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Chris Evans | 16:42 UK time, Friday, 8 August 2008

Spent the morning with the legend that is...

...Nick Mason.

We were doing an interview for a new car magazine which involved a photo shoot based at the aircraft hangar where Nick keeps a couple of his cars.

Wow, I mean wow, is he a dude or what ? He's so cool. He's the drummer in Pink Floyd for heaven's sake ! He was supposed to be interviewing me but there were so many things I wanted to ask him, in the end it was almost the other way round. I wish I could share some of the stories he told me with you but, well then, that wouldn't be right would it ?

The music, the madness, the motors. Love it.

Back in to London now and the last show for a couple of weeks and then back to our amazing new house. My wife asked me to stay away for the last couple of weeks as she wanted to surprise me and for me not to interfere. Well now I know why. She has created our very own slice of heaven. She is amazing. it is nothing short of breathtaking.

Off to see Never Forget, the Take That musical, for the second time ! Then home, then next stop L.A.

You look after yourselves now.



Listen you lot


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  • Comment number 1.

    HI ALL and CLP

    Enjoy your holiday, hear you when you get back

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    we're always listening CLP, always listening!

    have a happy hols.

    Cheryl The Diva xxxx

    PS: any chance of interative ian putting the newest page of blog postings first when we get onto 2 / 3 / 4 screens of waffle and fun in your absence?

    PPS: hurry back!!! xxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon all!

    Luuuurve Take That! You really are so lucky Chris, I know you appreciate it all and that's why things just keep getting better and better!

    Went to a funeral this morning. Quite odd driving there with Ken Bruce discussing funeral music! Excellent choice of music at the end - Ride of the Valkyries! The service was possible one of the best I ever heard.

    So, here at I am at work, working late and feeling grateful for life (as I always do after a funeral), but cross because someone's not been playing the game and has very naughtily circumvented my project and gone to someone 3 times over my head to get what they want!!! Grrrrrr - very naughty. No favours from me in future - that's for sure!!!

    Looking forward to ARF for tonight - well done Pandagirl - you're on!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 4.

    Have a fab holiday! The next two weeks just wont be the same so hurry back!

    Is anyone else having trouble listening to the iPlayer? I heard the start of the show then on came a recording (I thought it was a joke!)...due to rights restrictions we are currently unable to bring you this program - HELP!! :)

  • Comment number 5.


    It's wonderful to hear you sounding so happy. Natasha sounds like a dream come true!

    Have a fantastic holiday and we'll be here when you get back!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Me too bumble whats going on - who was it? can't hear it!!!! just some stupid recorded message aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Well done pandy!!! not heard that one for ages and forgot how good it was!

    CLP sounds like he may well burst soon!

    My My My Delilah!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 8.


    Sorry, how rude, forgot to say - have a lovely holiday!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 9.

    Have a good holiday Chris even though I can't hear you boo hoo!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Off home now gang - via "ebery little helps" - grrrrr!

    May pop in later for a sheeky shiraz, otherwise catch up with you all over the weekend.

    Love, as always

    Cheryl the Diva xxxxx

    PS: I guess at 2879 posts by Tues 26th Aug whe CLP next blogs xx

  • Comment number 11.

    ebery?? really? every!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Hopefully someone on the show is reading this and they can send in a little man or woman to fix it :)

  • Comment number 13.

    Right folks, I'm gonna make like CtD and leave...

    Back Monday (hopefully!).

    Have a great one all!

    S xx.

    P.S. Will miss you and your shenanigans Chris!

  • Comment number 14.

    Can anyone give me some advice? I listen from Colorado via the internet everyday to Chris's show. It just got interupted this morning with a voice saying 'due to licensing restrictions we cannot currently bring you this show' Anyone else had issues? I can get all other Â鶹Éç shows.

  • Comment number 15.

    Catey10...I too listen from the US, I'm in Orlando FL and am having the same problem. Never had a problem before. I too can listen to other shows.

    Hopefully this is just a bug they will fix...first they take away EastEnders on Â鶹ÉçA now Chris' show.

