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Happy Decembeard Everyone!

Chris Evans | 10:47 UK time, Thursday, 1 December 2011

I'm going for it. Decision made. Moustaches for the prostate and beards for the bowels.

In other news, The Military Wives single is gathering even more momentum. With us tomorrow, on The One Show on Friday and already booked for Strictly !!! If you have a tv show, radio show or work for a newspaper or magazine it is your duty to get them in/on.

I've been doing interviews about the girls already and I have been at pains to point out, this is not an anti X Factor thing. It's far more important than that. It doesn't matter who the girls beat to get to number one. All that matters is that it happens. If I was ITV I would book the girls on to The X Factor to help make it happen.

I'm off to hang the decorations. Goodbye dear friends.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Just a beard Chris?

    I always think it looks a little odd on its own!

    Ho ho ho.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 2.

    My friend shaved his Movember Moustasche into a Charlie Chaplin esque tasche at the beginning of Connect Group (bible study) last night. It was really funny because it looked really silly - and then I had to lead the bible study talking about Joseph and Potipher's Wife hitting on him (the lad's decided that Jo was able to walk away because she was a minger rather than hot like Joan C in the Donny Osmond version lol)

    Anyway! So we listened to the Mils Wives this morning in the car and CJ said it wasn't radio 2 so I explained why it was on. Then I sung along to the Cavalry Christmas song then got very excited when Fairytale of NY came on

    I don't have a newspaper or magazine but if a blog post can make any difference then I'm there! Count me in!!

    (Check the CLP bloggers FB page if you want to join the Christmas Card list)

  • Comment number 3.

    Christoff, I fear for you with the beard thing. Tash is a beautiful woman - will she still want to snog you with a chin full of fuzzle? We women aren't fans of stubble rash at the best of times, and with all those Christmas functions and socializing opportunities looming large, I fear you may lose out under the mistletoe .... and we wouldn't want that now, would we!?! But I look forward to seeing the Decembeard grow every Friday on the One Show sofa.

    Good call about ITV inviting the MilWives on X Factor - let's see if Mr Cowell or anyone from SyCo respond.

    Although in all honesty, (and please don't shoot me bloggers, I have an opinion of my own), it's a nice song, and yes it would make a great Christmas number one but I am getting a wee bit tired of my twitter timeline being taken over by the MilWives - last night was just bizarre. There is such a thing as too much promotion - it can drive people away.

    That's all I'm saying.

    Keep the Advent guesses coming - there's plenty more room in the notepad!


  • Comment number 4.

    Good idea Chris ,

    Been looking for a good reason not to shave, and this is a good reason old bean.

    Thanks !!.

  • Comment number 5.

    Greetings CLP Man & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Am all for a beard & moustache.... Ave been growing mine since the start of the reccession in The 08 ter save on razor costs.... And plus abitta facial growth keeps the face warm!!!!!!!
    Plus ave gotta theory it keeps yer younger looking the less times yer shave.... Think about it.... If yer drag a rayzor over yer dimbles daily.... can't be good for the smoothness of yer skin!!!!!!
    Over years that can only lead ter a deteriorating complection!!!!!!!!
    'ence why for 15 years plus ave only shaved about once a week.... Thus 'ence my baby like confection.... Sorry completion... At aged ONE year short of 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad ter 'elp CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS ALL - Thanks for yer kind words about me serious illness ave been suffering with lately!!!!!!!
    Been back ter the doc for a blood test this morning - 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Me doc 'as said 'e thinks a could 'ave a problem with me colon!!!!!!!!!
    A said a don't think so.... A rarely use colons.... a asked 'im ter take a closer look at me blogging.... And 'e agreed a do 'ave more of an explimination mark problem than a colon problem!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.


    my advent calendar guess.is

    a snowman

    got to get birthday cards that i have forgotten to purchase and boys birthday is TOMORROW.


  • Comment number 7.


    I'm not over keen on facial hair on men, but each to their own and as it's a good cause - why not. I remember when I was really young and a friend of the family kissing me on the cheek and saying "I bet you've never been kissed by a hedgehog before" so that's what I associate beards with now - hedgehogs!

    Deev, I hear what you are saying about the Military Wives Single, but not everyone listens to Radio 2 hence the Twitter promotion last night. I feel bad that I must be the only person in the country who hasn't cried upon hearing the song!

    Bingo, Hope you get yourself sorted out soon xx


  • Comment number 8.

    Just posted this on previous blog, stoopid moo that I am!!

