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Chris Evans | 14:22 UK time, Monday, 5 February 2007

Just had a three hour meeting….

…too long for a meeting really but it had to be that way. Comic Relief and all that, shall I do the nine till ten hour or the eleven thirty to twelve thirty hour ? There’s a million reasons to do one or the other and whichever we choose it’ll be mayhem, last minute and so on and so forth and hurrah for everyone.

Bloody taters outside, cold enough to freeze the breath of a dragon.

Hope all went well for you at the weekend thingy and hope Monday finds you well and well rested.

I have finally got the gist of the fact that time off is for resting and not for seeing how much punishment your internal organs can take due to the consumption of huge heaps of gluttony. Sleep as well, now there’s a thing.

Helen our producer is already totally fired up for the week ahead and for some reason seems a little different. Different for the better, she has something about her I have not thus far witnessed. Can’t quite put my finger on it but something’s definitely gone on, whether she’s aware of it or not, the girl’s changed I tell ya !

Top Gear good (Hugh Grant on Top Gear hilarious), Louis Theroux brilliant, 24 ok but not as good as last week, bed – amazing.

Culinary highlights… home made burgers, fishcakes.. lowlights.. T bone steak, disappointingly tasteless.

Tonight the story of Jimmy Choo, I hope, I’ll find out in a bit and of course Michael Van Strat, Superfood super sleuth.

Off to see Notes from a whatsit this evening, Dame Judi Dench, oh yes.



  1. At 02:50 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Am I first???

    Just blogged on Fridays musings....

    Is Helen pregnant/in love/free of ex partner? OR, is it that 'things' have just fallen into place for her? Whatever the reason/cause, I'm pleased for you all - GO GIRL!!!

    S xx.

  2. At 02:51 PM on 05 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Your weekend sounds as though it was very enjoyable and quite well behaved! I also thought Louis Theroux was brilliant - love his whole style. I have only been to Las Vegas for an overnight (long story) but that film captured the excitement and sadness of the place. Gambling is not for the faint hearted! We won $60 on our first roll of a slot machine and I insisted that was us finished!

    Enjoy the Judi Dench movie (she is wonderful) which I hope to see next week. I went to see Bobby on Saturday with my sister and I'm sorry to say I fell asleep for the first ten minutes! Well, it was WARM in the UGC!!

    Have a good day one and all.

    C xx

    P.S. Mariella, WELCOME BACK!!

  3. At 02:51 PM on 05 Feb 2007, JoJo wrote:


    Happy Monday.

    Top Gear came on - I say how much I dislike Hugh Grant. End of programme and I say how much I like Hugh Grant. Proving you shouldn't judge someone by what you read. What a funny, lovely guy.

    Louis Theroux - fascinating, watchable tv!

    Looking forward to tonight's show.


  4. At 03:03 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Afternoon CLP and bloggers/schloggers
    Another cold Monday, with snow threatened for later in the week, which the weather'd make it's mind up and either be winter or spring! Passed huge clumps of snowdrops while driving to visit the mother ship yesterday, beautiful sight in all the sunshine, makes you glad to be alive!
    Anyhoo, just heard that Billie is treading the boards for the first time tonight, hope she does well.
    Work boring today as our main system has died and therefore no longer available to us plebs before Wednesday! the buyers are threatening togo off on a store visit, I don't think poor old Swindon store would be able to cope with such an influx!
    Oh well, back to the mind-numbing fill in jobs!
    Tiggy xxx

  5. At 03:10 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hello Chris et al

    Comic Relief on its way - I'm looking forward to it. As someone who regularly vists Africa, I'm only too aware of the difference that community-directed projects can help. My marketing manager, the erstwhile and occasionally interesting scientist Dr Booth, is even more involved than myself, using his research to generate a charitable venture aimed at providing boreholes in rural Kenyan communities. You can, if interested, read more about this approach at

    For my part, I'm donating the royalties from the sale of my 2006 memoirs, which are selling, occasionally.

