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Humping on a Tuesday, whatever next ?

Chris Evans | 11:11 UK time, Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Been grunting, groaning and

...sweating this morning, a - humping furniture all round the gaff. I am not made for grazed knuckles and lacerated palms, both of which I now have. No indeed, when God dished out manliness, I think he blinked when he came to me.

How these removal guys do it all day, every day, I have no idea, especially when faced with a top floor flat, a narrow staircase and a hefty three piece suite. Anyone who doesn't tip removal men - if they can afford it, is certain to die a slow and miserable death, I promise you.

I am still shaking from the experience of my humping... why is that ?

Things We Should All Know Week continues tonight with... how to use an apostrophe and tomorrow listen to this...

How to cook the perfect Yorkshire Pudding, the live cook-a-long... did you get that ? The LIVE COOK-A-LONG... you do it whilst we do it and then we contrast and compare, photos for the website are welcome, send them to the usual email address.

I can't wait.

So, here are the ingredients you'll need to make Yorkshire pudding for four people:

275 ml or 1/2 pint of full-fat milk
185 gms or 1/2 pint plain flour
6 eggs
250 gms or 1/2 a pound of beef dripping (vegetarians can use sunflower oil)

Gather them all up, and get ready to whip up a storm with us on Wednesday night.


I feel another fast week coming on.




P.S. I'm going to Dorchester tomorrow morning to open the Wellworths store. She was such a nice lady.



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  • Comment number 1.

    weird my first post of today and clps post is at 11.11....



  • Comment number 2.

    good to hear Tash has you doing 'normal' things. Perhaps she could do live phone in on 'how to get man stuff done around the house!!!?' That would be within the Things We Should All Know Week...


  • Comment number 3.

    ....erm, how to cook a perfect yorkie? Take it out Aunt Bs packet and put it in oven - job done!!


  • Comment number 4.

    Ha Ha PF - that's exactly what I do!

    My brother is married to a Yorkshire Lass and he can make the perfect Yorkshire Pud. Whereas my Mum, who has won WI trophies for baking, can't make one to save her life. Me I've never tried, so perhaps I should listen tomorrow and give it a go!


  • Comment number 5.

    Things we should know week ....

    How to get men to put things away around the house perhaps???


    I've got Friday off so does that make today my Hump Day? I quite fancy a ..... no Deev. No.

    Will miss the Yorkie pud Cook-a-long tomorrow - got phase II of weekend gawjusness pres booked in for 6.15 pm.

    Back in a bit, with a sarnie.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Well whaddaya know. New blog just as I post on the last one, bugger I'll never get out at this rate...

    Indeed those removal men are heroes. And freaks. I've seen them pick up a large box of books with one arm and balancin' a sofa on the other without blinkin' an eye; me, I have to sit down dizzy after openin' me OED too quick.

    Mind you the GD, aka. Boadicea, has inherited her father's blind strength and regularly swings me over her shoulder. This is the girl who out-threw the boys at school in the shot-putt, to my great delight and her chagrin when I showed her what a proper Russian shot-putter looks like.

    And I well remember the humiliation suffered by our neighbour across from the farm when his missus ordered a large gas-lamp for outside their house from the council when they demolished half of Wigan, and upon delivering it, they left it across the driveway. Trying for several m inutes but unable to budge it, he looked up and spotted the ex-hubby driving his tractor in the field opposite. 'Ha.' Thinks he. 'Just the thing.' So he summoned him, motioning to the aforementioned obstruction, and the ex bounded over like a big happy Labrador. At that moment, the phone rang so the neighbour, himself a bit of a rugger-bugger, ran in to answer it. After about 20 seconds there was a rap on the window.

    And there he was. The ex-hubby, standing with said gas-lamp under one arm, asking, 'Where do you want it?'

    The word Emasculated has never quite covered it.

    Bless him.


  • Comment number 7.

    CLP - not many ingredients needed my love! However, alot of peeps have a raft of 'secret' ingredients or 'their way' of doing it. AND the yorkie!


  • Comment number 8.

