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Chris Evans | 10:32 UK time, Monday, 27 October 2008

Went to see the young scallywags...

...last night.

What an extraordinary amount of talent there was on the stage. So, blimin' young, so competent and so ridiculously but rightly... confident. Like super confident, like The Beatles at the the same age (21/22) but four or five albums down the line. Their voices, spookily similar, it was easy to lose track who was actually singing what and when, were effortless in their power. I always believe this is a signature of greatness. It's the energy of talent, Dylan used to have it in spades.

Went for a pee though, just over half way through and made the fatal error of passing the bar before I did so. "I'll make a bit of room," I thought, " and then grab another beer," after all I was witnessing some up to the moment real rock and roll. Room was made but upon my exit from the loo I was devastated to find the bar had been close during the last two minutes.

D'oh, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh. d'oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had so set my mind on one last weekend beery treat I pathetically focused on it for the rest of the set, eventually "forcing" myself to go to the after show, where the aforementioned bar had resumed serving.

Again, I felt the need to empty before filling, the bar had only just re-opened so I knew this time I could take a leak safe in the knowledge there would be a refreshing prize at the end of it. I exited the loos for a second time, the bar was indeed still open but during my most recent call of nature... it appeared the whole of the Hammersmith Apollo had gained access to the after show and the bar was now, minimum, fifteen deep.

I reluctantly joined the throng and I think I finally did get a pint. It was all so distressing I can barely remember.

Was it all worth it ? To see those young geniuses at work, very much so.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Lambie Pies

    Grand to see an early blog and to read your words of wisdom.

    Beer! Ahhhhh. Took my last anti-biotic last night so will indulge myself in a nice cold bottle of organic cider tonight. can't wait!

    Maybe that's one for the show .... is it alright to drink alcyhool on anti-biotics? Or is it an urban myth that bad things will become of anyone who indulges whilst still taking the tablets ??

    Over to you, you gawjus lump of geniusness!

    Cheryl the Diva xxxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    And on the subject of beer at gigs ....

    I hate going to Wembley to see bands as they only do lager and a certain brand of Oirish Coider which is bright orange and tastes like chemicals!

    Why no good decent ale??? Or Liffey Water?

    Actually, come to think of it, this goes for many venues.

    Venues of the world ..... Real Ale please!

    (and not that smooth flow cack either!!)


    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 3.

    This is all a bit traumatic. I just popped into see what was going on to find a) the blogpage has changed - ghaaa! b) CLP has already posted (what's going on?) and he's written an entire blog about a band I've never heard of.

    Off back under me stone.

    A x

  • Comment number 4.

    Sentimental Sentimentents Ter The CLP And Each Blog Typer Reading This Bitta Typing,

    Bingo Star ere......

    'ope all 'ad a good weekend!!!!

    Whatta eventful weekend it's been for me. A didn't know 'ow a waz gonna get through the weekend!!
    In fact a thought the only way am gonna get through it iz ake an overdose!
    But then a realised if a did then I wouldn't get through the weekend... i'd ave ter go and buy some more which wouldn't be good as the shop was shut!!!!
    So instead of overdosing ter 6 'eaped teaspoons a stuck ter me usual 3 of me 'ot chocolate!!@!

    Then Saturdee a spent the dee driving an 6 month old Eddie Stobart rig. Top of the range Scania - beautiful drive....
    After a goot me mind inter gear on 'ow ter get the damn new auto gears inter gear.... it took me mind of things - works for me all!!!!
    A went up north, listening ter Dermot on R2, through all the terrible weather in Cumbria... a waz wrockin' up Shap.... wrockin from side terrrr side... In fact a waz down ter 37mph in places all just in case a blew, just in case!!!!>!
    One big gust and yer on yer side!!!
    But coming back south a waz ok. I 'ad a full load on.... 24 tonnes on me rig thus taking me gross ter 40 - never blow over when fully loaded!!!!!
    And what waz me load yer might ask..... 59,204 tins of 'ienz Baked Beans.... 100% true all.... 100% true!!!!!!
    That must mean a 'ad over a million beans on me rig.... just glad a didn't ave a blow out!!!!!!@!!!

