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Mummy's Boys

Chris Evans | 13:17 UK time, Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's a midweek run to my mum's for Noah and I. That is - "a run" in car terms mind you, nothing more. Not that anything more would be sensible. My mum's place is at least thirty miles from where we live, and Noah has only got little legs.

Post show thoughts today: Still no official steer on whether or not it's ok to pick a "few" wild flowers. Plus, I wonder if the bosses here at R2 would remotely be up for an OB from next year's World Potato Congress in Edinburgh...

Right Noah - you hold the map - it's chocks away.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris: well, I think the wild flowers on the traffic island thingies have to be left alone! OB in Edinburgh? When? Where? I will be there!! Fabulous show this morning, Chris - just brilliant. Hope you and Noah have a lovely day together at your mum's.

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP

    I'm having a pants day. Can I join you and Noah at Minnie's hothouse, watch daytime tv and drink tea with you all afternoon?

    Yours ever hopeful


  • Comment number 3.

    Chris: just googled the World Potato Congress: you just HAVE to do a show from there! It's a very big deal in the potato world!


  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon all.

    I am still feeling awful today, thinking of going back to bed.

    Chris, have a lovely visit to your mum's with little Noah.

    KandKs, thinking of you.

    MC, Happy Birthday, have a lovely day.

    Katy, thank you so much for the lovely cakes.

    Chrissie, could you please come and do my ironing for me in your lunch break?

    Gail, sending you big hugs. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Now isn't that lovely?

    It takes me right back to my childhood. Dad would give me the map and by some miracle, we always ended up at our intended destination.

    Off to work now, I didn't think I would be after being doubled up in agony during the night, but will soldier on.

    Off to give Puffball a hefty thump with a hammer, its the only way forward! (dont ask!)

    Wild flowers?

    Well, you probably know my answer to that one, leave them, where nature put them. They will flower for weeks if left alone, but will shrivel up in a day or two once picked.

    Here goes....

    Home alone this evening, will try and drop by.


  • Comment number 6.

    CSN: if I could get myself down to yours on a magic carpet, I certainly would! I have been so hyper all day, I would imagine I will be sound asleep tonight before 9pm!

  • Comment number 7.

    hiya follks
    Just seen the news that my lovely town is gonna be renamed with a 'Royal' prefix, how lovely!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris hope you both enjoy your day at your mums. Also Noah enjoy seeing his grandma. Sun keeps trying to shine here.

  • Comment number 9.

    Hello Chris.

    I know that you and little Noah will have a lovely time at your mum's hothouse.

    Actually your blog today has given me the opportunity to let off steam. Somebody who I won't name has been complaining about my house being much too hot and stuffy. I wondered why my feet were feeling so cold and have just noticed that the heating has been turned off, after he opened the window earlier. He's now out and things are back to normal.

    Re the picking of wild flowers, I used to pick bluebells at a woodland not too far away from here, Eastham in fact. I'm sure this is still OK to do today but I don't think picking them from a roundabout, park or any council places would be allowed. I hope it's OK to pick ferns and heather from Wales as I've done so, in fact I have some Welsh ferns in the back garden.

    An outside broadcast from Edinburgh about spuds would be lovely.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi CLP,

    Hope you and Noah have a lovely afternoon.

    I really am not into cut flowers at all, I think it's a shame to cut them in their prime, and as for bought ones, I think they are a waste of money.



  • Comment number 11.

    I simply adore flowers, with the exception of Carnations and Chrysanthemums. I buy fowers most weeks.

    How lovely for Minnie having a visit from her favourite boys. Enjoy your day.

    MM, tell that boy of yours off, hope you have warmed up now.

    MTF, hope you're ok x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Getting warm again now thanks Pen.

    If he thinks this is too hot wait until he gets to Thailand ha ha!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Well, I have to say I love flowers too. I know what you mean, Gail, but I am a sucker for them!

