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Chris Evans | 14:03 UK time, Thursday, 24 April 2008

There was an experiment carried out once that went a bit like this...

...two sisters were promised an all paid for shopping trip. £500 each to spend on anything they liked. They sisters loved to shop and generally loved life. However before they were taken shopping they were first separated. Whislt they were separated one was shown a really tragic movie and played twenty or so extremely sad songs whilst the other was shown a comedy and played some really up beat happy tunes. Next it was shop till you drop.

Guess what happened next ?

The sis who was happified before her excursion, shopped like she'd never shopped before, buying more adventurous things than she ever dreamed she might.

The other sis ?

Did not buy a thing. Not a single thing. In fact after a couple of hours she simply went home.

What we surround ourselves with is hugely important to our mind set. And the most important agenda setting part of the day must be the morning.

So what do most people in this country wake up to and voluntarily indulge in ?

News shows so down and doom laden that the black clouds seem to be gathering on even the sunniest days. Then, on the way to work, they'll buy a paper that re-inforces in black and white that the country and the world today are only going in one direction - down the toilet.

Of course this is absolutely not true. Billions of people "are" happy, regardless of what they may or may not have.

By all means it is important to keep up with what's going on in the world but I would say first thing in the morning is probably not the best time.

Every morning, especially since the big dog has been poorly, I've been in the garden most days early, birds, bees, sun, rain, life - PERSPECTIVE.

No one said it has to be any way. Make it the way you want it to be, or at least give yourself a fighting chance.

Every day in every way it can get better and better.

Let's face it, one day, something is going to happen to us all that is really horrible so until then let's enjoy every day, not as if it's our last but almost as if it's our first.




ps - These pics of Enzo at the pool have just come in:



P.S. All Request Friday tomorrow... post your suggestions for the first record we play... right here...


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  • Comment number 1.

    I So agree!! Ask the number of business men who used to look forward to opening the post and now they dread it!!

    My happy happy start is that other half gets up first, empties dish washer makes me a cup of tea and then opens the gate at the bottom of the stairs to let doggie up who heads straight for me - paws on bed and licked ear - c'mon down you old fool - cup of tea waiting.

    And I don't listen to the news until at least lunch time!!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Totally agree CLP. I don't read newspapers any more. Suddenly woke up one morning to realise my entire journey to work was spent reading about doom and gloom and the private lives of so-called celebrities. My life is far too important to me to waste it like that.

    GS x

  • Comment number 3.

    How true this is Chris.

    This is why I am miserable I watch the news on the telly before I go to work then listen on the radio before I go to work.

    I think I'll only check the news at lunch time too from now on

    I think we need to have you do the breakfast show instead of Wogan so we can all be upbeat and happy when we go to work.

    The day works best for me if the kids are awake before I go to work, a hug off each of them gives me a light step as I head for the car.

    Good afternoon B - mum first on today.

    Have a good show Chris

  • Comment number 4.

    Ah Christophe...we don't watch the news...that way we tend to buy what we set out for...mind you, I have to have a list and a very limited budget or else I forget what I went out for and will probably just purchase a lipstick or similar.

    Anyhoo, chez Badger, the main reason we've stayed together is because we believe that whatever has happened to us, the worst still hasn't, so if we've got through that, what else can happen??? Ever since my kidney thing, during which I didn't die...my life has been better...and he saw me through every second of that too...

    Every day is one day at a time, and gawd knows I love 'im!

    What a wonderful philosophical blog today...

  • Comment number 5.


    Live for the Day!

    I'm lucky enough to live about 500 yards from the sea.

    I've been dragging myself up, and going for a walk or a cycle. So I head there, and sometimes just sit for a minute of two enjoying the sights and the smells.

    Since I've been doing this, I've been so much more "up" in the day. I just want to be "doing" all the time.

    Life is short. make the most of it. Do things, ALL THE TIME.

    An extra 2000 steps prevents weight gain.


  • Comment number 6.

    Well, Chris, today's blog is an absolute cracker!

