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Minus eight on the dashboard ! There's only one thing for it... how about a nice cup of tea... all new for 2009

Chris Evans | 14:35 UK time, Wednesday, 7 January 2009

As promised here it comes...

... I love my tea strong, not brick red but strong. And I also like tea, lots of it.

But I have been told that milk could well be the end of me, how, I know not but I believe most things people tell me so why should I argue when it comes to this?

Furthermore, no milk in weak tea tastes EXACTLY the same as some milk in strong tea.

And you know what? The no milk tea tastes a bit more like tea and a little less like sick.

And none of this takes as long anymore and the fridge doesn't beep at me when I leave it open because I don't even have to consider going over to it.

No milk in my tea is also leading to the subconscious suggestion that milk should disappear in other aspects of my life.

I once read a Buddhist book that said most of us die of phlegm and a lot of phlegm comes from dairy, so all-in-all a pretty massively good decision, what?





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  • Comment number 1.

    I like milk in my tea - and I like my tea strong so not so much milk!

    I have weaned myself onto skimmed milk which is just white water anyway

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Got to have milk in tea.... it's just wrong otherwise.....

  • Comment number 3.

    Semi-skimmed is the way to go for me - some taste but not too heavy on the palate or hips!

    Tea is the best non-alcoholic drink ever invented - I couldn't manage without it, in fact I'm going off to make one right now!

    Cheers CLP.


  • Comment number 4.

    Ditto to what Super bp said. White water all the way!


  • Comment number 5.

    Phlegm - what a lovely word that is.

    I love tea. I have a dilemma at the mo cos at work we've just had our kitchen taken away so now there's nowhere to keep milk so I have to pay every time I want a cup of tea. Unless I bring in a little flask or something but atht's a bit too organised for me.

    Anyway, a fridge that beeps if you leave the door open - not one for us luddites eh Diva?? :-)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Tea the best drink going.

    As for Dairy keep away from it myself, anything that comes out of a cow or worse a goat ....
    Smelly cheeses spread diseases.


  • Comment number 7.

    ...oh wot a coinkydinks...was just taking a big mouthful of tea as I opened your blog, Christophe! Yes milk, but honey instead of sugar as it is easier for your body to digest and you get much less of a sugar rush!

    I thought most of us died from an accident in the home? Probably banging your head on the corner of the cupboard door you opened to get a tea bag when you stand back up from the fridge.

    cafe au lait

  • Comment number 8.

    CLP - Only problem.... no milk means no teeth and weak bones!!!!!!!

    Me advice abitta things in life doesn't do yer any 'arm, especially ter bones in yer arm and everywhere else for that matter of this matter of milk!!!!!

    Aye too..... abet the Buddist 'ad no 'air.... yer see noot aving a well balanced diet causes yer 'air ter go!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP Man - Trust me yer need milk in yer life, but only in moderation.... as yer littlen will do for strong teeth and bones..... trust me CLP!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA with milk!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    don't bother checking your emails when you get home Annie - gross!!!!

    Big tea bag me - with semi if you don't mind and no sugar!!

    Bees xxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Oh tea. I have about 10 different types of tea in my kitchen, none of which I can stand any more! My parents have gone onto skimmed milk with their tea, they say it makes the tea taste more like tea as well.

    Coffee all the way for me - and I used to hate coffee...

    Bottoms up, and a happy new year all :)


    and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 11.

    sorry folks, can't join in with this one...

    ...tea is the devil's drink, I cannot bear it, even the smell makes me gag!!!

    Now coffee....that's a different matter

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 12.

    Hazel, I'm with you. Always have honey in my tea. Yum de yum!!

  • Comment number 13.

    LOL Tinsel. I love being a luddite, except that with blue LEDs on my toaster, I'm not so sure I am one now.

    I think a fridge that beeped at me would scare the bejaysus outta me. Obviously, Nigella Lawson disconnected her beeping device - or else Mr Nigella would know when she nips down to raid the fridge in the middle of the night!

