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Happy Elton Everyone!

Chris Evans | 17:18 UK time, Friday, 28 January 2011

Wonderful to chat to Elton John this morning. A bundle of fun and a ton of talent. Always happy to talk about anything. He is both a superstar and a fan - the perfect combination. He loves what he does and loves the other people that do it too.

You gotta have your projects! They keep you going. Elton John is the personification of that philosophy. I have a treasure chest of respect for him. He has been to the dark side and back, and lived to sing the tale.

Long live S'r Elt !

Bon weekend tout le monde.




(Click here to hear the interview and watch the best bits all over again)


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  • Comment number 1.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.


    Lovely show this morning with Elton John.


  • Comment number 3.

    CLP - only heard snippets this morning but the bits I heard were good, he seems like an open guy and not flash at all - and of course he does do a lot for charidy.

    Right sun is past the yard arm and for the first time in ages, I am declaring FNWC open! Off to get a glass of chards to give me courage to bath the dogs......

    might be back in a bit - but I have about 40 filums to watch before Monday night - as I know I will not have any time for the next 3 months in my new job :-)

    Happy Friday night everyone

  • Comment number 4.

    Debs, Cheers!

    Congratulations on your new job.

    Holly needs a bath too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Evening Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Whoooo.... A waz wondering when yer new blog was gonna arrive... Thought yer were tied up with The John!!!!!!!
    When a say tied up... A don't mean literally.... Not in a Winton Way or INDEED Elton way... Or for that matter in a bank robbery way either.... Whatta mean is busy tied up with interviewing 'im, show prep, One Show prep etc, etc, etc - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Errrr forgotten what a came on 'ere ter say know, sorry now?????

    Oh I yeah.... The John... A was watching an interesting documentary about 'im.... (Not The Tantrums one... although a did watch that also)... Any way the one am on about... It was VERY interesting to 'ear that 'e was so painfully shy... 'e struggled ter go onter stage!!!!!!
    Partly the reason why 'e got inter drugs in 'is early wrock 'n roll years!!!!!!!
    VERY interesting to 'ear so many of these Superstars suffer from severe shyness... VERY much like meself!!!!!!!!

    'earing this sort of inpsires me that I can overcome my shyness & maybe try & get up on stage oone day!!!!!!
    (not that am saying ave got any talent... never know unless yer try... But it's interesting ter 'ear so many suffer stage fright etc!!!!)

    When I was younger (about 11-ish)... And a first discovered music... A could feel the passion of it running deep inter me... deep inter me!!!!!!
    So much so a always wanted ter be a performer!!!!!!!!
    But me intense shyness made me 1000% dismiss a could ever persue me dream!!!!!
    Which is the reason why a never did!!!!!!
    In fact a used ter be so shy as a teenager... A used ter feel embarressed crossing zebra crossing just because of a few motorists watching me!!!!!!!!
    Mad or what!!!!!!

    One of the very first artists a discovered as a teenager was Elton John!!!!!!
    In fact along with Queen & The Eurythmics, an Elton John cassette was one of the first albums a bought!!!!!!!
    And the song that really introduced me to the power of produced electronic music/ sounds & the power of a gentle but very deep emotive tune was this Elton John tune >>>>
    In fact even now it makes me feel emotional to listen to it... And it's in me top 10, maybe even top 5 all time favourite songs... And that's out of thousands of songs a love!!!!!!!

    It's got such an incredible deep energy to this tune... All the different instruments connect to produce one of the most flawless music sounds i've ever 'eard!!!!!!

    What tune is it??????

    This one >>>>>

    Bingo Star, Striving For A Substantially More Sustainable Future ;))

  • Comment number 6.

    Evenink CLP and fellow blogheads!

    Didn't get to hear much of Elton as I was at work for 8.30 but the story of the tram getting from Southampton to Windsor really made me laugh!

    I think I'm going to investigate downloading the Elton/Leon album from the fruity music site.

    I'm so glad it's Friday. Despite only having a 2 day week, it's been a long, long week nonetheless. Friday night is my favourite night of the week - relaxing to some telly, with some wine and good food and the best fella in the world. Happy me!

