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Chris Evans | 15:35 UK time, Monday, 24 September 2007

Currently dictating this to Naughty Nick down the telephone as at the moment I'm…

…stuck in the worst traffic of my Radio 2 career.

There is something seriously occurring on the Eastbound carriageway of the A40. So much of it is closed off that I can’t imagine what the matter is. However, whenever I find myself in a situation like this, I feel there are only two courses of action.

1. To not think about oneself, and any tardiness resulting from the unpredicted compulsory diversion. Because let’s face it, something terrible may have happened to someone else, and all I’m gonna be is late.

2. Stop at the first available bakers and buy an unexpected Monday bonus pasty, and try and sneak a cup of tea out of them too if poss.

Just so you know, so’s not to be hypochritcial, both of the aforementioned actions have been undertaken by yours truly.

So I may be late, I may not be late…but I’m still alive. The baker has sold two more pasties than he normally would’ve, the tea’s not the best I’ve ever had, but I’m sure all those involved are doing all they can to re-open the grand old A40.

In today’s blog, I was actually going to talk about the joy I had whilst participating in some compulsory basic training toward a full motorcycle licence, but just like the traffic, this conversation has been temporarily diverted.


Lots of love, see you on the radio, maybe, maybe not.

CLP 2007


  1. At 03:58 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I wonder if Nice Nic requires an assistant? I can do short-hand : )


  2. At 04:35 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Might be down to this:

    A40 Greater London - Queueing traffic on Western Avenue eastbound between the Polish War Memorial junction and the Target Roundabout junction in Northolt, two lanes closed. Diversion in operation.

    I'm sure Sally has more information though

    Good afternoon CLP


    Hey HL thanks for the x {{hug}}

  3. At 04:39 PM on 24 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    So true Christophe.

    I'm slowly drawing towards the close of one of my worst Mondays in recent history (but that's not for here) but no one has died.

    Years ago, myself and the second ex-husband were sitting on some motorway or other...happily playing I-spy, number plate games, rude travel scrabble etc...and listening to all the bibbing and fuming going on around us. If they'd listened to the news, a coach had gone down an embankment further up...and if it hadn't been dangerous, we'd have probably got out and told Mr and Mrs Impatient that piece of information...

    We were just so relieved it wasn't us, and I can't tell you how we felt about the poor people on the coach.

    It could be worse. But it's not. And you're not dead

    When you're ready, bring on tomorrow. But only when you've finished with today.

  4. At 04:56 PM on 24 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I used to get freaked when stuck in traffic, but then I thought, there is absolutely no point. I'll get there in the end, so long as I take my time and stay calm.

    What's the problem anyways...... the people waiting for you aren't going to expire waiting are they?

    The thing is, no one is indispensable, and the sooner everyone realised that the sooner everyone would be able to take things a bit easier and stop worrying.

    I'd love a motor bike, well a moped or a wee scooter.


  5. At 05:27 PM on 24 Sep 2007, helen wrote:

    sooo glad I don't live anywhere near a city and don't have to travel in to one .... meanwhile stuck behind a tractor !

  6. At 05:35 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Ooh, #1 (but not the special one!) for the first time in 13 months : )...

    ....although, we could have a shuffle and end up elsewhere : )

  7. At 05:46 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    No contest eh Chris?

    The Beatles it is ....

    De x

  8. At 06:04 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Kathryn wrote:

    I once managed to shut the M11 for 4 hours as some idiot hit me and rammed my car up the embankment.
    These days I always say that I'd far rather be behind an accident than in it, and I know i'll get where I'm going eventually.
    Kathryn x

  9. At 06:23 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Chris glad you made it threw the traffic great show. just checked you out on the web cam. ,looking good,take care on the bike
    love Angie x

  10. At 06:27 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Ann-Marie Lawson wrote:

    Hey Chris have just launched radio player on my lap top - not bad for once I didnt need help from my 16 yr old daughter!!! your show always makes me smile and I miss your sense of humour over the weekend!
    Was the pasty tasty?
    love and a kiss
    Ann-Marie x

  11. At 06:35 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Carl in Donny wrote:

    Hi Guys

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and the weather didnt put off too many plans. Mine was relaxing, the red stuff went down a treat.

