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Chris Evans | 16:42 UK time, Friday, 3 August 2007

So I have a friend who told me the funniest thing last night...

... Tonight she's having a party, now here's the thing.

When she was doing the invites via her text she pressed "send" to the wrong category and invited ten or eleven people by mistake. Now here's what happened next....

The people she didn't mean to invite replied, "all of them," extremely promptly and enthusiastically, no doubt pleasently surprised to be invited in the first place. Then, the people she did mean to invite, replied in dribs and drabs with far less enthusiasm all round.

She's now so pissed off with her "real" mates she doesn't care if they turn up or not and is very much looking forward to taking casual friendships a step further with the mistakenly invited mob.

Isn't life a unpredictable lorry load of I don't know what ?

Now whatever you are up to this w/end, I sincerely wish you all the best.

There's one little caveat I've left out of the above tale. I am going to the afore mentioned party but I've just realised I have no idea which category I was in ! Ah, what the heck....

CLP 2007



  1. At 05:04 PM on 03 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    don t worry what list your on just be glad you ll be there...am going hill walking over the weekend ..have a nice one and all..

  2. At 05:11 PM on 03 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    don t worry what list your on just be glad you ll be there...am going hill walking over the weekend ..have a nice one and all..

  3. At 05:13 PM on 03 Aug 2007, elmlea wrote:

    its friday and sunny

    Have a good weekend - I will be leaving work at 5:30 in accordance with my proper hours and then fun fun fun all the way!

    Elm x

    Big smiles to the sun! :-)

    PS if anyone gets on the all request radio show - Mr Blue Sky by ELO is my fav song ever and so appropiate!

  4. At 05:15 PM on 03 Aug 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Mr E - I think the answer is in how You replied.
    Good week to all.

  5. At 05:32 PM on 03 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog operatives,

    Bingo star ere.

    VERY funny blog terday Christoof!!!!

    You've been taking Wrightie's yellow only humour smarties again.

    Seriously though... hope you 'ave a glreat time at the party.


  6. At 05:43 PM on 03 Aug 2007, Adam wrote:

    What an elicitation.

  7. At 05:52 PM on 03 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Do you know the same thing happened to me. I text everyone asking them to my drinks thing and the people who i really didnt think would reply have and the ones i call my friends i haven't heard from! How rude.

    Now talking to my friend on the net (the one i moaned about yesterday) and she still hasn't once asked how i am. just babbling on about her new man!!! I am not jealous just a bit p*d off!

  8. At 06:10 PM on 03 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Have a great weekend all! Sorry, but been v v v busy today.

    Catch you all Monday.

    S xx.

    P.S. Be good!

    P.P.S But if you can't be good, make sure you REALLY enjoy yourself!!

  9. At 07:24 PM on 03 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Can I ask why was everyone talking about Crocs yesterday. I have a pair so can I join the group! Speaking of those shoes, does anyone else's squeak?! Mine didnt at first but now they drive me up the wall!

  10. At 07:55 PM on 03 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    For a couple of days only, I am in da club.

    Beautiful weather. Check.

    Beautiful wife. Check.

    House in the country. Check.

    Flash sports convertible in the drive. Check. OK, I know it's not mine, but I can pretend.

    Pal's birthday celebrations tomorrow and the aforementioned Cranleigh Show on Sunday. All delightfully interspersed with sessions at the gym and lunch at The M.

    Oh. My. God. What a weekend!

    I truly hope that you all have a top weekend of high jinks or much needed chill out time, or, indeed, a special blend of the two.

    Whatever you so desire.

    Peace & love


    PS Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun

    PPS I got my first real six-string

    PPPS Looking in my mirror, not a jacker in sight

  11. At 09:25 PM on 03 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Do you know a weird thing happened to me like that, but it was impossible situation.

    The office I worked at there were maybe 12 of us in one office, and 16 round the corner in the sister office, and one of the chaps was getting married! Everyone in the office got an invite except me. To say I was mortified was putting it mildly, I knew his wife to be wasn't keen on me, but I really didn't think she would ignore me completely.

    When askedm I told those closest around me that I wasn't going because I hadn't been invited and asked that they didn't say anything to my mate (the chappy), however one of them thought it was so stinking that they did say so, and he came to see me all apologectic saying that his "wife to be " had simply forgotten me, and here was my newly written invite. O MG _ I didn't know where to look.

    Suffice to say, I didn't go. I didn't know whether she had "forgotten" me, or whether neither of them really wanted me there, so it was easier just to avoid it!



    PS - Nunk Moved from Intensive Care, and Onto Ward! Fingers, Legs and All Bits Crossed!