    Honestly ... today I was just thinking in general - things we worry about and get ourselves worked up about is just crazy. What will be, will be. This was in my mind today - and I was thinking PERSPECTIVE! - I have a lovely nephew who had a terrible accident when he was 12 years old. He is now 42 and has never walked or talked since the day of the accident. Really, truly, what on earth do I have to moan or fret about?!

    Thanks Chris, for reiterating what I was already thinking. Sometimes your blog just hits home - it's quite uncanny!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    One of the best things I have done recently is change my alarm clock. Y'see, I think that how you wake up is vitally important as to how the rest of your day goes, as well as what you do once awake.

    For years I had one of those alarm clocks that really does alarm you. Sounding like a rusty mechanical dog with a bad case of bronchitis, and basically yelling at me to get out of bed. I was too terrified even to hit the snooze button, for fear of reawakening the beast. Amid a flurry of profanities I would reach over and thump the clock until all went peaceful, then knew I had to get up even though I set the alarm early, otherwise I would drift off again with no back up alarm to remind me that , yes, it really is morning, and, yes, you really do have to get up. Already edgy from the alarm I would then find the smallest thing would wind me up at home, cats under my feet, not remembering where I put my name badge, even the kettle taking too long to boil. And have sympathy for any driver in front of me on the road....

    Now though, I have a digital thingy, which sets the time itself, has 3 programmable alarms, which can be set for daily, weekly, weekends or a myriad of options and the radio station its tuned in to plays loads of Rush, so I wake to the sweet sound of Geddy Lee's vocals and Neils drumming magic. Now I understand the cats are just being affectionate, I enjoy my game of Hide and Seek with my badge, and while to kettle is boiling I take a short stroll down the garden. I still don't have much patience with other road users though.

    MW, a!

    Oh, if I'm allowed can I ARF request Rush - Spirit of Radio. Much obliged

  • Comment number 8.

    Fab Christophe, but we've been spoilt and so have come to expect nothing less anyway!

    So sorry to hear about Enzo being ill. It's a real downer when that happens. Hips/backs etc aren't the best bits on doggies it would seem but I'm hoping he recovers okay.

    Take care my lovely. You brighten up my life!

    Jonahwood, Hull xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Too right Chris.
    I cant stand having the news on in the morning any more. Instead I have found that playing with the dawgs if faaaaar more enjoyable.

  • Comment number 10.

    Is this blog (a bit like me) still operating on Greenwich Meantime?

    DWNB, I went out for a lovely walk last eve and slept the best for ages...it has never occurred to me to get up early and go out...HUGE sense...and if it ain't raining the beach may just get a visit from me in the morning! It only takes another half hour of getting up doesn't it!!

    And Jumping Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones for ARF please...

  • Comment number 11.

    Top stuff CLP. Incidentally, I'm having a great day - just agreed a deal that gives me every chance of raising loads of money for UK charities and good causes. Why talk ourselves down? In many ways we have an excellent society and can avoid recession by simply getting on with it and looking to do it better today than we did it yesterday. Come on England (and Scotland and Wales and NI)!!

  • Comment number 12.

    I am only really happy when I am miserable.

  • Comment number 13.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada,

    Over the years, be it for an academic pursuit or simply for my own literary indulgences, I have read many great and seminal works. Many of these were theological, philosophical, morally challenging and ultimately intriguing.

    That said, few have been imbued with the pure and undbridled sincerity and defined by such honest, reflective and incisively accurate words that I encountered from Mr.Evans today.

    Things will indeed happen to us that are less than favourable and challenge our very being go the core. We must rise to those challenges, however difficult and arduous they appear. Never let fear or disappoinment overwhelm your optimism or assauge your love of live.

    Thank you, Chris, for your pertinent overtures and consistently positive diratribes. Long may they continue.

    To all, stay well and remember...it is better to appreciate what we do have than waste time lamenting what we do not.


  • Comment number 14.

    Chris - I couldn't agree with you more! even my fav morning telly is all gloom and doom and the most annoying thing is they're both sitting on the sofa smiling!!! I have a 45 minuted journey to work so I get 2 news bulletins that I have to now switch off!!

