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Chris Evans | 16:52 UK time, Friday, 29 August 2008

.....BUT NO....

...parking space.

All three of those drinks just had by me in the last ten minutes but anyway forget that.

There's this bloke outside saying I can't park in a perfectly legal and free parking bay because he's waiting for a film crew ! So what. It's not your space, it's a space, that is empty therefore it is free to be filled by someone, anyone, when they choose to come along. By his rules, if you're due in the area at 3.30 in four Thursdays time then your mate has the right to hold it for you. Thing was though he was absolutely massive and spoke with an Eastern European accent.

So had to whizz around the block in my new %$£" (and park approximately a hundred miles away.)

That's why I'm late, that's why I have to go now.

Goodbye and have a cracking weekend.





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  • Comment number 1.

    At last

  • Comment number 2.

    Great shows this week. Keep up the good work

  • Comment number 3.

    Thanks Anne your a star

    Wish i had heard it. Use to the love the Wombles when i was a kid.

    I use to have Orinocho. (Think i have spelt that wrong)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Michele xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Woohoooooo!!!!! Thanks Chris, thought I had asked for the wombles and had perhaps been given some hallucinating drugs by someone!!! But was great intro toon, followed by my fave. both had me dancing round kitchen too sparkly!!!!

    what a start to a weekend!!! Bit of Bowie, can't beat it.

    Have great weekend all. won't prob be back now till Mon. til then misbehave and have fun.



  • Comment number 5.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver,

    As ever, it has been a fine week on both the airwaves and within the congenial confines of this fine, flourishing written forum.

    You had the bank holiday last week and this week, it is the turn of all ex-pats here in Canada to indulge in their "Labour Day". Ironic that a holiday with such a work-suggesting sobriquet determines that nobody is actually labouring. Bless these collonials, they do try so.

    For me and mine, it is a weekend of an early finish today, a pub/liquid lunch with a couple of gentle post-lunch potations to follow, an evening of relaxation with my positively fragrant and utterly captivating lady; tomorrow up early to watch my beloved Blackburn Rovers avec fry-up (damn that time difference) then off for a hike before returning to BBQ; Sunday 'tis a lie in, a round of golf, a fish and chip lunch followed by an afernoon stroll on the beach and cheeky Sunday tipple..Monday, who knows but I am sure it will be a joy whatever we indulge in, blessed as we are with health and happiness.

    To one and all, I wish you the most wonderful of weekends in the heartiest of health. Already looking forward to Christmas in Blighty...

    Dr. T

    Awful Joke de jour:
    A man walks into a bar with a lump of tarmac with white lines on his shoulder..."A pint for me...and one for the road..." Ouch.

  • Comment number 6.

    Does anyone else in the US have problems listening to the Friday show. I have no trouble listening to the other shows at a later time but whenever I try to listen to the Friday show it says that it is unavailable. :(

  • Comment number 7.

    Me too in the US. I can't get Fridays show :(


  • Comment number 8.


    So, the end of another week. Blimmin' quick one though.

    Four more days at the sharp end of the valet bay. I'm becoming a demon with my chamois and the slickest tyre-blackener in town. One day I hope to move into exhaust maintenance, but at the moment that is just a pipe dream.

    Back in the real world, I approach another month end, the only bonus being that this one ends up with Mrs MfR and I on a plane bound for Abu Dhabi.

    Talking of Mrs MfR, we finally hit '10' yesterday and celebrated with a nice meal at The M. It had been a little while since we last went, but I can assure you that it is still nestled firmly in the top drawer.

    I won't comment on this mornings rumblings, other than I am still intrigued to know who the 'blog mafia' and 'cool kids' are? Someone please tell.

    Anyway, I may be back later, dependent upon wine intake.

    Peace my friends


  • Comment number 9.

    Dr T

    Apologies for ignoring your post, best wishes to you and yours too.


  • Comment number 10.

    Good evening

    Congratulations for yesterday Matt and don't let wine intake stop you from coming back later.

    I think the 'cool kid' thing has been explained already. The comment was misinterpreted, did you explain dragon (been a long day, can't remember!).

    But I don't think that I'm a 'cool kid' never have been up to now anyway!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 11.

    Happy Annie , Matty Boy . . .!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Debbie - good luck with the job hunting BTW, forgot to mention it yesterday, sorry.

    I did make a feeble attempt to explain a misguided comment that I made a while ago in an attempt to calm some of the bickering. Think it's on the previous blog if anyone really wants to revisit it.

    apologies again to everyone for the confusion, won't do it again. A comment made in good faith has been used as a stick to beat others and this really does make me feel bad. Lesson learned. I'm tired of all the nastiness.