  • Comment number 16.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada,

    As ever, reading the contributions to this forum over the last couple of weeks has been thoroughly entertaining and utterly absorbing.

    Now that I have a brief moment to write, I just wanted to wish you all the finest of fine weekends, whatever you decide to indulge in. To Mr. and Mrs. Evans, have a simply stunning holiday and enjoy your salubrious and palatial sounding new homestead. If you get a touch fed up with L.A., feel free to hop on a quick flight to Vancouver and I will be happy to entertain...

    For me, the weekend is all about a post-work and pre-prandial tipple, a quiet evening thereafter with my delightul lady, a fry up on the morrow before a friends' wedding and a golfing Sunday.

    Have fun one and all and cherish those you love.


  • Comment number 17.

    CLP have a great holiday, you will be so missed!

    Today's excursions included a trip to Ware for breakfast, Hatfield House and a Maize Maze. Lots of fun had by all.

    At Hatfield House little man was asking one of the guides so many questions, she asked me how old he was in the end. When I told her nearly 5 she was so impressed and told me he could end up at university lol!

    Whether he does or not, I was so proud of him. He is history mad!

    Hope that everyone has a good weekend. I'll pop back later if I haven't fallen asleep on the sofa.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 18.

    I don't believe it. Listen Now, My WiFii radio AND iPlayer are all broadcasting some message about rights management.

    and any minute now it will be the D Spot.

    Every week I begin the weekend with the D Spot

    If I can't tune in to it then perhaps there will be no weekend.

    Perhaps we are all doomed.

    Surely not all the Â鶹Éç technical staff have been sent to the Olympics.

    Don't you understand? The D Spot has become part of my life and that of soooo many others.

    It can rain, flood or snow all week but as long as there is a D spot everything will be OK.

    Is anyone from the Â鶹Éç reading this? Can they tell us? Will it be available to listen to later in my recovery.

    I fear the men in white coats will have me before the evening is out

    Help me please.

  • Comment number 19.

    Should add, I have been on holiday for two weeks.

    Please reasure me theyt have not dropped the D Spot ???

  • Comment number 20.


    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Chris!!

  • Comment number 21.


    Come, come, come and make eyes at me
    Down at the Old Bull and Bush

    Dah, dah, dah ,dah, dah

  • Comment number 22.

    Evening each

    Vacuum cleaner just blown up on me - big bang then smoke from the wheels - thats not good is it?! Oh well, the carpets will have to stay as they are til tomorrow..the world will not end!

    Awaiting my bestest friend to arrive with takeaway and wine... so i may or may not be back later dependent on how much she brings and how far through it we get and how much gossip we have to catch up on!...i shall be with Friday wine club in spirit even if im in no fit state to type!

    Have a great evening all - and if i dont get back then `Cheers!`

    mSc x

  • Comment number 23.

    PS - Long live Delilah - yay!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 24.

    Long live the song glorifying domestic violence and knife crime - yay

  • Comment number 25.

    Hey Hobo. Always nice to hear from you, and from my favourite city on Planet Earth.

    Can I just do say two quick things before I dive into the main programme?

    Sorry. Don't do Delilah. Please. Tom, for all his latter day 'coolness' was surely always a joke? Maybe its just me.

    Next. ARF. Again, I'm probably going to endure the wrath of the blog, but the first hour tonight was awful. Who phones up and asks for Mika, or Odyssey? Sorry chaps, each to their own and all that, but c'mon.

    Meanwhile, back on the aforementioned Planet Earth, the Olympics opened with a stunning ceremony. Very impressive, but we're not losing sight of Tibet just yet.

    So. To the point.

    I'll apologize in advance to anyone who finds what I put on here boring/pointless/tedious etc etc.

    If you don't want to read this, please scroll on and don't have a go at me later.

    I have been asked to retell the story of my US heritage, so I have literally copied and pasted the original posting I made here a year or two ago. Here goes;

    It is ten years since the proudest moment of my life. I experienced something that not many people will ever have done.

    I introduced my father to his father.