    I may even go over my calories tonight with some of the grown-up grape juice!


  • Comment number 7.

    Bingo, I love that song.

    Deevs, enjoy your evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    CSN - sorry hun, having bathed my two and won the "who will get the wettest" competition you are on your own with Holly!

    Deevs go for it with the grape juice - one of your 5 a day LOL

    Right, offski now, just watching the Tudors - not for everyone I know, but I love it

    see you tomorrow everyone


  • Comment number 9.

    Fantastic show this morning. Have got the kids hooked to listening, especially on Fridays. My son sings along to Sammy Davies Jnr - this brings tears to his sister's eyes with laughing so hard. Just what we need to start our day. Elton John - such a shining star.

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi all,

    Chris, not really sure about the hair ,it's OK but I think you're fine just the way you are ,by the way nice shirt .
    Hope everyone has had a good day and now winding down into the weekend .

    Still very cold here ,think that there will be a frost tonight ,but the main thing is it's dry .


  • Comment number 11.

    Thanks Debs, enjoy your evening.

    Hi Ally, I agree with you, it was a fantastic show this morning. Elton John was brilliant.

    I love The Candy Man too!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Bids.

    Very cold here too.

    Quiet in here tonight.

    Have a good weekend.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Ok, phase 1 of Feed the Troops completed!

    Phase 2 - Send Them All Of To Scouts for 2 hours underway

    Just need to complete Phase 3 - Find The Sleeping Bag and Phase 4 - Actually Make Them Go To Sleep!! and we'll be home free!

    Am tempted with a cheeky little glass of wine - after all- it is Friday!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 14.

    So ok, we listen most mornings, the kids know all the jingles. But 2day was amazing, when i turned on and heard Sir EJ i was amazed. He was so honest and open it made me smile the whole interview. As for his little blip, im sure some people will be complaining, but i feel we should be happy that a man like him got up so early and left his new born baby to entertain us!! he is a legend, he's allowed to say what he wants!!! it was great guys, thank you for giving us the pleasure xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    CNS,you too.I'm just contemplating wether to go and do my shopping to night instead of tomorrow .


  • Comment number 16.

    Bids, do you really want to do it tonight?

    Sezza, sounds like a fun evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Well said and welcome .Yes he was there really early and eager .I had a smile at the blip.


  • Comment number 18.

    Very true ladymc.

    Elton John is a great man and a truly professional performer!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Sezza ,happy bithday to one young man ,hope they have a great evening and dont keep you up to late .

    CSN,the thing is ,I hate the weekly shop and If I pop off later to do it ,(1) It will be quieter (2) I'll get round faster ,and (3),I can have an extra hour in bed tomorrow .a
    And when I get back later I can have a nice glass of that red stuff .


  • Comment number 20.

    ladymc - you're right. Elton sounded really happy to be there

    CSN, they're already had jelly and ice cream so it must be a birthday!

    Did I see you have a little one to stay?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 21.


    Are you joining FNWC tonight or going shopping.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Bids, very true.

    Sezza, bet they are having a fantastic time.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    CNS ,
    Both ,first shopping ,then will be a late reveler tonight ,but will catch up pretty quick.

    Right here we go >>>>>.Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening all!

    I liked the Elton John show this morning; he's a top lad. Lady Vader made me change my radio at work to Radio 1 this afternoon (she says only fossils listen to R2. Well, I may be still young-ish, but I'm proud to side with the trilobites ;-) ). It was quite funny though. The afternoon R1 DJ is a bit of a prankster - he has this fictional chap called Toby LaRone (say it out loud...), who he tries to get mentioned in various places by unsuspecting victims - He got Steve Wright this afternoon!!! They played the clip of poor Wrighty reading out an email "from" Toby LaRone, saying hello to all his colleagues at the Central Dentistry Prosthetics Lab (or similar). I felt a bit guilty for laughing.

    Debs - I like The Tudors too. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help myself ;-)

    Hope you're all enjoying your tipples of choice!

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 25.


    Happy Birthday to your little boy.