    Tea. Not imbibed too often. Much prefer coffee. Or gin. When tea is taken, I like it the colour of creosote and Yorkshire strong - just like me nana taught me!

    Is it home time yet?

    Chezza The Luddite
    x x x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Bingo not so...

    I have all my own teeth and pretty strong bones. Never eaten dairy all my life except for a bit of butter on my toast. Food stuff's sometimes a myth.

    However Beetroot and Bluberries I am very into at the moment not both togehter of course.
    Infact due to a looming food compo I have perfected the perfect Blue Berry tart.


  • Comment number 15.

    Gingembre, you just reminded me of my mate who calls sprouts 'devil's cabbages' ha ha

  • Comment number 16.

    Boiled eggs, toast, tea, milk !

    I await with bated breath for your contribution to the great butter v margarine debate.

    I don't believe its not a blog.

  • Comment number 17.

    Ah Christoff yous is definitely on the turn.

    Me...I like me cuppa tea too. Oh yes. Milk AND sugar. But I'm an old biddy so that's ticketty boo.

    And I can't BEAR them posh teas, camomile or nettle or deadly nightshade etc., ew yuk. No, it's Common As Muck tea for me thankyou very much. And it has to be brewed in a pot and in a proper cup. Not in a cardboard bucket with a tampon danglin' outa the thing, and the temperature of boilin' oil so you raise welts on the surface of your tongue when you try to drink it, and spend the followin' week talkin' like Roy Hattersley.

    I'm off to put kettle on.


  • Comment number 18.


    Can I grind your beans hun?


  • Comment number 19.

    Jumpy, how lovely to see you!!

    Cheryl I'm a luddite all the way. As you may have gathered from my inability to work Facebook!! xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Clodagh - Nyet (no).... ave noot stolen any of yer relatives thong catapults but a did once steal a whoopy cushion which ave still goot.... now opening up a whole new can of worms... or should it be baked beans!!!!!

    JLFB007 - It's just an asumption that the Darling might wear thongs!!!
    Don't yer remember the dee's of Alan Bas**rd on tv.... thongs everywhere if a politician is involved then!!!!!!
    As for Wrightie and Stringfellow, ave 'eard Mark Ratcliffe mention Wrightie waz seen on 'olidee with Stringfellow last year.... both in thongs!!!!!

    GOURANGA again!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Mmmmm butter......

  • Comment number 22.

    Ginge, Have to agree with you on the coffee situation mate! Tea Bleurgh!

    It has to be "good" coffee though. If instant Douwe Egberts or better! Preferably, fresh ground in a cafetiere, or espresso based!

    sitting here tapping away with I-pod blaring out Rush - The Spirit of Radio. Top notch. one for our MW,a and Errol!

    DD out

  • Comment number 23.

    Steady CtD, comments like that can get you blocked....LOL

  • Comment number 24.

    Clodagh - LOL xx

  • Comment number 25.

    MrsMary - have you seen the cartoon with flies all eating out of a pot that says "I can't believe it's not shIte" on it?


  • Comment number 26.


    Alan Bas**rd, now there's a name I haven't heart for a while. Great program. Forgot the thong ref but makes perfect sense.....LOL

  • Comment number 27.

    Hiya Tinsel :) It's nice to have a moment to sit and read!

    Coffee now. Fairtrade colombian is our preference, filter coffee generally. Which is what I'll be making to enjoy with my toasted crumpets and butter in a few minutes...


    Btw, when did yum-yums appear? They're absolutely yummy but I don't recall them being around before last year.

  • Comment number 28.

    Clodagh love - your egg-o-matic story had me and mr jumpy chuckling for quite a while last night :)

  • Comment number 29.

    Clodagh!!!! I'm drinking tea - stop it!!!!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Now then the honey thing.

