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Chris Evans | 10:46 UK time, Friday, 27 June 2008

So, well, where do we start with this one ?

The White Tie and Tiara ball.

High ball ?

Er., I think so.

I had little or no idea who most of the people were at Elton's bash last night, however my wife was on hand to fill me in. Designers here, there and everywhere, meant nothing to me. And then, and then, AND THEN...

In walks President Clinton, what ?


Denzil Washington...


Will Smith...


Oh look it's only Brian Bloody Wilson.

Rod and Penny were there, always very very very nice, very down to earth and then of course the other Queen of Windsor, Elton, the man himself, a gem, always been very civil to me, no idea why, made a point of coming over to see if we were alright.

The auction went with a bang, big boys with even bigger cheque books, don't mess with these guys, it will all end in tears.

I had my first beer when I thought I'd fulfilled my sensible talking duties at quarter past one ! Then three quickies to follow and off to a little hotel round the corner from Radio 2 so's to be still in the pink today, hence the early blog.

Bumped into Terry outside, haven't seen him for ages, lovely.

Have a good weekend one and all, off now to do a day in The Smoke and back here for a scorching ALL REQUEST START TO THE WEEKEND.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Now This is early!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 2.

    step on - happy mondays please chris

  • Comment number 3.

    Oh Christophe, I think you mean you haven't been to bed yet!

    A good time had by all then...I thought it was tonight you were talking about...I do hope you got enough to eat...

    Anyhoo, good to see you early...

    Solid Gold Easy Action, T. Rex.


  • Comment number 4.

    Gingembre - still feeling really bad about sounding so severe... Sorry !


  • Comment number 5.

    AFR Request - not a hope in hell but

    Stranglers - Walk on by...

    Have a lovely weekend one and all, off to see South Africa play Taunton on Sunday.


  • Comment number 6.

    Jen - forget it, you weren't totally wide of the mark and I wasn't offended....honest x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hope the weather's good for you Jen - is that rugby? or cricket? or dominoes?

    I've got a lovely weekend planned. Going to The Smoke tomorrow with mad blond mate and other halves to celebrate her birfday: docklands museum for the Jack The Ripper exhibition (?!?), a boat ride from Greenwich to Westminster then a pub crawl along the South Bank to see what fine ales Bankside has to offer.

    Will take notes for the bloggers meet in Oct too!


    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Thank you Ginge, have a great time at the ball... you are a lovely chap. Wish I was on fb to see your pics.

  • Comment number 9.

    ARF - I Want You Back by The Jacksons please CLP x

    Rod and Penny always seem to be nice people. Were some dodgy pictures of them in the press last weekend though. Was my lovely George Michael there? Actually didn't he fall out with Elton. Give us some gossip Chris hehe.....


    PS. Bless you J x

  • Comment number 10.

    CtD - the glorious, divine game that is cricket. The Saff Africans are warming up for whooping the English by playing Taunton in a three day match!!! Should see a lot of cricket on first day, I reckon.

    Your weekend sounds wonderful, have a pint for me. Dr Thirsty from Wychwood was the best in the world but they seem to have stopped making it, shame...


  • Comment number 11.

    CtD - if you get a chance check out Via Fossa in docklands. It's a bar right opposite where Mr Debbie works.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 12.

    Jen - my fave is Summer Lightening by Hopback. Deeeeelish!!!!

    Debbie - is it a chrome-plated, wooden floor, metro-dome of modernity? I'm more at home in a spit-and-sawdust gin-house! But will seek it out anyhoooo.

    I'm going to try and persuade the others that lunch at the pizza place at Gabriels Wharf will be a good move - then I can check it out for October!!!

    Cheeky monkey?


    Hell yes!

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning one and all

    Wondering if you won on play your card right Gingembre? Did those Dollies do the dealing?

    Just for you B's Mum


  • Comment number 14.

    Yay, summer lightening is v nice - as is Bright by Otter. Although a half and half mix of their Summer Bright and usual Ale (giving a Braile!) is divine. Roll on the weekend....

  • Comment number 15.