    How old is he today?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello Roo

    Could you come round and bath Holly for me tomorrow, love.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    We could stick Jasper in the bath too.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    CSN my "little" boy is 12!! How did that happen!

    If you're running a big bath, can I chuck the boys in too? ;-)

    Roo, I heard the email but not who sent it. I only remember it because it made me think of our Tooth Fairy!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Sezza, make the most of it, they grow up so quickly.

    Do they really want a bath with the dog, mind you Holly loves children.

    My plans have changed, now having little grandson next weekend for my birthday.

    csn xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening CLP and the bloggers, didn't hear much of Elton John this morning, but enjoyed what I did. I'm more of a fan of Elton's early music, in fact, back in the days of ARF on Chris' Drivetime show, the first time my choice was picked it was an Elton John tune! He definitely seems to be passionate about his craft.

    I like The Tudors too. I'm a bit of a History geek, and love reading books by the likes of Phillipa Gregory. I enjoy the show even though I know that at the time of this series, Henry VIII was fat, grumpy, and ugly!

    Roo I'm 30 and have listened to Radio 2 for years! One of my earliest memories is of being in my high chair in the kitchen with the radio on. I did dally with Radio 1 during my teenage years, but Chris Moyles just became too annoying so I switched back to Radio 2! It's funny, but my favourite Radio 1 presenters can now be found on Radio 2.

    Hope evryone has had a good day.


  • Comment number 31.

    Back again, have I broken the blog?

    Just wanted to add that I agree you CLP about the need to have projects. Whatever the project may be it's good to have a goal, or something to look forward to!


  • Comment number 32.

    I'm here Rosie

    Not sure I've got any projects at the moment

    Maybe I need to plan something

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 33.

    I think my immediate plan is to go to bed.

    Night all,


  • Comment number 34.

    Still here - a friend came 'round with a bottle o' red - sorry to neglect you all...

    CSN - There is nothing Jasper would love more than a bath with a lovely lady like your Holly. I have dog shampoo, Jasper has champagne, poetry and big brown eyes... ;-)

    Sezza - you must be the youngest person ever to have a 12 year old grandchild, surely?!? Hope he's enjoyed his day. xx

    RosieP - I am a complete history nut too. I'd love to see The Tudors continue with the same actors through the rest of the Royal line - Edward IV, (Lady Jane Grey), Mary I and Elizabeth I; that would be amazing. My reading subject this Winter has been the French Revolution. Fascinating. Sleep sound.

    Must depart for a moment again - Jasper was interrupted by arrival of chum from his own blog entry. Have to let him finish or he'll sulk all night.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Roo, I have a child who is 12 not a grandchild!! ;-)

    Sometimes I feel old enough to be a grandma and I did once go to a work event where someone asked if I was staff or a resident though!

    We read a book about Mary I at book club and i got onto a bit of a tudor fest - such an interesting time

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Roo, love.

    Holly says, please bring Jasper round.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Night all


  • Comment number 38.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    Roo, have a lovely time with Baggy. xx

    Sezza, hope the little ones are fast asleep now, but somehow I don't think they will be. xx

    Chrissie and CG, thinking of you. xx

    Bids, are you back from that shopping trip yet and now relaxing with a glass of wine. xx

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Sezza - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am SOOOOO sorry. I didn't mean to offend. What I meant to say was that you are too young to have a 12 year old child, not grandchild. You must have been the first foetus on record to give birth....! Sorry again. OK - so - Mary Tudor: evil murderer or victim? What do YOU think. (P.S. Sorry again). xx

    CSN - Jasper says: how far away are you? Red or Yellow roses? Doggy-chocs or doggy-biscuits? (Apparently, so he barks, these things are important). But I am good at bathing dogs myself - Jazz, in his youth, had a skin infection; Tess, Jazz's predecessor, had skin troubles resulting from her chemotherapy, and Jaki, Tess's predecessor was allergic to grass-flea bites and on medicated shampoo throughout the Summer. I've bathed dogs more than I've bathed myself!

    Love to you - angels both.

    R xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks CSN, can't wait to meet Baggy - must text her actually, thanks for the reminder!