    Glad we dont have traffic problems as bad as you guys down in London, thats the main reason life up north is more pleasurable.

    Well done Chris in the Radio 2 advert, its just the way I thought it would end. Abolutely brilliant and hillarious. You're a man of many talents, the least of all is making us common folk happier just knowing you're on the radio. When are you back on the Telly? We miss you on a Friday night. Maybe you could go up against Ant n Dec on Saturday nights....here's hoping.

    Enjoy the rest of the week

    Carl in Donny

  12. At 07:08 PM on 24 Sep 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi CLP & fellow bloggers

    I agree Chris, no point getting irrate, won't get you to the front of the queue any quicker!

    I didn't get to see the trailer on TV - thanks for putting it on the website! Your looking good Christope! ;o)

    Gaby - well done on getting the number one spot!

    Clodagh - great gobsmackers the other night. It's so exciting when Chris mentions someone from the blog!

    Have a nice evening all.

    Mary xx

  13. At 07:09 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Gary Byrne wrote:

    Thanks for yesterday Chris, glad you enjoyed the day, I enjoyed it as well. For some reason I cannot see the photo. Remember, build up the experience gradually and most of all enjoy it. Don't be in too much of a hurry. Keep in touch, would like to hear how you progress. Keep the rubber side down.


  14. At 07:14 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Gary Byrne wrote:

    Nice to hear that you had a good time yesterday Chris, I enjoyed it as well. Take your time build up gradually. Would like to hear how you progress. Keep the rubber side down.

    All the best.


  15. At 07:42 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Gary Byrne wrote:

    Nice to hear that you had a good time yesterday, I enjoyed it as well. Thanks for the dedication and mention. Remember to build up gradually, don't be in too much of a hurry. Would be interested to hear how you progress. Keep the rubber side down.

    All the Best.


  16. At 08:00 PM on 24 Sep 2007, wrote:

    O BOO! Can't see the photo!
    Had a great day with the fella yesterday. Didn't get home till late and therefore have felt awful today and I know there is a relapse on its way. I hate that feeling when you know your going to get ill but just can't tell when it will hit!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I got my Mum to record Miss Marpel last night as that lovely Stephen Mangan was in it, Gonna watch it tomorrow hopefully.
    Well my lovelies hope you are well. Will pop on here again before bed! Missy x

  17. At 08:07 PM on 24 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:

    Sorry to see that today turned into a black Monday for so many.

    I left the house this morning after a typically sleepless Sunday night with my head banging, but after passing the jack-knifed lorry that sprayed golf balls all over the M25, and the miles of traffic stuck behind it, I figured my lot wasn't so bad. I just hope no-one was hurt.

    The perfect tonic was to grab my personal DAB and listen to the show whilst walking around Rudgwick in the beatiful evening sunshine. Quite a contrast to the rain this morning, and, indeed, the tornado that my sister drove through on her way back to Farnborough after finishing her shift early this morning.


    Got to get some sleep tonight. I'll try and finish the Pattie Boyd book before checking out Nigella's increasingly alarming 'working mother' routine.

    Be happy all

    Peace & love


    PS Nobody said it was easy

    PPS Good heavens Miss Sakamoto, you're beautiful!

    PPPS Oingo Boingo

  18. At 08:14 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Steve wrote:

    Well there are times when being late can be a life saver !

    When you loose one of your best mates because they were rushing, it makes you think just a bit further rather than thinking about being late !

    Don't rush - it can wait !

  19. At 08:39 PM on 24 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    as a truck driver my best friend is a traffic jam somedays...so i just listen to the radio if the host can get into work on time....

  20. At 09:02 PM on 24 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chritof as a truck driver my only friend is the back of a long line of vehicles.....so i put radio2 on... if the host can get in work on time.....

  21. At 10:15 PM on 24 Sep 2007, Carl in Donny wrote:

    Hi Guys

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and the weather didnt put off too many plans. Mine was relaxing, the red stuff went down a treat.

    Glad we dont have traffic problems as bad as you guys down in London, thats the main reason life up north is more pleasurable.