    Christoff, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself regarding facial hair, but since it’s for good causes, I’ll forgive you ;)

    cSn, very pleased your building site has returned to a home. Your happiness shines through.

    Bingo, it sounds as though you’ve been through the mill. I hope you’re up to full speed before too long x

    Marjie, thank goodness your washing machine played up whilst the engineer was there! I hope you win the advent calendar prize, your description paints a lovely picture.

    Gail, I LOL at your guess.

    Chrissie and Mary, let’s hope the snow stays very firmly away until the big day and then disappears again! And Chrissie, so pleased your meal for three was a success. Is it just the two of you now? - how romantic :)

    AliB, have you still got the ear plugs in?

    Jillygoat, hi! Be brave and get yourself down that cellar, but I do like your thinking.

    Now, I’m not good at lists, so hello to those I’ve missed.

    Pen x
    Who is very much looking forwasrd to Saturday evening!

  • Comment number 9.

    Ali - I didn't cry either. Like I say, it's a nice song and if it gets to number 1 then fair play! The Twitter thing is OK if its lots of different people doing the RTs, but last night 1 person RT'd the same thing about 18 times within 2 minutes - it's just a bit OTT (in my opinion). And I'm not really a fan of being told what to do (just ask Nic!). I know I'm an old mizzog but all those things on FB along the lines of "re-post this if you ....." NO! I will use my status update for what I want to use it for, not what you tell me to put on it.

    End of.

    *skulks back to mizzog corner, sucking on a lemon*



  • Comment number 10.

    Ali - I didn't cry either but in the middle of Marks and Sparks yesterday talking about my Grandma to my Mum I was nearly in floods! Then again flicking through the Macmillan recipe book that raises money for the charity nearly made me cry too what's with that?!

    I RT'd a few tweets but they were ones that I agreed with rather than just the hashtag over and over like you sometimes get.

    My guess for advent is a star

    I figure if I guess that everyday between now and Christmas then one day I should be right lol.

  • Comment number 11.

    Why are my posts disappearing into the ether??

    Deevs, I have thanked you (somewhere) for doing the advent calendar thingy. Hope this gets through x

  • Comment number 12.

    Going to a childrens christmas play tonight, only tiddlers , year one and year two, my nephew Zach is a camel and my friends daughter Danielle is a star.
    So camel it is for advent guess as star has been taken .

  • Comment number 13.

    Oooh OK Pen - cyberworld is a bit odd this morning, isn't it?!

    Han - I'm not against RTs - I RT a fair few bits myself if they make me chuckle, and as a new business start-up, any RTs that that help to spread the word to a wider audience is very much appreciated, but some do go a tad OTT for my comfort zone. 18 identical RTs in 2 minutes just makes me want to stop following that person.

    Hey ho!

    Now, I've got a network "do" this arvo. What shall I wear!?!?


  • Comment number 14.

    Good Morning from a very jittery South West!!

    I just can't settle this morning, till I've heard from t'other I think pacing is the way to go......that and bread making!!

    CSN - So glad to hear you have you house back to yourself finally - have you done the walking round just looking at everything yet? Missing the noise??!

    The boy loves his advent calendar......but didn't want to take the choc from number 1 as 'number 1 is silly, I like number 4!' I think he gets it now.........

    Better go see how the bread is doing in the airing cupboard

  • Comment number 15.

    JTT, lovely to 'see' you, enjoy the play. I've two next week, best not forget the tissues ;)


  • Comment number 16.

    You beat me to it Pen .....

    Yaaaaaay to JTT being back on t'blog!


  • Comment number 17.

    i didnt cry either at the song

    i'll join you in mizzog corner if i may deevs.
    not supposed to be here.still havent got birthday cards

  • Comment number 18.

    Can I just say how great it is to have JTT back!



  • Comment number 19.

    Plenty of room djeli!


  • Comment number 20.

    Hello guys ......

    Im back ... and happily living in sunny n wet wales .. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyxx

    Hows all of you hope you all are well ...

    CLP with a beard for charity ..yup .. but not permanent .. tis my opinion ...

    Love billie xx

  • Comment number 21.

    My advent guess is a robin xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Chris: well done, and good luck with the itching! My husband did Movember last year - he was driven to distraction by the end of it, and I absolutely hated it! But, as I say, good luck! xx And, I agree that the Miltary Wives record has nothing whatsoever to do with keeping the X-Factor off No.1.

