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Two things you need to do before you die. . .

Chris Evans | 06:30 UK time, Monday, 7 June 2010

Go to The Hay Literary Festival, the coolest, most laid back, friendliest event I've ever attended.

Go to see Giffords village green vintage circus, look them up online, track them down and book a ticket.

In other news. . .

Here we are on the first day of the best four weeks of the year - light so early in the morning and still light at ten o'clock at night; The World Cup; Wimbledon...

Sure all good, but it's those daylight hours make my heart sing !

Have a blast, these next few weeks are going to be awesome.





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  • Comment number 1.

    morning CLP and all you lovely bloggers/blogettes
    Lovely morning here again, hope it lasts

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    #2 wooooooooohoooooooooooooo :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 3.


    Fella i'll pass on both those thanks . . if ya don't mind . . i'm not into literature and the like.

    up blooming early again *sigh*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all

    Now I've signed in I can't think of anything to say. Weather is OK - sunny and not too hot. Can't say that a literary festival or a circus appeal greatly...

    The World Cup starts on Friday yayee - one good thing about this redundancy thing is that I should be able to watch most of the games.

    Oh well - better pretend I am working...


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Ay Oop,

    Hope you all had a good weekend! Not sunny but not raining (which is the main thing) in South Yorkshire. Doesn't look good for tomorrow, though!

    Not much of a circus fan but I do like mi books. Will Add The Hay to my list (Scrabbles for a pen and paper to start said list).

    Mrs. S.

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    PS Just in case some are reading me #6 in the afternoon... 'Afternoon niceness ter all too!!!!'


  • Comment number 8.


    I did look for you on tv yesterday but they don't do many crowd shots :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning everyone

    Nice and sunny here at the moment.

    Chris, lovely show this morning.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    I'd love to go to Hay so maybe one year?

    I have vague recollections of Blackpool Tower Circus when I was young but I'll give them a miss now, thanks.

    Grey and dull here and at the moment not raining.

    Have been feeling grey and dull myself for the past few days and not really sure why but got a good long weekend with OH to look forward to so I am sure it will pass.

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 11.

    In the excellent words of Richard Carpenter 'what I've got they used to call the blues, nothing is really wrong, feeling like I don't belong, walking around, some kind of lonely clown, rainy days and Mondays always get me down'

    Hope your mood brightens as Monday goes on

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Susan, Hope your ok, sending you big hugs. xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Tiggs, how are you, will take baby knitwear to daughter later.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Well said (or sung) Tiggs and so true....

    (((((hugs))))) all round just coz.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    hiya CSN
    I'm fine ta, how are you?
    Hope the babies like the stuff
    thanks MTD, I love singing Carpenters songs!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    I'm fine, thanks.
    Babies are going to love all the beautiful stuff you made for them.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 17.

    PPS Talkin' of festivals in June... am 'appy as me 3 day tickets arrived on Saturday for a three day MEGA music gig am off to in 'yde Park.. from Pearl Jam (one of me all time favourite bands) ter Corrine Bailey Rae, The 'ives, Jamiroquai, James Morrison, Crowded 'ouse, Elvis Costello with 'eadline acts of Stevie Wonder & Paul McCartney.... should be mega!!!!

    For those who don't know who Pearl Jam are & for those who do... ENJOY>>>

    Gotta go... got maths revision!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Steve - Unfortunately a was on the wrong side of the fence ter get on tv!!!!
    Aka the spectators side!!!
    Although as a spectator if a was on the right side of the fence it wouldn't be the right side but the wrong side being a spectator!!!!!

    Great day though!!!!

    A could write a BIG report about it... but don't wanter bore the blog!!!! LOL!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Happy Monday CLP and Everyone.

    Glad you enjoyed Hay Chris. I read that Stephen Fry announced the winner of the most beautiful tweet in the world. (Still on the red button page if anyone wants to read it).

    It is indeed nice to have these long days, soon to be 21st when we should all be dancing merrily around Stonehenge.

    Life is a circus Christophe!

    MK xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    morning all!

    supposed to be working but had to pop in and say how excited I was with all the talk of "show in a field" this morning! A friend of mine has a farm right near Richard and Judy's home - if its his field then I will have to try and gatecrash the event!!

    Mind you today is not a day for fields here - it is chucking it down with rain and GD has gone to Eden Project on an open top bus!! hmm!

