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Chris Evans | 15:40 UK time, Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Been at the Bernie Ecclestone car auction all day, what fun. if you ever go to buy at auction here's a tip...

... you must have a plan. you must know what you want, when it's comingup and what your walk away price is.

I had my eye on a little belter but after doing some research, you have to really, it turns out it could be a bit of a silk purse, however it does have one thing going in it's favour. It's at what could be the worst part of the auction. I won't tell you why, that wouldn't be fair but if everyones' attention is elsewhere when it goes under the hammer then hardly anyone will be even looking in the direction of the auctioneer let alone bidding. And what can they do ? Nothing, they have to go through with it and they can't wait because they'll have so many other lots to get through. So, the car's estimate is expensive but if bidding is lean there could still be a bargain to be had. It's a long shot but you never know.

One car's expected to go for five million ! A new record. I don't know if you've seen it but I don't think it's all that. Anyhow it gives Bernie his Christmas money, bless him. He's a strange little man but he's bloody good at his job and he has a beautiful wife, I'll drink to that.

Going going gone.





  1. At 04:06 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:

    I went to my first auction a couple of weeks ago. What Fun!

    Was Police Lost and Found Auction, and we came away, not with the Tent and Camping equipment we wanted, nor the leather wallet and purses, but 16 Music Stands, all in packets, which we then sold on Ebay.

    What a thrill Bidding is - but I kept having to nudge my husband really hard to make him bid.

    I had a wander and looked at the cars, but as you say, is a difficult one - I figured if they drove them in and they were shiney, was a good buy, but DH kept telling me, cars are more than shiney body work.!



  2. At 04:07 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Nev wrote:

    Not quite the same as buying a second hand Austin Allegro at a car auction is it?!


  3. At 04:10 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Very very nice CLP - so did you get the silk purse after all?

    I'll bet there were loads of people there and so many cars to choose from indeed - what an event indeed.

    The closest I came to racing was driving an astra sports with a professional racing driver by my side around brands hatch for 7 laps of the track - very disorientating as she had control of the mirrors!

    I've also done hospitality days at Millbrook proving ground near Luton - fabulous time and well worth the experience if you get the chance and both occasions were corporate days from Vauxhall.

    Now my love is hot air balloons - been up a lot and I actually prefer the chase/recovery part when not aloft - certainly can recommend it - especially at a large fiesta (mine were at Bristol).

    Most go - have a great All Hallows eve whatever you are doing.


  4. At 04:35 PM on 31 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:

    I'm quite good at bidding. I bid and then I go away. If I don't have the highest bid, then I'm not tempted to add to my limit by not being there...it's my own reserve!

    Five million pounds. What a totally ridiculous amount of money for a car. I could do with one which costs tuppence ha'penny if it'd get me to work dry. I hope Mr Ecclestone has a lovely Christmas.

    Happy hallow e'en all
    See you on Monday

    possibly with new shoes

    ps I'll have nuts in mine please

  5. At 04:39 PM on 31 Oct 2007, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    rat trap

    for a discussion about a film where the rat wants to be a cook

    rat in the kitchen every time chris


  6. At 04:40 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Hey Lamby Pie,

    Happy hump day! Heard the interview with the nutritionist yesterday and she affirmed my scoop – I blogged about the 1-10 scale and the ‘are you hungry enough to eat ...?’ strategy a while back.

    Here’s the link if you want a sneaky peek

    Plus – I don’t listen to you as much as I wish I could, but wondered if LP stands for Lamby Pie and did it come from me?

    Anywho got to fly – plenty of Halloween treats and tricks to sort before sundown.

    Kirst the worst

  7. At 04:45 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Erik The Viking wrote:

    Hi all.

    Hope you got what you went for ! Don't forget to keep it shiny side up !

    Now I don't have a major problem with halloween as a rule. Cute kids dressed up, lanterns a glowin. Nice. But boy do I have a treat in store for any teenage miscreants that come a tricking and a treating round my gaff tonight. Laxative chocolate ! Oh how I'll laugh. It's making me smile just to think about it.
    Happy Hallo.