    Pen: sometimes posts take a wee while to appear - and others appear instantly - strange! What's occurring on Saturday night? Sorry if I missed this! And thanks for asking: the move-in day is next Tuesday. After that, MsS really will have flown the coop!

    JTT: how absolutely lovely to see you! xx

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    I really don't like it when people just buy things and go all out just to stop someone else, like the X Factor/Rage Against The Machine thing, if you don't like something then just don't watch or support it but don't go all out to spoil it for someone else, so I am glad Chris pointed that out. p.s. I do watch X Factor but don't buy the single so I am not bias (sp) towards it, I just don't like that kind of thing in any walk of life. That's today's rant over.



  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks for the welcomes girls , the last time I grew a full beard was way back when I was in the Andrew (navy) circa 1976, looked quite good back then.
    Probably look more like uncle Albert outta only fools and horses nowadays though.

  • Comment number 25.

    Advent guess is a toy soldier please!
    As one who is married to a bearded other half, maybe I should get him to shave throughout December instead?! That would make a change, I shall get to work on him tonight and see if he agrees!!!
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello bloggers!

    Advent calendar bingo guess...............an angel

    I had not been effected by the Wives Choir at all.............until today. I was driving through Gerrards Cross and BAM I was blubbing like a baby and sniffing all the way to work. I am taking my lead from our CLP who has ordered us to download it - end of, and I shall be doing just that.

    I am not a fan of facial hair........perhaps because my ex husband sported a goatee.

    Catch you later


  • Comment number 27.


    my daughter just told me what sort of chocolate she got in her calendar this morning so i would like to add

    Mr Bump
    to my guess please

    covering the bases !

  • Comment number 28.


    Good luck with the beard. Is Mario going to tint that ornnge too, if it comes out looking like Santa?!
    This choir song is a nice song but sometimes too much hype is worse than no hype at all. Under sell and over perform is a good motto and maybe should be applied here.
    Any room in mizzog corner.... ;-)


    Nice to "see" you JTT. Almost as absent as me these days!

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh and my guess for the calendar is a robin with 1 leg.

  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon all

    V busy so quick pop in with advent guess - Holly Wreath, as that was on GD's this morning!



  • Comment number 31.

    Chrissie, way back in the summer I purchased 2 tickets for the Tennis Masters (past champions/players) at the Royal Albert Hall, which started yesterday. One was for daughter2, who celebrated a ‘big 0’ birthday in September, t’other was for me. Well someone has to accompany her!! Cost me an arm and a leg, but we do have front row seats in a box, get me! I’ve told her next year she’ll get a bunch of flowers ;-)

    Nic, you haven't been peeking, have you? LOL

    Back to making my bubble and squeak.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 32.

    Well i feel a piglet ...

    Ate three Welsh Cakes .. cooked lovely thanks to Jakeygirl xxxx look on fb you see em

    Hope you all are havin a good afternoon xxx

    Now got spare time on hands ...... what to do ..

    Mince pies next .... shall i give em a kick wiv a bit of ginger?? Yay or nay ...

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    One legged Robin ....... really!?!?!

    No, he definitely hasn't been peeping. Well, not at the calendar anyhooooo!

    I can't believe we've got so many guesses today - I really hope it continues until Christmas Eve (ok, it may drop off over weekends) but keep the guesses coming. Maybe CLP will join in. Who knows ....

    Right, time for me to head out into the cold for a network dooooodah. I think one of the agenda topics is selling yourself, so I'd best pin back me lugs and take on board the advice proffered.

    Back about 6ish.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I personally don't like beards but some men do suit them and we can't imagine them without them. But what concerns me CLP is that your beard won't match your hair and you will, therefore, have to colour it.

    I'm so glad it's not just me, I was starting to worry that I'd become 'ard. I can't help feeling that the Military Wives talk has all gone over the top and it does'nt make me cry at all. Some certain Elvis songs, Bright Eyes and even certain TV commercials reduce me to tears but not this. I do, however, really hope that it makes the number 1 at Christmas (not just to keep the X Factor song away although it would be nice to stop this unfair domination every year).

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    El Deevs - it might be too late but I recommend that you wear clothes to your networking thingie ma bobby they might get upset (or you might give the wrong impression) oops!

    Forgot headphones and have to get the bus home :( Will just have to sing to self at the bus stop maybe.

  • Comment number 36.

    Yaaay! So glad when I heard this Chris! Please promote it on The One Show if you can too, Beating Bowel Cancer is a fantastic charity that does such brilliant work raising awareness and offering support! My dads in the middle of chemo at the moment and their website alone has been such a great resource for him!

