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Chris Evans | 14:57 UK time, Monday, 14 January 2008

I heard a great story over the weekend...

...the gist of it goes that, during your first year of marriage, every time you make love to your wife you put a pea in a jar. Then, after the first year of marriage, you take a pea out of the jar every time you make love. The theory is that you'll have enough peas in the jar to last you at least the rest of your life.

At the moment I am still working on the filling of the jar, only seven and a half months to go !




P.S. Hats off to Harry Redknapp and how good was Loius Theroux.


  1. At 03:15 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Steve Judd wrote:

    If you have a quickie do you put in a Petit Pois? And what constitutes a Mangetout? Mangetout!

  2. At 03:29 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Big chief CLP, et al . . .

    Yo, yo, happy new year . .

    Just back from a perfectly snowy Val d'Isere ; cold and icy but sunny and warm, all at the same time. I couldn't blog from the chalet due to certain constrainss and over-enthusiasm for French cuisine, so here's to a grand 08 and filling that jar.
    (I'll have to get a jar first . . .)

    DtM x

  3. At 03:31 PM on 14 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight errrr Christoof & Every Blog operating operatative,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - I take it what with the pea jar filling.....

    a take it that's why your podcast is so popular!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!

    Can I just say a BIG THANKS to everyone who 'as wished me Birthdee greetings terdee - you've all made my day in a big way - THANKS & TARRRRR ter ALL!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanted to change my ways from terdee.

    I wanted ter offer BIG 'pologies ter CLP & ALL blog operatatives for talking about myself too much on the blog.
    You see I was just tryin' ter big meself up, errr live up ter me name of Star thinking that yer 'ad ter act like one if yer called one.
    But I know realise i'm not really one just me blog name is Star - know what am sayin'!!!!

    So terdee, as it's me birthdee & i've 'it a new maturity, as from now am changing me ways blog friends and i'm not gonna talk about meself anymore..... instead...... am gonna talk about other people.... yyyyyyeeeeesssssssssss - am gonna become a......... GOSSIP!!!!!!!!!

    Chow Blog Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. At 03:41 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Mmmm very strange CLP. Maybe Birdseye could incorporate that story in one of their adverts and see what it does for the sales figures!

    Louis Theroux was great last night, a very interesting program indeed. It was like a world within a world.

    Thanks missy by the way x

    Did anyone watch Dancing on Ice last night? I do love 'put your brain in your pocket' television.

    Debbie xx

  5. At 04:01 PM on 14 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Many happy Bingos!

    Christophe, I think that the cynical view is that you never make love as much after the first year of marriage...which is a dashed shame...it just means that you can look at the jar...getting dusty on the shelf by the pair of broken glasses, near the keys that you don't know what they're for and by the odd tea caddy with the lid that's a bit stiff to get off...and remember what may have been, if not better, certainly naughtier times!

    Unless of course you're at it like rabbits for the rest of and the forseeable etc

    boom boom

  6. At 04:03 PM on 14 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    Good luck with the peas. MrS and I have been married 32 years this week (17th) and it's fair to say there has been a fair amount of to-ing and fro-ing with peas! Ahem!

    Bingo - don't you dare stopping talking about yourself! This is what is blog is all about! Also gossiping is not nice. Well, except when it's really interesting!

    Missy - have a great time tonight. My niece saw the girls in Las Vegas (no less) and said they were fantastic - but came on stage an hour and 15 mins late!

    C xx

  7. At 04:09 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Greetings one and all

    Read the blog and a darn good job I put my glasses on. I thought it said it as pee in a jar!

    Happy Birthday Bingo! Eager to hear your hot gossip.

  8. At 04:12 PM on 14 Jan 2008, wrote:


    Personnally, I prefer the Jars of Sunshine You can buy.

    But I love my husband, and I don't need Peas to keep count. My daughter is brilliant. She could recount each time we've done it going back years..... and give you the sounds to go along with it!

    Kids are brilliant!


  9. At 04:24 PM on 14 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    chris i had a jar full of peas but was so hungry after a year, i ate them all

  10. At 06:23 PM on 14 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Hi Chris, maybe you couldn't sleep last night cos you were worrying about the peas! don't even think about it you will never have the same amount as the first year especially if you have children!! Love Jenn xx

  11. At 06:37 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    peas in jars - some of us only dream of peas in jars .....

    Love the questions about the petit pois and mangetout tho, ha ha!!