    Be happy.
    ETV x

  8. At 04:54 PM on 31 Oct 2007, martin james wrote:

    You know Chris always calls the listeners "...friends." Do you think he really means that?

    I think he called me friend once on the blog, but I somehow doubt it! I don`t think he likes me, it`s a bugging feeling I`ve had for some time!

    Now don`t get me wrong I`m not dissing CLP or going mad, I`m just being realistic.

    Enough of this mind delving - I`ve said sorry what more can I do? Well things have been going on in my life that I don`t quite understand, and I can`t explain to you viewers!

    WIND FARMS - WHY? They propose to put 5 massive wind turbines near a small village near here - WHY? Well I know why: subsidies, grants, money. Saving the planet and keeping a green and pleasant land - NO.

    Food works well on radio. I remember a program on radio four presented by a man with a rich, ruby port sounding voice, as he tasted away I was almost thier with him.

    I don`t know about auctions and Bernies cars. I buy Classic and Sports Car magazine and imagine I have x amount of money to spent, then dream my way through the pictures in the for-sale pages.

    Oh well, C'est la vie.

    m xxx

  9. At 04:59 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP

    I haven't been to a car auction for years. It can be a long old day though. I remember a boyfriend of mine took me and bought me a 2nd hand car for my birthday at one once, it was great!

    Sorry to all you regular bloggers for my lack of communication lately but I've been all over the place and then sadly at the weekend I lost one of the bears to old age. SHe was nearly 105 in doggie years and I miss her dreadfully.

    Here's to Roobear!

    & Booboo

  10. At 05:01 PM on 31 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Wonder what you've got yer eye on.... a Jag.. mmm e-type or the Morse one?
    An old Merc per'aps?

    I'm more of a speed freak when it comes ter cars.. speed n' beauty.

    My 2001 Lotus Esprit V8 baby I owned last year was my dream car. I used to polish it and just stand looking at it in me garage in it's metalic silver.
    Beautiful car to drive too and very fast.
    0-60 in 4.5secs and 0-100 in 10.5.
    I remember when I first got it I was nervous of driving such a powerful car - yer gotta respect a fast car or it will bite yer!!!
    I must admit though I soon got used too it and found confident that I could drive a much faster car.
    Todays F1 cars 0-100 in about 3secs probally do 90ish in first... i'd so much like ter 'ave a go of one - AM TELLIN' YER!!!!

    Sad thing about me Lotus it 'ad the best stereo i'd ever 'ad in a car but i'd turn it off after a couple of mins, wind down me window & listen ter me twin turbo V8 instead.... gotta get another soon!

    PS - 'ows the 308 Ferrari going?
    Still got it CLP Man? Beautiful car.... any Ferrari, enit with a V8 or more!

    Em M - As promised eres me vauxhall astra... sorry astro reading for you.

    I'll just look DEEP inter the Bingo ball of the Zodiac.... i'm getting an arrow... Arrow Removals... no... 'old on..... shhhhoooo twangggg!!!!!
    DAT nearly 'it me... it's a Strongbow arrow just landed in me table.... yeah am getting The Archer - aka Sagittarius!
    Sagittarius - Likes philosophy, optimism errr the outdoors... going out with Timberland... err travel, wit... likes damn Timerland songs.... errr can outspoken, impatient unless with the damn Timberland.... err generous and very social especially if the Timberland iz there.. loves alot of people around.

    Fellow famous sagittarius operatatives.... alot of female singers.... Nelly Furtado aka DAMN linked ter The Timberland.... errr Tina Turner, Sinead O'Connor, Britney Spears, Christna Agulllelearrrr, Sir Winston Churchill, Brad Pitt, Jimi 'endrix.. bend that 24 neck Jim man!!! Errr Billy Connolly and Walt Disney!!

    'ope this 'elps abit Em M!


    PS Prof Plum - I'm sorry but i've now filled me cracks in me driveway with me 'alloween soup!

  11. At 05:07 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Moose wrote:

    Five million. Ridiculous is one word for it. Obscene and immoral are two others.

