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When Friends Sell Big

Chris Evans | 09:54 UK time, Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Driving home right now as I always do. Although when I say that, what I really mean is Marky Mark is driving, whilst I sit in the front next to him catching up on calls, emails and other things that real life was never intended to include when God designed it.

This particular blogette is another example of something I never thought I would be doing at the age of 44.

Now Marky has just piped up:

"Here, do you wanna know a really interesting fact?"

"Hold that thought," I replied as I thought it might be a nice idea we - that is you and me - hear it together. He is King Of The Wheel, but that was a big sell. Let's see if it was worth it:

"Ok Marky, tell us your really interesting fact."


"You know The Three Lions on the England shirt?

They're not English, they're French."

Welcome to my world.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Ay Oop from sunny south yorkshire. Am I first?

  • Comment number 2.

    Woo hoo,

    Anyways, why are the lions french then? You can't drop a bomb like that without explaining why? Maybes I should have to go and do a little research on the googlebox thingy.

    I spoke too soon, as I am typing them little grey clouds are scudding in from the west. I hoping they keep scudding too 'cos my washings out and I'm at work!

    'Ere, Bingo Star. Did I hear you get a name check from Sally Traffic Yesterday on the Mayo Show (Am I allowed to mention that here...ooops too late,hehehe).

    Have a good day all. Back to lurking and working (kind of)

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 3.

    LOL Chris - you got to love him doncha!


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Spartan

    You are indeed!

    Chris you seem to surround yourself with random fact givers, as JS is a bit like Marky Mark, or so it seems.

    From previous blog, thoughts are with both AF and Jo and hope you can take some comfort from the people on here.


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris: will you PLEASE tell Marky Mark that I am his No.1 fan - that man is a star! I had a quick G**gle, but don't have time to read all the blurb ... but I did see the word "France"!

    Gail: (from the previous blog) hope your mum has a lovely 70th birthday - and I hope you spoil her this evening! btw: she shares her birthday with Richard Baker, Helen Hunt and ... MrS! Yes, my lovely husband is 56 today - I can't believe it - he was 19 when I met him!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning from a beautifully sunny Cornwall.

    Spartan I thought the same thing, CLP please explain!

    My house is finally online, was going to put the link on here but don't know if that's allowed?!

    Off to do some housework as youngest child's school teacher is coming to see us at lunchtime as part of the settling process of her starting school.

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 7.

    MCM - Probably better on FB as the mods get twitchy about links to commercial things.

    In respect of the 3 lions, my understanding is that they are norman, rather than french,as the coat of arms of William of Normandy was two lions and the third was added by the Plantagenant kings (Richard II or thereabouts)

    The arms of the Kingdom of France were fleur de lys, which also have been included in British monarch's coats of arms, mainly when we had (or claimed) bits of france.

    So Marky Mark is not strictly right as Normandy wasn't really France at the time!


  • Comment number 8.


    Baggy, Thanks for the link on last blog, very interesting - didn't realise it was so easy - country girl me!

    Have just chatted to Mr Seza who said he doesn't want to go but then uttered those words every wife loves to hear-but you can go if you want!

    So when I get home I'll look on t'other side and see exactly whats happening and work some stuff out. Could be right in the midst of moving so..............

    MCM, I thought about putting our house link on here but then thought of all the people who read this blog every day that we don't know so well yet. Wasn't sure I wanted to be quite that public with my house so have sent the link to a couple of people again on the other side so I controlled who had it.

    Debs & Ali and other bloggers around, back inn time some time?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi again

    Happy birthday to Gail's mum and Mr S. I hope they both have lovely days, although with Gail and Chrissie around I am sure they will do.

    I'll have to g**gle the 3 lions thing later - it is intriguing - but nearly everything that makes us English/British originates from overseas as we are such a mix of races going back over the centuries.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Just read the last few posts on yesterday's blog, ((((hugs)))) to Jo so sorry about your loss and AF you're in my thoughts and prayers.

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Seza - if it helps - and I think you are talking about going to Brum the same way we are - if you can get as far as Amersham or High Wycombe you are welcome in our car the rest of the way.


  • Comment number 12.

    Happy Birthday to Mr Chrissie X

  • Comment number 13.

    Good Morning Christophe Lambie Pie.

    Lovely sunny day here today.

    I too many moons ago would never have believed that one day in the future I would become a blogger.

