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Always Time For Eric

Chris Evans | 09:49 UK time, Monday, 21 February 2011

This morning, as the news coming in from around the world was not good, more than a little worrying to be honest, up pops Eric Clapton just after nine o'clock with Layla, to make things a little bit better

If we haven't got time, or at least can't "make" time for EC then we really are in a pickle. And so she came to pass, Layla in all her glory and splendour, all seven minutes and eight seconds of her. And for Layla we must give thanks, along with whomever it was that dreamt up this gift called music.

We've said it before - guitars speak louder than guns.




Chris Evans Breakfast Show Blog Radio 2


  • Comment number 1.

    Good Morning everyone.


  • Comment number 2.

    I haven't heard the news yet!

    Oh dear!

    Off to see what I have missed.


  • Comment number 3.

    CLP.... I might have to go sulk. You played EC's Layla and I wasn't there to hear it - it was the wrong side of the news :( I am deeply traumatised - it's one of the few guitar solos I can actually play (okay so not at the quite at the right speed at the moment but I am working on it lol)

    My Dad used to play me EC while I was growing up.

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris: I really didn't expect you to blog today, as you have such a full day ahead. Thanks for always taking time for your loyal bloggers!

    Guitars - my husband has four of them - they are his passion. I do wish, though, that he could play something other than one song - than Hotel California!

    Hi everyone, hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    there is no "than" in Hotel California!


  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning everyone from Ayrshire, where is it snowing heavily but, thankfully, not lying (yet)!

    I remember when I was a teenager my Dad had a guitar, he bought Bert Weedon's Play In a Day book, which has now been re-named in our family "Play In a Century", as he still can't play the dam thing.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 7.

    Man is a woman's best friend.

    He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day.

    He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do :

    To live without fear and forget regret.

    He will enable her to express her deepest emotions and give in to her most intimate desires.

    He will make sure she always feels that she's the most beautiful woman in the room and will

    enable her to be confident, sexy, seductive, and invincible - No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.

    It's wine that does all that.

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning all

    Chris - loved Layla today, always a bonus when you realise you're in for the full length version

    Saw EC at the Albert Hall year before last - I hope he's finished his decorating now as he looked like he's just wandered in after painting the living room!! Maybe that's a sign of genius - make it all look effortless

    My brothers-in-law and nephew all play guitars and sing (endlessly it seems) at family get-togethers! Sadly, they only seem to know the first half of anything and not much that's my cup of tea anyway! Sshh Don't tell them I said anything!

    I love Zoe Ball on t'radio but I think she's had an extra expresso this morning!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Chrissie - I can play the chords for Hotel California (Well enough for me to sing along to lol)

    Sezzagirl - NOOOOOO That makes it a whole heap worse - I missed not just Layla but the full length version. Argh!

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Cold, grey day here.

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Jumping blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning All,

    I too missed the full length version of Lalya, never mind I've got it on CD somewhere. I saw EC and Elton John in concert at Wembley many years ago, that was a night to remember.

    Chris, I must say I was overjoyed to hear your dulcet tones this morning, as although you had said on Friday you would speak to us on Monday. Heat Magazine and The DT both said that RM was sitting in for you this week, thank goodness they were both wrong!

    I used to be able to play Home on the Range on the guitar! Unfortunately musicality isn't a gift I was given :)

    Dozy, Sorry you've got snow, but good that it's not laying. It's dull and foggy down South (well in my part anyway).

    It's been grim all weekend which has reflected my mood, but today is a new day. It is very unlike me to let things get me down, but the last couple of weeks there has been one thing after another. But worrying about it doesn't help, so onward and upward and step away from the biscuit tin ;)

    A belated Happy Birthday to Mr MC xx

    mtd, I felt a bit queasy reading the account of your cruise, but I am glad that it all turned out well xx

    MTF, Glad you had a good Saturday with the GD xx

    Debs, Good to read you and I am so happy about your new job xx

    Big hugs to everyone else xx {{{}}}


  • Comment number 12.

    Gail: loved the "Play in a Century" thing! And your joke is fab!

    Hannah: you and MrS would get on like a house on fire! He can play other songs, but not without a book, and then it's a case of changing the cords at an unbelievably slow pace!

    From the previous blog, just to say:

    Annie: terrible story about Kirstie's mum. It's great that you are there to help Kirstie through this. Unfortunately a lot of people in the "caring" professions, don't really care.

