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Chris Evans | 15:10 UK time, Wednesday, 8 October 2008

One of my best mates, I know, when I'm dead, well that is...

...if I died sooner rather than later, would definitely make a play for my wife, step into my still warm shoes if you will.

Who can blame him? She's gorgeous. Also, they get on really well and he's a fabulously decent, not unhandsome, caring sharing human bloke person.

Now I know he fancies her even though I'm still around. Do I have a problem with this ? No. Should I ? No, I don't think so.

We've discussed the matter and she says no way would it happen but I'm not so sure. I think I'm the one out of all three of us that's most comfortable with the idea. Why wouldn't you want the love of your life being looked after by someone you know you can trust after you're gone ?

I'm thinking of suggesting we put it down in writing. Course if he gets married in the meantime then this would put a dampner on the whole thing.

Maybe we should leave it all down to providence.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Yep, providence, I would suggest is definitely the way forward!

    No one wants to contemplate the idea of life without Christophe anyway,

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP ..... I'm very flirty with some of Mr Diva's mates, and they with me in return.

    What matters and what's important is the trust and respect you have for each other.

    It goes back to your blog last week about steak and hamburgers!

    Like the great Welsh rock gods Skin said ....

    Baby Baby Baby ... look but don't touch!

    Cheryl The Diva xxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Such a lovely thought Chris - Leave to providence much easier.

    All the best - any update news on Enzo please.

  • Comment number 4.

    PS: It's not Noel the dishy vet is it????

  • Comment number 5.

    Forget about someone moving into your shoes...

    ...more importantly say sorry and right that wrong, otherwise it`s a life long sentence for me!

    ...but I`m guessing you don`t really care.

    mj x

  • Comment number 6.

    hi martin

    course we care. if you wanna share .... if not on here, find us on FB if you're up for it.

    long time, no blog - you ok hun? wanna hug?

  • Comment number 7.

    Whoops, wrote my Luther comments on last blog, I LOVE LV! Gingembre, think we have the same taste in music.

    That's a bit weird Christophe, I should stop thinking about it if I were you. Don't think I'd like it if Mr M died and I found he'd left me to one of his mates in his will!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Question......if he's a fabulously decent, not unhandsome, caring sharing human bloke person, then how come he's not been snapped up by some lovely lady (who's not your missus) before now????

    C x

  • Comment number 9.

    Big Chief CLP,

    I have so so many female friends in relationships who have said to me that if t'other half took a whitie and keeled over, they'd be on Big ship Dan until their closing days . . .

    So so depressing . . .yes, sure a complement of cousrse but why the eck are their single friends not chucking themselves seaworthy in my general direction...


  • Comment number 10.

    oooooh good point acedmac - has he not stood still long enough or just not bothered to date at present.

    Thought of a theme tune for the Sat crew: Getting to Know You, getting to know all about you...... etc

    comes from the King and I

    Now it's in your heads it will stay there for a little while. Think march of the children to go with it and a classic Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr film.

  • Comment number 11.

    {falls down} swoon ah Dan, Dan, Dan you're so far away from us all.

  • Comment number 12.

    Big Ship Dan .... OMG!!!

    you sure?????

  • Comment number 13.

    Phoenix - I have a plan for ARF ....

  • Comment number 14.

    Woooooooooo....... chill CLP man.... chill......

    DON'T DO IT....... DON'T DO IT CLP MAN...... the uk's airwaves need you.... R2 needs you..... I need you!!!!! (Ter 'elp keep me sane, but only just).
    I couldn't take The Maconie on every neet! (no offence ter Stu).
    (Plus The Ratcliffe would be very lonely in Manchester).

    CLP - I 'ope this is noot an under'anded way of telling us all the credit crunch 'as all got too much and yer thinkin' of.... let's say making serious plans for the future.
    (maybe a should keep me thoughts/ questions that a waz gonna wreet, about the meeks, ter mesen?).

    If am totally getting the wrong end of the blog message above, which I feel I probally am! Nothing new for me!
    CLP.... it might be ter do with astrology!!!
    Tash iz a capricorn aka one of the best sign of the zodiac (no offence ter any other signs reading this) and you are an aries.... one of the leaders of the zodiac (no offence ter any other signs reading this), 'ence slight clashes might occur but a feel you are very both suited so i'd noot worry CLP man. Am sure she knows you are a good catch - know what am sayin'!!!

