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The Alien is our new friend

Chris Evans | 13:18 UK time, Thursday, 11 March 2010

So we have this idea of an alien - a friendly alien - and we have to give him one thing that represents each aspect of human life. The quintessential representative of each category.

This morning: 'Consider Yourself' was the song the Breakfast Show audience deemed "the" quintessential track from all musicals ever written - love it.

What I'm thinking about now, are the categories of representing next:

Best Sports Person to represent Team Earth: Ali, Hoy ?

Best Pet: A dog, surely ?

Best Human: Mandela ?

What are the ten things we should give to the alien ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Afternoon CLP

    The first thing I'd give an alien is the name and phone number of a good hairdresser. Talking of which .....

    Laters dudes!



  • Comment number 2.

    I might give the alien my last rolo! Sorry MC!

    Best sports person, is that past or present? Pele, Mark Spitz, Steve Redgrave perhaps?

    Best Human: Again past or present? Jesus, Ghandi? Mother Teresa?

    I wish you wouldn't pose these questions when I have lots of work to do!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 3.

    #177 from previous blog

    Banked. Retaliation ammo being concocted!!!



  • Comment number 4.

    Hello everybody,

    I wanted to suggest the song about the lonely goatherd from the Sound of Music this morning 'cos I like it but I think Consider Yourself is fab. It'd make the alien feel very welcome.

    Best sports person - Thom Evans - he's a legend! (Scottish person here, not someone trying to suck up to the masterful and mighty broadcasting Legend that is the most gorgeous Chris Dot Evans).

    Best human - Likewise, Mcw - supposed to be working. Will give this some thought and return with a suitable candidate, I hope. Having thought about it, I don't think you can argue with Chris's suggestion of Mandela.

    Best pet? Sea Monkeys?

    Rightio, cracking on.

    Cheery bye for now.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 5.

    Best place- The British countryside on a warm Summers day with sky larks swooping high above.... which leads me to the best piece of music Vaughn Williams' Lark Ascending.

    Best smell: freshly mown grass (even though I suffer from hayfever!

    Now I must be off..

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 6.

    Deevs, humblest apologies - I congratulated UC on being magnificent without realising the implications. I'm sure you never have domestic disasters.

    UC - back to the drawing board, I think you may have been a bit hasty and too keen for a quick alliterative comeback. Take your time lad, you are the master of TV titles, there's no rush for this one. I think that with lots of grovelling and a fair wind you might just win Deevs round. Btw, I hope this hasn't put you off sticking around. Blimmin' paranoia! As for the voices, well they can all shut up!

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 7.

    A Roast Beef Dinner with Apple Pie and Custard, accompanied with a bottle of fine Red Wine, and finished off with a good cheese board and Irish Coffee.

    If vegetarian a nut roast and a banana.

  • Comment number 8.

    Aliens, yikes!!!!

    I'm out of here.


  • Comment number 9.

    Woo hoo jtt - done it!! you are no longer SP !!! Trust you to stick to the Sunday roast!

    Going to have a thunk Chris but I agree dog best pet.

    Back inabit

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Deevs - I was merely suggesting a title for your new Â鶹Éç3 show as requested. I was not casting aspersions in any way upon your domestic abilities.

    I'll just get my recently-removed coat shall I, and ask our new alien friend for a lift?

    P.S. MC - about the ransom money. While I am loathe to recommend kidnapping as a way to earn a living, I think I should pass on a tip should you decide to try this again. The next time your hostage asks if you can let him out so he can pop to the cashpoint, say no.

  • Comment number 11.


    Questions, questions! lol.
    Best sportsman - Hoy?! Er not for me. Ali? CB Fry? - Played cricket for England, played in an FA Cup Final and held the world long jump record (not bad) - also was once offered the throne of Albania and could jump backwards on to a mantle piece (possibly even more impressive than his sporting achievements) - now I think our alien might be rather impressed with that little collection of skills, don't you?