    In 1995 I spent some time abroad and wound up in NZ at the home of a childhood friend of my grandmother’s. One night as we passed the wine box around the table, Jean asked me if I had ever been told about my grandfather. I could recollect a vague story, but no detail, so Jean promptly picked up phone, dialled my grandmother’s number and said, ‘’I’ve got your grandson here and he wants to know about John’’. Now I had a lovely childhood, but one thing my family weren’t very good at was talking. We lived in ignorant bliss about who we were and where we came from, so I was knocked for six as the tale unfolded. The upshot was that my grandmother had a whirlwind romance with an American soldier who was eventually posted to, and killed in, Austria during the second world war. The result of the relationship was my father.

    A few days later, I received a package in the post from England containing various letters and photographs including one of my grandfather in his uniform. It was like looking into a mirror.

    Several months later, I was in the US and decided to borrow a car and drive from Houston to Atlanta, and try and find a bit more about my grandfather. Not really sure where to start, I picked up the phone book and call people with the same surname. As futile as this was, I struck gold and found a man whose hobby was genealogy.

    And he had written books about the family.

    He was intrigued by my story and insisted we met the next day. When I arrived he had already done some homework and located a possible relative. We jumped straight into the car and head north towards the Tennessee border. We were greeted by a lovely old couple and were treated to some real southern hospitality. I showed them the photograph and they both went white.

    ‘’That can’t be’’, he said. ‘’That’s John. He lives in the next house up the road’’.

    Many excited phone calls later, John’s eldest daughter arrived. I showed her the photograph and she promptly produced the same one. We both shed a tear.

    Next came the fears of what this may do to the family. John was old, had been married for fifty years and had four children. Did they need this revelation at their time of life?

    Marcia agreed to speak to the family and let me know the next move. Early the next morning she called and told me to come over right away. They all wanted to meet me.
    John had come home from the war – he engineered the story of his death, knowing my grandmother was pregnant – and married his childhood sweetheart. He had told her about his child, but they had never told their children.

    I stayed at the house for a few days. When I left, I promised to come back. With my father.

    Back in England, I had no idea what my father or grandmother knew about any of this. Once again, the fears of what this news may do to our relationships surfaced. I plucked up the courage and told my father the story.He was clearly shocked. A few days later he called and we agreed to go. I booked the tickets straight away and the following March we left for Georgia.

    We rolled up the long drive leading up to the house. As we parked we both took a moment to take stock of where we were and what we were about to do. I knocked on the door and John’s wife, Anne, answered. As she led us into the house John stood up and I mumbled the only words that I could think of,

    ‘’Dad, this is, John. Your Dad’’.

    There are a thousand and one amazing details to this story. My father’s name is John. I tried on the US Army jacket from the photograph. One of the four children has refused to meet us to this day. Marcia came to our wedding a few years later. Perhaps I should try and write a book about it all.

    Sorry about the long blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Peace all.

    And so it was to be.

    Once again, peace chaps.


  • Comment number 26.

    Sorry about the punctuation. Copying over loses all the commas etc and leaves only question marks.


    We have two birthday parties to attend tomorrow. One for a dear friend and one for a dearly departed relative.

    It'll be a good day, I know it.

    Whatever you're doing, enjoy it and stay away from nasty people.

    Your friend


  • Comment number 27.

    I am in North Carolina, USA and I am not able to hear Friday's show either. Does anyone know what the problem is? I will be very upset if they stop broadcasting over here as I love listening to Chris in the afternoon (he comes on at noon here).

    Have fun on your vacation Chris.

  • Comment number 28.

    Matt that is such an amazing story. I honestly, no kidding, welled up when you said how your grandad made up the story of his death and your dad meeting him, well what can I say.

    I never tire of hearing stories about my grandparents, it's like going back in time to old movies and history books but so special.

    My granddad fought in the second world war but was so affected by what he saw, he would hardly talk about it.

    Thank you for sharing that story with us.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 29.

    You guys across the pond, sorry I personally have no idea what the problem could be. All I can suggest is that maybe you email the show and see if they can help you.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 30.