    Obviously she will be a good catch if she's a typical cap... My advice... take it as a compliment noot a complication that friends admire the other 'alf!!!!

    PS Whatta coincidence.... am doing it the other way around.... Inna's an aries and am capricorn!!!


    PS What's yer friends sign??... Probally
    noot compatible!!!!

    PPS What does providence mean? Too big a word for me!

  • Comment number 15.

    I really haven't been able to get into blogging over the last few days - headache probably something to do with it!! Joiners with nail guns not helping today.


  • Comment number 16.

    PS If yer friends single..... tell 'im ter get ter Ukraine, plenty of goodlookers out there - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Munch two..... munch two!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    PPS The meeks thingy... i'll bang it on termozza... ave gotta 'eadache like Dooko too!!

  • Comment number 18.

    sorry gang. still distracted there, so I am !!

  • Comment number 19.

    PPPS A see the FTSE 100 down yet another 5% - 230ish points.... if it ain't 'it the brakes soon... be nothing left of it!!!

    PPPPS Also on the day the chancellor alledgedly came ter the rescue of the banks... says ter me the markets got no confidence in the politicians!!!

    Another BIG story for Foxy!

  • Comment number 20.

    Sorry all i'll shut up now!

    Poka snova!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Ooh CLP - great thought provoking blog..in a slightly bizarre way!

    But, Tash is yours... and i think we all get that impression it will be that way forever... take it as a compliment that there are others interested tho!

    I`m with Diva, i`m a terrible flirt (well not terrible AT flirting, oh u know what i mean!) and although it got me in trouble with the ex(despite it only being flirting) my GM is perfectly happy with it...its how i ended up with him after all!

    now, DtM - if only it was 18mths ago... i couldve forseen a little boat trip over the Oirish Sea... with a back up posse of the rest of the girlies on here no doubt! any gorgeous female lurkers out there who may be able to help this lovely man?!

    Bingo - loving the posts as ever!

    Sorry missed the topic of the day today...but fave colour is duck egg (or should that be Dookegg) blue...and restaurant would be proper home cooked food..stews, bangers and mash etc etc.... yum yum!

    Right, off to whip up a veggie lasagne for tea tonight... catch u later lovelies!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 22.

    Dont ever apologise Bingo.... and hope ur and Dookeggs headaches go soon..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 23.

    Well nice to hear your not the jealous type CLP.

    Bingo, sadly looks don't last and you might end up living with someone who can't even speak english for the rest of your life.

    Like on a Ryaniar flight recently the PA was laughable. I'm sure she came from those neck of woods.

    What's to do with more tea vicar?
    Is it the Rev Green?


  • Comment number 24.

    CLP Put it down in writing - No way jose! what are you thinking about?! If my one conked I would be B***y pleased to be on my own for a bit of peace for a change! then see what happened!

    Bingo you are funny! munch two to you too!!

    Maaartin - where you been? You alright?

    Dan - yes well!! Diva - aren't you good at the old match making stuff? get in there girl!! and Dan there are loads of singles here on blog - or did you not know????

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    BM - I think young Dan needs to get his oirish ass over to FaceAche. then he can see all the beautiful female bloggers (and also us beautiful taken ones!!)

    And we can have a threesome.

    Scrabble. naturally! xxxx

  • Comment number 26.

    I'm up for that Diva!! Well I would be wouldn't I!!! hehe cacle cackle!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    LOL BM ...... and I thought I was bad!!!

    i'm missing the threesomes we used to have, y'know ....

  • Comment number 28.

    and me!

  • Comment number 29.

    aaah that'll do! I'm outta here kids!

    CLP all the way home!

  • Comment number 30.

    hell yes DD. and you!

    foursomes anyone??

  • Comment number 31.

    I am too a terrible flirt.

    My Hubby's friend is always telling him that he would like to find someone like me.

    My ARF is The Girl Of My Best Friend by Elvis Presley.

    Michele xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Well I'm off home, Thanks for making me smirk and smile - hopefully will feel like blogging a bit more tommorow. Depending on the weather I may bring Horse to work try and get those endorphines flowing again.

    Cheers - have a good hump day Drivetime


  • Comment number 33.

    Horse? to work? blimey dook - what kinda car you driving there????

