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Chris Evans | 16:38 UK time, Friday, 10 August 2007

Staggy last night and guess what...

...had one of the best nights out.

A total surprise... cab from the studio down to the river, six of the finest men a man could wish to call friends were waiting aboard our very own water limou.

Inside, bottom deck, our very own bar, barmaid, crispies, nuts cold drinks, unbelievable and then once under way it was up to the top deck for an open air view of london at it's best with a blinding sun set thrown in.

We pootled along and eneded up at a brilliant pub where Nigie B. had sorted out a gastro treat in the private dining room where Nelson used to take his tiffin. A truly splendid affair.

The wine flowed, the food kept coming, the conversation dipped and whipped and we all found ourselves enlightened by a stag do with a difference, none of us, not a single one got....drunk.

I used to think the fact that it was a Tuesday was enough reason to have a party and now look at me, waking up the morning of my own staggie ready to rock and roll with the best fo them.

This morning i did a load of stuff at home, then i jumped on the train, nipped in for a hair cut and went to the gym, now I'm here in work and all set for another blast of an all request FRIDAY. Life is so much better this way.

Lucky boy.

I'll see you all in a week.

I'm off to marry The Girl on the Sofa.... Yes !

CLP 2007.



  1. At 05:01 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Yey :0)

    Glad you had such a fab time, hope you have a perfect day tomoz, the only down side for us is another week with out Christoph!

    Oh How exciting!!

  2. At 05:02 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Carl from Donny wrote:

    Wow Chris

    You have turned the corner to responsible life......hope you dont become too responsible, we love you just the way you are. Glad you had a thoroughly good time, sounds great.

    Will raise a glass to you and Mrs E tomorrow along with everyone else here. You deserve to be happy and we can see you are. Enjoy.

    Be Good

    Congrats again

    Carl from Donny

  3. At 05:05 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Massive congratulations Christoff!


  4. At 05:06 PM on 10 Aug 2007, steven wrote:

    dear chris and lady on the sofa

    i hope you have a great day tomorrow and for ever

    all the best

  5. At 05:06 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Darren wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    I hope you and Natasha have a wonderful day and a beautiful honeymoon.

    I am sending you all the best may you have a wonderful and prosperous life together.

    All the best Christopher.

  6. At 05:08 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    What a lovely post you have just written. : )

    What a lovely evening you had...... and now.... how exciting for you and the GOTS : )



    ps really loving your work

  7. At 05:09 PM on 10 Aug 2007, elm wrote:

    Happy firtag everyone

    Got some great news at work today and its the weekend - could life get much better?

    Off to have a sunny weekend withb the family - its a special anniversary for my Grandparents so all to my parents to celebrate on Sunday - pray for good weather!

    Have a good one everyone!

    Elm X

  8. At 05:10 PM on 10 Aug 2007, martin j wrote:

    What, no roarcus, drunken, naked, debauchery! So it was in fact a nice evening out.

    Day 14, going strong. But heading back to flat on Monday, that could be a challenge!

    m xxx

  9. At 05:11 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Wel done, well done, my old son!!

    Robert Frost on marraige;
    "Cannot be parted or swept away, from one another once you are agreed. That life is only life forevermore, together wing to wing and oar to oar"

    Congrats congrats to you and ' Tash, I wish you both well . .

    Best wishes,
    Dan in Belfast.

  10. At 05:13 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Jenny wrote:

    Have a fabulous day tomorrow Chris and enjoy your honeymoon with the gorgeous soon to be Mrs E. Look forward to your return in a week.
    Lots of Love

  11. At 05:21 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Rusty wrote:

    Sounds like an excellent evening Chris.
    Congrats and good luck for the upcoming nuptials. Look after Capt Young, he needs introducing to someone lovely methinks ;-)


  12. At 05:24 PM on 10 Aug 2007, elaine wrote:

    Well done CLP!

    so pleased for you and the G O T S! About time too, have a good one and all the very best for the future to you both!!


  13. At 05:24 PM on 10 Aug 2007, flo wrote:

    Good luck and best wishes to you and the girl on the sofa. I am so happy for you both.

    Be happy, thats all that matters.

    Love always Flo xx

  14. At 05:25 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Congratulations on the perfect stag night and best of luck for the big day.

    Have a great time and we look forward to you and the team's return to our radios!

  15. At 05:29 PM on 10 Aug 2007, flo wrote:

    Good luck and best wishes to you and the girl on the sofa. I am so happy for you both.

    Be happy, thats all that matters.

    Love always Flo xx

  16. At 05:36 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Carl from Donny wrote:

    Hi Everyone

    Glad to hear you had a great night Chris, sounds a perfect evening on the river. Will definately join the other bloggers raising a glass to you and Natasha at 2:45 tomorrow.

    Off camping for the week.

    All the best Chris

    Be good


  17. At 05:36 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Sounds absolutely ace.

    Once again CLP, my very best wishes for tomorrow.

    Despite the fact I'll be #1 pageboy dressed in the appropriate sailors suit, I'll be hiding behind HL and co in their green taffeta and satin frocks as I'm camera shy.

    have a great day

    love & xxx's to you both


  18. At 05:37 PM on 10 Aug 2007, M wrote:

    Hi Chris, how i smiled when i read todays blog. times like that are just so good,
    just think from now on you have that special someone to do it all with. Lifes good innit!

    To marriage!

    M xx

  19. At 05:38 PM on 10 Aug 2007, kazzy wrote:

    Hi Christophe-lammety-pie

    Congratulations to you and your new
    wife to be.


  20. At 05:46 PM on 10 Aug 2007, M wrote:

    Modern technology wonderful thing. Here i am sat in a hotel garden in Yorkshire. have long glass of favoerite tipple, sun shining, have laptop, catching up with the office ,logged on listening and blogging you, how fab! as for the web cam my mate who lives 200 miles away is only a click away. Awsome.

    M xx

    Being cheeky now and a test to see how live this is any chance of hey big girls you are beautiful!

    Your getting married your getting married! I wish you the life i have with him indoors!

    Good luck

  21. At 06:05 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wendy prendergast wrote:

    Good luck on the big day & for the future. It is so nice to see you have found happiness & appreciate life so much. Keep up the good work: in life & love xxx

  22. At 06:15 PM on 10 Aug 2007, AnnieMac wrote:

    CLP - here's more good wishes to you and Mrs CLPtb, have a wonderful day tomorrow, enjoy your honeymoon and may all your days be as sunny as today!

    As a longtime 'lurker' I just had to post today: you get married tomorrow and it's lovely to hear how excited you are, the sun's shining in these parts (other weather patterns are available), there's such a good vibe from the bloggers and to top it off, I've got 2 weeks off work - yippee!! Not going away, but have lots of days out planned with friends and family.

    Here's to a lovely weekend for one and all, I'm off out soon for a meal with friends and their kids in Banstead - watch out for a silver Golf on Fir Tree Road around 6.30...

    AnnieMac (rhymes with D*nnimac)

  23. At 06:21 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Sean M wrote:

    3 cheers for Mr. and the soon to be Mrs. Evans!

    you truely are an inspiration.

    good luck.

  24. At 06:24 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:


    Despite my rather cynical comments of the last day or so, sincere good luck and have a fab day tomorrow. I hope it is spectacular and the 'worst' day of your married life - ie the rest are even better. Load of love

    Mwa to you both.

    Mange tout et bon chance!

  25. At 06:25 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Phew - what a day I've had. Just got home, Mr Diva is putting together a quick spag bol then its off round to ma-in-laws for birthday cake.

    The company ho-down is almost upon us and I've been making jelly (fro trifles), cutting up orange, cucumber, strawbs etc (for pimms), been shopping for gateux and stuff - exhausted!

    Big day tomorrow and its due to be HOT HOT HOT.

    I just made Mr Diva read today's blog entry and now we're both smiling from ear to ear - wonderful writing!

    Good luck CLP and Natasha.

    Love, peace and do-se-do!

    CtD x x x

  26. At 06:29 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Cate wrote:

    Have a fantastic day, all the very best for tomorrow and all the years you have ahead of you!!!!

  27. At 06:31 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Jackie wrote:

    Best wishes to you both!

  28. At 06:47 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    good luck for your big day chris. We love your show. Chris sarah and annie glynn on the way to grandpas

  29. At 06:52 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    good luck for your big day chris. We love your show. Chris sarah and annie glynn on the way to grandpas

  30. At 06:57 PM on 10 Aug 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Love and laughter to you both.

    May the sun shine.... :) xx

    De Sm x

  31. At 07:08 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    mj - be strong mate

    You've been on top form these past few days
    - long may it continue

    I am rooting for you and wish you all the very best


  32. At 07:27 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Chris, You seem so grounded right now, and yet so blissfully happy!

    Never mind the soon to be Mr & Mrs Evans, you will shortly become Mr Girl on the Sofa!

    My very best wishes for your future happiness! Have a Gr-r-r-r-r-eat weekend, a fantastic day!

    And remember when all is said and done you are who you are, she is who she is, and the pair of you are greater than the sum of the two parts!

    DD out

    PS Going to the chapel!

  33. At 07:52 PM on 10 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    As I had come to the conclusion that the whole world was conspiring to make my daily commute a nightmare I decided to make a head start and I left at 4.30.

    2 1/2 hours. 2 1/2 blimmin' hours.

    Oh well. At least I'm here, safe and sound in Rudgwick. With beer in hand.

    I wanted to wish both of you the best for tomorrow (again), but firstly, two things:

    You've never sent an email? Jeez. I get (and send) about 50 of the damn things a day!

    Secondly, and way more importantly.

    Will someone please grab Gary Rhodes by the ears and throw him in the Ganges.

    I don't know if you've seen this programme, but he went to India with the sole purpose of patronising, insulting and speaking over every chef in the country. He turns up purporting to 'learn' and then does everything his way, almost mocking the experts who have been cooking the stuff since God was a boy.

    Go back to your yorkies and bread & butter pudding, spikey boy.

    Rant over.

    Have a great day tomorrow, C&N, and a wonderful weekend all.

    Much love & peace


    PS Hanging Gardens of Basildon

    PPS I Travel in Biscuits

    PPPS Limbo Baby Limbo

  34. At 07:55 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Ali Hayes wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Wishing you both all the best (from Godalming) for tomorrow - love the show! Still trying to work out "Me one, me one, me one...... Me two, me two, me two....." from Powerstation days when I Autoscripted you! What did it mean? (I feel enough time has passed, so that I may ask!) Have a good one! x

  35. At 08:01 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Stephanie wrote:

    Sounds like a great night!

    Wishing you and your "wife to be" have a wonderful wedding day and a marriage full of love, laughter and happiness.

    All the best!


  36. At 08:14 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Lovely blogging CLP, gives you a warm glow and all that ......

    Be thinking of you tomorrow, very happy for you and The Girl on the Sofa. I love a happy ending!
    Congratulations again, and all the very best for the future.

    Bad side is, going to miss you for the next week! x

    Hope everyone has a good weekend, I have the Mother-In-Law round for lunch on Sunday wish me luck.

    Deb x

  37. At 08:21 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Oh yes, martin james - you have done so well, you'll be fine. There are lovely, lovely people here that will support you if you need a little help. Sending you very best wishes, hope that you have a good weekend.

    Love Deb x x

  38. At 09:06 PM on 10 Aug 2007, sharon wrote:




  39. At 09:20 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Tess wrote:

    Dear Christophe
    I'm an intermittent listener -soooo glad I listened today and learned of your forthcoming nuptials. We did it 40 years ago....and I'm telling you 2047 will come round very quickly and I wish you both every happiness for every year

  40. At 09:32 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Day 14 and doing brilliantly - in a week's time, you will be able to say "Day 21........"...keep going our friend, you owe it to yourself not to undo all the wonderful, brilliant work you have done.


  41. At 09:48 PM on 10 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    have a great day ....the both of you

  42. At 10:23 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Right are we all ready for a little sing song!

    Chris is gettin' married in the morning,
    Ding Dong the bells are gonna chime,
    Pull up the wooper(is that right?),
    Lets have a whopper,
    So get Chris to the church on time!!!

    Have a just wonderful day I am just over the moon for both of you we all are. Have a wonderful week as well. We are gonna keep the comments going aren't we guys and girls?!

    Now gonna put some birthday photos on my blog! So check it out, happy weekend, missy xxx

  43. At 10:38 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Di wrote:

    congratulations . Have a fab day.

  44. At 10:44 PM on 10 Aug 2007, Di wrote:

    congratulations . Have a fab day.

  45. At 11:10 PM on 10 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Just reading comments from the last two days. Will definatly be having a drink at 2:30 tomorrow.

    Thank you also for my birthday messages, it was lovely reading them. My cousins were great and we had a wonderful time.

    All the Norfolk bloggers, next year we all will meet up if not before, we still haven't had our Mambo Jambo meal! In other news I have decided to stop flirting with one of my 3 blokes. People who are reading this who don't know what I'm talking about you will have to go to previous posts to catch up. Its the one I invited to my drinks thing. He's great but he's too flirty with every woman in Norfolk. Just a shame he's so goodlooking. Also shouldn't be too greedy should I.

    Well I must go and sleep, still recovering! Love to you all xx

  46. At 03:27 AM on 11 Aug 2007, wrote:

    That sounds like a great stag night- glad you enjoyed yourself.

    I wish you and Natasha all the best for tomorrow.

  47. At 04:47 AM on 11 Aug 2007, Athame wrote:

    Wishing you and Natasha all the best for the big day!

    Athame XX

  48. At 07:06 AM on 11 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Wow - you really are becoming very thoughtful about the consequences of your actions, aren't you?

    I wish you and The Girl from the Sofa the very best of luck and hope you have a great day today.

    Look forward to hearing from you in a week or so,

    S xx.

  49. At 07:29 AM on 11 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe Lambie Pie.

    Many, many congratulations to you and the lovely Natasha. May you always be as happy as you are today and you have my very best fond wishes for your future together.

    I'm ragin' I couldn't listen in this week to what I'm sure has been a blast of a show but sure, if that's me life's biggest sacrifice I'm a happy woman indeed.

    Bottoms up and here's to you.

    Loads of love to you both.


  50. At 09:30 AM on 11 Aug 2007, wrote:


    my very very best love and wishes to you and TGOTS.

    When it's right, it is so right. being married to my Si is the BEST thing in the world. I go to bed with him at night and wake up beside him in the morning. My best friend, my love, and my husband. I hope that for you TGOTS is The One.