  • Comment number 13.

    BsMum: Thank you mucho. Would have been sitting on the earlier blog for the rest of my life!! Stooopido.


  • Comment number 14.

    DantheMan: Was that post (11) directed at me? Please tell.

    Have been telling no-one, on the previous blog, how much I was enjoying The Last Waltz. Took Bsmum to rescue me. Doh!!!!

    Off for the Pinot in the fridge.


  • Comment number 15.

    Evening each

    Dr T lovely as usual to hear from you and matt and dan and purple and deb and etc.

    Mr B cooked dins again so off to enjoy after I've done the avocado salad and rice to go with.

    Be Back later

    Beesmum xxx

    hi annie!

  • Comment number 16.

    Anyone want to rescue TTT from the last blog? He's as daft as me.


  • Comment number 17.


    I think Dan was wishing Mrs MfR and I a happy 'annie-versary'.

    And Dan, I thank you very much and will make a note that I now owe you two pints of the black stuff.

    When you do get down to The M, book a room, we'll be drinking way too much to even try and get away from the place.


  • Comment number 18.

    Matt: Thank you - mucho stupido tonight. Blame it on one eye on the Last Waltz!

    Happy Anniversary to you both.

    Good weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 19.

    I'm just reading Chris' post again. How and why would you drink grapefruit juice, diet coke and tea in ten minutes? That is more interesting than not being able to park methinks. We will never know.

    I'm settling with a few glasses of red myself tonight, going to try my luck and get Mr Debbie to order a take-away. Off into lounge with a hungry look about......now.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 20.

    Good luck Debs. I'm on to Bob Dylan in the Last Waltz. Superb.


  • Comment number 21.

    Dragon please don't feel bad, it's hard enough knowing what to post as it is at the moment. You were being genuine with your post so don't worry about it.

    Take-away update, Chinese on the way....hurray!

    Debbie x

    PS: Enjoy Anne!

    PPS: TTT, I do find your posts on the right side of nastiness. People don't have to agree on here but well thought out and constructive comments are great.

  • Comment number 22.

    Dreadful CLP they don't have enough parking. You should have insisted doing the show from your car.

    This is really for Pheonix or anyone interested in avaition.
    The Air Show the first that Bournemouth has staged for many a year was a huge success. I have never seen as many people pack the beach the Pier the headland ever before.
    Stars of the Show.. probably the Vulcan, The Eurofighter, Battle of Britain memorial flight (Which flew right over my head). The Red Arrows and numerous other fantastic displays.
    My photo's could never do it justice . This years programme is similar to Shoreham which is tomorrow.

    This is clip of last years with a very special friend of mine featured. These people give alot of their free time towards the displays.


  • Comment number 23.

    Dragon: Take Debbie's advice and don't worry. Reply to the posts you're interested in and ignore the rest. We won't be offended.


  • Comment number 24.

    Clip not allowed sorry.

  • Comment number 25.

    Evening each

    hope everyone is well and in fine fettle this warm muggy friday evening!(we didnt get the sun Annie - just the `urgh` feeling!)

    rest of bottle from last night poured and feet up...recovering from fish,chips and mushy peas (with scraps, bread, vinegar and tomato sauce of course)..why do they always seem like a good idea at the time?!

    as for why CLP would want to drink grapefruit juice at all, never mind in such a wierd concoction is beyond me..devil fruit that!

    glad doggies all ok and exercised and back from vets safely..

    happy anniversary and happy bank holidays to MfR and Dr T too...enjoy. MfR - look forward to the Abu Dhabi report - have done Dubai and loved it - AD on the list now!

    Hello to everyone else out there too....anyone got any rennies handy?!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 26.

    Ah, PP.

    The ever-present retiree.

    No offence my friend, only jesting.

    We too had the Arrows and the Vulcan trimming the tops of our chimneys last week as the 'Wings and Wheels' thing took place at Dunsfold, home of Top Gear.

    I'm not really a fan, but having just read a Howard Hughes biog, I'm ever so slightly heading towards an interest in winged vehicles....


  • Comment number 27.

    PP - thanks, shame about clip - sure we can all go find it. My GM worked (until today!) all over Lincolnshire and saw the Red Arrows, Vulcan, Eurofighter etc on most days - very lucky. In fact its the thing he says he`s gonna miss most about that job.

    Anyone going to the show - enjoy - they are amazing machines..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 28.


    Winged vehicles indeed!

  • Comment number 29.