    Goodnight rose-petals, sleep sound.

    With love,

    Roo and Jasper xx

  • Comment number 41.

    i'm back,
    Trip to supermarche was a hit ,I left home just gone 8-00,shopped by my list not many people in the store so wizzed round .went through the checkout at 9-15 ,next stop petrol and back home allpacked away and sat down by 10-00.not bad eh!!!.thn tried ot sing in to the blog and couldn't so got barred for 1/2 hour .
    One beer consumed now do I stay on the buds or open a bottle????


  • Comment number 42.

    BIIIIDS! Hello sweetie!

    You are SO brave to do a Friday night gin-run! Sounds like it was a proper top shop! Good stuff.

    Open that bottle Bids. Can't believe you even have to ask!

    I sing to the blog sometimes as well. Usually hits from the shows. Got away with it so far, but eventually the neighbours will rumble that it's me... ;-)

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Sorry ,got called away ,No decided to stay wth the buds ,bit thirsty tonight so the wine ca be consumed tomorrow with the pasta.


  • Comment number 44.

    Evening all

    Survived the trip to the flixs with the friend, the ex and the ex's mum (unexpected addition to the party). What a fab film. Think I'll be treating myself to it on DVD later in the year.

    Hugs to everyone needing one

  • Comment number 45.

    Bidz - Top plan. Always important to have a contingency scheme. You can't beat wine 'n' pasta!! Good choice!

    Still proud of you on the quality shop results though - you should run courses in that... ;-)

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Oz - hiya! Well done sweetie. Sounds like you have been VERY strong. Good on you. Forgive my ignorance - what was the film?

    Blimey. Ex - bad. Ex's MUM?!? - quadruple bad. I give you MUCH respect.

    love, Roo xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Evenink All....

    I absolutely loved today's show!
    I enjoyed the laughs, the seriousness, the throwaway, but particularly - the attachment....
    Chris obviously knows Elton, and there was clearly some equanimity between them this morning.....there was clearly a bond, a friendship, a brotherhood....something! They really do 'get' each other....

    I couldn't give a flying frock, whether they argue or not , just give me some of what I heard this morning



  • Comment number 48.

    Roo: King's Speech. As it happens I want to stay friends with the ex, and I do get on with his mum. But it was a tad interesting, and I wouldn't have gone with him alone to the pics, I think we need time apart before the friends bit can develop.

    I should probably take myself off to bed. Beauty kip required. Catch you all further down the blog :)


  • Comment number 49.

    OZ ,seems like I must get The kings Speech when it comes out on DVD.no chance of me getting Mr B to the cinema .so will look forward to viewing it on my own sofa ,and enjoy a glass of something to boot ,just might throw in some nibbles as well.

    Rips ,nice to see you ,yes didn't they do well this morning .I quite like sir Elton ,he can be funny and very witty.I liked his stories he was telling .just think of the life that that baby going to have ,It will be beyond every young boys dreams wont it .


  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Rips - and bye. Am off to kip.

    Oz - you are a wise one indeed. And almost certainly right. x

    Schlaf gut, alles.

    A bientot!

    Roo & Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    I'm off too Roo,.
    little extra time in bed in the morning as the shoppings done yeh!!!!
    Night night folks .take care and stay safe .


  • Comment number 52.

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning lovelies

    Just a bit more of my ramblings, if you're looking for something to read with your toast and coffee ....

    Back later.


  • Comment number 54.

    Good morning ALL,
    As you can see I'm relaxing this morning not doing much at all .It's seems a very quiet day here ,no wind ,no sun ,no nothing as though everthing is having a lay in as well as me .

    Not got anthing planned for today which I dont think is a good thing for me as I tend to waste my time if I haven't .Has anyone one any jobs they need doing ???.One at a time please .

    Crissie ,CG,thinking of you both and hope all is well.

    Sezza ,how did them young men get on last night ,is it fry up this morning ??.

    MTD ,sorry I should have said yesterday ,well done on your new contract ,you can rest easy for a while now eh!!!