    If you listen to 'I wanna Grow Old with you' by Adam Sandler (from the Wedding Singer) and nod in agreement, you've found "The One". Failing that, tears welling up to 'Lets Get married', by the Proclaimers and your defo there.

    All the Best.

    DWNB (with tears welling up)

  51. At 12:57 PM on 11 Aug 2007, Brammers wrote:

    good luck to you CLP and the future Mrs E, have a fab day and a wonderful future.

    lots of love, luck and happiness to you both. look forward to your return though.

    fantastic show and a big yes! for the 'Ev-fest'

    Bram xx

  52. At 03:38 PM on 11 Aug 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Congrats Christoff and Girl on the Sofa. So pleased for you both! Have a wonderful wedding and continued love and happiness.
    Catbird xxx

  53. At 04:22 PM on 11 Aug 2007, Amanda alewijnse wrote:

    Hi all Bloggers and Chris

    Chris you were already married to the girl on the sofa by the time my girls and I had finished breakfast-a late breakie seeing as it is the weekend.Alsomy hubbie has been working back in the UK for 2 months and I find it difficult to go to bed without him so I been falling asleep in front of the TV and going to bed at about 1am.He is flying in to Detroit on Wednesday and will find it hard to keep from ripping his clothes off!
    We listen to the show everyday,it starts at2pm here,and my youngest,Rebecca whose 9,sings along to 'beat the buzzby'.She loves it .

    We are all moving back to the UK on the 22nd.

    Have a great honeymoon Chris,I never had one and I am still waiting 20 years on.I will miss your show which has kept me going,as well as the rest of radio 2,for these 2 years that we have lived in Northville,Michigan.

    P.S. My husband has missed our 20th anniversay,daughter Sarah 12th birthdayand my operation.

    P.S.S.I can't wait to be home

  54. At 11:40 AM on 12 Aug 2007, Jan Anderson wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Hope the big day went well - the sun certainly shone on you and the girl on the sofa.

    You bring such joy to all of us I really hope this is the beginning of a really happy life for the two of you.

    Have a wonderful week off and tell us all about it when you return !!!!

    lily lupin x

  55. At 10:11 PM on 12 Aug 2007, v_p wrote:


    hope you had a grand day and are happy for always. i love the blog and love the show more. you make my journey home a happy place and it gets better the happier you quite obviously get.

    a glass is raised to you and the girl on the sofa. we have enjoyed your love.

    come home happy


  56. At 08:48 AM on 13 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Well, chaps, it all went swimmingly well. Natasha looked even more stunning in her outfit, than even the designer could picture, and her dress was adorable. Christophe was smiling so hard it looked as thought the top of his head was gonna fall off...the service was sublime, everyone singing their hearts out, and when we came out out of the church, everyone in the village had gathered to throw orange blossom and good wishes at the newly wedded VERY happy couple. Mrs E was as proud as you like and couldn't believe how shell-shocked her baby boy was. She hadn't seen him like that since he was about seven years old, and he had his first ride on a train.

    It was an incomparable day. Everyone looked on in wonderment as Chris and his wife were surrounded by love and they almost seemed floating and ethereal with the happiness glowing between them.

    None of us bridesmaids disgraced ourselves, although there was one iffy moment when one of the lambs started munching on the flowers on my hoop, but CtD fielded him rather well, almost as though she indeed were a little shepherdess. Of course Tinsel, Missy, Jillygoat et al looked resplendent, and Gingembre, the purple on you, just incredible...whereas Dissing Dave, you really should wear a kilt more often, but maybe perhaps one that is a little bit longer....


    That was a good dream.

    In akshull fact, at 2.45pm on Saturday, I was sitting in the sun on Brighton beach (other beaches available, but none about 30secs from my house) with a big bottle of generic coke, and as a salute, I raised my bottle across the Channel (in the vague direction of Portugal, other directions are available) and cried a big 'CHEERS AND CONGRATULATIONS!' to CLP and GOTS.

    I hope it got there ok

    ...and now I've though of toasting, I'm hungry...

  57. At 09:05 AM on 13 Aug 2007, Bren wrote:

    Congratulations Chris - I hope the wedding went well. Let's hope The Girl On The Sofa is never the girl on the sofa again!


  58. At 09:42 AM on 13 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Good morning lovelies!! Hazel, are you sure you weren't there? Cos DD's kilt, I'm telling you - left NOTHING to the imagination!!

    Oh I'm back, woo hoo. Missed y'all. Had a good week off and lots of sunshine down on the South coast, and now sitting at my desk looking at a pile of post (other piles are available but some may be more unpleasant than others) wondering where to start ...?????

    Happy Monday guys!


  59. At 11:30 AM on 13 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning chaps!!

    I had a dream last night about CLP!

    He was very, very happy and I asked him why he hadn't gone away for a honeymoon and he said it was because they just wanted to chill out in their love nest! How sweet!!!

    Great weekend again. My kids came back Saturday morning, so we had a lovely reunion at the airport! I did miss them. The house is now very noisy and messy!

    V busy at work, as usual. So best get to it.

    Hope you all had lovely weekends and I'll drop by later.

    S xx.

  60. At 11:32 AM on 13 Aug 2007, susan wrote:

    Hello everyone, Happy Monday!

    Chris, I'm afraid that I haven't been listening to you so much lately - been doing the Park and Ride to work to try and save the environment and, despite me asking, they won't play your show on the bus radio :-( But on Friday, I had a two hour drive after work so caught most of your show - and what wonderful news! Haven't blogged in ages, but was inspired to after your lovely news. You really were on top form on Friday - had me giggling along and singing at the top of my voice down the A12!

    Congratulations to you and the GOTS - all the very best of love and luck to you.

  61. At 11:48 AM on 13 Aug 2007, wrote:


    Hope the wedding went swimmingly.

    Look forward to hearing about the Big Day on your return.

    Jan x

  62. At 01:36 PM on 13 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Happy Monday everyone!

    There's a real feel-good factor on here today - lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it!!

    HL - glad that I managed to save the day in your dream. I probably saw the errant runaway sheep roasted with a huge bowl of mint sauce and didn't like to let it get away!

    Well, the ho-down went really well, thank goodness! Everyone had a lovely time and quite a few people actually made an effort viv a vis costumes, which was good.

    I avoided the buckin' bronco like the plague which seems like it was a wise move as most of the staff here who braved it have got skin missing off their hands and chafed thighs today! Ouch!!!

    Next up is the V Festival this weekend - oh, and my birthday on Friday.

    missy: Have ordered a pair of splendid pink and silver wellies for V (hope they come on time) as it looks like we're in for a wet week ahead, which will make for a muddy festival field - euch!

    Right, lunch time over and done and duty is a callin'.

    Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa pardners!

    CtD x x x

  63. At 02:32 PM on 13 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    CtD, I had a go on one of those bucking broncho thingies once - my thighs were black and blue for weeks!! No wonder John Wayne walked like that!!!

  64. At 03:04 PM on 13 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Tinsel: buckin' broncos are no place for someone called Tinsel or Diva !!

    CtD x x

  65. At 03:30 PM on 13 Aug 2007, ShellieB wrote:

    Reminds me of a line in a film, often quoted in our household :-) "... like peas and carrots", Forrest Gump esq.

  66. At 04:38 PM on 13 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Having decided that there are too many comments on here regarding bruised thighs, I have decided to refrain from commenting. Or bucking broncos...

    Glad the Ho-down went well CtD!

    ...on another point entirely...

    What. EXACTLY, is the point of this?

    On the days when camps are being set up to combat climate change, and people are supposed to care what is happening to the environment...including, one would assume, THE WILDLIFE.

    Makes me absolutely seethe - stupid senseless


  67. At 04:42 PM on 13 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Wow! I go awol for a few days and come back to bucking broncos bruised thighs and HL dissapearing onto the other side to put herself into the naughty corner (NC1 to those in the know). I just can't turn my back for 2 minutes!

    A big congrats to CLP and TGOTS!!!! It's a dream come true! I just hope his honeymoon period lasts for the longest time.

    Hope everyone is doing good. When I have a few spare hours I'll try to catch up with the blog!


  68. At 05:26 PM on 13 Aug 2007, Glyn Parsons wrote:


    So pleased to hear about your wedding, hope you and 'er indoors make this a final round to remember!


  69. At 07:01 PM on 13 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love- you looked so good on saturday, I think all us bridesmaids and page boys did! Can't wait to see us all in Hello or OK! I was thinking about the two of them on saturday! I hope we get a treat and get to see at least one pic next week! Tell you what though, I'm still a bit hungover! And when Dissing Dave and I were dancing I saw a little too much!

    Cheryl the Diva- WOW! I'm trying to get some pink Noa Noa wellies at the mo, I've been looking at them for ages just wish they would be reduced! And i got the Cowboy boots, mine are brown. Just wating to wear them with my shorts! Yippee chicks arent we! And happy birthday for Friday you fellow Leo!

    So as I type this there are 68 comments on here, whats out target for this week, I'm thinking 250?! Come on we can do it!

  70. At 08:13 PM on 13 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hazel, this story make me both seethe and want to cry. How awful!!!

    I take the conservation and welfare of wildlife very seriously especially considering that my parents run a wildlife charity. They have done so since I was 15 years old and two years ago received MBE's as a result of their hard work. I'm so proud of them.

    What is to be gained from killing such a magnificent bird? I so hope that they catch whoever is responsible for this and the publicity helps to prevent anything like this happening again.

    On a lighter note, I watched Chris interview George Michael again last night while in bed. I was in bed not Chris or George! I was there at Wembley that night and relived it all over again. Brilliant. I wonder if George went to the wedding on Saturday? Hazel, Missy etc did you happen to notice him....x

  71. At 11:52 PM on 13 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Nameste one and all

    Well look whats happened in a week. My Promo tour was a total failure and I will probably have to return to the Home for Retired Cabaret Artists to earn a crust.

    Then I read I missed the big day.

    Muchos Happiness Senor

    Buenos Noches

  72. At 07:44 AM on 14 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    woah, I've only just got home from the wedding....

    .....I have to thank missy for the offer of the lift home back to Norwich but I just wanted to stay 'til the end and ended up trying to thumb a lift in purple velvet!! Can't understand why no-one would stop and take me????

    DD - loved the way you and missy moved together, but she's right you def were showing too much.

    HL, Tinsel, Jillygoat, CtD - how hot were you looking? I nearly dropped my order of service when you walked in.

    Debbie - I saw GM at the reception, he was on the dancefloor all night.

    ...oh the memories, hope my photos have come out, can't believe I didn't have a flash tho' - damn.

    CtD - enjoy 'V' - will look on TV for the wellies!


  73. At 09:34 AM on 14 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I would just like to apologise to the bridesmaids for the inappropriate hemline on my MacDonald Tartan Kilt at the reception, apparently a large portion (yes) of my quarterpounder was on view to all and sundry. Strange fare to serve at a wedding I thought! However, I did protect everyone else sanity by not doing Ooops up side you head!

    I would like to thank you all for strapping me into my seat during the can-can!

    DD out

    PS Do do do! Come on and do the conga!

  74. At 10:19 AM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ginembre- glad you appreciated the lift, couldn't have you hitch hiking in the lovely suit could I?! And your speech was so so funny! i nearly choked on my champagne!

  75. At 10:48 AM on 14 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Tuesday, Tuesday!!!!

    Morning all! Another busy day yesterday - combined with a busy night last night and I am SHATTERED today.

    Mad day at work (spreadsheet hell unfortunately), WW tonight for the first weigh in since I got to goal and I can tell you - I'm not looking forward to it! Definitely feeling a bit porky! Then - an early night! I can't wait, I will be in bed by 9 pm with a book, and probably asleep by 9.10!

    Just to add to the tiredness, Special Friend has just texted to say that he thinks we ought to go on a bike ride at the weekend. Only 18 miles....


    Glad to know you're all on form and that you had a great time at the wedding. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend, as it was my niece's birthday and as she is the cutest thing on two legs, she had to come first!

    I'll drop by later folks,

    S xx.

  76. At 01:17 PM on 14 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning all,

    Big congrats to Mr and Mrs Chris!

    I do hope all went well and you are, as the story goes, 鈥渁nd they lived happily ever after鈥

    Keith the BigUn

    P.S. Do you know I left this Blog as I did get totally fed up with the Blog Police and certain individuals who continually seemed to want to pick a fight? Reading some of the more recent comments I am thinking it may be time to make more of an effort and post again. :-))

  77. At 01:25 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Good to hear from you on this side! I can't get to the other side when I'm in the office :-(

    S xx.

  78. At 01:32 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon fellow bloggers and bloggettes.

    I have survived the weekend of hot air and lifeboats and am in one piece.

    Good to see so much has been going on around the country from the blog enteries - keep it up

    Makes my day that much quicker after reading your enteries from last night through to lunchtime today.

    I've battened down the hatches ready for the wind that the weather forecast is predicting - there's none of the fastnet boats in Poole harbour.

    The second extremely large Sunseeker is moored up alongside the quay and people are speculating who it belongs to. The first one built was launched in March for Eddie Jordan.

    Ho hum - back to the grindstone



  79. At 01:42 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    No 76 Big Un!!! Oh my God!! Welcome Back..... have missed u for a long while, I don't always post but I do try and read as often as I can and had wondered where u had wandered off to, missed ur jokes and just u generally.

    Lots of luv and big hugs

  80. At 01:48 PM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Sammie - good luck at WW tonight! I'll be re-joining chubby club once August is out of the way because ....

    .... we're off to see Marilyn Manson in December and I want to try to recapture some of my goth past!

    Why is it that when I was a sensible sized young goth, I had no disposable income.

    Now I have disposable income none of the goth clothes fit me!

    Hence - the emaciated goth diet begins 1t September as I simply cannot go to see Marilyn Manson looking all chubby and knocking on the door of middle-aged-dom!

    I do not want to be fat and forty!

    Going for a paint job on the acrylic nails tonight - had them done bright pink for the cowboy bash at the weekend and can't wait to get rid of it (miss - trust me, it's a horrid pink!)

    Will nip back laters!

    CtD x x

    PS: Mr Inverdale - you're doing a wonderful job but I still say Russell Brand for Drivetime ... pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseee auntie! x x

  81. At 02:18 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    hello all :o)

    Sooo glad you all had a fabby time at the wedding of the century, I'm sure you all looked just garjus and DD well done for keeping the dancing going!

    Does anyone know if Hazel has a note from her mum for today?? Unauthorised absence is not tolerated!