    PS Nice to have you back coco jx

  • Comment number 16.


    where abouts are you? any good local beer festivals in your neck of the woods??

    our next big beer fest is in Sept, and it's held at a railway museum so we all get the train there, get sozzled, then get the train home.


    I used to hate "beer" and was strictly a lager gal. Thankfully things have changed for the better now tho!


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 17.

    CtD- hmmm probably not for you then. If you try the Cat and Canary, I have been informed that it is like walking into a proper Eastend pub. You pass it by the bridge on the way to the Museum.

    Your day sounds brill have a great time.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks Debbie!

    If any of the regulars are in the area Saturday pm give me a ring and maybe an impromptu meet? no. is on fb.

    Still swooning.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    CtD - am in Devon and have missed all local beer festivals for ages now. Missing another one next weekend too... Bad planning on my part I think.

    Go occasionally to huge(ish) one near Cheltenham with my sister - who's another hop-head.


  • Comment number 20.

    Wow, Clp, this is early. I also thought you were going to Elt's do tonight! Sounds as if you enjoyed yourself.

    My arf: Sweet Home Alabama - either by Lynnard Skynnard or Kid Rock - please.

    My computer got a virus earlier in the week, so had a lot of blogs to read to catch up.

    Don't often make a contribution, but like to read what everyone else is up to.

    Anyway here's mine: I'm running the Race for Life this Sunday at Salisbury and am really looking forward to it. That's all folks!

    Have a nice weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 21.


    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    ... as I was saying .....

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    I did RFL in May in Colchester. It was incredibly emotional and extremely fulfilling.

    Will be thinking of you!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 23.


    CTD - we miss again - we are in London on Sunday (photo shoot don't you know) but sat we have people round for film night (theme transformers - blame Mr bp!)

    good luck JDB - miss read that as running i Sainsburys which didn't make much sense but then got the point! TFI Friday - thats all i can say!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 24.

    Good luck JDB, hope that you enjoy it!


  • Comment number 25.

    SBP don't forget to smile...

    CtD on the prowl! Heh heh heeee!!!

    Enjoy your weekends you bonkers beauties...

    Am off to drink cider (pear or other types of cider available) on the beach with my friend, who buried her brother yesterday, so we'll be face down in our soup for ARF I spec...sometimes you just gotta...

    ARF, another thought...Devilgate Drive - Suzi Quatro..?


    Wilkommen coco...missed you x How's the repairs going btw or are you all done now?

  • Comment number 26.


    What are you insinuating my dear?



    With Mr Diva in tow?

    I think not ...... after all, I am a (twice!) married woman. Cyber. and. Acktuwell. With hormones.

    Drats!! Was trying to get thru the day with only the one cold shower!!!

    Snuggly indeed!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Computers do funny things you know.

    My last entry seemed to jump from one blog to the next.. how strange how queer. The Elton(the modern day Mozart) bash sounded F.A.B. Brian Wilson no less.

    No celeb parties for me I'm afraid but I did see Phil Mitchell last week whose boat is moored quite close to mine.

    Thanks for the welcome back Jen, I must admit to missing my sailing to be honest.

    Happy Weekend one and all.


  • Comment number 28.

    great u had a good time last night chris.

    my ARF: I Want To Brake Free - Queen

    Happy Wked Peps


  • Comment number 29.


    Glad you had a nice time at the ball.

    Super Bagpuss - I'm with you on TFI Friday!

    Tough week for me this week - can't wait to get home. Fresh sheets on the bed, mattress topper fluffed up in preparation for my weekend of rest. Boring as hell but essential for my recovery and to get me through another week! Have a homeopathy remedy on it's way to me - roll on two weeks time when it should have kicked in.

    Jen xx I don't want to make you feel any worse than you already do but Gingembre and rude just don't go together :o)

    Gingembre I think it's really nice of you to go to the prom. Enjoy your evening.

    ChrissieS - Have a fantastic holiday! xx

    Jules xx Debbie xx

    ARF - It's the same old song by the four tops!

    Have a good weekend all.
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 30.

    ps. Inspector Coco - your boat looks fab!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 31.

    pps. Good luck JDB xx

  • Comment number 32.

    in view of last nights "auspi shus" company -

    Where were you last night
    Travelling Wilburys
    and turn up the guitar strumming bit please.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Cheers coco - you're a star!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 34.