    Scooby cat The link was to Absoulute Brighton TV and an interview with one of the display team at the show last year if you can find it. Certainly won't let me post on here. It's not porn honest.


  • Comment number 30.

    LOL Plum a porn air display the mind boggles!!

    I'll have a look for the clip in a bit.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi guys -

    scoob now really jealous - had a healthy version baked with an italian type topping rice and salad. gonna be a bad girl now and hit the red! fish chips scraps yum!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Annie Matt and dragon still with us?


  • Comment number 33.

    Oh yes, me anyway.


  • Comment number 34.


    Without any agenda at all, can I just clear the air with you?

    I have generally found your posts as wind ups, albeit very tongue in cheek, and I'm sure you are having a bit of fun, but, I can rarely fathom out your responses to things.

    Am I just way off your humour scale, or are you having a pop? Don't take offence, I really don't understand.

    Truly, maybe we're just poles apart, but I just would like to know.



  • Comment number 35.


    I don't think I have taken a pop at anyone although it would be true to say that I have responded to negative posts towards myself from certain quarters.

    As for my humour well maybe some just don't like it. I'm sorry for that maybe as B's Mum suggests I need Help!!!!!


    ps and no B's Mum I am not Kyle.

  • Comment number 36.

    Beesmum -really the indigestion has far outweighed the sheer enjoyment of them! but ur healthy version sounds yummy!

    right- bit of a lightweight tonight but off to bed - didnt have good nights sleep last night - Annie and MfR who i know suffer with this - u have my deepest sympathies...one night of rubbish sleep and i`m useless!

    not sure when i`ll be back on so will say have lovely weekend one and all - supposed to be sunny tomorrow - yay!

    sweet dreams...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 37.

    Night Scooby. Hope you sleep well. I have pile of books from Amazon to keep me company tonight.

    Matt: Poles apart sounds spot on! Hope you sleep well.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 38.

    PS: Don't know where that long space came from.

  • Comment number 39.

    not rising to the bait dearie - you and I and a couple/many others know what was posted and deleted!


  • Comment number 40.

    Nite scoob/Annie you and mr b with your books - going to have to start a library!

    Beesmum xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    The best news I've had today is that I am now officially middle class courtesy of listening to Radio 2.

    It does mean, however, that I will now have to take the coal out the bath and sell the whippet.

    Appologies in advance for any offence caused if you are -

    a) middle class
    b) someone who keeps coal in the bath
    c) a whippet

  • Comment number 42.

    BsMum: Have hot chocolate, cheesy oatcakes and pile of books, so sorted for the night. Early start tomorrow, then off to stay the night with the gorgeous boys. They will no doubt wake me up at dawn on Sunday!


  • Comment number 43.

    Annie - cheesy oatcakes? yes please not had those for yonks since the old gits lived uup there over the border - enjoy and the wee ones Sunday.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    TTT You mean to say you have bath, I'm still filling the tin bath in the kitchen.

    So if you are middle class I am lower than you.

  • Comment number 45.

    Well, Ted, I'm from a North East working class background and we never kept coal in the bath. Can't understand the point you're trying to make.

  • Comment number 46.

    Evening all, has everyone retired already? I've been playing with my new phone, so a tad occupied, but all sorted now with a nice glass of rose (screw top, I'm afraid).

    PP you're very lucky being where you are - don't know all that much about planes, but I do like watching. My ex boss was in charge of the Eurofighter project in his last job, so it makes me a bit more curious!

    Ted, you might still be allowed a whippet, but it'd have to be pure bred one, no mongrels here thankyouverymuch ;-)

    AF xx

    ps Anne, hot chocolate and cheesy oatcakes, mmmmmmmmm.

  • Comment number 47.

    AF: Still here, just.


  • Comment number 48.

    ps am trying to listen to the show on the web, but it's "not available". Damn and blast it, I'm missing the Wombles by the sound of it (unless it's just a massive wind-up by everyone else to make fun of me....).

    AF x

  • Comment number 49.

    Hello Annie chicken, how're you? Am about to embark on my second glass of vino, next door has come home and turned off the "music" I've had to endure for the past 3 hours (well, the bassline anyway...), so I'm all happy!

    AF x

  • Comment number 50.

    No AF: Definitely started with the Wombles - bizarre.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi flower - cooee eurofighter - beat that!
    ttt now tongue tied ted I think off to empty bath.
    stop it with the cheesy oatcakes!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Nite Scooby (although you've probably gone by now).

    Anne you usually get long spaces like that when something or somethings are resting on the keyboard. Sit up straight hehe ;-)

    I am off to bed very soon as the few glasses of vino and kung po chicken are now taking affect.