    Marky Mark is a prize employee indeed CLP, not only is he a No. 1 driver but also a mine of interesting facts. He is indeed correct, the fleurs-de-lis are French. But then most English things are foreign today ranging from cars to t-shirts and mugs.

    Bye for now

    MK x

  • Comment number 14.

    mtd and Gail: I will pass on your good wishes to MrS, thank you! Now, if Debs would just confirm that she is cooking a chicken at some point today, his happiness will be complete!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Just managed to catch up - norty me - will go sit on step now!

    AF and Jo, so sorry to hear the very sad news, we've all been supported on this blog at one time or another so hope you feel it too at this horrid, horrid time.

    Seza - back in time - heck yes lady! cant get on FB until Thursday, but message me dates?

    Desperate to see Pompy pics too!!!!

    right not here.......

  • Comment number 16.

    We all missed you Debs.

    I hope your foot is getting betterer.xx

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 17.

    Darn it Chrissie - I knew I had forgotton someone - its my favourite MrS!!!!

    I'm afraid I cant confirm I am cooking a chicken in honour of his birthday, but i will pop on later and confirm the specifics of my lunch if that will amuse him!!!



  • Comment number 18.

    Hi MTF - for the first time this morning I had a glimmer that it may be starting to improve, only a glimmer mind! Still letting the train take the strain and making my co-workers do the toast and coffee run!

    Tis currently a rainbow of purple, green and yellow - most impressive - I definately bruise well these days!

    Right - REALLY not here, boss back any minute.....


  • Comment number 19.

    Debs: yes, details of your lunch would suffice! A couple of weeks ago, when I was having a wee "lurk", I left the laptop for five minutes and came back to find MrS reading the blog, saying "oooh, I'm glad you're back, someone has just been to ELH, it's all very exciting"!!

    You know it's all meant in the nicest possible way!

    Hi MTF: how goes it?


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Chrissie.

    Just unpacking my Porstmouth bag and getting back to reality.

    Trying to catch up on here too.

    Do I detect a birthday in the Chrissie household??


  • Comment number 21.

    Many Happy Returns Mr Chrissie.


  • Comment number 22.

    AF & Jo, sorry to hear you bad news and remember you have plenty of "friends" here if you need to "talk".

    MCM, glad you are finally making headway with your Estate Agent.

    Hope everyone is OK. Up to my neck in a massive project hence my absence. I have a note. Honest.


  • Comment number 23.

    Happy birthday Mr Chrissie

    Tiggs xxx

    Annie/Seza, parcels just about to be taken to post office, hope you receive soon

  • Comment number 24.

    MTF and Tiggs: aww, thanks. Just to say, his favourite present is a box of mini T*blerones that my sister bought for him! Men!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    OK, so I failed in my attempts to at least remember to come in once a week and say something.
    Heard Sally Traffic mention Bingo’s name last night as I was driving home, and that prompted me into action for today at least – so if the rest of you could make sure I hear your names on the radio at regular intervals…….
    AF and Jo – so sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts are with you both.
    I really should come in more often, since the Portsmouth gathering sounded like a fine bunch of people, and I’m not that far away. Still, I'll try harder next time to pay attention.
    Yesterday I didn’t hang my washing out when I went to work because the weather totty said there were going to be heavy showers all day, and it didn’t rain until after I’d got home. Today I did hang my washing out because the same weather totty said it would be nice and it seems to have clouded over many hours before going home time. Do you think I can sue her for damages if I end up with soggy underwear?
    If the Lions on our shirts are French, does that mean we can claim a share of their goals?

  • Comment number 26.

    Aaah Tina,

    Methinks I must be watching the same weather person as you as the same thing happened to me yesterday!

    Perhaps if we sending all our soggy socks to said weather person, they'd try a little harder to get the blooming thing right, hehehe.

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon each

    Firstly, thank you to PiP for imparting the sad news she had to so eloquently last night. Sure AF will be touched by everyones wishes.. x

    And Joran, sorry to hear your news too..thoughts are with you. x

    We need some good news folks...anyone got any?! Oh yes, McM house finally on the market - well done you! I must have been lucky cos the last few times ive moved ive had a brilliant EA but they are only local and a 3 man band so that probably explains it!

    And other good news..i no longer have a migraine - woohoo! Felt proper poorly last night and was in bed, in the dark with my fist shoved into my eye by 7pm last night and awoke at 6.30 this morning...sleep cures is all i can say!