    Given the weekends events at Twickers, it seems only fitting to give Jon and the boys an airing, so

    Bad Medicine, or Lay Your Hands On Me would be acceptable.

    Lovely weekend chaps.


  • Comment number 35.

    Can't wait for tomorrow, #1 daughter and me are going to a friends wedding. MrsW on the Balearic Beat, ankle-biters at my folks. We haven't spent a day together "just the 2 of us" for a long time. She's ordered her fave brekkie for Sunday morning as well the cheeky little tinker.

    Sunday she will be doing the 'Walk of Thoughts' with my mum, it's a walking version of the race for life....they've done it for a few years together but obviously this year is far more poignant (spell?) than before.

    Have great one, whatever you get upto, MrsW had camera but will try to get some pics from others and duly post.

    Welcome home Rob, glad you're back safely, mind you how CtD's been posting recently (and a few others) you may be safer back on the other side of the world!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Wow sounds like one hell of an evening....what was the food like?

    Always wondered if they have sausages on sticks and cheese and pineapple at these doos :P

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Gingembre ....


    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Mary - Just love climbing into bed with clean bed clothes that have been on the line all day. Enjoy the rest and look after yourself x

    I'm looking forward to getting into my snuggliest pyjamas, with a glass of wine and a takeaway tonight. And to lose myself in whatever rubbish is on tv.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 39.

    moved into house 2 years ago - still waiting for Mr bp to put up my closthes line - hence everything is dried on clothes drier in spare room!


  • Comment number 40.


    That'll be double Corrie, Top Gear (missed it Sunday) and then Jericho (taped from 8pm so ffwd the adverts).

    Dinner in Diva house tonight is spag bol. A cheeky Shiraz will be cracked open. Fresh strawbs from allotment with melted choc spread poured over (!!!) and yep, PJs the dress code for the night!

    I love Friday nights in, don't you??!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Just a quick one before I get some more manual labour done today.

    Hazel, project managing this refurb has been and still is a nightmare and an ongoing saga. I really think I should have made a video on how not to refurb a house.
    Bit cheesed off with these handy andy guys sucking teeth and giving silly quotes.

    You can see why I prefer to be on my boat Mary.

    Oh well now then, where did I put that paint brush ? Oh yes in my mug of tea.


  • Comment number 42.


    Yep double Corrie, Eastenders, F Word (taped from Tuesday) and BB (sorry!) Will squeeze in some Jonathan Ross too maybe.

    As for tea, as long as it turns up at the doorstep not too worried about what it is. The vino will be a nice cabernet sauvignon and the pj's matalan's best. Bliss!

    Had a pretty crap week so will see it out with pleasure tonight.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 43.

    Thank you all for the good luck messages. I have every intention of enjoying it! I know it's emotional, I did it two years ago, when my mum was still alive, and this time I'm running for both my mum and dad. My daughter is running for me (I've had breast cancer) and my granddaughter is running for my sister. But we're the lucky ones, some people were running with messages lie "I'm running the Race for Life for my two (deceased) children" now that is upsetting.

    Anyway, good weeking all and Clp, don't forget - Sweet Home Alabama by either Lynnard Skynnard or Kid Rock.

    Thanks all!


  • Comment number 44.

    Super bp, my spare room doubles up as a laundry room too. In fact looking out of the window now, may have to get the washing in and stick it on the airer soon.

    Good ole British Summertime eh!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 45.


    Enjoy La Ramsay in his FIREMAN outfit!!

    Phwoar doesn't even begin to describe it!!

    Extinguishers at the ready .....

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    JDB that is so humbling. Can't think of anything worse, in fact can't think about it.

    By the way, Gingembre..your weekend with eldest daughter is going to be so special. How lovely for you both. And if she has requested beans on toast for brekkie, look away while she eats it ;-)

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 47.

    CtD, haha! May watch that when everyone else is asleep. Save the best for last. I'm seeing it now, blimey my imagination is good!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 48.