    Mariella - i agree with the alarm thing- I have started to switch the thing off now, after nearly 30 years of getting up at the same time every morning I think my body knows the time....and it does!! i feel so much better now I wake up knowing that I'm supposed to be awake rather than getting a shock of my life in the middle of a fatastic dream with a 'Beep Beep' noise.

    Try it and see...........

  • Comment number 15.

    Somewhere in the west of ireland I get up , check the weather.take the two goats and two sheep for a walk down to the woods and then out to the lake , where I sit and read my book for an hour. At the moment Im reading ' The outsider' by Colin Wilson. Xm

  • Comment number 16.

    Oh Bless him - wot are you doing outside the pool CLP- get yourself in there with him!!! You can see him saying "get me out or join me dad"

    Just about to make another comment but can't hear myself think for the blackbird with a megaphone in the tree next to office!! Wot a happy chappy - it's those sorts of things isn't it?

    Hazel love - I nearly croaked it and it does make you look at everything in a different light. (3 monthly check in about 3 weeks time - yuk!!)

    I've said before when I go to bolt hole in Wales, I stand in the garden every night and look at the stars (which you can see there) and it's also rspb heaven with the different birds (except for the red kite which tried to pinch Biggles when he was tiny - thought it was a micro-light landing!)

    My dear departed pop used to go and sit in the garden and relish all around him when he was poorly. Used to joke we would have to clear the leaves off him.

    Gingembre get back inside from sunning your knees - a thunder storm on its way!

    Biggles Mum xxx

    ARF just has to be Billy J Kramer do you want to know a secret!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Hey Chris,

    How profound...and how true. Everyone should live until the nasty events come along...and then lick your wounds until things get better - as they invariably do at some point.

    Great shots of Enzo, here's hoping he makes a full recovery.

    Take it easy everyone.


  • Comment number 18.

    The look on Enzo's face in the second picture just says "What the hell are you doing to me Dad!"
    First piccy just says "get me out of here!"

    For the ARF anything by Big Country haven't heard them for ages! or Opus - Live is Life!

    DD out

  • Comment number 19.

    Ello is the blog working!!??!!

  • Comment number 20.

    No Bingo, it's not.

  • Comment number 21.

    It did then???

    Must be something ter do with me putting inapropriate words into me comment!

  • Comment number 22.

    So did that too #22!

  • Comment number 23.

    One line at a time my friend.

    ARF. Just Like Paradise, David Lee Roth.

    Oh go on Chris. You know it makes sense.

  • Comment number 24.

    Damn it I can't understand what am doing wrong with this new blog system!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    I need some valiumn!

  • Comment number 26.

    I'll have some too!

  • Comment number 27.

    Is the name of were i've just been for two weeks.... Ukraine banned from the blog????

  • Comment number 28.

    No!!!! Scratching me 'ead now..... maybe it's chow isn't allowed anymore???

  • Comment number 29.

    As I said Bingo, one line at a time slips through. Interactive Ian, any ideas?

  • Comment number 30.

    Yo Matt, this new blog 'as got me totally confused!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    And it's not 'ard ter confuse me!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    I emailed the show and II is looking into it. Meanwhile, just blog in bits.

  • Comment number 33.

    This is rather fun. Shall we carry on all night like this Bingo?

  • Comment number 34.

    Tarrr Matt - You've discovered the secret of 'ow ter use this new blog!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    Hey Bingo, did you have good holiday? If you are allowed to tell us of course!

    Welcome back!

  • Comment number 36.

    Only thing is, how do the others get bloomin' great blogs through?

  • Comment number 37.

    You two are really making me laugh! Sorry to interupt do continue..............

  • Comment number 38.

    Yo Debbie - been trying ter tell all about me holiday but none of me comments get through!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    The only thing I wanted to add was a request to my old mates Moose, HL, Gaby and Gingembre.

    Please, please, please. Don't mention the football again.

    I thank you.