    From previous blog - MC - you never mentioned you liked chocolate ;O)
    Carl - Deev's Domestic Disasters - Triple D? One D too many I think ;O)

    On a slightly more self indulgent note, had a chat with Group HR today and confirmed my leaving date - April 16th. So, if anyone knows anyone who would be insane enough to employ a middle-aged, grey haired accountant, please let me know!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday bloggers and lurkers!


  • Comment number 12.

    UC - I think you may get away with that, especially if Deevs has had success at the new hairdresser's. Please don't be putting on the recently-removed coat - you won't get the benefit when you go out and don't be accepting lifts from strangers.

    MC - mmm that's a good point well made by UC but I can see why you would bow to such a request.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 13.

    Well done JTT - I knew you could do it. Still pondering on what to give the alien but one of the gifts should be nails (my FV buddies will know what I mean) - you can never have too many and they are difficult to come by.

    mtd ffb xxx

    peesss knowing how many of you feel about FV that is the last time I will mention it on here.

  • Comment number 14.


    I'd give the alien a bed for the night and make him feel welcome here.

    Best pet. Dogs because I love them very much.

    Best smell. My dog after a bath and newly cut flowers.


  • Comment number 15.

    Oh dear Nic, is this an enforced change of job? Good luck with the job hunting, anyway. The programme on Â鶹Éç1 at 9 pm last night (Famous, Rich and Jobless, I think) had a fella in a similar situation to you. Larry Lamb (who was just totally gorgeous) took him to an agency that specialises in helping professionals like yourself find employment, didn't catch the name but I'm sure there will be something similar in your area. Again good luck! Gaily B

  • Comment number 16.

    MTD - #13 - what's FV?

  • Comment number 17.

    MC - If you do need to whip up a bit of cash, perhaps I could suggest a more legal solution.

    Stick a couple of exercise bikes in your shed, start a slimming club and lock the members in it. You can provide them with calorie-controlled meals though a flap in the door (no chocolate, obviously) and with nothing else to do other than ride the bikes, they're bound to lose weight and build up fitness.

    In fact we'll get Â鶹Éç3 to film it all. You can call it `Shed The Pounds'.

    Gaily - Good advice, but are you sure about the coat?... :-)

  • Comment number 18.

    Gaily B - Yes, I was supposed to finish in October last year but they kept finding me things to do until now! So, if Deevs doesn't find a job soon, we are going to be spending a lot of time together! LOL. I will only qualify for the last word of that title, as I am not famous or rich! Thanks though.


  • Comment number 19.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday one & all!

    Had a lovely drive back from Brum this morning in glrious sunshine till I hit the Cambridgeshire border - then fog! Stayed grey here ever since!

    Chat with boss man didn't work out as well as I hoped!

    Nic - is the leaving your choice? Good luck with the job hunting.

    MTD - can't beat a bit of FV with an afternoon cuppa!

    Nothing else to say so TTFN

    AS x

  • Comment number 20.

    Thank goodness my colleagues are out today ,UC - you have made me LOL!!! I'll be chuckling about that all the way round blimmin Tesco this afternoon.

    Sound advice about the coat, btw. I have always found that if I remove my coat whilst indoors, I most definitely feel the benefit when I leave and find myself outdoors.

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 21.

    Just been chatting to the star of Deevs Delicious Dinners -

    I think you will be OK Nic - she's with so many agencies she'll be having 10 jobs soon. Sorry the contract is finished though.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 22.

    At least you got an extra 6 months out of them. My job has been 'under review' twice in the last 18 months and both times I was saved for which I'm grateful but I'm job-hunting seriously as the company keeps reminding us that 'we're not out of the woods yet'. Got everything crossed for you both - you seem like a super couple.


