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There We Were And Here We Go

Chris Evans | 10:53 UK time, Monday, 15 March 2010

Mothering Sunday, F1 Dull in Bahrain and Noah's last ever bottle - of baby milk that is.

Plus another slice of magic delivered by ProfBriCox on Wonders of The Solar System.

Woke up today having decided at some point during my sleep that I will have a caffeine free week and so it is thus far but I have to admit I do fear the frothy coffee man on Thursday - do I take the day off to avoid him, allow myself "just the one" like a boozer in denial, or what do I do?

Right need to get home and get on with last few chapters of book ll - A40 here I come !!!!





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning All,

    I wouldn't have just the one on Frothy Coffee Thursday CLP. It's very nearly the end of your caffeine free week and it would be a shame to spoil it for 'just the one'. In my experience, 'just the one' is NEVER just one, hehehe.

    How's the book coming along. Read part 1 just after Christmas and have been chomping at the bit for the follow up. When is it likely to hit the shops?

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 2.

    Ello CLP Man....

    A most authoritively nice morning in all areas!!!!!!!!

    PS Nice ter see a longer blog from yersen terdee.... mind you a can't talk.... me blogs lately ave been so short.... they've noot excisted - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Am off ter do some maths!!!!!!


  • Comment number 3.

    They do caffeine-free coffee don't they - after all, it's the froth you're after, right?

    BTW - the ones that make tea bags make tea also do decaffeinated bags too. Mint doesn't belong in tea, it belongs in Polos :-)

  • Comment number 4.

    Me #2 iz awaiting moderation... story of me DAMN life!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of #2... gotta go me fruit n fibre cereal ave just 'ad iz 'itting me!!!!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Christoph and All. Lovely sunny day here too.

    First time in yonks I haven't been glued to the F1 from beginning to end. Totally agree - pretty boring.
    Good luck with the caffeine free - I couldn't do it !!!

    Car taken in for its first service - hopefully all will be OK. Given me a dinky wee car to use - with gears! wondered if I would remember but duck and water spring to mind - like riding a bike I guess - you never forget.

    Keep smiling folks

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Bingo, I think the moderation order has been lifted?


  • Comment number 7.

    Eeeew Carl - may as well drink water !
    TMI Bingo - far TMI !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Going to join you on the caffeine free week CLP.



  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All,

    How queer Mr Evans!
    I took the advice of someone much wiser than I and gave up coffee last Monday. It's really difficult!!!
    It's also made me aware of how much business gets discussed over a cup of Joe. It's just not the same sipping an orange juice instead of a bucket of Americano.....I'm not missing it much, as you can tell. :(
    Oh and watch out for the headache on Thursday!

    What a disappointment this weekends sporting events turned out to be.
    I thought that the Â鶹Éç coverage before the race yesterday was 10 times more exciting than the race itself, which I'm sorry to say I didn't even watch to the end!
    It was fantastic to see Schumi back though!!!

    Have a great week everyone



  • Comment number 10.

    Morning Chris,

    Hope your Mum had a lovely day. Your little Noah's growing up fast, I remember all the little milestones with my two. Enjoy every single one.

    I could quite easily give up coffee, seeing as I never drink the stuff. Now tea.. love a cup of tea!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 11.

    O good morning, good morning, good morning . . .

    yes all well over here on the Emerald Isle - all our local politicians have prepared for St Patrick's day by their annual jaunt to Washington, holding hands and acting normal for a change - o it make me want to scream . . .

    anyway, the sun is out, summer is just at the end of the road and things are looking up up up . .

    Enjoy the remaining cathartic experience this morning . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris: just loved the show this morning. Lynn singing along with the jingle was hilarious, and Head to Headlines is great. Bless Jonny, he has a real struggle on his hands because you love Moira so much!

    That's interesting about stopping Noah from having the bottle. Very, very disciplined - things must have changed since "my day" - MsS was a lot older than a year before I was able to get her "off" bottles!

    Hi everyone else - hope Monday is being good to you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Rips, you've been reading too many Enid Blyton stories...!(first sentence after 'Morning All'- don't hear that expression often nowadays!)

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 14.