    Luving the idea of a Yorkshire pud-cook-a-long... I do good ones over here but it's more difficult in Andorra (coz of the altitude aparrently!) and often I end up with Yorkshire biscuits... not impressive though tasty.

    Happy Hump day CtD!


  • Comment number 9.

    Having just humped myself...albeit a basement flat with stairs and an awkward corner...I completely understand every word you are saying Christophe. Slept so well the first few nights due to exertions...then back to the usual insomnia...

    Dorchester should be lovely if the daffs or crocuses are out...and both myself and the Badger would be interested in the Yorky Pud session...if only to see how they turn out as opposed to our usual efforts...

    hot fat

  • Comment number 10.

    And don't mention cookin' Yorkies after the near-tragedy that was Renee and the blow-torch that some wag bought her for Mothers' Day.

    Never mind Queen Victoria. Sally the Yorkie was a ringer for Queen Elizabeth 1 for 6 weeks after the creme brulee debacle.

    Wasn't all bad, though; I made her a nice ruff for on her collar. Marvellous.


  • Comment number 11.

    Oh Chris, what a wonderful idea.

    Now I wonder if we can do it in the car?

    Are we allowed a time delay?

    Hells x

  • Comment number 12.

    pee ess. A friend of mine...long ago...was waxing lyrical about the Yorkshire Pudding mix she'd just bought from a supermarket...'you only need to add eggs and milk!' she cried.

    'My dear...' said I, 'you've just bought flour.'

  • Comment number 13.

    oh, and how long does it take for the headache to go away after you have given up caffeine and are drinking decaffeinated tea?

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris,

    I hope you have recovered from your "humping". One way to keep fit!

    I'm looking forward to learning how to cook the perfect Yorkshire Pudding, Mine never turn out, unless they are the frozen ones!

    Happy Birthday to Gorgeous Noah, one month old today! I bet it's been quite a month for you and Tash. Where did the time go?

    Enjoy your trip to Dorchester.

    Love continuously,

  • Comment number 15.

    #13 about a week.

  • Comment number 16.

    i had to go through it.felt awful for a week.now only drink decaff coffee.the tea caffine doesnt seem to affect me as much as loaded coffee did but i am very glad i am off the "hard"stuff couldnt do with gottohaveacoffeegottohaveacoffee!

  • Comment number 17.

    I love yorkshire puddings, home made are the best.
    I'm humping at the moment, moving house at the weekend...the stress of it all! Also just broke the kids
    so now have to go out and buy another, what a great day!

  • Comment number 18.

    Yorkies, yum yum yum
    Do you mean the thin crispy kind?
    Or the doughy kind?
    Or the big slab kind?
    One golden rule tho, they have to be cooked it the meat fat, and that has to be smoooookin hot before you put the batter in.
    With you on the furniture humping lark CLP weve moved three times in the last four years, and I hate all that tryin to fit the sofa thru the clearly too small door so why the flip cant you just bring it round the back shenanigens!
    Going to go and have some lunch now all that yorkie talk has made me peckish.
    Laters. x

  • Comment number 19.

    How to use an apostrophe?????

    Definitely NOT on a professionally printed big sign that says ...

    "Now open Sunday's"


    T x

  • Comment number 20.

    milo - broke the kids????

  • Comment number 21.

    Off to take GD to do her test theory - stressed or what! May have to dose her up with rescue remedy. Might need some myself depending on pass or fail.

    Big smoke trip tomorrow - seeing p o'grady show - should be fun.

    Catch up with you all Thursday and tell all.

    Take care of each other.

    Luv 'n hugs all round.


  • Comment number 22.

    Steffi, have a great time - my daughter's b/f's mum went a couple of weeks ago and had a ball!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks sparkle, really looking forward to it. The beloved said we could go shopping after - whooppee. May get the valentines pressie he still owes me! Now...what should I choose?


  • Comment number 24.