  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Gaily

    It's a game on FB which some of us play which centres around farming (it's a bit silly but it keeps us occupied...).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi all, have been lurking n not posting over the past few days as have had to get my head around some issues :( but am feeling a lot happier today :)
    Good luck Nic n Deevs on the job front, maybe you could start your own business!!
    Have forgotten all the things I wanted to say except I did have a good giggle over MTF wabbit descriptions and Beez's dog clipping!!
    I have a huge problem that is to do with the blog .... I have never been a chocolate lover and would probably only eat one or two bars a year but since being on here, (n it was the Wispa Golds that started it) I now have a fridge full of various Choccy which I am working my way thru and now all the mentions in a certain MC's post earlier sent me rummaging in my handbag for my emergency Crunchie Bar!!!! think I need help lol
    Luv to one and all
    GM xx (reaching for her bag of Werthers Caramels yum)

  • Comment number 25.

    Superb UC!!!

    The number of unemployed bloggers is creeping up! Nic - are you on Linkedin? Professional networking site that might prove useful. I had a quick look at our vacancies board but nothing there and I doubt you would want to work here (Beez would back me up on that!!).

    The Alien:

    Pet - has to be cat. However, we are not sure whether Alien has fur allergy so alternative would be a goldfish called Vanessa (who seems to have experience of alien environments)

    Food - I'm with JTT on the Sunday roast and apple pie, but with that lovely thick cream, not custard

    Drink - must be Famous Grouse whiskey, unless he / she is teetotall, in which case Ribena (other blackcurrant drinks are available)

    Smell - freshly washed linen sheets that have been hanging outside in the sunshine all day

    Sound - a childs laughter

    Will that do as a start?

    Miss P

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh cripes - nearly home time - hope I can get all this in before I have to go.

    Gotcha MTD - I've dabbled in FV but not had much success. My eldest and I were discussing it today - we don't really udderstand the concept. Did you see what I did there?

    Beez - you are magnificent - much more complimentary title for Deevs' tv show. Soz UC - still liking your style tho'. ;)

    Anyhoo, it's that time of the day I love - HOME TIME - YIPPEE!!!

    Looking forward to catching up on the other side of the teatime / bedtime / ironing routine.

    Cheery bye for now.

    *skips off across the car park happy in the knowledge that some of the absconding bloggers have returned - tra, la, la,lala!*

  • Comment number 27.

    GailyB - Thanks for #22.
    MissP - Yes I am on there. Also with several agencies and looking at several websites. I am hoping these things happen when you are least expecting it, cos atm I am not expecting anything! lol.
    Had thought about my own business and of course, I would need a good P.A.!
    Nice to see you back Carl.


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Chris: I did enjoy all the chat about musicals this morning. This has nothing to do with the best tune for an alien, but my favourite song from any musical is "Tell me it's not true" from Blood Brothers. Whenever I am need of a really good cry, I put that on and blub away to my heart's content.

    Now, in answer to your question - ten things to give an alien - do not have a single clue. Not a creative thought in my head!

    MC: lovely to see you back - I was asking for you the other day. Your post was very funny!

    mtd: re: coming to Glasgow - sounds like you are pitching this just right with the OH - nice and easy does it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks Chrissie - I really hope I can make it...

    In terms of things to give to the alien.

    Best Musical song - I have to agree with CLP on that one - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (the Julie Covington version), or Tell me on a Sunday.

    Best Pet - Dog

    Best sportsperson - Sir Steve Redgrave

    Best Human - ooohhh Mother Teresa

    Best country - New Zealand

    Best song not in a musical - Leyla

    I am supposed to be working - so I'm not really here....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    It's a funny old world. Just been out walking the dog and met a very sweet,dear little old lady, who just wanted someone to stop and have a little chat with her because she told me she felt very lonely.
    After our conversation, she smiled and thanked me. I walked away with tears in my eyes.
    Made me think about the people who are leaving here,I was sad this morning, not anymore because that little old lady will be in my thoughts for the rest of day.


  • Comment number 31.

    What a great idea the alien is. Let's choose the definitive TV show to show him/her. Howzabout 'Merlin' an everyday tale of secret magic folk?

  • Comment number 32.

    Best Musical Song : June is Bustin out all Over.

  • Comment number 33.