    PS Glad all the Cumbria runners made it through their 'appy day out in the 'ills of the beautiful tranquil lakes!!!!

    But the biggest moment of enlightenmentation came on Sundee when I 'eard Geraldine McQueen 'ad reached # 10 in the poppadooodle do poptastically tastic groove charts!!!!!!!
    It's the line she signs "A started with nothing, now a ave something".... it made me realise 'motionally deep inside, very deep inside..... if you keep trying.... then one day, one day... YOU will get YOUR dream...... Geraldine... thank you, thank you!!!!!!!

    PS A notice too, Geraldine, she's gotta a glint in 'eye... wonder if she might be single????
    Forget Nelly Furatado, Fergie (the american one), Claudia Winkleman, Winklemen, Winkleman (can't remember), Duffy and Beyonce..... Geraldine iz my type of woman!!!!!!
    Ave never been on a date with a top celebrity before..... mind you a bet she's noot interested as the fame's probally gone ter 'er 'ead already... always does once they make it big!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye all..... tatty bye Geraldine!!!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    BM, tyre schmyre, we have to buy a "new" car today - long story, quite boring, but the insurance has just come through. We are having to supplement it with wedding money, boo. So Boleynman is off round the garages at the moment to find out what's around.

    SBP - outfit sounds good, does MrBP look like Johnny Depp?

    CtD, boleynman a big fan of real ale, to me it tastes of treacle.

    Baking a halloween cake today (should that be an halloween cake?)

    A x

  • Comment number 6.

    PS CLP A thought yer were talkin' about Oasis as they were playin' last neet..... But the really is a band called The Last Shaddow Puppets..... goot some on yer show later dude!!!!!!

    Tatty bye again all....... nnnnnyyyyaaaa!!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    PS wish they'd sort out the blog clock, most disconcerting. Hi Bingo.

    A x

  • Comment number 8.

    PPS The blog cloock needs resetting!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Whoooooo FREAK OUT!!!!!!!

    I waz just thinking/ writing the same thing Boleyngirl about the cloock!!!!!

    Whatta coincidence!!!!!

    PS Tell me Boleyn.... are you very musical???
    What are your music credentials????

  • Comment number 10.

    boylengirl - only in my dreams - although he is slight and had dark shoulder length hair!

    at the blog meet it was decided that he looks like the love child (and no offense at all intended) of the Messiah and the guy from rentaghost!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 11.

    I LOVE the Last Shadow Puppets but when they toured recently, they only played about 4 gigs and none of them were close to my neck of the woods. Boo.

    Hope everyone had good weekends. We were treated to an impromptu visit from Mr P's bruvva, his missus and their 2/12 year old gorgeous terror, Stanley.

    A lovely surprise.

    How is everyone on this crisp, autumnal day?

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 12.

    Had a lot of beer myself this weekend too when my lovely big sister visited. Good fun had by all and we watched the 'other country men' film thingey - very good.

    BTW, CtD - yes, urban myth. There is only ONE antibiotic you can't drink on and you know which one that is because if you do drink you will be violently sick with it. All others you are able to imbibe to your heart's content. (drink sensibly campaign notification here please).

    Chin up Bingo.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hey Bingo, I must admit that was a bit of a connecting moment.

    My musical credentials? Fully paid up Batchelor of Music (BMusHons) Sheffield. Grade 8 Clarinet, 6 Classical guitar, 5 piano, PGCE. Now teach daft songs to kids.
    Learning to dance, 2, 3, chachacha.

    BP what a mixture! Watch him with the razor tho.

    A x

  • Comment number 14.

    boleyngirl - Mr P just bought a piano and I was thinking of taking lessons - obviously, I would have to start at the very beginning. Do you think it would be a good idea?

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 15.

    Rosie, absolutely. I think it's really good to learn new skills and give yourself a bit of a challenge, hence the dancing (always said I had 2 left feet). Go on. give it a try. You can accompany Bingo on his big hit!