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi-di-ho .... almost half five .... hurrah!

    off to the epicentre of pain and torture tonight, where treatments are dished out and pain barriers tested to the hilt.

    Yep, it's waxing wednesday!!

    Laters, or probably the morning - it's Restaurant night too!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Michelle thats a good one - looks like you will be getting another ARF played!!!

    Right me off too - still on vapours and car now beeping and flashing at me 9 miles left!!! flippin electronic thingys - I can see the little needle thingy says empty!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Fancy a bit of blood and guts - might watch Silent Witness tonight!

  • Comment number 36.

    Ooooh CLP - what a strange thought, I'm with majority there and leave it all to fate or whatever it is that makes things happen...or not! Also, sure he can't find similar mate cos he's not you! Def def can't put in writing, then friend will be waiting and maybe even in movie like fashion planning your early demise!

    And if you weren't going to tell them then think that be way too much to take after the grief both but esp Tash would feel. Anyways your soon to be baby DJ will be there to consider!!!! Good blog though!

    Right off to get some 'stuff' done.


  • Comment number 37.

    great post...

    I don't do jealousy, in fact I quite like the fact that people find MrsW attractive.
    I too have a mate who has openly told me he's on standby to take over should I depart on the early bus!

    Just one more LV related comment if I may - can't believe I forgot So Amazing from my list.
    Em and Tig you simply must read a book by Craig Seymour entitled "The life and longing of Luther Vandross"
    It was quite hard to get so I will gladly lend it to either or both of you. It's awesome

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 38.

    Hello gang :)

    My missus says i'm a terrible tart (not even a flirt do i get tainted with) Mind you i've been like it ever since i split up with the 1st (nothing to do with me BTW she found someone else more guillible than me)

    Sometimes it gets me into trouble but all our mates know what i'm like so they greatfully indulge me :-D

    On the subject of CLP's blog . . . . there's a fair few that would be happy to take my missus off my hands if given the chance. does it bother me . . . . not in the slightest i think it's a compliment.

    Anyway enough for now

    Steve :-D

    If ya add me as a friend on fb could ya please let me know who ya is please :-D cheers muchly :)

  • Comment number 39.

    thanks Gimgembre, will look it up. If i have trouble finding it i shall defintely ask to borrow yours!

    home from the torture chamber
    now time for Strictly
    ctch you all tomorrow peeps

  • Comment number 40.

    My feeling on the subject of the blog is after I am dead, the Mrs needs to do whatever makes her happy.

  • Comment number 41.

    just heard this song on r2 - its great so I thought I woudl share it with you lot

    enjoy (I hope)

    super bpx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening each

    Chris: Listen to your friends - you just can't will your wife to your friend - you'll get a serious slap!

    Just been browsing Amazon. So many books, so little money!

    Good news is my little car passed its MOT with flying colours today. Bad news is oldest son is probably losing his job because of the financial world problems.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    annie G - glad the car passed its mot - -always a good sign

    hopefully oldest son will get a good payoff and find a job soon!

    anyway - am quitting work soon - only been at it seince 8 this morrow - with a quick drive home at 7

    super bp x

  • Comment number 44.

    SB: It's nearly 9, why you still working?

    Oldest son has an MA in Archeaology and a great photographer, so hopefully he will find something soon. Unfortunately, he won't get a great payoff but I'm hoping he won't descend into depression. He's very pro-active and is already looking for another job.


  • Comment number 45.

    My husband loves to watch me flirt (or says he does!!) but heaven forbid touching....
    By the way, how about 'Our House' by Madness for first song on Friday? We have just moved into our own house after seven army quarters in seven years!! Loving the settled life. Keep up the great entertainment - you and Jhonny get funnier all the time. Are you becoming better mates off the radio too?

  • Comment number 46.

    Just slammin' a quickie in.

    Politics, politics, politics.

    Enough of my day.

    Slightly baffled.

    I get to browse here at lunchtime and the evening. No time to post during the day.

    As I have said before, I am not a fan of the 'chatroom' format, but hey, that's the way we've gone, so be it.

    What I don't understand is why certain people who clearly don't like what goes on here - or constantly protest - bother to keep on and on about it. It ain't changing, so if you don't like it go some place else.

    Anyway. My favourite cheese is a nice mature Cheddar.

    Much love.


  • Comment number 47.

    Evening Matt

    Who?? Have missed lots of the blog cos I'm moaning and whining to myself about kitchen floors, tv's and grown-up kids.

