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He Came, He Saw, He Stayed

Chris Evans | 11:05 UK time, Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Cole Moreton his name. The journalist/writer who came to interview me yesterday. Two hours we had allowed for the piece. So how do I explain the fact that he was at mine making himself a cup of tea at five o'clock this morning ? Well, you know, sometimes that's just how it is.

We ended up in mine and Tash's favourite Italian restaurant, a couple of beers, a glass of wine and many hours of conversation the wiser/more confused. Never go drinking with a journalist "they" used to tell me. Well let me tell "them", this one was ok, I have developed a keen sense of smell over the years. Good article or bad, I had a stimulating time.

Woke up in a great mood. Show: Brucie's missing knighthood, Julian Lennon in conversation and six and a half minutes of Elton John's Tiny Dancer - not a bad radio breakfast. N

ow on a train to Manchester to The Radio Academy sessions and to witness Whispering Bob being inducted as a fellow of said organisation.

Back tonight. See you on the radio.





  • Comment number 1.

    1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 2.

    CLP.. i know i am echoing many peoples thoughts when i say how fab the show was this morning... best one yet! Will look forward to reading Mr Moreton`s article!

    Hope everyone`s Tuesday is going quickly!

    mSc x

    PS - well done MM! x

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all,
    Many thanks to those of you who wished me and Mrs T a happy anniversary yesterday.
    We had quite a long weekend. CLP at Cheltenham on Saturday, Ava Grace our grandaughter celebrating her 2nd birthday on Sunday and our 35th yesterday.

    Hope you are all well.


  • Comment number 4.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    That's lovely that yourself and Cole got on so very well Chris but watch what you're doing. I remember an author/journalist by the name of Moreton a few years ago.

    Also be very careful. Before you know it you will doing a reality show like Ozzy.

    A cold, windy and rainy day here in Wirral!

    MM x

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: well, it would seem that you and Mr Moreton had a LOT to talk about!

    I missed hearing Julian this morning - will definitely listen again. Nice accolade for Bob Harris - love that man!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello everyone

    Chris, fantastic show this morning, loved the interview with Julian Lennon.

    Deevs and CG. Boots and socks for me too.

    Just been out looking for wallpaper, why is it all big bright bold patterns and flowers.

    Hope you all have a good afternoon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Just back from lunch/errands for the office:

    CSN: great to see you, it would seem that I had broken the blog somewhat! Re: the bold patterns and flowers - are the designers still on a 60's/70's kick? It would seem so!

    Just a small pleasure in life: I had to go to B**ts at lunchtime for various purchases - always a fortune. Had a wee bit of a brainwave and handed over my "points card" which covered everything I was buying! Result!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.


    Chris, There was us warning you to be careful of the reporter and he ends up staying the night! It must have been fun. Enjoy the Wispering Bob moment.

    Thanks for the support (see what I did there) on the tights, apart from Scoobs, but if you love them then why not. I am currently washing all my winter clothes that I carefully packed away at the beginning of the summer - it was coats last night. Let's hope they dry in time for the cold snap that's coming our way!

    Chrissie, If you have Debs or Deevs mobile number text them to get mine and then text me you email address - sorry that sounds quite complicated but I'm not sure of another way unless you are on FB then hunt me down - but in a nice way...;)

    I've got 124 emails now, slowly but surely wins the race.


  • Comment number 9.

    I have email addys and mobile numbers - who wants what!?



  • Comment number 10.

    And with this sciatica thingy, putting socks on is a chore enough. Can you imagine the fight I'd have on my hands with tights? I'd be laying on my back akin to an upside down ear-wig awaiting the arrival home of my saviour, MrRolastic!

    Am I a one-woman social network!?!?



  • Comment number 11.

    Deevs Darling, Chrissie wants my email address can you text it to her.

    Thanks Hun


    P.S. Heard your tweet on Simon's show last night - knew it was you before he said your name...hee hee xx

  • Comment number 12.

    AliB - will Tweet Simon an update 3 word Tuesday later!

    Will email your email to Chrissie as I have her email too.


  • Comment number 13.

    AliB/Cheryl: no chance of getting me on a mobile - don't have one at the moment, which I know is crazy, but there you have it! Cheryl: would you mind passing on my email to Ali? Thank you!

    (who's wishing the Red Phone Box would make a return!)

  • Comment number 14.


    I've emailed AliBs email to your email via my email.


  • Comment number 15.

    Cheryl: isn't email just the business! Thank you.


    P.S. Though it's never a good move to send a recipient your ENTIRE fileserver, which is what I achieved when I sent my very first email! Happy days!