    Dooobri Yeeeeee Ooooooootraaaaaaaaa....... Christoof The LP And INDEEEEEEEED...... Every Single Blogger..... And The Married Bloggers Tooooooooo!!!!!@!@!!@!@!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - The removals men.... sorry persons.... errrr it's all experience with the job CLP. Like with any job the same way am sure you now, sorry know which part of yer mixer ter open up ter the UK and beyond it's the same for the removals PERSONS when it comes ter moving a chest of drawers arooound a corner in Chester, Dorchester or INDEED CLP's mansion!!!!!
    Abit like me reversing me truck up a narrow gap - noot that am boasting.... enough of me before a offend anyone or me self esteeeem lifts so much that ave goot ter cancel me appointment with me self esteem booosting shrink next week, thus bad for me shrinks ter keep up 'is mortgage payments on 'is second 'ome in Bulgaria..... during a recession - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    All a can say with the grazed knuckles....
    1 - Get Sally B ter kiss them better!!!!
    2 - Use Savalon 'and 'ealing cream - works for me!!!!!
    Or INDEED 3 - Tell Tash yuv been in a fight.... errr yer rescued an old lady from being clamped by some butch wheel clampers!!!!!!
    And yer manliness crudentials with Tash will rocket like a dot com internet company floating on the stockmarket in 1999!!!!!!

    Talkin' of manliness..... A VERY much enjoyed your shoe, sorry show last neet (Mondee)!!!!
    One of the best ave 'eard for a long time!!!!
    Noot that previous shows ain't been good.... they're ALL guten!!!!!
    But last neet CLP yer seemed ter be on a extra 'igh... aka maybe been on Wrightie's yellow only smarties - works for me too.... as long as a include women, passion, bananas and lucozade!!!!!!!!
    A marvelous show in all areas.... even the Village People bit. I 'eard yer telling truckers ter 'let it go' well I already ave..... my friend.... a already ave.... many a year ago!!!!!
    In fact one of my guilty secrets in abitta Bros..... yes..... Cat Among The Pigeons.... so 'motional and When Will I Be Famous.... so uplifting.... complete with nice guitar!!!!
    In fact listening ter abitta Bros makes me just wanter go out in some torn blue jeans complete with white t-shirt and black leather jacket.... and dye me 'air blonde...... always end up going out in me beige chords though!!!!
    Also VERY much enjoyed the Lemon by U2.... whatta coincidence... a waz just wreeting about that tune on the blog last week!!!!!
    Maybe CLP trying ter out do JONO S after JONO played The Fly by U2???

    Anyway talkin' of lemons.... that's the bit of the show a ain't 'appy with!!!!
    Last neet firstly a tryed ter do Sally B's lemon advice.... yeah.... A stuck one in me oven complete with brown sugar on the top!!!
    After 50 mins on full 'eat it blew me door open..... complete with sticky black/ brown gue.... all over the inside.... so much for a damn cold remedy!!!!!
    But worse ter come.... ter 'elp me sleeep better.... a toook the damn advice of yer lemon expert and just before bed boiled up a bucket of water, added lemon, sliced, ter 'elp improve me sleep!!!!!!
    Only problem when a dipped me feet in it it waz so 'ot..... a scalded me feet and spilt a bucket load of lemon water all over me bed!!!!!!!
    A spent the neet unable ter sleep in a wet bed.... it waz just like child'ood all over again..... 1977!!!!!!
    So much for a relaxing neets sleep!!!!!

    PS CLP - A 'ad ter look twice there.... though yer said yer opening a Woolworths in Dorchester..... Wellworths!!!!
    Will yer getta wall plack???
    Sorry plaque, 'ope they do well and it's well...... worth it for all.... get it.... nyyyyaaa!!!!!!

    PPS Dreamurdream - A noticed that too... 11.11 but noot on the 11th.... a dee out!!!!

    PPPS - I'd just like ter wish me ex a 'appy birthdee terdee!!!!!
    Yes it's 'er birthdee..... so in case yer reading this.... 'APPY BIRTHDEE!!!!!!!!

    By coincidence.... it's also Osama Bin Ladens birthdee terdee..... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lastly errrr me VERY exciting news ter share with all.........