    Cheese: hmmmm, Crumbly Cheshire, Red Leicester, runny Brie. Yummy.

    Love, Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Super BP.

    I was not dissing accountants.

    On the contrary, I am one.

    I was referring to the fact that I am an accountant, currently serving my notice, and it is tough because my current employers are pulling out all the stops to prevent me from leaving while my future employers are courting me heavily ahead of me starting with them.

    So I am currently somewhere between a debit and a credit.



  • Comment number 49.

    Matt, the 'chatroom' format is great when you are involved in the chatting. I sometimes am myself.

    But when I'm away and come back I just skim through to get the general idea of topics etc and sometimes just for a good giggle.

    And I love all cheese by the way, I LOVE cheese.

    Anne sorry to hear about your son, he seems to have the right attitude though so good luck to him.

    Now CLP, you're so funny.....I have never thought about Mr Debbie being with someone when I'm gone.

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.


    Friday. FB me.

    Nite nite gang xx

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Evening folks -

    Annie will pop over to fb and thrash you on scrabs in a mo that will cheer you up! Sorry to hear about son but he's a smart cookie so will land on feet.

    Matt - I've already had a whine about my acc.....sorry just can't say it... bill to Bagpuss hundreds of squid - well actually a couple of thousand just to rubber stamp stuff Mr B has already done - (yes we are a small co) however - been with same guys for years - seen them work hard for peanuts before they get the mega dosh. Not long to go just keep head above water and stick to your guns!

    My biggest whinge at mo? -
    fsa - oft - data protection - etc etc all stuff we have to pay and what do they do? - zilch - just give us more work to do with no return! Oh yes and a piece of paper to say we can trade - Oh Joy!

    Gimme cheese!!

    Right had a moan!!!!! up to office to tidy up then over to fb to see whats been going on!

    Cheery bye

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 52.


    whatya do then?

    We run a temping agency and thats a minefield *sigh*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 53.


    If you have a problem with what is being posted, why don't you just name names so everyone knows what you are talking about?

  • Comment number 54.



  • Comment number 55.

    Howya guys I'm back. What've I missed?

    Now then CLP. Tread carefully on that terrain, my friend. There lies a minefield.

    As much as I bang on about life being full of lessons and regrets being pointless, that if the rubbish times have been the price I have to pay for being where I am now and with whom, I'd do it all over again, I do in fact carry one huge regret with me and wear it like a hair shirt.

    And this is why. I have to admit I'm a dreadful flirt. Always have been, learned it at an early age as the archetypal blue-eyed blonde baby of the family, able to get daddy's attention by looking sweet and acting daft. And as we grow up I'm not sure you can change this behaviour much, it's hard-wired in at an early stage. The thing is, I always believed it was harmless fun to flirt as long as you kept your integrity and boundaries.

    However. Fast-forward some years and as a single woman (divorced; traded in, I might add-another important life-lesson) I spent time with a lovely friend and her family. This friend and I were very close and we had many laughs and good times together. The husband used to joke when we went out all together about his 'wifelets', and that's exactly how I took it. As a joke. How wrong I was.

    I can't even continue at this stage as it's still too traumatic to think about but if I could only put the clock back and remove a chunk of time I'd have dealt with that situation totally differently and have acknowledged the warning signs instead of being secretly flattered, doing nothing but going along with the 'joke' and allowing a dangerous situation to develop. It's no use anyone telling me it wasn't my fault that this man got it wrong, that nothing happened, etc., he obviously picked up the signals from my behaviour that he misinterpreted, and my lovely friend got hurt.

    The last thing I'd ever want to do is to inflict the searing pain of rejection by the one you love upon any other woman, especially a friend. On one level it's worse than bereavement. But by default that's exactly what I did. And you know what, I doubt I'll ever be able to forgive myself.

    So be careful what you wish for, Lambie Pie. I know exactly what you mean and your sentiments are laudible and lovely; but there's snakes in them there hills, sunshine.

    As always, I wish you well.


  • Comment number 56.

    Re CE's opening comment about his mate... I agree with acedmac.... if he's a fabulously decent, not unhandsome, caring sharing human bloke person, then how come he's not been snapped up by some lovely lady before now???? ;o)

  • Comment number 57.

    Why don't you play 'Red Light Spells Danger' by Billy Ocean on Friday's show first thing.