    Take care .Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon all

    Bids: I'm considering running the vacuum round after lunch if you want to join me? Then I plan on wasting the rest of the afternoon. Like you, without a plan, all goes to pot. But I think I've earnt an afternoon off.

    So far today I have been and had my back rubbed (and a few knots in my shoulders sorted out), had a hair cut, booked an eye test and been shopping for a belt and a pair of shoes (my grindstone ones have seen better days and have taken to making that ominous squeaking noise when it's wet). My credit card is a little more dinted than planned (shoes, even with 20% off, were a tad more than I was planning on, but they feel v comfy and I'm wandering round in them now to make sure before taking them out), but I think it's worth it. This afternoon will therefore be a cheap one... book/DVD/sewing along with vacuuming and washing up to make me feel I haven't completely wasted the afternoon.

    Hugs as usual

  • Comment number 56.

    It sounds like everyone has the right idea for this afternoon.

    When I have whizzed around and caught up with what I should have done, had I got up at a sensible time, I will join you all in putting the feet up.


  • Comment number 57.

    Hello Everyone.

    A bright but very cold day here in Wirral.

    I decided to make soup and tuna sandwiches for lunch. As I often give tuna to my two cats, Tom & Daisy, as a treat I wondered if I could do this without them knowing.

    They were both asleep and so I thought all would be well.

    Before I had even taken the tin from the cupboard they were both sitting beside me waiting for their treat. And so I had to open two tins.

    Although it's been proven many times and I know they have a sixth sense every time it happens I feel surprised.

    Hope everyone's OK.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 58.


    Well, I'm officially writing today off as regards anything useful being done!

    Boys were very good last night - either that or I was so tired i didn't hear them!

    Took them to the cinema this morning where we met up with 2 more of boy2s friends. I'd under-estimated how popular the £1 Saturday cinema is though and it was sold out! I was then faced with the bowling alley opposite - at 5x the price or bring them all home to play! My purse said bring them home! They had fun though

    Have now lost all motivation to do anything useful so I'm going to chill today and then get busy tomorrow!

    Hope you're all ok

    Roo, I'm so not offended - just didn't want you to be confused!

    MM I was confused then - I read your post as you were going to make Tuna Soup for lunch! Something fishy there I thought!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    MM: trust the cats to keep you on your toes :)

    I've been good, the rest of the chores on the list today are now complete (unless I think of some more). So I'm into proper feet up territory.

    Have had a tinker with the boiler settings as my hot water for the washing up was distinctly cool, (and ran out when filling the bath the other day!) but I don't think they'll have kicked in enough to have a bath tonight. Unless I fill it using the shower, since the water's heated separately for that. How silly does that sound: I ran the bath using the shower! Hey ho, might well have gone off the soak in the bath idea by the time it comes round, but it's an option.

    The postman has kindly put an envelope for the previous tenant in my box for the 2nd time this week, I marked it return to sender and posted it back on Friday, and today I have the blessed thing back again. So I have ringed return to sender and crossed out my address and will see what happens this time!

    Now the question is, what to do with my feet up? Book? DVD? Sewing? First thing is locate my jumper, gone a bit chilly in here now I've stopped moving.


  • Comment number 60.

    Marj, I read it as tuna soup sandwiches, which could be very messy indeedio ;)

    Bums about the cinema Sezza, am I right in thinking you cant prebook it either, it used to be a 'just turn up' situation when mine used to go.

    I'm having a kitchen afternoon, finishing the cooking of the marmalade, which I wish could carry on a little longer as it smells so lovely, and making a 'Dolly mixture' covered birthday cake for a special little 3 year old.

    I've got Billy Joel serenading me in the background, which makes it feel like a Sunday as that is what I usually play while cooking the roast, which I am also doing!

    What is Sunday going to feel like with none of these things going on?

    Confused? Yup me too!


  • Comment number 61.

    Well done on the chores Oz, my good intentions went right out of the window.

    Even the washing machine is taking the day off, unheard of in this house. I hope it works next time I use it!!


  • Comment number 62.