    A x

  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks boleyngirl, I'll look into it x

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh and Bingo, my catchphrase is "I know a song about that", which of course my family find infinitely hilarious (not always).

    But I do know songs about all kinds of things, comes of being a musical primary school teacher.

    Right, have been summoned to inspect the best of the old bangers.

    Over and out

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    AH HA here you all are :-))

    Would love to have seen Oasis last night. I don't know the Last Shadow Puppets either - maybe CLP will give us a little blast of them on the show tonight???

    I agree re learning new stuff, go for it Rosie.

    Cheryl, how did the allotment AGM go - or is that next weekend??

    I went to the local horticultural show on Sat - if I hadn't eaten them all my potatoes would deffo have won (she says modestly!!), there's a Rosette with my name on it in 2009, watch this space!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Boleyngirl - My goodness..... it's a wonder yer noot Oasis's lead guitarr player and keyboardist all at the same time!!!!!!

    It's makes me realise 'ow noot very good at music I am!!!!!
    I 'ated music lessons at school (went ter a bad school) always thought a semi- quaver wazza Walkers Quaver that's broken in 'alf!!!!!!

    It's only when a goot ter 32 and a mid life crisis that a knew I 'ad ter pick up a guitarr as sometimes yer can feel music running through yer veins.... know what am sayin'!!!!!

    JenEwan - Am ok, thanks!!
    Am used ter pain. But the important thing iz ave goot ter pick the right one. Mind you I thought a did.. why are people so complicated??@?
    Me and Inna got on so well, in fact we've never argued or actually officially split up. She wants a good father for 'er son and a good 'usband for 'er. 'er son really took to me - in fact Inna said she waz really suprised 'ow much 'e liked me. But she's been badly treated by 'er former partners so finds it 'ard ter trust men.
    So a think that's why she's sort of scared of opening up to me/ coming to England... So fate blocks my 'appiness again!!!!
    It's 'er son I think I feel sorry for, lovely little boy and needs a father figure... but adults always are good at messing up life... more than kids - know what am tryin ter say ere!!!!!!


  • Comment number 20.

    Boleyngirl - do you do that song about a mouse in a windmill in old amsterdam? I used to love that song at primary school!

    super_bagpuss: he's deffo a dead-ringer for Mr Claypole! Trust me. i'm 40.

    Tinsel - the allotment thingy is this Friday - Hallowe'en!! Prize giving for Allotment Of the Year and a "light tea" will be provided! We reckon that'll be a couple of manky sarnies from the corner shop's "reduced to clear" fridge and a packet of ready salted! Quite a few allottmenteers are boycotting it because the prizes are being dished out by our local MP. I don't agree with him getting involved but persuaded Mr Diva we should go for the sense of community more than anything else. Our village has got quite a bad rep so it's nice that the Parish Council are actually making an effort for the good of the community for once. We can also whinge to Mr MP about the state of the allotment car parkign area - potholes like Gorges! Not good in a Micra.


    Diva xxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    PS: Judging "old bangers" ???

    is Gok in town????

  • Comment number 22.

    Bingo - I'm really sorry to hear this. The old scottish saying of 'what's for you, 'll no go by you' is true. Hang in there. If you can, please keep in touch with Inna and Son and let your friendship blossom. Maybe time will tell out and she'll learn to trust again.

    It must be huge for her to contemplate trusting again AND moving to a strange land, uprooting her son in the process. Give her space, hold her hand from a distance and be good to yourself too.

    You're a lovely chap and you will find happiness, I know you will. Just try not to chase it so hard.

    Best of luck

  • Comment number 23.

    JenEwan, that is a really lovely post.

    Bingo - ditto everything Jen just said.

    And in the meantime, remember we all think you're fab!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks Jen - Very good advice and very true, I agree yer can try too 'ard sometimes ter find things.... but then if yer don't try nowt's gonna just come to yer.... ohhhhh it's all too damn complicated for me!!!!!!!

    Seriously though BIG TARRRR Jen!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    SparklyTinsel - Ditto to you too everything ave just said in #24 except the 'Jen' bit as your name isn't Jen!!!!!!

