sorry Mary

    Will be watching Masterchef tonight and I agree on the winner.

    Had a lovely drive to St Andrews today and even got some sunshine. The downside, though, is that I shut my thumb in the car door - bloomin' sore and it's turning black. Anyone know if it'll drop off? The nail, that is, not the thumb.


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi all

    Well said Mary, I have always had the impression that Chris blogs through choice and he appreciates those of us who interact within and outside the blog (and well said about the number thing as well... if anything is going to turn away new contributors that is guaranteed to put them off). Who is next for the ranty pants.

    I haven't been following Masterchef (it gets groans from the corner so I can only watch it if all other avenues have been exhausted) so I haven't got a real handle on who will win. I did watch it last night though and on that showing it will probably be the woman who will win.

    I'm not an expert on injuries Annie, but your nail is probably safe (the thumb, however, is in grave danger ;-0).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    mtd - now that has really reassured me - not!


  • Comment number 31.

    It's extremely difficult, you know, trying to light a fag with my right hand.


  • Comment number 32.

    Blimey, some people don't half take this blog, and themselves for that matter, a little bit too seriously.

  • Comment number 33.

    MBD, well said!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    It appears that some people think they are the only ones who can express an opinion. It's OK to criticise the blog but not to defend it and the participants. And, yes, we can be extremely silly at times. Pink frilly knickers anybody???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    mtd, I have never criticised this blog

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 36.

    I have, and will continue to do so.

    I would like to think that people will accept my right to do so in the same way as I accept their right to defend the blog.

    As for last nights bout of silliness putting off new posters, they're hardly flocking in at the moment are they?

  • Comment number 37.

    I didn't see anything wrong with last night. I am sure Chris would prefer a bit of silliness on here, rather than some things that go on in here at times with a certain person. Enough said!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Anyone seen the new trailer for the Apprentice?

    Just who do you think it is that calls that chap "The Master Puppeteer"? Or do you think he just hopes if he says it enough, people will start?

    Deevs, do they have a comment book at the spa? or a manager you can write to? Even if they could just have quiet hours that would be better

    Ali, nearly Friday!!

    Been lovely and sunny here today but it's blinkin cold now! Brrr!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Sezza, really cold here too, just put heating on.

    I don't watch the Apprentice - can't stand those people.

    My nail is turning black and looking quite scary. I popped into daughters on the way home for a bit of sympathy and got lovely cuddles from the 12yr old and 9yr old even though they were quite disgusted by the look of my thumb.

    Wimp? Moi? Oh yes.


  • Comment number 40.

    Annie, could you wear lots of black and scarfs and gloves and say you're going through your Goth phase!!


  • Comment number 41.

    Annie, the OH's advise is to light your cigs with your left hand..... MEN!!!

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    mtd - he's got it all wrong!! Thumb is on left hand and I'm left handed. Next suggestion????


  • Comment number 43.

    Sezza, can you see me as a Goth?? I don't think so.


  • Comment number 44.

    I thought that was the case - I know how difficult it is, try and get a lighter that has got a button instead of a wheel (as has been demonstrated from the corner....).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Maybe not being able to light cigarette is nature's way of suggesting that you give up smoking!

  • Comment number 46.

    Well, as you're all being so unhelpful, me and my thumb are going to bed. Have to be up at stupid o'clock tomorrow to look after 6yr old and 1yr old. Am taking my very smart work laptop with me and hopefully will be able to do some work thumbless.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Bite your tongue MBD.

    Night. xxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Oh, and by the way, when Lyn tells you there's a queue for the Forth Road Bridge tomorrow morning, give me a thought - I'll be in it.

    Right, definitely off now.


  • Comment number 49.

    Deevs, Randall should be getting 5 mins walk per month of age, when he is allowed out/down you know what i mean. But it doesnt mean that you cant take him out more often, 5 or 10 mins a couple of times a day might help..it is more to do with jumping from too high a platform/wall and damaging their shoulders when they are still forming.
    barbra woodhouse over and out !

  • Comment number 50.


    i like the numbers game (personally)

    could be 51 by the time my 3 mins are up..

  • Comment number 51.

