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Dressed For One Thing, Actually Doing Another.

Chris Evans | 08:44 UK time, Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Dressed for golf but going cycling.

Sporting Challenge number 18 cycling - Jamie Staff MBE putting Jonny and myself through our paces at the velodrome in Herne Hill and have booked the rest of the day off to meet a couple of pals at 4 o'clock for a quick nine holes and half a shandy.

Playing for a pound and a pint but am worried that dressed for one thing but heading for another will be my downfall when it comes to pedal power - I am currently panicking on the A40 at 5.45 a.m. - not the best way to start the day.

What if I lose the cycling and then lose the golf because I'm still reeling from another Saunders trouncing.

Arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh !!!!!!!





  • Comment number 1.

    Chris: you do make me laugh! Have a terrific day, how I envy your energy!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning all

    Yes Chrissie I wish Chris would bottle some and pass it out where necessary!!

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning everyone,

    Good luck with the cycling Chris, maybe being dressed inappropriately will bring you luck.

    Glad everything went well yesterday, I was at a funeral myself but at 2.30 we were still at the tea and I raised a glass to Beez and all my blog friends.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 4.

    I hope you have your bicycle clips with you Chris you will need them with those golfing trousers.

    Loli I am the same looking forward to the grandchildren but he is under orders to at least wait for another 10 years as I have a list of to do's before I become a grandma. Then I shall make another list of things to do as a grandma.

    Glad that Beez had a fitting send off yesterday. Have a good day everyone

  • Comment number 5.

    Beez we miss you bucket fulls!

    Chris - you need a positive mental attitude - if you believe that you will fail then unfortunately chances are that you will. Be positive!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hey Baggy

    thank you, will try to pop in more often xxxx


  • Comment number 7.

    Morning everyone

    Cloudy chilly day here.

    Chris, good luck with the cycling and golf.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Greetings & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Looked at yer photer on Twitter!!!!!
    A like yer attire... INDEED Ian Poulter would be jealous..... BUT.. yer attire looks more New Brighton than Eastbourne ter me!!!!
    When a say New Brighton.... escaped in yer pyjamas from a nursing 'ome for the elderly New Brighton!!!!!
    It can often be seen around New Brighton!!!!!!

    Meant as a compliment CLP!!!!! (and ter be light'earted in case any bloggers misunderstand me!!)

    As for the cycling challenge... yerv goot no chance against Jono S with those longs legs... but a know of 'ow yer might 'ave a chance!!!!
    Yer see a used ter do alotta cycling... and the way ter go faster... rock 'ard tyres!!!!!!
    CLP... pump yer tyres up.... and let Jono's tyres 'alf down... on the quiet!!!!!!!!

    WORKS FOR ME CLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!

    'ope Jono S doesn't read this!!!!!


  • Comment number 9.

    Hi everyone:

    Have now had a chance to have a catch-up from last night's blog. Can I say thank you to all our lovely bloggers who attended Beez's funeral yesterday, and who all kindly let us know how everything went. Sounds like you were all made so welcome, and I am glad the service was beautiful. And bless Biggles x

    Bids: I have to say to you that your post #134 is just wonderful. So, so fitting.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Well it's official - I am being made redundant - I've got the letter and everything....

    They want me to work until 9th July (which seems a bit long to me so I am going to try to negotiate this down) with the rest of the time until 1 Sept on garden leave.

    I am feeling surprisingly good (I think that I shocked the HR bod and my boss he he....) as I told them - I am more worried about my colleagues and friends in the company who are in shock that I am leaving.

    Anyway, I'd better look busy I suppose.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 11.


    On the bright side of this (if ever there could be) you have the WHOLE of the summer off to sit in garden and sunbathe (as well as looking for another job) all whilst getting paid.. . . . .Enjoy it :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 12.

    mtd: even though you were prepared, it must still a bit surreal for you. And, yes, I am sure your colleagues and friends will miss you very much. I agree about them asking you to work until 9th July - it does seem a bit much. Onward and upward, mtd: here's to your future!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Here's to MTD - so pleased you are feeling positive about things.



  • Comment number 14.

    Thank you - I wouldn't be where I am without you lot being there for me.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Stress not Mtd - anyone who cando that vlookup thingy and explain it so well won'tbe out of work long! And think of the hours you and I can while away nattering here whilst everyone else is working! I am unemployed from 5pm this Friday.