    C'mon guys, get your fuzz on :)

  • Comment number 37.

    Pen: oooh, I am so envious - you will have a terrific evening! And the Royal Albert Hall is just awesome.

    eb: I've got my fingers crossed you get good news!

    Back to work ...

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Just came across these and felt the need to share :)

    Humphrey Lyttelton: As we journey through life, discarding baggage along the way, we should keep an iron grip, to the very end on the capacity for silliness. It preserves the soul from desiccation.

    A person without humour is like a wagon without springs; jolted by every pebble in the road. (Henry Ward Beecher)

    Richard Cobb the historian was always prone to silliness, which he called his essential frivolity. He liked it in his friends and distrusted gravity in anyone.(From the review of My Dear Hugh: Letters from Richard Cobb to Hugh Trevor-Roper)

    Let Winnie the Pooh have the last word:

    It's more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long words, but short easy words like, 'what about lunch'.

    If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.

    Love Winnie the Pooh


  • Comment number 39.

    Hi All

    Just popping over the fence from 'next door' to guess Deevs' first advent calendar picture. I'm going to go for a traditional front door with a holly wreath on it.

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 40.

    Evening all

    I agree with Mary - a very good vibe on here today. I've already put my guess in the hat.

    Welcome back JTT - I wonder how many others will return over the weeks to come. Hi Deebee - no need to pop over the fence, there is a gate you know ;-).

    Must try to get my cards sorted out soon, this time last year I think I had written them or was well on the way to doing so (mind you I was about to depart on the cruise - worried about the snow, and the air traffic control strikes in Spain...., what a difference a year makes).

    Ali - loving the 'bon mots' and I so agree, silliness is to be embraced at all times.

    Back to the subject of the day, I'm not a fan of facial hair either but as long as it's for a defined time and for a good cause, go for it.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Howdie peeples!

    Just back from a very productive afternoon of learning from others who have been there, done it and proudly sport their t-shirts of success! Feeling VERY positive about stuff, and fear not Hannah - I remembered to put some clothes on!

    Will do the advent reveal at 7ish - just in case out AnnieG pops her heeeed round the door (clutching a glass of merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlot, no doubt!)

    Swedish meatballs in tomato/garlic/basic sauce tonight but best go easy on the Garlic as I'm out at a breakfast event at 7.30 in the morn!


  • Comment number 42.

    Evening each

    Deevs, how very dare you!!! Drinking on a Thursday indeed - have to get up at stupid o'clock tomorrow to look after little'uns - but will definitely have a wee Merrrrrrrlot on the go tomorrow.

    Ok, advent calendar - maybe a wee angel???

    Christoff me dear - like other on here, don't quite go for the hairy face but if you're doing it for charity I won't complain.


  • Comment number 43.

    Hello all.

    Thank you, Jillygoat, Pen and eb. Just lovely not to have workmen in and out all day long.

    Jillygoat, hope your partner gets the decorations out of the cellar for you. xx

    Pen, it will be a wonderful evening. Enjoy. xx

    eb, fingers crossed that the news is good. xx

    Ali, I love Winnie the Pooh too. xx

    Hi Debbie, nice to see you here. xx

    Hi mtd, I need to do my cards too. xx

    Hope you all have a good evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    PS: I haven't cried at that song either.


  • Comment number 45.

    Hello Deevs and Annie.

    Glass of wine sounds very nice.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Evening all

    Christoff, Like other, I am wondering what Tash thinks about Decembeard!! Would you have reached the same decision if she had been home with you!!

    Hope everyone is well on this wet and windy night. Not cold but definately feels like winter is setting in

    I must admit to a tear or two when I hear the Military Wives but really only because I watched the programme and saw how they wrote the song using lines from letter between the wives and their fellas

    Don't get the big shop advert where the boy is waiting for Christmas to come.Have heard that is making lots of people cry but maybe I've not seen the whole thing!

    Mind you, I cried at the kids on stage in the school show!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening all,

    Advent calendar guess = A Star! Xx
    The song – I cried like a baby.......no shame from me I am afraid. In my job I have got to meet far too many military wives in the wrong circumstances. :-( I urge you to listen to the words when reminiscing about being stood outside a house about to give devastating news and not well up. My wife has been a military wife for over 25 years and although not all of those have been spent in harm’s way the times I have spent away have been the most stressful for her and my kids. Nuff said. X-x-x-

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 48.