    Right, loads to do but wanted to say hi to everyone.. have to say the Pompey pics look great - glad a good time was had by all!

    Will stick something on the Leeds thing later or tomorrow so anyone coming up/down/across please check!

    Love n hoooooogggggge hugs to all..

    mSc x

    PS - Spartan..i`m a South Yorks gal too so understood every word of your posts! Off t`lunch! x

  • Comment number 28.

    Oh..my bad! Happy Birthday MrS! Have a great day! can i put a little x too Chrissie even tho i`ve not met MrS?!..i`ll risk it.. x!

    And, love MarkyMark..bet he makes each day fun! If anyone does get the full lowdown on the French lions thing please impart..have no time to check today! Cheers!

    mSc x who, for the record, can`t stand fleur-de-lys and refuses to have anything in the house with them on... odd eh, the things we dont like.. *wanders off wondering if its just her...*!

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon One and All,

    You've got to love Marky Mark with those interesting facts - keep 'em coming.

    Massive big hugs to AF {{{{}}}} and Joran, my thoughts and prayers are with you both xxx

    MCM, Glad things are finally moving on the house front, EA eh!?

    Seza, Defo up for a Back in Time xx

    Happy Birthday MrS xx

    I've got some good news, did a stationery order this morning and they are chucking in some free biscuits ;)

    Also, I'm booking my flight to Zimbabwe this week for my four week stint working in an orphanage - 'citing xx

    Shouldn't us Brits be a little cheered by the Italian result last night?

    Back to the grindstone.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello There mSc.

    Hows tha' doin' lass? Good to know that I'm not t'only South Yorks lass on here, hehehe.

    It's no good. I can't type the way I speak. Bingo Star has mucho respect for keeping up the accented typing, although I have to read his post a couple of times to make sure I read it right, hehehe.

    Hows about not liking the yellow smiley face. It gives me the creeps. Just too...smiley

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 31.

    Ali..thats a bonus! Ours normally chucks something in for us and didnt last month...i phoned them about something else, mentioned it and the delivery driver dropped some biscuits in next time he was passing..how is that for customer service?! And all for being cheeky!

    Yay to the flight being booked.. how exciting for you! x

    Mrs S, yeah, know what u mean bout the smily face... can i add dolls to the list too? Just odd imho. Oh, and find me on FB if you there..we may be neighbours..and no, i cant type hope i speak either!

    mSc x..waiting to go into a meeting where both other parties are late... ggrrrrrr!

  • Comment number 32.

    Please feel free to exchange a `pe` for a `w` in my last post...apparently i can`t type proper never mind speak proper!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 33.

    mSc - Am all on lurking and doing odd posts here n'er mind getting all Face Booky, lol. Should I get a little braver, I'll look you up!

    We sometimes get a big tin of choccies but we have to spend summat daft like £150.00 - that's a lot of paperclips! There's only 3 of us in the office, hahaha.

  • Comment number 34.

    The old fashioned ventriliquists puppets....

    Terrifying, yikes!!


  • Comment number 35.

    I don't like glitter - yuck - it gets everywhere. I get quite scared at Christmas when opening cards just incase they've got glitter on them...sad but true.


  • Comment number 36.

    I suppose they were dummies more than puppets, but one drop of that hinged jaw and I scarpered as fast as my little legs would carry me.

    GD hates those street statue people.

    They used to be in every town we used to visit in France. She would scream the place down. Even now she is almost 19 she cant go near them!

    Mr Blobby impersonaters weren't the 'hit' at childrens parties that the parents had hoped for!!


  • Comment number 37.

    Ali, I know some glitterphobics. You are not alone.


  • Comment number 38.

    Oh MTF, is there a proper title for it, how exciting!

    Been meaning to ask you, I'm a bit worried about my swan as she is still sitting on the nest it's been well over four weeks now.


  • Comment number 39.

    Its a long incubation period Ali.

    I should think any day now.


  • Comment number 40.

    35 to 38 days according to Mr Google.xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Phew - I was hoping that was the case and that nothing bad had happened to the eggs. Thanks MTF you are a mine of information, my own Little Spring Watch Wonder xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all

    Thats the coach booked for Leeds - I really feel as if I'm on my way now. I assume that there are plenty of taxi's around so that I can get to the hotel from the coach station?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Get away with you Ali.x

    Get away with me too. Off to work now.

    Camera at the ready, you just nver know what sights will behold you!

    Toodle oo!


  • Comment number 44.