    CtD - My diet starts as soon as this baby is born - sometime in October I think - I'm going to think of it as my own little liposuction machine and feed until it gets teeth!

    New office chair has knobs and lever and even a pumpy thing - I love it.

    2 weeks to Maternity Leave YAY!!!

    :o) Jo

  82. At 02:27 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    I was thinking about you last night and though that you must be going off on mat Leave soon. bet you can't wait!

    What will happen to your chair?

    CtD - loved being a Goth! Black hair really doesn't suit me anymore though! Good luck with fat Fighters yourself!

    S xx.

  83. At 02:38 PM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    jo - can I please put in a bid for your snazzy new chair when you go off to increase the population?!

    Ta very muchly.

    CtD x x

  84. At 02:44 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Sammie - after the hassle it has taken me to get it I think I'll take it with me! Or let H&S know I'm leaving so they can shift it round to anyone else who is in need of a more supportive chair!

    :o) Jo

    PS - when do you think I'll be netball fit again???

  85. At 02:57 PM on 14 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Oh, Prof, I'm disappointed to hear that! I was looking forward to coming and seeing whatever you may be doing...in sunnier climes! I thought you had burnt your boats at the Home for Retired Artistes? Will Marge still be the same?

    Anyhoo, I don't have any pink boots but I do have some pink flowery flip flops which may suit Dissing Dave slightly better next time he's doing the March of the Mods...

    Today is going from quite good, to not quite so good. My friend who brung me to work bless 'im, only told me when we were nearly here, that he is actually off sick today, and only got up coz he said he'd give me a lift...big 'get well soon' to lovely boy!

    However, the badger has been awaiting a cheque since last Thursday, I have just borrowed lovely boss's car to go and see if it has arrived today, and of course it hasn't. When it evenchuarly DOES arrive, of course it needs to clear. During the meanwhilst I may be forced to eat cat crunchies. Or at the very worst, custard creams.

    Why are the only reliable people in the world US?

    Anyhoo, Sammie, muscle weighs more than the 'f' word...that's your excuse girlie!

    ...on that note....tra la

    ps I'm still trying to decide whether Gingembre looked more like Henry VIII or Little Lord Fauntleroy...don't matter which...turtley GAWJUS!

    pps Today has just looked up. Apparently I am the only person in the office who doesn't have a wet @rse. Mainly because I was in a car when I went out...mind you, so was everyone else, I think I shall leave it there...

  86. At 03:08 PM on 14 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Sammie # 77, have a word with your IT department and get them to sort it out so that the other side reappears, I find cream cakes works very well with my IT geeks! Xx

    Ms Mayhem. # 79, thanks for the warm welcome back! ;-)) xx

    Keith the BigUn

    P.S. I though Jo may appreciate this, anyone else is welcome! :-))


    "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

    2. RELIGION.
    "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

    "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

    4. LOGIC.
    "Because I said so, that's why."

    5. MORE LOGIC.
    "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the shops with me."

    Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

    7. IRONY.
    "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."

    8. OSMOSIS.
    "Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

    "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

    10. STAMINA.
    "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

    11. WEATHER.
    "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

    12. HYPOCRISY.
    "If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

    "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

    "Stop acting like your father!"

    15. ENVY.
    "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

    "Just wait until we get home."

    "You are going to get it when you get home!"

    "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck like that."

    19 ESP.
    "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

    20. HUMOUR.
    "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

    "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

    22. GENETICS.
    "You're just like your father."

    23. ROOTS.
    "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

    24. WISDOM.
    "When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

    25. JUSTICE.
    One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you."

  87. At 03:11 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Gingembre .... soooo glad you liked what you saw, he he!!! Have to say we felt hot too ..... taffeta wasn't the best choice for a warm, sunny day! The dress was a tad tight too and it was such a relief to be able to loosen me stays when I got home - phew!! By the way, you did have a 'flash' acksherly ..... you must have been drunker than you thought !!!!

    Tinsel, HL, CtD - didn't we do 'em proud?!

    DD - I thought your hemline was just fine!

    I still have the blisters from dancing the night away and I hope CLP and the GOTS enjoyed our efforts. Can't believe that he shared the GOTS with his bloggers all those months ago - bless him.

    Jo & Sammie - you were with us in spirit ... and wine, beer, zoyder ...

    Christoph & Natasha - I wish you every happiness together xx

    jillygoat xx

  88. At 03:32 PM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love- I thought Gingembre looked more like Grahem Norton if anything in that suit. And do you know I must have forgottton to put the memory card in my camera as I've haven't got any photos of us all on the big day! Damm!

  89. At 03:49 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Audes wrote:

    Dearest Chris,

    Just wanted to wish you and the new Mrs to be.......a wonderful, happy ,glorious ,memorable ,lovable life together.
    We are down under and listen to you all the time.
    Enjoy the day....love and hugs from the ping pong poms in Perth Australia.Congratulations....
    Daude xxxxxxx
    (Darryl and Audrey)

  90. At 03:49 PM on 14 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Aaaaaaaaaaah Missy!

    Mine got wiped by the x-ray machine!

    ...but that's not for here...

  91. At 03:52 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hazel Love, you are so kind

    Yes, I was shunned by the Spanish TV company. They said my Pop vidoes were basura which I think in english means not very good.

    Fortunatley the Home has re-employed me as Games Organiser. Marge is delighted and is arranging a hot pot supper in my honour on Thursday evening. I am planning a game of "Sale of the century ". I really need to get rid of a few bits and pieces.
    An old sofa and a reliant robin to name a few.

    Quizz of the week.

  92. At 04:07 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    Just catching up a bit after a weekend up North (well OK further North as I start in the North in the first place compared to a lot of you if you see what I mean). In fact I was in the same place as one of Invers callers last night.

    Congrats to Chris and Natasha but I am now confused. Post from Jan #82 on previous blog 'all dressed up' seems to imply the big day is not until tomorrow. Good job so many of you good people were there to witness the event just to give me comfort! So glad to hear you all had a lovely time.

    MfR - I agree re your rant on Gary Rhodes. Seems to just want to do things his way. Not sure the old dear last night was too sure when he started to call her chef!

    Good to see the Big un and his jokes back.


  93. At 04:12 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Keith, I liked those very much! Brought a much needed smile to my database weary day.

    HL - what a lovely friend! Hope you buy him something nice as a thanks when you're solvent again. And, yes, I will use the 'muscle is heavier than...' excuse tonight - especially when I've had 3 cookies....

    S xx.

    P.S. Jo - netball fit whenever you're ready! But not before your 6 week post partum checkup of course. I've decided NOT to trial this season! I can't commit to train every week and it's not fair on those that do, so.... I'll just play wheverever they need me! My club's having 6 teams this year! Feel free to join us!

  94. At 04:35 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Sammie - Trial & Train, sounds a bit serious....

    Do you want to come and play for us, we're just there for a social really although we like to take it quite seriously! I'm down for probably making a comeback after Christmas, but will have to get some serious running done before then!

    Who do you play for - it sounds mega serious!

    :o) Jo

  95. At 06:51 PM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dissing Dave- You've got nothing to worry about, when all us girls went to the loo are you main topic of conversation but trust me in a good way! hehe!
    And I forgot to mention that cake! Oh my goodness I smuggled a few bits out and Gingembre and I ate it on the way home!Brilliant!

  96. At 07:50 PM on 14 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Oh good. It's raining.

    I give up. I'm going to book a week in the sun.

    The 'summer' of traffic hell continues. One set of roadworks ends and another lot starts. On a brighter note, my new assistant has started this week and I have been earmarked for a 'juicier' role. I've come across this corporate jargon before, so will tread carefully, but if it involves a pile of cash, I will have to investigate.....

    Haven't seen any coverage of Mr & Mrs E's nuptials anywhere, but I assume it went well. I guess we'll get to see the piccies in between 'exclusive shots of Peter & Katie's new kitchen - see pages 2,3,4,8,11,21-25 - in next weeks *K cat litter tray liner.

    We have an 'Indian Night' at friend's on Saturday, so I shall be spiking my hair up, donning a white jacket and telling everyone that my way of cooking the 'actual' aloo gobi is much better than theirs, despite the fact that they have been doing it for the last 20 years. Oh, go on, call me Gary, why don't you?

    Off to watch Jamie with his 'delish' courgettes. The really frightening thing about this programme is that the gardener fellow (Brian?) is a clone of my Dad.

    Enormous peace & love


    PS Ain't nothin like it, her shiny machine

    PPS I ain't the worst that you've seen

    PPPS Baby this blows 'em all away

  97. At 07:58 PM on 14 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Isn't is flippin typical? Mad working hours meant I missed all the joy and loveliness surrounding Mr Christophle and TGOTS tying said knot.

    Well, hopefulyl I'm not too late - but big love to the pair of you, and our best wishes here at Eleanor Towers.

    Big Un - so glad to see your name among the postees and thanks to all the usual suspects for putting a smile on my face.

    PS - our company is alive but not yet really moving. Anyone got any good tips for wringing the last ounces of patience out of a tortured soul?


  98. At 08:42 PM on 14 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Welcome back Big Un, you have been missed.

    Anyone else just watch Jamie O? How gorgeous did those deep fried courgette flowers look? And the carbonara. I ate half a packet of cookies while I was watching!

    I have got to sort myself out, I've bought a lovely dress from Per Una for my sister's wedding in October and I will not fit into it if I carry on at this rate. I always find the school hols a bit tricky.

    Went to see the Simpsons movie with the kids today, it was quite funny and nice and short which makes a nice change! I didn't even fall asleep for once! I bought the Dreamgirls soundtrack, I really loved that film and the song "I am telling you I'm not going" just gives me shivers down my spine.

    Em xx

  99. At 09:01 AM on 15 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Oh, MfR, you are supposed to be dressing up in feathers and moccasins, yelling woo woo woo woo woo and cutting things off at the pass...not looking like the butler in Carry On Up the Khyber...which I think you may well do if you try to Rhodes it up a bit...

    Anyhoo, Jamie...WHY DOES HE HAVE TO PUT CHILLIES IN EVERYTHING? Well, he seemed to last night. I was quite enjoying the slicing of the patty pans with the finger tip mixing malarkey, right up until he had to put chillies innit. Is there any substitute? Will the flavour not be robust enuff without these tricky little devils? He tells you all about what you could do with the stuff if you aren't gonna be using it for the prescribed porpoise, but it would be good if he could sometimes say, oh I dunno, 'If you can't eat chillies, try ??? instead'

    Any suggestions gratefully received.

    Answers on a squash (not salsa) please.

    ps Em M. I have six weeks til hols with mum. She has advised elasticated waist attire, but I have told her that I am not ready to turn into my mother quite yet...

    and pps, Eleanor's mum, stick with it! Good to see you back by the way...

    ppppppppppps Gaby

    ppps Prof, my I suggest that you shouldn't use connect 4 as part of your new repertoire...one of the most boring games known to humanity...try Cluedo? Professor Plum en el invernadero con un h谩mster...

    ...and finally, just because I can. KISS to Big'un x

  100. At 09:09 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Keith (76) WELCOME BACK :-)))

    MfR - isn't that prog fab??? I love gardener man. So I would obviously love your dad. I missed the courgette fest last night, but watched the tomfest the other day, brilliant.

    I have photos of the Big Day but I'm afraid that because of my exclusive deal with that well known mag "Oi, Wotchoo Lookin' At?!" I can't share them with you all. Suffice to say, I have photographic evidence of Missy nicking the cake, and DD's rendition of Kylie's "Spinning Around" is too blue for publication.


  101. At 10:07 AM on 15 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Now then yous lot. It's back I am from the convent in County Galway and let me tell yous I'm ragin'.

    Embarrassed. Mortified.

    The behaviour of yous bridesmaids and that paige boy was most inappropriate whilst I was takin' the bride an' groom through their vows, me cardinals' hat is ruined, I've feathers up me nose and I'm still bleachin' me cassock.

    Sister Assumpta is RAGIN', and has spent 3 days beatin' me round the mazzard with the gorse bush because I won't dish the dirt on yous so she can get the lot of yous in the confession box.

    As for the buckin' bronco, well, I'm speechless. Hazel really. The last time I saw a sight like that was in a pet shop in Pamplona. Well I think it was a pet shop. It was advertisin' rabbits and six kittens anyway but the window looked more like the vet's.

    Must go. I've to beat meself about the head with a hedgehog and do me Hail Marys.

  102. At 10:18 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Tinsel - my favourite bit in the Wallace and Gromit film is when Wallace is reading a well known magaxine, except it's called Eh Up, instead of Hello - GENIUS :o)

    Hazel - nowt wrong with elastic waisted attire, unless you plan on doing strenuous physical activity (of the vertical kind) whereby you could be left very embarrassed indeed, or the most popular girl at the party!!

    :o) Jo

  103. At 10:26 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    but Tinsel I believe you were the one that was acting out the lyrics in the middle of the dance floor! A stunning performance IMHO!

    DD out

  104. At 10:38 AM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    As regulars will know my parents were in a crash a few months ago. Well I have know got a pic on my blog of the car in the ditch. I have said before they are bothy fine but it is weird to see our little Yaris in a Lot of water!

  105. At 10:51 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Humpday already! Blimey - I'm in such a tizz that I didn't know it was Wednesday until I'd been in work for two hours!

    Happy to report only a small gain (0.5lbs) at Fat Fighters last night. So celebrated with very bad (for me) food and very good (not for me) wine!

    Missed Jamie O - was on the phone for most of the night, after the local CID had left, following further interviews with me and daughter about the burglary several weeks ago. They have a name and are going to arrest the tike. GOOD!

    Felt a little disappointed last night, as Special Friend texted to ask me if I fancied a coffee with him after work - but had to rush home! The problem is, I've got used to seeing him every day...

    Jo - I play for a large club - further details of which I will post on the other side later. There are some really excellent players there - and a number of the kids go to England Training Camps! I do feel humble in their presence!

    MfR - great post as usual - I have an image.... LOL!!!

    HL - My mum looked after me very, very well on hols, so I know what you mean!

    Em M - glad I'm not the only one that falls asleep at the cinema!

    Have a great day,

    S xx.

  106. At 11:14 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Susan wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    I've stopped watching the cookery programmes as the chefs all make me feel a bit inferior - although I do like to catch Hugh F-W when I can. Made a scrummy lasagne last night with onions and tomatoes from the garden. Have only been gardening for a year so am very excited about all the produce!

    Hope you're all well, happy Wednesday everyone!