  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon all you loverly bloggers and schloggers,

    CLP I did say yesterdays blog that you have been at this interviewing lark long enough to see through the reporter, and so it would appear. Trust in your instincs thats the way to do it! ;-)

    I know I do not get on here much these days but the lure and talk of tights was enough for me.......ha, ha!

    I have to say I am a sock man myself you will all be pleased to read. ;-) Now stockings............that is another story...err.... not on me you understand. ;-)

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 17.

    Chrissie, surprising how quickly the points add up on reward cards.

    Deevs, your post made me smile. How awful it would be if you were stuck on the floor for hours with a pair of tights round your ankles waiting for Nic to come home. The rescue would be good!

    AliB, already wearing my winter coat and boots. It is freezing here today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Ello CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - WHATTA COINCIDENCE.... Cole Moreton!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A live in Moreton, Wirral... And at this time of year since it's only 1 mile from the Irish Sea.... It's 'Cold Moreton!!!!!!!'

    A 'ope your Moreton CLP was warmer than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Get The Moreton dude on the photo a took of something unexlpained, that ave just banged on me FB, & ter do with the true story ave been telling on your most friendly blog CLP

    PART 4 Ter Follow asap!!!!!!!!! >>

  • Comment number 19.

    Part 4:

    That night was a long night & again I got little sleep.
    These sleepless nights were beginning to take their toll on me & the immense emotional journey i'd been through over the week.
    Now I felt trapped in a foreign country & wanted to get home but I couldn't as I still had two days left there before my flight.
    I killed time by going for a meal at the pizza restaurant & then I called into the marriage agency to say hello to the translators who work there & to use the internet that they kindly let clients use.
    It was a beautiful day again with clear skies & the temperature well into the seventies.
    I decided to go for a walk up the small side street that the marriage agency office is on.
    Walking up the road, I found the most beautiful white church. It looked very new like it had just been built or totally renovated.
    I decided to go in & pray again. Pray again that Lena's father will be ok & that she & her family will be ok. Also to pray that things will be ok for me too.
    Inside a church praying to days in a row... this was becoming a habit - Something i've not done since I was a young child.
    I said my prayers & then wondered out into the small garden directly facing the entrance to the church.
    It was round, surrounded by a small hedge with benches around the edge & in the centre a immaculately white statue of Mary looking up & praying.
    This I thought was a good place to sit & write notes for my book i'm writing about my experiences out there.
    I had not written anything for over two days as it was two painful to recall the events i'd been through.
    But I started to write. And write from the heart & deep within all that had happened.
    As I wrote I couldn't control my emotions. The tears started to roll down my face as I thought of the good times with Lena & how much she mean't to me.
    I just couldn't believe what had happened. It all seemed like a strange good, then bad, then good, then bad again dream - from falling in love to suddenly Lena's father becoming ill.
    It was so confusing to my mind – all of the week's events.
    I sat there & wrote for over two hours - recalling everything that had happened.
    Unable to see for the tears in my eyes & the pain in my heart - I decided to pause for a while.
    I looked up & was drawn to the beauty of the church & the statue in front of me. I decided to take some photographs.
    First I took a photograph of the church. It looked magnificent. The fresh white paint against the clear skies.
    Sitting there, I was drawn to the statue of Mary. She looked calm & regal looking.
    The statue was of her looking ahead/ upwards & praying - I decided to take a photograph.
    I carried on writing for a while & then headed back to my apartment .
    After making some food & relaxing watching the Â鶹Éç World News for what must have been the 30th time – it's the only English speaking channel I could find, I decided to look at the pictures i'd taken on my camera that day.
    I was looking at them, then I got to the one of the Statue of Mary.
    I noticed something strange in the photograph - what was it I thought?
    I zoomed in on the object.... It was two objects together!!
    An emotional shiver went right through my whole body!!!!!
    After feeling so, so low & upset & praying so hard.... was this a sign from god?
    Or just a coincidence?
    But the photograph is amazing... surely too much of a coincidence!

    I have put the photograph on my FB page for all to see!

  • Comment number 20.

    Regarding tights.

    I'm awaiting the day when it becomes fashionable to have holes in them as it is with jeans.

    I have to buy them too often! Huh!

    MM x

  • Comment number 21.

    PS ALL - Ave put this link to the photo >>>

  • Comment number 22.


  • Comment number 23.

    Bingo, lovely post and amazing photos. Hope your ok.

    Hi Marjie, I hate tights. Leggings are good under trousers.

    Really bad thunderstorm here, glad I didn't go back out to look at more wallpaper.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 24.