  • Comment number 40.

    I've been in Ukraine lookking for love as no English ladies want me!!!!!

  • Comment number 41.

    And were you successful in your quest?

    If that's what you were trying to post then maybe you need to tone it down a little before the watershed ha ha!

  • Comment number 42.

    And, sorry to hog the place, I seem to be able to get longer and longer blogs through?

    Maybe it is some kind of weird initiation? You have to drip feed a few words to prove your worthiness before you are allowed to blog free?

    Off to play squash (not salsa) now, so I'll leave it to you Bingo.

    Good luck


  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Chris, Really loved your blog today it's all so true, you have to get the right start to your day and the right alarm clock does help, your right Mariella as I got a new one for Christmas and this morning I woke up to Amy Macdonald's song LA and that put me in a good mood!Also starting your day with some yoga helps too if you can just do 10 mins it helps.

    Would you be able to play some Amy Macdonald for the ARF please,I think one to really get the show off to a good start would be 'LETS START A BAND' it's got a great feel good thing going on!!!

  • Comment number 44.

    Yo Debbie, maybe!!!

    I've met a very nice ballet dancer!

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks a million for today's blog - one of the best you have writtem, honestly
    Things are going to change.
    DtM x

  • Comment number 46.

    We have so much in common except the ballet dancing!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    And our nationalities!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    And our language!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Part from that we are like........ that!!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    Gotta go me tea is ready!!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    Me chicken kiev salad is ready!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    On a diet for me next bit of time inside Ukraine!!!!

  • Comment number 53.


  • Comment number 54.

    Sorry, forgot my ARF this week . .

    AMY MCDONALD, yes, J'agree but the track "RUN" or "LA" - brilliant . .

    Chris, its over to you . .

  • Comment number 55.


  • Comment number 56.

    Aye up one and all

    It's all getting kind of mysterious on the blog.
    Bingo is back from his lurve travels. Bingo have you requested anything on Sunday Love songs yet?
    What would it be I wonder?
    Well I know some of you will be very pleased to know that I am away on holiday. and will not be able to blog.

    As I am off to Spain my choice for Arf would be Una Paloma Blanca by the Wurzels. What else...

    Buenos Noches. and really love to you all

  • Comment number 57.

    Wise words Christy, Im so lucky to have my lovely kiddies and himself is the passion of my life, we may be skint but we have each other and thats what counts.
    Lovely pics of Enzo , And he knows who his Dad is judging by the way hes looking at you!
    Bingo, cant wait to read up on yer jollidays!! Tis I big bump, but some one nicked me name so I had to change it!

    How about Rainbow with since youve been gone for ARF??

  • Comment number 58.

    Ps Hazel Who am I by the way??

  • Comment number 59.


    The photo's at the pool display the love we have for our little creatures great and small. Well done to you.

  • Comment number 60.

    oh oh oh oh

    ARF :


    What a way to start the weekend....


  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Chris, I asked about name of book you said was a cracking read. well my brother's very happy with book for his bday even more chuffed when it came with a voucher for £25 worth of wine in side from amazon. I'm looking forward to borrowing it.
    Many thanks and have a good one

  • Comment number 62.

    What a lovely dog - Hope he gets better soon.

    Chris for ARF - how about Down Down by Status Quo or The Visitors by Abba. Good Tracks!

    Love the show!


  • Comment number 63.

    Chris, I really enjoy your deep, meaningful posts.

    I believe that we can chose our moods from the moment that we wake up. That's what I try to do anyway. If you tell yourself that 'it's going to be one of those days' that is exactly what you are going to get.

    When I wake up with those black clouds over my head I see things from my little boys eyes. At four years old every day that you wake up is a good day, you deal with things as and when they happen. You don't sit and worry about what may happen you just get on with life.

    Yesterday I woke up feeling terrible for no good reason whatsoever. I decided to make my friend, who is going through a bad time at the moment, a card with a little personal message. I posted it through her door and she phoned me later in the day. She was so happy that someone had thought of her and I felt good knowing that I had made her smile. I had basically turned my bad day around and done something worthwhile.