    I cannot do honey. And I'd LOVE to substitute the sugar in me tea for honey but there's just something about it that makes me a bit queasy.

    It's the bee-sick thingy.

    I have a bit of an issue with the bees, see. Don't trust 'em. Although to be fair it's the wasps that give 'em a bad press, really. Bees are good guys but wasps. Oh no. Nasty little buggers, wasps.

    And only the other morning I had another nasty altercation with one that ambushed me while I was mindin' me own business feedin' me tits in me own back garden, about 4 stone it was, wearin' a German helmet and flailin' a large machete and a klaxon. Luckily, in an uncharacteristic show of speed and dexterity I was able to deflect it with me baguette and hold it in a half-nelson while I handcuffed it to the fence and dialled 999.

    As I speak I have the colander on me head and me flak-jacket over me frock as I await retribution by 20 of its mates.


  • Comment number 31.

    jumpy - yumyums been around a while. are you indulding in the lemony variety of yumyum?? Yum Yum indeed!

    Red Kenc0 in the Diva household. But only in the a.m of the day or else no zzzzzzs at night.

  • Comment number 32.

    I'm going now but as usual CTD has upset me calling me a luddite.

    The fact is CTD I can't put these ugly energy saving bulbs in my chandeliars and use the dimmer switch for that special mood feeling.

    Bingo Mark Radcliffe is of course always joking about Steve W's holidays.

    Where was it last time a caravan in Skegness.

    I should Coco


  • Comment number 33.

    I always tell my colonial cousins that tea made the British Empire great!!! Well it's good for a laugh anyway.... Keeps them quiet for a bit....LOL

  • Comment number 34.

    I cant stand milk or tea? Does that mean I'm extra healthy?

  • Comment number 35.


    Don't recall calling you a luddite PP. Not at all. That's me and Tins.

    Tom - don't be silly. You're a student!

    x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    tomgriff22...LOL But if you're standing in the tea or milk may be that's the problem....LOL

  • Comment number 37.

    Prof Plum - Yer can get special energy saving bulbs for chandeliers but for the perfect mood feel..... what yer need is play the guitar softly..... and candles.... candles using no electricity at all!!!!!!!

    No aren't candles nice.... wish I could go back in time!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    At risk of being caught siding with the Diva and sparking the whole clique deb8 again! Luddite was originally mentioned in regard to reading books electronically and not aimed at anyone in particular!

    DD out

  • Comment number 39.


    We get thru loads of candles in Diva Towers - creates a mood, and saves on the storage heaters too!

    Diva x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    Hmph mood lighting. Some idiot installed a thousand spotlights in each of the teeny tiny rooms in this house, so we don't actually need central heating even in minus degrees in winter.

    The room we use the most - and therefore have the lights on the most often - is the room with the thermostat in. Really well thought out!

    Rant over, sorry - I'll shut up now :)

    As for yumyums, the plain ones covered in icing are just the ticket when it comes to an afternoon snack craving type thing!

  • Comment number 41.

    Sounds great Bingo but recently sold my guitar on Ebay...

    CTD only joking..

    candles though love them and an open fire .


    Oh I'm a luddite and I don't care

  • Comment number 42.

    Oh Chris, what a dillema. I love tea and I love milk but I`ve an alergy to cows milk so I drink goats milk and sweetened soya milk. Green tea with a sqweeze of lemon is an option and supposed to be vv good for you.

    Chris, are you still taking the prune juice? I have been since the benefits of it where broadcast, oh and a kiwi a day. Found some delish oranges from the local green grocer, so much nicer than supermarket ones.

    mj x

  • Comment number 43.

    Candles -

    Reminds me of a joke about nuns ...

    I'm going home now before I totally disgrace myself.

    T xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 44.

    I think you may be of my strand in people, Mr CLP...

    I am black tea and drink it by the bucket full. Tis delicious and one of life's gifts - after water that is...