    MTF, I didn't think you could pre-book but 2 of the films seem to have been sold out before they opened today so you must be able to

    I wondered if they had some sort of big group booking to fill the whole place

    I have been organised enough to put some pork in a marinade so dinner is at least thought about!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Yum on the pork Sezza, we're having boned rolled shoulder of lamb, which I have stuffed with apricots and bits then quickly sealed, allowed to cool before wrapping in pastry and further cooking.

    Its a bit of a drawn out process, but a couple of slices of that on your plate makes it all worthwhile.

    What are you marinading the pork in, I might just have to go shopping tomorrow now.


  • Comment number 64.

    MTF,It's a Nigel Slater ecipe i saw and you use yoghurt, lemon juice, ginger and spices - cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic, something, something and something - recipe is downstairs and I am up!

    Then you bake it and serve with rice and lentils

    Looked very yummy

    Mind you, your lamb sounds delish. I'm going to Mum's tomorrow. She was here yesterday and said she might do a "tea" rather than a roast - Dad looked panic-stricken!

    Not that we'll go hungry, whatever she does!


  • Comment number 65.

    Greetings CLP & ALL Blog Friends...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Ave 'eard yer R2 Breakfast Gig with... And a though it was most frinedly.... BUT being a friend CLP... A do look at meself as both a friend of R2 & INDEED yerself CLP.... A feel a need ter give yer this advice in thre form of a TOP DJ... Yes a TOP DJ... by coincidence VERY much like yerself... doing a piece with The John aka Sir Elton... which even invloves abitta 'Who Wants Ter Be A Millionaire' banter/ advice......

    ENJOY ALL :))))))) >>>>>>


  • Comment number 66.

    Sezza, get downstairs now! LOL, will I find it if I google it?

    Blimey, my tummys rumbling.

    I have fed the birds, there are hundreds in my garden today, but haven't fed myself yet!


  • Comment number 67.

    Soz all a forgot ter put 'Elton' after the 'with' in me blog #65 above... Soz me mind is under alotta pressure at present!!!!!!

  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon ladies - wow you have all been busy, I have just got back from a lovely lunch with a lovely friend but lost the will to do the weekly shop. So it was a quick wizz for some crips and dips for a snack later and a bottle of chards and I have decided to spend the afternoon doing "drunk ironing". Not done that for a while. he he he

    Me and Beez decided it was the only way to contemplate the clothes mountain.

    Bids feel free to come and join me if you are still looking for something to do!

    MTF - I can imagine how wonderful your kitchen smells right now - if there is a spare pot going can I put my hand up for some of your amazing marmalade - I miss not having any left on the rare occasion I make toast!

    Right - here we go........

    ironing - I'm coming to get you.....


  • Comment number 69.

    MTF, I've sent you the link on FB

    Hi Bingo

    x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    Good one Bingo :)


  • Comment number 71.

    oooooo MTF - whilst I was typing that you put on about your lamb - I have a hire car this weekend - I'll be with you by 6 LOL!

    now crips and dips dont sound so exciting! Mind you I did just have the biggest fish pie in history at our local - Bids and MTF - you know the one :-D

    I'm going to look at our photos on FB now - what a lovely afternoon we had - Bids, MTF, Lin, Tiggs, Thunder, The Scarf and our lovely beez - just been to look and I had the self same outfit on that day as I am wearing now - well spooky!

    Oh and Thunder - if you are lurking - they have a new menu - guess how long it took me to decide what to eat today LOL

    right NOW i'm off to do the ironing - walk away from the lap top debs.....


  • Comment number 72.

    OOh thanks Sezza, will head over there and have a look.

    Debs, there will be a pot with your name on of course.


  • Comment number 73.

    and Hi Debs, I've got ironing to do if you want it? ;-)

    Was just thinking about you. Are you all set for the new job this week? Will you be based locally?

    x x x

  • Comment number 74.

    Afternoon all - You all seem to be having a busy day!

    MM, I read your lunch wrong as well!

    I've been back to garage with my car to get the number plates changed to my plate, so the car really feels like mine now.

    Rather embarrassingly got lost again in Wigan, and in the wrong lane for nearly every roundabout and junction... It truly is a hateful road system!

    I've got my feet up now following the footie results.