    Well said Keith and you're so right.

    I well remember the 2 policemen who sat in their car outside our house on New Years Eve many, many years ago, for ages. They so didn't want to deliver the news that my dad had died. No-one would want to do that job.


  • Comment number 49.

    Advent guess - a candle....phew!!

  • Comment number 50.

    I'm not sure about the beard Christoff, but it's a lovely idea....but sometimes it just looks wrong on people... if you know what I mean.

    Deevs, I agree about the RT's last night, I did one, but only one....that's enough IMHO.

    Hi Annie and Keith *waves*

    Oh, meant to say, the 1000 texts are since July, not in one night ;) At the speed I text that would be impossible lol

    I happened to notice we were at 982 according to my phone, so of course, there had to be a race for the 1000th one! I could have cheated, as only I knew, but in fairness he won, and I owe him a drink! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Right, sorry - I got sidetracked by a bunch of basil in the kitchen .......

    Keith, you do a fantastic job and I really didn't mean to sound as if I was undermining the sentiment of the MilWives.

    And Annie, that must have been so very difficult for you and the family xxx

    JG - I can't wait to hear all about this new attraction in a couple of weeks' time!

    Right, stand by your beds .....

    Drum roll please .............................

    Window #1 in the Bloggers Agvent Calendar is


    ka-boom! Nobody guessed right today ..... but there's 23 more windows to go!


  • Comment number 52.

    A sledge Deevs??? A bloomin' sledge?? And no snow anywhere. Bums.

    Well, I'll go for a wee angel for tomorrow.


  • Comment number 53.

    A sledge!!!

    Not a sledge with a penguin on maybe? ;-)

    Talk about weeping - now DIY SOS is on - I don't think I've got through any of these without weeping!

    Keith, I'm not sure whether to take my hat off to you or give you the biggest hug ever - maybe both!

    Annie, Are we really not drinking on a Thursday? not even a little one?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Sezza - nope, not even a little one. Have camomile tea to hand, and watching Masterchef.


  • Comment number 55.

    Deevs, a sledge today maybe snow tomorrow. xx

    Advent calendar tomorrow. A Christmas Tree!

    Just listening to the new Michael Buble cd Mr CSN has just bought me today and it is fantastic and has well put me in the mood for Christmas.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Annie, Well, we'll just have to wait until tomorrow then won't we!

    CSN, you sound like you're having a lovely evening. I hope things are getting sorted now for you?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    CSN, daughter bought that CD a couple of weeks ago and has worn it out. She's definitely over-excited about Christmas. We were shopping today for her Christmas night out outfit and I was singing along to A Partridge in a Pear Tree (which was playing in the shop) when I realised a group of people were listening to me - they applauded me, much to daughter's embarrassment. She told them she didn't know who I was!!! I'm famed in the family for having the worst singing voice ever.


  • Comment number 58.

    Thank you Sezza, I am very happy today. xx

    Annie, I think I will have worn the CD out before Christmas too. That is lovely, bet you've got a great singing voice just like me. LOL! xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Love the Military Wives Choir, have preorded the single, every time I hear it it makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and almost has me in tears.

  • Comment number 60.

    catjhug, hello and welcome to the blog.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    I'm going to stick with a flickering candle for tomorrows advent guess....there be one in there somewhere!!

    T'others interview went okay, he thinks. He sounded shattered when I spoke to him earlier and was off for a beer! Now all we can do is wait - last time it was almost three weeks, if we're lucky we may know before Christmas...........

    Off to do some proof-reading for my sister....

  • Comment number 62.

    Ebb, hope you get news soon. Sounds like it could be a really exciting time for you all

    Hiya Catjhug

    CSN, :-) x

    Night all, sweet dreams

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Just popped back to say Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Chris, your excitement about Christmas this morning had me dancing around the kitchen. Have you put your tree up yet. xx

    Eb, fingers still crossed for you and hope you get some news very soon. xx

    Must say, when I did my first post of the day, it was lovely to see so many people on here happy which was very uplifting, long may it continue.

    Right, time I was off on my broomstick once again.

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Evening all!

    I have to say Chris, I think you will suit a beard, but PLEASE leave it natural and let your hair get back to normal too.

    Put all the decs and tree up in the shop today, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.......................

    Nice to see you back JTT, stay around for a while :-)

    Heard the Milwives for the first time this morning, no tears from me but it is lovely and deserves to get to no.1, IMHO.