    Still, as long as one man is curing his 'short man complex', everything must be all right in the world. But then that's easy for a long tall moose to say...

    Funnily enough, I wrote most of a short story based in the formula one milieu today. I know nothing about it...that's why I thought it would be a good challenge!

    It was the bitter and twisted team-mate, with the hydraulic jack, in the trailer...

    Although the egomaniacal F1 boss, with the trophy wife, in the auction hall is another good sounding plot...but probably belongs more in the romantic fiction genre?


  12. At 05:09 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:


    Not quite sure what to say as I find anything to do with cars very dull - so back to yesterdays blog it's fat club tonight and I'm don't think I have lost any this week but will let you all know later.

    Actually I can say something about cars. My brakes made a stranging crunching noise today & it cost me £130 to have them fixed - just what a sinlge mummy needs in the run up to the festive season!!

    Actual love to you all

    C x

  13. At 05:11 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Maybe you could hire a team of streakers to distract everybody at the right moment?

    Although to be honest, 5 mill is probably out of my price range at the moment - it might take more than a few naked weirdos to distract people sufficiently for the price to come down to my level...


  14. At 06:24 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Sorry CLP, I just can't get excited about cars. Mr Debbie gets stupid excited about them has even built a few in the past and I often feel like I'm missing out on something. But I just can't do it.

    He changes the setting on my dashboard to tell him how many miles per gallon I'm doing or something. I don't see the point, you have to buy fuel regardless so what difference does it make. I change it back to tell me how many miles are left in the tank. Much more useful.

    Going back to the thread on religion.........

    I have been trying to find out about Baptists and halloween since I got home from work. Little man was very upset when I collected him from the childminder this evening. When I asked him why, the childminder explained that she had told him that her family don't like Halloween and he didn't understand. He is only 4 and I didn't know what to say to him. He thinks at the moment that it is all about funny masks, sweets and pumpkins. Am I wrong to not explain to him the real concept and meaning of the 'Hallowed Evening'?

    I must say that it is very interesting reading up on this and I may now read up on other religions and educate myself.

    Erik, I must say by the way, you are a very wicked man!


    Debbie xx

    PS. Martin x

  15. At 06:27 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Erik The Viking wrote:

    Would it be ok to put a coal powered station near to you instead then ? We all need power and surely renewable is the best option. You're problem seems to be that you just don't want it in your backyard ! Well it has to go somewhere. Any suggestions ?

    Be Happy

  16. At 06:45 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Lyndyloo, I am so sorry to hear that you lost one of your dogs. Lost my lovely Milly in August through old age too, still miss her. Betty, the surviving Bassett Hound, gets twice as much love and fuss now. I really hope that you and Booboo are ok, give eachother lots of cuddles.

    Debbie xx

  17. At 07:02 PM on 31 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Bingo That's funny I have had a fetish recently... can't stop making soup. I have gallons of mushroom and pea soup. Might start my own soup kitchen.
    What is your zodiac sign?

    As for cars I like my pretty MR2, the Lotus is a bit too near the ground for me, but nice car. Love driving the Audi TT too. Can't imagine what a Ferrari is like though.

    Hi to Moose.... How is the book going?

    Happy Halloween follow the link and have a go!

  18. At 07:06 PM on 31 Oct 2007, Erik The Viking wrote:

    Only kidding. Good for morale !
    I'm not really wicked..... well not all of the time. My doorbell is now on strike. Given up the ghost (he he). Must have had around twenty hallow strikes already and I haven't lax one of them (yet)..........

    Now that was funny. Any chance of posting exerpts ?

    Be happy
    ETV x

  19. At 08:03 PM on 31 Oct 2007, MfR wrote:

    Good to hear from you Moose. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Lyndyloo. Sorry to hear about your bear.


    I'm not a car nut, but being surrounded by Italian and British (sort of) exotica every day does have an effect on you, eventually.

    Especially when I get to borrow one for the weekend!

    Our company raised its first sales invoice today, so I reckon that is reason enough to crack that bottle of Bolly in the fridge.