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    The soup and tuna sandwiches were a bit soggy ha ha!

    Gorra learn to right write!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Seza - yep baptism of fire for me - away in hotel in Kingston Surrey (HQ) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur for induction then the week after the leadership team (+me!) are going away to a cottage in the Nottinghamshire countryside for a "bonding session" for 2 days - gulp!

    I dont have a base as such as I will be in Kingston 1 or 2 days a week, Telford 1 day a week (its where the service centre I manage is) and then out and about visiting branches - so my little golf that I get next week will be clocking up the miles!

    And not wanting to be "gushy" but I have just looked at all my photos on FB that i am tagged in - what a couple of years this blog has given me - such amazing fun times meeting you all and seeing some wonderful cities as well. To all those having a hard time at the moment - take a few minutes to look back and hopefully you can recounts such good memories as me.

    Now I really AM going to do the ironing....


  • Comment number 77.

    MM - LOL

    you've gorra learn to write right!

    He he he

    debs who is not here but ironing.......

  • Comment number 78.

    Phew Debs! You're going to have to tie a tag around your toe each night to remind you where you are!

    I had a photo of Ali and I at Back Inn Time pop up earlier. I miss our mini meets! :-(

    MM Think you wrote it perfectly - we just read it wrong!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Afternoon all

    Just sat down for five minutes.

    Took me most of the day to bath and groom Holly.

    Just put chicken in the oven for dinner.

    Debs, I hate ironing.

    Marje, you write better than me.

    Sezza, glad your son had a lovely birthday.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    All this talk of roasts and the like is making me peckish. Have just eaten a pear and am now considering what to make for tea... I have several options / part options in the freezer / cupboards. No spuds in, so can't do a proper roast myself, and I have the urge for something warming. Perhaps I should investigate what curry I could create, conversation at the grindstone yesterday got me thinking it's been yonks since I had one.

    MTF: I was mildly disturbed to find I had to start the 2nd box of washing tablets (28 washes worth in a box I think) this morning. Didn't move any with me, which is why I know it's the 2nd box, and have been here 11 weeks now. Is nearly 3 loads of laundry a week normal for one person, or have I gone mad? I'm sure I used to do less when there was 2 of us (and I was the only one who loaded/unloaded the machine).


  • Comment number 81.

    Oz, my washing machine is on everyday.

    Hope you enjoy your curry.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 82.

    CSN: I hope I will, am trying to make a lamb korma using a paste. Never used a paste mix before, and curries I've made before have been made with chicken, recipe for disaster? ;) Will be having it with naan breads as I found a pack on mini ones in the cupboard that are only a couple of weeks out of date, so since the rice will last longer it's the naans getting it first... ;)


  • Comment number 83.

    I have an exciting bit of news....

    Having previously decided to sell up and split everything equally, and being very depressed about the state of the housing market, we've had a had a chat and I've decided that I'm going to buy him out of the house!

    It'll be much cheaper in the long run, and means I get to rattle around in here on my own.

    The only downside will be the journey to work, but I can live with that...

    Wish me luck with the mortgage company though! lol
    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Brrr, just been to deliver dolly mix birthday cake to a friends, 5 miles away.

    The road was covered in what looked like chunks of glass, but on closer inspection were in fact chunks of ice.

    It really is bitterly cold and the wind blowing in from the sea, cuts through you like a knife.

    Still, it was worth going out, to see the look on the little girls face, when I turned up with her cake.

    Oz, let me know what you think of the lamb in a korma, I prefer a mild curry myself and always have chicken, although I would like to try a lamb one, but end up going for chicken.

    As for the washing debate, my daughter has left home for uni and occasionally now and again, I get a glimpse of the bottom of the laundry basket, something that never happened while she was here.

    I think we all accumulate different amounts of washing. I know if it was just me, I would probably get away with just a bit of hand washing. Whereas my daughter and son, well mountains of the stuff.

    I've just brought some cider in from the car and that too has got ice in it.

    Right must crack on with the washing up.


  • Comment number 85.

    Very exciting news JG, that must be peace of mind for you and yes, good luck with the mortgage company if you need it.