    Happy Monday!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 21.

    CG, thought that was so funny this morning about doing the show in a field.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi lovely CLPloggers and Happy Mondays all round

    [Hay Literary Festival - yeah Chris - it's been ubercool for decades! Glad you finally discovered it]

    Hope the next few weeks ARE going to be awesome - am needing mighty portions of positivity to get through them - am succeeding though, so no worries.

    Back later - am off to have a look see in Mayoblog where I usually hang out.
    Hmmm - interestingly I came in here first ... wonder why?


  • Comment number 23.

    Dunno Katy - maybe because this is where the action is? (although recently there have been a few large gaps when nobody posts.....)

    I think it is definitely the light days and short nights that are helping our feeling of positivity (I wonder if I would be feeling so positive if it had been winter...)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Re post #21... I thought it was funny too and having it at Richard and Judy's in Cornwall sounds more favourable than in Jonny's field!!!!

    I like the idea of a tractor ploughing contest for their sports challenges... but one of my favourite sports... Sidecar racing would be so more exciting for the guys!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Think you may be right MisterDipper :) Particularly 2nd paragraph.
    Enforced rest + Wimbledon + World Cup + Big Brother = I might just get by :)

  • Comment number 26.


    Haven't been to the Hay Festival but I have been to Hay - and spent an entire day wandering round the dozens of book shops there - highly recommended!
    Circuses, vintage or otherwise, however, are a different matter. Tiresome at best. Try going to The Globe in London, which Deevs and I did on Friday - sublime. Preceded, perhaps, by a trip on the Thames in the sun. Beautiful.

    Happy Monday!



  • Comment number 27.

    Morning All,

    I'll start with an apology.
    I didn't get on here over the weekend as we had loads happening and I still haven't completely caught up! So, sorry for not getting on to say thank you for all of the lovely birthday wishes.

    Since joining the blog - it has been a real bonus and general lift to wake up on your birthday and see how many of you gorgeous people take the time to send your greetings.

    Thank you, you lovely lot!

    Chris - The circus sounds great, but any literary festival that catered for me would see hundreds of like minded lazy swines wandering around with head phones on - listening to the audiobook versions!
    Fear not though - I bought both versions of your first tomb (well three hard back copies, as it goes!) and will do the same next time round.

    Could get you to sign the iPod I suppose!

    Lovely to hear how Noah is up and about on his feet (when it suits him). For me - that's when the good stuff really started.

    Thanks again



  • Comment number 28.

    Rips, glad you had a nice birthday weekend.

    MTD, hope the positivity lasts well beyond the summer .

    Hope eveyone else is doing fine for a Monday.

    MC x

  • Comment number 29.

    Glad you had a good time Rips!

    I love Hay on Wye, I'm spoilt as it's very close to where my family live, so I can visit often - although I tend to avoid the festival as it's so busy!

    There are some lovly antique shops as well as book shops too!

    Well I'm playing catch up again at work, having been off last week, so better get go again.

    Take care everyone x

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Good afternoon CLP and all Bloggers

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Clp there is nothing better than this time of the year, though some sun would be nice ;-)

    It would be great if the breakfast show came from a field one morning, there are plenty of fields round here!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Good afternoon one and all!

    Happy Monday to everyone! Isn't it a joy to wake up with sunshine on a Monday? Makes the trawl to work so much easier.

    Hay on Wye sounds lovely - never been but will add the list of places I must go to.

    Rips - happy belated birthday!

    Nic, so glad you and Cheryl enjoyed the Globe. Did think of you as you had such a beautiful day for it. I wandered round the house saying "Is this a Diva I see before me...."

    Annie - hope little Samuel is okay.

    Did you hear JW on Sunday afternoon? Played "Afternoon Delight" - made me smile and well up at the same time.

    Nowt to report so not really sure why I am here....

    Miss P

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Miss P hope you're having a good day, you were lucky to wake up to sunshine, rain here and from looking at the forecast there's rain across most of teh country!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Yup, slightly soggy here in Somerset.

    But I'm loving it.

    Off to work now.

    Good day to you all.


  • Comment number 34.


    Thanks for that description of Deev n Nic . . i've now got 2 visions in my head of them two . . .. 1 with Nic saying alas poor Deev and the other with Deev with a cigar in her chops and some music just as the proverbial hits the fan *ggggggggggg* (the adverts from YEARS ago when something ALWAYS went wrong)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 35.