    Peace & love


    PS Wild Blueberry

    PPS And if you like you can buy the ring

    PPPS Stars and Bars

    PPPPS The Doors of Perception

  20. At 10:07 PM on 31 Oct 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Happy Hollowe'en all.

    What a lark. You know, where I've just escaped from (Ireland) they all go starin' bonkers at Hollowe'en, pumpkins, fireworks, the lot. Mind you it's any excuse for a party and I've a lot of time for that attitude.

    So I've me box of chocolate spiders, gobstoppers and jelly snakes for the little kids who come a-knockin' at the door, and I'm sendin' me 84 year-old mother Renee to the door in the witches' hat for effect. Me, I've just washed me make-up off. That'll learn 'em.

    And I'm reminded of the near tragedy one balmy summer evening when Renee answered an innocent little rap at the door, to be confronted by the Dear Departed Father Eric's 6 year-old Godson, Jonathan. With one arm hangin' off, 2 bouncin' bloodshot eyes and an arrow through his bald head.

    "Hiya Aunty Renee, is Uncle Eric in?" says he.

    Jonathan is now a respected G.P., his career performing the Heimlich Procedure and the Kiss of Life started on this day with Renee on the doorstep. And his behaviour hasn't improved in the intervening 30 years.

    Dogwithnobrain. Migraine. What a bollocks, I'm so sorry for you. I used to be absolutely floored with them. Until I discovered breathing techniques for relaxation and avoiding that sort of tension that makes you clench your jaw. Interestingly, Louise L. Hay in You Can Heal Your Life also says that migraine is down to a 'Dislike of being driven.' (She also says you should do something entirely unsavoury that you frankly don't want to when you've got an 'eadache, to alleviate them); but anyway, I reckon mine were partly hormone-related but mostly stress and tension. Nowt to do with cheese or chocolate or red wine or food of any sort.

    I still get them but nowhere near as badly. The headaches no longer make me feel like sticking me head into the industrial shredder although I do get the sight disturbance, numbness down one side and sometimes the speech disturbance, where the brain scrambles and you can't string a sentence or even a word together. It's like when you have a dream and can remember it vividly the moment you wake up, but when you go to recall it later, it's gone. That's what happens, but instantaneously, when you try to speak.

    Luckily, I talk bollocks most of the time anyway so no-one notices. Hurrah.

    Bloody hell, isn't Lewis Hamilton little. Trial size like meself, bless him.

    Ok I'm boring meself now. Ta-ta for now, I'm off to scare some teenagers.


  21. At 12:49 AM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I've never had to deal with trick-or-treaters until last night- it's just seems so bizarre that this funny little American tradition can reach to Australia. I used to be a Wiccan for about five years, so I know about proper Halloween (aka Samhain) and the fact it's meant to be in Autumn.

    So, for those in the Southern Hemisphere, Happy Beltane!

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  22. At 08:34 AM on 01 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all (old & new!)


    Personally I don't think there are, I have left many posts, some of which get great replies and others get the tumbleweed treatment. That's what great about it.
    There are people who are on here much more than others so I suppose you get to know them and probably reply to them more?
    There are certain bloggers that I love reading, won't name tham but they regularly make me laugh out loud or in recent times with my knee prob;ems have lent a sympathetic ear, and passed on good advice x


    ...welcome to all the newer posters, keep 'em coming and I for one look forward to reading your thoughts, feelings and ideas.

    diane dean - I'm not sure if that was your 1st ever post but if it was - it was a bit cheeky. How about you start something of interest, sit back and watch as the snowball grows on it's journey?

    Cars - not my bag baby, but it you love something like that and have the £££'s, get in there. You can't take it with you.

    On a sad note today... I mentioned recently that a dear friend of mine had been given weeks to live, well she lost her brave battle on Tuesday evening and is no longer in pain. I miss her already and feel for her 22yr old son enormously.

    Life's too short friends.

    Love & xxx's


  23. At 09:20 AM on 01 Nov 2007, Moose wrote:

    Morning all,

    Cliques on here. Never!!!

    Thanks Erik the Viking. I'm hoping you are not the same Erik the Viking I used to work with...
    The short story is for a competition that insists the story has not been published anywhere. Sorry!