    Debs: lovely to see you - sounds like you are having a very busy life - but enjoying it very much!

    MC: what an eventful journey you had on Saturday! Hope MrMC had a lovely birthday.

    JG: hiya - how goes it?

    MTF: sounds like Saturday was wonderful. What a great description of your day - I would love to get to Bristol one of these days. So many places I would love to go to in Britain!

    mtd: I was thinking of you just the other day, and wondered where you were. Hope you will feel back to normal soon. xx I was terrified just reading your description of that storm - can't imagine what I would have been like if I had been on the ship! Hope you will have a lovely cruise in the summer.

    Annie/Rosie: I love the Abbotsford!

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi all

    I'm with Hannah all the way here - clp if you are going to play Layla - speshully the full length version, please consider your loyal and faithful bloggers and PLAY IT EARLIER - just before or just after 8 would be lovely. Thank you

    I hope everybody is well.


    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Oh no - I missed Layla too ........aarrgghh - love it!

    OK gang, I'm back. Friday was.. well, bearable........I think Mum would've approved, and Dad was pleased so my lovely daughter and I must've made all the right decisions. There were almost 100 people at the church and Mr CG held my hand throughout & was the lovely, supportive person he has always been. I am so lucky.

    Before I move on (and promise not to depress everyone again)I would like to thank MTF, Annie, CSN, MwK-Glasgow, Baggy, Chrissie, Jillygoat, Roo and all the others I haven't mentioned (sorry!), for all your thoughts and hugs during the last few, really difficult weeks - hooge hugs back to you all (((hugs xx)))

    MTF - how do I find you on FB? give me a clue!!

    Right, back at work properly today and off to a conference on Weds which will give me something else to think about for a few days - especially as I'm chairing it & there are over 250 delelgates from 48 countries there ..... scarey!

    Love to you all, and have a good day

    CG xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris, hope you're well and your family also. I think music is the spice of life as I was brought up on music from a young child because my dad used to play in a dance band in the nineteen forties. So I always listen to good music as played on your show.

  • Comment number 16.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    There's always been trouble in the Middle East Chris and sadly I suppose there always will be.

    Thank goodness for the musicians who are the exact opposite to politicians. Musicians soothe the soul whereas politicians do the opposite.

    Where would we be without the likes of Bono, Bob Geldof and John Lennon.

    MM xxx

    PS Thank you for the music!

  • Comment number 17.

    CG, I'm glad that Friday was bearable and how lovely to have a packed church to say goodbye to your Mum xx I am sure she would have approved.


  • Comment number 18.

    CG: I am so glad to hear everything went well on Friday. It must have been such a comfort to your dad that you and your daughter arranged things. And how lovely that Mr CG was a great support to you. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon everyone,

    It's a grey day, the kind you know just isn't going to get any better .

    I am struggling to keep up today, having had a young work experience lady by my side since 9am. I have talked to her for 3 and a half hours , and am pooped.
    How do you make what you do sound interesting ???? Anyway, having probably scared her off bean counting for life , I will attempt to get some work done this afternoon.

    CG, glad Friday went as well as you could hope for , you were in my thoughts.

    Chrissie, I hope your sister remains stable too, I think of you everyday.

    Today, is the first day of my so called diet, which will mainly consist of eating normally , and then me going to bed and promising to do better tomorrow. I have varicose items of fruit dotted around my desk, that some one has very kindly drawn on when I nipped out . I think that there are only so many sandwiches you can consume in a life time, and I have eaten enough for four life times. Cheese, cheese and ham, ham and cheese , tuna, egg and ham, ham and egg, I need to pimp up the lunchbox , suggestions welcome ....

    Bids, Chrissie , Alib, thanks for Mr Mc's birthday wishes , I shall pass on your messages this evening. After he has made my tea and washed up ! LOL

    Hugs and high fives to all

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all from a white and frozen upstate NY. All the snow had melted by Friday but 8 or 9 inches of snow since plus close to zero degrees Fahrenheit make for a very cold start for the week. Hope you are all having a good day. BBL...

  • Comment number 21.

    MC: good for you - keep Mr MC on his toes! And, thank you. My sister is doing so well, it is incredible. Her prognosis was way off the mark, and right now, although she is on major medication, she's really fine - it's just astonishing. xx

    007: hiya - sounds like a bit of a nightmare with you - rather chilly!

    btw: just to say, The King's Speech is a stunning film. Colin Firth deserves two Oscars, or even three. This must be the role of his career - he is exceptional (and I'm not just saying that because I fell in love with him as Mr Darcy!). And Geoffrey Rush is quite brilliant. I hope the movie wins every single Oscar!