    Sorry, bit of a cry for help. Does anyone have any idea what CLP is on about (or more accurate, not on about) on Twitter today. He's twisting my melon man :-)

  • Comment number 34.

    CSN - Makes you think doesn't it...
    Carl - My guess is that Mr E has had wind of the latest listening figures and that they are as good as, if not better than, Terry's. He talks so sweet...


  • Comment number 35.

    Cheers Nic - that would make sense. Either that or the messageboard servers have exploded....

  • Comment number 36.

    Lovely story csn. That is one thing I miss about not having a dog to walk any more, I used to meet all sorts of people (some of them like your little old lady who just wanted to pass the time of day).

    UC I will catch up on Twitter when I get home although I think you (or debs) may be right about the One show gig...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    LOL JTT - you just reminded me of a phone call many years ago. A very buxom friend of my mothers telephoned her and I answered the phone. "Hello June" I said, "yes, Mum is in - I will call her for you". I put the phone down, yelled for Mum and went on with whatever I was doing. Unfortunately, I failed to realise that I had started singing "June is busting out all over".... out loud.

    My mother picked up the phone and was told "your daughter is extremely rude"!!

    Whenever I hear the song now, I think of her!

  • Comment number 38.

    mtd - Chris said it wasn't a baby or a new show or anything involving money but was karma...


  • Comment number 39.

    I was about to ask the same thing about Twitter. Confused? You bet I am but your suggestion Nic would make sense. Fingers crossed. x

  • Comment number 40.


    In which case I think you are right it must be the listening figures - i.e one in the eye for the daily wail...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    hey all
    CLP said he can never tell......!
    Just got back from watching Alice, wow, what a film!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 42.


    Have to do this. I've followed you throughout your career and loved all your shows up to now but i dont know what's happened but think the show's really poor! The wrong bongs, kids bit and the megaphone is sooooo naff, what's happening! i've had to turn to heart, now that's bad!!

    Please change things

    Liz x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Tiggs - gathered you enjoyed the film then !! Bit pointless CLP tweeting if he can never ever tell.

    10 things off the top of my head...

    Sound of babies chuckling
    A perfect Rose
    The smell of Vanilla
    Pet : Yes a dog
    Decent bottle of wine
    OK - a Roast dinner
    Handels Water Music
    The Beatles set
    Complete set of Dickens
    Collection of films -
    Shawshank Redemption to Pretty Woman

    I'll probably change my mind cos I can, but that's a start.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 44.


    I think it's called appealing to the whole family, as opposed to a certain section of society. Heart? Surely it's can't be THAT bad?!


  • Comment number 45.

    Although 'Consider Yourself' is a good song I think the song that most represents the genre of musicals is 'Tommorrow' from Annie. Everyone knows it and wants to join in singing it and it's so uplifting.

  • Comment number 46.

    Nah, thought it was barely average.......!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    I'll have to have a think about the 10 things when I'm less busy, but just wanted to pop in and say "Hi" to the returning folk, and "Bye" to those leaving, you will be missed.

    I'm not leaving, but won't be around so much for the next few days, as there are big things afoot at work at the moment - nothing sinister - just taking up a lot of my time.

    Also I'm off down to Welsh Wales tomorrow night straight from work for the weekend where there is no interweb.

    Will pop in later tonight hopefully, but need to pack, and tidy up a bit as MiL is dog-sitting for us again - let's hope there are no power cuts this time!

    Catch you later

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    PS - There is interweb in Wales, just not at my Mum's house....and phone signal can be a bit dodgy...

  • Comment number 49.

    LOL Tiggs !!!

    JG - want to borrow a key? All wired up and ready to go.....

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Well - when I say wired up - it's wireless but you know what I mean....

    is it home time yet?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon each

    Well... tried catching up but have given up!

    Cant mention everyone individually or i`ll be here til about week wednesday but hellllooooo to all and esp the new bloggers! (GailyB - find me on FB and let me know where in gorgeous Lincolnshire you are..love the county and the GM is a fully fledged born and bred yellowbelly..now disconsolately(sp?) living in Yorkshire!)