    Serioulsy though BIG TARRRR Tinsel!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    PS ALL - Nice ter see CLP with an early one terdee!!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Can I ditto ditto ditto too please? Big hugs Bingo (((((xx)))))

    Beesmum xxx

    Still haven't sorted out me tyre!
    Is the car for you Boleyn? good hunting!

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend. Less said about Monday the better. We put our clocks back next weekend, I think. So we are now only 4 hours apart.

    Some good football games on this last weekend. Harry to Spurs, now I didn't see that coming. Those poor assistant managers at Portsmouth, they all looked shell shocked. Can't say I blame them. Will be interesting if Harry really makes a difference or not.....

  • Comment number 29.

    Good afternoonn friends, Romans, Countrymen . . .

    Lend me your ears,
    buy me some beers . .

    Have a great Monday, one and all . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 30.

    Short and sweet Dan!

    Afternoon Bond.

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi CtD, Good win for the Gooners although they did leave it rather late. What do you think of Harry now in charge of Pomey? I see there's a full schedule of games on Wednesday and your playing Spurs....hmmmmm could be interesting to see if Sunday's game was a one off...... I was surprised Harry departure from Portsmouth and start at Spurs all happened so quickly..... Any guesses on who will be the new Pomey manager?

  • Comment number 32.

    "There's only One Adebayor ... There's only One Adebayor .... "


    What a difference an Emmanuel makes eh Bond(age)?

    I thought it was heading for 0-0 to be honest. Could have done with Liverpool and Chelski drawing too. Ne'er mind!

    Harry at the Spurs. Well, what a turn up for the books. Apparently Big Sam's in the frame for Pompey, as is Curbs. Just so long as it's not Tony Adams. We wouldn't mind him back at The Emirates!

    Work. Dull. Need. Some. Fun.

    Cheryl xxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    CtD, he certainly was the difference maker.

    I think Big Sam deserves the chance at pompey. He was so very badly treated at Newcastle and is a good manager. Curbs.....not sure about him. Tony Adams and Joe Jordon just looked like fishes out of water....

    I have nothing but respect for Tony Adams. He got himself into trouble but has moved on and turned his life around. Plus he was a top notch player....

    I loved every time the thug Barton touched the ball on Saturday that he was booed. I wonder if there were any Newcastle fans that booed....

  • Comment number 34.

    Apparently Jose is planning on a return to English footie soon. Please oh please ...!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.


    The rumour I heard was that he was the long term replacement for Sir Alex at Man Utd......

  • Comment number 36.

    Bond - no no 7!! I can't support Man U!!

  • Comment number 37.

    I thought Manc U were lining Cantona up for when S'ralex calls it a day ..... ?

    It'll be dark soon!

  • Comment number 38.

    oooh aaaaah Cantona I said ooooh aaaaah Cantona ...

    Now him AND Jose - imagine the sound bites!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    I'll only be able to watch the 2nd half of Arsenal / Spurs on Weds night - it's the final of The Restaurant!!

    Go go Michele and Russell!

  • Comment number 40.

    CtD, Does he have any managerial experience?

  • Comment number 41.

    Tinsel - I wondered where your comment was going there for a mo! My mind kinda went a bit wibbly wobbly at the thought of .....

    ... no, n'er mind. It'll only get BP'd !!


  • Comment number 42.

    CtD, can't record The Restaurant and watch it after the game......

  • Comment number 43.

    Who Bondage? Eric or Big Tone?

    Not sure on either of 'em but then they would probably do a better job than some of the more "experienced" ones out there!

    Not Lord Wenger of The Emirates, you understand .... he is The Guv'nor.

  • Comment number 44.

    #42 - not with Mr Diva's early morning overtime alarms, no. Usually in bed by 10 these days.

    Not so Rock n Roll as book n cocoa!

    And everyone'll be talking about The R on here on Thursday morning.

  • Comment number 45.

    LOL Diva!!! Rinse that mind out right now!!

    No no, Divvy Boys to win!!

  • Comment number 46.