    Well done Chris in the Radio 2 advert, its just the way I thought it would end. Abolutely brilliant and hillarious. You're a man of many talents, the least of all is making us common folk happier just knowing you're on the radio. When are you back on the Telly? We miss you on a Friday night. Maybe you could go up against Ant n Dec on Saturday nights....here's hoping.

    Enjoy the rest of the week

    Carl in Donny

  22. At 07:31 AM on 25 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Missy, I can't either...I'm just taking it that I can, and imagining some delicious hunk, clad in snug black leather, astride a massive, throbbing machine. So.

    That's me sorted for today

  23. At 07:44 AM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    1. I don't think anyone can see the photo, and I think we are all happy with CLP's lack of technology expertise (or was it Nick's), not to worry about it. It will appear.

    2. I really don't like the Beatles. Sorry.


  24. At 08:21 AM on 25 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    It's alll DAMMMMMMN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. At 08:59 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    You're right CLP, being alive is much better than the alternative.

    HL: I can see your photo too and its yummy.

    Anne x

  26. At 09:42 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Good morning all!!

    (((Hazel))) poppet, hope your Tuesday is better than your Monday seems to have been. Have to say you have brightened up my Tuesday morning by painting a picture of a leather-clad hunk, talking of throbbing, etc etc etc :-)

    Well did anyone see the american HK last night?? Gordon, what have you done to yourself? He's almost turned into a parody of himself - and a bit too personal and mean for my liking. Very disappointing.

    My daughter and I got stuck on the M40 when the floods were happening - I said we'd stop for a loo break in 5 mins when we got to the next service station - 4 hours later we were almost exploding!!!!!!!! And surrounded by lucky blokes who were all just getting out of their cars and happily wee-ing by the side of the road!

    Have a good day mes petits choux
    T xxxxxxxx

  27. At 09:52 AM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love- Thst image will do for me!!!!

  28. At 11:10 AM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Buenos Dias one and all

    Motorbikes .... don't you have to be a hell's angel and have tatoos to drive one of those.
    Well I don't know much about them or football for that matter.

    I think the Beatles would have to win hands down for the Iconic compo. Everyone must be able to hum at least one Beatles song. Whether you had no teeth or still at kindergarten at the time.

  29. At 11:32 AM on 25 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP top Aries operative & ALL Blog dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Managed ter get near me computer atlast.

    CLP dis global warming is getting out of 'and - am tellin' yer!!!!

    I've just been looking at yer picture of the bike test and the lonely X.
    Ter me it looks like it's snowing very 'eavily - in September?
    It's a white out man. It's a wonder yer test weren't cancelled.
    Might be the reason why yer were stuck on the A40 yesterdee - know what am sayin'!!!!!


    PS Chris any chance of playin Static-X and Black And White or Audioslave and White Riot. Both of these beautiful tunes yer just don't 'ear on the ear enough in the area of the TOP40 or R2!

  30. At 03:33 PM on 25 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    YO ALL,

    Bingo Star ere again,

    I see the photo 'as arrived atlast. It was just a blank white box before, hence me joke about it looking like it's snowing - probally too much JPG for the web situation - know what am sayin'!!!

    I tell yer what if I was top bike racer Valatino Rossi or Carl Fogerty that photo would 'ave me quakin, quakin - am TELLIN' yer!!!!!!!!!


  31. At 06:20 PM on 26 Sep 2007, wissie wrote:

    Hi Cwiss

    I have fallen in love with someone who is 20 years younger than me, what shall I do!! ( I am female 50 years old)

    Go for it or not?

  32. At 09:03 PM on 28 Sep 2007, liz Gowen wrote:

    My bearded collie Lucy and I have matching hi-viz waistcoats to wear when we go for walks early or late in the day. We walk along unlit country lanes in Northern Ireland and so are highly visible to cars. Lucy is black and trying to see a black dog free running on a black tarmac road in the dark is nigh impossible so her waistcoat is as much for my use as for car drivers being able to see her!
    There are times however when I wish I had a sign that says 'I am a horse' because cars give horses much more space than they give a pedestrian and a dog!
    Listen every night between 5 and 5.30 on the way home from work - God am I glad I don't live in England we do not have anything like the traffic that you have - 10 cars in a queue is a hassle here! Couldn't live with a 25 mile queue on the M25!!

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