    Starting drinking tea without milk after a very dodgey experience in India in my yuff and can't take tea with milk anymore.

    I've heard tell that milk is for youngsters, they need it to grow (although cow milk is very phlemgy) and as we get older we really don't need it. However, I adore cheese and I refuse to give that up, even if it does kill me.

    LOL - everyone. Hope 2009 is dealing well with you...

    I had a bit of a car struggle t'other morning.

    I often reach into my little mini (old style new ones aren't minis) and start her up so she's getting warm while I scrape the windows (no eco destroying spray cans for me!).

    Well, did said on Monday - only it appears I left the car in gear on Sunday. As the car bunny-hopped to the wall I had two voices in my head: one yelling, stop, stop at the car and the other one said, let go of the key, Jen... Eventually I heard the second voice but not before car hit wall.

    Oops, thought I - better reverse a bit and see the damage. As I was only reversing a tad I thought it wouldn't matter if I didn't shut the door...

    So, I stuck the door on another wall. So now I have a broken front head lamp and can only get out the car door by shoulder barging the door!

    I wouldn't mind but I must drive in this state every morning. Heaven help us all,


  • Comment number 45.

    Oh Jen I'm sorry for your car disaster but I am chuckling away at your brilliant description of it!!!!

    Ah if only someone would start me up and get me warm ...

    Really AM going now (maybe via the Shed!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh Jen!!!! Sorry love but that really made me laugh - it really is the sort of scrape I'd get myself into :)

  • Comment number 47.

    Also makes me think of my last smear ...

  • Comment number 48.

    jumpingbean - two words re your spotlights...

    ...dimmer switch

    turn them down - and ding dong, instant mood lighting.


    Ch - dunno about the beans but you can froth my milk anyday ;)

  • Comment number 49.

    .......df sidles in with hands held above head........

    I admit to being guilty it m'lud - it was me who first mentioned the 'l' word and I am a self-confessed lud...... sorry, can't say it any more.

    But I still buy CDs and only rarely download odd tracks when I know I won't want the whole album (as I still call 'em). And I like a mobile phone that makes and receives calls and texts - I have a 'pooter for the rest of it!

    Guilty as charged methinks.


  • Comment number 50.

    I almost went on a Buddhist retreat to iron out all the stress in my life. But it clashed with a footie match at Wemberly! Though I did have a jolly good shout at the match!

    I heard on the radio from a doctor that high coco choclit is good for you.

    mj x

  • Comment number 51.

    Jenn, hope you didn't get hurt in the car mishap....

  • Comment number 52.

    I had some chocolate flavoured wine over the hols...... not bad!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Tins - you are on fire today hun!

    Jen - my first two cars were Minis - an 850 called Elwood and then a 1000 City. Loved them both!

    The first one split in two about a week after I sold it.

    The second one I managed to prang into an off-duty Met policeman whilst reaching under the passenger side shelf to turn the cassette up to Guns N Roses Paradise City whilst turning right onto a main road. Whooops.

    The new ones are growning on me, but not a patch on the originals.

    Pull that there choke out to the max!

    Chezza x x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Don't you hang your handbag on it Cheryl? [The choke knob I mean - nothing else!] My dear old great-aunt always did!


  • Comment number 55.


    I almost choked on that! I'll go get me whisk!

    MJ - I've read several books on Bhuddism and to be honest, of all the religions I am aware of, it is the one that seems to make the most sense.

    You don't see angry Bhuddists. That's good enough for me.

    x x x

  • Comment number 56.


    with the words "choke" and "knob" i'm amazed that your post didn't get moderated.

    sitting here chortling to self like norty schoolgirl at back of the class now!

  • Comment number 57.

    Chezza..... Yer do in Tibet!!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Hmmmmm. Good point Bingo. But to be fair, they have a reason to be angry in Tibet.

    In the absence of Old Russ .....

    China - Get outta Tibet! Leave the Tibet people alone!

    There, said it!