    Oh, and I've been meaning to say this too:

    Tobes: don't know whether you may be lurking, but I have been thinking about you while listening to Radcliffe & Maconie: how I will miss them, I am gutted!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.


    havent caught up, I'm 100% shattered as since Fri I've had about ten hours sleepm I'm far too old for these shannaigans and had to get up at 6:30 today so I could be home to attend a funeral with mr bp, now we are just chilling and I'm thinking about having a nap

    Hugs to all, some piccies on fb but have a great one with me in my dress and the Stavous Flattey and Daniel Johnson (?) that mr bp will scan and put on fb for me


  • Comment number 23.

    CG - I'm so glad Friday went as well as it could have done xx

    Chrissie - hoping your sister stays as well as possible xx

    Chrissie - what's happening with Radcliffe & Maconie? I love their show ...

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 24.

    Jillygoat: thank you. xx And, oh, Radcliffe & Maconie are finishing on R2 at the end of this month, and going to 6 Music - a daytime show! I am gutted, bereft, and gutted again! Jo Wylie is taking over their show, so it's back to the CD's for me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Chrissie, well I wasn't expecting that!!!! What are we going to do? I can't listen to the radio in the daytime and I absolutely love Radcliffe & Maconie. I know there's always 'listen again' but it's not quite the same is it, especially with those two!!!

    Boo hoo ...


  • Comment number 26.

    Jillygoat: I know!!! I listen to them every evening that I am at home, and the washing up, and ironing, or whatever, just seems to get done so much easier listening to them both. As you say, it's not the same with listen again, and I would think it will be an entirely different show.

    I'm not a happy bunny!


  • Comment number 27.


    CG, I am glad all went well on Friday. xx

    Jumping blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hello Jillygoat and Chrissie.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi CSN: it's so annoying when the blog jumps, but for some reason it's not jumping with me at the moment!


  • Comment number 30.

    Chrissie, very annoying.

    Really need to go and do a pile of ironing!

    Just stopped jumping.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon each

    Bums, missed Layla this morning.

    CG, so glad Friday went well.

    Been bloomin' freezing today but no snow thank goodness.


  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Annie.

    Been cold here today too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Good to see you CSN!

    It's been soooo cold down here in Kent. I'm sure the Uni turns the heating off on a Friday afternoon and doesn't turn it on again until Monday morning, but it takes about two days before it's vaguely warm again. I've been sitting in the office with me scarf on .... I didn't take it off until I got home again just now!

    If you hear me cussing, I apologise, but we're changing t'interweb providers and it's causing all sorts of problems as my email address has to change. I've got to try and remember just who's got my email address! It's made logging on here slightly problematic so if you don't hear from me for a while I'm lurking but sulking! I didn't realise just how many log-ins I had ... online banking, credit card, this blog, fb, utility providers - heeelp!

    Best I eat my pasta bake with meatballs to give me energy for the task ahead!
    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Jillygoat, sounds a nightmare.

    Hope you get it all sorted out very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Swooooooon - Davy Jones on the One Show - yep that was my original heart-throb, he even came before the love of my life David Cassidy. Mind you I was quite young for him, I bought 'Daydream Believer' with my 10th Birthday money...

    Of out quizzing tonight, just a friendly as we officially have a week off, but we are 'auditioning' a potential new substitute for the team.

    Glad everything went OK on Friday CG, I was thinking of you.

    Chrissie, good news from you as well.

    (((((((hugs))))))) to everybody.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Watching the One Show

    The Monkees is sooooo not a good look - 3 old men sitting on a sofa.


  • Comment number 37.


    Just popping in to say hi, I missed Layla as well...

    MTD, your cruise story from yesterday sounds quite scary!

    CG, I'm glad Friday went as well as it could.

    Well, I've been back to the dentist, and need even more done, along with a prescription for antibiotics, as he thinks I have an abcess forming :(

    Oh well, no wine for me then!

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Yes as always trouble & death is always present around the world... Sadly while 'uman beings are on the earth there will always be trouble & death going on somewhere!!!!!!!

