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Orienteering Orient - Thereing.

Chris Evans | 09:41 UK time, Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Who cares where it is, we're doing it with Anneka Rice!

Gotta go - tara.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Have a great time CLP, I used to love Challenge Anneka, she looked great in those jumpsuits didn't she.



  • Comment number 2.

    Mmmmmmmm - Jump suits.....

    I bet you don't overtake Anneka once ;0)



  • Comment number 3.

    That should be 'Anneka once'



  • Comment number 4.

    Eh? Who corrected my mistake on #2 - there was definitely no space between the two words originally. Must be the grammar mods.

    Whilst I'm hogging the new blog - here's my last post from last blog:
    Morning All,

    Nutjob - my guess for the Advent Calendar is: Macaulay Culkin x

    Bids - Just saw your fairy godmother post, how generous and lovely are you?

    My address is.....;0) x

    Baggy - Your post reminds me of John Lennon's reply when asked 'is Ringo Starr the best drummer in the world?' - his reply was 'Ringo's not even the best drummer in the Beatles' Brilliant!

    Have a good day all



  • Comment number 5.

    Morning All, Chris better you than me, I have absolutely NOOOOOO sense of direction. Which ever way I am pointing is north! Hope you've got lots of thermals on, it's -13.5 here in the Scottish Borders and boy does it clear the nazal passages - makes everything else sting though! Horse making a new fashion statement - he's started to wear platform shoes (snow's built up that much getting him from the stable to the field) he looks hilarious. He's just loving cantering around the field knee deep in the white stuff - rather him than me. Kettle, biscuits and a cuddle from the dog (in that order) and more clothes. Take care out there x


  • Comment number 6.

    Have good day Chris Jonny with Anneka Rice

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning everyone

    Very cold and frosty here.

    Chris, have fun and good luck.

    Thank you Deevs, MTF, Bids and Billie for your positive vibes. Elderly dogs operation went well and he is now back home.

    Advent calendar, a snowman.

    Hope you all have a good day and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Good news about the dog CSN

  • Comment number 9.

    not really here obviously!

    CLP, enjoy your day - cant wait to see the video of you and jonny cantering around the countryside!

    Off to see your tree in the one show foyer later - because I can!

    Missing you all - hope you are all behaving yourselves.

    Deevs - advent calender window - a christmas tree!

    see you all Friday

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Am all tired and sleepy today but then, that's what you get for going out for a Chrimbo dibnner on a Tuesday when you've got the rest of the week to get through

    Am out again tonight but this is for an awards ceremony for boy1 so hopefully that won't be too late. If it is, there'll be no hope for me tomorrow!

    My guess for the advent calendar is a Christmas tree!



  • Comment number 11.

    Morning lovelies and CLP, of course!

    Loving the Advent Calendar guesses - they are brightening up my day, which is .....

    dull, dull, dull!

    I must be doing something wrong. Everyone here is running round in circles just to keep up, too busy for this, too busy for that, no time blah blah blah. Me? I'm sititng here copy typing a Lease for the second day running. Yes, I have offered my services where I can but nada forthcoming. I am so bored. If I don't get out of here soon I am in danger of stagnating.

    MD gone out now so nobody sitting behind me, which means thankfully I can play with you lot!




  • Comment number 12.

    Debs, SNAP!

    You appeared (or not!) while I was typing!!

    Hope you're ok and sorting out the stars of our show!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning All,

    Chris have a great time - I know you will ;)

    Grump Alert - OK so I am now sick and tired of: (with apologies to my Scottish/North East England friends who have it much worse than we do)...

    the dirty snow that hasn't melted, the icey paths, having to wear my chunky boots for the third day in a row, scraping my windscreen both morning and evening to get rid of the frost, minus tempratures, hat hair etc etc I could go on!!

    My guess for today is a reindeer please Deevs Dear xx


  • Comment number 14.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Still a layer of frost here in Wirral.

    Enjoy your orienteering around the countryside with Anneka Chris. Are you doing the helicopter bit?

    Today's advent calendar guess: A fire engine!

    MM x

  • Comment number 15.

    A 'HUGE HELLO' to everyone.