    This house moving business is exhausting. Deevs - would you mind just emailing my new address to everyone I know and texting my new phone numnber to everyone as well? Ta love. x

  • Comment number 25.

    Hahahahahahaha .....!!



  • Comment number 26.

    Actually Barmy, in a former job I was a PA to the MD of a smallish company and he took the PA role to the nth degree. When he moved house he and his family quite literally woke up in one house and went to bed in another. I arranged everything from the initial viewings with the estate agent, through to the removals vans, meter readings, connections at new house etc.

    I am a blimmin' good PA!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Blimey - talk about above and beyond the call of duty. Fancy a move to Somerset??

  • Comment number 28.

    LOL!! No, but you can give me a reference!


  • Comment number 29.

    Done. x

  • Comment number 30.

    Quiet in here.

    Just got caught in a thunderstorm because mental dog wanted to go for a walk.

    Now do I cook cottage pie or spaghetti bolognese for dinner.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 31.


    Have had an evening chasing boys to do their homework and, as they've broken the power cable on their laptop, guess who's they had to borrow

    Can't wait to see this interview CLP has done! Hopefully that reporter has got plenty of material and a true view of the man himself

    Been a quiet sort of day really

    Hope everyone's ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Evenin all :)

    After a long and soggy day (including hailstones bouncing several inches off the tops of our cars today, we were indoors and watching through the window) I'm in for the evening, don't think I'm needed to play crib tonight thankfully, brain not got any gear left for that. So I'm just munching some pasta in an effort to summon up energy to continue where I left off last night.

    Baggy: sorting stuff can be done quietly, just don't drop your piles ;) Maybe I should hire myself out as a sorting guru once I've done mine and moved... Mind, I might loose the enthusiasm after I'm settled again, especially if I end up with more space than I think I might! Still, there won't be anyone else to blame the clutter on, so maybe that'll be an incentive to keep on top of my hoarding side.

    Ali B: you're not the only one to be impressed my success so far... I am too!

    Friday 16th March: "If only there was an undo button in life"... might have its uses, but what would you use it for?

    Hugs to those in need of one


  • Comment number 33.

    Woohoo MC I have just seen that HC those lovely choccie people are opening in the Toon before the 'C' word

    Evening all - sorry so excited at the prospect so I wonder where my lunchtime walks will take me from work then!! Always looking for new places to wander to.

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Susan,

    Hey, congratulations, not long to go now then ! I do hope they dont expand too rapidly and become a little bit ordinary if you know what i mean.
    When i got home tonight , there was a bag through the door with Thorn&on$ on it. You had to fill in a questionnaire and leave it in the bag on your doorstep, and then they would leave you a free bag of chocolate . Now there are two fundamental flaws in that , Firstly , the questionnaire was sooo intrusive i would not fill it in on principle. the second flaw was that they didnt state what time they would leave the chocs on your doorstep . I work full time, and if there are any chocoholics in my neighbour hood they could take my packet . So, i have booked a day off to guard everyones houses in a five mile radius !
    MC xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Haven't caught up yet, but thank you for all the messages on here and thank you for all the messages on t'other side, I know I will get through this!!!!

    Pinger for food going, don't want to miss out on it like I did last night, I need my tea!

    K xx

  • Comment number 36.

    MC I am loving your logic there. Why fill in a survey when others will do it and you can reap the rewards!

    I do think HC are spreading very rapidly at the moment - hope they know what they are doing as would hate them to crumble - did you see what I did there?!

    Just has a couple out of my latest tasting box to celebrate the news.

    S xx

  • Comment number 37.

    JG that's the spirit. I'm an eat when you're happy eat when you are sad sort of person (mainly chocolate I must admit)but in all seriousness do take care of yourself and been thinking about you xx


  • Comment number 38.

    Susan, I am just protecting the good people round here . Like a modern day robin hood .

    I have just had a bag of malte$er$ as a reward for going to the gym.

    Its going very cold here this evening , am hoping it wont be a car scrape job in the morning,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    MC I do hate it when it gets to scraping weather - 4 degrees here this morning and luckily just lots of condensation but who knows about the next few days. Stock up on choccie I think just in case we get trapped anywhere!

    Right off to sort stuff out and to try and walk past the choccie cupboard without opening it again

    I know it's early but Night All xx


  • Comment number 40.

    I'm really fancying some chocolate now!!

    Haven't got any! :-(

    Can you chuck us a choccie please?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 41.