    Prof Plum - second draft finished last week, thanks. Letting it lie for a week or two before going back for the third draft, synopsis writing and pushing it out there into the big bad world of publishing. Any editors or literary agents out there reading that would like to send me their details, I am open to offers!

    Saw CLP on the news last night on the coverage of the auction. Like the idea of just buying the toy cars, even as a grown up. I actually don't think it's less grown up than splurging millions for some bits of metal...


  24. At 09:28 AM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:


    Yeah - Migraine. Typical. Guess what, I did a Reiki Course to learn relaxation techniques to get over it and mostly I can control it, but if I wake in the grip, can't do a thing.

    I know is not chocolate, or coffee. I love them too much.

    THanks for thinking of moi.

  25. At 09:33 AM on 01 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    I'm sorry for your loss, life's a bitch sometimes isn't it.

    My lovely little Aunty Dot is still with us, in a nursing home now and still bravely soldiering on. I'm heartbroken and shedding a tear as we speak, I wish there was something we could do but this is life and we have to take our blessings with our challenges. I shall be going to see her later and I guess if I can make her giggle that's something.

    Bless her.

    And bless all of you lot, yous big daft eejits. Hurrah!

    Bye for now. I've a daughter to torment and humiliate later in Liverpool.


  26. At 10:03 AM on 01 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Feelings Of The Serverest Warmth Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    (When I say severest - thats in a nice severe not a bad severe & warmth without getting burnt err just a pleasant warmth.... I'll just stick ter YO next time).

    Clodagh - Yer 84 four year old mother dressed as a witch.... I'm aving visions of Bernie Ecclestone with a tall black 'at on!!!

    PS Jonathan a respected GP. The Belgium GP was a respected GP but didn't stop Bernie takin' it off the calander.... least it waz returnned this year.... lookin' like a seaside go kart track!!!

    PPS - Love readin' all of yer sinanagins Clodagh.... sounds like a crayzee life in the Emerald isle.. & Wigan.... & Liverpool! Chow!

    Cathmel - I used ter dabble with cars... been there done it all. That's why am 34 but look 52 and a 'alf!
    Crunching noise... that sounds like all the meat 'ad worn off yer brake pads & the metal was rubbing on yer discs. With would scar yer disc abit. £130 - probs yer 'ad two new front discs & pads.
    Sometimes a cruchin' can just be a stone gotted trapped in between yer disc & yer caliper or pad.
    Sorry ter 'ear yer added expense before 25th Dec.
    Lookin' on the bright side of life at least it wasn't new calipers needed - be lookin' £300 - £450ish bill there.
    'ope this 'epls Cathmel!!!


    PS Gingembre if ever yer need a full astro reading just ask & me fees are..... zero!!!
    That's the kind of person I am blog friends!!!!

  27. At 10:12 AM on 01 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    PS Gingembre -

    Very sorry to hear about your friend.
    It's always the ones left behind who it's harder for.
    Theres just too much of these illnesses around nowadays.

    Bingo xx.

  28. At 10:19 AM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Morning one and all.

    I see from the papers that the government want to water down the importance of Christmas due to us living in a multi cultural society. Whatever next!

    Glad the book is coming along Moose.

    Sorry to hear of your friend Gimgembre. I loved your story on the back of the tractor by the way! My brother was in the force and once had to stop a crane on a building site which had been activated by teenages. He spent the next half hour with a 360 degree view of Manchester as it spun round out of control. Sadly died when he was only 42.

    Anyway If I was living in foreign lands I guess I would have to get used too radio Ishmar or something but I would have to request the following it's fab.

    Have a nice day ya'll

  29. At 10:38 AM on 01 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Morning Chris, bloggers and readers. Cold morning today, dew on the cobwebs. And where has the blue sky gone?