  107. At 11:35 AM on 15 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    HL - Think with chillies you should just leave them out if you can't eat them, I think the trouble with very spicy food is that you can't taste anything BUT the chillies so i often omit them anyway. I think chefs put in way too much salt too, so i often leave that out too - I think their tastebuds have got used to really strong flavours which I can't handle.

    I know I sound like a telly addict but did anyone see the documentary on 麻豆社4 last night? It was about a man whose elderly father remarried 3 months after the death of his wife of 50 years. I missed the end and I'd really like to know what happened to them all - thanks guys!

    Just let my 11 year old walk to the shop on his own, the road is quite dangerous so i hope he'll be OK. I find this age really difficult, you know you have to let them go but you're not convinced they're ready.

    Em xx

  108. At 12:07 PM on 15 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Ah, yes DD, but it wasn't Tinsel doing a handstand during 'YMCA' was it!!!

    Most impressive though I have to say...

    ...and I think we all owe (albeit a bit late) an apology to Clodagh. There isn't going to be any finger pointing (you know who you are) at the person (or persons) who spilt the red wine, then compounded it by tipping up the Tikka Masala all over her (yes, you SAID it was an accident at the time, but what are the rest of us to believe eh? Especially when we all know that the actions to the Macarena DO NOT include moves like that, even with a codpiece) and then said that you'd pay the dry cleaning bills.

    Clodagh, please be assured that reparation WILL be made following any and all damage caused to your cassock, or hassock, or indeed your tussock.

    In the meantime, the feathers up your nose can be carefully removed by a qualified physician using small tweezers.

    What's the weather like?
    Hail Mary

  109. At 12:48 PM on 15 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Morning Mr Inverdale

    You're doing a grand job! Loving the reggae.

    Best wishes

  110. At 12:48 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Clodagh and HL - sounds as though a really good time was had by you all - very glad you didn't all sign a confidentiality agreement a la 'What goes on tour, stays on tour' prior to CLP's nuptials...

    Keith - it's the poxy server don't you know...

    I HATE SPREADSHEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact, I hate them so much that I have read and commented on an IT Security Review Report as soon as it landed in my Inbox. Talk about deperate for distraction!

    S xx.

  111. At 01:48 PM on 15 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    There once was a wedding in Surrey
    That had all the press in a flurry
    But we've tickets to Lisbon
    Cried the Gazette from Gisbourne
    And we'll only get back if we hurry

    I have to say, there are worse places...

  112. At 02:17 PM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon blog chums!

    The pink and silver wellies ordered speshly for V arrived THIS MORNING!!!! And THEY FIT!!!!!

    How good can life get?

    Oh - and the Marilyn Manson tickets arrived today also. Anyone would fink its almost me berfday ... oh! It is!! Hehehehehe!!

    Spent lunchtime today updating my local blog. I had a good whinge about some geezer who we caught red-handed on Sunday helping himself from the allotments. What a cheek! We're not a farmers market, nor are we a charity. Grrrr!

    Not so busy at work this week unfortunately, which means the days are dragging a bit. I think I need to get some time with the guv'nor so she can offload the next batch of projects on me.

    Hump day already - it's a humpday haircut for me tonight whilst Mr Diva cooks a fab Mexican feast for supper. Lots of chillis - sorry Hazel!

    Jamie's new show is OK but I wish he'd stop saying "delish" and "appy dayz" all the time. Is delish the new pukka???

    Gary Rhodes: haven't watched the indian cookery prog as quite frankly, I'm not a fan of the sugary one. Always seems a bit on the patronizing side to me, if ya know what I mean. I love Gordon (yes, I would!) and High F-W floats my boat purely for his zest for all things rural and rustic.

    Mr Diva is still off work post-appendix op, and he is at long last going to embark on the wine making project he's been talking of for the past year. He rang me this morning to say he'd now got everything he needs. So, if my spelling starts going a bit on the skew, you know the wine is good quality! If I disappear completely, you know it was no good!

    Righteo, the kettle calls my name ...

    CtD x x x

  113. At 02:50 PM on 15 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP if e's there & ALL Blog Operatives!

    Bingo Star ere.

    A tell yer i've been under SEVERE STRESS this week.

    Firstly the Winton's Supermarket Sweep 'as returned and if that wasn't enough Saxondale returns termoz.

    On top of this last night I couldn't get ter sleep - too much going through me 'ead. A joke popped inter me 'ead at 12.56am so I 'ad ter get up and write it down before I lost it - I am nearly losing it - am tellin' yer!!

    I've got jokes, cars, women of all nationalities, golf, M6 traffic jams and marmalade on toast all going through the Bingo brain at 12.56am.

    The joke i'll structure it and put it on the blog on errr.... probs Monday - probally not worth a look though - it could be a terrible one.

    It's about a visit ter me doc!!!

    PS Inverdale man any chance of playing REM and Worst Joke Ever or Miles Bullock - Sleepwalking Riot. Both very appealing tunes!

    I hope you got me text that I sent on Friday wishing you well.

    Chow all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  114. At 02:59 PM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    How good is this ....

    A day or so ago I emailed Marian Keyes (from her website) asking her when the next book is due to be published as I have withdrawal symptoms.

    Today I got a reply from Himself - Mr Marian Keyes emailed me!


    And not a sign of eejitism anywhere!

    Hey Ho Let's Go!!

    CtD x x

  115. At 03:11 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Cheryl - I, too, have had the honour of receiving an email from Himself - isn't it exciting? Marian Keyes is just the best, as the twins from BB say! I'm afraid I keep lapsing and tuning in to Channel 4 at 9 o'clock every so often. I think its cos Chris isn't here to tell me off. Anyway Marian's a big fan and she knows everything.

    Em xx

    PS Fred has returned from the shop in one piece, in case anyone was worried.

  116. At 05:06 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello there,

    I think that I have been so depressing here on the blog lately that I should I'll 'blog off' for a little while until something nice happens that I can report.

    My nan died yesterday lunchtime, so not good times here. Again. Twice in one week having to describe 'died' to Harry is not very nice. I helped my mum sort out nan's things this morning so I'm off to support her a bit more now. I'm sure you must all see my name here and think now what!!!!

    Thanks for making me smile, especially with the reviews from the wedding of the year. There I go again, a smile, hurray. I think it's the thought of the kilt that did it!

    Catch up with you all soon,

    Love Deb x

  117. At 05:30 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Sue wrote:

    CLP - Congratulations to you both!

    Keith - welcome back!

  118. At 05:36 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Debbie - so sorry you are having a rough time at the moment, I'm thinking of you xx

  119. At 05:37 PM on 15 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Sammie, #110 I think you can get cream from Boots (other good chemists are available), that should sort out those pox once and for all! ;-)

    Thanks also go to, Nev, Eleanor鈥檚 Mum, Em M and of course Hazel for the Kiss. Xx I have to say it is nice to be back and see so many of the old bloggers and schloggers are still around.

    Keep smiling.

    Keith the BigUn

    P.S. A 95 year old widower received a surprising gift when a prostitute arrived on his doorstep and told him that she was his birthday present? I鈥檓 here to give you super sex she said.

    To which the old man replied, I鈥檒l take the soup.

  120. At 07:18 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Little Welsh Dragon wrote:

    Hi everyone.

    I've been reading for a while and just had to say to Debbie, you've had an awful time recently, thinking of you xx

    PS. Martin J. well done x

  121. At 07:51 PM on 15 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Has anyone seen the garter recently, I know I had it on as a headband at one point, but I'm sure I saw Gingembre wrapping it around some unmentionables!

    DD out

  122. At 08:00 PM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Em M glad you liked time and tide!! I love norfolk i just wish southwold was in norfolk! Sorry couldn't give you a lift back from the wedding but i only had a two seatter and couldn't leave gingembre!!

    I'm sick of this rain! I'm cold and want to buy a big cardigan! and i want to go into hibernation!

  123. At 08:25 PM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dissing Dave- I've got the Garter!!!! And I believe it was you who put it on my leg!!!

  124. At 10:44 PM on 15 Aug 2007, wrote:

    christopherphonetheshow,bbc radio 2 show

  125. At 12:41 AM on 16 Aug 2007, Maridle wrote:

    Hi folks,
    I may be being a bit thick here but a couple of you have mentioned 'the other side.' Just wondering what it was or is it a secret?

  126. At 08:14 AM on 16 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    I'd just like to say, I have no interest in knowing where the garter ended up, if it has already been wrapped around a policeman's truncheon.

    I have, however, got something to say about where my table centre arrangement went? It was in a box underneath the DJ set, and I'm damn sure that 'Party Phil and his Decks of Steel' wouldn't have made off with it. I was going to have it crushed and dried as a memory of the day...so I guess I'll just have to make do with the vol au vent which appears to have met with the same fate, in my handbag.

    Anyhoo, thursty Thirsday, and I've still got half a bottle of wine left over in room 6134 if anyone would like to join me?


    Hi Debbie - just to let you know, thinking of you too...x

  127. At 09:22 AM on 16 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Wow one and all

    Have you read the news today oh boy. Wedding pics from Portugal.
    Mr Evans in his Randall and Hopkirk deceased suit... Only joking of course.
    It's a spectactleer photo of the very happy couple.

    Hazel Love thanks for the games tips!! My PHD in Board games from Ardwick University however covers all aspects of gaming.

  128. At 09:40 AM on 16 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    Very well done to all of you keeping the blog going this week - sorry I haven't contributed! It's always good to even just pop in to say hi and let everyone know you're still around.

    CtD - sorry I missed your birthday yesterday - I was absent for most of the day. Hope you had a really lovely day! Marilyn Manson - she's brilliant! (only joking ....I know he's a he!).

    Debbie #116 - please don't go. I know things have been really bad for you recently but I honestly think having this blog to share things helps so much. Everyone understands that sometimes awful things keep happening - it does help to talk to someone about it. I'm sorry you have lost your Nan and I know it's really hard to discuss death again so soon with your wee boy. But, you know, children are so resilient and I am sure you will find that in the long run, your son will cope o.k. with what's happening.

    Thinking of you Deb, come back soon.

    C xx

  129. At 09:57 AM on 16 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Debbie - loads of love & xxx's for you

    I can confirm that I do have the garter and I can't get it off.
    DD I still cannot work out how you and missy got it on there in the first place?????

    My biggest mystery though is how to get the bread and butter pudding stain out of the crushed velvet plus fours? Any suggestions?

    The photos are back, but all of a sudden some 'magazine heavies' knocked at the door and took them
    - HL you are soooo lucky as there was a corker of you and which would answer many a question!


  130. At 09:59 AM on 16 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    This picture was taken just before the curious incident of the bouquet in the night time...and I have to say, that whoever took it, should be justly proud, although I can hear my mum saying 'why didn't he put his cigar down for a minute..?'

    xX*CLP and the Girl On The Sofa*Xx

    Bless 'em!

    I used to watch Randall and Hopkirk(deceased) and have to say that Reeves and Mortimer weren't as good. I shouldn't think their suits were as expensive either...

  131. At 10:02 AM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Morning all.

    ChrissieS - you didn't miss my berfday: it's tomorrow (Friday 17th). I'll be checking in with virtual blog cake and donuts for all, so no skiving please!

    Debbie: don't go! I know I speak for many when I say that this blog really is a salvation. So sorry you're having a rough run of luck at the mo, but we're all here if you need to offload your inner-mosts that you sometimes can't offload to those closest to you.

    I know this place was really helpful to me during the dark days of portacabin hell, typing blog entries to you guys whilst sitting at my desk with tears streaming down my face.

    Thinking of you loads and sending you massive {{{HUGS}}}

    Changing the subject, I read on another website this morn that Billie flew out to Portugual to attend CLP & TGOTS's wedding celebration party. Isn't that absolutely lovely that they get on so well. They must be the most amicably divorced couple in celeb-land!

    And apparently Amy W has checked herself out of rehab after just 2 days. She's meant to be performing at V this weekend, something tells me it'll either be a no-show or car crash viewing, so to speak. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and wish her well.

    Right, off to do some filing - ugh!!! Will check back laters to catch up yous all.

    CtD x x x

    PS: It's Madonnas birthday today and she's 10 years older than me. I'd give my DUran Duran CD Collection to look like her now, let alone in 10 years!!!

  132. At 10:16 AM on 16 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Ah Missy that explains the strand of silk between my teeth!
    I thought I was flossing! Such skimpy underwear in Norfolk! You've been shopping at Chapelfields haven't you?

    DD out

    PS Sisqo!

  133. At 10:22 AM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva- Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear the DIVA, Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a wonderful day!

    Gingembre- Oh you've got the garter! I can't believe the magazine sent the boys round! HOW RUDE!

  134. At 10:29 AM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Just been on the certain newspaper website and saw Chris and Natasha's wedding photo! Oh don't they look nice! And Chris in his white suit! Did anyone else see Billie at the wedding?

  135. At 10:33 AM on 16 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings to All Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    DEBBIE - very sorry to hear about the difficult times your having lately. Sometimes life seems to go through a run of trouble and bad times.

    All I can say is I really wish you well and life ALWAYS does pan out and get better eventually.

    Wishing you all of the best,

    from Bingo xx.

  136. At 10:50 AM on 16 Aug 2007, Susan wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    Dissing Dave, is that the shop on the lower ground floor of Chapelfields that you're talking about?!! Have spent many a happy lunch hour in there chuckling!!!

    Deb, hang on in there - you're in a good place here.

    Hope everyone's well and happy, happy Thursday everyone!


  137. At 10:56 AM on 16 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Debbie - don't go. A lot of us on here had tough times, myself included, and I can honestly say, this is one of the best places to bare your soul and be cheered, comforted, encouraged and advised, in a totally unbiased way.

    Some people left here because it was getting too "saccharine" for them, but the regulars are still here and we stick together.

    I know you're having a really horrible time at the moment but hang on in there and if you don't always feel like commenting then don't, but stay reading ... you will be mentioned, and thought about.

    Sending you a big hug for support {{{{{{hug}}}}}

    jillygoat xxxx

  138. At 11:05 AM on 16 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Gingembre, leave it until it's dry then brush it off with a stiff one.

    So it will be the naughty corner for me then.

    Maridle, if you can find it, I'll see you there x

    Big'un, I have to say, it would depend if it was tomato or minestrone meself...I don't like them...


  139. At 11:08 AM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dear Blog Police / Blog Controllers

    Can you please have a word with whoever polices the Russell Brand blog as no posts have appeared since last week, nor has Mr Gee updated RB's blog for this week.