    But Sparkle, was CtD on the right track about your comments.....LOL

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Everyone!

    How was the weekend for you all? Just thought i'd let you know my friends have bullied me into going to my own fancy dress party as a giant ketchup bottle! complete with cone shaped head gear (like the proper cafe ketchup squeezers) ... they say it's perfect due to the fact i have been known to carry a ketchup bottle with me just in case the place i'm off to doesn't have any. that would be horrible!!

    Also... i have a question... there about 4 million and 63 mr evans groups on FB ... not a clue which one to join so i can find you lot!!

    Hope everyones well!


  • Comment number 48.

    LOL Shorty. Ketchup is it's own foodgroup in my house.....

  • Comment number 49.

    afternoon all!

    Just had a lovely long post, accidently hit the TAB key followed by Delete and lost the whole bally lot of it- Bah Humbug!

    Brief synopsis:

    Weather forecast for next 2 days - all lies for today and heavy SNOW showers with sunny intervals for tommorow!

    Called the talking clock to synchonise the time keeping devices here at work - expecting the reasuring dulcet tones of Accurist man - and got californian, beachbabe, disney-fied Tinkerbell!!

    Followed by rant about commercialised civilisation and the wish to be snowed in!

    Off to have a cuppa cha, then back to work

    Have a nice day! Y'all come back now hear!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    I have never heard of The Last Shadow Puppets, maybe we'll hear something from them on tonight's show.

    I'm so stressed, need to chill out a bit. Doctors this morning, me waiting for test results, Mr Debbie emergency appointment this afternoon, Vets later and interview tomorrow. Phew.

    No wonder I have a headache I feel quite dizzy.

    Shorty, go to CLP Bloggers page on FB, lots of us on there.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks for the heads up about the FB page!

    Just for info - Alex Turner from the arctic monkeys and Miles Kane from the rascals are the main men in Last Shadow Puppets. Like more intelligent and mysterious version of arctic monkeys.

    Debbie - Hope everything is in order for you, mr debbie and pet!!


  • Comment number 52.


    Feel better soon.


    PS 007 - its more like oooh aaaah Jose ... then CTD would deffo be right ;-)


  • Comment number 53.

    LOL Sparkle........

    Debbie, sorry you're having a stressful day. Good luck with test results and pet care. I think a nice cup of tea and a chocy biscuit is in order.......

  • Comment number 54.

    Deb ..... deep breaths, count to 10 and relaaaaaaaaaax. On FB if you need a rant tho x x x

    Tins/007 - hehehehehe .... you know me so well! Altho a bit of Emmanuel Petit and Robert Pires woudn't go amiss ... and Freddie Ljunberg come to think of it!

    Hmmmmm. Can't stop thinking about it now!

    is the cold shower free ? ? ??

  • Comment number 55.

    shorty ...... quick - before the BP delete this post ...

  • Comment number 56.

    Arctic Monkeys
    Snow Patrol

    Leaves me cold just thinking about it!

  • Comment number 57.

    LOL Cheryl.

    Cheers guys, my house seems to be a complete tip so I think I may just loose myself in housework. Normally find that quite therapeutic, but with this headache? Here goes.

    x x x

    PS. Mr Debbie just called and asked if I would go to the doctors with him. Blimey, he must be worried!

  • Comment number 58.

    Cheers CtD .. Much appreciated :o)

    Speaking of cold ... the radiators arent working in the office!!! (neither does FB now we mention it... but copied the link and emailed it to myself for when i FINALLY finish work.... after the gym... and dinner... haha)

    I never spotted the sub zero weather condition related band names before. hahahaha.

    Obviously the best of these is Vanilla Ice


  • Comment number 59.

    Cheryl, if we're making a list, I wouldn't say no to a little bit (or more if he insists!!) of Drogba either!!

    Is there space in that shower for me too??

  • Comment number 60.

    or the Icicle Works

  • Comment number 61.

    Tinsel ..... nooooooooooooooo! Not Didier???? Surely not?????

    Francesco Totti.

    Never was man so more aptly named!

  • Comment number 62.