    No removals to sort out, it sounds like an excellent plan.


  • Comment number 86.

    JG, Good luck and Good Luck and Good Luck!! So pleased you haven't got to go through the upheaval of moving and hope it goes well with the mortgage man. Maybe Finlay could get a pepr round to help out? ;-)

    I've just seen an announcement of something our very own CLP is launching - Clever Chris!! How fab you are. Am with you on this one all the way!

    MTF Not sure what the pork tastes like yet but boy, does it smell good!!!!

    Sezza xxxxxx

  • Comment number 87.

    That's a paper round for Finlay of course!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 88.

    JG, that is good news.

    Really pleased for you and Finlay.

    Will keep everything crossed for you, that all goes well with mortgage company.

    csn. xxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Brilliant news JG - one less stress for you and you will be able to get things sorted out a lot quicker.

    Good luck with the mortgage company.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    JG: fab news for you, good luck with the mortgage co. :)

    MTF: I like lamb curries anyway, usually have them from takeaway or when eating out on the basis I want something I wouldn't make myself. The paste was an interesting experiment, and there's at least 3 more experiments worth left in the jar. It wanted onions, water and single cream adding to it and the meat / veg of choice. I don't do onions (I'll eat them but hate chopping them), so skipped them and I didn't have full fat cream in so it got the "light" version. Far too much sauce (but then it did say serves 2, must put less in next time and halve the water and cream), and possibly a tad tangy to be described as korma, but it was ok and I'll happily try it again. Whether I buy another jar is a decision for when I'm nearer the end of the jar, says it keeps for 6mths once open.

    Was going to make jelly for pud, then remembered I have yoghurts that need eating, so having one of them instead.


  • Comment number 91.

    Sezza... WHAT?


  • Comment number 92.

    Oz, I love lamb in a curry, I just wasn't sure if it worked with a creamy type sauce. I will be braver next time.


  • Comment number 93.

    Oh and JG, dont forget you can still have a house warming party ;)


  • Comment number 94.

    Just popping in 'speshly' to wish the lovely JG all the luck in the world, you go girl, you can do it x

    Hello everyone.

    Mmmmm, lamb curry, my fav!


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 95.

    On the curry thing - my favourite recipe is for a lamb and spinach curry which uses a medium curry paste and has new potatoes and tomatoes in which I serve with naan bread - as we tend to like our curries on the hotter side, I use half rogan josh and half madras. Must do that again soon. For tonight it's chilli as usual (the variety - or lack of - of food seved in this establishment gets quite boring but the OH is extremely fussy and will only eat certain things cooked in certain ways......).


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Evening All,

    Now before I forget and start waffling!

    mtd, Congrats on the job extension, that must be a weight off your mind xx

    JG, You go girlfriend, great decision and I'm up for a housewarming xx

    Now for the waffling (have I spelt that right???)

    You lot put me to shame with your cooking skills, they sound delish. I've just had two crumpets, but I did have a Christmas dinner at lunchtime at my Mum and Dads. Mum had a M&S turkey joint in the freezer, so thought she'd use it as there were the three of us. Spent a most plesant afternoon with them.

    I've been a busy bee too! Dusting, hoovering, cleaning the bathroom, changing my sheets, and two lots of washing. I'm going to have an early bath and then a nibble of some chocolate and a very early night. Got in at 4:00 this morning, but did manage to sleep for about 6 hours, which made up a little bit for the lack of sleep the night before. But I am well and truely pooped now.

    Sezza, There is nothing to stop us having a mini Essex meet - let's do it when the weather gets a bit warmer, say March sometime?? xx

    It sounds like everyone is having a chillaxing Saturday xx


  • Comment number 97.

    I've just checked - I put the full recipe for the curry on the 'bloggers who cook' page on FB last year.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Ali, its a real treat to have a meal cooked for you isn't it.

    I know, when I go to Bids, its so nice to sit down and eat what someone else has cooked, the company is always great too.

    I was thinking of you last night, you must have been shattered, it was so cold too.


  • Comment number 99.

    AliB, sounds like the perfect day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hope you all have a lovely evening.

    csn. xx


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