    This is just not good enuff!


    CtD x x x

  140. At 01:53 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Ahhhh Hazel #130 thank you for the link didn't they look lovely.

    Debbie - there's so much support for you on here don't stop reading even if you don't blog - there's common sense, support and frivolity to make you laugh and cry in the same place.

    Many thanks
    Phoenix - looking forward to Friday and the Red Arrows

  141. At 02:15 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Aah, lovely picture of Chris and the new Mrs E, I love her dress, not too sure about men in white suits but each to their own. They both look really happy don't they? I can't really remember how I felt when I got married, it was so long ago. I know if it was happening now I wouldn't have friends of my mother-in-law who i didn't even know there! My sis is getting married in a few weeks time and she seems pretty laidback about the whole thing, nothing like your typical bridezilla!

    Em xx

  142. At 02:28 PM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Phoenix - are you organising a red arrows fly-past just for my birthday?

    Awwww, shucks - cheers pal!

    CtD x x x

    PS: Also looking forward to Friday coz meeting lots of friends for a beer drinking sesh!

  143. At 02:55 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a milarky one and all
    The Reliant Robin won't start. How am I going to get it to the home this evening? The Sale of the century quizz is in jeopardy. Infact four hours to jeopardy!

    Debbie keep smiling, it's just another day.

    Pheonix I might just pop along with my camera tommorrow so watch out.

  144. At 03:01 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Re BigUn's and Jillygoat's recent comments - I don't think it was the supportive nature of the blog that worried some people before. It was the fake sugariness and cliquey bent of some people from that got a lot of people worked up.

    However, I'm not really quite sure why it's felt necessary to rake over all that again. There was a disagreement with the direction of the blog but things have moved on. It all happened a long time ago and the blog has continued developing into the great forum it is now.

    To the enquirier asking about 'the other side' - at the time described above, a group of people left this blog and took themselves off to other blogs. I can't help feeling that their inability to mention it properly nor give directions how to get there all seems to be part of the cliquiness that was very evident before.

    Right, now that I've set the cat amongst the pigeons I guess I'll just sit back and wait for all those comments....

  145. At 03:12 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    Oh the original Randall and Hopkirk deceased - what a programme.

    As to the garter - I have lost the plot (or more precisely where it is) or is there more than one of them?


  146. At 03:19 PM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    #144 Anonymous: i was brave enough to join in this blog around December last year when I was going thru a really, really tough time at work.

    I have to say I've never noticed any clickiness on here and have always thought what a darned fine bunch of people we have blogging on here.

    The only 'other side' suggestion i've ever made was last week when i suggested deflecting to ole Rusty Brand's (麻豆社 R2) blog for a blog party whilst CLP was busy getting married. However, as RB's blog hasn't been updated for over a week, it's just a well we're all still here sharing our thoughts and merriment.

    Come join the party - you know it makes sense!

    CtD x x x

  147. At 03:55 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    is it just me who thought clique made fragrances......!

  148. At 04:02 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:


    Cheryl if you can get yourself to Bournemouth the lads are doing a signing after the display sometime after 14.20 on the pier approach.

    East Overcliffe will be closed to traffic so don't think of driving and parking up there.

    Plum - if I could go and watch I would - I was spoilt for years by being able to watch from the top of a tall building in the town centre - now alas alack I am too far out of town to get there - will have to watch the skies for take offs and landings instead.

    Cheryl have a great birthday



  149. At 04:05 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Susan wrote:

    I have to admit that I also left the blog as I was feeling a bit left out - not very good at the soul searching, etc, so have been away for a few months and only just come back because I wanted to congratulate Chris and GOTS on their wedding. I've been checking the blog out all week and I'm glad to see that it's still so well attended. I'm also finding it less warm and fuzzy than before and now more of a giggle - it's almost as if everyone's told their life stories, got over all that stuff and are now like sisters and brothers bickering and chilling out. I find it much easier to read actually and also to participate in.

    Had some lovely news today by the way - thought I'd share. My nephew and his Mum, my sister, have both had places confirmed at university today - you're never too old to learn!!

    Take care all

  150. At 04:18 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Amy's Mum wrote:

    As a relatively new blogger but an avid reader of it everyday, it could seem to the uninitiated that it is cliquey. But it's like everything in life if you don't like it, don't participate. Personally I think it's hillareous and I think that a lot of people have made some good friends. I for one will be participating more as I get more confident. So...can I be your friend?..

  151. At 04:32 PM on 16 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Phoenix #140 & CtD #142: A few years ago, my sister and I were visiting friends at their magnificent hilltop home in Kent. Out of nowhere, the Red Arrows appeared! Obviously on a training exercise. My sister said to our host "how lovely that you arranged for the guys to make an appearance just for us"!! It just seemed that way - we had not seen these friends for about 15 years and it was such an event!

    EmM #141 - since the dawn of time there have been weddings with guests that the bride & groom do not know! What IS that all about?! We only had 50-odd people at our wedding and there were at least 15 people there I had never met!

    Anonymous #144 - welcome back! It's been a long time!

    C xx

  152. At 04:37 PM on 16 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Amy's mum - welcome aboard !

    Susan - welcome back! Congrats to your nephew and sister on their Uni places .... will they be going to the same place? Who's going to look the coolest though?!!!!

    I can go for ages without commenting on here, either due to workload or just because I don't always feel that I've got much worth saying, but it's still a darn good read.


  153. At 04:40 PM on 16 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Amy's mum ... may I be the first to lay down the welcome mat and welcome you to the Drivetime Blog.

    Confidence grows with every post!

    There's plenty more room in here for everyone .

    CtD x x x

  154. At 04:40 PM on 16 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Afternoon Schloggers and Lurkers alike,

    Yay (which is a big whoop) - to Susan's nephew and sister - I went late to Uni and loved it... Very best of luck to them. And I agree with your comments on the blog!

    Debbie - a really tough time for you all. Like the others, I too send my virtual support to you. Chin up!

    My dad's pace-maker battery replacement has apparently gone ok today,

    And I've "instructed my solicitors" (whatever that may mean) on my little flat by the sea - yahoooooo.....

    So Thirsty Thirsdy, bring it on.

  155. At 04:55 PM on 16 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    CtD - if there's still plenty of room why is someone standing on my foot?


  156. At 04:57 PM on 16 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Cat, pigeons, cans. worms, comments, postings...et cetera et cetera et cetera...

    It's a bit like a local paper really isn't it. Births, Marriages, Deaths, Weddings, Anniversaries, Pregnancies, Illnesses, Engagements, Broken Hearts...blimey...have I left anyone out?

    ...but then sometimes a bit like joining a new gang where you're not quite sure how everyone else is going to be...or the WI for that matter. I can't make jam to save my life, but I can sing the bejayzuz out of Jerusalem...

    Cliquey. No I don't think so, and I've made some damn fine friends along the way.

    Anonymous, to echo ChrissieS, welcome back, its been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely time since you rock and rolled!

    Happy thirsty Thursday all

  157. At 05:29 PM on 16 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    The point about the blog being "cliquey" just is not true. What happens is that some comments lead to other comments and you will find from time to time that perhaps the same bloggers will be talking to each other. They are not ignoring the others, it's just that a topic will take hold, and off they go. I think it's great!

    Susan - well done to your sister and nephew - really good news.

    Amy's Mum - get yourself on here! As much as possible. This is a wonderful place for discussion/letting off steam/rambling.

    j - you are sounding so excited!

    C xx

  158. At 05:33 PM on 16 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good afternoon,

    Anonymous # 144 I am sorry if I seem to have offended you?

    You are right when you say a few of us left because of a few who felt it necessary to criticise almost every post with a smiley face included in it and the Blog Police were over zealous to the point of stupidity. I have never or ever will post anything that I do not truly believe in, if that happens to be in support of an individual who by what they compose I feel a few chosen words by me (from the heart) could help them I would not hesitate in doing so! Never have I written anything that I would consider being fake, and if that is indeed what you are suggesting you are way off the mark!

    As for the mention of 鈥渢he other side鈥 it is not for me to guide you to another person鈥檚 blog. The blog owner who does post on here has the link attached to the user name so it is open for all to follow should they wish.

    Now for the cliquiness are you suggesting there is no cliquiness on this site now? Cliques are inevitable as individuals get to know each other and feel more at ease with contributing to the blog.

    I find it disturbing that you choose to take on this subject under the title of 鈥淎nonymous鈥 and only goes to show the lack of character. I could have just posted on here under a new name but made a conscious decision not to.

    I came back on here with the very best intentions and not in an attempt to go over old ground, more as a way to reintroduce myself to the blog after a self imposed exile!

    On the whole I have been very pleased with the reception I have received following my return, until now.

    For what it is worth I do think that this blog has evolved into a great place to be. The humour on here is enough to make (almost) anyone laugh out loud. I came back because for me it seemed to be the right time in my life and not to stir up any unwelcome memories from the past. So anonymous I suggest you move on and leave the past behind us and celebrate the times we will have together on this blog.

    Keep smiling

    Keith the BigUn

  159. At 08:52 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:


    I said that I wanted to post something good and I did something good today. I joined the gym. I only popped into the leisure centre because Little'un needed the toilet, but while there I thought, yes, go for it. So I did.

    J, thanks I will try to the keep the chin up, but it's more like chin's up! But I have to admit that when I went to the petrol station on the way home, I bought a pork pie. Figure I may as well get my money's worth where the membership is concerned! Don't they say diet's always start tomorrow?.......Willpower Debbie, willpower!

    Something else good that happened today, I heard from a cousin that I haven't seen for years. It was so lovely to hear from her and we agreed that we should keep in touch. Nan would be so pleased. I also saw another cousin of mine at the care home yesterday and we agreed the same. We find out why Nan died tomorrow. We did have a giggle when we found her teeth at the bottom of her shoe bag yesterday. Why on earth did she put them there? God bless her.

    I was due to see Prince on Saturday night but my friend who was coming with me has to babysit her baby niece. I was really looking forward to going but I don't have anyone that wants to go to see him! I suppose it's too late to try to sell the tickets so I'm at a loss really. It seems such a waste. Any suggestions?

    It was lovely to see that picture of Mr & Mrs Evans today. What a fantastic week they must be having. Can't wait to hear the show when he's back.

    Lastly, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for your messages today, I can't stress how much of a comfort it has been to read them. I was so worried that people would get fed up with me off loading my woes here. Especially when so many of your posts are funny and upbeat. I only hope that I can be of help in the same way should any of you hit bad times.

    Cheryl, just in case I don't get a chance to pop in tomorrow, have a lovely birthday and enjoy those beers! x

    Lots of love

    Deb x

    PS: Big'un, I have only just 'met you' so to speak. I haven't been here that long really, just wanted to say hello.

  160. At 09:09 PM on 16 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    woah - what's happened all of a sudden?

    It's all 'the past this' and 'the past that'....

    ...here's my tuppence worth, for what it's worth.

    It doesn't matter what you call yourself, I notice Anon always signs off with a real name at the bottom - and so what if she doesn't, or anyone else for that matter.

    This has been a great find for me, I have laughed out loud, looked forward to reading entries and replies as well as receiving warmth, affection and great advice when I've asked for it.

    The recent few days of wedding stories have been nothing short of brilliant. I'll bet anyone that CLP thinks so as well on his return.

    So, to all of you out there, new, old, returning, reading or just passing......

    ......carry on and let's leave any bickering at the door please.

    Bonnet de douche


    PS - this bl**dy garter is still stuck to me - doesn't really go with the work attire!!!

  161. At 01:50 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Maridle wrote:

    Hi one et al,
    I have never posted consecutively before. Infact, have only posted once to ask a different question so thanks to all who commented on my ref to 't'other side' hope it didn't set too many cats amongst the pigeons!
    For what it's worth I think this blog is facinating and although I have been too shy before to contribute I have read most days and enjoyed the humour especially!
    It's really interesting too to see people come and go. I think that's quite healthy and proves that we all have lives too!
    Good morning,

  162. At 08:30 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:




  163. At 08:47 AM on 17 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    So, ARF has rolled around again...I must be getting older, I need less sleep, then I need a nap a bit later, then the time I'm awake d-r-a-g-s by yet weeks, months and years just fly past with the speed of a red arrow...

    ...speaking of which, Phoenix, up up and away have a brilliant day today...

    ...and CtD...


    Anyhoo, Chris Moyles did a blinder of a show from Brighton this morning...it's odd getting a kick out of something like that - he's only 'over there'...and I'm quite sad that I'm going to miss all the R1 festivities this weekend coz I ain't gonna be here...but the Cheerleader must live on.

    Gingembre, I'm sure you can get it off if you want to. Perhaps you should ask a policeman. Amazing how good purple looks on you though...on yer ickle freckly thigh...

    ...and I guess this is the last day of our honeymoon period. I for one have an empty mead pot, which probably accounts for the thumping head ache, but then it's all been worth every penny.

    Now, I HAVE to go...where's that last 1p

  164. At 08:57 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Cheryl - Happy Birthday.

    The V preparations are in full flow and traffic lights have been erected on all approaches to Weston Park so I'm sure the journey home will be interesting tonight.

    In my humble opinion, what keeps the blog alive is healthy debate. We're all grown ups (or our passports say we are) and if someone needs a bit of a leg up I hope that as a supportive group of people we are able to give that without reprimand. Yes we could ignore it but imagine if noone offered a helping hand now and then.

    I too often laugh out loud at contributions and quite often these are personal anecdotes that people have felt comfortable to share which I only think enhances the blog experience. That's what makes it evolve everyday into to something quite different to the blogmeisters intentions, but hey - we're his listeners (or some of them at least).

    On another point entirely - Cheryl I'm so glad the wellies arrived, although I'm not sure you'll be needing them this weekend, but wear them anyway, as a fashion statement rather than a necessity!

    Maridle - Not to worry, it's provoked some interesting discussion!

    :o) Jo *who has rediscovered the joys of Bunny Jelly Moulds*

  165. At 08:59 AM on 17 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    CtD - Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Cheryl-the-Divvvvvvvaaaaaaaaaa
    HHHH Happy Birthday to you..........


  166. At 09:10 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Hallo each

    CtD: A Very Happy Birthday! Don't work too hard, tell the boss I said so.

    Re. recent comments: I love reading every day but, like some others, don't always feel I have much to contribute. I've not noticed it being exclusive to new bloggers and love the humour, particularly from all of you who were at the wedding of the year! (Didn't notice any of you in the piccies though).