    Looking on the brightside of life.... Monster Munch 10 packs were on BOGOF terdee..... GOOD TIMES 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star, Striving For.... Flaming 'ot Monster Munch ;))

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi all,

    It's been a full day at this abode,right from the off at 6-30 when Grandson no2's phone alarm went off at 6-30 ,this to me is still the middle of the night .
    He will be reminded of it at a later stage in his life ,that's if he lives that long LOL.

    Had an early app today so once that was out of the way I was able to spend quality time with the boys .
    Grandad had done them a full English while I was out so that was his contribution out the way .

    WE decided to go not too far only about 10 mins along the road to Porchester Castle ,it's part of a Castle that was built in three different times ,Romans Normans ans Saxons .It's quite a pretty place to go ,but today was a bit grey,they hold proms in the park type concerts there in the summer ,very nice especially being on the waters edge at the top end Of Portsmouth Harbour

    Put some pictures on fb book if anyoneis interested .There is a church within in the Castle and in one of the corners of the grave yard there lies a plaque of a couple that lost their lives somewhere over( Lockerbe
    December 21st 1988 ).I always pause and say a few words when I'm there ,not just for them but for all of them that lost their lives that night .

    Then on a lighter note we drove round to the marinaand had a wonder round before heading off for fish nchips to be eaten on top of Portsdown hillover looking Portsmouth .

    The boys have now left the building and I am now just sitting sipping a nice cool glass of white and feeling a very satified and Happy Grandma to have spent a lovely day with her boys .And grateful to be so blessed .


  • Comment number 40.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Bids, glad you and Mr Bids had a lovely day with your grandsons.

    Being a grandparent is a wonderful experience in life.

    Mr CSN is looking forward to his next trip to kids zone with little grandson.

    csn. xx.

  • Comment number 41.


    I've just been reading through the archives. I was wondering what exactly Christophe Lambie Pie stood for and so I googled it, this took me to the blog dated 25th February, 2008. What an amusing entertaining blog it was.

    T he very funny Clodagh gave us the answer as to why CLP is so named. There were posts from bloggers past and present including the lovely Beesmum which made me feel sad but also made me smile.

    There was a lovely post from Prof Plum thanking Clodagh, DtM & Bingo for cheering her up with their jokes as she was feeling down.

    Off to read a bit more!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 42.


    Maddy - I occasionaly read some old blogs and see how the world has moved on, nothing ever stays the same!

    Meant to say yesterday, on the way to Bognor and on the way back my route took me past the Mulberry - so I waved both times :-)


    Who has been booked in for 4 meetings today, glad I came in early!

  • Comment number 43.

    Good morning all,

    A quiet day here today weather wise very stilll everywhere although damp no rain as yet ,but they have forcast it.

    Madddy ,Baggy ,I too sometimes go down memory lane and read the old posts .It's nice to see who was here in the beginning and who's come and gone and comeback again since.

    By the way Clodagh ,Hope that your keeping well ,I'm sure that you must pop in and visit us now and again .And I hope that your family are well.

    Baggy ,Didn't you stop of for a drink at the Mulbery,You never know himself might have been there.

    Take care all ,and enjoy your day.


  • Comment number 44.

    Morning all

    Foggy, cold and wet here.

    Sometimes I read through the archives too.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Bids, I thought about it but it took me 3.5 hours to get from Bucks to Bognor on Friday night without stopping!

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning all

    Damp and drab and grey here in Cannockshire.

    Apologies for absinthe yesterday - I wasn't having a very good day and felt that I would only serve to bring the blog down.

    CG - so pleased that Friday was OK. Your lovely mum will always be with you one way or another.

    I lost my dad in 2005 and I still "talk" to him - mainly when Arsenal are having a bad game as we used to always speak at half time during their televised games!

    Will be popping in throughout the day - banter and fun are much needed to get me through the week!

    Love to you all.


  • Comment number 47.

    Baggy ,you might of even bumped into Pen and Darce .they frequent the Mulbery sometimes .
    Another mini meet could have happened .But that journey you had I must say is a long drag ,but hope you enjoyed it and loved the pic.

    Good luck with your meetings .


  • Comment number 48.

    Morning Deev,nice to see you .:)).xxx.

  • Comment number 49.

    ... to see you Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!


  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs, hope you have a better day today.

    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks csn.

    I so want to do this retraining thing but its such a huge financial commitment. My head is full of ideas of how to make it work too.

    Yesterday I ran out of work by half nine in the morning. I really can't see how they can justify my being here for 40 hours a week with nowt to do. There's only so many times you can tidy up the stationery cupboard / housekeep your emails etc.