    JG and Annie - so glad you are feeling better!

    And Debs..so late but have just seen the eye! Flaming hell woman! Hope you on the mend!

    Everyone job hunting..good luck! I`m been headhunted at the moment which is a nice position to be in..although i`m sure they REALLY dont know what they`d be getting! Decision time soon..

    Had a lovely week off.. Beez, ta for the coffee offer on our day visit to Wales! If i didnt have the Mil with us i`d have been round like a shot! Did wave to several of you as i passed tho!

    Right, far too many .... and !!! as per so i`m off..be back tomorrow!

    mSc x

    PS - MC, love the choc post! Have found a local store still selling Wispa Golds and they are in date..bonus! Oh, and who mentioned Werthers Caramels?..yum, but try the milk ones, taste just like Lindt but cheaper (well i am from Yorkshire!) x

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh Heck..they NEVER look that long in the preview!

    Heres a slap round the face for anyone who has fallen asleep attempting to read my last wafflings... :)

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Hellooooo everyone

    Just been trying (and failing) to catch up from the last few days BUT I did notice my name mentioned yesterday so thanks to Chrissie and Nic for the birthday wishes (and any others I didn't notice) - I felt very special. Also would like to thank everyone on the darkside too esp as I still haven't managed to meet any of you yet.

    Hope all goes well for all of you whatever situation you find yourself in. I'll keep trying to pop in and out. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Smee. I'm back from barnet fixers and she has fixed it good and proper. To say I am reet chuffed is an under-statement - it's bright red and for the first time in a while actually has a "style" to it, rather than the mass of haystack I usually sport!

    The salon also do nails and beauty treatments so booked back in for Saturday to get the talons sorted - they are hindering all these typing tests I keep doing!

    Unc - ne'er mind your coat! Get a pinny on and come help me with these Domestic Disasters!

    Loving the listery action for our alien friend - where's Matt From Rudgwick when you need him - he is KING of all things list!

    Right, off to unpack the shopping and make myself gawjus for MrRolastic (although he'll be home in less than an hour so that might not be technically possible!!)

    Love and stuff



  • Comment number 55.

    Oh cheers Scoob - my first day back and you're already slapping me around the face! I can take a hint you know :-)

  • Comment number 56.

    glad I hadn't logged out - photos Deevs please on t'other side xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Unc - you just be grateful she didn't stamp on your toes. The killer heel queen.

    btw Scoob - where did you get the red sparkly ones? fb me.

    We need a pic Deev if you please?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Great minds Sus ......

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Scoobs: good to see you.

    JG: hope you have a lovely weekend with your mum.

    Have a nice evening one and all - Friday tomorrow, how wonderful!

    C xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Well, I'm off to see the Mighty Reds crush the Frenchies (other xenophobic stereotypes are available, provided the Mods don't see....).

    Have a great night - been a real lift after the past few days, thanks! See you tomorrow.

  • Comment number 61.

    Busy night here at ChezNic Towers - Beez, we're having lunch tomorrow, bring your camera!


  • Comment number 62.

    Give yourself how abt that!

  • Comment number 63.


    We should give your alien some of the things which really define Britain today -

    A copy of Hello magazine, preferably with Katie Price on the cover.

    A copy of the Sun.

    A sky+ box with recordings of daytime TV especially Trisha and Jeremy Kyle.

    A Facebook login.

    A mobile phone with a really annoying ring tone.

    A clapped out Clio with a full body kit and huge exhaust (uninsured).

    A Burberry baseball cap.

    A two litre bottle of supermarket own brand cider.

    A supersized takeaway meal.

    A stag/hen weekend in Benidorm.

  • Comment number 64.


    UC , thanks for the tip , or lack of ...

    Scoobs, i hope that who ever you work for take the all of you and not just your head .

    Nic, good luck with the job hunting. My place is very quiet at the moment , am not sure if i should milk it or move on.

    Chrissie, hope you are over your cold now, wish i was coming to the Glasgow meet, but hope to see you soon.