    We've got Blackbirds nesting in the shed guttering and was worried about the little chicks last week , what with all the rain and that. Had visions of coming back from work and finding the nest washed away because of the deluge. Luckily, all is still well. Chicks are loads bigger and can be seen just peeping over the top of the nest. All three of them, bless.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi All,

    Just popped in briefly whilst making 'his nibs' a brew!

    So sorry, AF, to hear about your Dad. I lost mine 18 months ago, and I know how heartbreaking it is. Miss him like mad, but am comforted by the many happy memories I have of him. Joran- thinking of you too, sounds like he was a very special friend.

    MTF, I also have a daughter who when small, would run away screaming from Mr Blobby, Postman Pat and even worse, Father Christmas! She was quite traumatised, especially as these characters make a bee line for little ones! She is now 18 and currently sitting her A2 English exam, bless!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon everyone

    Firstly, hugs and love to AF and Jo. Be strong, and draw on the good times x x x x

    I've had a really busy, but very productive, morning today. Done masses of archiving, filing and generally making my mark on the office - I had the place to myself this morning so was able to get stuck in without fear of making too much racket!

    Now, The Fantastic Rolastic and me are off to see a bit of Shakespeare In The Park on Thursday evening, which calls for a picnic. Other than the norm (scotch eggs, pork pies and fatty pastry stuff) has anyone got any stonking ideas for a special picnic? Not too much prep time involved - home from work, cool box to pack, change and out .....

    I'm feeling really happy and positive today. S'nice.



  • Comment number 47.

    Chuck some of that positivity down her please Deevs. Not feeling so good myself - mind you it could be lack of sleep leading to paranoia....

    Picnic ideas - what about crusty french baguettes with cheese and/or pate (messy but delish and you will be leaving some bird food as well...) don't bother preparing them at home, take everything with you and make them when you get there. Add fruit of your choice to the cheese (grapes, peaches etc). These will also go as well with crackers/digestive biscuits if you don't fancy bread.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Righto, another day done. Off to see to ma brood. Give them sustanance and then send them on their merry way to their various activites (rugger and footy). A couple of hours to get stuff done (or not as the case may be, hehehe) before Hubby gets in and then chaos ensues again. Lovely!

    Afternoon All.

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 49.


    MTD - don't be paranoid please. Me and the hubby were talking about you the other day as he read over my shoulder what was going on in the blog - he said how mice it was to talk to you at the 02 thing.

    Had a panic this morning - my new receoptionist didnt turn up for a bit and I thought she wasnt coming - but it was crossed lines about start times and shes here now!


  • Comment number 50.

    mtd - chin up chuck! and thank you for the picnic suggestions - i'm liking the thought of cheese and bread - will consult The Oracle Known As Nic this evening!

    Baggy - how was Mary's? Have asked on previous blogs but you've obviously not seen it.



  • Comment number 51.

    Jo, so sorry to hear your sad news, {{{hugs}}} to you and try to remember the good times!

    I've just read this feel-good story which I though was quite sweet!

    Despite reminding me of the time we had to call the coastguard when Finlay chased a rabbit down a cliff, and struggled to get back up!

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Thanks Deevs and Baggy - How nice of Mr Baggy to remember me from the O2, we did have a good chat at the restaurant. As usual this place is lifting me up (although I'm still tired - early night tonight methinks).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Deevs - sorry - I've been skimming to try and keep up and must have missed it - Mary's was great - very friendly and would definately stay there again.

  • Comment number 54.

    Cool! I'm going to miss her and David this year now that Dorna have moved the MotoGP to Silverstone. Maybe NIc and I can stay there as a base for a walking holiday at some point.

    Were you in one of the cottages or the B&B bit near the house?


  • Comment number 55.


    I am loving the World Cup too - watched the England game the other night with my 75 year old neighbour, a delightful wee Irish man and we were both cheering on England!

    AF - I am so sorry to hear your news about your Dad. My thoughts are with you at this terrible sad time xx {{{{hug}}}}

    Jo - sorry to hear your sad news also xx {{{hug}}}

    Gail - Happy Birthday to your Mum xx

    A very special Happy Birthday wish to the delightful Mr S! I hope you are having a lovely day xx

    Hi to everyone else, I hope you are all doing okay.

    Really looking forward to Leeds!

    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 56.


    Scoobs: MrS will be totally made up with his wee kiss from you!