    Awwww, I've got a family of blue tits on my bedroom window ledge, having their first flying lessons.

    One just flew in did a lap of honour and then promptly flew back out again.

    They are making a right old racket for such tiny birds.

    Right, gotta fly myself now.



  • Comment number 36.

    That's lovely MTF! My son has been watching some blue tits at his grandparents' house we didn't get there this weekend so must take him in the next day or so before they leave the nesting box and he misses them.

    Have a good afternoon MTF

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi everyone,

    Sounds like you all had a good weekend, the weather up here was beautiful.

    Miss P - I heard Afternoon Delight too, it was lovely.

    Still catching up on work after being off for my week's holiday, had to put in a day's holiday for tomorrow as we are going to a funeral, our close friend's Mum, she was in her late 80s and had been failing for a long time, (and guess who will be wearing the tallest skyscraper heels possible?)

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 38.

    hiya everyone

    books - love them so much, had a lady on the train tell me she really loved the book I was reading, 'the life of pi' which was nice but did disturb me from reading a book I too was enjoying!

    so busy shouldnt be here but dont know what to do next - its all shouting at me! 3 full days and 3.15 hours until Download - and I am interviewing in a bit

    had something to say but its gone


  • Comment number 39.

    Clouding over here in Surrey. Wish I had worn trainers to work instead of flip flops as I think it might be a soggy commute home! (The killer heels live under the desk - note, must remember to take them when I leave!).

    Steve - you are thinking Hamlet not Macbeth!!!

    Hi Gail - you need a holiday to get over the work you have to do after a hoiday!!

    Baggy, loved "Life of Pi". My top 2 at the mo though are Cloud Atlas and The Book Thief (which was totally wonderful). Oh, and a certain autobiography of course!

    Back to my spreadsheet - can any of those bean counters out there tell me how I can compare one list of numbers to another list of numbers and match up the pairs in excel? At the moment, I am going through it manually and I am going mad....................

    Miss P

  • Comment number 40.

    Baggy I hope you get through your work!

    My hubby has just come in from work early :-) the weather's so bad they cancelled his trip so there are some good points to this horrible weather and I'm not going to have to water the plants tonight!

    Now going to get Mr MCM to make use of his 'spare' time and help me to sort out the kids bedrooms, he'll be really pleased he came home early ;-)

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 41.

    i loved cloud atlas.

    you could always do a vlookup. the formula is =vlookup(original cell, matching cell on other list, 1, false)

    Hope that makes sense.

  • Comment number 42.

    Ill met by Moonlight, dear bloggers .....!

    Wotcha. Just a quickie. Day 1 in new job going very well indeedy. It's the first time I've turned up for a new job on day 1 and all my log-in details, email, account details etc are waiting for me, as opposed to the other way round! It's going to be a frantic week, given that I'm not here tomorrow and my new boss is out all day Thursday before she goes away for a week on Friday, but we'll get there. I've already dented the pile, and plugged in my Bling mouse Beezles sent me for my birthday last year - home from home it is!

    As Nic said, we had an absolutely wonderful time on Friday. I took him on a Thames River Cruise from Tower Pier to Greenwich and back, then after a quick change, we were lucky enough to get a table at a Turkish restaurant, literally 5 paces from The Globe, then Macbeth, then an hour or more sat outside The Founders Arms in the shadow of the Tate Modern quaffing Pimms** (me) and beer (him!) until midnight, then back to the hotel for a good night's sleepery.

    ** Pimms - pre-mixed on draught: what's THAT all about!?! It was cheaper than a glass of red wine though .......

    Skies here are heavy - methinks it might be a wet walk home come 5pm, just in time for a spot of ironing.

    Ain't love grand!


  • Comment number 43.

    Blast - I was in Greenwich on Saturday! We could have finally met - albeit briefly!

    So, was it traditional costume?

    Glad new job has started okay!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 44.

    It was indeed traditional costume, and very gruesome in parts. I love the way the players use the audience and the pit - I've seen 3 plays at The Globe now and every single one has involved the audience - Macbeth probably to the greatest extent.

    ..... and the witches were well scary man!!!


  • Comment number 45.