    Pen: funny you should say that about carnations - I don't like them either. Last year, we sent flowers to a client who's wife had just given birth to a baby boy. I asked for a basket of flowers, so she didn't have to "do" anything with them, and I asked "no carnations please". Well, I saw a photograph of the flowers - absolutely awful - hardly a flower to be seen, it was just all green leaves - and they cost £50! I called the florist to complain and she would not budge. She said to me "you specifically said no carnations". I said to her "are you seriously saying to me those flowers would have been saved if I had ASKED for carnations?!". Needless to say she has had her last £50 out of our company!

    C xx
    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    So good, I signed it twice!

    Maddy: I know - I could not cope with the heat Bingo is off to!


  • Comment number 15.

    Chrissie, that is just awful. If I send flowers via interflora I always ask the recipient to be honest with me, because you never know if you are being 'ripped off', and yes, vote with your feet!

    btw, how is your sister?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Pen: re: my sister - well, I have no real explanation for this, but she is doing very well. She is, of course, very ill, but the cancer - for whatever reason - is on hold just now. She is the most determined lady I have ever met - she has been home for some weeks, she is cooking every day for her and her husband, and she does as much for herself as she is able. So independent, and quite incredible. This really is a case of living each day as it comes - I don't know if I could do it!! Thanks for asking, Pen. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Chrissie, that is remarkable! As you say, live each day and, no, I don't think I could do it either! xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 18.

    I have just woke up.

    Where is everyone today.

    Chrissie, your sister is a remarkable lady and so are you. xx

    Hi Pen, I love all flowers, well I would wouldn't I. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    CSN: thank you xx I suppose we are all, in our own way, remarkable. Every one of us is touching someone's else's life in a good way and that has got to be remarkable, hasn't it?

    Oooh, a bit deep for a Wednesday!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi csn, I hope you feel a lot better for it! x

    Mushroom risotto on the menu tonight!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon CLP and the assembled bloggers, just one thing to say really in response to today's blog:

    COME TO EDINBURGH CLP!!!! There are a few Scottish bloggers up here who can show you a good time in Auld Reekie....

    That is all.


    PS Hope everyone has ahad a good day, hugs to those who haven't, and hope the poorly peepes are recovering!

  • Comment number 22.

    Mr CSN is waiting on me hand and foot today, it makes a nice change.

    He is cooking dinner too, spaghetti bolognese.

    Pen, enjoy your dinner.

    I have just been on Jigzone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Nooooo, csn, don't do it, it's addictive. I blame Bids, haha!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Pen, it is good. LOL!

    Thank you Bids and Marjie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Rosie: wouldn't we just have a fantastic day in Edinburgh if Chris and the team came to town?!

    Chris: PLEASE DO IT!!

    Thanks for the company today - heading off home now - feels to me like it's about 10pm!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Eve all


  • Comment number 27.

    Chrissie, hope you have a good evening.

    KandKs, have you been asleep all day too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    CSN no not all day had to go and get the wee man from school how are ya feeling now???


  • Comment number 29.

    KandKs, not too good at the moment.

    How are you feeling?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.

    still rough hun

    just joined jigzone looking for you all


  • Comment number 31.


    Chris, bet your Mum was really pleased to see you and what a good qay to warm up!

    Did you listen to JV today? He was talking about the family picking daffodils and, on hearing that they were picking 60 or 70 blooms, were asked to stop by someone already and were just warned by the police, I feel they should not have been picking them. Imagine if everyone picked the flowers in the park? There would be none left to enjoy!

    Me, I love flowers of any sort even carnations! Especially if someone buys them for me

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 32.


    Deevs, hope you're home safe now and your day has improved

    Tiggs, Your town deserves it! Congratulations!

    CSN and KKs, I hope you all feel better soon. Take care of yourselves

    Chrissie, hugs to you and your sister and all your family

    Maddy, have you got your house nice and toasty again now?

    Penny and stella and rosie (and everyone I've missed!)

    MTF, When you mention getting Puffball running with a hammer, I have a picture of you "loosening" your brakes like the Ice Road Truckers do!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hello everyone and Happy Birthday MC xxx


    Susan x

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening all

    On the jigsaw thing before I forget. Somewhere amongst my stuff MTF, I have a small tin, containing a jigsaw of a circular plate of baked beans. Perhaps I ought to look it out again, santa brought me it years ago and I still have it :)

    Right, best dash or I'll be late :(

    Hugs to anyone needing one

  • Comment number 35.