    We have had wall to wall sunshine up here in't North West , am loving the lighter nights and hearing the birds singing again.

    Am going for a run later, my second this week, it has taken two days for the aching to subside , and i think i may just be able to reach to tie the laces on my shoes now without the aid of Neurofen , who said keeping fit was fun?

    MC xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Evening each!

    I know i said tomorrow but awaiting my fish pie, dauphinoise pots and assorted veg to cook so thought id pop back..

    Beez..you have given away my next technique for keeping peeps awake whilst reading my posts..quick 3inch heel in the toe works everytime!
    And, my fellow killer heel wearer the red sparkly ones are about 3yrs old but i think they were Debs (the shop of course, not any of our lovely Debs off of here..). Size 7 i think..can post them if you wanna borrow?

    Deevs..i am also sporting red hair at the moment, was `touched` up (as opposed to my normal `touched state!) yesterday. Love it although saw my Grandma today and she said my head looked like it was bleeding...bless her 85yr old cotton socks! Pics for yours pls!

    Chrissie..lovely to be back, you seem to be on top form recently..hope the shoulder easing x

    And MC, the head is about the only part that works some of the time so that may just be all they want! Good luck with the run!

    Ok..oven beeping so off to scoff..

    definately tomorrow..!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 66.

    Another 5 minutes should do it!

    Meant to ask GirlRacer where in our bonny county you are coming up to...? Can prob suggest some nice places to eat in whichever area..few of us up here around!

    Really, really, really going..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening all

    Mcw, congratulations to your daughter.

    JG, have a great weekend in Wales.

    Deevs, waiting to see picture of the new you.

    Uncle Carl, please don't disappear again.

    mtd, I do read all the posts. Thank you for replying to mine today.


  • Comment number 68.

    Phew! Just popping in whilst having a breather, didn't realise I had as much to do tonight as this! Almost done though!

    Thanks Chrissie, I'm hoping this nice dry weather lasts, as we are taking BiL and his Fiancée down to meet my Mum as well. It's so much easier when it's not raining!

    Deev, good luck tomorrow, and Nic, I hope you find something soon!

    Scoobs - 'citing about the headhunting!

    MC, nice to see you back, go careful with all that running around now! I agree about the nice weather, and lighter evenings, feels like spring is nearly here.

    Anyway, I'm bound to have forgotten people, but hope you are all OK

    Last few things to sort out before tea'll be ready!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    OH Yes!! MCW - well done for your daughter, thanks for reminding me CSN!

    And thanks for your good wishes for the weekend

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    All this sunshine is just lovely, I hope it stays a lot longer.
    Enjoy your visit to your mums, just hope the dog looks after your MIL ok .

    MCW , good news about your daughter.

    Scoobs, laughing my head off at your grandmas comments on your hair , that is soooo funny ..

    Right, just going to find my trainers ,

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening each

    I would give an alien a freesia - delicate and fragrant.

    Talking of aliens, I was once in a very nice pub - plush seats, nice decor - and I was wondering how you'd explain a pub to an alien. 'Well, you see, people come in here to drink stuff out of those bottles. It makes your head funny, you do stupid things, fall over, and have a sore head in the morning'. (I was on the orange juice btw).

    And still on the subject of aliens - I have a large, round patch on my lawn which is dead. My theory is - alien landing in the night, there's no other explanation.

    Back later when I've got my head screwed on the right way.


  • Comment number 72.

    Hello Everyone

    MCW Well done to your daughter

    JG Have a good weekend, hope your M-i-L gets on ok this time

    Annie, lol, are you sure about the orange juice?

    I think I'd take our alien on a day trip to London, could take them to the British Museum and on the London Eye and Along the South Bank and take them to Covent Garden and on a bus and then I's take them to a show, but I'm not sure which one!

    Hmm, might be a bit busy, maybe we'd better have a weekend there!

    Seza xx

    PS Any colour Tiggs, not fussy!