    Sorry for going on a bit, I suppose Chris' post just struck a chord with me.

    Love to all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 64.

    Bingo's back! Bingo's back! Bingo's back! Bingo's back! Yipee!!!

    I've missed u x x x x x

    Every response I have to the awesome (not in an american accent) blog CLP was said perfectly by DrT thanks littlest Hobo

    MfR you so funny!!

    c x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    great post your best one yet......top man....take time to stop and smell the roses that we grow.....arf tune bruce springsteen glory days

  • Comment number 66.

    I don't do blogs - nor do I listen to Chris's show - but his reflection today sure struck a chord with me.

    It's so easy to go with the flow, not really take control of the morning. Let others inject into you their agendas.

    For years christians have sought the God of the Bible each day. They might read some Bible verses, reflect on what it means, and respond to God in prayer. They have called it a "Quiet Time".

    This is what I try to do each day. I believe God challenges my attitudes, things that have got buried in my heart that aren't doing me any good, and through this time of quiet, He actually starts to bring about change.

    The account of Jesus' life talks of him spending time away from the crowds in quiet reflection talking to his Father. Well, if He found it necessary, maybe it is indeed a pattern that's worth copying.

    Nice one Chris! Thanks.

  • Comment number 67.

    Its rather late in the day, but I just had to comment on the show I've just been to see.


    Absolutely fantastic, high energy, enthusiasm, talent, entertaining and their oh so haunting song, near made me cry it did.

    10 out of 10, an absolutely must see - so if its coming to a theatre near you get those tickets now!

    Night all,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 68.

    It s the blogs fault Hazel......


    Red red wine - UB 40 pls x

    X R

  • Comment number 69.

    Couldn't agree more. Life is what you make it and laughter should be encouraged. For that reason how about playing Nellie the Elephant by The Toy Dolls...............for kids of all ages everywhere!

  • Comment number 70.

    Hey Boss, totally true.

    I honestly won't put the telly on, just fire
    my breakfast down and out the door to
    work. Usually arrive at work just in the
    nick of time, to which i get a load of stick off the lads, which always puts me on the right foot!

    Hope Enzo gets well soon. Just found out my staffy/english bull x, Murphy's insurance policy has gone up to 20 quid a month, the robbing bleeters. 6 years old, never had a claim after paying them well over a grand, they decide they want more.

    Anyway, love the show. ATB

    PS Please play The Seahorses - Love Is The Law, as i am trying to learn to play it on guitar and i could do with some fresh perspective on it! Cheers Fella.

  • Comment number 71.

    Animal, vegetable or mineral, everything is perishable and only in this world for a lot less time than we would all desire. So, make the most of it, live like you have no more time and love those close to you like you really mean it every minute of every day. Tomorrow you, or they, might not be here.

    Chris, to those who want to live life to the full, play the Neil Diamond track "Delirious Love". It sums up something very special that I share with the most important person in my life. To Hellen, I love you. It's a great start to any weekend.

    Sir Ian Capital

  • Comment number 72.

    ARF - Billy Ocean - Love really hurts without you.

    Thanks CLP x

  • Comment number 73.

    lovely to see you with Enzo. I think all request friday should start off with the song love me my dog i cant remeber who sang it but its a good song maybe not so upbeat but good sentimental words

  • Comment number 74.

    CLP, you hit the nail on the head, and as a result this morning - instead of reading my emailed daily news, I took a deep breath, looked up at the sky and felt it was bright and blue and beautiful cos even grey can be blue if you look at it right.

    With that in mind, there is only one ARF for me.

    Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky

    all the way to the absolute, very end.


    PS Occasionaly cos im not frequent recently, Anna cos i always have been!

  • Comment number 75.

    Lummee wotalotts gonnon last eve. MfR v Bingo in the Battle of the Blog! Mr Star, welcome home...I thought you may well be in a T5 lost trunk or similar...banging and shouting and no one could hear you!