    It won't fix your concerns - but it's an appropriate track and supurb to start the show.

  • Comment number 58.

    Just popped over to close down and Clodagh - just had to read yours twice - been there - and some! - know exactly how you feel! Just wish I could yell at someone what exactly happened but I never will - ever.

    Beesmum xx

    Keep smiling poppit xx

  • Comment number 59.

    How about some Simple Minds for a change on Friday?

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi everyone,

    Up early today and no children to look after (except my own and they don't count!), so I have time to come on here for a change!

    I'm afraid I can't make Saturday, just can't really justify the train fare as am trying to work out how I will pay for Christmas! Hope you all have a fab time and someone please take some pics and send them to me, Debbie's got my number xx

    The last word on Luther (although I could happily ramble on about him all day, think it might be getting a bit boring for those who don't love that velvety voice!), yes please Gingembre, I'd love to borrow that book, although I love his music I know absolutely nothing about the man himself, can't wait to read it.

    Better go and wake little one up now, take care everyone xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Maybe Mr Evans's friend is also a friend of Dorothy.

  • Comment number 62.

    mfr - another bean counter woohoo!

    Sounds like you move in more excalted comoany then I do though - i'm just a very small cog in a very big organisation

    super bp x

  • Comment number 63.

    bright annieG - working stupid hours is what accountants do best - how do you think we earn our money?

  • Comment number 64.

    morning all - interesting reading all the previous posts.

    Clodagh understand you 100% hindsight is a great thing but no good if you can't access it at the time.

    Good morning to all the bloggers and I look forward to lurking and reading your entries today.

    Missed the restaurant as was out playing volleyball and didn't get home until after 10.30.

  • Comment number 65.

    clodagh - I too am a huge flirt and foud that it can be taken the wrong way and so act with full decroum at work - wearing frumpish clothes and not drinking heavily at work events - so i can keep things at a suitable level.

    Also have had to be careful with friends partners - am going to marry my friends ex - but that is 100% legit and its a shame she didn';t see that way - again I really didn't want to hurt her although she thought that after they split up we would maks a great couple (does that make sense)

    super bpx

    will be very well behaved at meet on sat - I'm bringing the fella to make sure I behave

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning everybloggy!
    Almost the weekend, woohoo!!!!
    Got Alan Carr coming in today, should be interesting.......

    Tata for now
    Tiggy xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Morning sweetpeas

    Phoenix - do you want a ctch-up of The R, or did you tape it? Tongiht looks like a cracker!!

    Clodagh - you're back!! hurrah!!!!

    Super BP - I'm not bringing Mr Diva on Saturday - he's working til 2. But I will be on my very best behaviour!

    Have we decided how we're gonna recognise each other? if its any help, I have a black and purple furry handbag - shall I leave it on the table so you know who I am??

    Tiggy - Alan Carr eh? He was talking about his book tour on the Russell Brand show on Saturday night, and saying how at the beginning of a book tour you're all nicey nicey and signing personal messages, then by the end of the signing session you've turned into a snarling growling entity. Charming! Have fun tho!

    Do we need a topic of conversation for today?

    Do we???

  • Comment number 68.


    I think we are gonna be fairly easy to spot on Saturday, but I might make a CLP table marker - you know, a photo shoved in a wooden spoon stood in some oasis, just to be sure. But lets face it, its gonna be the most raucous table in the venue, with a eclectic mix of people, and if you're still not sure, look for the line up of apple and raspberry J2O bottles.

    Other news, we are now missing a 2nd cat. Little Dot has not been seen for 3 days now and I'm starting to get rather peeved.

    Grr and harrumph!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 69.

    Good Morning all

    Chris, stick to providence, what will be will be. I feel a blog of my own coming on on this subject but for another time.

    Anyhooooooo Tomorrow is my last day at this job, looking to new horizons, as some of you know. My employers do not want me to go but I gotta do what is right for me. Sad to go cause I like this job and the peeps I work with, great crowd.

    Therefore, with the help of my wonder-woman......................


    Hothouse Flowers......... DONT GO

    If I think of any more in relation to my situ and as Chris is looking for new players for arf's, i'll keep posting them.

    Have a great day one and all and see you Saturday those who do come,,,,,,,, lots of flirts lol think it's gonna be fun!