    Glad everyone who went to the funeral got back safely. It must have been so hard for you - thank you for representing all of us. Bids, you made me cry again.

    Have a lovely day all

    miss P

    PS welcome newbies!

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all.

    Who was it offering a kick up the wotnot on the last blog?

    Pip I think! Yes please a great big hefty one if you would be so kind.

    I have got go-slowitis today. Its not good enough as I have so much to do and really should be getting on with it.

    Maybe it will keep until tomorrow.

    Maybe it will have to!


  • Comment number 17.

    Just popping back in again....

    MTD - Sorry to 'ear yer job situation is not good!!!!!
    Bit like mine for the past few years by the sounds of it!!!!!

    But am with Steve.. use the time to take abit of time out & get yersen a great tan over the summer!!!!!!!
    Also be great if yer can find a new job come September time... might be just the breath of fresh air yer might need!!!!!
    At least it's not sudden & yerv got plenty of time ter try & find a new job/ decide if yer do wanter take some time out!!!!

    A wanter get out of trucking... 13 years of it & a just feel it's time ter move on ter new things before a go mad!!!!!!

    Gingembre - Am with Baggy... ave often wondered where yerv been.... 'ope yer come back ter the blog more often!!!!!
    Am feeling too surrounded by women on this blog!!!!
    A need/ we need more blokes on the blog!!!!!!

    It almost feels like what it must feel like ter be a male nurse at times on this blog lately!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    Finally just wanter say it was nice ter see so many nice comments left on the blog yesterday about B's Mum!!!!!
    Funerals not an easy thing to attend... been to few myself... but glad for all those who were able to attend that it was a nice service...
    Glad Jane can now rest in peace!!!!!

    Must admit... still can't quiet believe she is not here anymore... but suppose we all are going to follow her one day!!!!!!

    Take care everyone!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon everyone.

    Thanks for the updates on yesterday, I am glad it went well. I stopped at 2.30pm and said my farewells.

    MTD, Shame you dont live nearer ... every Tuesday afternoon I hold Excel training sessions, you could do the Vlookup bit , you would be perfect ! Good luck with your negotiations xx

    Right, back to it, the day is running away from me. I came in mega early and the lady who normally opens up had forgotten the keys ! Grrrrrr

    Happy Humpday

    MC xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Thank you Beez and all you lovely bloggers - I have just been offered a job xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Thats fantastic Susan. I was wondering whether you heard back from the interview, is it the same one??

    Well done.


  • Comment number 21.

    Susan: utterly fantastic news! Really well done - you must be absolutely delighted! Ooooh, I am so pleased for you.

    Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks MTF and Chrissie yes it's the same one. Scary and just waiting to find out the details.

    Sus x

  • Comment number 23.

    Well done Susan!

  • Comment number 24.

    Congratulations Susan. When do you start?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Well done Susan, that's great news.

    X Gail.

  • Comment number 26.

    Good afternoon everyone

    CLP I hope the cycling goes well!

    Sun is shining in Cornwall again today.

    I'm getting really stressed with our estate agent, we changed agents a few weeks ago and so far apart from one veiwing (which they mucked up!) we've not heard anything from them, no for sale board, no photos and I haven't seen it advertised anywhere, I'm getting really annoyed as we've found the house that we want and they want a quick sale so wont accept our offer. I really want to phone the estate agent and complain but I don't think that'll help!

    Susan Congratulations on the new job, great news!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 27.

    fantastic news Susan!
    Annie, parcel in post. Seza, I will get round to posting the scarf.....!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Woohoo Susan! That is good news, well done and big pat on the back to you!

    MTD - sorry to hear it has now been made official. Am sure whatever you do you will be great.

    MTF - kick just given - felt it yet??

    It was good to hear the Jane's funeral went as well as could be hoped for and Bids - lovely words on last blog. Donations made in her memory at the local BHF and cancer shops this lunch time.

    Mystery for today - I keep finding lone ants on my desk, I squash it and another one appears an hour later???!!!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 29.

    MCM: I know what you mean, but there comes a time when one just has to make a bit of a fuss! Your estate agent is doing nothing but if, for some reason, someone comes along and buys your house, you can be sure they will want their fee! By all means call them, stay very calm and ask for an explanation.