    DWNB, didn't make it up for a walk, but the Badger was awake early...anyhoo, while the sun and the buns are out and the boids are singeing, I'm just enjoying a grapefruit. Have peeled it and am now eating it like an orange instead of all chopped up in a dish, so my hands, my shirt, my chin and halfway up my forearm are all enjoying it too...

    Love the pool pics, thank you Christophe, I do hope it helps him! He looks as though he's enjoying being in the water anyway, but I do agree with the others and think you should definitely don your speedos and GET IN THERE MY SON!!!

    Anyhoo have just discovered strange white floury substance on my skirt and as I've not made a Yorkshire Pudding this morning, it must be toothpaste.

    ...inspectorcoco, still trying to place the voice...Red MWAH...

    I'm still going for Jumping Jack Flash

  • Comment number 76.


    Woke up this morning and instead of the normal dreariness I woke up the fella for a cuddle and then car danced all the way to woek with Terry - result - feel great this morning and cannot wait til I get home tonight :-)

    My song for ARF would be I don't feel like danicing by the scissor sisters as that is a great feel good track.

    Bingo - great to see you back and causing mayham

    Occasioanl anna - I alsways chose that song as its my fav but no luck yet.

    hope this posts now as I seem to have written a lot
    jrmk199 - great words of wisdom, over the years I have tried to have quiet bible time in the morning but I have not yet made it a habit - still my jouney to work is my thinking time if that makes sense

    bp x

  • Comment number 77.

    Hello everybody peeps,

    Wow loads of blogging going on. Couldn't agree more CLP and bloggers, start the day happy.
    I dont like to hear anything bad til I've well and truly woken up. The three days I work at home its out for a walk or to play rugby with our border collie and the days
    I do the long drive to work, its the marvellous Terry on the radio. The weekend starts with the fabulous Saturday Kitchen.

    ARF request I did yesterday "The Proclaimers - I'm on my Way" Actually
    suits the topic of this blog too! Off to the docs this afternoon about this cold I've had since Easter. I dont usually go to the docs about a cold, but now I cant talk or breath very well, it's a bit of a hinderance !

    Happy weekend everyone and much love to Enzo from Charlie Pop.


  • Comment number 78.

    Chris, ARF Mr Blue Sky, ELO please x

  • Comment number 79.

    Wise words Mr Evans and best of luck to Enzo who, I think, looks like he's grinning his head off.

    ARF request from me is Metal Guru or Telegram Sam by T-Rex, please.

    Have a good weekend, all.

    PS Just wanted to apologise to Red and Dan-t-M for my prattling yesterday, I thought I was being funny but I woke up this morning and realised I wasn't! Sorry.

  • Comment number 80.

    More lovely pictures, Chris. I always start the day with facebook and the blog - always cheers me up!

    Has anyone been BPed yet (i.e. actually had an email sent to you telling you off for a previous blog? Apparently, the BP are prudes!!)

    Hazel - your first message was lovely x

    Bingo - welcome back!!

    Inspectorcoco - enjoy your holibobs!

    And my ARF request? I'm with Hazel for the Rolling Stones but can I request She's A Rainbow instead (tying in neatly with the rainbow chat on yesterday's show).

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 81.

    CLP: ARF Europe, The Final Countdown please...no better cheese available having been in Germany all week...but I am in the UK today and plan to catch the show for a change....

    Living most of the time in Germany with the European Championships starting to pick up momentum in the hearts and minds of all German footy fans, I am becoming inclined to denial...denial that there is a European Football Championship at all. In fact denial that a sport called football ever existed...

    So I won't mention it again. Promise.

    Moose the muffin eater

    PS See you at Loftus Road next year?

  • Comment number 82.

    Good morning All xx

    Thank crunchie it's Friday!

    I totally agree Chris, although I haven't always been like that but just in recent years I try to stay very positive and be thankful for what I have! In the mornings I don't have the TV on and I don't listen to the radio until I get in my car. I listen to Radio 1 on my way to work and apart from being a fan of Chris Moyles his show doesn't focus too much on the news, and each morning I was drive to work with a smile on my face and likewise when I drive home listening to you!