  12. At 08:25 AM on 04 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    Rain again in Northshire - eargh. DWNB what a pickle I think you did the right thing by not going. I would have been mortified. Weddings and folks from work are always difficult - you are ranked as to whether you are invited to the ceremony or just the evening do.

    Have a good weekend one and all - I've got a week off work!!

    Mange tout

  13. At 09:40 AM on 04 Aug 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hurrah!! It's today at last.

    Prince, my friend ... here I come!

    CtD x x

  14. At 11:00 AM on 04 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Just seen the re-run of your Saturday Kitchen performance, Chris - just as good though somehow, James didn't seem so - uncomfortable. Perhaps it was my memory?

  15. At 12:45 PM on 04 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD - hope you have a great time tonight, me and a friend are off to see him on the 18th, can't wait. Can you post a review for me?

    Love Deb x

  16. At 03:11 PM on 04 Aug 2007, Lesley wrote:

    Also seen the Saturday kitchen re-run - Can I say that you delegated the crappy kitchen duties beautifully (almost as good as that chef on a few weeks ago - Allegra - scary lady!) - it was so funny. Nice to see that James is a normal messy guy - you are a bit naughty showing off his messyness.

  17. At 08:28 PM on 04 Aug 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Hi all - haven't blogged for ages, as been very down in the dumps and didn't want to depress anyone. In a nutshell, two people close to me have recently died suddenly, and a close relative is going through a very messy split with her very horrible husband, so pretty peed off all round. Feeling a bit brighter now, so thought I'd say hi. Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine - about time too I say. Everyone seems so much nicer when the sun's out. Anyway, have a super rest of the weekend and hope to contribute more regularly in future.
    Love & huggles to all,
    Catbird xx

  18. At 09:30 PM on 04 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi I'm back!! Been in Devon for a fortnight, but back in sunny Norfolk now. It's nice that you Norfolk guys noticed I was missing, Will contribute again when I have more time,

    Em xx

  19. At 05:14 PM on 05 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Just to say sorry to CLP and fellow bloggers re some of my comments in the past. I`ve got a few issues going on in my life and I know it`s not fair to take it out on others.

    m xxx

  20. At 05:17 PM on 05 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I am always hiding under the table at parties one and all.

    I have just returned from a party in Manchester which I did not really want to go to in the first place. This is due to a 5am departure on my promo tour to Spain tommorrow.

    Anyway, Manchester weather sucked and what have they done to it? It's looking more like Chicago these days. However the pavements could do with a wash. My old office is now a book shop. They even have a sailing club on Salford Quays!!!

    So it was the typical "Family Do". Real Peter Kay Style. Balloons on the tables and the DJ in the corner. Sausage rolls and chicken drum sticks.

    Glad to be home fo a few hours


  21. At 08:31 AM on 06 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    What a weekend.

    For a fleeting moment it was like summer had really arrived.

    Thanks for stopping by to say hello yesterday. Mrs MfR was dead chuffed to meet you. Lunch was top notch, by the way.

    Off to finalise some numbers now.

    Back to the real world. With a bang.

    Peace & love


    PS You're out of your depth son, have a word.

  22. At 08:39 AM on 06 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi again,

    You are so right Chris, I often think I get on better with some of the mere acquaintances I know than people who are supposed to be my real friends. I have written on here before about a certain friend who makes me feel absolutely terrible with her snide remarks, I have come back from my holiday full of energy and ready to deal with any criticism! Maybe we should all think about swapping our friends for our acquaintances and see how we get on!

    Em xx

  23. At 08:46 AM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Another Monday. Christophe, I hope the party was suitably fun filled! Did your 'friend' make more of an effort with you, or just leave you to get on with it? Keep you guessing eh?

    Well, mine and the Badger's weekend was suitably fun filled. As was the whole of the fair city of B&HA. Oho some sights to behold indeed...but my FAVOURITE bit of the weekend (quite apart from the WHOLE of the Ghost Hunt (hallo from the other side) (other hunts available) which was absolutely superb from s to f) was looking out of the window to see who was walking past underneath a 6ft hat of feathers (not Clodagh in case you were wondering) and seeing the Cub Scouts (who were having a picnic under the trees just opposite) just staring open mouthed, at the two incredibly attired Drag Queens who were tripping gayly(sic) up the road...they looked amazing, and the Cubs just looked amazed.

    A sight for sore eyes - definitely if you stared too long - and visions in dayglo pink, orange and yellow - and the Drag Queens didn't look too bad either...

    On another note, my boss is getting married (this is the lovely boss by the way) and everyone has been invited except me. So. There we go. I don't even know the date for sure. But they are all being terribly discreet and not discussing it when they think I can't hear. I appreciate that I haven't known him for years like the others have, but all the same...anyway, I guess if the Badger and I did go, he wouldn't know anyone, and we'd end up just talking about work all night...so...