  167. At 09:18 AM on 17 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    So, ARF has rolled around again...I must be getting older, I need less sleep, then I need a nap a bit later, then the time I'm awake d-r-a-g-s by yet weeks, months and years just fly past with the speed of a red arrow...

    ...speaking of which, Phoenix, up up and away have a brilliant day today...

    ...and CtD...


    Anyhoo, Chris Moyles did a blinder of a show from Brighton this morning...it's odd getting a kick out of something like that - he's only 'over there'...and I'm quite sad that I'm going to miss all the R1 festivities this weekend coz I ain't gonna be here...but the Cheerleader must live on.

    Gingembre, I'm sure you can get it off if you want to. Perhaps you should ask a policeman. Amazing how good purple looks on you though...on yer ickle freckly thigh...

    ...and I guess this is the last day of our honeymoon period. I for one have an empty mead pot, which probably accounts for the thumping head ache, but then it's all been worth every penny.

    Now, I HAVE to go...where's that last 1p

  168. At 09:32 AM on 17 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    Good morning bloggers xx

    CLP & GOTS hope your having a fab honeymoon.......mange tout mange tout :o)

    CtD - A very happy birthday to you, have a great day xxxxxx

    Keith - its great to see your posts again. I agree with your post re anon's #144 comment. If he or she is going to single people out from the blog then they should reveal their identity!

    Everytime Chris is away someone always tries to cause havoc on the blog and to be honest I don't know why they bother because 99% of the bloggers are loyal to Chris and each other so they are wasting there time if they think no one is going to blog!

    For those who don't like it move on!

    Happy Friday
    Mary xx

  169. At 09:42 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Mrs Brown wrote:

    Congratulations Chris and the Girl on the Sofa! Being married is ace and so is being in control of the drink.

    Good luck and best wishes
    Mrs Brown

  170. At 09:45 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Cheryl - Happy birthday, hope you have a great day!

    Sad to see the cliquey argument has raised its ugly head, I think its lovely on here and I can't see why anyone wouldn't think so. When I contribute, I don't expect an answer, I just do it to get things off my chest. I hope I've never made anyone feel bad, no-ones ever upset me. I just think its a friendly environment to dip in and out of.

    Em xx

  171. At 10:10 AM on 17 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CtD - happy, happy birthday to you ... I hope you have a lovely day and an especially great time tonight!

    jillygoat xx

  172. At 10:16 AM on 17 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Sorry, me again, and so soon, and I appear to have caught repetitivitis too...

    JO, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE PINK OR BROWN BUNNY BLANCMANGE...and jelly with bits in would make my life just about complete!

    BTW the reason I have taken my blog address off my postings is because I haven't written anything on there for ages...inbetween going on here, I have had rather a lot of work to do...contrary to popular opinion...

    ...and Maridle! My cat would give his eye teeth for a pigeon at the moment. As it is, he's probably trying to get in the very very small open window with a blackbird (other birds available) right this minute...

    So, the badger has just called and has had a blow out on the motorway. This sounds like fun. Apparently it was not, but he is now safe and having four new tyres and a headlamp fitted.

    Heaven knows what he's having done to the car...

    Bib bib

  173. At 10:52 AM on 17 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning bloggers and schloggers,

    CtD, Happy Birthday to you! I do hope you get all that you wish for this year! Xx

    Maridle, just keep blogging, just like Pringles, once you pop you just can鈥檛 stop!

    Debbie, I am so pleased your fortunes seem to have taken a turn for the better! You are right we have not know each other for long (even virtually) but a BigUn hello right back to you!

    Mary, good to see you! Xx

    Gingembre, may I be as bold as to recommend Avon skin so soft to help move the garter? Works on my (man) stocking! ;-)

    Later lovely people!

    Keith the BigUn

  174. At 10:55 AM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Happy Burday CtD!

    Happy ARF everyone else!

    I think I became a GOTS last night. Obviously not at the CLP pad as that's now a lurrrrve nest for the newly weds but at a mates place. In fact I didn't even get the sofa, he gave up his bed for me and took the spare room... still it makes me feel a bit good this ARF morning. And yes we get on and no I don't think there's anything between us but a good laugh and a few too many glasses of wine.

    Susan S- It's about time there was a bit of good news for you to share. I'm really pleased for you and yours.

    Now before I start getting too warm and fuzzy.... talking of fuzzy I made a fuzzy felt wedding card yesterday... anyone rememeber fuzzy felt? Shame they don't make it in Mactaggart tartan but I managed to improvise. Anyone seen that bottle of single malt or is it a bit too early?


  175. At 11:13 AM on 17 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Lyndyloo - can I just say, iss never too hurly for the h-whisky, hic?!

    Hazel - relieved to know the badger is OK - will you be polishing his new headlamp for him this evening?

    And finally .... it was never my intention to infer that there is a clique on here - wrong choice of words, obviously. Apologies for any offence caused - to anybody ...

    jillygoat xx

  176. At 11:21 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    ARF - Already!!!!

    Happy Birthday CtD - hope your weeks of festivities continue to be great fun!

    Sorry I haven't been around - I can actually be quite dedicated to work you know (stop laughing HL!!!) and have had to be very focussed!

    Anyhoo - back now and planning a relaxing weekend!

    S xx.

  177. At 11:30 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Aonon - #144. Oh dear. You don't have to read the comments if you don't like them, you can always skip to something more palatable!

    The "sugariness" may not be to your taste, but actually, it is a great source of comfort to those in need of sympathy or support. I have been moved by the support I have received on here, when I have had cause to post about something troubling me. Unfortunately, not everyone has a great network of supportive friends or family, some people do have support around them, but choose to seek it here, anonymously instead.

    I do hope that if you find yourself in need of support, that the rest of the blog community will rally round and support you as much as they have others.

    As for my mentions of 'the other side' - I am merely acknowledging those I would like to be in contact with, but can't, for various technical reasons.

    There endeth the sermon for today!!!

    Have a good day Anonymous,

    S xx.

  178. At 11:58 AM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Good morning everyone!

    Debbie, Gingembre, Hazel, Jo, J, Anne G, Lindyloo, Jillygoat, EmM, mwk, Sammie, missy and anyone else from the blog 鈥 thank you so much! I鈥檓 having simply the best birthday and am overwhelmed with all the good wishes!

    This time last year I was in my portacabin hell and went home in tears vowing never to work on my birthday again! I got here this morning and had cards and a prezzie on my desk waiting for me. And even the dentist at 8am (yes, I know 鈥 bad scheduling) sang Happy Birthday to me before he started the check-up. Surreal!

    Debbie 鈥 is there nobody else you can go to see Prince with? It sounds like you really need a boost at the mo and it鈥檇 be such a shame to miss him. If I weren鈥檛 going to V, I鈥檇 meet up with you and see him again!

    And Debbie, your story of clearing your nans made me smile. I lost 2 grand-parents in early 2000 (we always say they weren鈥檛 millennium compliant!) and when we were clearing out nans place we came across literally tons of washing powder in HUGE catering sized boxes, usually destined for a launderette. All was explained when we found out that she quite regularly used to hop over to Calais to do her shopping because she could go for free on her OAP pass! The thought of her lugging back giant boxes of washing powder from the hypermarket to save a few bob always makes me smile! And don鈥檛 get me started on her weird wig collection 鈥..!!

    Gosh, all this talk of cliquey behaviour鈥檚 a bit much innit? Move on, move on 鈥.

    Oh this is funny 鈥. Mr Diva was filling a form in this morning and he asked me if I knew what the date was. I kinda semi-glared at him and asked 鈥渁re you kidding?鈥 and he replied 鈥渘o 鈥 I just wanted to check you鈥檇 not gone senile yet!鈥 Not bad for 6.30 am !!

    Will dip in again later 鈥 I鈥檓 lovin鈥 this blog!

    CtD x x x

  179. At 12:11 PM on 17 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Ctd - Happy, Happy, Birthday! Hope you are having a great day and that there are lots of surprises in store for you!

    Hazel #172 - what a fright for the badger! Hope he is o.k. Having a blow out (oo-er) is one of my absolute nightmares!

    Debbie 159# - so glad to see you - it's amazing how life can just turn around and become positive again when you least expect it. Loved to hear about your nan's teeth! My lovely mum had put hers in the pocket of her favourite cardigan! As for Prince - wouldn't you consider going on your own? I have been to lots of shows on my own and I really quite like it! (maybe it's just me!)

    MWK #168 - great to see you. Hope you are o.k. now. xx

    Lyndyloo #174 - what a gentleman your "mate" is! You never know, mighty oak trees from little acorns ..... or something like that!

    Hope everyone else is enjoying Friday!

    C xx

  180. At 12:12 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    PS: forgot to ask ... wht time is my Russell Brand-o-gram arriving? I'd hate to be at lunch and miss him!!!!


  181. At 12:19 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Susan wrote:

    Good morning everyone and Happy Birthday CtD! Hope you're having a lovely day!

    Thank you to everyone who said congrats to my sister and nephew on their respective uni places - they are going to separate uni's - I'm not sure that my nephew could cope with having his mum there all the time - although i'm sure she's going to be the one getting up to the most mischief!

    I've been away from the blog for too long, but it's just been soooooo easy to get back into it again - it's great to hear people bouncing off each other (I meant comments, rather than physically!, although after this week's comments about the wedding, I'm still not entirely convinced .....!)

    Have a great Friday everyone and a good weekend. I'm off to do some walking around our wonderful Norfolk broads - just hope with all the rain, that the separate broads haven't all joined up into one huge one!

    Take care y'all

  182. At 12:24 PM on 17 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CtD - erm, I know someone was booking your Russell Brand-o-gram .... now, who was it? Leave it with me and I'll make some enquiries ...

    jillygoat xx

  183. At 12:31 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Chrissie - The Oaks comment - in Latin that is E Glandibus Quercus

    Are you impressed? It was our school motto!!

    Lyndyloo (or GOTS2) (GOTS2 what??) - I always find sleeping in someone elses bed quite disturbing as none of my own smells are there - and what if the sheets are itchy, or have bunglies on them, you would never know how to best say anything.

    But if he'd put fresh sheets on then I'll forgive him.

    :o) Jo x

  184. At 12:47 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon one and all.

    Cheryl hope I'm not too late to wish you a hic hic happy birthday - sorry have the hic hiccups - (bet you all thought something else!)

    The red arrows have been over and did a lovely special bit over the airport so I did get to see them after all.

    I used to be a very frequent lurker and read the blog most days - then got up my confidence and made an entry and haven't looked back - the wedding saga was hilarious made me think back to the days when a previous company I worked for had chat rooms that I played virtual stories on in the lunchhours - the funniest ended up with my holding a virtual ladder whilst someone was up rescuing the goldfish.....!

    Keep up the good work Debbie and Sammie congrats.


  185. At 12:54 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Rozzer wrote:

    thanks for posting the link to the Sun for pics - if the Sun has pics I presume that means that CLP decided against the Hello/Ok option as no other publication would be allowed to publish pics would they?

  186. At 12:56 PM on 17 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Afternoon everyone. Day 21 for me and going well. Hope your all well. Radio isn`t the same minus Chris. Do you think he`d be up for a bit of clonning for times like this? Sore the picture in the Sun, very pure and white. Looks like it was a very low key afair - good for them.

    I think establishment #3 should be a tea house. Called `Jam Tarts`, as Sally sujested. I used to do a bit of cycling and stopping off at a nice tea house for a cuppa and cake was always very welcome.

    m xxx

  187. At 01:02 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Amy's Mum wrote:

    Afternoon everyone. Firstly Happy Birthday to CtD, Friday's a great day for a birthday and Thanks to every one who has extented the hand of friendship. I too really enjoyed the wedding saga. It was hilareous. Looking forward to the wedded ones return on monday.
    PS I think thats twice i've spelt hilareous wrong!

  188. At 01:14 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Hello lovely people!

    Been away for a couple of weeks...somewhat busy at work and deadlines, deadlines, deadlines...web printing presses wait for no man!

    Just read through all this week's postings and loved it right up until someone tries to throw cat in t'pigeons.

    I've loved reading the blog. I've loved the 'new ' CLP and his musings about building work, gardens, GoTS (now, of course, Mrs E), and I've loved the community that keep me laughing on really, really stressful days. So, Sammie #177 I'm with you. If anyone doesn't like it don't hang around.

    Lastly, I loved Chris's last posting....and i'm fit to bursting with happiness that he's found the one and has got his life back together..

    Lastly, thank you all for your funny, descriptive and lovely postings on a regular basis. I lurk everyday, blog only occasionally, but feel an affinity with you all...so enjoy and keep enjoying.

    Diva - wishing you happiness on your birthday today...


  189. At 01:37 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Martin - bloomin' well done to you! Keep it up - be strong. The rewards are absolutely priceless!

    Yikes! More berfday greetings. This is such a friendly room! I think CLP's warm fuzzy glow has passed among us all!


    Just had some flowers delivered to work - all pink, with a big pink bow. Will have to immerse them in water and close all the curtains at Chez Diva so that they're still nice and fresh when we return home on Sunday night.

    For some strange reason, I just seem to focus on work today .... !

    CtD x x

  190. At 01:48 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    CtD - happy birthday, think I would be worried he was drunk and could do too much damage with his drill and polisher if my dentist started singing!!

    Oh no I thought someone said gran-o-gram.........oh well too late now.

    Phoenix - Iam worried about the goldfish now..


  191. At 01:56 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Jo- Indeed he did put clean sheets on the bed for me so all is forgiven (and yes he's kinda cute). And yes it's a real single guy's flat... great fridge though, full of chocolate and wine!


  192. At 01:57 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    OOer one and all

    Oh what a night! managed to get the Reliant Robin towed to the home for RCA. Stan(the magicman) had done a wonderful job of decorating the Stage. We had prizes from various charities some who were joining us for the evening for the Quizz of the week.
    Tha ladies from the WI donated Dandelion wine. The local home for Kletomaniacs donated a collection of received stolen goods.
    The local hairdresser had even donated hair extentions.
    But the star prize was of course the red Reliant.

    Now, with my new wireless microphone from the pound shop we were well into the compo when all of a sudden ..... lights went out ... a power cut! By the time we got reconnected the stage was empty.. not a prize in sight except for the Reliant Robin. All gone all stolen!!!
    On top of that, Marge's hot pot had a odd taste to it. Now it's no secret that she uses tinned meat. I later observed in the recycle trash however, several empty dog food cans.
    I don't know whether it's her eyesight or she is just being economical!!!