    Ah the Icicle works, I'm pretty sure that their highest chart position was about a year before i was born so my knowledge isnt massive on them if I'm honest.

    Is it time to go home yet? I'm for a diet most famous cola flavoured drink break i think :o)


  • Comment number 63.

    mmmmm didier ... mmmmmmmm.....

    Never mind cold shower, need ice cubes down undies!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Who ? A ? erm? duh!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    TINSEL!!!!! :-O


    Shorty - i feel really old now hun. cheers for that!!

    Don't s'pose you remember Freeeeze then (IOU - classic 80s dance track?)

  • Comment number 66.

    Don't worry B-sMum i'm at a bit of a loss as to what/who they are discusing aswell!!


    (Tinkerbell - I ask you #48) *mutter, mutter*

  • Comment number 67.

    Hahaha, sorry about that! I am alright with 80's music though ... my Dad used to organise massive raves (all legal!) for huge club nights and stuff round the country and owned a nightclub in the town i live in so i kind of grew up on it!

    Am slightly worried about having all my photos and stuff available for you lot to see on FB! ... don't want you all thinking im a drunken lout! hahahaha - I'm really not, just everyone seems to get their cameras out once i've had a drink!


  • Comment number 68.

    Oh dear I have no idea what/who you are on about hehe!

    Just have to mention something that made me smile....got to make the most of it haven't I?

    I noticed today that when LM is happy with the answers he gets he says 'bingo'. He did it again just now. 'mum is this this right piece of the puzzle.....'yes matey'....'yeah - bingo!'

    I don't know where it came from but today it's made me giggle. Mr Starr are your ears burning?

    x x x

  • Comment number 69.

    shorty - we're all drunken louts, just a bit older than you! check in here on a friday night for the wine club - a wild bunch, i tell ya!

  • Comment number 70.

    Nobody puts baby in the corner!

    Yeh - one up for Steve wright


  • Comment number 71.

    LOL! I was just thinking of Dirty Dancing too dook!

    Love Tom Petty too!

  • Comment number 72.

    Fave Film lines!

    I feel the need - the need for speed

    Hey - Onion boy


  • Comment number 73.

    How about:

    "We don't need no stinking badges...."

  • Comment number 74.

    Or ...

    It's been emotional ...

    Oh no, that was Scott on X Factor ;-)

  • Comment number 75.

    OK - perhaps I should have added the films they were from.....

    1)Top Gun (well start easy!)

    007 - ??????


  • Comment number 76.

    Dook, I'm reasonably sure mine was originally in Lock Stock ...

    But sounded so much better in X factor!

  • Comment number 77.

    It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Hit It!

    Jake and Elwood Blues, The Blues Brothers

  • Comment number 78.

    That's a point Tinsel, do you think that Scott deserved to go out on Saturday?

    I'm not too sure about Daniel, playing the sympathy card a bit too often maybe?

    x x x

    PS. Not much housework going on here oops!

  • Comment number 79.

    "I'm the Anti-Christ. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. You tell the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. My name is Vincent Coccotti." - True Romance

  • Comment number 80.

    What? erm? A? duh!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Debbie, we're lowering the tone but ... I think Owen (can't remember how he really spells his name) should have gone, I thought he was rubbish. And Daniel - oh please ... when Louis started crying I started laughing!! Not that it's not sad, but it's a SINGING competition ...

    However, Scott looked like he'd lost as soon as he was put into the sing-off. Not the attitude young man!!!

    "I must have done something good"

    Maria, Sound of Music ;-)

    T xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Scott / X-Factor ... I think he chose the wrong song. George Michael only writes songs for George Michael to perform. Nobody can do his songs justice (and no, I'm not a GM mega fan).

    Also, doing ballads - you're so open to scrutiny. I think something uplifting is better as you can perform and get the audience going.

    Strictly .... right decision. As gawjus as Fozzy is, he's like a plank of wood on the dancefloor. I like Christina off The One Show. She's always so Happy Happy Happy!

    Love Brucie too.

  • Comment number 83.

    Yep he did look pretty defeated I must admit.