    Erik The Viking - Liked your idea re laxative chocolate. Now these wind farms. If they site them far out at sea and out of sight, that`s fine. Nuclear and hydrogen power is the way to go for now. It`s not a question of not in my back yard it`s a question of not in anyones back yard or land. It`s debatable if they save any energy, what with the cost and energy of producing them, plus a lot break down. A question for the fox, how long to you have to run a typical wind generator from a DIY store like B&Q before it pays for it`s self. I did a quick calulation on the back of an envelope and I recon several years, and long after the guarantee has run out.

    m xxx

  30. At 10:45 AM on 01 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    ((((Gingembre)))) I hope your friend didn't suffer too much.

    Martin J - I think wind farms are fab! I love the look of them, the sound of them ... I suppose if I lived right next to one and it kept me awake at night i might feel differently, but I think they're beautiful!

    You're doing great, keep going!

    Hurrah it's Thirsty Thursday!

  31. At 10:53 AM on 01 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    -I'm an Aquarian!!!


  32. At 10:55 AM on 01 Nov 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello ,

    Can't contribute much today because I've never been to an auction (except an online one obviously).

    Bingo - Thankyou so much for my reading, it all seemed very accurate except I would never describe myself as optimistic. Think I would be described as on the cusp with Capricorn - would that make a difference? Anyway thanks x

    Debbie - As a childminder I would try to avoid putting my opinion onto my mindees if I could, your little boy is only young and it must have been a bit confusing for him. I don't particularly like Halloween usually, but I took a group of 5 kids trick or treating and we had a really nice time, they were very well behaved. I won't let my eldest go out on his own with his friends though, once he wants to do that he won't be going at all, I think its for little kids not great big teenagers. What do other people think?

    Lyndyloo and Gingembre - sorry to hear your sad news, thinking of you xx

    Em xx

  33. At 11:04 AM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Happy Thirsty Thursday one and all.

    cathmel - how'd you get on at fat club last night? I lost 2lb at my WI which brings it to 11.5lbs in 9 weeks so well chuffed with that. We're off to see Alice Cooper mid November and I've set my 1 stone target for that weekend (2 more WIs).

    It's not easy, is it?

    Lindyloo - so sorry to hear about your loss {HUG}. 105 is a good innings tho!

    Gingembre - sorry about your sad news too. We're here if you want to share.

    Cars - as long as it gets you from A to B and you can afford to run/insure it etc ...... having said that, if the money tree blossommed with a spare £20K I'd go right on out there and buy a brand new H0nda Civic - my old company car was one of those and that's the only thing I miss about my old (portacabin hell) job!

    MfR - thought of you this morn. Waiting at a horrible cross-roads to turn right and opposite was a car with MFR on the numberplate!

    We're all off to the theatre tonight - a company outing! So, at 3.30 we're all heading off by coach, then having a meal somewhere in Covent Garden then going to see Desperately Seeking Susan at the feater. It'll be a late one - we probably won't get back til about 1am but it's really nice of the company to treat us. I only hope the show is an improvement on the dodgy film of the same name in the '80s......

    Oh - we saw a pension advisor last night've "only got" 26 years til I retire. That made me feel really old, especially when I thought of how quickly the last 26 years had gone - 1981 was only last week, wasn't it???

    Anyhoooo, best get on. Stuff to do an all that.

    Take care everyone - I'll pop back later whilst chewing on a celery stick!

    Pinch & A Punch

    CtD xxxxx

    PS: missy - are you OK?????

  34. At 11:06 AM on 01 Nov 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hey, just to say thanks to those of you for welcoming me and those of you who didn't take my blog well...it got a reaction and that's what I wanted so thanks to you too.

    Plum - the thing about downplaying Christmas in case it offends our Jewish / Muslim / Hindi / Vulcan friends? Ridiculous. At the primary schools round my way, the kids can't give each other cards with "Happy Christmas" on them - they have to stick to a generic "Season's Greetings" or such like. Barmy.

    What next? Banning birthday cards in case they offend those people born on Leap Day?

  35. At 11:30 AM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    oooh I meant to say ..... I love wind farms! I think they're beautiful. A few years back Me and Mr Diva wentto HOlland to watch the bike racing at Assen and the entire landscape was windfarms - they looked stunning.