    Cant stop, just got to get on with, what I should have been getting on with, but couldn't because I have been too busy on here. Its a bit addictive, so I am trying to restrict myself to evenings.

    One good result so far being, its not as foggy out as I thought. Once I had washed all the sea salt off the front room windows, its quite clear out there.

    Lovely day too.

    I have green grass again.

    If only it could just travel North and put things right for all of you too.

    Take good care of yourselves :)


  • Comment number 16.

    Advent guess, a ship.

    For some strange reason, we always seem to have 3 ships moored out in the bay on Christmas morning!


  • Comment number 17.


    I saw three ships go sailing by on Christmas day, on Christmas day,
    I saw three ships go sailing by on Christmas day in the morning.

    MM xxx (who might have finally lost the plot)

  • Comment number 18.


    You beat me to it!!


  • Comment number 19.

    ... that was the 3 ships thing. Not the losing the plot thing. I lost the plot many many moons ago.

    Just ask Rips!



  • Comment number 20.


    my guess is monkey for the advent calendar thing.

  • Comment number 21.

    I see you got my drift then :)


  • Comment number 22.

    Arghhhh, see I have come back!

    I am hoovering at the same time.


  • Comment number 23.

    "Advent calendar thing" .......

    "thing" .....

    Shame on you Baggypuss! It's an object of beauty, mystery and merriment.




  • Comment number 24.

    I also doubt its a monkey, but I have one on my desk waving at me.

  • Comment number 25.

    A waving monkey! Wowser!!!

    I want one of those.

    Just don't tell Nic .....


    ps: wave back at him for me
    pps: the monkey, not Nic

  • Comment number 26.

    deev - he came free with tea bags and is wearing a reindeer t-shirt! I now have hundreds of tea bags but I figure I will get through them eventually

  • Comment number 27.


    You could have monkey nut, I was going to say 'nuts' today but am saving it for tomorrow.

    There's nothing I like better than wandering around the Monkey Forest. It makes me feel at home.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Nuts in an Advent Calendar .......

    it came from Clintons, not Ann Summers!


  • Comment number 29.

    Maddy - I also have nuts on my desk!

  • Comment number 30.

    Baggy - now you're just boasting!


  • Comment number 31.

    Oooo, Christoff, will you and Johnny be sporting jumpsuits like Anneka!? That has to be seen!

    Hope you lovely bloggers and blogettes are keeping warm, safe & slip-slide free! We are supposed to get a thaw next week then back to mega snow & ice til after Christmas.

    Thanks for lovely texts and messages yesterday! Mwah!!

    Cute moment of the day so far ~ on the school run, eldest Highland Lass teaching youngest Highland lass to count to ten ... in Gaelic! Why is there never a video camera handy when you need it!



  • Comment number 32.

    HLS - Chris and Jonny in jumpsuits has just made me feel quite odd!!

    I think today should offically be classed a Dull Day!!! It seems to be getting darker outside instead of brightening up!

    Think I'm going to look at some shiny things in the shops to try and wake myself up

    Either that or go home for a nap!

    I need to go to the shops anyway. Father Christmas wants to put a flint and steel in boy1's stocking and says I need to go buy one as the elves keep setting fire to the workshop trying to make one!


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 33.


    So, my advent calendar guesses are `ridiculous', but a bulldog chewing a wasp is `sublime'....I'm not sure I want to play any more.

    Oh, go on then, seeing it's Christmas. My guess for what's behind the Advent Calendar door today is.....


  • Comment number 34.

    UC - best place for it!

  • Comment number 35.

    I love this blog!


  • Comment number 36.

    Baggy, LOL at that one - very good xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Sezza ~ was it weak at the knees odd or queasy odd!? I'm just heading for a nap with the wee-est lass!

    Deevs, my guess for the advent calendar is: teddy bear!

  • Comment number 38.

    The sun actually has its hat on here - horray - perhaps some of this ice, ice, Baby can melt!


  • Comment number 39.

    Via the magical medium of email, Nic's advent calendar guess for today is .....

    Ricky Ponting dressed as a chimp


  • Comment number 40.