    Evening all, I've been in meetings in London all day, just home & knackered!

    CSN & KK's - take it easy, these things take time. I've had 'my' virus for 8 weeks now and although I'm starting to feel like life is worth living, I'm still deaf in one ear - it's horrid!

    Deevs, hope your day improved once you were safe within your own 4 walls again.

    Chrissie - good to hear about your sister - I haven't liked to ask. My Mum was like her for around 12 months longer than she had any right to be. Something to do with stubbonness I reckon! So good luck, and like you say - savour every moment x

    Tiggs - the 'Royal' is certainly very well deserved.

    Nobody should pick wild flowers - well, in my opinion anyway! Mind you, those kids shouldn't have been arrested either - too heavy-handed.

    Well, must go, only popped in to say hello - Mr CG is roasting a chicken - yum.....lovely surprise on a Wednesday!

    Have a good evening one & all

    CG xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh, neaarly forgot - happy birthday MC!! x

  • Comment number 37.


    Just popping in to say a big thank you for the birthday greetings, it's very kind of you to comment , and Katy, thanks for the cakes too. That reminds me, I still need to embark on my cupcake career.

    Sorry to read that the lurgy is still out there, and people are poorly.
    Been a bit side tracked recently, but thinking of you all.

    Right, going to get a little tipple and a big piece of chocolate.

    Hugs and high fives to all.

    MC xxxx

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 38.

    MC, shouldn't that be a big tipple and a huge piece of chocolate!

    x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    Sezza. Oh yes , if you insist ! Xx

  • Comment number 40.

    MC, I do! I do!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    I will i will , i have xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening all.

    Have survived another day and got back in one piece and mentioned the small matter of a holiday to the boss.

    Almost a full score sheet, bar the length of time I want off.

    What great news for the town of Wootton Bassett. I know a lot of sadness passes through the town, this is honoured by such a wonderful turn out by the locals all paying their respects.

    Well, I feel a pizza coming on, lets hope it doesn't have the same impact as last nights meal. I really thought Mr Mobs was going to have to get an ambulance out for me at one point.

    Back soon.


  • Comment number 43.

    Evenin' All!

    Long time no blog, I've zip chance of catchin' up so I hope I find yous all well and happy?..

    Am in Sunny Dublin as I speak; we've been honouring the Late Lamented Damian's birthday, hitherto to be known as D-Day, in the style to which he became accustomed, with an eye-watering bout of irresponsible behaviour in some of Dublin's scaldier establishments, followed by a sore head, a suspicious bruise to the left buttock and amnesia.

    So here I am on the eve of Paddy's Day, and there won't be a square yard a sanity anywhere in the city tomorrow, so am off in the morning to get buffed, squashed an' paddled by Ireland's answer to Peggy Mount at me favourite retreat in the Midlands where there's no shops, no telly, and where they think Wi-Fi is smelly wet fish wrapped in blottin' paper wit a squirt a creosote.

    (Actually, am rather tempted to go to Co. Mayo, Ballinafad, to be precise, where they've organised the Country's Shortest Paddy's Day Parade, along the 200 yard-long High Street, sounds fab.) Bless the Irish. Their love of the pointless knows no bounds, God love the lot of 'em. If the Country's Biggest Ball Of String is there, am off without delay.

    Now then. All this talk of potatoes finally has me scaldy head right up above the parapet. As you know, I myself am the undefeated Champion Worst Farmers' Wife In The Country, a record I have proudly held since 1975, and as such there's nowt I can't do wit a pound a Maris Pipers. And so, allow me to share with yous the secrets of my success.

    1. Chips. Cure for the common cold. Allow to cool (slightly), stick one up each nostril and lie wit head back.

    2. One large uncooked one in the handbag is handy whilst out shopping, when confronted by one a them "Excuse me, madam, may I just ask you about your choice of haemorrhoid cream.." merchants, to deliver a well-aimed welt round the ear.