    AliB: thanks for your birthday wishes too for MrS. Re: your stationery order, a wee while back our Stationer gave us a large packet of M*nstrels. Almost caused a riot in our office! How every exciting that you are close to booking your ticket to Zimbabwe - what an experience that trip will be.

    MTF: I know you have gone to work now, but one of these days, can we share notes on our 19 year old GD's?! Am I alone in that I am living with MsLovely and MsC-r-a-z-y?!

    mtd: hold on to positivity, at all times! Be gentle with yourself - honestly, all will be well.

    Cheryl: would love to offer you tips for your picnic. My priority would be make sure you have lots of liquids - you might get thirsty!

    C xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Oh...Dozymacs Mum... happy birthday! Knew there was another birthday i`d seen on here!

    Meeting done, very frustrating so having a brew and chocolate... not working so far..may need to have the rest of the bar to help..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 58.

    Mary: how amazing we blogged at the same time - spooky! MrS will be delighted to receive your birthday wishes - as you know, you are the only person he knows who is called by her full name at all times! It is a huge term of endearment!

    C xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Thanks Chrissie - re your picnic tips - that liquid would not be of the red or pink grape variety would it????

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hey Deevs...picnic ideas. GO to the little sandwich shop down the road and ask her to make you one up...well thats what i do anyway and its always gorgeous with pasta salad, baguettes and quiche... gotta have quiche! Enjoy!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 61.

    mtd: me, suggest alcohol? On a school night? Never!


  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone,
    Aaah thankyou all again for the lovely kind thoughts. They have certainly made a bad day feel more bearable. This man was such a special friend,tho' we have known since January that he was terminally ill. When we hear of people "fighting a brave battle against cancer" this man fought to the bitter end. He was more concerned for his wife and family than himself. He had just become a Grandad last year and was so looking forward to kicking a ball around the park with his grandson in years to come. He loved life, loved everybody in his life and we all loved him to bits. We are off to see his wife tonight - a journey I am dreading but have to do. I am afraid many tears will be shed, but hope also to share some memories and be able to smile a bit aswell.
    Back to today - Deevs - For your picnic hamper what about smoked salmon and cream cheese on bagels? Easy to do - tasty too!
    Hope everyone has a nice afternoon/evening. May not get back on blog tonight - so thanks again
    (((( x ))))

  • Comment number 63.

    Deev - we were in the B&B bit at the front

  • Comment number 64.

    Really stupid "joke" on Twitter Chris. Even worse, you're not even man enough to keep the tweet displayed. You deleted it. If you're gonna make a joke on Twitter, then go to the bother of re-tweeting it, at least have the guts to keep the "joke" on display so people can see what an idiotic thing that was to say. Really disappointed in you.

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh littlemunchkin... did you not see Chris`s apology the moment he had retweeted it... he hadnt read it properly and didnt `get it`. Thats why he deleted it...and admitted he shouldnt have sent it. fair play to him i say for admitting he was wrong.

    mSc x

  • Comment number 66.

    msScoobycat I saw the apology, but he obviously thought it was funny because he retweeted it. I just think he should have been man enough to keep the "joke" up. Anyway, probably me being super-sensitive! :-)

    luv munchkin x

  • Comment number 67.

    I didn't see the 'joke' but on the basis that he deleted it, he clearly reconsidered it and thought it was inappropriate and not funny and so deleted it.

    Surely that's the more grown up thing to do. Why would you leave something which was clearly offensive for more people to see?

  • Comment number 68.

    About to head off home, but can I just wish MrS and Gail's Mum a Happy Birthday! I hope you all have a good evening!

    I didn't see the tweet either, but surely anyone has the right to delete something from their account if they reconsider? Especially if it could have upset anyone!

    Right, will catch up properly from home, work seems to be getting in the way of blogging recently, although I suppose that should be a good thing!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Jakeygirl - yes u are right. I apologise. I'm just being all stupid! Lol. I'm sorry! And he is sorry, and thats what matters!


  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon all

    Cold cloudy day here.

    AF and Jo, sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with.

    Debs, glad your foot is getting a bit better.

    MCM, glad things are moving on the house front.

    Gail, happy birthday to your mum.

    Mr S, happy birthday, hope you have a great day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    littlemunchkin..no need to apologise! We all have our own opinions and thats what make us unique. If we were all the same it would be boring!

    Anyway, please stick around now you are here...you`ll find we`re not a bad lot really!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 72.