    Ali ~ warm sunny or Baltic sunny??

    Deevs ~ my guesses need vamped up methinks!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Baggy - hehehe. You've given me an idea.

    Next year I shall produce the world's first reverse Advent Calendar. On it will be twenty-four pictures of things you absolutely despise (for you Baggy - Basingstoke, for me - Carlos Tevez's snood), but the difference is, on December 1st, all the doors will be open and you'll have the pleasure of being able to close them on a daily basis.

    When's Dragon's Den back on?

  • Comment number 42.

    Deev's - That's a bit harsh ... on the chimp!

    Can I stick with the bauble for the Advent 'thingy'



  • Comment number 43.

    Baggy - if you've not seen it, have a look at this when you get a mo ...


    Susan - I'm sure your guess of a teddy bear stands more chance of a Huzzah! than Basingstoke or Ricky Ponting!


  • Comment number 44.

    Andy - it was all Nic's idea, and we have a ps from The Man Himself ...

    "it wouldn’t take a huge amount of effort from Ricky to achieve this particular effect… "

    I absolve myself of any responsibility. I'm sure Mr Ponting is a very nice man. When he's asleep ......


  • Comment number 45.

    My guess for the advent calendar today is a christmas cracker :o)

    Basingstoke Uncle Carl lol ??

    Not good at this time off work lark, itching to get back to work. Asked my boss/bestest mate if I could come back early last night. If ever proof was needed that I am totally bonkers.......

    Off to study for a bit now methinks. Bored!

    D x

  • Comment number 46.

    Sus, I'm not going outside to try, but I'm guessing that it might have got above freezing!


  • Comment number 47.


    As per our joint mind-match yesterday of Unc Inc, may I suggest you study in the art of Tattoos. Your new venture can then be named:-

    Unc Ink Inc.



  • Comment number 48.

    My advent guess is: christmas pudding!

    Back to work now bbbbbbyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks Deevs - it's better than my idea of helping to remove unwanted clutter from the home...

    Unc Junk Shrink Inc...

    I never did find my coat yesterday...

  • Comment number 50.

    Or perhaps a fake fur shop

    Unc Pink Mink Inc..

    I know, I know...coat!

  • Comment number 51.

    LOL!! Like it Ali!


  • Comment number 52.

    Deevs # 43

    I saw that report by the British journalist Tom Brook on Monday nights documentary about John Lennon's final day.

    I myself, despite my early connections, didn't feel much shock at the time as my own dear mother had just recently passed away. But I felt great sadness later on and still do today and we've all been denied so many more wonderful songs.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Sentimentations Sent & INDEED Mean't Of Nice To CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - A remember watching Challenge Anneka... One of me fav programmes... She was always jumping out of 'elicpoters (on the ground) And then running in a panic.... running!!!!!!!

    ALL - (By the way.. when a put 'ALL'... CLP is allowed ter read it... And when a put 'CLP'... All are also most much allowed ter read it!!!!!)

    Where was a???? Oh I yeah....

    ALL - All this snow, ice, frost & cold temparatures really is mind boggling!!!!!
    Everytime a switch on tv the news 'eadlines... Snow, ice, snow... cold!!!!!
    Eveytime a switch on me radio.. the news 'eadlines... Snow, ice, snow... cold!!!!!!!
    Everyone seems boggled by this spell of severe cold weather.... Then a realised what was 'appening... the reason why there's ice & snow outside... WHHHAAAAAAA - Even as am writing this Wrightie 'as just mentione dan article about councils should be made ter claer ice from pavements)... where was a????? Oh I yeah.....

    Then a suddenly realised why there's ice & snow outside.... a lokke dat me calendar.... And it's December!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes... the time of year that the British winter is most likely ter... errrr be winter!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 54.

    PS 'ope this might make yer laugh... If it doesn't... then stay miserable!!!!!! Just don't blame me or Nick Clegg!!!!!!

  • Comment number 55.


    At home in the loft, in an old style green M&S carrier bag, I still have all of the newspapers from 9th December 1980 with the terrible headlines of such a brutal, untimely murder. I will never get rid of them - as well as being a snapshot of a dreadful day, they are an insight into the world of 1980.