    3. Cut in half, carve out paw-prints, dip in black eye-liner and stamp all over the cousin Baz's anti-squirrel tit-box cover, also lay a trail into the pizza oven and under 'is pillow.

    4. Cover in tin-foil and stick bits a pineapple chunk an' gorgonzola all over wit cocktail sticks, and invite vicar for tea. V. sophisticated 70s retro.

    5. Peel in one long piece, stick one end on to bathing cap, repeat. Hey presto. A lovely Irish dancin' wig.

    6. Thread Jersey Royals on to string, tie wit large bow and wear round neck to Ladies' Day. No good for the hat, mind; too heavy. Might look stylish in the Best Dressed Lady but you'll end up in the bar afterwards wit shockin' Oliver Cromwell Hair.

    7. Mash, add butter, mustard and creme fraiche, use as poultice on brother-outlaw's boil. Preferably as 'e sleeps.

    8. Slice thickly, place over waste disposal plughole whilst cleanin' fish tank. If supervised by 3 year-old ginger great-nephew, that is. Can't be too careful. Otherwise set up account at FishRUs.

    9. One large whole King Edward added to your pea soup will soak up the kilo of salt added by your mother whilst interferin' an' not wearin' the glasses.

    And 10. Am reminded of the famous story of the two chaps on their beach holiday, struttin' the stuff along the surf, eyein' up the girls. One chap gets all the girls like moths to a flame, the other, nada. Back at the tent, the unlucky chap says, "Oy, how come you got all the girls today?" asks he. "Ok," says his mate, "I'll tell you. Here's a potato. When we get to the beach tomorrow, put it down the swimmin' trunks."
    "Ah, so THAT's it. Hurrah." And so off they go, swaggerin' along the beach; still, the first chap gets all the girls; his mate just gets funny looks. Back at the tent. "So NOW what's the story?" he asks.
    "Look, mate." Says chap 1. "Tomorrow, we're goin' back on to the beach and do the whole thing again. Only this time, put the potato down the FRONT of the trunks."

    Aye Thangyou.


  • Comment number 44.

    Woohoo Clodagh. Lovely to see you as we have all missed you something rotten xx

    MTF what happened to you through the night? You have got me worried {{x}}

    Sus x

  • Comment number 45.

    Evening each

    Chris, I bet your mum just loved seeing Noah.

    I've been playing with my new wildfire phone - love it.

    Off to catch up but I see Clodagh up above me. Hallooooooooooooo missus.


  • Comment number 46.

    Howaya girls!! I trust I find you well??


  • Comment number 47.

    CLODAGH!!!!!! lovely to see you back - you've been missed. I was thinking about you a couple of days ago wondering where you were.

    Hello everybody else. Sorry to hear the poorly peeps are still poorly (((((hugs))))).

    I heard your tweet on SM tonight Chris, I shouted at the radio that you always think it's Christmas so it's not unusual that you felt that the weather was like it today. I didn't hear all of the show, did Simon play any Christmas tunes???

    Back to Jamie's school.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Clodagh,

    Lovely to see you, have missed you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 49.

    MTF, Good luck with the holiday

    Clodagh, so good to see you, you have been missed. Sounds like you have done your aul friend proud!

    I'm fine thanks (in case you were interested)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Welcome back Clodagh! Great post, as always.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Aw Sezza of course I'm glad to hear that. And mtd and csn, xx.

  • Comment number 52.

    Oooh Clodagh, we HAVE missed you, where have you been all this time?

    Hello all, hope the sickly poor are feeling better and the weather is improving wherever you are. After our 'freakish' mini heatwave yesterday, it has settled into more usual weather for March today, i.e. cold and windy but dry. Rain is forecast in the next couple of days though, booooooo!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 53.

    Mtd, how did you get on with your exam? Have you had the results yet?

    Lin,. I'm sure we're due a bit more warmth. There are loads of daffodils on the road into the village and they are just waiting to open

    Coldagh, how's Renee? Hope she's keeping well

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Night all

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Sezza - playing the waiting game now - 2-3 weeks they said. I am a bit wary of false confidence, I found it fairly straightforward but that could mean that I got it completely wrong.