  • Comment number 59.

    CtD - I did wonder if it would escape censure - but couldn't think what else to call it!

    There's something to be said for the old manual ones - the automatic ones have caused me endless problems and breakdown service calls over the years.


  • Comment number 60.

    Cheryl, my first car was a Morris 850 Mini, 1962, old english white. When I was 12 I sent off for a brochure for the new Bond 3 wheeler car. One evening a man called at the door asking if I wanted a test drive! My parents where in fits of laughter. Now why didn`t I send off for a Ferrari Brochure!

    mj x

  • Comment number 61.

    Jen- bless you.. bet you didnt know whether to laugh or cry! Having had one of each (ie a new and an old one) the original mini if definately the best... chugging along til it got warm ie about 40 miles down the road..not putting the choke in too early..brilliant! On the look out for one as an investment to maybe do up and show at some point.. i know, i know sad! Hope the damage is not too bad and the door is straightenable..

    RIght off now..but just one comment on the tea situation..we drink gallons of it at work but mine has to be very milky and just threatened with the tea bag (in fact i am not allowed my own tea bag - i have to share!) so there`s no hope in the health stakes for me - and dont suppose the biccy with each cup helps either...??!!

    right..back to THAT auction site..anyone want to buy a car,mirror,shoes,lighthouse?!

    mSc xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Lighthouse??? Model or real? I know a man who'd like the latter.......


  • Comment number 63.

    Grayshus me...wot meanings we can give to things...reading a book on a computer putting the bookbinders et al out of a job...I cannot BEAR to be reading stuff on a computer at home...spent all day doing it (and even some work) after all...is all I can do to stop my head a-spinning and my eyes a-crossing by the time I get in...

    books all the way

    ps Plum...and I like to make people stare!!! Is that where you were going with that one? Wasn't it Poly Styrene? Happy new year btw x

    pps good news on the Sett front too...if we do have to go, it doesn't look as though it'll be until about June...so BIG thank you to all who care about the whereabouts of the Badger and me!

    ...and finally...the bloke who won't eat eggs as he can't have anything that comes out of a hens btm, but he does like a nice rump steak...I think Clodagh knows him...

    YUMYUMS??? Jumpy! They've bin abart for YEARS matey! Still as good as when the pod went pop...

  • Comment number 64.

    Its a pic unfortunately..well a ceramic on a frame if that makes sense?! and i would love the latter too... just dont like the sea..minor problem!


  • Comment number 65.

    Hello Chris,

    minus 8 - Gosh! Not a cup of tea you need- it's a duvet!

    In my line of what I do (can't really call it work) I drink a lot of tea- an occupational hazard. :) Every now and again, I throw a double six and say - that's it! No more tea! I try those fruit teas instead - they are truely awful but we pretend to ourselves that they taste ok, and sometimes even manage as many as 3-days without proper tea. My guess is, you'll be back on the hard stuff with 4* milk - (that unleaded milk, is for wussies) by the weekend. You know what they say about friends and Phlegm? ....

    It is the mucus that binds us... :)


  • Comment number 66.

    Watch that mood lightin' you lot.

    Back in the days when Men Were Men and women all had small feet, we thought we were dead posh because Aunty Lily had a caravan in the South Lakes. Off we all trundled in the Austin A40, fetlock-deep in tins a beans and pre-packed bacon and wearin' the safety knickers in anticipation of the toilet block, 300 yards and a filthy-tempered ram away.

    Our mood-lighting came from the gas-lamps supplied by the gas canister that was actually nearly the size of the caravan, and it was the DDF Eric's job to get said lamps and the heater going. Trouble was, Renee was as able in this arena as she still is in any other that requires any safety expertise, and therefore, Eric being foolhardy enough to put her in charge of Turning The Knob, one swipe of the Swan Vesta and Boom! No eyebrows, singed nasal hair and a receding hairline for a month thereafter.