    I don't have any quotes from movies...can't play :-(

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    Missed who went off Strictly Diva - Who was it? I like Christina too - such a happy bunny!

    Beesmum xxx

    Still not sorted tyre - tom praps!

  • Comment number 85.

    I'm a GM mega fan (just in case you didn't know lol)

    Strictly - they definately got it right. But poor Andrew Castle is so much taller than Olga it must be awkward for him.

    And Brucie is a legend.

  • Comment number 86.

    auhhhh Debbie-C - surely there is something from LM's collection :-}


    Take me home or loose me forever (TG again!)

  • Comment number 87.

    B-sMum - Mark Foster. Gorg bod. Pants at dancing.

  • Comment number 88.

    Hmm yep dookegg probably some great quotes in Shrek or Any Bullly but none come to mind lol!

  • Comment number 89.

    Not too sure about Mark Foster's body. I find his boobs quite odd. Like really odd.

  • Comment number 90.

    I agree Christina is absolutely lovely. And she looks very genuine too. But I still want John S to win.

    But Brucie ... I just want him to go away. Sorry. He is sooooo annoying.

    Well we can't agree all the time!!!

    Keeeeeeeeep dancing!!

  • Comment number 91.


    Ave just 'eard Wrightie playing one all me all time fav tunes.... A Good 'eart by Fergersun Skarkle ex Ramones singer!!!!!

    Love that tune.... if yer reading this Wright man.... great oldies terdee!!!!!!

    PS A 'ear Catherine Jenkins iz on Wrightie's BIG Show terdee!!!!
    Last time she waz on it waz the day a visited BC 'ouse..... wonder if she remembers me from reception!!!!!!

    B's Mum - Tarrrrr!!!!!

    Debbie C - Me 'ears ain't burnin' but me bed is..... bit like the band Midnight Oil!!!!!!

    Das veeedanya!!!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Bingo, better than having your socks on fire like Kings of Leon are always singing about!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Dookegg, my quote was from Blazin Saddles....

  • Comment number 94.

    Bingo did you see Catherine ex make up and posh frock? Is she really pretty still? I'm sure she would remember you.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 95.

    knew it had to be from a Wezzie of some sort!!

    Grandad Egg's fav. film genres were westerns & war. Namely anything with Clint or George C. Scott These days any thing to do with Napoleon!

    The mind of the aged P's........


  • Comment number 96.

    Tinsel - Love Kings Of Leon - Been meaning ter write a FULL blog commentation about them... brill new band!!!!!

    B's Mum - When The Jenkins saw me... she looked a little nervious.... like maybe I wazza MAD stalker..... but she didn't realise it waz only CLP, Wrightie and all of their show teams 'id come ter stalk, in the nicest possible way of course - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Must admit though it did crooss me mind what if i'd goot chatting ter 'er and ended up dating one of the uk's TOP singers... not that i'd wanter date 'er just 'cos she's who she is (the famous bit).... would wanter date 'er 'cos she's very beautiful - noot that that's a good reason on it's own anyway.
    Noot that she'd like me anyway..... and she's probally married or attached... romantically..... and a don't know 'er astrological crudentials.... so it probally wouldn't work even if she waz single!!!!!

    'ope this elps... B's Mum!!!!

    Das veedanya again!!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Does anyone know why I've been booted off the Blog Fantasy Footie League? I have to confess I'm Not Telling!


  • Comment number 98.

    Apparently she is single Bingo - you should have at least had a go!!!

    Just seen Mr B going down the path doing a Phoebe jog! Nutcase!

    It's getting dark - is it time for bed zebedee?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hands up Jen - I blocked you.

    I thought it may be someone else and after the abuse I received on here recently, just wanted to sever all ties.

    I'll see if I can unblock you now. Please accept my apologies.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 100.

    B's Mum - It wouldn't work out.... we'd ave the pap after us tryin ter get us in 'ello mag... then she'd actually end up running off the pap bloke who's stalking us.... it's the kind of luck I ave with women - that's why am on the edge of totally giving up all!!!!



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