    And finally, my advent guess for tomorrow is.................................

    A reindeer!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 65.

    Good morning all,

    Just popping in as I won't be around later ,early start for me today . and i'm so glad it's friday today and that means it's the w/end Yeah!!!

    Chris ,yes I agree with girl Gracer ,let the hair stay natural ,thats the way you were meant to be ,and to be honest I think you you look quite swell ,just the way you are.

    Deev, day 2 of said calender ..a goose ..

    Take care all and have a good day .


  • Comment number 66.

    Day two calendar guess.....

    A twinkly star.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 67.


    Today's guess is a ......................... Robin


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Today's guess is - Jeremy Clarkson.

    Back later.



  • Comment number 69.

    Morning all!

    Deevs, I'll stick with a candy cane, thanks.

    Beautiful, bright and crisp day here, but verrrry cold, brrrr!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning all,

    Today's guess - A tree!

    Deevs - I was not having a go at all honey, simply stating my position as a great big softie. xx

    Seeza - Hugs all the way! {{Hug}} xx

    It is a little chilly here in Devon this morning, frost on the cars for only the second time this season. My car is in the garage for a service, why do I feel it is not going to be cheap! I am away in the Motorhome on Saturday even though I have to sing in a choir (prior arrangement) on Saturday evening at a Christmas candlelit fair so I have taken Monday off work to recover! LOL

    So a few more hours in work and them a long weekend! Whoop! ;-)

    Keep smiling


    P.S Military wives, I am off again. x-x-x

  • Comment number 71.

    Mornin' all. Good news from the back end of Kent .... 'im indoors has found - and liberated - the Christmas deccies from the cellar. Hurrah!! So, that's my weekend sorted!

    My guess for the Advent calendar is as before - a holly/festive wreath type thing - oh, you know what I mean!

    It's bitterly cold here this morning but the sun's shining, and it was a beautiful drive to work. I go cross-country to avoid the main roads and I pass horses, sheep and a heron every day, but today I had to stop for four pheasants who were crossing the lane! They looked so beautiful that I started singing "Here come the girls" from the B***s advert ..... laughing to yourself in the car - mad or what?!

    Have a good day x

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 72.

    hiya folks
    Today's guess - mistletoe

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning peeps - A big well done to my fellow MilWives on the show and good luck for the rest of the mega busy day x

    Deevs, absolutely take your point and agree that too much can drive people away so to speak. I'm not into twitter so havent the foggiest but I've noticed myself that newsfeed on FB is constant atm about the choir..... we do however have 100 women who all want to talk about the same thing........ can you imagine what the practices were / are like after seeing it virtually (poor Mr Malone) lol x

    It is a beautiful song and should be able to sell itself on the composition and meaning alone xxxx

  • Comment number 74.

    todays guess

    going on yesterdays sledge

    i'll have skis please

    another birthday cake to make and robot to finish.


    sezza take a look at the large department store advert for this year.it is soo sweet.a tear came to my eye for that. and this morning when i heard some of the wives talking about their men..but i have only heard the song once and didnt see the programme..will have to catch up


  • Comment number 75.

    hi all

    Still havent heard the military wives song - keep missing it on the radio - will try to remember to listen tonight to you tube - will let you know if I cry or not (probably not - I'm a hard old thing!)

    the advert that drives me and MR bp up the wall is one for a chain/catelogue type store where the mother has bought everyone these really expensive gifts and so got herself into a whole lot of debt, but thats ok becuase money buys love - or something like that that!

    I just phoned a online company as I used them for the first time yesterday - and the item turned up today - along with a thank you card and lollipop - so I call to say thanks and great service - the man was surprised but I think sometimes if something is better then expected then a thank you is needed. I probably shuldn't advertise them but trying googling need a present and see what you get :-)

    My advent guess is a muppet from a christmas carol - the muppets version


  • Comment number 76.

    Sp... we have had Movember...And now were having decembeard....Personally I'm really looking forward to next month....Fanuary!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Chris
    I think it is brilliant that you are doing this for Bowel Cancer, did you know that 1 in 18 people will be diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.
    One of my best friends has been told that the operation that she so desperately needs, she cannot have as the surgeon feels it is to risky. So now her only option is to see a surgeon in America.
    All Ruth’s family and friends are doing various charity events to raise money for her.
    It would be lovely if you could give her a mention or contact her and maybe get her story on line.
    Please contact me for her details.
    Many thanks and keep up the good work


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