    Baggy - thanks but I don't think it worked. I lost a column of data!! (Got it back tho). Am trying to compare 2 lists of phone numbers and find matching numbers from Columns A and C. I will go back to my colour coding!

  • Comment number 46.

    sorry Miss P !

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Miss P

    I was going to suggest the vlookup as well - I assume that the numbers that you are trying to match are listed in columns A and C. A couple of questions - What is in column B? Are the lists in columns A and C related to each other or could they be sorted independantly without losing the meaning of the row?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Mtd,

    Column A is a list of all the telephone numbers dialled in May by a particular operative. Column B is the number of times that number was called. Column C lists the telephone numbers we wanted the operative to call. Columns A and C have been sorted into ascending order. Column A has 176 entries and Column C has 140. What I am trying to do is check whether the phone numbers in Column C are in Column A.

    Sounded so simple when I started it but I am now looking at Column C, have my finger on the entries in Column A and am shading Column C when I find a match. Very Playschool!!!

    Baggy - no sorry needed! I am fine using the standard stuff on excel but when we start going into pivot tables and beyond, I am lost!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 49.

    Miss P

    In a spare column - put in the following =vlookup(c1:c140,a1:a176,1,0)

    If the number in column C is in Column A then the number will appear, if not then n/a will appear in the new column.

    This assumes that the list of numbers starts in row 1 otherwise replace the numbers with those actually in your columns.

    Hopefully this will work.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    I put the formula in F1, adjusted the numbers as my list starts in row 2. Result was #NA. What did I do wrong? Should the formula go in every row in the column?

  • Comment number 51.


  • Comment number 52.


    I was thinking of both of the plays :-D which is why it made it all the more disturbing (in my mind at least)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 53.


    I just closed the spreadsheet, thought I had saved it but it is gone.

    Wibble indeed

  • Comment number 54.

    #50 sorry I forgot to say to copy the formula into every row.

  • Comment number 55.

    Mtd - you are a star and I am going to save that formula for ever. It may even be my first tattoo. Unfortunately, I lost the spreadsheet but I will recreate it tomorrow and do it properly - will take 5 minutes rather than the 3 hours today!

    Am loving you!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 56.

    MTD - thanks for explaining a vlookup better then I could - it really is a fantastic forumla

  • Comment number 57.

    Done it!!!!! It works!!

    Hurrah for Mtd!

    Going home now. Have a good evening everyone!

  • Comment number 58.

    Aw shucks it were nothing.... I couldn't live without that formula, especially when I have had to compare 2 spreadsheets with thousands of entries on each of them. (btw if the list you are looking at is not sorted in the same way as the list you want to compare just put $ signs around the column reference e.g $a$2:$a$177 - that way each number in list c will be checked against list a.)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon each

    The vintage circus sounds great Chris, will look it up.

    Well, have I had a day and a half!! Tried to get to Dentist this morning and got totally confused at the Gogar Roundabout (you'll know Rosie) where they're laying tramlines. Ended up at a shopping mall, nerves shattered and had to phone Dentist and tell them I wasn't going near that roundabout again. I've done that trip hundreds of times but I just couldn't find the road to the Dentists.

    Then - (Cheryl you need to know this)- when I got my new car, gorgeous daughter got my Micra. It broke down this morning - electrics disappeared. So, I phoned the AA, went and sat in the car to wait for them - and couldn't get out - I was locked in!!!!! Dear Lord, what a panic. Son-in-law eventually opened the door for me, it opened from the outside but not from the inside. The AA person also got trapped in it!! It's now at a garage near me, probably with a mechanic shouting Help from inside the bloomin' thing.

    I think this is the longest post I've ever typed but I'm now hyper and almost hyperventilating.


  • Comment number 60.

    Hi again

    quick message to Miss P - Although the formula works in your case, I did actually get it wrong - it should read =vlookup(c1,$a$1:%a%176,1,0), then copy it to every row - the c row number will change and the a numbers won't.

    I realised this on the way home in the car.

    Quiz nite tonight - cup game.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, that's so scary! Not sure my wee Micra will get much use now I can walk to work - except for shopping and when it's my turn to drive when Nic and I go out on the razzle dazzle.

    MTD - good luck with the cup game! Look out for cheating eejits with apps on their snazzy phones that give the answers: cheats never prosper and it will bite them on the bum one day!