    Please play
    'I Still haven't Found What I'm Looking For' this evening for all those geocachers listening as they prepare for a weekend of caching.
    Many thanks

    Midnight Ramblers

  • Comment number 49.

    I love reading all your chat - don't really post much myself but its an interesting slice of life!
    Please can ARF be Huey Lewis - The Power of Love, maybe then the sun might come out...!

  • Comment number 50.

    Sitting at desk. Eating strawbs from allotment for lunch. Very juicy.

    And the strawbs!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    I've never done this before so here goes nothing.

    My ARF suggestion is 'Car Wash' by Rose Royce, not only because it's a marvellous disco tune but because of the beautiful line 'Fill up and you don't have to pay'!
    What a lovely idea in these days of crazy petrol prices - where can I find this car wash?

    Thanks Chris, here's hoping.

  • Comment number 52.

    I have been listening to a book being read in parts on Â鶹Éç7 and just got the end

    the film lied to me - it does not end happily after all

    I feel cheated

    super bp x

  • Comment number 53.

    Yawn!!!!! What is it when you are so tired it almost hurts but you lay in bed and just can't sleep? Grrrrr - no doubt I shall sleep the sleep of angels tonight.

    Well, am delighted to be back in the land of heroes but miss the dramatic scenery that is on the other side of the world - a bit strange to think i was standing up the other way just a few hours ago.

    Good to be able to read what you are all writing without worrying about how much credit I have.

    Now I have been giving ARF a bit of thought as I lay in bed thinking of you all and have decided that perhaps my earlier suggestion was a bit ....well.... "me me me", so have decided to switch to

    "Good Times" by INXS and Jimmy Barnes (from The Lost Boys Soundtrack)

    as, well frankly it is about enjoying oneself as much as is possible - and i think we would all agree to that.

    "'cause I feel good tonight...and everythings going to be 'right, 'right, 'right!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  • Comment number 54.

    Afternoon all, welcome back to blighty EJR, the photos looked fab!

    Looking forward to a weekend of clearing out the house... I find it strangely theraputic!

    Having moved 9 times in 8 years I am kind of used to decluttering frequently, we have lived in the current house for over a year now and it seems to be bearing down on me! I may be a little OCD however (due to friends giggling at my antics with bleach and a cloth).

    CtD that strawberry and chocolate thing sounds divine - however I have another stone to go before i hit target weight - they willl have to wait- but then watch out!!

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    KJR x x x

  • Comment number 55.


    Strawbs (like melon) are a speed food. therefore you can eat lots and still shed the pounds!

    As for the choc spread ... when Mr Katie gets home .... choc body paint, strawbs ....


    Cold Shower.


    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 56.


    The invoicing is


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Ahhh CtD very jealous, mine NEVER ENDS!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 58.

    Yo dudes and dudettes, the early blogger catches the shops . .

    certainly caught me out -

    I had a riot too last night invloving ex-presidents, actors and an odd pop star - yes, it was IN A BOOK I was reading, on my own, before going to bed, on my own, sober and sobbing, on my own . .

    Ah but sure 'tis the weekend 'tis and sure don't we just know that the wee lad Christopher will probably give the old Blur - Country House record a wee spin on the old turnatable just for his wee blogger friend from Ireland, just to cheer him up on a Friday, ach, don't you know he will, don't you?

    Heres hoping . . .

    Happy Weekend, one and all . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 59.


    If you believe you have inner beauty, you will project outer beauty.

    It took me a long, long time to get my head round that, but it's very true!

    Cheryl xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    We are orf to london this evening to see Buddy Holly Story Only problem is I'm due in at work at 7 tomorrow morning, trains don't keep running late enough and him indoors don't get in from work til 6ish. think it may all be a bit of a mad rush, and I've no idea when we're gonna eat.

    Going back to RHPS, the outdoor screening will probably take place mid to late august or early sept. I'll quite happily have you all round. I've only been to see it a few times, 3 in northampton and 2 in MK and normally am dressed in Magenta gear. Errol however has never been to a live show and has only seen the film twice. Well, 2.5 times as it was on last night but he fell asleep. I'm tryng to encourage him into Rocky gear. Gold pants and tie up sandals. CtD, I need the shower after you!

    Its not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 61.