    Yer now, sorry know a few weeks ago a writted about the cost of a tin of prunes being 90p and that makes me angry when a tin of peaches or fruit cocktail iz az low az...... 26p!!!!
    Well ave goot VERY good news.... ave found a tin of quality prunes.... 55p!!!!!!
    Know, sorry now you might think that iz good..... but there's better..... yeah!
    The 55p tin waz reduced ter...... 44p all 'cos of a dint in the tin!!!!!!!!!
    It times like these..... am glad a waz born!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA..... And Az Always...... This Includes....... YOU!

  • Comment number 25.

    Damn it... missed out on the #22!!!!!!

    But am 'appy with the fact it showed!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    ha ha Bingo - genius as usual!!

    T x

  • Comment number 27.

    Great blog Bingo - Bloke was a HGV driver, one of the enormous artics, would that be 42 ton? Still amazed how he used to reverse it, had a looooong trailer on back of cab which would go one way while cab went t'other!! I always give them a wide berth especially on roundabouts.

    It's also my granddaughters birthday today - happy birthday Poppy. Off for cake and candles later.


  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon All,

    Ahh....humping furniture, I know it well!! In fact that's reminded I've got a bed to construct tomorrow when the Boy has gone to the childminder (well after a cople of hours of me time anyway!).

    Last week at work we needed a table moving from one room to the next - a big 'un - so us girlies mentioned it to the boys (it was for their benefit in fact) and what did they do, move their suff off the table, into the new room, and started chatting.........
    Then followed them going 'ooo that'll never get through the door' so in the end me and another girlie just picked and tipped it on it's side and off we went.............was very disappointed in them......

    Had my faith in human nature restored a bit today, someone gave me their car park ticket when took the Boy to the dentist.......it's a start....


  • Comment number 29.

    Oh yes, a removal man what a job and a half, always reminds me of that Bernard Cribbens Song Right said Fred.

    What a nice gesture to open the ladies shop. It sounds like a Health Store so maybe Bingo they might have a pick and mix of Vitamin tablets.

    Debbie and Gingembre . Yes thank you great day at the races, they had some top jocks too riding space hoppers for doing something funny for Comic Relief.

    Oh no is that Girls Aloud I can hear...

  • Comment number 30.

    Prof - cotton wool helps I find!


  • Comment number 31.

    Hello fellas and fellaettes,

    Yorkies huh? I don't mean to brag, but I'm gonna. My yorkies are fantastic. I use only plain flour, home grown free range eggs and half fat milk, no salt or nuffin else. I have been known to go to take yorkies out the oven and they have risen so much they have encased the grill element in the oven. Oh yes!

    I do have 1 little trick that I might reveal to you, if the price is right...

    And as for humping, well I hump at work, at home, in the garden and anywhere else that might take my fancy. I watched Errol hump the other day and was mesmerised by the concentration on his face, mixed with just the right amount of pain, tiny beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead, and the look of relief and gratification on his pretty little face once he had finished was delightful.

    It was a big bit of wood too!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh Mwa you are naughty!

    That reminded me of the Janet and John on Terry's show this morning. I felt a right idiot laughing away to myself in the car park.

    Or perhaps it's just my filthy mind!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Derbyfi yes indeed.

    Sorry forgot Yorkies I love Yorkshire terriers but my puddings usually turn out like pancakes.

  • Comment number 34.

    I cheat and buy the ready made ones from S'bugs. No shame at all............


  • Comment number 35.

    LOL MWa! - but did he stand and stare at it for about half an hour first?

    Whatever t'other is doing, humping stuff or general DIY it apparently needs at least half an hour of hard staring before he can touch it!! THe house would be finihed by now if he just got on with it............


  • Comment number 36.

    ok...no excuses, I'm just crap at typing!


  • Comment number 37.

    Morning and Afternoon everyone, hope all is well with all of you. Busy day again for me today, more meetings...yuk It's another one of those weeks. Too many meetings and not enough time.... oh well!!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    Hello, haven't caught up on any posts hope you are all well.