    How simple life was in 1980!



  • Comment number 56.

    Deevs - I was at school on December 9th 1980. I can recall our teacher, Mrs Fox bring in a Beatles album and playing it to the class in it's entirety. Strange the things you remember...

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi everyone:

    Well, have been stranded at home, this is Day 3. And haven't been able to get on the blog!

    It is utterly freezing in Glasgow - I can't recall a winter like this - and it's only just begun! On Monday, it snowed for 6 solid hours - I could not believe my eyes, really. And poor wee Mary - she's stuck too!

    To everyone having trouble and anxiety with this weather, trust me, I completely understand!

    Lovely to see the return of HLS and Debbie C! When did this happen?! Welcome back, both of you!

    CSN: good news about the doggy. xx

    Cheryl: I have completely missed the Advent Calendar for days now, but will have another guess at a snowflake.

    Maddy: when I heard the news about John Lennon, I was in the hairdresser's having a curly perm (rememeber those?) done. I was so shocked and so sad. Still feel sad about it, actually.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Unc, my mum woke me up for school and Imagine was on the radio. That's when she told me the news. (I heard the news today, oh boy). I went to school and the whole day was just horrible. Even though I was only 12 at the time, something changed on that day.

    I put something on my FB status before I came to work this morning, and had a peek at lunchtime via my phone - one of my oldest friends, my best mate from those school days, has added a comment that really caught my breath and brought it all back again.

    In my life ...


  • Comment number 59.

    Just found this quote from John Lennon:-

    A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.


  • Comment number 60.

    Remembered the lad singing about being a shepherd, lovely!

  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon each

    CSN, good news about little dog.

    Ali, know just how you feel. Can't believe it's all going to start again next week.

    Chrissie, poor you and Mary. At least I can get out to the local shop - which has nothing in it btw. Daughter and I are going to get a bus tomorrow and do some Christmas shopping, so I just know that the parcel I've been waiting for for days will come when I'm out.

    Deevs, a snowman if you please me dear.


  • Comment number 62.

    Deevs - you've gone Tweet mad.


  • Comment number 63.


    I'm just mad!

    And bored ......


  • Comment number 64.

    Thought so - good tweets though.


  • Comment number 65.

    Here's a lovely tribute to John Lennon:

    MM x

  • Comment number 66.

    Annie - you sound just like Nic, although he doesn't call them "Tweets" ........ x x x

    Maddie - will check form home. Work pc is pants!


  • Comment number 67.

    Lovely Maddy.


  • Comment number 68.

    Wasn't that lovely Annie!

    You'd better have some tissues handy Deevs!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Beautiful crescent moon in a lovely dark blue sky. And is that the North Star? Who told me about Orion's Belt? Saw that last night.


  • Comment number 70.

    I was 7 years old the year John Lennon was killed, same age as Little Man coincidently. My only memory is coming down for breakfast and hearing the news on the radio. Mum had to explain to me who he was. I could tell that something big had happened.

    Was reading up on him earlier, he had a really sad start to life bless him.

    D x

    ps: Hi Chrissie x

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening all,

    Not a lot of contact from me recently. I have no connection at work as I gave my internet enabled phone to my daughter as hers is bust! As she has my grandson to look after I did not want to leave her without!

    Deevs if I am not too late – A snowflake.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 72.

    Hi Keith, how's the baby?

    Just heard Simon mention Jools Holland and Ruby Turner. When??

    Sorry, was in kitchen and missed it.


  • Comment number 73.

    Annie, he is just so huggable! We love him to bits. ;-) He is doing really well and seems to be perfect in every way. Apart from grandma had a cuddle today and I have not, what is all that about, eh?


  • Comment number 74.

    Ah, bless Keith, grandchildren are truly perfect. Elbow them out the way and get in there.


  • Comment number 75.

    Now Annie!

    Evening all!

    A King guess for me please

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    Well, obviously I meant elbow the grown ups out of the way, not the grandchildren!!


  • Comment number 77.

    wow CLP that was a very brief blog

    Quick put radio 2 on as I am gonna be on as the headlice expert!!!!!