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Ohh, topic of conversation -

    Pin point the moment that turned your life around, or pin point the moment that could've done but you took another route....


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.


    I couldn't flirt with you hun. Mw,a! would deck me one!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 72.

    Nah, you would be fine Cheryl.

    Errol, on the other hand could well feel my wrath....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 73.

    And I'm not being rood.


  • Comment number 74.


    Can't you ALL wear yellow roses . . .or atleast a yellow flower or summat.

    should be easy to spot, how about a newspaper or even sit/order a really outragous drink that nobody else would think of drinking at that time of day :-D

    GL you lot i think you might need it *ggggggggg*

    Steve :-D

    Will blog more later.

  • Comment number 75.


    For me it's gotta be meeting Mr Diva.

    I'd been living with someone for 6 years and we were just about to exchange contracts on a house - literally, days away. I thought him and me would be together forever - you know, semi in the burbs, he had his own business etc etc. then when I met the one you know as Dave, my world became alive again.

    Flutterbies in my belly the size of pterodactyls (? sp). It was at that time I realised that I no longer loved the other one as lovers should love someone. Yes, I loved him, but as a caring brother-sister kind of love. Not an all-consuming obsessive passionate kind of love.

    The weird thing was, that when I told him about meeting someone else, we both realised that we only had that "caring" love and that the spark had long since left the building.

    Just imagine - had I not met Dave, I would have exchanged contracts and got mortgaged up to me eyeballs and probably be living in Chelmsford - ugh!!!

    The bets bit to that story, is that the giant flutterbies are still there when I drive home every night to my amazing husband.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    We can all wear CLP glasses!

    Or a flowery shirt!

    Or name badges with blog names on!

    oh, I could go on....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 77.

    One of my best friends who got married last year, recently had a dream where she had a terminal illness and decided to leave her husband to me, in her Will!

    I thought it was so funny, but kind of touching too because she said that I deserve a good man, and her husband would look after me very well!

    Not sure what he thought about the whole thing though!

  • Comment number 78.



    Moments that changed my life, 14 years ago now the moment I met MW,a, she stayed in my head ever since and the moment I asked her if she was still a bad girl just over a year ago. I could have felt her wrath then but she saw the funny side and gave me her number woo hoo.

    SJF no to yellow but heck yes to outrageous drinks with all sorts of wooden and plastic cr*p in the top of glass preventing you from drinking lol what is that all about ???????/

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Do you think they do Pina Colladas in Docklands then???

    I'm not 100% sure, but I've got a feeling the pub might just have a pool table ....

  • Comment number 80.

    Pool table, cool, give me the number I will call em using works phone of course

    Errol x

  • Comment number 81.

    try pubfinder.com or beerintheevening.com

    cat and canary, canary wharf - it's a fullers house .....

  • Comment number 82.

    btw: i use those web sites for work purposes all the time .... just wanted to make it clear that i'm not a total p***head!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning all and one.

    Very interesting reading the lurrrve stories.

    I see that little twit O'leary in the paper again. Ryanair to to US.

    I am after all these years becoming a nervous flyer.
    The Cabin is cheap and plastic, the crew look about 15 some barley able to speak english. The hideous jingles..... and on landing if the aircraft is on time a fan fare sounds. It is almost as if to say wahay we made it this time.
    You see if the airline cut corners everywhere else could they cut corners with maintenance too.

    Lovely day lot's to do, Have a great day all.


    PS Super Bagpuss loved the link add me as a friend very funny.

  • Comment number 84.

    OH Poo

    NO pool table but if anyone wants to bring darts lol or computer, the have wifi

    Errol x

  • Comment number 85.


    If you want me to stay...............

    Red hot chilli peppers

    Errol x

  • Comment number 86.

    can't wait til later, but for me this week, there's only one ARF choice:-


  • Comment number 87.


    'Im Movin' On"- Rascal Flatts

    Errol x

  • Comment number 88.



    Errol x

  • Comment number 89.

    Why, thank you kind sir! My iPod threw it at the the other morn, which I took as a sign .......

  • Comment number 90.


    Long time no blog.

    Been busy moving into new gaff / painting new gaff walls - exciting times, eh?

    Flirting: I used to be a flirt until I realised that my coquettish actions upset Mr P so I've since reined it in. I think you should go for it as long as it doesn't upset your partner.

    Always try to imagine how you would feel if it was your partner flirting with one of your friends. Horrid.

