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blog number three EIGHT ZERO five.

Chris Evans | 15:08 UK time, Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Sixty police stations to close in London ! This could mean many things, not least...

...sixty more coffee shops. I bet they're all there, ready to pounce.

Is this such a big deal ? As long as the money saved goes towards more police on the streets, I don't think it's that bad a deal. (A big if admittedly.)

Police stations seem a bit redundant to me. The last time I went in one, last year, in Central Londres, I waited for twenty minutes and didn't see a soul. No one. Eventually I left. There was no explanation, no note, nothing. I was in there so long I forgot what it was I wanted in the first place.

Now on to other matters, or one at least.

I love crisps. I've had a bag of crisps nearly every day since I was seven or eight. I don't mind telling you that Walkers are my favourite but here's the thing.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MR. WALKER AND SONS/DAUGHTERS/BOARD MEMBERS/SHAREHOLDERS do not force me to buy a Big Eat bag. I don't want a Big Eat bag, I want a normal little bag. We know what you're up to and there's just no need. Don't supersize us against our will otherwise we will end up hating you. Seriously, this morning in the garage what a surprise they had all flavours in Big eat size and only one in normal regular size. They tried this a couple of years ago and it didn't work. Why are they trying it again ?

I am a loyal customer and they are about turn me over to fruit !




P.S. Thanks for the updates.

P.P.S. TFI merchandise still in storage with the rest of our lives.

P.P.S. Enzo, not out of the woods yet to be honest but we have a new plan. let you know as soon as i can.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris...just wanted to say cherrio as I am off to NZ for two weeks...updates to come...see you all lovely people

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP, Buon viaggio Rob,
    hope the weather improves - NZ vs IRL last weekend in Wellie was played in atrocious weather conditions, so hope the sun shines upon your upturned apples..

    Mariella, congratulations!, wow what a lovely moment, kudos to the future Mr MW!

    Bingo- I had a comeback joke for you but I 4got it now! hope things are looking up!

    Missed the JV thing on tea with 'milk and none' as we say, but is there any other way to have tea> nope, didnt think so!

  • Comment number 3.

    Never much liked sweeties - but crisps - yum and same make too. Still normal packet size here - praps just trying in london to start with?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Poor Enzo - keep trying while he still wants you to - he looked happy enough in his pics. C.mon Mr Vet - do your stuff!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris - I agree!! I don't want Big Eat bags, I want a small bag that I can eat all of and not feel full of grease.

    Wanted doritos the other day and couldn't find anything smaller than a giant "share size" bag - which I proceeded to eat nearly all of, much to the dismay of my tongue which hurt for 2 days afterwards.

    Fruit's not bad - great season for nectarines and cherries!

    I missed the JV tea thing too, even listened again to see if I could catch it but must have been at the end of Ken's show rather than start of Jezza's. Ah well.

    Off to figure out what meat content to have with the pasta tonight....



  • Comment number 6.

    Me and tea - it has to be black and no sugar - I have a tendancy to have chinese herbal tea though. Must have been my 4 yr stay over there that did it.

    I prefer a strength 4 coffee from the perculator thingy with coffee mate as I can't take lots of milk. (cereals are out as well).

    My Cherry tree has got loads of fruit this year - perhaps because I forgot to prune it and it is over 8 ft tall in places! doh

    Off for the evening - had locks chopped off to shoulder length - before it was down the back to just under bra strap and plaited as too hot to have down.


  • Comment number 7.

    Best way to get the right size crisp bag is to get the family size with six packets or twelve in and I think they are slightly smaller bags, only trouble is you are then tempted to have more than one bag! There is such a huge choice now I find it hard to make up my mind which ones I like best. Very impressed with you Chris, having eaten a bag every day for so long, I think walkers should give you free boxes of them from now on in the size you want!!

    The sun has got it's hat on now so family outside eating their dinner, I have to wait as i'm off to yoga now and can't do it on a full tummy so will miss out, and they have opened the cold white wine I must be mad!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    PS congratulations Mariella on your engagement very exciting for you, he sounds like a lovely chap!

    Jenn x

  • Comment number 9.

    Ah, crisps, they were always going to be my my mastermind specialist subject, along with the Mallory Towers Enid Blyton books!!

    I LOVE crisps. I have to try every new flavour. and they are perfect comfort food. Perfect job for me would be crisp flavour tester. I am an expert.