    I think my ideal would be to work part-time so that I'm still earning something, but then also have time to study for my new thing ....

    Hey ho!

    Hope you're all well and dandy this morning troops.


  • Comment number 52.


    missed you yesterday, as you know mr bp works part time so he can study, it wirks for us at the moment and means he is much happier, although it does put pressure on me to find more work as this contract ends 30th April (and counting)


  • Comment number 53.

    I know what you mean Baggy. With my lovely man being without a job at all at the mo, my teeny tiny salary is our only source of income. Sadly though, there's still the same amount of outgoings going out.


    I had a "penny dropping" moment this morning when I realised I am earning the same now as I was earning in 1997. And it's a longer working week!

    Not good.



  • Comment number 54.

    Deevs, that sounds a really good idea, working part time so that you can study.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Deevs - hope you have a better day today x

    'Im indoors cooked dinner last night - a simple pasta bake with leftover meatballs. Don't know if you've had this before - it's in a jar and involves uncooked pasta in a dish, adding the contents of the jar and then filling the jar up to the top of the label with water, and then baking. Simples?

    Unfortunately the old boy wasn't wearing his glasses so read the label as "fill jar with water up to the top" ....... 45 minutes later we had what looked like pasta swimming for its life in something resembling tomato soup, with meatballs floating around like lifebuoys! And it tasted dreadful to boot!!!!!!

    He felt dreadful and because we hadn't been shopping, there was nothing else to eat that could be cooked quickly, so we ended up sharing a tin of soup followed by a hot X bun ..... ho hum! I'm cooking tonight ..

    The sun's trying to shine at the moment so fingers crossed it puts in an appearance. I'm off to change my email address with all and sundry and as I said on here earlier, there may be some strong language if it doesn't work so I'm apologising now!!!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 56.

    LOL Jilly - you know the saying "Practice makes perfect" ...... get him back out into that kitchen, rattling those pots and pans!!



  • Comment number 57.

    Jillygoat, well at least he tried to help with dinner.

    Jumoing blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Or even Jumping!


  • Comment number 59.

    I find it very hard to type when blog is jumping.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all,

    Jilly - keep him in the kitchen, he'll improve eventually! Mr CG is brill and loves all the cooking programmes on tv. I bought him Jamies 30 min book for Christmas and he phones me during the day to tell me which page number we're having that night!

    Deevs - keep cheerful, something good will be around the corner for you. The CEO where I work is looking for a new PA but I'm afraid Norfolk is too far for you to commute! My point is that the present PA has been here so long I thought she would never leave - but it happens. ((hugs))

    Well, have fun everyone, I'm off to Heathrow tonight, then flying to Malta in the morning to chair a conference. Sounds glam, but really hard work. I almost cancelled because of the last few weeks but Mr CG persuaded me to go as he says the change of scenery & focus will do me the power of good - bless him!

    Keep blogging & 'see you all' next week

    CG x

  • Comment number 61.

    CG - the thought of being told which page you're having for tea has really made me smile!

    Nic and I share the cooking between us, and try to make enough to freeze down half of whatever it is for busy days when we get home late (After gym/swimming etc).

    Last Friday I made a curry from one of my Weight Watchers cookery books - it was really lovely and hard to believe it was "healthy"!

    We've got 2 dinner parties coming up, so it's thinking caps on at ChezNic to feed fussy guests! Lamb shanks are currently winning the battle!

    Have "fun" in Malta!


  • Comment number 62.

    last night I had pot noodle, just to tired for anything else and tonight probably wont be much better as I'm not home for long.

    I also havent weighed myself for a couple of weeks, have done no excercise and have been very naughty (well it was a hen party weekend) so a bit worried about what the scales may say - opps!

  • Comment number 63.

    Yes, I'm lucky that 'im indoors does at least cook, but he will insist on using literally every pot and pan that we've got ... and even some that I didn't know we had! As the washer-upperer it means I should have arms like Popeye by now - gur gur!!

    Deevs - I know it's a rotten waiting game, but something will turn up for you sooner or later. I was temping here for over three years before a permanent job finally became available - and I'm not the patient type!!