    Matt - lovely story. Can't add anything to what Debbie said really, except to say I've only got 1 grandparent left now (nan) and dearly regret not taking more of an interest in grandads war stories when he was still alive.

    Deb - survived the maize maze eh?

  • Comment number 31.

    I have one nan left too. Every now and then she comes out with stories that just leave me speechless.

    She tells me things that I have read about, seen on films etc. and to realise that you have a living relative that actually experienced those things is quite humbling.

    Yep, we survived the maize maze, got soaked and muddy but loved it. The good old british summer, can't let it get you down.

    x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    GrumpyMulti tonight was the last D spot!

    Peeps having trouble with the iplayer try the help blogs, general or technical as they have other users and beeb techies answer on there.

    We have a maize maze on a farm near here every tear and it has always appealed. Will have to borrow a small child to take around one of these days. Glad you had a fun day Debs you deserve it.

    Matt I wouldn't call dear Tom a joke, not with a voice like that but you are entitled to not like him of course!!

    All grandparents long gone and only one parent left between us. C'est la vie

  • Comment number 33.

    Matt, your stories always grip me, I'm now off to have a bath with tears in my eyes.....beautiful tale


  • Comment number 34.

    every tear? year maybe d'oh

  • Comment number 35.

    Aw my nan comes out with some great war stories too .... not a land girl, oh no. My nan was guarding the south coast with an ack-ack (?) gun, keeping Adolf and his army at bay.

    She's 86 now - the very thought of my nan wielding a gun always makes me smile!

    When she moved last November she gave me her service medals from WW2. Something I will cherish forever and feel very honoured to own.


  • Comment number 36.

    wow. nan power!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Jules, go for it seriously. We kept on meeting up with other families and passing on clues etc, it was such a giggle. And we only cheated a few times, well it was raining!

    x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    Funnily enough hubby said the other day (he speaks on occasion) that in a maze you keep turning right. I'm not sure as with some of them the point is to get to the centre and then out. presumably turning just left would work as well. Hope it's not true would spoil the fun. (If I go it won't be with him, lol)

  • Comment number 39.

    early night I think. sweet dreams all

  • Comment number 40.

    Nite Jules, sweet dreams.

    Cheryl do you have a glass of shiraz? If so should I join you with a sauvignon cabernet? Decisions, decisions.

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Many thanks Matt I know I have been banging on about wanting your story and it was worth waiting for - brilliant! I think the book would be a great idea!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 42.


    Didn't actually read your post, but I assume it was absolutely riveting, as per.

    PS please pass on my best regards to CLP next time uou see him.

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening Dr T nice to see you happy as per norm.

    Overseas guys - it happened to me too bbc iplayer with that stupid recorded message - no idea why but at least I was able to sprint in to the house to listen on the old radio. I was seething cos still working so missed first three quarters of show - was it that bad Matt?

    One saving grace - always delay post to the D spot so am in car - tonight to celebrate took doggy with me yay hay we both had a good old sing in the town square! As you do. and the D spot is here to stay! YES!!! ha ha ha ha ha

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    SO Mr Â鶹Éç could we please have an apology to all our overseas persons who listen to CLP and were certainly tuned in for the last show in 2 weeks - - and an explanation???

    Thank you

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi - anyone still here. Got distracted by Mr Diva and the PLaySTation ....

  • Comment number 46.

    Er Yes!


  • Comment number 47.

    Yipeeee!!!! Hows you B-sMum? Glad it's the weekend?

  • Comment number 48.

    I'll say !!!!but missed the first bit of prog tonight poo message on iplayer - hoping to try listen again tomorrow!


  • Comment number 49.

    I'm just waiting for BB then I'm off again.

  • Comment number 50.

    To be honest, I agree with Mfr above - the first hour was a tad lame tonight, methinks.

    Glad the D-Spot is staying, but disappointed we're not getting a Q (DSMN) spot. And where was the O Spot at 5.20?

  • Comment number 51.

    Deb - is that still on? I have to admit, I've not missed not watching it this year. THat's 2 years running now. Am I cured, do you think?

  • Comment number 52.