    Bingo, can't wait to hear from the new gossipy you!! Who shall we talk about first?????

    By the way, my gorgeous dog STILL isnt in the doggy hall of fame!!! Who's choosing these piccies??? Grrrrrrrr (that's me not her, she's very gentle!) - although I have to admit they are all very cute!

    T xxxxx

  12. At 06:48 PM on 14 Jan 2008, john wrote:

    Glad my wife ran off with the milkman

  13. At 06:49 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Kay wrote:

    Why Peas?

  14. At 07:50 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Mrs Tall Dwarf wrote:

    Having been married to the same lucky chap for 31 years and having "known" him for a few years before that, we now have a chest freezer full of peas !!!

    Keep filling the jar Chris and who knows you coud be lucky like us ! Does Mrs Evans like peas?

    Mrs TD

  15. At 08:03 PM on 14 Jan 2008, MfR wrote:


    We decided to spend a grotty Sunday afternoon at the flicks yesterday, and saw, yep, I Am Legend.

    Hmmm. I'm not quite with you that it was a complete howler, but it really was a game of two halves, Saint.

    I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, and still wants to after you panned it, but it promised alot and the post-apocalyptic scenes of NY were fantastic. Our Will did his best Tom Hanks on a desert island and the dog was cute, but it did get a bit silly after that.

    Short week this week. Friday off to do precious little, you know, all those annoying little jobs that you never seem to get round to doing.

    Oh well. A quick dose of Masterchef (I just wish those two would stop shouting), a couple of chapters of 'Slash' and then I'll lay awake for a few hours counting sheep, downwards from one hundred or pink elephants.

    Either way, I won't sleep, you can bet your life on that.

    I have often tried the alphabetical band thing though. How weird is that?

    Audioslave, Boston, Crowded House.......

    Peace & love


    PS Viva Las Vegas. May 2008.......

  16. At 09:23 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Hi All!

    Sorry for enforced absence, what with work piling up and now being ill, I haven't had the time, nor, I am ashamed to say, the inclination to read or post. Shame on me!

    Hope you're all OK. This is a bad time of year, lots of people poorly, lots of people broke, lots of people down.

    Whatever your situation, it will get better - promise!

    Hey - only 10 days to go, then I have a quickie divorce!! Yay!!

    S xx.

  17. At 09:58 PM on 14 Jan 2008, Christopher Penny wrote:

    Dear Christoph,

    I heard this too a while ago, but instead of each pea representing a horizontal boogie, it signified, how can I put it, rather more of a mouthful for the lady.

    This I can believe...


  18. At 05:56 AM on 15 Jan 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday to Bingo...

    ...and today to my daughter who's celebrating her 1st ever!

    Petit pois in a jar eh? have to say we would've emptied it, and then some, in year 2 to be honest. Hey Ho. ;)

    Hope that you're all well, haven't really had time to read all the blog entries recently but I notice that most people are checking in. No Gaby though???

    MfR... your Fulham boys may have got a steal there with Hodgson, time will tell but he know's his stuff me thinks. As for Juande Ramos? Well the jury's out at the mo' but it looks promising in the long term.

    get well soon missy... and anyone else with the various lurgies doing the rounds.

    Bonnet de douche


  19. At 09:59 AM on 15 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    What a cynical story - don't believe it, Chris! I'm not married and I hate it when people say your relationship will change after it. Why should it? I'm siding with Mrs TD - hurrah for you and your's!!

    Dan the Man - sounds idyllic.

    Bingo - yay! Love gossip - bring it on!

    Keep the faith,

    Rosie x

  20. At 11:33 AM on 15 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    Hello bloggers,

    First time for everything... Usually have a good read every few weeks and catch up with a bit of randomness outside my own little bubble but couldn't help but reply to the peas! Have to admit the cryptic references to the pea-jar last night made me come and check out the blog again. Been married now 7 years and if we'd had a pea-jar it would've been emptied more times over than I can think. At what point can you start re-filling it again, is what I want to know!

    CtD - enjoy your spring-clean, maybe that's what I ought to be doing this week!

    Debbie - I dread to think what my parents thought of my boyfriends when I was younger. Not sure if they knew about all of them though, I only brought them home if I thought my parents might like them. I was of the opinion that parents and boyfriends didn't really mix. I know what I like to think I hope I'll be like when I have children old enough to be bringing g/friends or b/friends home, and I hope I have the courage to stand firm! He'll learn, one way or the other, one day - just hope it's sooner rather than later and he doesn't get hurt badly. Keep hanging in there, it'll all be alright in the end...