    First day at work went really well, and super-fast. Can't wait to get back there on Wednesday and get stuck in again.

    I am now looking at a pile of ironing. Sadly looking at it isn't getting it done ........

    Hey ho .....



  • Comment number 62.

    Deevs, it was scary, although son-in-law (he of the snigger at the blue tits) though it was hilarious.

    Glad you're enjoying your new job.

  • Comment number 63.

    Annie, it sounds ike you've had a nightmare day!

    It reminds me of when we gave our old TV to some friends. It had been working fine, we just "needed" a bigger screen when we moved house. It worked fine in their house for 2 days, and on the third day they switched it on and a load of smoke came out the back! Ooops!!

    Glad your first day went well Cheryl, I'm looking at some ironing too, just looking mind...

    MTD - do you not mean $ instead of % in that last formula?

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks JG - it's this little keyboard on my notepad. I definitely meant $.

    I sold my first car to a friend of my bil - apparently as soon as he started using it the heating failed (I had never had any problems with it)

    Glad you are enjoying your job Cheryl. I hope I find something I like as well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    I think I'm really going to like it there Anne.

    Now, this ironing .......


  • Comment number 66.

    Oooh JG and MTD - you snuckled in there!


  • Comment number 67.

    Good, Deevs, about time you got some good luck. Leave the bloomin' ironing - you know what Beez would say about it.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hahaha!! Beez would just go online and order some more clothes!! x x x

  • Comment number 69.

    MTD, no problem, I have enough trouble with a full laptop, I can't type at all on Mr JG's notepad!

    It's nice to have that feeling about a place Cheryl, hope it continues for you, as it's nice and handy for you!

    Annie, what car have you got now?

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    JG/MTD: I should have gone with my instinct and traded it in. I just knew it was on it's last legs.

    I now feel responsible for getting it sorted. So far, the bill is £140 - that's just for a new battery and stuff so that the garage can find the electrical fault!!!


  • Comment number 71.

    JG: Have a Skoda Fabia Diesel - a workhorse - but costing much less in fuel. It's like driving a bleedin' tank after my lovely little Micra.


  • Comment number 72.

    My sister has the estate version, and she loves it, it never needs filling up! It can't be THAT much bigger though, I had a Micra as a courtesy car once, and was amazed how big it was inside!

    We used have an Octavia estate, the next one up, and loved it, until some $%*& ran in the back of it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    I'm getting used to it now JG, but it'll never be as nippy and easy as my little Micra.


  • Comment number 74.

    Which reminds me, my car needs a service and MOT very soon - OUCH!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 76.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 77.

    No it won't be, being a diesel, but you'll soon get used! Are you still in the phase of "keep away from my new car" when you're driving it? I was like for ages when I started driving Mr JG's and it wasn't even brand new!!

    Although I was still getting used to it being an automatic....err...hill-start, how d'you do that then??? Multi-storey car park, now you're having a laugh!! LOL

    I probably couldn't drive a manual now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 79.

    Oh behave Bingo, you know you're very welcome on here. While we love you and laugh with you, tomorrow is a very sad day for the Blog so get over yourself.


  • Comment number 80.

    'Lo everybody!

    Cars!! Don't talk to me about cars!! We went out months ago to buy me a new car but because Mr Seza had a problem with his car we changed that instead. Since then I think my car has cost us about £500 and I think there's more on the cards!!!

    We keep saying we'll change mine but need to get the house moving thing sorted first.

    Deevs, glad to hear your new job is feeling good. Nice to know the Bling Mouse has a nice new mousehole!

    I'm sorry to say i don't have any ironing to look at. I did get a wiggle on at the weekend and attacked the holiday laundry. I'm going to start cultivating a new pile now!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 81.

    JG, hill starts have been my bugbear in this one. Stalled it twice yesterday - I keep forgetting you need a bit more welly on the accelerator.


  • Comment number 82.

    Bingo, I think you'll find you are very welcome here, as long as you keep off the personal stuff!

    It doesn't help you, and makes everyone else feel uncomfortable!

    I hope your maths studying is going well, there's a lad at our place taking his maths and physics again, as he wants to get on. Good luck with the exams, there's one on Friday isn't there (or it may be physics)?

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.