    With apologies to the better estate agents out there in blogland, my own experience has also been very poor. When we sold our flat a few years ago, they printed on the particulars that we had central heating and full double glazing - neither of which was the case!

    Good luck MCM!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    MCM - I think you should phone the esate agents up and politely and diplomatically as possible give them a telling off!

    Seza - any news on your move?

    Chrissie - oops!

  • Comment number 31.

    AS: I know! All very embarrassing when you have to say to people, err ... no, we have storage heaters and ordinary windows!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Chrissie, I bet although to 'hear' it now it is funny!!

  • Comment number 33.

    AS: so true! But at the time I remember being REALLY annoyed at the incompetence. (if MrS were here, he would tell you that this is the understatement of this, and the last, century!).

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Thanks Chrissie and AS this is the 3rd lot of estate agents we've been with in the last 2 years and I have to say they've all been pretty useless! I do believe there must be good ones out there but I'd like to know where! I've also found with the 2 previous agents that they can't get the details correct and the 1st veiwing with this agent they went to the wrong part of the house which isn't even ours!!!!!!!!! I'm worried that I'm so wound up about it that once I get on the phone I might lose my temper!

    Sorry for moaning-I'm having a bad day!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 35.

    MCM: completely understand - you probably would "flip" if you go on the phone!


  • Comment number 36.

    Chrissie I 'flipped' in my mind earlier and I was only thinking about what I'd say if I phoned! Maybe I'll get Mr MCM to do it later, he's so laid back he's almost lying down!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    mcm - my ma in law works for a very good estate agents - but im guessing they dont cover your area!

    I've never had to sell a house - but buying one was hard enough!

  • Comment number 38.

    C - I can feel your annoyance through the net still!!

    As x

  • Comment number 39.

    MCM - you have every right to complain at their incompetency! Don't feel bad or guilty about it! Would ask friends/neighbours for a recommendation of a good agent!

    Baggy - shame it could've helped MCM's situation!

    Boleyn - from another blog (can't remember which one) hope things get better in Boleyn Towers and all is well.

    Miss P will you be leaving on the dot of 5pm on Friday? Do you have anything else lined up?

    AS x

  • Comment number 40.

    MCM I can feel your angst. Never managed to find a reasonable estate agent yet!
    My daughter is on her potential 3rd as she still hasn't had a viewing through any of them. It is very difficult to know what to say to them really. Good luck with it.

    New job may not start until July sometime which will mean I will have gone for more than 6 months without working - where did that time go?
    Thanks for all the positive vibes today and over the last few weeks.

    Susan x

  • Comment number 41.

    AS: me, annoyed, never! I am always such a ray of sunshine ...!


  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks Baggy, AS and Susan, The 2nd agent got us plenty of viewings but the people who viewed never seemed to have all the details about the house, there is a long lease and right of way over the house which none of the people viewing wanted, I don't understand why the estate agent didn't explain that to them in the 1st place, it's really annoying, I know that I would want to know all the details of a house before wasting my time going for a viewing!

    AS there aren't that many estate agents to choose from round here and I'm on the 3rd of the 4 that are any good round here!

    I'm a great believer in what's meant to be will be but we've been waiting to move for over 2 years now and I wonder if we ever will!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 43.

    MCM, You should rinf the Estate Agent and ask them

    1. When are they going to start publicising your property for sale and where?
    2. When they are going to erect a "For Sale" sign?
    3. If they havent taken any pictures when are they going to arrange for them to be taken?
    4. What exactly are they doing to earn the money they will charge you if they get lucky and find a buyer?
    5. What are they doing to ensure that potential buyers are shown to the right address?

    My experience of Estate Agents is they are very quick to sign you up and very slow to achieve anything. They seem to do as little work as possible and expect you to do the chasing.

    Moving is one of the most stressful things you will have to do in your lifetime and both Estate Agents and Solicitors seem to get a kick out of being incompetent.

    Can you tell I have had bad experiences too?


  • Comment number 44.

    excuse the spelling. I am sure you realised I meant to type "ring"

  • Comment number 45.

    Never would have guessed Thunderclap!!

    Chrissie - am sure you are :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 46.

    AS: you knew I had my tongue very firmly in my cheek, didn't you?!