  • Comment number 78.

    LOL, Annie he has gone home to his home before I arrived back from work. :-( However I did have a very long hug with him yesterday and we had a chat, apparently he wants a scalextric or a train set for Christmas please Grumps! Grandma was a little suspicious.........but what can I do? ;-)


  • Comment number 79.

    keith he he he every boy wants a scalextric or train set no matter how young or old!!!!!


  • Comment number 80.

    Keith, of course he wants a scalextric. My brothers got my oldest son his when he was about 6 months old!!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Evenink all

    CLP on The ONE Show!!!

    Nice shirt sir.

    Advent calendar ...... a Prezzie.

    No winners today. Roo still in the lead to the tune of 1.


  • Comment number 82.

    Bums Deevs. Well, I'll stick with the snowman for tomorrow.

    Nice shirt Chris.


  • Comment number 83.

    Snowman noted.

    Right, time for PJs, a bit of football, a bit of Corrie, a bit of Apprentice, maybe a glass of wine and then bed!

    Sweet dreams everyone.


  • Comment number 84.


    can I stick with me wooden soldier as tomorrows guess please


  • Comment number 85.

    Well, that was a bit of luck!

    I was going to watch the devastation and rubble that is Corrie at 7pm and then, at the last minute, decided to tape it and watch The One Show and there was Chris.

    They showed what you people up north are going through with the snow (Edinburgh to be precise).

    I like your Christmas shirt Chris!

    MM x

  • Comment number 86.

    Nothing to watch now!

    MM x (run ning away from the footie fans)

  • Comment number 87.

    Maybe Lord Sugar (Mopsy) at 9pm!

    MM x

  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all! Glad my lead is still secure - just like Jonny "I won the first series" Saunders... although, UNLIKE Jonny, I fully expect to be unseated any day now...!

    UC - Basingstoke! Hehehe - that's not too far away from me. It's the Las Vegas of Hampshire (or, alternatively, Las Vegas is the Basingstoke of Nevada...) !!

    Is it me or is it colder today? I'm not sure I can remember the last time I could feel my toes...

    Hope Chris & Jonny's orienteering went well - just have three letters for them "GPS" - got Jasper and I out of many a mist-based scrape on Dartmoor (it's technically cheating, but you only tend to encounter sheep, ponies or cows on Dartmoor, and they aren't renowned for their chattiness).

    I was only just 6 when John Lennon was so brutally murdered, so it didn't impact on me at all then. Does now though. I'm sure the world would be a better place if he was still in it. As Jasper mentions on his blog today, it's "interesting that the current media-circus surrounding the Wikileaks website is going on at the time of this significant and sorrowful anniversary. I may be only a Staffordshire Bull Terrier - but I firmly believe that Mr. Lennon would have supported and fought for the freedom of Wikileaks. Both strove (and continue to strive) for a more open, honest - and a fairer - world, wherein misdeeds can be appropriately punished and genuine mistakes learned from for the future benefit of us all.

    Rest in peace, wherever you are Mr. Lennon."

    CSN - that's fantastic news about your dog; really encouraging. Hope the recovery continues to gather speed. x

    KandKsMummy - thought you were fab on the radio! Well-deserved car-sticker! Wish you'd been around when I was a shy little schoolgirl - I still shudder when I remember the way my mum wielded that nit-comb!!! I was the Homework Sucks bod a couple of months ago, when they were looking for help for a little girl who had to learn the lines for the main role in her school play in just one week! It's all on Jasper's blog somewhere - but I don't think it showed in my voice that, literally only seconds before going live, I had been hanging by one of my wrists from the bannister, with trousers and knicks caught up around my knees, whilst yelling and imploring Jasper to stop shouting doggy profanities at his nemesis of the time, who'd just ambled past our French Windows... (the sort of bizarre and unlikely predicament in which I find myself more often than I wish to)!

    Deevs - Jasper and I are guessing for the next Advent Calendar pic - one (or two) sprig(s) of mistletoe. Owen Wilson (I know, sorry) waiting for me under it would be too much to ask, I know, so I'll just go with the unaccompanied mistletoe for now...