    Perhaps boss is worried that I'll come up with a just cause or impediment...or that I'll get hideously drunk and be ill on a bridesmaid...


    dee da da daaaaaaaaaa

    ps The Tea Caddie is on back order at Arg9s (other catalogue shops available) and should be in stock by Feb08. They didn't specify morning or afternoon though.

    pps IBR now saves caterpillars. Not like stamps, but from people treading on them.

  24. At 09:08 AM on 06 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Alwight..... errr I've got meself inter a big mess blog friends - am tellin yer!!

    Just lately me shares 'ave been more volatile than the mother in law, more up and down than George W's yo-yo - know what am sayin'!!

    So on Tuesday I rang, rung, no rang me stockbroker.
    I said 'ello Mr B. Star ere. I'd like ter sell me shares. So the deal was dealt aswell as the blow ter the nerves.
    I said ter me broker all sold... great... err take care. Bye, bye and that was the deal done blog friends.
    ONLY problem blog friends & Chris i've 'ad a letter this morning. Yes..... A LETTER.
    The letter says a load of funds are outstanding for the shares I bought on Tuesday. Please settle me account asap. I didn't buy any... what thee on about!!!!!
    So I rung, sorry rang me broker to complain.
    Me broker said that after selling I bought twice. It turned out when I said BYE, BYE.... me stock dude thought I mean't BUY, BUY!!!!
    So 'e BOUGHT, BOUGHT!!!!!!!!!

    I can't take this STRESS anymore blog friends!!!

    Christoof any chance of playing Consumed and their spiffa of a tune Bye, Bye Fatman or Lostprophets and Hello Again.
    Me profits are lost - aaaaah damn stress!!!!!!

  25. At 09:25 AM on 06 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I didn't get the chance to comment on Friday. Hope you had a good time at the party! Surely you were on the "preferred" list!

    As for not being not being invited to parties/weddings/etc - I think it is the absolute pits to invite everyone else in the office, but leave one person out. However, it happens in our office all the time. The three directors are friends, but the staff (FOUR of us!) do not receive invitations to any parties. I take the view it's THEIR problem and actually I really pity them for being so pathetic.

    Hey Ho - have a good day one and all!

    C xx

    P.S. Catbird - no wonder you have been away for a while - sometimes life can be very tough.
    Welcome back!

  26. At 09:33 AM on 06 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Oh Bottom.

    Monday gremlins are out and about.

    Just written about my wonderful weekend in Norfolk and lost the lot!

    It may turn up unfinished, if so, apols! The upshot (if it doesn't), is that I had a great weekend, saw some sights (not as pleasant as yours though HL) and really, really must stay home tonight, as I've only slept at home once since I got back from hols last Wednesday - oo-er - dirty stop out!

    Kids are having a great time, but will more than likely return this weekend (subject to flight availability), which will be nice, as when I am home, the house is really, really quiet.

    Anyhoo, the sun is shining, e-mails are stacking up so I really must do some work.

    Have a great day everyone,

    S xx.

    P.S. CtD - hope you had a great night with Prince/The Artist Formerly Known as/Squiggle/Symbol/Prince.

  27. At 09:38 AM on 06 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    HL - forgot to say....

    How awful that you've been left out. Extremely bad form on your bosses part, I have to say.

    I'd love you to be at any of my parties - you'd be such fun!

    Ah - that's it - perhaps you will outshine the bride!!!

    S xx.

    P.S. Take the high ground.

    P.P.S Weddings are sooooooooo last year!

  28. At 11:42 AM on 06 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi there,

    I've only just got to work so haven't had a chance to catch up on posts, I'll have a read lunchtime. I'm so late because my dog died this morning.

    3.30am she made a horrible noise, went downstairs and she obviously wasn't very well. She died in the back of the car before we got to the vets. Poor Milly, I shall miss her soo much.

    Little'un doesn't understand and thinks that the vet can give her an injection to make her better. If only.

    Must do some work now though, although my eyes are so red and sore it's going to be a long day.

    Bye for now

    Deb x

  29. At 11:54 AM on 06 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Oh Debbie - my heart goes out to you. I hope you can take some small comfort in the fact that Milly went very quickly, no long term illness, and she had a fantastic life with you up to that point. My best wishes to you and your family,


  30. At 12:16 PM on 06 Aug 2007, oysters wrote:

    Gosh, an emotional roller coaster reading the blog this morning; on a slightly lighter note I took part in a carnival on Saturday, we had a 'Beat the Stigma' float, lots of folk dressed up as famous people who have suffered with mental health problems. The reception was fantastic, restored my faith in human-kind; doesn't help too much with feeling left out or losing a precious pet, but if you need a smile just imagine our 6 foot tall chaplin dressed as Nijinsky (is that how you spell it?) the ballet dancer!! Great laugh and raised a lot of money for a good cause.