    Happy Birday CTD

    PS Phoenix where actually was your veiwpoint for the arrows?

  193. At 02:01 PM on 17 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Martin - congratulations, a fantastic achievement. I hope you feel great with it too.


    PS Bingo where are you?

  194. At 02:18 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    OOer one and all

    Oh what a night! managed to get the Reliant Robin towed to the home for RCA. Stan(the magicman) had done a wonderful job of decorating the Stage. We had prizes from various charities some who were joining us for the evening for the Quizz of the week.
    Tha ladies from the WI donated Dandelion wine. The local home for Kletomaniacs donated a collection of received stolen goods.
    The local hairdresser had even donated hair extentions.
    But the star prize was of course the red Reliant.

    Now, with my new wireless microphone from the pound shop we were well into the compo when all of a sudden ..... lights went out ... a power cut! By the time we got reconnected the stage was empty.. not a prize in sight except for the Reliant Robin. All gone all stolen!!!
    On top of that, Marge's hot pot had a odd taste to it. Now it's no secret that she uses tinned meat. I later observed in the recycle trash however, several empty dog food cans.
    I don't know whether it's her eyesight or she is just being economical!!!

    Happy Birday CTD

    PS Phoenix where actually was your veiwpoint for the arrows?

  195. At 02:42 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi Plummy

    I was standing in the back garden of the office!! clear view of the skies above airport.

    To Nev - I believe the chap that was up the ladder rescued the goldfish - but the cat ate them! they are now in goldfish bowl heaven.

    Further adventures followed on from this one but all were very funny.

    Bye for the weekend


  196. At 02:45 PM on 17 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    I thought I would pop back in to say to wish everyone a good weekend! My boss is away so that leaves me in charge and guess what I am going to give myself the rest of the day off! ;-)

    Be good, if not be careful or at least lucky!

    Keep smiling

    Keith the BigUn

    P.S. The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large tray of apples. A nun lettered a note and posted it on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching."
    Moving along the lunch line, at the other end was a large tray of chocolate chip cookies. A girl wrote a note, which she put next to the tray of cookies, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

  197. At 02:50 PM on 17 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Sorry I will be off in a mo (Promise) it is just that I forgot to say well done to Martin; I have been following your achievement as a lurker! Well done on the extreme effort you have put in so far, keep up the good work!

    Keith the BigUn

  198. At 02:58 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Chris - hope you're having a bril time wherever you are!! Meanwhile, I ask you to remember your previous friends & neighbours at Camden Stables Market from your time as a trader in the Arches.

    As you may know, the developers intend to demolish the Arches & Catacombs to build what will be nothing more than as shopping mall - similar to the glass atrocity known as Tower of Gilgamesh! Apart from destroying our heritage - the eponymous English Heritage were contacted last year but showed no interest - many traders are about to lose their livelihoods, some of whom have been trading in the Stables for a long time!

    We have a peaceful protest organised for Saturday 18 August (tomorrow) @ 1.00pm & are encouraging everyone who wants to keep this historical site intact to join us outside the market's main entrance on Chalk Farm Rd.

    For more info contact protest4_camden_stables_market@hotmail.co.uk

    It's be FANTASTIC if you would also come along to support the campaign - but I expect you're honeymooning somewhere exotic!!

    Enjoy it - & thanks for letting us post this!

  199. At 02:58 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Martin - Well done. Enjoy your sunny days.


  200. At 02:59 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Oh My God! I have one day not reading the blog and it goes Crazy!

    1. A clique on the blog! I think its more we just think the same, want to have a laugh and enjoy listening to the thoughts and stories from others. I'm sorry if someone doesn't like it we are just having a laugh

    2. Dissing Dave- Oh I know that shop! hehe!

    3. Gingembre- put some baby oil on your leg the garter might slip off!

    4. Cherly you little Diva- Happy Birthday. Did you have a wonderful day?! Can you imagine Russell Brand doing a strip.That would be funny!

    5.Susan- have a great weekend round the broads. I feel a trip to Roys coming on!

    5. Hazel Love- Norfolk and Norwich isn't big fans of Chris Moyles. He was horrible about us and when he did a show in Norwich he was just rude!!

    Now this whole Clique thing is worrying we are only having a laugh and cheerying ourselves up. But it has helped us get nearer to the 250 comment target! And can I just say what a week it has been.
    Yesterday I went into Jarrolds where I used to work. Saw my friend who still works there and we had a few ideas for her new department she will be running! It was good to put a couple of ideas across.

    So the 2 flirts. I'm liking one of them more and more. He is so nice and sweet but I'm trying not to get my hopes up or think about him too much as whenever I do that it goes wrong! So we shall see. Im gonna have a nice relaxing weekend and try not to think about either of them.

    Feel awful today. I hate it when I have a few good days and then BOOM I have a horrible day full of fatigue. I'm gonna go and have a nice bath as my arms really ache! Oh and has anyone heard from Dr Joseph? Haven't seen him on here for a while. Love to you all. missy xx

  201. At 03:07 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Martin ....absolutely brilliant !!! Such great news - thank you for letting us know how you are.

    CtD.....Happy Birthday - have a great one


  202. At 03:28 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Martin - good for you matey!

    Keith - lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it!!!

    The weekend's almost here!!!

    S xx.

  203. At 03:29 PM on 17 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Jo #183 - I'm very impressed indeed! I did learn a little Latin at school, but have forgotten almost all of it. Also, I remember that some parts of Mass were said in Latin when I was little!

    Lyndlyloo/GOTS2 #191 - I have to tell you - this guy is a keeper! Clean sheets?! I have been married to my delightful husband for approximately 349 years and he could not locate, let alone prepare, a pair of clean sheets to save his life! Also, chocolates and wine? What more could a girl want? You go girl!

    Martin #186 - you really are a star. One day at a time - there only is today.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    C xx

    P.S. Chris is back on Monday, ya beauty!

  204. At 03:35 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Russell Brand wrote:

    Dear Cheryl the Diva

    I wanted to come (oh dear) and wish you happy birthday in person, but due to a massively busy schedule was unable. Gee said he would, but I don't think he could fill my boots...do you?

    So, happy birthday Ms Diva, however old you may be, you're only as young as your wellington boots.

    All my love

    ps YOU SWINE!

  205. At 03:37 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Oh no I've been BP'd and it was only about viewpoints and goldfish too!

    The garden of the office you can see the skies above the airport - for Plummy

    Nev - sorry BP police didn't like what I wrote about what happened to the goldfish - lets just say they were rescued.

    have a good weekend everyone.


  206. At 03:41 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    TWO flirts! Sounds like outrageously good fun! Enjoy it babe - just take each day at a time and allow yourself to enjoy those little bubbles you get in your tummy - oh yes, I know just how you feel!!!

    Shame you're having an 'off day' today. A bath sounds perfect - relax, unwind and have lots of bubbles, candles and maybe a glass or two of vino!

    S xx.

  207. At 03:59 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Yo missy!! Congrats and hugs on getting Post #200. You win today's prize ....

    .... a trip to ole Rusty Brand's (麻豆社 R2) blog page. If you click on the photo links on the right hand side you don't have to imagine the main man doing a strip as there's shots aplenty of him in varying stages of undress.

    I think its fair to say that he's certainly one chap who is more than happy in his own skin!

    Apparently when live on air he has a habit of "cupping" - let's just hope this phenomenon isn't across the board at R2 - I so don't want an image of The Togmeister "mid cup" !!!

    My, my, my - today's turning out to be a good one!

    CtD x x x

  208. At 04:06 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    missy - how rude - but if you wish to imagine me covered in baby oil that's fine by me x x

    Big 'un - nice to meet you, I've been here for about 8 months having discovered it whilst recovering from surgery. It's been a lift on a down day and a constant feelgood.



    Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be working nights throughout, so if you're out and about in Norwich say hi - I'm the one in the hat!!!


  209. At 04:18 PM on 17 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Golly, I had to switch everything off earlier, I have had stupid HUGE amounts of work to do considering it is a Friday! Mind you, if they made Friday part of the weekend, there'd be more work for Thursday &blah blah etc etc

    Had a text from my mum today. Nothing unusual in that you may think, but I had a text from her yesterday, which was only the third ever text she has sent in her life. Today, she and my Step-dad are at Shoreham Air Show. Apparently I may have seen some of the planes flying over. Now, she is supposed to be good at geography. Obviously her text skills have taken place of her orientation skills...

    So, all sorts today! Missy, can't stick him as a rule...too nasty rude for me...but the bit I heard in the badgers car as he drove me to work made me larf art lard so...I'm afraid that 10mins was all I had to make my observation!

    Prof. You are currently lurching from drama to crisis bless your wee plum! You realise you are going to have to have another night and invite the Kleptomaniacs again to donate - the same prizes that they stole - but this time, use Marge's hotpot to weld the doors closed so they can't escape with their ill-gotten gains...again...

    lyndyloo...you're a cheeky girl Mrs Patterson!

    Thank you for your good wishes for the badger. He is a bit shaken, but on the other hand has managed (by phoning me every 15mins from a different shop) to get all the remaining bits and pieces to complete our costumes for tomorrow's fancy dress party. He has also purchased a chess set. I have no idea why. Possibly because it is black and white.

    In the meantime I have pink pom-poms...but that's not for here

    SUZI JACOBS! Makes me seethe when 'they' do stuff like that. I'm there in spirit and I really hope the day goes well for you.

    ...but Jo, I'm loving the thought that none of your own smells would be on someone elses sheets...but at least they'd be flat when you get up in the morning!

    So, Chris back Monday? Creamed, but refreshed and all newly married!

    Hoorah! Bl00dy fantastic!

    hic haec hoc

  210. At 04:21 PM on 17 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    ..and now I've just read LOADS of stuff from LOADS of other people...you know who you are!

    Thinking of you and see you all next week...

    Am off to don hair shirt

    Itchy and scratchy

  211. At 04:48 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Shucks! I'm humbled by all the good wishes for my berfday today ..... and to get a posting from ole toussled hair himself ... well! I blush in mere humility!!! Not to mention utter disbelief!

    HL - please can you update your blog with photographic evidence of The Badger wearing his chess set! Seeing, as they say, will be believing!

    Missy - enjoy the flirtations my friend - just don't get their names confoosed!

    To everyone - have a wonderful weekend whatever you're up to!

    Will report back on my V battle scars and profound deafness on Monday!

    Bottoms up!

    CtD x x x x x x

  212. At 04:50 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva- look who put a post on here for you! Mr RB himself! xx

  213. At 07:33 PM on 17 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi folks xx

    Keith - I'm loving your jokes ;o))

    ChrissieS - I'm much better now thanks, back to work on Monday.

    Martin James - Fantastic achievement, well done xx

    Chris is back on Monday.......yippppeeee :o)

    Have a great weekend all.

    Mary xx

  214. At 08:13 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Em M - I'm stripping.....wallpaper tomorrow! We will all meet soon. I think we will have to beg mr and mrs evans up to norwich!

  215. At 10:39 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - sorry but as I'm working all night - and sat night too I'll be sleeping most of the day!!!

    We did stop by to pick you up on the way to the wedding but you never answered the door!!!

    I wouldn't know who you were should I ever see you in Norwich however missy does have her pink stick plus she has pics on her personal blog. I have the gingembre hair and an ever lessening limp which doesn't really narrow it down I'm afraid. I am usually pushing a double buggy with my 2 anklebiters in and occasionally my 10 yr old too, oh of course the lovely MrsW

    Perhaps we'll all just have to arrange an accidental bumping into each other one day and all sit there awkwardly not actually knowing what to say off blog???



  216. At 09:16 AM on 18 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    Don't you just love these endless balmy summer evenings? Jugs of Pimms on the terrace, gazing into the evening sun, feeling the heat of the setting sun on your face.

    For a minute I lost myself.

    I'm off to the travel agent this morning to find a week somewhere in the sun. Don't mind where, just somewhere hot and quiet so we can get away from this nonsense, read a few books and recharge the batteries.

    We had our first business meeting as directors of our company last night. No, not just us, that'd be daft, we met with a couple who host and design websites so we can get ours underway. It is really exciting now as things are actually beginning to happen.

    Indian night tonight. No, HL, not wigwams and moccasins, more pilaf and bhajis.

    Looking forward to the return of CLP on Monday and a nice short week. With Friday off, it is a mighty 4 dayer!

    Keep smiling everyone.

    Peace & love


    PS Another day, another dollar

    PPS Mr Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess

    PPPS You dress me up, I'm your puppet

  217. At 10:55 AM on 18 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    I would love to meet you both, but I'd be scared you would find me boring as I'm a lot older than missy (not sure how old you are gingembre). Did I mention I used to work for CPS 11 years ago so I bet we know some of the same people. Mrs W sounds such a stunner I don't think I'd miss her, is she anything like the new Mrs E? Right off to hit the shops,

    Em xx

  218. At 12:56 PM on 18 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Em M- have fun shopping! Right if you worked fo CLP then you can be the one to drag him to our little get together!

    Lets all just think for a mo about Chris' reaction to all our comments on here! If we weren't crazy before we are now!

  219. At 04:18 PM on 18 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M

    Yep you did mention it and I'm sure we do! When did you leave?

    Mrs W is a stunner but then I'm supa biased.

    missy - CPS not CLP!!!


    oh - 38!

  220. At 11:16 AM on 19 Aug 2007, Clare wrote:

    Congratulations on your marriage -used to know Natasha very well when I was her netball coach in West Yorkshire - she's a fantastic girl and I hope you'll both be very happy together.
    And yes, her natural habitat is the Sofa!

    Best wishes,

  221. At 12:56 PM on 19 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Howya Bloggers.

    Haven't been on for a few days but I see you're all still at it yous big daft awful eejits, Hurrah! CLP and The Missus is back tomorrow (I think) and weren't they just the picture of happiness, it's heartwarming.

    Heartwarming it is also that CLP and Billie are still close friends; it restores my faith in human nature that sometimes it all works out right and though a relationship changes, each partner can move on with no animosity. And though we read how lovely a person Billie must be to have declared that she wants nothing more from Chris, I actually think it says as much if not more about himself.

    I read a column in some awful acid rag somewhere, I think it may have been Amanda Platell, that Chris is 'lucky' that she has this attitude. No, Amanda, that's not lucky. That's what you get when you're a decent human being with integrity, and you choose to be around equally decent people. You get back what you give in life.

    Maybe Chris hasn't always behaved with total integrity in his professional or personal life in the past, who knows, who cares and indeed, who has. But it seems to me that he's sorted and happy and I reckon he totally deserves it so I'm ecstatic for him.