    The van was nice and warm after that, though, even if it did smell of scorched pork.


  • Comment number 67.

    CtD.... Re #56......LMAO!!!!!

  • Comment number 68.

    Prof Plum, CLP and ALL - Look all a can say iz if yer end up with brittle bone disease and teeth lookin' like Albert Steptoe.... a did warn yer aboout lack of milk!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    Scoob, three words re minis...




    Mine was called Maureen after Maureen Lipman as the reg was BT...

    ...and Martin...you could order one now...now that you're not twelve..?

    Roll up roll up...that's my lighthouse for sale that is. Bishop Rock. They didn't like us renaming it to Badgers Rest as there has never been a badger within about 50miles of it being out to sea 'n all so it's gotta go...one careful owner.

    and about twelve careless ones

  • Comment number 70.

    ta mSc - I'll pass then.

    He said he'd like one - or ideally a castle with a drawbridge - for those 'special' days when me and one of the girls both have PMT and are doing our finest grizzly bear impressions!

    Clodagh - Don't get me started on caravans - I really hate the things - static or mobile! One bad childhood holiday and way too many delays on the roads have scarred me for life! Doesn't Ken Bruce take much the same position on them?

    And I must confess that I have absolutely no ides what yum yums are - thought she was a character in the Mikado!


  • Comment number 71.

    ooops - sorry.........also meant to say hurrah for Hazel and the badger. You stay in the sett as long as you can m'girl!


  • Comment number 72.

    Hazel - Guess I never used to have a craving for them! I'm sure I never used to see them in the shops though, not in the supermarkets anyway. Perhaps a certain doughnut maker has brought all things donutty back into fashion...

    Gingembre - OH OH OH I just looked back and saw the BOOT!!!!! VERY nice :D ! We have the lights on as low as we can stand because it affects the central heating so much, so there is much tripping over of things in the resulting ambient mood-lighting. If we want to see actual floor-space I have to put Ben's playmat away.

    I am going to write to the Easter Bunny for a new bigger house, as my letter to Santa obviously didn't make it in time - or else I was a Very Naughty Girl last year...

  • Comment number 73.

    Mmmm - yum yums, delicious

  • Comment number 74.

    Thank you fi! We're gonna!

    Although speaking of which, I gotta go there now...is hometime after all...

    thank heavens for lovely legal aid

  • Comment number 75.

    From Wiki***ia

    The Yum Yums is the name of three bands:

    * The Yum Yums (Northern Soul), a Northern Soul band of the 1960s
    * The Yum Yums (Pop-Punk), a Norwegian Pop-Punk band
    * The YumYums (Surf-rock), an English Surf-Rock band currently active in the South West of the United Kingdom

    Also seems to be a range of 1980's soft toys
    and various restaurants - so still no wiser!!!


  • Comment number 76.

    As far as I am aware, yumyums are rectangular doughnuts covered in icing. Although I can never decide whether they are more like croissant dough, or puffpastry, or doughnut dough.... Not seen them with flavoured fillings! Mini yumyums are VERY moreish, can happily eat several of them (and then get told off and to have more insulin) with a couple of cups of coffee.

    Didn't know that it was the name of multiple bands!

  • Comment number 77.

    I'm a tea fan too....very strong though, just the smell of milky tea makes me feel sick.

    Don't like coffee, when we go to Starbucks I feel like a fraud sitting there with me sparkling water. Get confused ordering Mr Debbie's coffee cocktail......vente, skinny, toffee nut latte etc...what the?

    Anyways. Clodagh the thought of our Bakery Support Manager in a thong put a grin on my face, in fact won't be able to look him in the face.

    Mr Debbie thought it amusing the other day when I got excited when my firm's advert came on the tv. All ten seconds of it...note to self...get a life!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 78.

    Ta jumpy - sound nice but sickly.


  • Comment number 79.

    Hello all, have been lurking away over the festivites, hope everyone had a super time and that 2009 brings everything you all wish for and more.