    PS Andy Toverson - Thanks & ello!!!!!

    PS Madchickenwoman - Me mum iz fine thanks... she's come outta 'ospital after the ten dees she 'ad in & she really does look ten ter fifthteen years younger!!!!!!
    She was retaining fluid due to 'er illness... all do to oxygen inbalance... but they've balanced 'er medication etc ter get 'er oxygen levels even/ correect & she 'as lost all the fluid retention!!!!!
    She looked awful swollen face, legs ankles. arms etc... but now she really does look excellent!!!!!
    She says she feels ten times better!!!!!!

    So all is good!!!!!!!

    PS Don't wanter talk about mesen but a just wanted ter say every aspect of my life is suddenly changing for the better... maybe the kind bloggers who wrote to me on FB some of which who said they will pray for me... seems ter ave worked!!!!!
    Everything suddenly completely changing for me.... the power of prayer maybe!!!!!!!!

    Either way thanks ter all for all yer kind words... and am sorry for bringing the blog down with me very bad time a went through!!!!!

    An accumilation of things of the past 2 ter 3 years or so... 'opefully it 'it the peak of the bottom recently!!!!!!

    And ave managed ter get through it all without medication, alcohol, drugs etc.... a feel a stronger person for it all!!!!!!!!

    A did struggle with me maths exam recently... me mind was in so much pain with all that was going on... butta found the mental strength complimented with a few extra bananas & a few gallons of 'igh energy drinks (thatta rarely drink) and went inter me maths exam CHARGED!!!!!!!!
    Think a gotta C maybe a B if am lucky!!!!!!
    It was just me algebra that lt me down... if a 'ad mastered that a would be in A territory!!!!!!!

    But these were only 'alf of me exams terwards the final mark!!!!!
    Next lot in June... so if a work very 'ard now... a could scrape a A aka a A!!!!!!!

    'opefully might get me railway job later in the year then if ave goot me maths behind me!!!!!!

    Also still doing me music.... in fact ave 'ad a good idea!!!!!!
    A don't often put too much on the blog in case people are reading it & steal me ideas... but am thinking of stringing all me songs tergether ave written & calling me album after all ave been through over the past 3 years plus.... 'Near Death Experience!!!!'
    Me album could tell a story of from a first relationship... love... ter being bullied... losing everthing... being so down it nearly pushes yer ter the end... ter songs about finding new things... new loves etc!!!!!
    The songs on the album could be presented in order of events... from the positive beginning... right dwon ter the lowest low of ones life... ter a positive ending when things get better again!!!!
    Just a thought but a ave written songs/ lines ter songs about all these areas of me life ave been through!!!!!!

    Any way... so ter go off on one!!!!!

    Just wanted ter tell all am recovering & noot gonna let the 'bad people' turn me bad!!!!!!

    Onwards & upwards!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 15.

    Wide eyed and Eggless.


  • Comment number 16.

    Ooops, wrong blog, doh!!



  • Comment number 17.

    PS CLP - A agree, a thought what an anti climax the GP waz yesterdee!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    And no, I havent flipped :)


  • Comment number 19.

    Sorry Bingo, seems I was wrong about the mods.xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Funny you should say that MCW.

    Max brought home a famous five book last week, well that's what it said on the cover.
    When he started reading it to me, it was more like Scooby Doo script with surfer dudes and americanism's (I know that's wrong but you know what I mean) and therefore made less sense than I do!
    He handed it back in the next day and is now reading the original versions.
    Which he loves.......Spiffing eh?!



  • Comment number 21.

    I reckon CLP has been reading your blog posts and has decided to follow your lead in not having coffee.

    Hi everyone. Hope you are all well.


  • Comment number 22.

    #20 Golly gosh, can't beat the originals! Best read whilst drinking lashings of lemonade!

    Bingo, really pleased to hear about your Mum and all your other news. Now you can stop worrying and concentrate on yourself.

    MTF- you made me laff with your suggestion, even though it was on the wrong blog!

    Toodlepip, Mcw x

  • Comment number 23.

    Crumbs Rips, that's dashed bad news old fruit. I couldn't possibly begin to think what they have replaced the lashings of ginger beer with....Spliffing, eh?