    Got a busy month ahead: Courteeners gig next week, Black Kids the week after that and then the Mighty Boosh - yaaaaaaay!!

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 91.

    morning team

    but late today, blog wasnt working earlier

    20years ago today when we were scooter boys one of our mates was knocked off his and died as a result, so big love upto the sky today and I hope he's smiling right back at us. ARF for me this week is a northern soul one in his memory...AL WILSON "THE SNAKE" PLEASE

    Off to London later to watch the Jonathan Ross show be recorded for tomo night, apparently Sir Roger Moore and Colin Farrell are the guests, should be good

    bonnet de douche


    Em...I'll stick it thro yer letterbox next week!

  • Comment number 92.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 93.

    Morning All.

    Busy Busy - and not feeling too chirpy today - ne're mind A. Back later

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Can you tell i'm bored??? at work???

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Thanks Errol - just read above and feel better already!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Errol - the sooner you're outta there, the better. For all our sakes!

    BM - wassup? On FB if you need an ear ..

    Can I borrow the ranty soapbox please ..

    This place is soooooooooooo old fashioned. I've got stax to do but the last 90 mins or so have been spent going thru all the incoming emails, printing them off, distributing them etc etc, and now I have a stack out outgoing emails to type and send. Can you believe it? 21st century and they write their emails out in long hand for me to type and send .... what's THAT about???

    Pass me a Quill, if you will sire ....

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Yo CLP, Yo ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.......

    MfR - A agree with you about the blog being abit more of a chat room nowadees but am ok with that, yes am ok. It's just I often struggle ter keep up with all the posts as a tend ter dive 'n dive out of the blog..... thus occasionally missing fellow bloggers who answer me/ start terrr chat... BIG 'pologies ALL.... a don't mean ter be rude it's just am often under severe stress but that'll never stoop from bloggin' abit - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    So i'll try now ter answer some blog friends......

    MW - Good luck with the wedding!

    msScooobycat - Ello and Tarr. 'ope yer ok in all areas!

    B's Mum - Munch two ter you too. Am lookin' forward ter this weekend's GP. Getting close ter the end of the season now and 'opefully closer ter Lewis gettin' 'is championship!

    Prof Plum - Yo Prof errr, I aven't gone solely for looks in Ukraine.
    I 'ad a choice of women looking more model type then Inna, and younger, and without a child. But Inna was the one I goot on with best and I think she iz very beautiful (kraseevy) and am 'appy ter take on 'er 'yperacive son!!!!
    I went for chemistry/ frienship - know what am tryin' ter sayin' ere.
    As for the language barrier.... she is already speaking basic english... a requirement for visa/ permenant uk residency.

    And why do you think am tryin' ter learn russian???...
    Ee pachyemoo dyelat vi doomat ya eezoochat rooskee???...

    Yes.. eeeezooooochat!!!!

    CLP - I just wanted ter say ave really enjoyed some of the guests yuv 'ad on the Drivetime gig the past few weeks.... keep forgetting ter write about it!!!!
    Loved the taxi driver last week who gives people a free ride if they can answer one of 'is gegraphical questions correctly!!!!!

    Poka dlya tyepyer!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Glad to help beesmum

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi everyone:

    I'm obviously a bit late joining in, but regarding flirting - I don't think it's harmless - it's a dangerous game and it can quite easily backfire. I don't mean we have to walk about with blinkers on - it's exciting to meet someone you quite fancy, and they quite fancy you, but it is playing with fire.

    Clodagh, I thought your comment to Chris was absolutely stunning.

    PP - Ryanair - terrified of their planes. I went to Belfast last December and I was praying from the moment we took off until the landing. Never again!

    Gingembre - I'm so envious of you going to see Jonathan Ross's show being taped. Please report back ASAP!

    Cheryl - it beggars belief that you are given handwritten emails to type! Obviously you are working with the "old school" and they are terrified to deal with their own emails. Confession time: when I sent one of my first emails, I actually emailed our ENTIRE fileserver to someone! Fees, Reports, full financial records, the lot! Thankfully he was a friend, and he deleted everything immediately ...... or that's what he told me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Chrissie: my lady boss doesn't even know how to turn a computer on, let alone send an email.

    My concern is the amount of paper that gets wasted by printing everything out. and it's soooooooooo time-consuming too.



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