    Oooh tell a lie - I saw the crisp task at the very beginning of this year's stint. But that's all.

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi deb - give up bb its rubbish!

    I think we ought to bully for a Q spot somewhere else in the week? it worked with dsmnow?

  • Comment number 54.

    Not necessarily Cheryl. This is the first one that I have watched for 4 years!

  • Comment number 55.

    Good thinking BM. Perfect song for a Monday ..... what a way to start the show at the start of the week ..... opinions?

  • Comment number 56.

    Wow I was thinking of a Monday - kick up the backside sort of thing!?

  • Comment number 57.

    Exactly BM, exactly!!!!

    So, DSMN Campaign for a Monday eh???

    Talking of DSMN, d'ya reckong easyjob's gone over to Beijing to take part in the opening ceremony of the Limpix?

  • Comment number 58.

    BM, Debbie - stop giggling!

  • Comment number 59.

    Certainly not around here - think he's fallen out with us boo hoo
    or perhaps no staying power? tut these youngsters!

  • Comment number 60.

    I'd like to think it's his landlady's broadband playing up again and having a week off work.

    Hope he's not gawn forever more. He was a grin! And still should be ....

  • Comment number 61.

    No I can't, giggling is good!

  • Comment number 62.

    Debbie - are you thinking about flagpoles again hun??? Are you ??? bad debbie!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    if he's lurking ? do do do do do? probably got someone peeling grapes for him in his shed or dd with him for a final booze up before his travels imagine the pair of them in the shed tinny in hand counting spiders!


  • Comment number 64.

    Full mast Cheryl. Bad Debbie indeed.

  • Comment number 65.

    can i do the imagining but without the spiders please BM?

    Are they wearing loincloths? (not the spiders!!)

  • Comment number 66.

    Debbie :-0

    I'm shocked. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God, Thursday's gonna be fun!

  • Comment number 67.

    sorry diva forgot you dont like spiders!

  • Comment number 68.

    Eight legged freaks, BM. **shudders**

  • Comment number 69.

    thursday - whats that about?

  • Comment number 70.

    Meeting Debbie at the zoo with little man. hope I reconize her ... after all, middle of school hols there won't be many mums about with 4 year olds, will there?? :-)

  • Comment number 71.

    wow zoo brilliant! where? Deb is pretty and blonde and little one asks loads of questions!

  • Comment number 72.

    Lol! Thanks Bsmum bless you. I will be blonde after going to the hairdressers next week. Pretty? I'll work on that, I'll get up early Thursday morning.

    x x x

  • Comment number 73.

    LOL!!! I gathered that about Little Man - can't wait to meet him. An honory auntie for the day!!

    Cooooolchester Zoo, BM. It's kinda local for both of us so I've taken the day off and we're gonna pack our picnics and hit the zoo. Think Little Man wants to feed the heffalumps.

  • Comment number 74.

    Debbie - you think you need prep time? In the run up to next weekend I've got hairdressers, nail bar, beauty shop for a plucking ... then there's the stuff I'll have to do at home.

    Nobody warned me 40 was this exhausting! But then Errol said 34 !!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    No need to find debs cheryl just don a famous hat tell little man who to look for and he will find you!

  • Comment number 76.

    LOL!!! I could dress up at Bodacea - she's gotta be COlchester's most famous daughter! Mind you, I'm not as nimble on horseback as she was! LOL!!

  • Comment number 77.

    imagination on overtime as usual!

  • Comment number 78.

    Queen ELizabeth I ?

    Siouxsie Sioux ?

  • Comment number 79.

    What were you imagining BM?

  • Comment number 80.

    bit of coventry on horseback flashed through my mind - goodness knows why! plus the sword brandishing!

  • Comment number 81.

    Little man said today, 'can you tell your friend in facebook that I like castles too?'

    I hope that he behaves himself on Thursday, he is very excited.

    Bsmum, so what were you imagining?

  • Comment number 82.

    hi guys, had a good day?

  • Comment number 83.

    we've got a maize maze near us at exbury gardens, may give it a go. do you need a child to get in?

  • Comment number 84.