    My fave tea is Lapsang Souchong. People think it smells either like wood burning on a bonfire, or fish, depending on whether they love it or hate it.

    Loved the crabbing bit in the show tonight. What a great idea for a thesis!!

    Tea time (and wine time!!)

    Bon voyage EJR, come back soon!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    testing ?

  • Comment number 11.

    SusanHLass- post 178 prev blog..

    It cheered them up and put a smile on

    their faces eh?...:)

    X R

    Happy journey EJR

  • Comment number 12.

    After a day of having the latest corporate chip fitted in deepest Hertfordshire, tomorrow I'm off to spend three days having several chips fitted, in....

    ....deepest Hertfordshire.

    Moose country, to be precise.

    So I shall be in blog wilderness. Incommunicado. Frozen out.

    Not my idea of fun. But hey.

    Glad to see that everyone is in fine fettle. Shame that this beautiful weather is about to turn.

    Just in time for Wimbledon.

    Does anyone have Cliff's number?

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 13.

    See What Happened?

    You came back, and the Blogging Dried up!



  • Comment number 14.

    Crisps? Love em, cheese and Onion is my fave, I always open my packet the wrong way round to redistribute all the nice bits at the bottom, makes your crisps more flavorsome!!! Has anyone ever tried Tayto the Irish crisp??? Yummmmmmmmm
    Soz for not being on for an age eryone bee(but I have been reading) started back to work after 10 months of Maternity leave, that was a kick in the arse I can tell you!! We are more into a routine with it now tho!!! Wee man and D'eva are doing great, thats her pic on my fb pic, isnt she a peach??? hope everyones well and happy, x
    CLP sending big loves to Enzo, had to sort out the Bob Marleys round Buster the wonder dogs nether regions today, glad thats over....

  • Comment number 15.

    Can't get on. Trying a line

  • Comment number 16.

    Prawn cocktail crisps. Why? Just very wrong.

    Marmite crisps on the other hand .... !!

    The crabbing thing was great! I love Cromer and all that part of Norfolk - Cromer Crabs - legendary.

    Back to the allotment, I forgot: kohl rabi, leeks, shallots, jostaberries, blackberries, cucumbers, sage, thyme and oregano.

    Livestock - no. The allotment is a good 10 minute walk away and the hoodie herberts would have a field day! A fellow allotmenteer thought about having bees in a hive but then thought better of it.

    Gordon Ramsay at 9 - yipppeeee!!

    Sweet dreams one and all

    CtD x x x x

    PS: The moobs exercise sounded harsh - the photo of Johnnie looks even harsher!

    PPS: Will the bingo wings things work for laydeez too CLP?

  • Comment number 17.

    Alert, alert - gordon in a wetsuit any minute now on C4!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    I heard it was cancelled and replaced with mens love handles.

    I arrived home, fed cats checked post answered a phone call, got changed into something comfy and headed off out to the heathy place.

    managed 30 lengths in main pool then a further 14 in the outside pool (heated water almost like a bath!). Then 15 mins in steam room and finished it off with a session in the jacuzzi. lovely.

    when I got home started on one of the front borders and filled a black sack - now had tea of beef in Ale wow lovely and relaxing getting everything ready to face the employment agencies tomorrow afternoon.

  • Comment number 19.

    hmm crisps I can love them or leave them tried the mango chilli and it was too spicy but the cagun spice was quite nice. I agree small bags preferred if I have to have any and marmite an inspired flavour choice.

    The prawn cocktail ones remind me of the pringle variety which are also fairly new.

    Give me a bar of chocolate anytime. My latest taste box from Chocolate tasting Club has arrived and I'm keeping it in the fridge as they will melt in the house as it is sweltering today.

    Wish me luck tomorrow - just found out the passport has run out in April so that's another job to do - oh joy (tks bsmum)

  • Comment number 20.

    not working!


  • Comment number 21.

    Tnsel watching love actually - did I miss it
    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    turned overand

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    he's back in rest- rant Blast it

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Phoenix - no worries whatever you want and go for you will get job.
    back to watching love actualy - like the pointer sisters bit - coming up soon I think with hugh grant wiggling butt.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Marmite crisps why don't they sell them everywhere! love them - can't get them locally grrrr!

    Beesmum xx

    ps I think we are all blogged out!!
    dreamer on fb yet?
    sara where are you
    welsh thomo?

  • Comment number 26.