    CtD - mine is no where near finished! I always like to finish a Friday with invoicing but I've had a zillion (slight exageration there but you get my drift) shipments to organise so invoicing will have to wait until Monday. I need a wee cup of tea.

    CLP - forgot to say thanks for reading out my delia txt during the D spot! :o)

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 62.

    MW - could you fir all 100 of us round? depending on where you live we would love to come round -

    whats abundance?

    a disco is a bakery!


    last time I saw it we saw the Hamiltons as the narrator - now that was scary

    super bp x

  • Comment number 63.

    MW,a! Sounds fab have a great weekend - much fun and frivolity to be had!

    CtD, I am with you on that one - fully! But having left the RAF and therefore sat on bottom for last year, and having bad knees following an unfortunate accident involving a greasy helicopter, I cant get away with carring masses of excess anymore! Not vanity but necessity that prevails! But, I have to say that, now, my bum doesnt look big in this!

    (also having takeaway tonight so cant indulge too much! and that body paint is deffo the way forward!)

    KJR x

  • Comment number 64.

    MwK - be thankful you're not where I am as all you'll be getting is a cup of wee.

    Just a thought, Carlsberg (other yada yada yadas) have a huge place in Northampton, so am wondering what they be doing about the water situ. May be time to panic buy that too as it may all be gorn in a few months.

    Ever cautious,

    MW, a!

    (Not that I drink mind, I've got analogy)

  • Comment number 65.

    Mw,a - I'm just loving this RHS night thing .... I hit the big 40 in August so busy weekend 16/17.

    HOWEVER ..... we are staying in Billing (visiting The Mother) for 2 nights on Bank Holiday weekend 23/24 August. the Sat (24) is taken up with mummy stuff but the sunday ......... and we've got a hotel room booked in Billing if you're near there? Even if no RHS, it'd be lovely to hook up with you and Errol .. with or without his gold pants!

    I'm shivering with antici ...... pation!

    Rose tint my world!

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 66.


    I can honestly say I hate invoicing. This is a fairly small office so I do everything ..... very hands on.

    I've never been a number-cruncher, more of a wordsmith. And finishing the invoicing gives me the same sense of satisfaction as putting away the ironing after a long, drawn out hot ironing session.


    Enjoy your restful weekend - I shall be thinking of you enviously as I stagger around London tomorrow supporting the dumb-blond (but very lovely) besty mate!

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 67.


    I'm busy attending V festival on the 16th and 17th so thats pretty good timing. We are free the following weekend and live ohh, about 6 miles from the aquadrome.

    Its fate mate, fate I tell ya!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 68.

    Deffo a date then yeh .... Sunday 24th August, somewhere near Billing. Mum lives on t'Aquadrome in one of those Britney-type places (only for part of the year).


    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 69.


    Choc body paint is fine but plays havoc with the sheets, you need to have a spare set handy. Or so I've been told hehe ;-)

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 70.


    Or you can use it in the lounge, on cushions on the floor.

    Or in the shower.


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 71.

    ... or better still ....

    in a hotel room. they have maids to do the cleaning and masses of laundry!

    Cheryl xxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    CtD - Lounge, cushions on the floor, shower....those were the days......anyone up for some babysitting this weekend?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 73.

    One of the many advantages of opting for the no-kids lifestyle.

    However, we'll have nobody to section us/sign the papers when we need putting away in later years!!!


    Cheryl x x

    PS: Debbie - Calpol?

  • Comment number 74.

    Ok, its decided then. Will attempt RHPS on 24th August. I'm in northants, so fairly central. Anybody that wants to come along can do, if no takers then CtD, Dave the Hair, Errol and MW, a! meet anyway and have a very entertaining evening. Will put details on FB.

    Ohh, 'Citing innit!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 75.


    Good idea, Calpol. That's one sorted. But how much to you have to give a 17 year old?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 76.

    Mw,a ..... Talk about spooky hun .... I'm wearing my black Russell Brand t-shirt today and emblazoned across my chesticles is the word ...


    This just gets weirder!

    Will tell The Hair tonight.

    Come on everyone .....

    It's just a jump to the left ........

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 77.