    I may have something to celebrate in Chester (or at least I'll be able to drown my sorrows.....)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Mid pizza here...

    Susan, pop over to fb, I have put a bit of an explanation over there.

    Sezza, thanks, looks like I may need it.

    Was that Clodagh I saw dropping in? How lovely :)

    Back to pizza, stuffed crusts should carry a safety warning!!


  • Comment number 57.

    Glad you're feeling better MTF - I had something similar a couple of months ago, it only lasted about half an hour but boy was it painful.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Night everyone

    I am off to try and get some sleep hopefully, mind you I have been asleep most of the day.

    CG and Sezza, thank you for your kind wishes.

    Annie, new phone, need to chat with you about that. xx

    KandKs, thinking of you and hope you get some sleep tonight. xx

    Sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Thanks mtd.

    Mine was about 3 hours. Things are always worse at night time eh.


  • Comment number 60.

    Eve all

    well guess who can't sleep as been asleep during the day. Currently nasal congestion so hard to breathe!! Plus appetite came back so just munching some Marmalade on toast.

    thanks for all the get well messages very very much appreciated. Brought and commenced a tonic and some strong pain killers.

    Clodagh - great to see you back where have you been hiding
    CSN - great to talk and hope you manage to sleep tonight xxx
    MTF - why do stuff crusts need a safety warning? Is it the cheese too hot? The bottom slapping store do a lovely stuffed crust
    MTD - good luck and sure you will be celebrating soon
    Lin - been mild here today but grey
    MC - hope you had a fabtastic birthday
    CG - poor you 8 weeks and still deaf in one ear
    Susan - hello
    Sezza - thanks for your wishes

    Sorry if I have missed anyone out. Huggles to those whom need them.


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks Kandks, yes it was a tad hot.

    Can I put out an SOS for two special people?

    Boleyngirl, I hope all is well with you and yours?


    Boozy Suzie, where are you chuck? I need to talk to you about Cambridge!

    Night night everyone.


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all

    woke up today after a bad dream (keep having unbroken sleep and bad dreams about people I care about, not good at all) and found myself in a foul mood. Thought it would continue all day but Clodagh, you have made me smile. thank you for that.

    Had my very first filling yesterday, took mr bp with me for company (after he had emergency filing at another dentist and had a huge grey mess in his mouth), mine however was surface only and I got a white one as it wasn't that deep - woohoo!

    Lovel to all that need it, sorry I don't comment that oftern but I do read the posts and I have a few of you in my prayers at the moment, just becuse I don't say it, doesn;t mean I don't care.


  • Comment number 63.

    Morning Baggy!! And Slainte and a very happy St. Paddy's Day to the lot of yous.

    Am off shortly to escape the mayhem that is Dublin's Paddy's Day Parade. Meanwhile I like my potatoes wit plenty Irish butter an' scallions; champ, in other words. (Or actually, as I think of it, is that colcannon? Maybe champ is wit cabbage..)

    Anyway, on this auspicious day as we aptly celebrate the humble potato, am reminded of the legend that was the chap from County Cavan in the midlands of Ireland, where the natives are famously careful wit the pennies, and who, on his deathbed, requested one final plate of his beloved champ. However, his missus refused his plea on the grounds she was saving said champ for after the funeral.

    Off to get slapped an' trottled. And Hey. Let's Be Careful Out There.


  • Comment number 64.

    Morning all

    Bubble and Squek for me please! Wiv all the nice crispy bits along the edage and some good thick ham on the side!!!!

    Ooo how much could I fancy that now!

    Baggy, I sometimes have those dreams that stay with you when you wake up and they used to scare me. The Dream Man on Steve Wright was very reassuring about them. Can't remember exactly what he said though!

    Clodagh, you take care! Send up a flare if you need a rescue party! As opposed to a St Partrick's party!

    Laters my lovelies!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    When I was little I was told that the daffodils and other wild flowers on the road sides and in parks etc belonged to the Queen and were there for everyone to enjoy. I wouldn't have even considered picking what did not belong to me.
    Grumpy old woman I know but there it is....
    Good Day to you all

  • Comment number 66.