    A couple of things:

    1) Obamarama - re #60 from previous blog; I have somehow managed to remain immune to everything X factor this year, actually it's not that difficult when you try! So I was quite bamboozled to read that you were considering your costume for Wagner - I thought you meant Richard Wagner as in "very very very long operas set on a lonesome rock, with the occasional good tune eg Ride of the Valkeries". I had no idea he had a hairy chest.

    Now I have just watched a rerun of Harry Hill and realised what you're on about!

    BTW, my name's Boleyngirl and I'm a music teacher.

    2) JG, I have just seen your news, hang on in there gal xx

    MC scraping - our Escort gets frost on the inside!

    Hello everyone else,

    A x

  • Comment number 42.

    Shorter trip under the bed tonight, loosing the enthusiasm already ;) Left the final slog for another night, the knees were objecting to the angle they had to be bent at. Located a few more payslips (they get everywhere it would seem), a couple more pages from the calendar, the hole punch and a fair few bank statements. How long should I be keeping my banking history? Any ideas?

    Gonna bash out an email or two and then I think I might have an early night and curl up under the duvet with the book I started on Sunday.


  • Comment number 43.

    Ooooh no, Boleyngirl, we're not talking Tristan und Isolde here - we're talking a hairy-chested, medallion-wearing crooner. x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Oz,

    bank statements - your bank/ building society will charge a small fortune for duplicate statements. I usually keep a rolling year at the most.

    Boleyngirl, i had a car like that too, once i had scraped the inside , i put the blowers on and it made it feel like it was snowing inside the car . It was fun at first ........... I have just been and found my de-icer and scrapy gadget that was a life saver last winter. I had the garden spade in my car for most of Jan, i am praying i wont be needing it just yet .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Evening CLP and everyone else in blog-land, not been around too much in the last few days but have been lurking!

    First off thank you so much for the Julian Lennon interview this morning, what an interesting man. It msut be strange, and sad, to have to bid for items that your Dad gave you, or childhood drawings.

    Hope everyone is ok tonight, it's pretty nippy here in Edinburgh, think I'll be needing the scraper in the morning.

    Hugs to everyone out there


  • Comment number 46.

    Yes Barmy (may I call you Barmy?) I saw him on HH, quite spectacular in his own way I suppose. My first husband was a Wagner fan, as was my dad. I have given many hours of my early life to Wagner, but to no avail. Giants, rocks, dwarves and a lot of yelling. And horns, lets not forget the horns.

    MC - it's the car Boleynman uses for school, thankfully I need the bigger blue one so I can fit all my paraphernalia in the boot. And that one has a fab button which clears the inside condensation (if that is what it is) in seconds.

    Am I the only person left who still takes a chance with a jug of warm tap water on the windscreen? It's never done me any harm...

    Night all,

    A X

  • Comment number 47.

    I am so sad, that I still have my first bank statement and first ever payslip, so shredder to the ready!!

    I really hope it's not icy tomorrow, my car won't cope!! Phase 1 of the new me is to get a practical car!! ASAP!! By the sounds of it!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    JG Practical and fun I hope!!

    Hasn't been too cold here yet but not sure what tomorrow will be like, Haven't seen the weather yet

    Chucked loads of paper out when we moved! Will probably regret it

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 49.

    I'm looking for an Audi A3 FSi 2.0T, with a DSG gearbox...

    I know...

    But a bit of fun, not heavy on the juice (well not as much as mine) and a boot for the dog!!

    I'm still a petrol head, just need to be a practical one!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 50.

    Sounds....................lovely JG

    Umm what colour? (that's the limit of my petrol-headedness!)

    Nice to hear there'll be a place for the dawg!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Actually, I've found one, but not sure if I should take the hit that mine says the service is 1300 miles out of date, or just bite the bullet and pay out the grand difference I think I'll get it for...

    The service will probably cost a grand anyway...

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Actually, the one I found locally was in red :(((

    Will wait for a better colour...Audi's shouldn't be red IMHO!! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Nice car JG - just hope you have more luck at the Audi garage than I did last weekend! The dsg gearbox is supposed to be good. I was going for an automatic this time but they didn't want to do a deal - just not interested at all - so frustrating.

    Hope you get what you want.

    Right really am off this time and sorry didn't manage to throw you any spare chocs Seza

    Sleep well

    Susan x

  • Comment number 54.

    Susn, Mr JG has the DSG in his car, it makes mincemeat of the 7 speed version in my Merc...mine keeps getting in the wrong gear, and then when I correct it, it won't go back into Auto...without searching for the stupid button!! The Audi goes back to Auto after a minute or so..

    The Audi one is the dogs whatsits!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry all about the car talk... maybe CLP could let us know??