    Love actually - my fave bit is when Emma T goes into the bedroom to have a little cry and compose herself when she gets the CD and not the necklace. She should have got an oscar for that bit, makes me cry every time.

    PHWOAR (altho we only saw him from the waist up!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 27.



  • Comment number 28.

    bugg**r it - missed it!! stay with film!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 29.

    still can't post.

  • Comment number 30.

    doing it now - JUMP love that bit of the film!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Jules this is a nightmare tonight - copy and paste only way to go!


  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all

    Thanks for giving me the confidence to post again today...should have known that you would all be lovely people from reading the blogs for so long, but its different to have the conversation aimed at you and makes you all warm and tingly :P

    Molly has spent the day adjusting to her fame by walking around for almost the whole day with an oversized ball in her mouth, following her latest human boyfriend James "the nice man from the gas company" who has been here all week fitting our new central heating lol ~ she almost drools when he calls her name and plays ball with her...such a typical female :P

    Me ~ I just went swimming for the first time in years to the local pool with my other half and my friend Ross the taxi driver and loved it, tho tomorrow ill probably be unable to move and it will be the gas man making ME tea for a change LOL

    Have a great night guys and Chris recent pics of Enzo please as Molly is worried :)

    Love and Kisses Sara xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Would you believe it!! the arrogant git was out there again tonight with his football - just one kid though grrrr!!! lot of other neighb's - nurses docs ambulance persons out at work -

    tackled to the floor by other half.

    Gingembre - please can I punch his lights out yet?
    He's prob 8st ringing wet 5ftnothing - me 5ft8in PLEEEASE?

    Beesmum xx

    Phone going to be red hot tomorrow - not clients - me this time to see what can be done!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Sara thought you had done a runner - see my blog 25!!

    Love Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 35.

    not working again?

  • Comment number 36.

    mol flirting with gas man?


  • Comment number 37.

    think you have some explaining to do!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 38.

    other half and taxi man?


  • Comment number 39.

    bad influence?

    Beesmum xx te he!

  • Comment number 40.

    As an interested observer in the human psychi I find it interesting that the majority of the comments are not about police stations but on the issues surrounding walkers crisps!!

  • Comment number 41.

    give up on this blog not liking me tonight - how did you manage all that sara? tell me tomorrow!!

    nite nite
    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 42.

    well I think general attitude is we can scream about crisps and the ad guys listen and do something - we can turn upside down with no knickers on in front of no 10 and if it doesn't suit it don't get a mention!!
    bet this gets bingoed

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    well well all agree I presumeXX


  • Comment number 44.

    apathy should not however rule but what can we do when sometimes we scream blue murder and still they go their own way.

    Cat among pigeons? check out the car tax bands coming in for "normal" family cars -mine will be nearly £300 for a 1600 cc hatch. other halfs gas powered no emission when on lpg? 400!! there are a zillion bands stick them in a hat and find out which one you fit!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 45.

    this is really irritating

  • Comment number 46.

    Not you lovely people, the blog

  • Comment number 47.

    doing one liners

  • Comment number 48.

    Hey ho see you tomozz

  • Comment number 49.

    Hope your mess is sorted Bingo

  • Comment number 50.

    oeer Beesmum and Jules have you been naughty and been bingoed.

    Hiya hopeseternal - strangely I agree we haven't discussed the loss of the london police stations or the fact that the law courts didn't allow the police to have a back dated pay rise and you still expect your neighbourhood sorted out in London - yeah right.

    rant over - just had to put pennyworth into the mix

    What's this about Molly and the gasman... and bingo in a mess .... me very confused.

    Off now to get some rest.

    Oh yes booked my ticket to sandpolo in July ..... camera at the ready and spare memory card - ohhhh yeah sorry EJR this lot will come before a visit to Reading - can I apply for a job?