    Lawks. Has anyone seen one's overcoat?

  • Comment number 24.

    #23 Spliffing??!!@@!! That wasn't in the books was it?

  • Comment number 25.

    mcw - Can't remember, but it might explain why I was always peckish after I'd finished reading....

  • Comment number 26.

    Darn it, if it wasn't for these new fangled duvets, you could have made him an apple pie bed Rips!


  • Comment number 27.

    Oh I say Carl ! voice of experience ?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Thunder.x

  • Comment number 29.

    UC - It might explain your preference for a large ginger beer!

    Thunder - I like to think that he has better things to do with his time :)



  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks Mcw.

    Not a situation you find yourself in I hope.xx

  • Comment number 31.


    F1 Boring!

    You'll be telling us next that bears defecate in the woods and that the Pope is a catholic.

  • Comment number 32.

    MTF- a couple of weeks ago I did the same thing, but mine wasn't as funny as your suggestion. Mcw x

  • Comment number 33.

    Beez - sadly not. I led - and still lead - a pretty virtuous exsitence. The closest I've ever come to a mind-altering substance is using varnish stripper in my garage without opening the door first. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I would have been refused entry to the Famous Five for not being exciting enough.

    I wouldn't have made it into the Secret Seven either - you know I can't keep my big mouth shut :-)

  • Comment number 34.

    I'm in good company then Mcw.(I was referring to the 'eggless' bit )


  • Comment number 35.

    MTF- Funny you should say that, haven't had an egg from my chooks this morning. They are too busy frolicking in the sunshine! So yes I am eggless today!


  • Comment number 36.

    Dont animals/birds, just love this nice weather.

    My wabbits have developed springs and are bouncing around like spring lambs.


  • Comment number 37.

    Ah, don't you just love those little spring lambs?

    Preferably lightly grilled with a nice bit of mint sauce.

    Yum Yum

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi everyone,

    Well for the first time I managed to hear the whole show today, it was great, normally I start work at 8 but one of our cats has injured his tail and was going into the vets to have the end of it amputated today, so after I had dropped him off I didn't get to work till 9.30, well you know what they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and all the Mums had a good Mother's Day.



  • Comment number 39.


    Grey and breezy here, but a mild 10 degrees .

    Bingo, glad your mum is improving and all is on the up for you.

    CLP, i havent drunk a cup of coffee in about ten years, cant stand the stuff. I need about 5 spoons of sugar to even start to sip one.
    I drink water all day every day , except weekend, when its anything but water.

    Happy Monday , sunset 6.20pm, ohhhh yessss .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Clocks go forward a week on Saturday.Yippee.


  • Comment number 41.

    What's all this about sun?! Has been a decidedly grey morning all round - I hope the sun realises and makes it my way for the afternoon! Mind you, shouldn't complain as we had a gloriously sunny weekend (if you stayed in and ignored the winds!)

    Totally agree about the GP - fell asleep watching it and woke up 3 hours later! Good to know in case I get a case of insomnia though. I really should have recorded it for times like that...

    As for caffeine free tea and coffee - it just seems like such a waste. Coffee I could possibly go without, tea I would struggle with! Good Luck on that CLP.

  • Comment number 42.

    Caffeine free coke for me.


  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon (morning!) all,

    Haven't even been able to lurk for a few days - had one of my oldest friends staying, which was lovely. Haven't seen her properly in about 7 years, but nothing changed and we talked and talked and talked the whole of her visit (much to Mr's amusement!). So good to catch up.

    Coffee - I haven't drunk coffee in about 3 years, but I love the smell of it. I've recently given up on caffeine all together (it can be a stomach irritant and has been suggested it's not so good for a grumpy-gut like mine), a couple of days in and killer headaches, but after I got over the withdrawal I'm sleeping better which can only be a good thing!

    Bingo - so glad your Mum's doing better, and things are getting better for you too.

    I always loved Enid Blyton books, Secret 7 was my favourite.

    Gail, Hope your puddy tat is Ok after the surgery today.

    Hello and Happy Mondays to all of you.


  • Comment number 44.

    Hello everybody peeps,

    At work and supposed to be busy - just popped on in my lunch break.