    Just wondering what to do with myself today. Don't work (well, I look after Mr) and am usually quite contented little housewife, but have been unusually bored the past few days (suspect it's something to do with Christmas being over, and having nothing to prepare for). Have baked to the point where I have been accused of spoiling the Mr, and the rain is incessant so I have no desire to go outside! Any suggestions?

    Happy Tuesday everyone

    xx Jen

  21. At 11:43 AM on 15 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Bon Sure CLP & Each Blog Dude,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Up, down, down, up, up, up, down, up, down, down, down, up, down, down, down, down, up, down, up........ down...... down, up.......
    give me strength ter find sanity in the supermarket..... sorry I mean stockmarket!!!!!!

    Firstly 'APPY BIRTHDEE' ter ChrissieS's Daughter - 1 terdee - now I know why you often blog so early - yuv got yer 'ands full - just remember 'aving a capricorn baby - watch yer gas pipes when she gets ter three.

    Also BIG thanks Debbie, Hazel Love, CtD, Prof Plum, Gingembre, Wilsmar, ChrissieS, Rosie Roo & Em27 for writing the birthdee greetings & ter anyone else who didn't but thought about it - remember it's the thought that counts blog friends!!!!!!!

    Sammie - Very sorry to read about your divorce. Like you say life will get better eventually.
    Like i've said before I think this life is just one big test for the next - 'ope it works out for you soon!

    Okay i've got some gossip about Wrightie - i'll bang it on the later blog if CLP & also Wrightie's solicitors let me - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!


  22. At 11:59 AM on 15 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    what are peas?

  23. At 12:09 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Chris wrote:

    You may have 7 months left of your first year Chris but lets be honest, how many years are you hoping to have to take the peas out? Your record is not good!
    Myself, I know when I am beat and will never get married purely because I don't want to be a divorcee.

    You are a genius, like me and few people understand us, let alone our partners!

    Love the show, hate Steve Wrights!

  24. At 12:39 PM on 15 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Me again,

    Err PS -

    CLP - I just wanted ter take this opportunity ter say that the blog at present is working most operationally excellent - I clicked 'POST' before &, instead of taking 6 mins ter load then I get a 502 error or similar, a tell yer it nearly took me finger off it was so damn quick & efficient.
    Who ever 'as fixed the blog 'as done a brilliant job - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    I'll click 'POST' now & it'll probally crash - only joking..... well actually i'm not, this crazy life iz ere ter test us big!


  25. At 12:44 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Jo wrote:

    Hello :o) * dips toe into water to test whether to jump stright in or not*

    No peas gone in or out this year....could be something to do with the little terror baby!

    Hope all bloggy peeps are well - am starting to manage to listen to the show again as Mr Jo comes home in time to do some baby wrangling while I do tea....it has restored my sense of normality!

    :o) Jo

  26. At 01:28 PM on 15 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Peas, peas, glorious peas - wish I had a pod.

    Yes indeed, hats off to Harry Redknapp - I hope he gets the England job one day soon.

    Louis was fab, as he so often is....

    By the way, Bing(o Star) - where's my thanks for my birthday wishes?

    Em27 - yesterday's post - oh spookey. Same thing for me this weekend. Didn't meet up with my friend of 28 years but heard how she'd invited my ex round for the night with all her chums (AGAIN) and me left out in the cold (AGAIN). Therefore have decided to take the hint and no longer contact her. Am gutted and feel very lonely and sad. Still, time of the year I guess. And as nature abhors a vaccuum perhaps I've got to create a vaccuum in my social life in order to make a new one.

    Hello to them lurkers who have jumped into schloggers. Don't take it personally if people don't acknowledge you - but just keep on posting. Hmmm, perhaps I shouldn't mind then if Bing hasn't thanked me too!

    Love to all

  27. At 01:54 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    Thanks j :)

    Can't wait to see Louis, we downloaded the show last night so tonight we get to watch it - everybody at the Husband's work was talking about it, so we figure we have to watch it.

    Trying to get pregnant at the moment so lots of peas being taken out of the jar!


  28. At 01:55 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Have posted loads , keep getting 502 'd.

    Read Bingo's post he said it was better....

    Perhaps because the 'Irish charm' is back....

    hope the tan didn't fade too much poet man....

    you'll have to go back to the 'triangle' to top up .

    when do you have time to work ...:)

    When do Librans get their reading bingo ?