    Mums the world and the word is we love you!!! xxx Beep, beep, honk, honk. Teraffic show. Thanks very much y'all. xx Woop! Woop!

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi everyone:

    First of all, hope kks and CSN are feeling a little better today. CG: hope you getting better too - just awful having an ear infection.

    Tiggs: very well done to the wonderful people of Wootton Bassett - how you all deserve that honour!

    Sezza: thank you for those lovely hugs. xx

    Susan: hello to you too!

    CG: yes, you've got it spot on - my sister is very stubborn, and right now, she is going nowhere!

    MC: how lovely to see you. Hope you enjoyed your tipple and chocolate!

    Clodagh: great to see you, and it's lovely that you are still on top form. You have been sorely missed on the blog. You, and about 20 others!! Have a wonderful St Patrick's Day! xx

    Gerry: good day to you too. Welcome to the blog!

    re: potatoes: par-boiled, sliced and well fried in oil, with a little onion - delicious!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 68.


    welcome - I think I was taught something similar - it was definetly agaisnt the countryside code and as a woodcraft folk and a member of the orm and cheap fanclub this was something I took very seriously indeed!

  • Comment number 69.

    Happy St Patrick's Day Ladies & Gentlemen & Leprechauns.

    I've done my shamrock jigsaw puzzle on Jigzone!

    Baggy-I go through stages when I get disturbing dreams which cause me to wake up in a state, I'm OK at the moment, no idea what it means.

    Chrissie-I know first hand that we can have terrific mind power like your sister. When it was touch and go for me I was giving in to it, then suddenly I thought to myself I'm not ready to go and started recovering.

    Clodagh-it's lovely to see you back here, we need your intelligent conversations ha ha! Have a nice time in Dublin's fair city.

    Hello Rebecca & Gerry.

    And now I've forgotten, I did intend replying to everyone but this is as far as my brain would allow.

    Hello to all!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hello Sezza & CG!

    Potatoes! I love them boiled, fried, roast, many different ways!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hello All

    Been and had blood stolen and seen the Dr (will be charging me rent soon!!!) and I now have antibugs for a chest infection???

    Off to catch up



  • Comment number 72.

    Forgot to say Happy St Patricks Day to everyone

    Clodagh - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and as Sezza said we will look out for the flare if you need us to come rescue you
    MTF - are you going to Cambridge as I am thinking of going as its only an hour away from me
    Baggy - not seen you for ages and ages, how are you? We know you still think about us, where have a lot of original bloggers gone to?
    Gerry - hello and I seem to remember that rule too same applies to swans don't you know
    Chrissie - thanks for all your get well wishes, I am glad your sister is being stubborn bless her xx
    Rebecca - hello don't be shy
    MM - I am now addicted to jigzone not very good on the timing tho are you?
    Sezza - cor I fancy bubble and squeak now!!!!
    CSN - hope you are feeling better hun, big hug xx
    CG - hope the ear is improving
    Lurkers - please say hello
    Hope I have not missed anyone, sorry if I have

  • Comment number 73.

    K&K - thats a great welcome - thanks, however I have been doing the odd post day to day, but I guess I haven't said anything memorable!

  • Comment number 74.

    ahhhhhh please stick around Baggy!!!!


  • Comment number 75.


    Well, it soon got round to Thursday .

    It was a beautiful sunny morning but has gone downhill rapido.

    Baggy, re dreams, i have been having some dreadful ones recently, i even tried to research them as i was so disturbed by them . Find me on FB if you want a chat.

    Hope all the poorly people are taking their tablets and lotions and potions and are soon well again.

    Dont forget, if anyone needs the magic slanket, just shout .

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 76.

    K&K thanks

    just herad through that my Nanna has been rushed to A&E, she has a history of mini strokes which she will recoevr from but just waiting to hear if it is anything else :-(

  • Comment number 77.

    MC thanks - but I can guess I know what mine mean, just pictorial thoughts if what is going on in my heard all the time

  • Comment number 78.


    Sorry to hear about your nana, hope she is ok.

    I am going to ring Spielberg the next time i have one of my "all nighters" and see if he wants the script.