    A word of warning on going caffeine free - I went caffeine free about 16 years ago whilst I was pregnant which turned into caffeine intolerance so I always have to have decaff coffee :( Makes me feel like a right party pooper. I mainly drink redbush tea which is naturally caffeine free and is delish as it turns out.

    Also, going back to Chris declaring this National Almost Day. Firstly, I almost read all of the comments but I didn't as I have almost run out of time and wanted to get my tuppence worth in. Secondly, I was almost made redundant twice in the last 18 months but survived both times. Still debating if that's a good thing. It hasn't stopped me applying for new jobs put it that way. ;)

    I hope all the poorly peeps are well again and I hope to get a few mins later this evening to lurk at the very least.

    Cheerio for now.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 45.

    MTF - clocks changed here weekend just gone - only we forgot and felt a little bit silly when we realised at lunchtime on Sunday! ooops.

    Getting up this morning in the dark was difficult this morning but the lighter evenings will be great!


  • Comment number 46.

    Oh yeah, I only had one headache coming off caffeine but it was the worst I ever had.

    Righto - back to work we go! :(

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Dragon, I am really looking forward to getting home in the light, eventually.

    Yes Gail, hope your cat is ok too.

    Gotta fly ..


  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon each

    Well i promised/threatened the other night i`d be back tomorrow..and now that tomorrow is not even yesterday, although yesterday was tomorrow the day before.. but hey..hi everyone!

    No sun here.. just grey bits threatening to chuck water down at any second, whats the bet thats just about the time i leave to go home?!

    Everyone seems to be on tip top form..all feeling well?

    Dragon, your time with your friend sounds fab! Good to `see` you!

    Gail..fingers crossed for puddytat..

    A.Sandy..any closer to your `big move` yet?

    Gaily..found you on t`other side!

    Deevs/Beez..pics from Lyndy and babyman gorgeous!

    Re caffeine.. love coffee,cola etc but have a bit of intolerance so have the decaff ones, taste the same to me and dont send me even more doolally!

    Wish i could say the same re the GM tho... once we were going away and at the airport he had a bottle of `caffeine booster` drink that he`d packed in his hand luggage. On going thro security he was informed it was too large to take on board so would be confiscated. He replied he would drink it there and then! And he did... and for the 2 hour flight he didnt shut up talking for a minute..and `landed` about 4 hours after the plane had! talk about the duracell bunny! needless to say he`s been banned from such stupid stunts since!


    mSc x

    PS - GP, visited Mums on Sat evening to ensure Sunday free to watch the race...wish i`d stayed in on Saturday now! Spice it up somehow please...!

  • Comment number 49.

    That's funny mSc, I'm a bit like that with caffeine, I only drink decaff at work as I get too hyper if I have normal coffee and I get a bit cheeky too so best to stay off the hard stuff!


  • Comment number 50.

    SO ive just made a brew... got the Dairy Milk out the fridge and settled down to catch up on the last few hours..not even opend my choc yet and i`m all caught up!

    Have a teleported into a parallel universe or something?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 51.

    You should speak to our vicar he will tell you all about the difference between Mothering Sunday and Mothers Day in fact you were mentioned in his sermon yesterday as saying "it didn't matter what you called it" he was not too happy about that comment.

  • Comment number 52.

    Hello all

    Just a quick peek around the door to say hello - am swamped today!

    Hope all is well with everybody and that those who have sunshine are enjoying it, and those that don't are waiting patiently.

    Hope cat is okay, Gail.

    I LOVED Famous Five and have started collecting them all again. Always fancied myself as Anne but I have come to realise that she was just the skivvy that made the beds out of bracken and cooked the sausages, so have decided to be Timmy the Dog instead as he seemed to get the best of everything!

    Off again in a flurry

    Miss P

  • Comment number 53.

    Raining here now in Ayrshire, haven't had rain for a while now, this morning, even though I didn't have to be at vets till 9am, I just got up at my usual time and was out riding Ash at 6.30, it was glorious then, just as well I did.

    Smartie had his op and is doing fine, in fact David should be picking him up any time now, I wonder how he's going to negotiate the cat flaps with a lamp shade attached to his head!!