    Aww thank u msScoobycat! I'm usually not so horrible LOL. Think I'm just having a day! Thank u for the lovely welcoming message. Was scared I was gonna make enemies with that post, was daft of me...

    I apologise to everyone! I'm sorry :-(


  • Comment number 73.

    Dinna worry munchkin. The only twittering and tweeting that goes on at Boleyn Towers is the dawn chorus so I haven't a clue what you're all on about.

    Chez - Im sure we've had the picnic chat before. I seem to remember gala pie looming large. Glad the job's going well, you sound scary with all your filing and archiving. You'd have a field day here.

    Have just remember was supposed to learn the words for "Who Will Buy" before 6.15. I know some of it -"Any milk today" and "Ripe strawberries ripe". Better pop on me mop cap and learn the rest.

    A x
    A x

  • Comment number 74.

    So good I named me twice.

  • Comment number 75.

    JG and CSN: thank you. Have spoken to MrS who has had a wee beer with one or two of his mates. He is sounding fairly happy! That'll change when he sees what I am making for his tea!

    BG: just love Who Will Buy! Mr G**gle is bound to help you with the lyric!!

    See you tomorrow everyone, thanks for all the lovely wishes for MrS.

    C xx

  • Comment number 76.

    #62 Jo I hope the visit to your friend goes ok this evening, the first meeting is the most difficult and the sooner its done the better then it gets easier the next time.

    3 months ago a friend's brother died sudenly at 23 and I put off going to see her because I didn't want to cry in front of her and make her upset after 4 days I went and we both cried loads but after that it was easier to see her again. Today is 3 months since we had the terrible news of his death and it's still auite painful especially for his family.

    Lots of love and hugs

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 77.

    littlemunchkin, hello and welcome, don't worry about it.


  • Comment number 78.

    Evening each

    Will have to g**gle those lions Chris - I know nothing about them.

    Happy birthday to Gail's Mum and Mr.S and love and hugs to AF and Jo.

    Hallo littlemunchkin - are you small, round and cuddly?

    Back later, am off to make mushroom & cheese omelette.


  • Comment number 79.

    Ooo, make one for me as well, if you would Annie! Scrummy!

    Littlemunchkin, don't worry your head about it! And, yes, please do stick around!

    MCM, I'm glad the house is finally being marketted for you.

    And now I've forgotten again everything else again...Doh!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Evening, saw the joke on twitter, bit surprised but cheered up by apology. I guess we all say stupid things that we don't mean at times, particularly in the quick response world of twitter and email.

    I'm about to sound off as feeling a bit bruised by life's slings and arrows. Mr Dolly has a job that requires us to frequently relocate, you get used to it, sometimes you get a great place to live, sometimes its absolutely pants, but you just roll with it. When the dolly mixtures were very young it was particularly difficult and lonely being in a strange town with no community, being 100s of miles from family and friends.

    We are now due to move again, we've been given the nudge that our move may be to India, Saudi or Peterborough (!) but the most frustrating thing is that someone somewhere knows my fate, but I have to put my life on hold and wait for a corporate decision to trickle down to me. We may find out any time between now and September and i'm sick of it!! I always advise friends that lack of certainty is debilitating but to be patient, however find myself unable to pay heed to my own words.

    Sorry to moan, but the not knowing is driving me insane!

  • Comment number 81.

    Dollymixup, cleversupernanny, jakeygirl, brightannieg - thank u for being so lovely!


  • Comment number 82.

    I've eaten it JG, sorry. Not a crumb left - but it was yummy!!

    Dolly, have you heard of the rantypants? They're available if you need them.

    You're very welcome munchkin - lots of lovely people on here. AND, some of them are going to Leeds weekend after next. You anywhere near?


  • Comment number 83.

    Rantypants sound just the job; where can I buy some? Or am I wearing an invisible pair and didn't realise?

  • Comment number 84.

    They were our Beez's Dolly and were passed around to whoever needed them.


  • Comment number 85.

    I read a lot about Beez, didn't know her but choked up reading all the posts.

    If possible, would like to borrow the rantypants for when Mr Dolly comes home, so I can shout at him without feeling guilty about it.


  • Comment number 86.

    They're yours Dolly. Just give them a wash before you pass them back.


  • Comment number 87.

    Dolly I think with my house situation at the moment I know how you feel, We've found the house we want (about 10 miles from where we are now) and if we buy it the kids will have to move school but we can't make any plans until we get a buyer for our house as if the one we want sells (which has already happened to us previously) we could end up somewhere different.