    Night all!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    MC: thanks to you the shredder will be getting another work out as some of the bank statements date back to 2000ish, and I probably don't need to keep all the payslips I've found either!

    JG: good luck with finding your ideal car, I'm at Seza's level re cars, got myself an unknown kinda car and am just thankful that it goes. It's done nearly 7k with me since I got it at the beginning of this year, which is the most it's ever done in a year (and it's 8 years old), think I need to reward it with a good service before winter really kicks in.

    Anyway, have bashed out my emails, so time for much needed beauty sleep.

    Night all


  • Comment number 57.

    hiya everyone

    ozgirl - thanks for the tidying advice, my plan is to do one room at a time and move everything into the room it belongs in, and if it belongs to MR bp, it either goes on the kitchen table for him to tackle this week, or into his bedroom (in a three bed house we have a room each and one to share), which will be his responsibility to clean before my big party in December as we have people staying over. Plan 2 is to leave the radio on all day to keep me going.

    Elbow is playing on Chris Evans at the moment, Rips where are you?

    Cars: Mr bp traded in his very unpractical car in this year for a very sensible honda with a bit of poke in expectation of one day having a family, well you have to be hopeful.

    Baggy - still unemployed

  • Comment number 58.

    Good morning ,

    So, its frosty here, and i had to scrape the car . I do have a magic button that does the windscreen for me, but as i couldnt remember which button it was , i just got on with it.

    Plumbers arrived at 7.45am, so i have left them with the "list" and keys, and basically the whole house is now in the hands of two strangers.

    Right, off to count beans ......

    Baggy, enjoy the break, i am predicting you wont be at home for long.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    MC - you need any help counting those beans? If I wanted to be a stay at home wife I would have married a rich man!

  • Comment number 60.

    Good morning everyone,

    It's bloomin cold here this morning, temperature didn't get above zero for the whole journey in this morning.

    As we live in the middle of nowhere, I just go out and start the car, put on the windscreen heater and the heated seat 5 minutes before I leave for work - ideal.

    David was gritting at 8pm last night so I had a lovely Strictly catch up all evening, it was great.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all from a cold and frosty Brizzle!

    Made it up and back from up darn essex for the last time, a couple of tears were shed and thats a part of my life all boxed up now.

    Foot looked like something not human by the time I got home last night! some of the swelling has gone down now, not sure what the consultant and physio will say this afternoon tho! oops!!

    Waiting for champion the wonder horse and then its time for a shower and to tackle the mess that GD has made in 24 hours of being home alone!

    Happy humpday everyone!


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all

    Beautiful morning here - bright and sunny and clear - but oh so cold!!! Frostiness on car an all!

    Just have to say how good has the Breakfast Show been this week!! Music has been fab and I love the mystery guests!

    Debs, glad you got up Darn Essex and back safely. I'll miss our mini meet but see you on the phones next month.

    Bagby, have fun with the tidying. I find it's sometimes infectious - when I start clearing out, Mr Seza start doing something - not usually what i'd like him to do but hey, can't have everything!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Seza, I too will miss our mini meets! :-(

    Now just caught up with everything since Monday - uh oh!

    Dan the man, see you're coming to Bristol for your stag do........

    best watch out, it has been known that some errant bloggers chase stag parties around the Millenium square....

    right, now I really am getting on with stuff!


  • Comment number 64.

    seza, I know excatly what you mean, we might be tidying up ready for people to come round and Mr bp will start to drill a hole in something, and when questioned he says you asked me to do this, the answer, 6 months ago and not when we are expecting people any second tends not to go down well.

    also just got laughed at by my sister for answering the phone very professionally, well old habits die hard!

    However, just found the wedding photos so might have a look at those before putting them away

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi everyone:

    What a very cold day here in Glasgow! Frost on the car this morning - I don't think my nerves can stand it!

    Debs: I must have missed your news about Essex completely, hope everything is ok with you. And, yes, you may have been doing a bit too much, foot-wise! Take it easy, if you can.

    On another matter: Happy Birthday to Mark King - Level 42! Another one of my loves that got away. I wonder if MrS has had "loves" he's never told me about?!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all

    Brrrrrr here too. Blue to blue now, but very chilly!

    My car also has a 'magic' button that clears the windscreen, but, wait a mo, my car lives in the garage, ha ha. Does anyone else use their garage for the car? Not many, I bet!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Morning all

    Frosty and very cold here too.

    Pen, my car lives in the garage and loves it.

    Debs, hope all goes well this afternoon.

    Hope you all have a good day and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.



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