    X R

    x P man

    CtD & Debbie good luck with job hunts x
    Sammie - onward & upward it gets better...:)

  29. At 02:03 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    j ... cheer up... come and chat here...no voids ...

    just nice peeps..nice chats ..


  30. At 02:09 PM on 15 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere.

    j - BIG 'plogies in all areas possible. I could use the excuse that as yer writted Bing I thought yer mean't The Crosby but if am totally 'onest it waz a BIG oversight on my part.......
    Can I just say j - Thank You for your birthdee greeting!

    Red - Errr I will do a reading for the remaining signs Gemini ter Libra - just waiting for the blog ter settle down - the 502 virus thingy.
    I'll bang Libra on in next few weeks or so - promise!

    'ope this 'elps!


  31. At 02:19 PM on 15 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Ah yes, Red, have been having good chats on here for a very long time. But as have serious hermit tendencies cannot allow myself to just live virtually... that way does not lead to peas!

    Jen - what about volunteering for something? Prison visits, or stone wall rebuilding, couple of hours a week in a local charity shop, working with disadvantaged... to name just a few possibles. Your local library will have a list of what's near you and how to get in touch. Just a thought.


  32. At 02:36 PM on 15 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    j, dear j! You've been so cool and grate all last year even with the move and everything, and it's time you had something for you!

    So, a missive for you...I don't see some (most akshully) of 'our' friends, apart from the odd Christening or similar, and he doesn't go to those, but they see 'him' all the time. I know how you feel as I spent a LOT of time with these people, and their children too, and they don't keep in touch at all. So I don't bother now. This was the first Christmas I haven't sent them all cards, and I didn't get one from any of them either!

    Into your vacuum a small seed shall fall, from which you'll meet lovely people...what you say is true, dear friend...

  33. At 02:37 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Thankyou BINGO you a star....

    Many happy returns


  34. At 02:43 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    that's true j ...we all need 'peas' :)

    X R

  35. At 02:45 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Just popping in quickly before picking little man up from school.

    Hello Jen, calm has restored in our house as far as our teenagers love life is concerned. I'm sure that he is still meeting her at lunchtimes and after school so I'm waiting for it to run it's course basically. He seems to be much happier this week.

    Towards the end of last year I took up making hand made cards. When the weather is terrible and you want to keep yourself busy with something, it's quite therapuetic actually.

    Off to see the Spice Girls tonight, looking forward to it but not the trip there and back!

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    PS. Thanks Red x

  36. At 02:49 PM on 15 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    ...and of COURSE I forgot something...

    Dan the Man and Red, am I placing an order for a new hat yet? Or will you be requesting 'no hats'?

    SUCH a quandary...after Christophe and Captain Tash's nupchules were hard enuff...and it REALLY does depend on the weather...


  37. At 02:51 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Rosie Roo & Red - was completely idyllic - just booked again for a week before Easter can't wait - carefully managed diary achieves the breaks - work hard . . .

    just booked again for week before Easter can't wait - why dont we organise a blogger's ski trip, & pals?? . . . .although we'd have to keep it off the tranny, as we'd be inundated . . .!!!!

    DtM x

  38. At 03:59 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    j and Debbie - Thanks for the suggestions! It's difficult getting the motivation up to go outside at the moment but if I could find somewhere to do drystone walling that would be amazing! I'll check the library if the rain stops...

    Done some hand made cards in the past, and I've got a few that need making at the moment. I think that a good afternoon in the attic making cards and painting is calling... I even learnt how to knit last year, and there's a scarf started in a bag somewhere... I think my main issue is motivation - the brain is still reeling from my joining a gym!


  39. At 05:15 PM on 15 Jan 2008, Malcolm Neave wrote:

    Chris I heard that many years ago when i got wed, the trouble is i only stay wed for three years.

  40. At 09:29 AM on 16 Jan 2008, glyn wrote:

    If there's a better piece of television than Louis Theroux on Sunday this year, then I'll be very, very surprised. Depressing and uplifting at the same time. What a way to treat human beings though.

  41. At 12:38 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Rod wrote:

    Chris, regarding your peas in a jar.
    When my wife & I got married 40years ago, you put a shilling in the jar for the first year, took a shilling out everytime the second year and whnt on holiday with the balance the third year.
    May I add that we did not get the holiday, children came along.

    Great show by the way.


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