    17 year old = a few Breeazers or half of Guinness should do the trick!!

    C xxxx

  • Comment number 78.


    With a no-kids lifestyle you have also opted out of being called 'poo poo bumhead' when you turn Fireman Sam off before the end.

    Could sneak the other one some of his Dad's Bulmers Cider and tell him it's fizzy apple 'spose.

    Going to potter out in the kitchen now and check out the first ARF song.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 79.

    grats mariella xx

  • Comment number 80.


    It's YOU!!!!

    Well done hun .... Good choice.

    May even play the album in the car as not heard it for yonks!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Well done Mariella x x

  • Comment number 82.

    Annie in Glasgow ... was that you, AnnieG?


  • Comment number 83.

    Congrats first song Mw,a

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Will someone please pull me out from this pile of work!!?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Well done MWa!

    I'm on hold with a supplier and their on hold music is radio2 - how cool is that!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 86.

    BM ..... leave it til Monday.

    Yep, it'll still be there, but the world won't stop turning as a result. I think?

    Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you're doing and whoever you're doing it with.

    Will raise a pint of something to all bloggers tomorrow Thames-side!

    Lots and lots of lurve

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Doing the O spot now .. will we get a Q spot???

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening each

    Cheryl: Sadly no. Must have been taking the pizza out of the oven - didn't hear it.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 88.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 89.

    aaaargh only 20 yrs old!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Interesting .. first bingo on the new blog!

  • Comment number 91.

    Evening all!

    Just about to hit the road South to Oban! Will try to catch up over the weekend, but if I don't, have a great one!

    Wonder if EJR is home yet?

    Wonder if Not-so-Big-Un (greenyeovil) is splattered in mud yet!?



    Congrats MWa!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Oh one and all

    Just updating my You Tube site so took a peek..... Oh B's mum was moderated thats 2 along with Clodagh. Mind you all this talk of body paint mnnn no small wonder.

    Anyway congrats to MW for the ARF choice. I don't remember the song as it was instantly forgettable.... Def not on my list of top tunes.

    Anyway just feeling bitter and twisted all

    good evening coco

  • Comment number 93.

    Moderated my foot - nothing in there to be moderated just put it back!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Took ctd's advice to stop work
    moaned about work
    said hi to fellow bloggers
    was timing post run for d spot
    ooee mentioned c e the tennis player who was being interviewed - hence the next blog!
    wots problem?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 95.

    did mention gingembre in tux - lordy? was that it? or munch? was that it?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Ah well!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Mariella - well done!

    So looking forward to our holiday - we leave on Monday morning - just can't wait!

    Off to Sunny Spain and no doubt I'll spend the entire time saying "it's just too hot"!

    Have fun one and all.

    C xx

    P.S. Thanks Mary! x

  • Comment number 98.

    Afternoon each

    Is everyone in a huff? Or getting bingoed.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Anne - all sitting outside pubs enjoying the sun I expect - kw at wedding - ejr in oxford , ctd in london etc etc.

    Just planted a few flowers, at last, (potbound in trays for weeks) bit of internet shopping - of course - lots of new stuff in so one has to keep up yes? all in stock too yay!

    Glass of water and a bit of tennis now methinks.

    Back later to see how all the boozy meet ups went!

    Beesmum xx

    ps thanks again coco for the wilburys link

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi it's been a bit on the busy side since Fri - had the interview - won't hear anymore for a couple of weeks - I know I can do the job will they want me???

    Went to do a party last night for an upcoming eventer wow we had a lot of fun and frivolty and pictures with the horses - now if I can find out which fb person has them I'll locate and take a peek at the outcome.

    Oh yes got home after delving in deepest Dorset at 1am....

    Up early for riding lesson - which went incredibly well, shoulder ins and lateral work so really interesting - had a horse I'd not ridden before as well.

    Spent couple of hours on Poole quay watching boats and people with an icecream.

    Now caught up with the blog - congrats to Mariella on getting the first arf record this week. Good luck on meeting up in August.

    Off to prepare to do another party tonight up in Shaftesbury so another late night - then tomorrow have to chase agencies for work.

    Hope everyone is having a very good weekend


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