    Hi AF!


  • Comment number 53.

    start of show wombles then bowie? totally lost me but someone requested bowie - too much adrelenin I think this week for clp so forgot blog first song with all the parking malarky!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Not sure I'd fancy the tin bath, but imagine in the dead of winter how lovely it'd be to get a bath in front of the fire. Lived in a rented house in Belfast for a year, a while back, where the bathroom was a downstairs extension. One brick thick, you could practically feel the steam from the bath turning into ice crystals during the winter.

    Aaaaah, those were the days.....

    AF x

  • Comment number 55.

    Well I dont want to start off a Monty Python Three Yorkshiremen type dialogue, but I come from a South Wales working class backgound.

    I was refering to a comment made earlier today that Radio 2 is a middle class domain.

    This all seems to stem from the fact a lot of the kids who made requests on last nights show sounded middle class (I didn't hear the show so I have no idea of this definition of middle class).

    I dont agree, just for a change, with this hypothesis. If you go a place where manual work is being done the chances are high that R2 will be playing.

    I think it is an age thing rather than a class thing.

    That was all I was saying, no slight was intended to anyone.

  • Comment number 56.

    Now you debs- how come I get the boring healthy option scoob fish and chips deb chinese annie hot choc and oatcakes go on tell me AF ???waaaagh!

    BM xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi Debbie! Meant to say, good luck with the agency. But don't wait for them to come to you, go looking yourself. I tend to find a good kick up the a**e every now and then works wonders for them...

    AF x

    Scuse me, the vino is crying out for attention from the kitchen ;-)

  • Comment number 58.

    Debbie: Not a chance of 'things' resting on keyboard I'm afraid.


  • Comment number 59.

    And none taken TTT.

    At my last job all the builders, plumbers etc had radio 2 blasting whenever they could get away with it.

    My husband listens to Drivetime now too, my mate does etc, so I would say it isn't a class thing just a matter of taste!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 60.

    Not tongue tied, just a slow typist.

  • Comment number 61.

    Beesmum, I had pizza *hangs head in shame*. In my defence, it was frozen, not take-away...

    AF xx

  • Comment number 62.

    TTT: The children on the Thursday show just sounded intelligent and articulate! Very like the little ones in my family. Products of loving, caring parents.


  • Comment number 63.

    TTT the comment was on the blog quite early then along comes a brummy or thereabouts daarn south without the blair/cockney - hate to say the word as I was expecting bob the builder but the kids ( or maybe on occasion their parents) were really cute and cool.

    My big worry listening to them was they are so grown up at such a young age? One was challenging clp - go on tell me - several times when he asked her to guess his fav. age - brilliant - he didn't give up and neither did she!

    or as they say - is it me!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 64.

    A fair bit of prompting from parents on Thursday, I think. I mean, really, pre-teen kids asking for Mungo Jerry, Sandi Thom, Status Quo and The London Philharmonic Orchesterrraaaahhhhh.

    Hmm, I'm dubious (or just cynical?).

    AF x

  • Comment number 65.

    Heard that bit Beesmum - bet she's fun when she's tired ;-)

  • Comment number 66.

    ttt me too this week - blog 60 - on laptop! stupid keyboards!


  • Comment number 67.

    I think there is a fine line between a loving caring parent and a pushy parent.

    I've been to too many concerts, football matches etc where the parents are living vicariously through their children.

    I find it sad to see a child doing something they dont want to do just because it will reflect well on the parents.

  • Comment number 68.

    TTT it isn't just me then!

    BM x

  • Comment number 69.

    mind saying that I used to try and please my old fashioned parents - except in my teens!!!!!


  • Comment number 70.

    I think it's natural to want to try to please your parents (except, as you say Beesmum, in your teens!). I found out recently that the day I graduated from university was one of the proudest days of my mum's life, which pleased me enormously. But I agree with TTT, there are too many parents who perhaps regret missed opportunities in their own lives.

    I suppose the line is between being supportive and wanting the best for your child(ren) and pushing them to do things they don't want to do.

    Limited input here from me, since I'm not (and do not intend to be) a parent.

    AF x

  • Comment number 71.


    However it is just as sad to see a kid not doing anything because the parents don't give a toss. (am I allowed to say that word?)

    I would like to think I have never pushed mine to do something they didn't want to do(homework being an exception). In fact I have had to stop them doing some things on the grounds that they can't be in two places at once.

    My only rule is that if they sign up for a team they stick it out for the whole season, come what may.

    The one exception was a rugby team where the coach was a complete horror show who was sent to prison just after we left.

    Must stop prattling now.