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning all

    Lol everyone wants to know about mollys exploits with the gas man....shes in love and she trails him literally like a lovesick puppy :P

    Bs-mum the other half is Jerome and Ross the taxi man is a friend of mine who took us swimming last night...he plays "otters" in the pool and swims like a mad thing underwater underneath people he kows and poking their belly buttons....strange how men turn 5 with a little water around :)

    Up early as it seems this Tennis elbow I have from digging (havent played tennis in years lol) doesnt agree with swimming and locked my elbow whilst I slept and I awoke in pain at 5.30am so im sat here trying to type and eat my Sugar Puffs at the same time...please note makes for a messy keyboard....thank god for spillproof keyboards lol

    Looking forward to Chris's post later and chatting to all my new friends here...and please note that whilst im sat here wonky armed sugar puffed up and messy keyboard, Molly is snoring like mad next to me dreaming about her dreamy gasman with feet moving and snores louder than any man Ive ever known hahaha

    Stay safe all love Sara xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi all,

    Typical - my day off and the weather is yuck in N Wales. How did I know it would be! Sara, maybe you just did too much of the swimming and you need to ease your body into it as you are using different muscles to what you normally do.

    Glad to see someone up as early as me!!

    B's mum: Why are you surprised the git was back? By your very description, he doesn't sound like the type that would take the hint. It's idiots with attitudes like him that stain this world. I say put him in the dark and punch his lights out.

    Chris - I am not a fan of crisps but I know what you mean and I still get irked at the big packets. But the family packs with all the little ones inside are the way to go.


  • Comment number 53.

    morning all

    Re; police stations, we're in the middle of a change here in sleepy norfolk. It's called 'centralisation' and although there are no plans (that we know of!) to close any stations as yet there are going to be more 'delivery units'. With the emrgence of safer Neighbourhood Teams I would've thought it better to have the smaller stations manned fo people to have somewhere to visit. We have a room at the high school to keep us local. I am looking forward to going back in time and being a 'bobby on the beat' again. I love getting in amongst the people in the parish I patrol. I've managed to get in at the school and even have a 'bebo' page for the kids to contact me which has proved excellent so far.
    As for your experience chris of finding an open un-manned one, well I'm not sure what to say to that.

    Crisps - don't you think they've super-sized everything? All choc bars are 'king-size' too!!!

    Taking the folks to the airport today

    Bonnet de douche


    PS - still looking forward to Chris un-packing.....any clues CLP??????

  • Comment number 54.

    In my view - a police station down the road provides a 'comfort factor' to locals. In SA they started 'satellite stations' which were basically a charge office and a holding area. These could be moved (I am not sure how but that was the idea) but I never heard of any of them being moved.

    Not sure if it would work here but it was good knowing that the stations weren't too remote or that you would have to go through any unknown areas to reach help.


  • Comment number 55.

    Looks like I'm the only one with nothing serious to do. Its what happens when there are no kiddywinks around - too much time!!! Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining! Well, maybe just a bit as it's always good to feel needed even if it's just to grumble whilst tidying up after someone.

    Caught snippet on telly about milk in bags and think I shall investigate the practicalities of that one. Used to always get milk in bags but they didn't have the smart containers they were showing on telly. Think I will drift down to the supermarket who is selling them from today and see what is going down with them.

    That is - after the optician!! 2 for 1 - yippee!!! will be able to get a pair of script sunglasses and read outside in the sun (when it comes back of course!).


  • Comment number 56.

    morning all

    great news Mariella- now I have got some one to copmpare notes with - have you got a date etc? Me and mr bp are planning for august next year but havn't got a church or venue or anything booked yet.

    Mrs gingebere does lovely wedding dresses on line (i'm sure mr gingerberes fb must have the link somewhere) and very reasonably priced!

    crisps - don't eat many ( 1 or 2 bags a week) and only eat plain (walkers though of course) so cannot really join in - I'm much more a cakey person - I really do get ackey cakey pangs - hence the too tight trousers :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 57.

    morning morning morning

    what's that about millk in bags - missed that snippet on the news.

    Gingembre brill idea the bebo page and at least if they have questions you are approachable on it - definitely the way to go.

    Got stopped the other month by the police late at night - picked them up on entrance to road and wondered where they were going so kept an eye on them behind me then half way down the road they put the lights on and I thought they're needed and pulled over only to find them behind me - wanted to know if I'd been drinking - well only a large cola and then asked about my car as it has lotus technology in a small car - very friendly nice chaps more interested in the car once they knew I was alcohol free.

    Have a nice day everyone

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all,

    Ooooh Crisps *Drools with desire*
    Having been super strict in past 3 months in order to shed those pesky 3 stone (ahhhem, brough on by mucho wine and laziness) all this talk of crisps is driving me mad with lush for just one wee packet of Cheese and Onion... at 09.07am....

    Went to the vending machine and..... ONLY BIG EATS... Grrrr!