  • Comment number 54.

    Hi MissP

    I always saw myself as a Julian character, but my friends always saw me as a bit of a Dick....

    Wonder if the mods will let that one go?

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Miss P..welcome to the wilderness that is monday on the blog! *tumbleweed flies by..*

    Famous Five and dear old Enid..always wanted to be in the gang. But as an aside did anyone see the programme `Enid` with Helena Bonham Carter in the title role..think it was bbc4 maybe around Christmas time? If its on again watch it.. she was a woman and a half if any of it is true! Was a great programme.

    Right..post then soon home.. enjoy the rest of the worst day of the week everyone!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 56.

    They seemed to ahve done, UC!!! And I am sure you are not!!! Julian was so stuffy, I am sure you are not a bit like that!

    Hiya Scoobs - is quiet here today, isn't it?

    Gail - glad Smartie is okay. I bet you have to keep him indoors - that'll probably be a challenge!!! When my wee boy had his op on his eye, he had to wear a lampshade. Hated it, so we wore one too to show that it was okay. What a household!

    Will try to pop back later but otherwise will catch you all tomorrow

    Miss P

  • Comment number 57.

    Afternoon Each,

    Hope you are all fine and well, it's been lovely here in Kent a georgeous Spring Day - perhaps it has finally sprung.

    Chris, The only time I don't drink tea is in the States as they can't make a decent cuppa to save their life. The headache hits around day three and I feel really strange for a day and then I'm OK. It's worth it as it makes that cup of tea on the return to the UK all the better.

    UC and Bingo, Good to see you both back on the blog xx

    Sorry too many comments to comment individually on. I hope all you Mums had a lovely day yesterday. I have one burn on my hand which is a result of me cooking for 7 yesterday! It was a small price to pay for a lovely family day.

    Off home in 10! Have a good evening everyone - loving your work.


  • Comment number 58.

    Dinky toy taken back to garage, put back in its box and beez mobile back on the drive - washed - phew !! thank goodness.

    Been quiet here today hasn't it? All off caffeine with a blinding headache? I will stick to being the teabag I am for the mo.

    Still all blue sky here - I'll huff and puff and try and send it to all - been a lovely day and yay - no coat to go out - famous cardi on!! Plenty of birdies scurrying about nest building - woo hoo spring is springing.

    Hope puddy tat is alright Gail.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Happy Monday to one and all!

    The sun did have his hat on today in Cambridgeshire but seems to have disappeared behind a rather ominous grey cloud!

    F1 - can't comment, have no interest in that sport at all. Seems rather noisy and tedious to watch cars just go round a track!

    Scoobs - moving is still at the planning stage, waiting for GG divorce to all be finalised before we start looking and committing ourselves to anything only trouble is I can't wait!

    Enid Blyton - loved the Famous Five - belonged to the FF fan club once upon a time! Also loved her Faraway Tree book!

    Coffee - don't drink it, tastes so bitter! Am a cup of tea girl through and through and definitely couldn't give that up!

    AS x

  • Comment number 60.

    Bingo - good to hear things are turning around! Onwards and upwards - don't look down

    AS x

  • Comment number 61.

    Beez - the only time my car gets washed is when it goes to the garage!

    AS x

  • Comment number 62.

    ASandy - got a nice wee man locally who hand washes car. With all the salt and rubbish on the roads for the last few months - he's been getting a fair bit of trade from me!! Bless his wellie boots.
    Hope you can get your move on the go soon. Frustrating waiting isn't it? We'll have to get together when you finally arrive here.

    Meant to say earlier - pleased things are looking up now Bingo. Onwards and upwards mate.

    Right - sort out post - zip off in to town in clean car - yay - en pasta night.

    Back later

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 63.

    where did my th go? Then pasta night -

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Evening all

    Had wonderful day yesterday. All the family came round, lots of fun and laughter.Little ones loved it, running round the house, getting in to all sorts of mischief!

    Loved Enid Blyton books,Famous Five was my favourite.

    Gail, glad Smartie is ok.

    Gaily,found you on the other side.


  • Comment number 65.

    Evening each

    Chris, green tea with mint is lovely - no caffeine at all - just ignore Uncle Carl and Beez.