    Ham and Cheese today, pimped up with Piccalilli, which i am now wearing. I swear that stuff is like quatermass and just consumes me, rather than me it.
    I always turn up for meetings trying to stategically hide the random splodges . Grrrrr

    Right back on my perch,

    Love to all

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    MC - oh no the picalilli has got the better of you, what would your film based on your dreams be titled

    Baggy - oh no hope your nana is ok bless her xxxx do keep us updated


  • Comment number 80.


    Maddy: yes, I do believe that we actually can bring ourselves back from the brink. How wonderful that you made that decision. xx

    kks: thank goodness you have some medication from the doctor - hope you will soon be on the mend. xx

    Baggy: thinking about you, and your Nana - I hope everything will be alright. I know you don't do kisses, but you are getting them anyway! xx

    MC: I absolutely love your Piccalilli stories! btw: Piccalilli is a really difficult word to spell - hope I have correct!

    I am off out tonight to see a show which is being directed by a lovely friend. She is my "thespian" friend, the one that when she is nominated for an Oscar, will take me with her to the ceremony ... it can only be a matter of time!

    C xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Chrissie enjoy the show


  • Comment number 82.

    Hello, hello and hello.

    Testing, testing 123.

    Where is everyone today.

    Chrissie, have a lovely time. xx

    KandKs, how you doing love. xx

    Baggy, hope your nana is ok. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 83.

    I have just been pottering around the house and been asleep most of the afternoon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    And where is Mr Evans today?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.

    And where is Annie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 86.

    And where is our lovely Deevs.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    I could be Shirley Valentine.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello wall.


  • Comment number 89.

    CSN I'll put you out of your misery, stop talking to the wall it will not answer you?

    Where is everybody??????

    Hanging in there ready for bed soon for me if I can persuade the boy wonder


  • Comment number 90.

    CSN - boo!!!!!!!!!

    I've only just got to my desk and thought I'd see what everyone's been up to, but it really has been quiet on here today hasn't it?!

    Clodagh - lovely to see you back on here again x

    Now I've got to dash off home, but I'm hoping I'll be able to catch up with you all tomorrow. Oh pants, I've got two hours' training tomorrow afternoon .... oh well, I'll see you for coffee then - about 11-ish? I'll bring the doughnuts (but don't tell Deevs!!!!)

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello KandKs and Jillygoat.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Jilly hello and goodbye and did I hear doughnuts (won't tell Deevs if you don't)



  • Comment number 93.

    Thank you KandKs, hope little one lets you get some rest tonight. xx

    Jillygoat, see you tomorrow. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Its like a ghost town in here. Spooky!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Helloooooooooooo from Bedford - I'm here for a training sesh tomorrow (me doing the training)& as peeps are coming from all over, 5 of us are meeting for supper tonight. All lovely people so looking forward to it.

    KK's - keep resting, I didn't and I've been poorly forever (well, alright - 8 weeks, but it feels like forever)

    Chrissie - have a lovely evening

    Baggy - love to you & your nan, thinking of you.

    CSN - Sorry, I was driving when you were shouting at the wall, but I'm here now....

    Clodagh - I loved your blog, even made me laugh out loud (and got me a few odd looks in the office!)Mr CG is half Irish, so I really get your sense of humour. Shame my Mother-outlaw never had one .....

    OK, off for a shower before I trip off to the bar ......

    Laters taters

    CG xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hello CG have a lovely evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 97.

    And CG, hope you feel better very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Thanks CSN - I'm OK really (especially in comparison to some of you poor peeps!) I just can't do late nights yet, so will be leaving my colleagues & heading for my bed by 10 I reckon!

    Have a good evening all.................. xx

  • Comment number 99.


    good luck delivering the training tomorrow. Enjoy your meal and bar tonight

    So congested tonight that finding it hard to mouth breathe (tiring when you are normally a nasal breather)

    CSN - I have been resting this afternoon, my friend and her son popped round and then I collected boy wonder from school, gonna try and con him into an early night as long as he is in mummy's bed it can be achieved, I will take a pic and post as he has a new hat

    hugs to everyone



  • Comment number 100.

    CLP where's our blog today?????


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