    On the plus side had a lovely supper in the garden with Mother, no arguing and a very pleasant conversation not involving how crap I am. It was lovely.

    I wonder if Easyjobrob has his speedos on, on the beach yet......:-)

    KJR X

  • Comment number 59.

    Woah Katie - brain far too impressionable this early in the morning.....

  • Comment number 60.

    me and fella were stopped by the police in devon as he had a faulty brake light.

    when they approached the car and told us they knew we were from bucks and checked everything else out on the car before letting us know where a halfords was. They even wanted to know why we were in Devon and seemed suspicious when we said we were visiting family - is this a police state we live in?

    sorry gingerbere - sure you are a great copper but too many timewasters round here - there new game is to follow mr bp in his MR2 to see if he speeds

    ps - police related question - if I am drving Mr bp car and we are both in it and both have fully comp insurance - is that legal?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 61.

    Phoenix: The milk is in bags which are 75% less plastic than the present containers. Makes it ever so easy to freeze if necessary. You then simply pop the bag into a container they have developed for it and (according to the promoters) the spout lid of the container pierces the bag and presto!! you can pour the milk. Anyway it all looks good in theory but I shall put it to the test.

    Off to the opticians!!

    See you guys later.


  • Comment number 62.

    Ah Sorry MJB,

    Hubby now been away 4 and half months. Mind tends to wander to inappropriate subjects occasionally...... Cold shower for me I think!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all :-)

    It's gone a bit cloudy here, I always feel cold when it's cloudy, wish I'd brought my cardi to work. EJR in speedos, I refuse to believe it, he's far too cool for that!!!

    Sara, hope your elbow feels better soon. So is the gas man good looking??

    Kate, glad your evening was peaceful!!

    Is it just me or does everyone instantly feel guilty when they see a police car driving behind them???

    Back later. Going to try and do some actual work today!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 64.


    Marmite crisps - try looking in the multi-pack section. I always buy mine in bags of 6. It's a tough life!!

    Police stations: I live in a Suffolk market town and can only beg the question "what's a police station" ...?

    We have a new Community Support Officer in our town and he's generated more headlines in the local "newspaper" than Gordon Brown in the broadsheets! He seems to have been tasked with issuing parking tickets to the good residents of the town (shoppers parking is FREE!) whilst the local hoolies get to run riot and scare the bejaysus out of the normal, law abiding residents.

    As wrong as prawn cocktail crisps.

    Happy Hump Day.

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Didn't EJR say it was freezing in NZ? Not speedo weather ... more cuddly woollens mefinx

    PPS: Apprentice final. 2nite!!!!

  • Comment number 65.


    Ahhhw Bang goes my day dream today. Boo!

    Back to normality then.

    kjr x

  • Comment number 66.

    katiekjr .... what goes on in your imagination needn't have anything to do with reality!!!!

    Go for it hun!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    kjr - impressionable brains need no reality!! Yep it may be freezing in NZ (I did think that briefly but decided it wasn't a thought worth pursuing) but hey that's what daydreams are for :) Anyway I have my own fella to dream about, he's been cycling loads these past weeks and is looking rather swell :)

    *sighs happily*

    Back to bed... hormones have caused problems twice already today, think I'm going to try and start the day again in a bit.




  • Comment number 68.

    fairlyoddmother, Tayto cheese 'n' onion are the best crisps in the world!! Swiftly followed by Seabrooks (crinkle cut, means more flavour, mmmmm). And I do love prawn cocktail (sorry CtD!).

    Re police stations - don't know anything about the story, but if they close the police station, what happens to the police persons who work there???

    MfR, have fun in the wilderness! If the past week's anything to go by, you'll have a novel to read by the time you come back lol.

    AF x

  • Comment number 69.

    Good morning all and to Christoff too,
    Enjoyed the show on the way home last night and caught up on all the goss when I got home.
    Thanks to all who congratulated me and MW,a on our engagement, it was an awesome holiday and a scary moment when I asked her to marry me,( didn't want to drop the ring at that hight in the rain forrest ha ha). She is the most amazing woman I have ever known and I am so glad she said YES.
    Jet lagged to the hilt at the mo, neeeeeeeeed sleeeeeeeeep but will wake up for the show later, on the way home.
    Have a great day to one and all.

    Errol x

  • Comment number 70.

    Katie...... at 10am my brain doesn't need that one ...

    It's baking down here again and the weather people said it would cool down.