    In the 5 minutes it has taken for me to write my post, both your posts and Marje's have appeared so it seems there is not much problem

    I think there was another blogger I saw earlier who had reverted to the old number code and I know it happened to several people a few months ago. I think the reason is probably a technical hitch rather than the unpleasant suggestion you seem intent on persuing.


  • Comment number 84.

    Oh, yes, I seem to remember I was a "number" for a while until I sussed it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    I may need to run for cover when I've posted this but I can't hold it in any more!


    Running for cover......................

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Yes there was a time when several people were numbers (I am not a number etc......)

    Bingo I echo what the others have said, keep it friendly and not personal and you will be fine. I do not think that anybody is complaining about you or your blogs, it is only when you make personal attacks that you get modded. If you had been barred I am sure you would have received an e-mail from the Â鶹Éç telling you that.

    Can we draw that line again please.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Seza - I'll second and third that!! Know nothing about footie and care less.


  • Comment number 88.

    So you should Seza - even some of us girls are looking forward to it you know. ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    MTD: That's just the men in shorts!!!

    Do sometimes have to listen to son-in-law waffling about Dunfermline but, really, I haven't a scooby.


  • Comment number 90.

    Dear Bingo and Marjie-k

    I echo what everyone here has said. You are in real danger of losing good friends on here if you continue to post negative, personal, hurtful comments.

    Now, please move on for all our sakes. Life's too short to be a numpty forever!!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 91.

    I don't mind the football so much, I can choose to do something else when that's on if I don't want to watch

    It's the way it takes over everything from all the shops to every programme on TV and radio!!

    I even had to buy World Cup Chocolate!!

    Seza ;-) x x

  • Comment number 92.


    I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited about the World Cup. Beside myself! We've got a wall chart and everyfink for ChezNic!


  • Comment number 93.

    Diva, Have you got stickers? lol

    In a way, I'm actually jealous of anyone who is interested

    Oh well, I forsee plenty of nice healthy walks for the Seza family in the next month or so

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Seza, was buying pyjamas for 4yr old in M&S (when I should have been at the Dentists) and they were all footie ones. Why? World Cup madness. I eventually found some with Lightening Mcqueen on the front - much more interesting for a 4yr old.


  • Comment number 95.

    Seza I can see what you mean about the World cup, I'm sick of hearing all about it but I will very much be following what happens!

    Has everyone had a good day? Deevs I'm glad your 1st day went well!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 96.


    I love Lightning McQueen. Boys were most excited to meet him on our trip to Disney!!

    Ho hum, need to motivate myself to get changed and go do jumping up and down at Jazzercise, need a lot of motivation tonight I can tell you

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Hello CLP and everyone else, the Hay Literary Fest looked great fun, i saw on Twitter that the fantabulous Stephen Fry was there the other night. If only Edinburgh was a bit nearer!!! (Having said that CLP you could always come to the Edinburgh Book Festival in August? I bet the Scottish bloggers could show you a good time!) I have loved books and reading ever since I was a little girl, but I was bemoaning this fact over the weekend as I was lugging all my books to my new flat!!

    Annie that roundabout is flipping confusing!!!! I was there the other day and was completely thrown wondering if I was in the right lane! I bet you're not the only one to get lost

    As for the World Cup, well i'm hoping that England do well but I am getting a bit fed up of all the hype. Did anyone see that bloke on The One Show who is planning on spending £2000 on watching it, and he's not even going anywhere near SA!

    Hope you're all ok, am having a bit of a MNWC as I have been mad busy all weekend, and today and well I've earned it!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Seza - the 4yr old (soon to be 5yr old) has every car in the Cars collection. Disney/Pixar are making a fortune out of him. Cars, clothes, etc.....

    Rosie - so glad it's not only me - thought I was having a senior moment at that bloomin' roundabout. I love the Edinburgh Book Festival too - we take gorgeous little boys every year.


  • Comment number 99.

    Annie G - Yes I agree tomorrow is a sad day for the blog.

    It puts things into persepective that the short life that we have we should make the most of it & be nice to others & not waste our precious time with people/ places/ areas of our life that are toxic to our happiness!!!

    Something I am finally at last beginning to learn - aka to walk away from such faster!!!!

    I can say for sure that Jane was one of the good people, who herself had been through some very difficult times in life.... i'm glad I had the pleasure of knowing & meeting her!!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    Annie just checked the website and this year's programme is being announced on the 17th



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