    My Mum was a great believer in "what's for you won't go by you" - "what will be will be". As it's her anniversary this week my ARF tune would be - Que sera sera by Doris Day, who happens to have the same birthday as my Mum and my Mum's name is Dorothy! xx

    Enzo is looking at you so adoringly Chris, bless him, I wish him a speedy recovery! xx

    Pottylotty - I always watch Saturday Kitchen, you post reminded me to get the monkfish receipe James cooked last week, it look delicous!

    CtD - Enjoy the wedding xx

    Bingo - Welcome back, we missed you xx

    Gingembre - No offence taken xx

    Have a good Friday and a great weekend all xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning all :o)

    Was not so long ago that I woke up to baby crying and general OMG I'm so tiredness, but now I'm waking up to the boy babbling in his cot playing with his bear waiting for me to go fetch him for his morning cuddle - and I know that when I get in his room he'll be soo ecited to see me that I can;t help but smile and laugh with him as he plays on the bed and is so joyous to see MrJo and the dog....

    How can you ever get bored of that, or feel down!

    ARF request for me therefore has to be on the theme of babies so I can't think of anything better than


    pretty pretty please??

    Mwah :o) Jo

  • Comment number 84.

    "You never get bored of it" is the answer.
    Awoke this morning to morning cuddles from the mooselets...
    That's why I came home last night!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Hurrah for moosey cuddles!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Morning all!

    Sky is grey but not if you look through the top shady bit of my windscreen - it turns blue!! Eternal optimist!

    Rhyming with - Rosie roo what did you do? Not had an email from BP myself - wonder if anyone else has? Sure it wasn't that bad was it?

    Trying to think of a cheerful doggy song for ARF - be back later - Tesco here with my shopping.

    B'sMum xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Jo, that is lovely! Gave me all a warm feeling and everything!

    Pottylotty...rugby with your border collies? We use a ball. (well...sometimes I just gotta...)

    (dear moderator, this is most definitely NOT rude!!!) x Willkommene Hauptelche x and thank you rosieroo x

    cuddles are GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!

    Chris, do you realise how many people have woken up this morning, in a totally different frame of mind, JUST BECAUSE OF YOU?

    May change my mind to Spread a Little Happiness, or have you played that already this week? Think you may have...or Goldfrapp, Happiness?

    Nah. Jumping Jack Flash. First and final answer.

  • Comment number 88.


    Just a ARF suggestion - B52's - Love Shack.
    Not sure why but just a happy Friday toon!!
    Reg x

  • Comment number 89.

    Yep, I got BP's too, Rosie.

    My schlog was about a particular person in the footie world and their alleged ability to cheat all the time even although they are talented. Apparently that's not allowed!

    Ho hum... fair enough!


  • Comment number 90.

    Jo - Great to see you and baby G is gorgeous! Loved the pics. Reading your post gave me a warm fuzzy feeling :o)

    RosieRoo - Haven't received an email, you have been naughty lol xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Ello can't get through again!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Well said Mr E! There are too many bad people doin bad things out there! We all need a bit of inspiration and hope every now and then... mine comes between 5 and 7!

    Thankyou all!

    Gonna keep pluggin away for ARF 'til the fingers bleed! Go on, it's a foot tapper!!!

    "Sonic Boom Boy" - Westworld.

  • Comment number 93.

    Greetings to all of the blog!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

    Maybe CLP is the banned term???? Let's see!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Ahhhhhhh CLP got through - what am I doing wrong ere.???@?.. a can't get me blogs through!!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Just wanted ter say BIG thanks to all of your kind words on the blog!!!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    That's MWK, Cathmel, Super Bagpuss,
    Hazel; Love, Inspector Coco.......

  • Comment number 98.

    Debbie, Big Bump, B's Mum, Rosie Roo.....

  • Comment number 99.

    And sorry if i've missed anyone else out.... you are all so kind!!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    I did try ter blog while in Ukraine a few times but they didn't get through!!!


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