    Bingo, so glad you're back and sounding good.

    Haven't read all the posts yet, back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 66.

    Right, caught up, got to the bottom and forgotten everything I was going to say. Bums. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the Spring, lovely isn't it?

    Got blown across the rickety bridge today to see gorgeous little granddaughter and she didn't cry when she saw me - definitely an improvement.


  • Comment number 67.

    Hi Chris, I always drink decafe coffee. You get used to it. When you go back to the normal coffee it is too strong and keeps you awake.

    Glad you're back in the land of living Bingo - also glad your mum is getting better. Missed you on the blog - no more moderating on the blog - be good now.

    Also good luck Cheryl on job hunting.

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi folks, just popping in!

    Haven't much hope of catching up from Thursday, so won't even try as tea's nearly ready!

    We had a lovely weekend at Mum's, it was my Sister's birthday on Saturday, and obviously, Mother's Day, so t'was nice...some pics of a still very wintry looking farm on fb, for those interested!

    Oh, just one thing...coffee, can't leave the house without one, and won't give it up for anything!

    Hope everyone is OK?

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Evening JG, saw your lovely photos.


  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Annie, it sure is a lovely spot - when my Mum bought it, the people selling on behalf of an estate said it was the closest place to heaven there is...

    They may have been right!

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Beautiful JG, although I'd have to argue that the Cairngorms are just as close to heaven.


  • Comment number 72.

    I have just read the Â鶹Éç blogging guidelines and they say that posts containing puerile innuendo will not be moderated provided they are truthful.

  • Comment number 73.

    Son-in-law just phoned, keeps dropping the mayonnaise, in the last few days, two plastic bottles on kitchen floor and just now glass jar outside his house and I thought he was ringing to tell me something else, as daughter is nearing the end of her pregnancy! told him not to buy anymore mayonnaise till after the birth!


  • Comment number 74.

    CSN: Sounds like my daughter - Oops is her most used word.

  • Comment number 75.

    Barney , LOL, that should cover most of the blog then !

    JG, Glad you had a good time, pics are lovely , bet its peaceful round there.

    Hi Annie and CSN

    Just off to watch University challenge, dont know why, cause I cant even understand the questions let alone have a hope in what nots of answering.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi, Annie, my daughter uses same word. I'm trying to cook Mr CSN dinner,
    but the phone keeps ringing, holly is being a nightmare. I give up!

    Hi MC and JG, will look at pics later.

    Bingo, pleased to hear your mum is much better.xx

    Off to finish making cottage pie.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Chris
    This Mothering Sunday I was at the Butterfly Ball in Blackpool hosted by Miss Kim Phuc the 'girl in the picture' who was in the nepalm attack in Vietnam. She is on a fundraising tour this week in the NW ... What a lady!!!
    We have a 'Song for Kim' written and produced by the music teacher and two students at my school which you really need to hear (before Radio 4 get it - they were with us this morning)because it is quite simply fantastic. Pauline Lenney

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi gang, hope you're all ok and had a lovely weekend. Not bloggged in a wee while but I have been lurking (as per!). It's been quite a week in the life of rosieposie, don't want to say too much but the ball is rolling in the great flat purchase and things are moving in the right direction!

    And I finally got my long awaited refund on my faulty laptop, which died in January so tomrrow I am off to buy myself a shiny new one!

    Saw the first few mins of Prof Brian Cox last night but was too wiped out to carry on watching, I had been watching the programme on before, Simon Reeve travelling along the Tropic of Cancer which was really good.

    Anyhow hope you're all ok and have survived Monday ok,

    (Who is still dying to know what it is that CLP knows but can't say!!!!)

  • Comment number 79.

    Um was it something I said????

    Is anybody out there???


  • Comment number 80.

    evening all!

    well its been a gorgeous day down here! cold tonight though! and I did an absolute TON of work today which made me feel very virtuous!!

    i loved Enid Blyton - Famous 5 were cool - as were the "Adventure" series with Dinah and the others whose name i can't remember but there was a parrot called Kiki! my daughter has been reading all the Malory Towers and "twins" series that I saved and loved them! I agree that the updated and trendy versions are not anywhere near as good.

    oh - and i had a Marmite cereal bar through the door today! i don't mind Marmite and am definitely a fan of Marmite cheese thanks to Deevs, but this was just not right!! had to go and clean my teeth afterwards!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hello Guys ...

    coo whats gfoing on .. its late mon eve and less than 100 posts ???