    Thunder: well said, that man!


  • Comment number 47.

    Thunder I'm going to make phoning the estate agents my 1st job tomorrow morning. I can tell you've had a bad experience! I only ever want to move this once!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 48.

    In my experience all you have to remember is three words and IMHO this applies to most discussions.

    "Fact not emotion"

    If you keep the discussion factual you will get your point across and get a response. The moment you get emotional you have lost the arguement.

    Those three words have saved me many a time from being viewed as right **** (other descriptions available!) :-)

    Hope it helps

  • Comment number 49.

    Chrissie - yes I did know!

    MCM - go for it! Write the questions down and don't let them off with any waffle!!

    Right that's me done for today - am off home.

    Be good!

    AS x

  • Comment number 50.

    Am just off home - thanks for the company today! Have a nice evening, everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Have a good evening AS and Chrissie.

    Thunder I will try to remember!

    I've been a really bad housewife/mother today, not done any housework only 3 loads of washing and now I don't know what to cook for Tea, 'ifits' again I suspose!

    Better go and see what I can find, back later-internet connection permitting gggrrr!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 52.

    MCM - Contact me on FB and I'll phone them for you no
    problem! Otherwise good advice already given, particularly Thunderclap's.

    Bingo - thanks for the positive posts. It's good to have YOU back.

    Squashed on a train at mo so until later....


  • Comment number 53.

    Evening each

    Another traumatic day - 2hrs sitting in a queue of traffic waiting to get on the M8 today, then another bloomin' queue for the rickety bridge on the way home tonight. Might have to look in the bottle of red to see if there's a glass left.

    MTD & MissP - good luck with the job search and Susan - well done on the new job.

    Anyone selling a house in the Edinburgh/Lothians/Fife area - my friend Maureen is a lovely Estate Agent, as Rosie will testify. Just give me a call.

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh, and Tiggs, meant to say - will let you know when parcel arrives. Thanks so much.

  • Comment number 55.

    I heard about that on the traffic reports Annie and thought of you!!

    My journey to work was also a nightmare...

    Have had a quote from the Merc garage, £800 to do a service, plus £35 for the MOT - so they can do the MOT, I'll leave the service...the car never moves off the drive...!! And she had the cheek to ask if I wanted a spare litre of oil on special offer at £8.80!!!!

    It is being sold, I hate it!

    We might change both and get a practical car - with a bit of oomphh - and a small runaround - but one of them needs to be convertible and both need to be automatic.

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    JG, poor you. Nothing better for a little runaround than a Micra, as long as the electrics don't go.


  • Comment number 57.

    Oh, and I spoke too soon about Finlay being OK at the kennels, he's pooping and throwing up everywhere....glad Mr JG's off until next Weds, he can sort it!

    JG xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Well, Finlay all snuggled up with me now, so he's OK, just a bit out of sorts:(

    I'll be hunting out new kennels for when we have to go to a wedding in July!!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 59.

    Evening all, just popping in to say hi and goodnight, been a busy old day. Hope you all had a good day, Hope you enjoyed all your sporting exploits CLP!

    Oh and I can testify to what Annie says about her friend and her company. They really helped me buy my first flat.

    Speaking of which, had my sofa bed delivered today, which I managed to assemble this afternoon. My living room finally looks like a living room! I now feel I can deal with whatever flat pack furniture related challenges the Swedish furniture store may care to throw at me!!!

    But now sleep


  • Comment number 60.

    It's a shame that I'm at the other end of the country, I could really do with a lovely and reliable estate agent!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Evening all

    I have had the most enchanting magical afternoon with my darling grandson.

    We spent some of it in a toy shop, you should have seen he's face. Pure happiness!

    When we got home, we played with all his new toys. Pure bliss!

    I always feel sad when it's time for him to go home, but he soon puts a stop to that, by giving me the biggest, wettest sloppy kiss and cuddle ever and says, " Thank you nanny, bye bye, love you". That is a precious moment!

    How uncomplicated life is for a two year old!

    Susan, great news about the new job. xx

    MTD, thinking of you, glad you have some breathing space before moving on to bigger horizons. xx

    JG, I am sorry to hear that poor Finlay is not well after his stay in the kennels. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi AS - I fullybintend to leave sharp at 5 on Friday if not a tad before!! Nothing lined up but a couple of interviews pending. Looking forward to some time with kittens!! Thanks so much for asking!