    I have to admit I cheat with yorkshires now and buy Aunt B's. Am I being very lazy? It's just another way to make my life a bit easier in any way possible.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi everyone,

    MWa! You reminded me of my ex, anything to do with DIY used to drive me crazy, we would go to the store bring the stuff home and there it would sit for weeks possibly months. He would tell me this was 'setteling time' and things needed to settle before they were used............Wallpaper, floor tiles, towel rails.............really, I don't think so somehow!!
    Well as I hadn't just arrived with the last shower of rain, this used to cause a bit of confrontation, but in the end I just used to let it go - anything for quiete life! We did actually laugh about it a few times, so it wan't all bad.
    But over the years I have to admit, I'm a dab hand at hanging wallpaper, and my gloss paint work is a work of art.

  • Comment number 40.

    apologies for duff spellings

  • Comment number 41.

    Nicki - do you give wallpapering masterlasses? Gonna have a whole house to do once all the walls have been plastered!

    I've also decided that woodwork will be waxed - I hate gloss painting!


  • Comment number 42.

    I'll nip round and have a go!
    good for you waxed woodwork looks so nice, but major jobby if it's already got years and years worth of paint on.

    after the ex and I parted company I stripped all my windowledges and the stairs, it took ages but was well worth it.

  • Comment number 43.

    note how they became MY windowledges and stairs, I sound almost stroppy, I'm not honest, just don't hang about if I can do it myself. This drives new man crazy as he is sooooo helpful, bless him.

  • Comment number 44.

    Quick pop in before I hit town, got to be back for the show, I am mad about apostrophes and their usage, totally obsessed and pedantic some would say. Loved Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

    Men who hump all the time - indeed, how do they do it? Awesome. On a par with men who lay tiles, decorate the hall, staircase and landing of a big house in a day, or cut carpets to exactly the right size and shove them in perfectly in about 15 minutes. And men who can look at your washing machine and say "that's your brushes love, no problem I've got some in the van".

    Don't mean to be sexist, but in my experience these people are always men, and I love 'em.

    Thanks to everyone who gave me cake advice yesterday.

    A x

  • Comment number 45.

    I mean, people who do it all day every day are usually men, I'm not doubting that Nicki Noos is an expert stripper, waxer and gloss applier!

    A x

  • Comment number 46.


    I'm in full agreement with you...the big stuff leave it to the guys, I marvel at carpet fitters how do they do that, I would be terrified to even attempt, the stuff costs a fortune so if there was to be a mishap I'd far rather it wasn't mine. Maybe that's why they don't look worried - its not theirs??

  • Comment number 47.

    Oooops, you cheeky thing. I was I being a bit dim there!!

  • Comment number 48.


    A waz just listening ter CLP's 2nd opening tune.... errrr Elbow and 'One Dee Like This' were they sing "throw those curtains wide"......
    Well a once did just that and two things 'appened.....
    1 - A realised a 'ad noo clothes on!!!
    2 - Me curtain pole collapsed!!!!!

    100% true!

    Just thought yer might wanter now, sorry know!!!!!

    SparkleyTinsel And Penny Forem - Tarrr but a didn't think it waz that good a blog just an ok one!!!!!!
    But BIG tarrr.... i'll take all the praise a can get... it's good for me low self esteem!!!!!
    Az for reversing a truck.... it's dead easy!!!
    Ter go left... yer turn right..... ter go right yer turn left.... if yer wanter go left yer turn right but if yuv gone tooo much left then turn left ter go more right!!!!!!
    But if yer then go too much right then yuv gotta turn more right ter go more left.... and then if yer 'ear a crunch.... yuv gone the wrong way!!!!!
    Alot of things yer can't see so yuv gotta guess correct...... an old 'and who waz 70 plus.... aka 'The Wrinkly Fossell' waz 'is nick name, who trained me up, gave me some very good advice which can apply ter cars too.... "if in doubt.... GET OUT"..... and ave a physical look that yer noot gonna reverse inter something!!!!!
    Ave found out a few times.... after 'itting things..... do get out!!!!!!
    Apart from that reversing.... easy!!!!!!