    Sorry about my part in preventing the usual after 9pm riveting posts with my silliness last night.

    Just lurking tonight and looking forward to some highly entertaining posts.

    Over to you!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 52.


    I'm really sorry but...


  • Comment number 53.



  • Comment number 54.

    Reddjelibeybi - damn your nimble figures!

    MaddyMoon - Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit lol!

  • Comment number 55.



  • Comment number 56.

    Bit of a Freudian slip there, for figures read fingers.

  • Comment number 57.

    I know MBD but it's good though.

    (Please ignore that same comment on Monday's blog, I was checking that nothing happened after 9pm LOL) and then put it on the wrong blog.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Who is going to race me to the 100th post.



  • Comment number 59.

    Oh Well! Here goes!


  • Comment number 60.

    Hello Marjie.



  • Comment number 61.


  • Comment number 62.



  • Comment number 63.


    You should stop this now.

    The last time time I crossed a Glaswegian I ended up in A&E.

  • Comment number 64.

    Hello CSN & well done on the 60!

    MM xxx


  • Comment number 65.

    Hello Marjie.

    MBD, where are you ?



  • Comment number 66.

    What did you say MBD?


  • Comment number 67.

    The naughty step is beckoning.

    Btw 65

  • Comment number 68.

    MBD, LOL!

    Thank you Marjie.

    Maybe we should have a chat a long the way.



  • Comment number 69.


  • Comment number 70.

    MBD, I am always on the naughty step.

    Marjie, how was your day.

    70 xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Maybe best we don't chat CSN, we could end up in trouble LOL!


  • Comment number 72.

    I feel the ire of the personal friends of Chris Evans rising with each post.


  • Comment number 73.

    Had quite a good day thank you CSN, nothing really entertaining happened but nothing to complain about.

    How where your days CSN & MBD?


  • Comment number 74.

    What number now.



  • Comment number 75.

    Glad you had a good day. I had a lovely day cleaning windows Marjie. xx


  • Comment number 76.

    Where are we now?


  • Comment number 77.

    What did you have for tea CSN?

    I had chicken chausseur (sorry MBD)


  • Comment number 78.




  • Comment number 79.

    MBD you are funny.

    Marjie, pasta.


    79 or 80

  • Comment number 80.

    I'm sometimes getting 'Sorry comment posting is not available at the moment'

    I have a feeling we are all going to be put onto the naughty step.


  • Comment number 81.

    Are you still there MBD?

    Hope you're n ot in A&E LOL!


  • Comment number 82.

    Marjie and MBD.

    Keep going. There is a fox in the garden and Holly wants to go out, so will have to go with her.



  • Comment number 83.

    Will keep it going while Holly chases the fox CSN. We have a hedgehog in the back garden who sometimes come to the back door for cat food. He's getting fatter each year.


  • Comment number 84.


  • Comment number 85.

    Sure to get these correct when it's only me LOL!


  • Comment number 86.

    Hope you are ok MBD.

    Marjie, naughty step. LOL!

    Feel like I have been pulled through a hedge backwards and Holly is having a mental.




  • Comment number 87.

    Where is MBD gone.

    87 xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Having trouble posting

  • Comment number 89.

  • Comment number 90.

    Marjie, I don't mind hedgehogs.

    We get so many foxes here at night and noise they make is awful.

    90 xx

  • Comment number 91.

    I am getting paranoid that the Personal Friends of Chris Evans (TPFOCE) have an influence with the moderators.

  • Comment number 92.

    Marjie. xx

    Do you think so MBD.


  • Comment number 93.

    Oh we're back again!

    I'm thinking that too MBD! Are you getting the 'Sorry cannot comment thingy too?


  • Comment number 94.

    I forgot to put 92. LOL!

    now 94.


  • Comment number 95.

    Just realised that it is bin night and here's me in my jimjams.

    I may be gone some time.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 96.


  • Comment number 97.

    I am not getting that post comment thingy.


  • Comment number 98.

    Hope you don't have too far to walk with the bin MBD and also that it's not raining.


  • Comment number 99.

    Am I a winner?

    100 ???????

  • Comment number 100.




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