  • Comment number 73.

    mSc it was me who mentioned the Werthers and I had a bag of each :) (please note past tense)and yes the Milk ones were lovely!!
    Am watching Crufts and it is driving my little Terrorist mad, she keeps trying to look behind the TV to locate the barking and is getting quite upset when the dogs don't reply to her, think it should be called how to drive your dog mad!!!
    Well, its thirsty Thursday and I have just opened a bottle of red, practising for FNWC :)
    Have a good weekend JG and hope everyone else has a good evening and an ever better weekend.
    GM xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Many thanks for all your congratulations for my daughter.

    Have actually taken the plunge and joined FB. Thanks to all who have responded. It is great to put names to faces. I am a bit of a technophobe, so please don't worry if I am a bit slow in responding.

    Glad to see the blog has got back into its stride again!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 75.

    how's about Tom Baker stylee, long multi-coloured jobby?!!

    tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    GM, your dog sounds so cute, but barking mad like mine!

    Hi seza, did you have a talk to estate agents?

    And when the alien leaves me after I give him a bed for the night.
    I would let my grandson say goodbye, because he always says to me
    bye bye darlin! And naughty grandad taught him that.


  • Comment number 77.

    Tiggs, sounds like fun!

    GM Hope everything is going as well as it can for you at the moment.

    CSN, your grandson sounds he's real partners in crime with his Grandad, just like mine are!

    Didn't go to the estate agent today as the chap I want to speak to has Thursday off. will go tomorrow

    Where is Crufts on? Couldn't see it.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Evening all.

    Back from another long trek around the counties of Devon and Somerset.

    While driving around, I had a random thought, ok nothing new there, but I did wonder to myself..

    When was the last time I saw a clothes moth?

    As kids, they were a familiar sight and some of my friends wore clothes that had been sharing the same cupboard space as the delightful mothball.

    There was no mistaking that aroma!

    I do try to add some variety to the topics discussed on here.

    Not seen my first swallow yet, and am a bit hazardous while out on the road as I keep thinking I have spotted one.

    Anyday soon.


  • Comment number 79.

    Evening everybody peeps,

    How sad am I, I've made notes to remind myself of who's comments I want to comment on!

    #30 - CSN - aw that's lovely - you made that wee woman's day - she won't forget you either - I bet she's had a smile on her gorgeous wee granny face.

    Miss P - I'd give the alien a white zinfandel or if he / she is teetotal Vimto instead of Ribena. Also, I LOLed at #37 - June is Bustin Out All Over. Many years ago one of our neighbour's was wearing a rather skimpy t-shirt claiming that "June is Bustin out All Over". My Dad's comment to us was "It's not June that's Bustin out All Over, it's her!" Thankfully, she didn't hear.

    #42 - Liz if you stay at Heart how will you know if Chris's show has changed? Just a thought.

    UC #60 LOL - I'm going to get my domestic engineering done early tomorrow so I can be here hanging out with you guys.

    MsScoobycat - soz - tried finding you on FB - no luck - clue, please?

    Barney #63 - are you trying to scare the alien away?.

    Eldest child home from ATC, he's putting the kettle on, bless him!

    Gaily B

  • Comment number 80.

    Seza .... Crufts was on More4 and allegedly its on every evening live.
    MTF no clothes moths here but remember the moth balls very well :)not seen any swallows but have 6 daffs in full flower and saw 2 busy bumble bees in the garden today!!

  • Comment number 81.

    Gailey, the stars in Fife are shining bright (it was you, wasn't it?)

    MTF: Don't know when I last saw a moth in my clothes. Although, when having a ciggie at the door, they sometimes fly in and are squashed flat asap.


  • Comment number 82.

    MTF - We have swallows nesting in our barn most years. I love watching them swoop over the fields catching insects. But don't expect to see them until next month at the earliest, you must be further south than me, I'm near Cambridge. However, had a lovely walk around our village and saw lots of snowdrops, crocus and even a few daffs on flower. Think we may have turned the corner as far as winter is concerned.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 83.