    Though we have made the decision to move and you don't have any choice so must be very frustrating for you, do you get accommodation with the job?

    Good luck I hope you find out sooner rather than later.

    I'm off to fb to try to get to the top of the leader board on a certain game!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Gill, meant to say, thanks again for re-posting baby stuff. Will let you know when parcel arrives.


  • Comment number 89.

    ok, thanks Annie! Hope it gets there this time!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening All,

    Deevs a quick picnic idea is a tub of filly (other brands available!) a bottle of sweet chilli sauce and some breadsticks/carrotts and other dippy items - scrumshalishus!!!! Ooh an' if you want to go posh stick a bit of 'green stuff' on the top. I make my own sausage rolls, but that really is a time consuming faff but have to say v.v. tasty.

    I'm in CBA'd mode at the min, hubz away till Friday, done all the housework for the next few days. Could really murder a vino but it's only Tuesday- Oh wat the L will just hide the bottle before he comes home (good idea or not?)

  • Comment number 91.


    BLYipE Had that filly chilly mix at my friends the other week it was delish!!

    Deevs, don't forget you need some cakeyness in your picnic!

    Have spent the evening packing boy2's bags as he's off to France for 3 days with school. Glad i wasn't in that classroom today, the excitement with 1 child was bad enough! Got to drop him at school 6.30am!!! EEEKK

    MCM and Dolly, i'm feeling for you both in your different situations. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just decide to move and then do it, none of the uncertainty or stress.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 92.

    evening all. hope you're well?

    Seza - yep, all done, feet not touched the ground for a few weeks now!

    CLP - i love random bursts of trivia like Marky's, brilliant.
    Been running again this evening in readiness for my 10k run in October. Hoping to raise a few quid for cancer research. Seems even more appropriate after jorans post yesterday too!
    Did anyone read about the mum who id giving her 7 year old pole dancing lessons??? Speechless. Couldn't quite believe what I was reading.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 93.

    oh - my 10k run isn't just me. An ex-blogger EmmaM is doing it too!

  • Comment number 94.

    Gingembre - I'm sure you'll raise more than a few quid. Well done to you and Emma. Let's know where we can donate.

    No, didn't read about that daft mother - stupid woman.

    Watching Springwatch, just love Simon.


  • Comment number 95.

    KW, good to hear you're keeping busy!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 96.

    Evening CLP and all,

    Didn't know that about the three lions being French, I love bits of trivia like that and have a strange brain that retains stuff like that but forgets more important things.

    So sorry to hear of sad news coming from AF and Jo, sending you both love and hugs.

    Seza I'm with you on moving! I wish you could juts wave a magic wand and everything was moved, unpacked, assembled, and everything sorted out!

    Hope everyone else is ok


  • Comment number 97.

    Annie, the link to my page is [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]not sure about em's.

    Seza -it's an amazing change, can't believe my luck really. Very lucky guy. Was darn in Essex recently, thought of you. Hope you and yours are well?


  • Comment number 98.


    Not been around for some time, so only just caught up .

    AF, so so sorry to hear your news, am thinking of you and send my love xx

    Joran, the same to you too, sometimes life just dosent seem fair.

    Seza, good news on the house move .

    Gingembre, hello , good luck with the running. I am supposed to be kick starting my training plan, but cant shake off a cold, or get my bum off the sofa .

    Chrissie, I know its late in the day, but happy birthay wishes to Mr Chrissie, I hope he enjoyed his tea ;-) .

    Dolly, ouch, dont you just hate waiting . i just dont do it well at all. Even in the smallest of queues, i can feel my foot start to tap and my eyes roll, and the huffing and puffing just come all over me.

    JG, I know Altrincham , used to live there, M6 J20 , then back onto the M56 to Bowden - does that help ???
    Saw your post about Finlay and glad you think you have found a better place. My offer still stands, and its free of charge ! oh, ok, if you insist , a bar of choccy will settle the bill nicely.

    Lady Chards of the rainbow foot - get well soon, I cant sit in Leeds on my tod with my tash on .

    Glad the Portsmouth meet went well, i was thinking of you all.

    Right ,gonna go, my last little brain cell is about to expire.

    MC xxx

    PS, MCM, glad there is progress.

    Hugs & hi's to everyone else,

  • Comment number 99.

    Thanks Gingembre. Good luck with the fundraising.


  • Comment number 100.

    No Annie. Thank you xxx


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