    CG - given my previous post and comment above, I'm not sure I could cope with 'im indoors and a 30-minute recipe ! Having said that, we've just bought that very book so I may give it a whirl at the weekend. If you don't mind me saying, I think Mr CG is absolutely right and a change of scene could do you the world of good. Enjoy Malta as much as possible and take care x

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh Deevs, I have a brilliant recipe for a dinner party, low calorie, full of flavour & dead easy to do (yep, honestly!) I have served it loads of times & always get compliments & empty plates. It's called Murgi Dahi and basically it's an indian dish of chicken cooked in yogurt & spices but not too hot (vary the chillies!) If you want the recipe let me know.

    Really must go now, meant to be preparing for the presentations ......

    CG xx

  • Comment number 65.

    I want it! I want it! I want it!

    And the recipe .....



  • Comment number 66.

    Morning All,

    Dull and grey in North Kent - will we ever see the sun again ??

    CG, I agree with Mr CG and Jillygoat - go enjoy yourself and catch a few rays if you can xx It can't be all work and no play?

    With regards to this cooking lark, even though I live on my own I do cook every night from fresh and not a microwave ready meal; although I do have a few of those in the freezer for emergencies! But my meals were getting a bit same(ish) so this year I am trying to cook a band new dish, well to me, each month, so by the end of the year I have 12 new dishes. I am also trying to bake a new cake or something similar each month. I usually make a cake once a week for my lunchbox but again this was getting a bit samey so I am branching out :)

    It must be nearly time for my second cuppa of the day.


  • Comment number 67.

    Deevs - I've also got a good recipe called 'Chicken Surprise'. Basically it's a marinated chicken breast which you put on a bed of fresh noodles with chilli/spices/soy sauce/pak choi/veg - this is all wrapped up in tin foil and cooked in the oven ....... they're individually made and become a meal in themselves. If you're creative enough, you can shape the tin foil parcel into the shape of a chicken but mine looked more like a duck! BUT it's deelishus so, like CG, if you'd like the recipe let me know. It's from the Economy Gastronomy book which is just brilliant for meals that you can cook in bulk and freeze down - the minced beef basic recipe becomes chilli con carne, spag bol and cottage pie and it's something we do quite often.
    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 68.

    ooooerrr Deevs, calm down girlie!

    I haven't got it here but will put it on a word doc at the weekend - how can I get it to you? x

  • Comment number 69.

    Whoo Hooooo!!! I'm getting excited now .....

    CG - Facecloth is probably best.

    Can anyone intro me to CG?

    Jilly - yours sounds fab too!

    I could live on chicken.


  • Comment number 70.

    AliB - good for you on the "new recipe a month" thing. What sort of things are you tying, and are you trying them out on friends and family too?

    I'm missing my baking if I'm honest. I used to love making cakes and muffins but Nic hasn't really got a sweet tooth (plus he's far too healthy!!!) - and not even I can demolish an entire carrot cake single-handedly.


  • Comment number 71.

    Deev - surely mini Nic would a) love to help make something yummy and b) love to help you eat them?

  • Comment number 72.

    Deevs - I'll try to get to you on FB - my pic is of me standing on a boat ........(don't ask!) x

  • Comment number 73.

    OK CG - will keep a look out, and will ask questions later!

    Baggy - we "try" to keep miniNic on a healthyish diet with not too many sweets. This can cause tantrums and strops but I refuse to fill him with sugar for the 24 hours a week we have him. If he had his own way, he'd live on sweets and crisps but (maybe it's me?) I think that's just very wrong.

    Perhaps when I hit a certain weight target I can bake something and bring it into work.


  • Comment number 74.

    Deevs - although I 100% agree with the dont feed them with sugar thing, I was thinking more the activity would be fun for him, although we ahve my 10 year old nephew this weekend, and it looks like we are rollar skating with him and mr bp is taking him to laser quest

  • Comment number 75.

    Nice thought Baggy, but a current "habits" of the little fella are to have a finger up a nostril, or all fingers in mouth ..... kinda puts me off kitchen activities at the mo to be honest!

    Hopefully he'll grow out of it by the time he's 21 .....



  • Comment number 76.

    Deevs, I'm a bit embarrassed to say that it is only basic stuff I am cooking and only for me. Like you I could eat chicken all the time, so I have branched out and brought some salmon which I've had with lemon and philly cheese on top. I also made a chicken cobbler thingy with rice and I never have rice always potatoes. So not very exciting but very different for me.

    As for baking, I made a lemon loaf cake this week and will quite easily polish it off with a slice each day for my lunch ;)


  • Comment number 77.

    New blog.

    Deevs, if you and CG link up on fb, can you send me a suggestion. Ta.xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Ali - I'm hungry now!!!




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