    Fife has been sunny the last few days - it's such a tonic even though its freezing. Feels like Spring is on its way, and very soon the clock in the car will be the right time (haven't a scooby how to change it in October)


  • Comment number 84.

    Chris. Surly the one food item to give an alien must be some bread. Its an international staple food wherever you go in the world. :-)

  • Comment number 85.

    Tiggs - When I saw the word 'jobby' I had a panic attack thinking the mods will be on to you. Not sure if it has the same meaning south of the border as it has north. If in doubt try to lay your hands on a copy of Billy Connolly's recording of the Jobby Wheecha - it explains a lot!

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Ladies.

    Annie, can see you with your fly swat!

    MCW, a bit further south in a westerly direction, we usually get the sand martins first.

    GM, yes bumble bees too, they have their eye on the blue tits house again, I know they have to live somewhere, but I do love the little tits nesting in my garden.


  • Comment number 87.

    Gailey: Snap. My thoughts too.


  • Comment number 88.

    Tiggs: It's a poo!!!!


  • Comment number 89.

    MTF, last time I saw any mothballs I was dropping them all over my flower beds to keep the cats off!

    CSN, I sometimes watch that when I come across it but missed it this time. Will maybe try and see it another time

    Has been cold and grey here today. Am hoping that it's nicer at the weekend, I think we're going to go to Flatford Mill on Sunday and if it's nice, we might take a boat on the river

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Very common saying around here is

    'Proper job', even got a chain of diy stores called it.

    Would that be an achievement then north of the border??



  • Comment number 91.

    Hello ......

    sorry for no blogging etc .. had a CBA with the internet etc so left well alone ......

    hope you all are good ???

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Wow, does that work Seza?

    Off to proper job tomorrow to buy some, I just know they will sell them.

    So, you just drop them, not throw them??


  • Comment number 93.

    Seza, I'm off to get some tomorrow. Been spraying bleach around the garden to deter the bleedin' neighbours cats.

    Proper job - doesn't bear thinking about.


  • Comment number 94.

    MTF, Weeelllll if you've got a catapult handy!!

    Seriously, I have heard that cats hate the smell and stay off, not sure if it works but I've tried and think it helps a bit

    Hi Billie

    Ken, really nice, fresh, warm bread with proper butter melting just a bit and maybe some nice strong cheddar on the side - you could be onto something there

    Just off to raid the kitchen

    Alien Seza xx

  • Comment number 95.

    MTF - Not as much of an achievement as a multi-coloured jobby.

    Yep Annie, I'm fae Fife currently residing south of the border. I am so pleased you guys are getting some decent weather after the winter you have endured. Here's hoping this year we get the BBQ summer we were promised last year.

    Stars not out here tonight - overcast :(

    Mothballs - funnily enough I was just thinking about them the other day - my Auntie used them - I reckon they must have been posher than us. I don't think moths go for bri-nylon and crimpolene?


  • Comment number 96.

    Dont get me wrong, I love cats, my boss has 11 at the last count with no doubt more kittens due now spring is here.

    But not in/on my garden digging and leaving jobbies and spooking my wabbits.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hiya Seza .... MTF .....Annie ....

    hows you ???

    Alien Bills xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Only a Fifer would talk about a multi-coloured jobby Gaily!!!


  • Comment number 99.

    I got great deal of satisfaction, when I was heavily pregnant, from chucking a basin (washing up bowl) full of water at a cat jumping over a 7' high fence at the bottom of my garden and hearing it miaow in sheer horror as the water splashed it. (Obviously I couldn't see how much water landed on the cat but it was enough to hear the miaow!) It was well worth the effort of waddling down the garden path.

    Anyone see Noel Tidybeard's addictive programme tonight?

  • Comment number 100.

    Gaily, ttrack us folk down on FB, join the group called CLP Bloggers, and on the discussion boards will be a tag, "What's your name on the Blog" or something similar!

    If you post on there, we'll be able to find you!

    I'm going to have to go to bed now, so night everyone!

    JG x


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