  31. At 12:22 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    (Debbie) - my heart goes out to you. We lost our 22 month old dog just before Christmas to a very quick cancer, it was heart breaking and to be honest I still have moments when I have a little cry.

    We got a new dog in February and while she is lovely in her own right she doesn't fill the gap that Charley left in my heart and I doubt she will.

    Be reassured that Milly is now frolicking in fields with all of her doggy pals and that her passing, while quick and unexpected was probably pain free.

    Much love to you and your little one who probably doesn't understand at all...

    :o) Jo

  32. At 01:37 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Sammie, thank you for the compliment. However I'm sure that due to my shy and retiring manner I would in no way ever outshine anyone and neither would I wish to. I am but a quiet alpine flower, nestling close to the perilous peaks and just popping my head out to say 'hallo' should a certain gentleman Jack pass by...

    Honestly. A flower. Shy.

    and retiring

    Debbie, so sorry. Anyone who has lost a pet understands how you are feeling, but it must be so hard to help children to understand. Hope the little'un gets there in the end, and lots of love to you and thoughts to Milly

  33. At 01:48 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Debbie - so sorry sweetie. It's really difficult dealing with the death of a much loved family pet, without having to try to explain it all to a little 'un.


    S xx.

  34. At 01:49 PM on 06 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Debbie - so sorry to hear your news today. It must be devastating to lose Milly. I'm sure you will help your wee boy understand, but it's difficult for someone so young. Thinking of you.

    C xx

  35. At 02:12 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Grrrrrrrr. I took AGES typing to you all about how good Prince was and it's not appeared yet - looks like I've been BP'd.

    Cannot understand why, as there was nowt dodgy in my scribblings.

    Prince was fantastic.

    Hope this gets thru the net.

    CtD x x x

  36. At 02:25 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning one and all (well it's morning for me!)

    I'm a tad fatigued today as I've worked 5 out of the last 6 nights, Saturday being the only exception but got rather unsteady on me feet thro' the various American bottled bieres available at bosses barbque. Back on days tomorrow so all upside down inside out at the mo'.....the coffee will help me thro' it.

    I have actually turned friends and acqs around theis past 12-18 months. I wrote on here about my best friend of 26 years treating me like **** a while back. I seem to have changed my whole circle around and now have some great friends that me and MrsW spend time with and it's great. My 'old' close friends wil never go away but life changes and we rol with the punches.

    V quick knee update - after the physio being so positive I have damaged it again a bit after an 'incident' on Friday night involving a very drunk and aggresive male and a pavement! Fingers crossed tho as despite the bruising, the swelling has gone now (ooh err missus!) and I can bend it again. Don't ya just love night shifts in a city centre???

    Great blogging everyomne, MfR me and MRsW are off to the M soon, hope CLP is there as it'll make the weekend.

    Toodle pip


  37. At 02:33 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Thank you for all the kind words and thoughts. I was very moved when I read your messages.

    Milly was a beautiful dog, so gentle. We got a new bunny recently and she would just stand in front of the hutch wagging her tail at it for ages.

    We have taken her to a pet cemetary where we will say goodbye to her in private Wednesday morning and then bring her home later that day.

    I believe that it's very good for children to have pets for all sorts of reasons. This is the first time Little'un has lost a pet so it will be hard but he will get there.

    Now our other dog, that is something different altogther. Once Milly passed away, she howled and cried all night. She seems ok today, enjoying the fuss etc. but tonight when we go to bed I suspect she will cry again.

    Deb x

  38. At 02:48 PM on 06 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    {{hugs}} awww Debbie so sorry to read your news - all the best.

    HL keep taking the mick

    Gingembre - good luck with the physio

    Just caught up with all the blogs from Friday - exhausting reading them.

    I've been really busy too and this weekend coming already looks like a nightmare - quick drive to top of Somerset Friday night, 4am wake up call Saturday as its the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Bristol and I'm hoping the weather will be okay for an early morning launch of 100+ balloons then mooch around until the evening launch, nightglow and fireworks then leave at 11pm drop off friends and family - drive back to Dorset for RNLI open day Sunday and the crew are BBQing afterwards.

    Good luck to everyone this week no matter what you are doing or where you end up.


  39. At 03:13 PM on 06 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I'm sooooooooooooooo hacked orf that my Prince writing got BP'd.

    Thanks for nowt, BP!!!


  40. At 07:46 PM on 10 Aug 2007, anne hancocks wrote:

    who is the 'girl on the sofa'....whoever she is we wish you both the very best for happiness and wharever cliche you can think of you truly deserve it....whoops too much winexxxxxx

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