    LOL BM - not likely. Too much opportunity for chafing there methinks! And as for sword brandishing ..... I'd be too busy clinging on to the reins to brnadish anything, I'm afriad! Sword or otherwise!

    Deb - he sounds sooooooo cute! Can't wait to meet him - a fab excuse for going in the pet zoo with the sheeps and goats and bunnies, playing with the soft toys in the gift shop and purchasing monkey nuts!

    One thing I will not do at zoo tho is falconry displays. Hate them with a passion. Bird-phobic!

  • Comment number 85.

    Evening girlracer! glad it's the weekend.

    I wanna go to a maize maze. We have sweetcorn on the allotment, but not quite the same thing!

  • Comment number 86.

    Lo girl racer!

    OK girlies how many ? don't start till later on or legless by 9 - 2 large so far!

  • Comment number 87.

    1 pint bottle of Theakstons Old Peculiar. Fish and chips for dinner and wine just didn't seem right, so ale won the day.

    Right, as much as I don't want to, Mr Diva is ready for bed so I guess it's goodnight from me, and up the wooden hills to do a bit more of Ben Elton (MW,a! was right - it has got better - only about 80 pages left now).

    Have the rest of a lovely evening ladies.

    Will catch up tomorrow in between the hoovering. Dusting. Poishing. Ironing. Cooking.

    Blimey - knackered just thinking about all that!

    Oooh - I wonder if AnnieG's got them dancing on the tables yet in Ireland???

    So mon amies, until tomorrow

    Sweet dreams, nitey nite

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 88.

    dry tonight but wait till tomorrow, wedding anniversary. going to our fave chinese restaurant for dinner a deux. prob run out of things to say!

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh it's ok, you can get special creams now for chaffing. Or just ride side-saddle maybe? And I'd be too busy hiding my boobs to hold on to anything!

    I don't get falconry displays either, they fly, they come back......

    The maize maze was wicked, going back again this summer. Even though it costs £5 per adult to get lost in it.

    x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    Aw diva was terrified of flapping birds until had cockatiel - crazy bird - used to sit on my boobs trying to have a slurp from my glass! now no problem - massive falcon put on my hand at display - looked at me - oooer old fear coming back -- came a bit close then snuggled under my hair!! Magic!

  • Comment number 91.

    going over to check out scrabs on fb, anyone care to join me?

  • Comment number 92.

    held a barn owl at a falconry display once, absolutely beautiful creature.

  • Comment number 93.

    Girlracer be there in a tick or ten - doggy crossing legs - not garden type but looking at lead type! oh well exercise will do me good

    Nite all if gone when I get back!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 94.

    did that too gr big white snowy owl - brilliant! the way they turn their heads!

  • Comment number 95.

    My dad has a tame, barn owl called Chloe at the animal centre. You know they are really ugly as chicks but end up so beautiful.

  • Comment number 96.

    got me started now - the owls eyes just seemed to look straight through me!!
    must go being attacked by stroppy cocker spaniel!

  • Comment number 97.

    I want an animal rescue centre!! - or the like!

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 98.

    love to work in one, but not sure about the feeding of day old chicks. yuk. we have a lovely otter and owl sanctuary nearby which i visit regularly. could stand for hours watching the otters, so i usually go on my own!

  • Comment number 99.

    Girlracer, they normally have to take the very young animals home and often feed them through the night.

    Mum has two baby munjack deer at home at the moment that she has to bottle feed.

    Must go to bed soon, although I suspect Mr Debbie may let me have a nice lie-in tomorrow...bliss!

  • Comment number 100.

    doggy in garden with lead ! must go in a mo but must tell you

    gr real sucker for animals me - any sort - would be useless if they didn't make it - hand fed lamb once in bolt hole with the old baby bottles - smallholding next door - he used to come to fence as soon as we arrived for our visits - went to auction - boy lambs killed!! boo hoo - sobbed my heart out then discovered purchased by farmer in next county as their new ram! Way to go boyo!
    Well worth the night feeds and I bet he sure enjoyed his stay of execution!

    B xx


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