    REMEMBER ALL - "If in doubt.... get out!!!!!!"

    Reminds me of being engaged ter someone in ukraine!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    boleyngirl - I have a little man, my mum!!

    She's fab, re-modelled her house and is now working on mine...........nothing seems to faze her, electrics, wall building, carpet fitting...............and my poor dad is just the lacky!


  • Comment number 50.

    Things We Should Know....

    I suggest we should know how to force companies and organisations to abandon phone menus and go back to a real person saying "Good morning, how may I help you?"

    One spends a vast amount of time on the phone after someone close to you dies and I am almost driven to despair by phone menus.

    I tried the trick of pressing nothing and just waiting and sometimes it works and sometimes the menu just repeats and repeats.

    Every time I have finally reached a REAL human personage, I have asked them to register my frustration and annoyance at the phone menu system. And the PRIME cuplrit for brain-bending phone menus? BT of course!!!

    Maybe if we ALL asked for our disagreement to be recorded, this might change eventually. Of course, the irony is that the buttons you press make NO difference to the call centre. You are simply connected to the operator who may also handle calls from several other companies. It's disgraceful.

    There....I have ranted. I can have some dinner and go to work feeling as though I have offloaded. Oh...Yorkshires....I am famous for my Yorkshires!! You need 2 things.... stonking hot fat and an Aga. That's all.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Andi

    I'm with you on the phone menus and the total disregard they show for customer service (especially when they say endlessly that 'your call is important to us' - so why won't they bloomin' answer it then?!)


    Must be almost time for dinner - but not Yorkshire puds for me tonight. Prawns n' pasta instead as I'm on my own. Yummy.

    Have a great evening folks.


  • Comment number 52.

    Evening each

    Humping - will have to find some humpers of my own soon. Haven't a scooby (sorry Clare) how the sofa will go out the front door.

    MWa - you are a seriously naughty girl.

    Yorkshire puds - now, I have to say, not trying to be smart here folks, but mine were just gorgeous. That was in the days when the roast was roasted every Sunday. Thank goodness they've all left home and I can now talk to my vegetables.

    Bingo: still mad as a box of frogs then? Love reading your ramblings.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 53.

    PS: Andi, I so agree. And, yes, BT are the worst - I register my protest every time I have to speak to them. Apparently (don't know if this is true), but if you don't press any numbers at all you will get through to a real person.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi brightAnnie,

    Yes, the non-pressing works for many menus but....big wobbly spotty BUT..... not always and NOT BT!!!

    This is also a problem if you don't have a touch-tone phone or are on a non-compatible system (like at work, for example) and you can just go around for ever.

    I had 7... count them..... SEVEN different menus at BT to get to one to tell them that Pa had died and should thus be removed from the phone book etc.

    Unbelievably frustrating.


  • Comment number 55.

    MW'a hope you're listening to CLP's bit on yorks puds

    so far we've had..some people use blow torches to cook their puds

    the puds need to rise and be erect!! and the proper bit is on tomorrow night...can't wait!!!

    And what price your tip then MW'a....:)) ??

    hi all


  • Comment number 56.

    No 007 today?!

  • Comment number 57.

    Andi, perhaps a FB site re BT and their daft stupid numbers?

    Dreamur: Think Bond is in meetings all day.
    Is he a very important person?


  • Comment number 58.

    hello annie g

    I think with a name like 007 there is no doubt....



  • Comment number 59.

    NickNoos - #47, just read my #45 to see what you meant - believe it or not I was not being smutty, just literal, but agree it sounds a bit ooo er missus, soz! But if you DO want to read it like that, then make sure you do it all in right order!

    Everyone else, ay up.

    aA, hope everythings going ok.


    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    What on earth was that chap on about? Next time please get Lynne Truss on the show, the author of ‘Eats, Shoots & Leaves’, she’s far more eccentric and a much better teacher. Come on chaps, let’s edumacate our country!