    Estate agents - don't start me!! If the agent did their job properly, we wouldn't have neededthis HIP nonsense!

    To bed.......

    Night all, sweet dreams

    Miss P

    ps: there us such a hole here isn't there?

  • Comment number 63.

    Miss P I think the HIPs were just another thing for estate agents to extract money out of sellers!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 64.

    CSN, what a lovely day you must have had :)

    Oh, estate agents, be tough but calm MCM!! But ring them!!

    Miss P and MTD, hope you get get sorted soon, and yes, MissP, there's a big hole, that I, for one, am struggling to fill!

    Oh, CSN, he seems to have settled on Mr JG now, but he's not right at all...Mr JG will be able to watch him now over the next day or so, he might just have been missing his dad, as he's not seen anything much of him this week....

    Mr JG's off until next Weds am, so we'll see...

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Miss P

    Sorry to hear your news, I am sure you are destined to higher things in life.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Night all! x

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Night JG,

    Hope Finlay is better soon, if you lived near me I would love to look after him for you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Bedtime for me.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Has anyone else been having trouble getting on here? I don't know if it's just my internet, keep getting 'can't find the page' and 'internal error 500'

    I'm going to say good night, sweet dreams everyone.

    Love MCM xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Night MTD and MCM

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Night MTF and everyone

    Sleep well.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Back home late tonight.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    By golly, look at the time.

    Better get a wiggle on.

    Who'd have thought, that there was so much organising to do, just to get a couple of days away!!

    A quick reminder for those not in the know...

    Blog meet in Portsmouth, on Saturday.

    Details on CLP bloggers, or else enquire within.

    The weather is looking good.

    Looking forward to meeting old and new friends.


  • Comment number 73.

    Hello MTF

    I always still here.

    lol. csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.


    Hips are now no longer. they've done away with them.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all

    Having a naughty lie in as I've decided to have a late start today.


  • Comment number 76.

    Morning groovers.

    I really don't know how you night owls do it ..... The Fantastic Rolastic and I were in bed by half ten last night, and before you ask, yes, we went straight to sleep. For once!

    Well, the new jobs are going really well. There's so much to learn, given I'm doing 2 different things am and pm. My am boss goes on holiday tonight so today is our last day of training until Monday week. And the pm job - given that I am now permanent I have to learn everything that needs to be learned as I can no longer say the immortal phrase, I'm just a temp ......!

    Susan - grats on your job news!

    mtd, not so good. But take some time out, collect your thoughts and you never know what the future holds.

    Exciting times tonight: Gails verdict in Corrie and the final of Junior Apprentice ..... how BRILL has that been!?!? Scary Lipstick Girl terrifies me. I must admit if she were on my team I'd be scared to ask her to do anything in case she stunned me with "that" stare.

    Reet, will love you and leave you in peace now, finish my coffee and hit thw road.

    Have fabby days everyone.


    .... one more sleep ..... !!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    Morning bloggers

    I have a humble request - please can we keep this blog for chatting about CLP/ music and our lives and not get it dominated by the (insert swear word here) football. I know to some of you its important but we're going to lose and do it all again in 4 years anyway.

    I already have friends who are fitting me around the football schedule and a hubby who complained that becuase I am paying to take him to a rock festival he will miss the football.



    PS - just got told off by the profanity blocker - I guess football is a dirty word to them too!

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning all

    from a very dull and grey Essex - and that's just inside my head! Feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool and it's raining outside too!

    How quickly the beautiful holiday feeling fades

    MTD and Miss P, good luck with the new job opportunities! Hope it all works out well for you

    Deevs, one more sleep til?

    I have one more sleep til a trip on the London Eye, a ride on the river and an evening with Jon Bon Jovi!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Seza - suspect it may be the f word!

    I have one sleep until Skin/ AC/DC et al


  • Comment number 80.

    I'm with you Baggy!

    No wonder I had no idea. Was trying to remember what exciting thing Deevs was up to next!

    I like my one more sleep better!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Good morning all,
    Just popping in from the sick bed, I've been limping for 2 weeks now due to a pulled muscle and strained ligaments in my hip, gluteus region, am in total agony.