  • Comment number 72.

    limited input meself AF - not for me thanks but sometimes looking from the outside? can remember telling sis first born wouldn't mind tasting something other than milton!

    TTT good grief! these days of health/safety/checks/lets look at your teeth - how did he/she become a coach?

    BM x

  • Comment number 73.

    Big Brother alert

    Lisa got evicted.

    AF Interesting re your boss.

    TTT You remind me of someone.

    Right shut down pc

    See ya'll

  • Comment number 74.

    Dear Somerset_Phoenix

    Just listened to the full 12 minute version of Sabre Dance by Love Sculpture - they don't make 'em like that anymore!

  • Comment number 75.


    Gis a clue

  • Comment number 76.

    Well I have much to say on the subject of children, teenagers etc (obviously!) but I am much too tired right now.

    I'm sure that I'll make up for it another time.

    Thanks AF, going to leave cv at a few other agencies next week.

    Nite Bsmum, TTT, AF and anyone else lurking.

    x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    PP I just watched BB too, I liked Lisa!

    x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    Almost shut down but TTT I could not possibly divulge my secret. maybe another time .

    Sleep well everyone even B's Mum you are ok really I suppose.


  • Comment number 79.


    I've had several CRB checks.

    All it proves is that you have no convictions under the name you are currently providing.

    Ooh, am I becoming a blog hog, add it to the rap sheet.

  • Comment number 80.

    Nite prof/ttt


  • Comment number 81.

    Night Debbie.

    Just found a word in the dictionary (I like to dip in from time to time - defat. Meaning to remove fat from. Ah, if only...

    AF x

    Oh dear, the wine's getting to me now. Hee hee.

    PP, sort of makes me feel like it's mine. Silly, I know, since it wasn't even my company!

  • Comment number 82.


    You are a little tease!

  • Comment number 83.

    PP only cos I talk to ttt who is quite nice!

  • Comment number 84.

    I'm getting a headache!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 85.

    LOL AF! Are you trying to tell me something?!

    Cleaning products have defatting agents in them, bathing in Ciff tomorrow!

    Giggling so much now, musn't wake Mr Debbie.

    I really am going to bed soon, I promise.

    x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Oh dear this will not do at all at all.

    TTT . jmc maybe

    B's mum get out of here ( thats a joke).
    Debbie yes great girl Lisa .

    really closing down now .

  • Comment number 87.

    crumbs hand me the jiff/ciff whatever!
    now I'm lost jmc?


  • Comment number 88.

    Nah Deb, you're lovely as you are (or you're a whiz with photoshop!).

    Having a conversation earlier with a (thinner - not that that's relevant) friend about the perils of being a larger laydee in today's world which seems so obsessed with the perfect body image. Hey ho. I'll keep going to gym and you never know!

    AF x

  • Comment number 89.

    Ooh, does anyone remember Vim? Now there'd be an invigorating bath!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 90.

    Aw thanks AF!

    I used to be so skinny that people worried about me.

    Sorry, just sharing a quick story.

    At school in a woodwork class, I was always at the bench next to this boy that all the girls fancied.

    We always had such a laugh and got on really well. I was definately not one of the 'cool' or pretty girls. I had a figure like a boy too.

    One day out of the blue he turned to me and said 'if you had boobs I'd ask you out'.

    Well I was devastated, how do you make them grow?!

    If only he could see me now, patience dear boy, patience!

    Wasn't very short after all was it sorry!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 91.

    fraid so AF not for modern baths - getting in after being cleaned! mum did you rinse? exfoliated nether regions!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Deb - me boy/girl too!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Vim has been banned under the same rules governing chemical weapons(*)

    * This may or may not be true

  • Comment number 94.

    Blimey really TTT! Squeaky clean eh Bsmum?

    x x x

  • Comment number 95.

    Like having a bath in a gravel pit!

    I tell you kids nowadays have it easy.

  • Comment number 96.

    Stop it!!! - need to pop off!


  • Comment number 97.

    Me too, have decided to take myself off out tomorrow, so more wine inadvisable. Thank you all for the (vim) giggles, night night!

    AF x

  • Comment number 98.

    Phew that's better! just watching jack dee and guess what jiff/ciff debate!



  • Comment number 99.

    nite AF xx
    BM xx

  • Comment number 100.

    I'm really am off now. Just had a text from son#1 who is running late.

    Mr Debbie said tell him to be home for 1am. I said no, I'll tell him midnight as that means he will arrive home at approximately 1am (if we're lucky).

    I can feel another 'told you so' moment coming on.........goodnight.

    x x x


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