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Chris

    I live in Poole and commute to Dorchester 5days a week and listen to your show every evening on my way home, so see you in the morning outside Wellworths do,nt be late. Have a safe journey

    Steve E

  • Comment number 62.

    Steveej: Sooo admire those people who've set up the Wellworths Store. Let's know what the opening is like tomorrow.


  • Comment number 63.

    Hi boleyngirl,

    or may I call you Ann?

    Yes, slowly but surely....the paperwork.... the phone calls....

    The compassionate leave thing at work turned into an odd one. I am technically off when the funeral is, as I was when he actually died, so because I did not claim compassionate leave at the time they are umming and ahhing as to whether i get it.

    You know.... if they just stopped for a moment to think if it were them dealing with this....

    How's life with you?


  • Comment number 64.

    Hi all, back from my last meeting of the day.... Hope you've all had a good day. Cricket looks like ending in a boring draw, but there's footie to watch when I get hope tonight... hooray!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    Andi: Must have missed your post re funeral.

    Had to organise my mother's funeral not too long ago so know what you're going through. Fortunately, I had no problems with work. Sounds horrible for you.

    Hope things get better soon.


  • Comment number 66.

    Evening Bond

    Hope when you get hope tonight the footie is riveting (yawn)


  • Comment number 67.

    aA, it's there someone you can complain to about the compassionate leave thing. How about a letter to the CEO or someone high up the ladder

  • Comment number 68.

    Annie-G, I am sure it will be. I watched a good game of South African club rugby last night.

  • Comment number 69.

    Oh good, Bond.


  • Comment number 70.

    Hi James,

    I work for the NHS.....

    ...enuff said!!!


  • Comment number 71.

    Evening all,hope your days have gone well!

    Bingo,MWa! -lol - great blogs as usual.

    aA with you on the phones,hope it all works out with work & your compassionate leave


  • Comment number 72.

    Yorkshires....used to be fine with them but then had seriously long run of them not turning out. Needless to say Auntie B in the Bred household now!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

    I am off to work..... babies, babies, babies!!

    Love 'em but can't eat an whole one!!!

    Remember people..... a baby is for life, not just for 9 months.

    Let's be careful out there!!!


  • Comment number 74.

    aA....... no department head you can complain to?

  • Comment number 75.

    Bye aA, hope you have a good evening albeit at work.

  • Comment number 76.

    007....you sound like my fil, he's just got multi-room viewing, now he can have rugby in the kitchen and cricket in the living room - when mil lets him that is!


  • Comment number 77.

    Ali, you've probably gone by now, but the NHS? A caring organisation supposedly!

    Was involved in a Dementia Project recently and the lovely man who ran it went on to teach Compassionate Care to student nurses. What does that say about the NHS? They need to be taught compassion??


  • Comment number 78.

    Annie-G, well you know what they say about the cobbler's shoes.....?

    eb, I only have the one TV, but record many events, like football, rugby, unfortunately we don't get the cricket over here yet.

  • Comment number 79.

    I know James, but its so dispiriting.

    Re cricket: One of my twin brothers used to play cricket for Durham (I think). He used to watch it on tv and get really excited, jumping up and down....... why?


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi still no chance to catch up hope to at the end of the evening. When some calm resumes over the house. So when they are all asleep basically.

    Another horrible row tonight. Honestly this house is a bloody nightmare right now!

    To cut a long story short I think Mr Debbie has had enough of helping me through things. Don't blame him but wish things didn't have to get so nasty. Guess I'll get through it on my own then.

    On a good note, work is still going well and boss continues to seem pleased with me. Told me today that I was really good with people after dealing with one of the more difficult members of staff.

    And I have racked up 5 days worth of overtime....result.

    Off now to keep out of trouble for a bit.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 81.

    Evening Debbie

    Hope things get better soon.



  • Comment number 82.

    Debbie, sorry things are not going well for you at home. I really hope the situation improves. Glad work is going well though. Try to stay positive.

    Annie, don't think I've ever jumped up and down watching cricket.... play, well that's a different story.....

  • Comment number 83.