    Much love to you all.

    "No hell below us. Above us, only sky." Rest in Peace John.

    Keep smiling,

    Roo and Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Evening CLP, hope the orienteering with Anneka was fun. Hello to all the bloggers out there.

    Have had a rubbbish day today, rounded off with taking an hour and a half to get home from work this afternoon. Like everyone else in Scotland am well and truly hacked off with the white stuff

    Hope everyone else out there is ok. Deevs my guess for tomorrow is a candy cane


  • Comment number 90.


    Sorry your day was rotten - hope tomorrow's better! Candy Cane - GOOD call!

    Funny how quick the novelty wears off with the ol' angels' dandruff, eh?!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello folks, hope you are all tucked up nice and warm.

    Sorry Chris, that shirt is the stuff of nightmares for me, being extremely phobic of moths and spiders {{{shudder}}}

    Advent guess for tomorrow......a rocking horse.

    Time for the Apprentice with 'Mopsy' he he

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening all

    Hasn't been above minus 3.5 here again today! Fed up wearing wellies to go everywhere and sick of slip sliding in them now. I really hope they have got it wrong and it isn't going to snow again anywhere.

    As someone has already guessed my mistletoe for tomorrow how a bout a little donkey?

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Hiya Susan! -3.5º?!! That IS nippy! Got a few candles going here now, so am warming up a bit!

    Apologies for getting earlier 'dibs' on the mistletoe! If neither of us get it tomorrow, maybe we can do a swap for the next day? My sprigs of kissing-berries for your l'il beast of burden!

    Hope things get warmer for you soon.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Hiya All

    Just got back from an evening sitting in a hall full of people. Actually felt warm for a while!!

    Now back and tucked up in pyjamas ready for an early night!

    Was at an awards ceremony for young people in our town. Came away feeling really proud of them all

    My guess for the advent calendar is the latest casualty in our house - a teddy bear!!

    Not sure how he got to be a casualty - I guess the toys must just have been fighting when there was no one else around!

    Am sending all who needs them some nice warm hugs, am feeling for you all and hope you're ok

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Evening Sezza,

    Naughty teddy! Perhaps some 'time-out' on The Naughty Stair might help to calm him. Or maybe he's just over-tired...?


    Roo x

  • Comment number 96.

    Roo, I think they're just all getting over-excited!! Teddy is sitting quietly on the sofa thinking about what he has done!

    Not sure if anyone else having problems but blog is very slow and looks a bit funny - very much like my self tonight!

    So I'll bid you all good night, sleep well and stay safe

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Yup Sezza - I'm having MAJOR probs with the blog tonight also.

    Glad to see that Teddy is being well-parented there! Whenever Jasper has been wicked, I send him to bed for a bit to think about what he has done and the impact it may have had on others. Worst and most effective punishment in the book!!! Like when one's parents say "I'm not cross with you. I am just disappointed." Oh man, the cruellest blow of all...!

    Sleep sound everyone - no more washing machine nightmares for anyone, I hope. Keep warm, stay safe, and keep smiling.

    With love,

    Roo and Jasper

  • Comment number 98.

    Good Morning All,
    Not too bad a morning hereat all today. It's feeling a lot warmer ,the sky is blue and the sun is just around the corner .
    Still feeling though for you all that are not having it so good

    Have a good day all and stay safe .


    Deev,window today ,A sleigh.x

  • Comment number 99.

    Good morning everyone, positively balmy here in Ayrshire this morning, zero degrees, well it certainly beats yesterday's minus 12.

    Today's guess for the advent calendar - A water melon.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all

    I was alarmed to see yet more snow fall upon ChezNic Towers this morning, but it was just a flurry then it stopped. Phew! It's meant to be +4 today so I'm really hoping it starts to thaw as the pavements here are still lethal.

    Good Advent guesses so far. I awaiut with antici ....... pation Unc's offering for 9th December!

    Not much to do again today and boss in a meeting from 10 ti 4 so you may see a bit more of me than you'd like. I shan't be offended if you just scroll past my drivel though ....

    7 more sleeps!



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