    Milk bags - I seem to recall these somewhere before but it might have been out of the country I definitely remember having to put into another container to pour it.

    As a leaving gift as an IAM co-ordinator my local traffic police arranged for me to do a tour of duty in marked and unmarked car - was an interesting experience. I only wish when I was 18 that I had been tall enough to join the Police Force - I went into the Army instead and spent next 10 years out of the country.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hey Errol - congratulations and you sure picked the right place to do it.

    Nice to see you on here as well as MW

  • Comment number 72.

    Errol - I welled up just reading what you had to say about Mariella.

    Good luck to you both for a wonderful future together.

    Cheryl xxxxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    errol - didn't realise you where on here as well - are you already bored witht eh weddig talk - I know my other half is - no looking at the dresses suggested by me either - don't want to spoil the surprise,

    super bp x

  • Comment number 74.

    Errol, congratulations and well done for such a spectacular proposal (and ring, from what we've heard lol)!

    Think I remember you saying before the holiday that you were planning something, I just didn't connect it with MW, a!! My brain just doesn't fire on all cylinders sometimes!!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 75.

    sparklesparklytinsel I just asked him if hes good looking after telling him hes famous and he said "no comment" but id say he was if Jerome wasnt looking at the screen lol

    On the subject of crisps when i was a kid you used to get at school these chicken crisps that were crunchy but hollow and ive searched them ever since but I think they went out of circulation a long time ago.....Does anyone remember Ringos????

    I could eat 3 packets of the salt and vinegar ones as a kid before having to put the lemon sucking face they made you have out of its misery with a drink :P


    On another note what ever happened to the shops that sold sweeties in the bottles that you had weighed out?

    I miss being able to go and get a "2p mixed bag" that lasted me all week :P

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 76.

    We still have a sweet shop in poole high street that does the old fashioned sweets and sherbets in jars - I love going in there.

  • Comment number 77.

    Alwight ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere............

  • Comment number 78.

    Guten Morgan one and all

    Redundant Police Stations in Londres.... well I think we have enough Coffee shops. I think it would be a great location for a Night Club.
    Obviously it would have to be called The Nick.
    Cocktails named after TV Cops. I will have an Inspector Morse and a Kojak. Any trouble and the bouncer could use the cells.

    Lot's to do today after my day of mourning so it's evening all so to speak.


    Congrats on the engagement to MW and ETP.

    Hoping Enzo is on the mend.

  • Comment number 79.

    Errrrr 'opeseternal, ave 'eard of Ringo Starr!!!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    DeRed'ead - The lost joke, that's why yuv gotta write therm down asap.....

  • Comment number 81.

    Or they end up totally loooost!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    That's why often I might jump outta bed a 4am if a joke suddenly comes inte me 'ead.....

  • Comment number 83.

    And write it down quickly before it's gone - know what am sayin'!!!!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Guten Tagga - Inspector Coco!!!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Errrr Jules77 - Very nice, rythmical, poem you writted yesterdee by Anita Bailey!!!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Sorry rhythmical.... forgot me aych, nothing new!!!!!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Jules77 yuv brought me ter the point that songs I think should be writted in rhyming lyrics.....

  • Comment number 88.

    I think if songs, as many are, are writted not rhyming.... it's cheating!!!!

  • Comment number 89.

    Although many great songs' lyrics don't rhym!!!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Ave been writing a few songs mesen lately... might bang some on the blog!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    Cheese and onion Ringo's ROCKED!!

    We've got a "sweets in jars" shop in Colchester. It only opened recently, it's always packed and its FAB!!!!

    Cheryl x x x

    PS: Might hobble up there at lunchtime now!

  • Comment number 92.

    Take for example The Beatles... 'ard days Night.......

  • Comment number 93.

    The title itself is interesting, thought provoking.....

  • Comment number 94.

    It's stateing night is day or the day runs inter the night......

  • Comment number 95.

    Then the lyrics mostly rhym... Writted by the best Paul McCartney/ John Lennon....

  • Comment number 96.

    It's been a 'ard day's night,
    and ave been working like a dog,

  • Comment number 97.

    It's been a 'ard day's night,
    I should be sleeping like a ..... LOG!!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    But when I get 'ome to you i'll find the things that you do,
    Will make me feel.... ALRIGHT!!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Yer see 'alright' rhyms with 'night'!!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    PS That bit #99 isn't a lyric from the tune!


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