    Ok that's my opinion and yous is all entitled to it.

    I actually just came on here to say I've just finished reading Stuart Maconie's book, Pies and Prejudice and it's brilliant, hilarious and the man is an observational genius. Not sure whether you Big Soft Southern Jessies will find it quite so funny as it's his search for the ultimate definition of Oop North; but for those of you who, like me, would rather eat Lancashire lightbulbs than Southern asparagus, who insist on the miday meal being Dinner and where all t' women 'ave small feet so they can get right into t' kitchen sink, it's a ripping yarn.

    Yes I mean YOU, Bingo.

    And to be truthful I've needed cheering up. My lovely little 80-year old aunty, whose proud boast is that she met me before me mother did (she was there at my birth) is, to be blunt about it, dying. Stomach cancer. As you can imagine, I'm heartbroken. But I'm trying to keep mum's spirits up as well as my own, and am mindful that these things happen and we all have to deal with them. But It's hard isn't it. I hate to see her so sad and so frail, and all I can do is to try to lift her spirits for a while. So I'm shedding my tears in private and trying to keep perspective.

    So in tribute to Aunty Dot, can I just pass on the following to all of yous with the little ankle-biters today.

    I know you won't believe this but as a little tadpole myself, I was a bit of a fibber. Yes, yes, difficult to credit I know. Anyway, after one such huge fat porkie involving the appearance of a large, doll's dress-sized hole cut into the family tent, and my sartorially splendid doll, about which I knew Nothing Whatsoever, Aunty Dot looked at me for a full minute, bent down and eyeball to eyeball, said to me, "Now listen to me, Valerie Bombshell. When you tell lies, you know you'll grow a big spike out of the top of your head, don't you."

    "I'm not lyin', Aunty, honest," says I.

    Whereupon I disappeared pronto behind the settee for half an hour with me hands clamped on me head.

    Thereafter any tissue of whoppers was outed instantly by my furtive visits to the mirror, and to this day if I tell a big fat fib I get the irresistable urge to pull me cap down hard.

    Ah well, that's me off for now, I've to write to me insurance company to explain how I got that dirty big dent in me car door, and I'll need one hand to scratch me head while I'm typin'.


  222. At 04:25 PM on 19 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I've had enough stripping for one day one and all.

    Thats wallpaper of course.

    Did anyone see the X factor. I hate to be a name dropper but the lady of 79 who played invisable intruments is Marges sister.

    Hazel Love..... I always make a drama out of a crisis, or a crisis out of a drama.

    Pheonix. Must have been nice to have your own local Red Arrow display over the airport.

    I guess you work for Apple Conservatories!

    Viva Las Vegas

  223. At 08:15 PM on 19 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL Blog Operatives and celebs,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I'm sorry I 'avent blogged for a few days but i've been on a very rough voyage - riding the waves of the stockmarket on acid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Me graphs 'ave been up and down so much i'm.... errrr well I don't know anymore. The whole situation 'as gone totally ape!
    I knew George W..a's monertary policies would go down the pan eventually.

    Yeah i've not been able ter leave me computer screen for a second and now all weekend i'm still feeling sea sick from the oldmarkets ov 'appiness.
    Anyway enough of politics and financ...eal 'appenings!!!

    Well what I waz bloogin, sorry bloggin here about waz ter say I see it's all been 'appenin in the past few days.

    Firstly sorry it's abit late but a BIG 'APPY BIRTHDAY ter Cheryl The Diva and a BIG 'APPY BIRTHDAY for next year's birthday..... yer see at least i'm in early for that one!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

    I see it we've 'ad more top celebs on the blog. Russell Brand... top operative of flamboyant humour and philosophy.
    I agree Russ should fill in when CLP iz orf.
    Be great ter 'ave 'im on the drivetime shoe.

    We've ad Victor Meldrew, Tom Selleck, David Cameroon.. ran... roon, i've forgotten iz name and Tiger.
    Next thing it'll be Gordon Brown or even George W then it will be too scary writtin on this blog - AM tellin yer!!!!!!!!


    PS Is Christoof back termoz?

  224. At 08:57 PM on 19 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Guys and Girls!

    Ok as I write this we are at comment number 223! Come on we must reach 250.
    Ok so flirting update. I have given my number to one of them and I'm giving up the 2nd! This is following my friend seeing a video on You Tube of him and saying that he's lovely and a dish and if I don't have him she will! So I casually emailed him my phone number and saying if he is in Norwich on a night out I'll meet him for a drink.
    Really I'm hoping he will text me anyway! Oh blimey.... I'm trying not to think about him too much as then it'll go all wrong!!

    Gingembre- whoops!

    CTD- Hope V was great and you didn't get too wet. What part of Suffolk do you live in. North or South?

    How funny was X Factor. I love the 1st episodes when its silly, I go off it when it gets serious!
    Gonna watch a Cock and Bull story on 麻豆社2 in a mo. Part of it was filmed in Norfolk don't you know!

    Whoo Hoo Chirs is back tomorrow! xxxx

  225. At 10:13 PM on 19 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone, hope you've all had a great weekend, mine was OK but nothing exciting.
    Gingembre - I'm 38 too! I worked at CPS (missy, I wish I had worked for Chris but sadly no!) about 12 years ago, before I had the kids.

    Clodagh - don't know if I've said it before but have you ever considered writing a novel or a short story? There's something about the way you write, you should really give it a go. Really sorry to hear about your auntie, she sounds like a lovely lady.

    Em xx

    PS missy - enjoy your flirting xx

  226. At 09:10 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning folks

    The start of another week is upon us, and the return of mr & MrsE is imminent.

    Got a busy one this week, physio today ans Weds which will result in a decision on whether or not more surgery is required (nervous!)
    Gonna play tennis today (gently) to see how the knee withstands some heavier exercise but the weather is far too Wimbledon.
    Taking my folks to the airport tomorrow.
    Going to Wembley on Weds to see England play Germany.

    Em M, we may have gone to school together?

    missy - you tinker, keep flirting


  227. At 09:22 AM on 20 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Clodagh - your auntie sounds wonderful and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xxxx

    jillygoat xx

  228. At 10:03 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Wey hey the blogs back. I couldn't get in for the last few days!!!

    CtD - Happy Belated B'day mon amie!!

    ((((Debbie)))) - don't go sweetheart. I agree with what lots of other people have already said - we can laugh, we can commiserate, we can moan, feel sad or sorry for ourselves and no-one judges - that's why this is such a great place to come.


  229. At 11:24 AM on 20 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I am following Missy's instructions and attempting to get the blog up to 250 before Chris gets back! Missy - he would be a fool not to text you! You seem to be doing a pretty good job of playing it cool - well done! It's difficult though, isn't it?!

    Clodagh - sorry to hear about your lovely Aunty. I love her way of trying to make you stay truthful! All you can do now is be there for her, make sure she's comfortable and loved. If I can give you one tiny piece of advice - if there is anything you need to ask her, need to know - perhaps something about the family, perhaps something about her - do it now. I say this because my own deeply loved auntie died about 10 years ago and then I realised I had so much to ask her, so much knowledge she had and I had always thought there was plenty of time and I could ask her these things later. Hope some of this makes sense.

    Hope everyone else is getting through Monday o.k!

    C xx

  230. At 11:39 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello lovely people,

    Hope that you all had a good weekend. Well as good as it can get with this miserable weather.

    I didn't go to see Prince in the end. My husband sold the tickets to someone at work as I really didn't think that I would be able to go on my own. I'm just glad that they weren't wasted. CtD, lovely of you to say you would have come with me by the way. I hope that the rain didn't spoil 'V Festival' for you.

    I was just wondering how Chris will refer to the Girl on the Sofa as she clearly isn't on the sofa anymore. She can't be the Wife on the Sofa as that would just be wrong. Do you think he may stick with calling her Natasha now?

    Clodagh, so sorry to hear your sad news. The tribute to you Auntie was very touching. I used to get told that when you lied your tongue went black!

    It's funny how differently people deal with grief. My mum at the moment is being quite calm and controlled, although I think that may be for my benefit. My Auntie, however, lost her voice through screaming for the first 24 hours after Nan died. I am standing up and speaking at the funeral as my mum hinted that she would like me to as the eldest grandchild. I am terrified at the thought of this but determined to do for her. Feel sick just thinking about it actually.

    Anyway, better get on with some work now I suppose. Catch up after lunch.

    Love Deb x

    P.S. Thanks Tinsel x

  231. At 11:43 AM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Monday Monday!

    A weekend with my cousin from South Wales and her daughter.... there's lovely! Had a fab time just chatting, eating, drinking and taking daughter to learn to ski at the Snowdome where she successfully passed level 1+2 and now is eager to get back up here for my birthday in December and do 3+4. It was my birthday prezzie to her along with some ski mittens.

    Hope everyone else had a good one and HL did you find the wayward Pom-pom?


  232. At 12:13 PM on 20 Aug 2007, De Sm wrote:

    232 #

    welcome back Mr Lamie Pie.....& Mrs Lamie Pie

    you were soooooooooo missed ...

    De Sm x

  233. At 12:16 PM on 20 Aug 2007, D wrote:

    I 'm so glad you back...

    Five o'clock just hasn't been the same...

    D x

    welcome Mrs E. x

  234. At 12:22 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hmmmm..... think I've been BP'd again. I was only telling you all about V (and not in a nasty negative way as it was fab!) and thanking you all for the birthday wishes.

    Debbie - thinking of you regarding the speaking. I was put on the spot at my dads funeral and asked to speak actually during the service. I was so shocked and angry to be put on the spot, I declined. I've still not forgiven the person responsible for that, and probably never will.

    Let's see if this gets thru!

    CtD x x

  235. At 12:38 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Is it any real surprise that Hazel has lost one of her pair of pom-poms! Our Love is well known for dropping the odd pom(e) into proceedings on this blog and providing enlightenment!


    There once was a Love called Hazel
    On Chris' blog she always amazed all
    On a hen night just gone
    she lost a pom-pom
    but avoided a drunken trip and fall

    tee hee

    DD out

  236. At 12:44 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all, welcome back Chris, I'm looking forward to tuning in later and hearing all about your nuptials (hope you're a bit less pink now!). Tell Natasha she looked stunning.

    Gingembre - Oh God, I would be mortified if I went to school with you, lets just say I've changed a lot since then! Whereabouts did you grow up? I'm Norfolk born and bred and proud of it!

    Debbie - I did a reading at my grandmother's funeral and although I found it hard I was really glad I did, as I think my dad and my auntie really liked the poem I chose. I had missed my granddad's funeral a few years before as I had only had my son days earlier, so it was my chance to say goodbye to them both.

    Em xx

  237. At 12:52 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Slightly amended V feedback. Surely this can't upset the BP, can it??

    Well, what can I say? The answer to that is "not much" on account of being rather hoarse of voice after a mad weekend at V in Chelmsford!

    I really didn't know what to expect - friends had warned us of long queues, expensive bad food etc etc. But how wrong were they! The festival was really well organised and fantastic value for money.

    Musically, as follows:-

    Rosalita - Road To V winners. Watch out for them - absolutely brilliant!

    606 - nobody knew who they were but there was a rumour it was the Foo Fighters - and it was!! At 1pm on the second stage, acoustic set for
    about 45 minutes. Very small crowd on account of it being billed as "606" (the Foo's studio, I think?) Made my day - Dave Grohl is an
    absolute giant!

    The Editors - ok, but a bit samey

    The Fray - ok, but a bit on the quiet side

    Jet - WOW! Woke everyone up and then some. Great live vocals and lots of jumping around!

    Babyshambles - very, very good. He may be bonkers but he can write, perform and hold a crowd. Will be investing in a CD v.soon!

    Jarvis Cocker - very entertaining. A consummate professional.

    Foo Fighters (main stage, headline) - no comparison anywhere on the planet! They came on at 9.20 and played for 90 minutes, sheer

    Goo Goo Dolls - very good start to the day.

    James Morrison - I'm in love - he's almost perfect ....

    Guillemots - didn't know what to expect. excellent entertainment. Especially loved the lead guitarist and his geetar playing with a drill technique. Interesting!

    Mika - amazing performer. Got everyone jumping about and singing in the rain. Genius

    Lily Allen - very confident young lady - had the crowd in her hand. I loved it! Mr Diva hated it!

    Iggy & The Stooges - A complete legend. Very loud, definitely bonkers but brill. Had the whole 3rd stage (tent) jumping like lunatics My ears are still ringing this morning - Mr Diva's fave act of the weekend.

    The Killers - watched about 10 minutes but it wasn't my thing and it was chucking down so we headed for home.

    So there you have it, in a nutshell.

    You can now start throwing things at me for my unashamed adoration of Mika, Mr Doherty and James Morrison ....

    CtD x x x

    PS: Good morning BP !!

  238. At 12:59 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good morning everyone - my what busy weekends you've all had - made very interesting reading

    (ps starting writing this at 1030 this morning - got distracted by work)

    Sorry Plummy don't work for any fruit based employers.

    Gingembre I hope you had a reasonably peaceful weekend on duty.

    HL and Clodagh on form as usual

    To everyone else howdy from a damp Dorset


  239. At 01:07 PM on 20 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    DD, Gawd bless yer guv'ner! All I would add is rather than being a hen night, it was a friends birthday party, fancy dress, heroes heroines warriors etc etc, I went as the Cheerleader who saves the World. Badger clad himself to resemble Commambo...

    ...as it is, there were only about 2 other people, of ALL the 76 gazillion there, who watch Heroes...

    CtD, I think I have also been BP'd.

    Must have either been the mention of thigh length boots or baby oil...

    Slip slidin away

    ps Clodagh - all my very best wishes go to you and your mum hon xxxxxxxxxxx love the story about your Aunty Dot meeting you first. I'm sure you have plenty of other wonderful memories you can share.

    pps and Debbie x hope this week holds only lovely things for you x

  240. At 01:31 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Brian wrote:

    I heard last week that you had got married. Sorry if I'm late on this but as a non-reader of most of the newspapers - cos they're usually full of sensationalist speculatory fiction - I hadn't heard this gem of truth buried in all the fiction.

    Most importantly, BIG HUGE HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to you and Natasha.

    Don't get too sensible (we like you the way you are) but I'm sure everyone hopes that the present Mrs Evans remains the present Mrs Evans as long as the present Mrs Wogan has been so. You never know, she could yet be the future Lady Evans!

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