    Hope all you are enjoying the lovely warm weather ??

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi all -
    Good news on the flat Rise - fingers crossed. See you in Glasgow - not long now.

    JG just checked the pics - perfick.

    CSN - late supper?

    Annie - Capt Stell mint tea? decaff ?Good job we are all different!

    Just realised missing Bew Tricks - bound to catch up - repeat - off to watch the end...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 83.

    pee ess love Marmite CG should I try the bar? No freebie so far...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.


    Seem to have been busy all day but achieved nothing!! Feel like I'm stuck in the doldrums good and proper

    Tonights dodgy cowboy film seems to be The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Music's cool!

    Bingo, good to see you and good news about your mum.

    Cg, I loved those Adventure stories too and I bought my friend's daughter the St Clares books for her birthday. Suppose they are the new versions but I didn't get to read them :-(

    Rips, has your son got into the Astrosaurs books? Space travelling dinosaurs and collector cards! What more could a boy want!

    JG Glad you had a good time

    Rosie, fingers crossed for your house buying. Hope it's all going well

    Purple Dragon (I think) LOL at your clock changing. Boy1's birthday is end of Oct and one year we had his (Harry Potter) birthday party on the Sunday after the clocks went back. My friend and her son turned up a whole hour early, in full costume, having rushed around all day because they had forgotten to change their clocks!!

    And Marmite! Ugh, just plain wrong. Not helped by the stories my Dad told me about when he worked nest door to the brewery in Romford and could see the vats they stored the yeast extract in!! I'm sure they're all properly sealed now!

    Hello to everyone, hope you're all ok

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    beez - NOOO!!! step away from the marmite bars!! Dissing Dave on t'other side said they were reminiscent of ceiling tiles!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Bleargh .. marmite should only be on toast under cheese ... not cereal bars ... xxxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Beez, loved the pics of your lunch with the girls last week.

    rosie, keep fingers crossed for you.

    JG, glad you had a lovely weekend.

    Hi CG and Billie.


  • Comment number 88.

    evening csn! any babies arrived yet??

    CG xx

  • Comment number 89.

    CG will take yours and Dissings advice on the marmite. Don't much like cereal anyway cept muesli with fresh strawbs and drowned in double cream! cereal sweet - cereal marmite doesn't sound right!!

    Seza - I've heard those stories about the storage - eeeew !

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Not yet CG, but not long to go now.


  • Comment number 91.

    CSN the mayonnaise one sounds close!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Beez, my heart turned over when he phoned me at that time!


  • Comment number 93.

    CSN you need to have a word with him!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Already have Beez, naughty boy, ringing me about bloody mayonnaise!

    Dog is nightmare tonight, in and out of garden every five mins.


  • Comment number 95.

    How strange - same here CSN - blinkin cold in here he's been out so many times. Got fed up and sent mizzog off to take him a walk - what did he do when he got back? straight to patio to go out!!
    Might try treats in a mo.
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    I have to go with her because she is scared of the foxes, that are in the garden after dark.

    Where is MTF tonight?


  • Comment number 97.

    im offski ... okies

    night all

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Night night Billie - off myself shortly.

    Oh pain CSN anything in this garden is not allowed except birds! Took me ages to train him - loads of bushes and baby birds etc - now barks at office door to tell me if baby bird not where it should be. Frogs however - picks them up and brings them in the house!!! Soft mouthed spaniel so doesn't hurt them but puts them down then chases them hopping about!
    Mizzog doesn't "do" frogs so I have to pick them up and take them out!!

    Like the house that jack built here!!! Mad!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Night Billie.

    Beez that so sweet, Holly loves watching frogs jumping around on the lawn.

    I am up and down and in and out at the moment.


  • Comment number 100.

    Nite All

    Have lovely sleeps too you guys XXXXXXXX

    Bills xxxxx


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