    Caught the brekkie show this morning, it's a good job Chris is so upbeat, with Johnny being so "realistic" or negative depending on your perspective. Still luvvin Moira!

    Just thought I'd pop in to say hi and upset Baggy with a "Come on England!"


    DD out

  • Comment number 82.

    DD - I will come on england with the best of them, I just dont want it all time time!

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning all

    V jealous of you and Mr BP, Baggy as I would love to do download as the line up looks amazing. I don't mind the f word but will be glad when they actually start playing as I'm sick of the constant media puff in the build up.

    Deev's its great to hear you so positive (and you deserve it) after such a hard time in the jo search.

    Heard much more of the show, than normal, as both GB and GD awake at 5.45am. I think JS is turning sulky, esp after losing the day out comp and the headliners and I bet he was a prefect at school, as he has that 'don't do that' about his voice!



  • Comment number 84.

    Good morning everyone,

    I'm with you Baggy, I can't stand football and fortunately David is not fussed on it either, different story for my Mum though as my Dad will be glued to every sigle match of the World Cup.

    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 85.


    I feel the same about Britans got popidol dance off come no talent et al :(

    At least the football includes lots of GOOD players and teams. As for your friends "fitting" you in well that's not on. Hubby can record the match this w/e :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 86.

    Steve - dont want reality TV or BB or anything like that either!

    Although ITV4 are doing great coverage of the IOM TT this year :-)

  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all

    Personally I'm quite looking forward to the footie, but not as much as Le Mans and the Canadian GP this weekend.

    I imagine Mr JG will be glued to each and every match he's home to watch, and I'm happy to watch too!

    Deevs, I'm glad that both jobs are going well for you!

    Seza, sounds good, apart from the London Eye ;)

    Baggy, enjoy Download, I hope it gets a bit warmer for you

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Morning Niceness Ter... ALL!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star ere...

    Pip - Just wanted ter say thanks for yer positive words/ blog about me positive words/ blog!!!!!

    Starting ter feel all are against me 'ere.... BUT... am tough deep inside... and a never give and despite all the bad things that may 'appen to me.... although at times a feel a little bit.. actually a can feel a song in this..... "Deespite.... a little bit mooorrreee of ma soul.... 'as been taken..... ohhhh yeah baybaaaa.... ahhhh" actually needs abitta work!!!!!
    Actually alotta work!!!!

    Back ter whatta was saying... errrr oh I yeah... despite bits of me soul feeling like another piece 'as been taken.... am quiet tough & me natural 'umourus positive side always seems ter come back ter the surface!!!!!!!
    Yer could say am abit like yellow rubber duck in the bath.... try and drown me.... but a always pop back yer the surface with a smile.... 'opefully noot a plastic one though!!!!!!

    Any way.... ter prove me point abit.... a will tell all that about me incident on a bus.... ter try & add abitta blog cheer!!!!!!

    Sure B's Mum would enjoy me little misdemeanour... on Merseyside Transport!!!!!


  • Comment number 89.

    #88.... 88 divided by four equals.... a good omen!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    I appreciate your point of view Baggy, however I also have one which is opposite to yours - I am looking forward to the football (and the GP and Wimbledon plus any athletics that may be on), I resent being asked not to voice my preferences because you don't happen to like football.

    The one good thing about this blog is that we feel able to talk about whatever is on our mind good or bad. We don't just talk about CLP and music because we have a wider spectrum of interests and likes/dislikes. I am sure that there will be a satisfactory mix of chat for all tastes but I for one will not stop saying 'Come on England' at every appropriate opportunity.

    Ranty pants off.

    Morning all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    MTD - I knew my opionion would not be popular.

    I respect your view and I want to know the scores as much as the next person, I would just appreciate that the hysteria over a football game is kept to realistic levels.

  • Comment number 92.

    new blog!

  • Comment number 93.


    I'm VERY impressed with the sport on that channel. I was glued to the cricket. the whole day's programming with the BTCC is just great. The ONLY downside is the blooming adverts *sigh* Not sure what the schedule for the football is but no doubt i'll be able to watch nearly every game :-D


    My mate is at Le Mans he goes every year so hopefully i'll be getting reg updates. The F1 GP is at a sensible time so should get to watch that.


    I'm waiting with anticipation to hear your story :-D

    Steve :-D


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