    A local pub near us has just started his own micro-brewery and also installed a windfarm so it's self sustaining. It's generated loads of positive publicity and others seem to be following suit.

    Don't like solar panels tho - they look ugly on rooftops.

    Hey ho!

    CtD xxxxxxxxxx

  36. At 11:30 AM on 01 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Gingembre - sorry to hear about your friend. But you are right - she is no longer in pain and I'm sure you are grateful for that. It really is true that it's we who are left behind who have the tough time of it. Living without someone you love is so very hard.

    Clodagh - good to see you back and on top form as usual. I am planning to go to Liverpool in January and I am so looking forward to it - any chance you'll be there then?!

    C xx

  37. At 11:49 AM on 01 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL,

    Gingembre - yeah I remember yer said the other dee thatyour aquarius - i'll look inter the Bingo ball of The Zodiac on CLP's new blog later.

    PS CLP - would you like a Bingo reading ter look inter yer make up.... not that yer need make up for radio or that i'm accusing you of make... I mean yer astro make up!

    CtD - aka Leo - I was wondering were yer'd got ter the other dee. Glad ter see yer back.
    I suppose you've been on Russell's blog. gonna 'ope over there meself soon when I get the damn time.
    Snowed under with astro readings ere!

    'ows The Brand with 'is London Mayor thingy?
    I'd vote for 'im as long as I new 'is policies we guten.
    Brand for mayor & Boris for Prime Minister - maybe it's worth not emergrating just yet after all!!!!

    PS I've enjoyed 'is Ponderland TV show!


  38. At 12:20 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello guys

    Gingembre - so sorry to hear your sad news. It certainly puts things into perspective doesn't it. Thinking of you x

    Clodagh - bless you and bless your Aunty Dot x

    CtD - Covent Garden on a Thursday night will be buzzing you will have a great night. Good for you! x

    Em - Thank you for your views, I did wonder what you would think as a childminder. I'm now concerned on what their views will be over Christmas and I'm feeling pretty ignorant about the whole subject. This was the first year that he actually acknowledged that Halloween existed and they made him feel that he shouldn't be excited. He mentioned it again this morning and asked 'why **** doesn't like Halloween?'. Do you think that he is too young to explain to him what Halloween is really all about?

    To try to learn more about these things I looked up on the internet last night and found a website that said that children celebrating halloween are condemned to hell. I find this disturbing. Am I being over sensitive to this?

    Yep, had teenagers scowling at the doorstep last night. Much more fun seeing the little, little ones all excited to be dressed up and out when it's normally bath time!

    Sorry, feel like I've gone on a bit today!

    Bye for now xx

  39. At 12:23 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Yikes. Did my wind farms post get BP'd or are they just having a slow day today!?

    CtD xxxxxx

  40. At 12:52 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hi Bingo. Raaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    I loved Ponderland but there sizeable chunjs that came from Rusty's live stand-up show. But still brilliant!

    A colleague informed me yesterday that Mr Brand is doing a book signing mid November near here (ie in the same county!) but it's a work day and I've got no annual leave left. I can't do a sickie coz she'll know where I am. I wishes she'd not told me now!

    Have put "the book" on my letter to Mr Claus tho.

    I can't see RB standing for mayor - there's too much comedic vaue to Boris getting the gig!


    CtD xxx

  41. At 01:12 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Blog either very slow or I have been BP'd. Hmph, really wanted advice too.

    Gingembre, very sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you x

    Clodagh, bless you and Aunty Dot both x

    Em, thanks I wondered what you would think as a childminder. I'm really concerned that he was so upset and cried. Is he too young to explain what Halloween is all about? I don't think it was fair of them to express that view with him as he ended up thinking he was wrong to be excited at the dressing up and handing out sweets at the door. He was still talking about it this morning.

    CtD, have a lovely, lovely evening. Convent Garden on a Thursday night will be buzzing. Me and a friend went to see a show and had a nice meal first. We ended up getting a ride to the theatre in one of those rickshaws, blooming hilarious! x

    Debbie xx

  42. At 01:41 PM on 01 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Bugger Bernie Ecclestone. My 84 year-old, 4'8" mother Renee might look like 'imself in the witches' 'at but the woman can still pack a punch fit to fell a chargin' rhino so watch yerself if yous is in front of 'er in the bus queue.