    As for the great tea debate, I am definitely a coffee girl, the milkier the better! On the rare occasions I do partake of a cuppa tea it's Earl Grey, again with plenty of milk.

    Oh and yum yums really do live up to the name... mmmmm

    R x

  • Comment number 80.

    Very interesting. I too love a stronger cup of tea as oppose to milky, mushroom soup tea - the thought makes me feel ill!!
    I might have to give that a go! Though I'd think it'd be a drier taste - anyway lets see.

    Dont like the thought of the phlegm bit but then that might be a blessing compared to to some other ways of reaching the inevitable!!

    Nothing like a nice cup of tea.................and a milk chocolate hobnob!

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Plain choc digestives would be my dunking biscuit of choice! x

  • Comment number 82.

    Remember that TV ad from the 70s I think... It went something like: I like a nice cup of tea in the morning......

  • Comment number 83.

    Good point Liz, how do you 'die by phlegm'?

    Tea and toast ahhh, I don't really like biscuits much.

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.


    There's a pub in Weybridge called The Badgers Rest. Stayed there a few times before daddy moved to Spain.

    Will always think of you now whenever Badgers Rest pops up.

    Chezza xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    for the fellow tea drinkers out there

  • Comment number 86.

    Dunking of biscuits. Another thing in life that is just plain wrong. IMHO!

    Whenever we go to my sis-in-laws I always refuse tea: the tea bag is quite literally blinked in the direction of the cup and it looks like hot milk - revolting! She's very proud that she cane make a single teabag last a couple of days.


  • Comment number 87.

    What about a Papapapapa penguin......?

  • Comment number 88.

    Does anyone make proper tea with tea leaves and a tea pot?

    My mum used to when I was a child, remember her warming the pot, tea leaves in (don't forget one for the pot).

    And did you know that you can actually buy instant tea now?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 89.


    My Nanna still makes real tea - and I do like it a lot

    Instant tea is just wrong

    No biccies for me - just lovely apples

  • Comment number 90.

    Careful 007, we'll all be talking about chuffs again!

  • Comment number 91.

    SB, Mr Debbie's mum does too. There's something nice about seeing her put the tray down, all laid out with a great, fat tea cosy sat in the middle.

    Instant tea is disgusting. My mum has bought it before. If itt were the first time you tried tea you would be put off for life.

    x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Just noticed, nearly 100 posts and almost every one commenting on Chris' blog.

    Do you think that he has touched on something here?

    What's green tea like by the way, never tried it but it's supposed to be very good for you.

    x x x

  • Comment number 93.

    Poor Chris - his phones are broken and he's wondering if anyone is out there............we are CLP!


  • Comment number 94.

    My father has just come in from work shouting that the man Chris had talking about dirty cars didnt know what he as talking about... the reason cars are so much more dirty this year is that for the first time councils have added 'Malassi' to the salt (which is somthing sheep have in salt licks) this is alot stickier so it doesnt get washed off the roads and so when it hits your car it stays there and doesnt wash off as easy...

  • Comment number 95.

    SuperBP. What a fascinating website!! I like this article:

    Green tea's alright, best if served fresh though. Plenty of hot water top-ups to stop it getting too strong!

  • Comment number 96.

    Debbie - if green tea is like chinese tea then I like it and drink gallons of it at our local restaurant where the food is great but the wine isn't too hot but is pricey - their tea is a much cheaper and nicer bet!


  • Comment number 97.

    Derbyfi - that's exactly the tea I was thinking about :)

  • Comment number 98.

    God i love a cup of tea or 5!
    Gingembre- when will it arrive?!

    loving that Norwich is the talk of the week at the mo!

  • Comment number 99.

    Blimey Gingembre with the TFI boot and CTD saying she will grind your beans you are having a fab week! xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Proper strong cuppa with skimmed milk and one organic granulated sug ta very much!

    C x


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