    Annie #77 - that is a sad thought!

    Sports - don't do footie or rugby but cricket great,many a happy summer afternoon at LCC with a very cold beer or two!

    Debbie, hang in there


  • Comment number 84.

    Think I remember brother doing the run thingy between the stumps and running into the other batter, both of them falling backwards. Maybe that was a funny dream though!!!!


  • Comment number 85.

    Bredgirl: I agree, very sad.


  • Comment number 86.

    Annie, do you think it could be that they have to have the certificate to prove that they have it ( compassion ) in these days of having to tick all the right boxes?!

  • Comment number 87.

    bredgirl, for me it was Worcestershire.......


  • Comment number 88.


    still to busy as work to blog - hope you are well and am getting excited about Brum meet this weekend.

    super bp x

  • Comment number 89.

    Bond, would suggest our beer better but would Worcs location tops the good old Chester Road!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Missed a guess btw would & Worcs......lol

  • Comment number 91.

    Off for a CSI fix.

    Have a safe trip home Bond & enjoy the footie.



  • Comment number 92.

    bredgirl.....I knew what you meant....LOL You're right I don't think you can beat the location, unless it's Lords of course..... you're probably right about the beer......

    Thanks bredgirl, enjoy CSI (I'm a fan of that show myself, which one are you watching?). Have a good eneving.

  • Comment number 93.

    Oooh excited Christophe Lambie Pie is coming to Dorset tomorrow.... and I have to be in work in Bournemouth - doh missed again.

    Sorry for my absence I picked up the head cold and have not been at my best - just about managing to keep it together with dark glasses on indoors - migraine sufferers have my sympathy.

    That receipe for yorkshire puds looks odd - 1/2 pint of plain flour......

    Good to see everyone is still very busy blogging along.

    I am trying very patiently to get my mobile blog set up for Â鶹Éç messageboard and will hopefully one day be back at the blog during my lunchbreaks.

    All the best to all bloggers and lurkers

  • Comment number 94.

    Hiya Stevej you're in my town welcome to the blog.

    I commute the other way Poole to Christchurch (well Littledown anyway). But go through Dorchester to get to my mum's.

    Nice journey - enjoy WellWorths - I'll be going up there one weekend to support.

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Phoenix, sorry to hear you've cold a nasty cold. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Comment number 96.

    well that's me done for now. Off home. Gym then footie...... Hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening.


  • Comment number 97.

    Had to get this in before tomorrow's show - here's a picture of the toad in the hole I just made. This was more to prove to myself that I could do a good quality Yorkshire pudding. I hope toad in the hole counts. :)

  • Comment number 98.

    Oooh Marc, looking good!!!!

    Right, off to my bed. Night night all.


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi One and all,

    Sorry I missed you Bond. Meetingitis seems to have crossed the pond.

    Chris - only issues I had was with seeing family piano being loaded up on pickup truck by amateurs. Was an OMG situation. Piano ended up being safely installed. Was pregnant and moving house at the time (OK timing was not good) - will never do it again in that order. Stop press - will never do it again!!!!

    aA - know where you are coming from. Follow this link to see a lady who sorted British Gas out for harrasement - the feel good factor (Martins money saving tips)

    No sure how links work out but hope for the best.

    I had a real problem with Egg, their phone system could never understand my vocal birth date - arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!
    They sent me a survey - I completed it, nothing has changed.......

    Debbie-C - hang in there. I have learnt we are never on our own - surprisingly.

    Ali-B - heard you mentioned tonight on the show - way-hey!!!!!!

    Bingo - a true (lemon) tonic - did you hear his reference to yorkshire pudding fish tank style? - wow that is thinking big - havent got an oven to cook it in!!!!

    Marc - toad in the hole - I go with that - it doesnt matter if batter has deflated!!!

    Take care all,

  • Comment number 100.

    Right.... quick visit 3 words to hate!!! TO BE CONTINUED!!!!

    Bond, the origional is the best & Grissoms leaving!! and it ends with those dreaded 3 words!

    Marc,thats looking good!



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