    By the way I myself am an Aquarius, sharing a birthday with Johnny Rotten, Canon Roger Royle and Vlad the Impaler. We are allegedly bonkers and therefore this puts the lie to all that astrology bollix.

    Mind you I once sent for a reading from a leading astrologer, whose opening line was, "Those born on this day are characters who have a strong need to be heard, and who can become seriously depressed if kept out of the spotlight for too long." Huh. Cheeky monkey. I also have Venus in Sagittarius which makes me the Female Warrior. Hurrah now you're talkin', and that Boadicea costume is comin' out on New Years' Eve. Bloody marvellous.

    Anyway, bless you Bingo, watch out for Renee if you don't want to end up Saturn Uranus.

    Debbie. Thanks chuck.

    Chrissie. Yep I shall be stalking the streets of Liverpool, you'll recognise me and the daughter, we'll be the ones fightin' over the last cinnamon whirl in Starbuck's and she'll be the one not sat on the naughty step beside the toilets.

    Now what's all this about pastry? Hurrah up 'ere in Wigan we like owt that's looked over a gate with a nice thick pie crust on it.

    Me breath is bated.


  43. At 02:02 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Debbie that's a really tough one. I don't think any childminder has a right to impose their beliefs on another person's child - but if you ask them not to do that, you may risk losing your childminder and I'm assuming that as your little one is 4, he's nearly ready for school and will be leaving them soon?

    It's a bit of fun, for goodness sake - does that mean they don't allow the children to believe in Father Christmas, or the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy???

    I feel for you.


  44. At 02:15 PM on 01 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And Debbie. Forgot to say.

    You're a sweetheart but you worry too much. Kids are never too young to explain anything to. They accept from a very young age that shit happens and it's only we adults who are barking mad enough to believe we can shelter them from life.

    Anyway, in my experience of kids, the gorier and more unpleasant the facts, the better. They love it.

    Especially the male ankle-biters. And you know summat else? The males never lose this quality, hurrah.

    Bless the lot of yous chaps. Can't live with yous, can't live without yous. Specially the ones useful on the business end of a long pole and a duster.


  45. At 02:20 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Andrew wrote:

    Hi All,

    I am Head Porter in an Auction House. We sell antiques, collectibles, glassware, metalware, jewellery, pictures andfurniture and sometimes cars.

    Sales are hard work of 3-4 hours solid work but I love the atmospher and theatre, the people and I get to hold things I can never afford. I have plenty of laughs with customers. The best bit? I get paid for it - even if it is only a little.

    I recoomend attending an auction just for the drama and it really can be a cheap night out.

    We would always be pleased to see you. When are you visiting us Chris?

    Enjoy your company in my car on the way home and for a short while at the end while I start dinner.

    Keep smiling

  46. At 02:26 PM on 01 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hi Guys,
    Just a quick post to give you an update.
    The reason I haven't posted for what seems ages is... first the blog police wouldn't let me then my compter went dead so its now being fixed. I'm now in the Libaray using their net so thought I would say a quick hello to you all.

    The 'fella' is still great and have been seeing lots of him. We spent saturday and sunday at mine and did some sunday shopping on, well, sunday and then went to see some of his friends play in a band sunday night. so yes things are good.

    Will hopefully update my blog when I get the computer back, but wanted to say hello and hope you are all well, lots of love, missy xxx

    ps Gingembre thanks for the facebook message xx

  47. At 02:29 PM on 01 Nov 2007, Nev wrote:

    A good night last night with no trick and treaters....I got used to having no lights on after a while!! The kids are slowly coming to understand why think it's glorified begging. Send it back to America with the grey squirrels that's what I say. Still at least we have started to get our own back by sending them Posh & Becks!

    Martin - surely the wind farms need to be close to land to get the power back efficiently and to stop ships crashing in to them!

    CtD - surely the beer from the micro brewery generates it's own wind....or is that just me?


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