    How much longer I'll be allowed to blog freely I'm not sure. I'm due in court on the 7th. If I don't come back on here for a while, please do not judge me too harshly. I was provoked.


    J McC

  6. At 03:13 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Belles wrote:

    Hello Chris and all bloggers

    I agree Hugh Grant was very funny on Top Gear, and Louis was up to his usual standard. Not in to 24 myself but might have to start at the beginning as everyone is raving about it!

    I think the later hour for comic releif as you can be a little more edgy and all of us home from comic releif events can watch, possibly with one eye due to the amount of booze consumed!!

    Looking forward to this weeks show!

    Big Loves

    Belles x x x x

  7. At 03:16 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Yay Chris, you're back!!

    Glad you had a nice chilled-out weekend, it's the way forward.

    Can I make a suggestion? How about you and Kylie??? She needs to be just wrapped up in lurve, and if anyone has lots of lurve, it's YOU!

    Obviously I'm free too, but for Kylie (and no-one else) I will make an exception. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

    There you go - great start to Monday for you!

  8. At 03:17 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:


    Try doing once a week.

    This is a difficult commitment to keep up.... Give us your news on a Wednesday. Then we'll have what's been,and whats to come.

    Get the feeling that daily postings are becoming a chore.


  9. At 03:22 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Happy Monday CLP and bloggers!

    I LOVE home made burgers - some nice organic minced beef from Jimmy's Farm (other farm shops are available), mixed with some of our home grown onions, home grown garlic and two chopped up chillis (one red, one green), bound with 1 egg. Into the Lakeland burger maker, et voila! Delish. Better than anything Cpt Birds Eye or the high street can come up with.

    Weekend was super, silly busy - came into work for a break this morning!

    Moonwalk training going good. Swimming tonight to hopefully loosen me up a bit. Moonwalk sponsorship also going good - raised over £100 already and that's just my online sponsor form. Can't wait to get the 'paper' sponsor form then I can go knocking at neighbours doors lilke a six year old asking for sponsorship. Ha Ha!

    Looking forward to Jimmy Choo info tonight - can we have a Doc Martin one to redress the balance. My purple DMs are de rigeur in portacabin land!

    Ho hum. Best get on - hope this post gets thru - nothing seemed to happen at the end of last week despite posting loads.

    Laters amigos!

    C t D x x

  10. At 03:29 PM on 05 Feb 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Sounds like you had a busy time!

    I remember you mentioning fishcakes on the blog before, think they were your Mum's receipe, but you never did pass it on! Think that's one you owe us CLP :-)

    I wonder if Helen could be pregnant? Women take on a special glow maybe thats what you are seeing........keep us posted!

    Susan S - Sending lots of special {{{hugs}}} to poor wee Charis xxxxxx and happy birthday to her for Saturday! I did tried to post but the BP had other ideas! I love her little red party dress, she looked beautiful. Very moving story on your blog and I can relate to your fostering/adoption issues. I'm going through the process myself and it's taken an absolute age, like you there have been department and personnel changes amongst other set backs!

    My favourite meal over the weekend was my Sister's homemade steakpie dinner it was truly scrumptious!

    DD - A very happy birthday to you xx

    MWa! - How very nice to see you, like Hazel said you have been missed very much. Look forward to hearing more about your trip.

    Bye for now
    Mary xx

  11. At 03:46 PM on 05 Feb 2007, tobes wrote:

    Is it me or is the BLOG losing some power?

    I dont get as excited as I used too... Am I missing the amazing knowledge and inspirtation that used to cleanse me soul everyday!

    I feel like I'm missing out somewhere...

    Is CLP on form as usual or is my interest fading?


  12. At 03:49 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Afternoon Chris

    We love Las Vegas. Not because we are gamblers, on the contrary, I wouldn’t know a royal flush from a toilet brush, but because of the sheer levels of glitz and tackiness. Oh, and the shopping is superb if you know where to look.

    Mind you, three days and out. That’s our rule. Any longer and that constant ‘ching, ching, ching’ becomes a permanent fixture in your brain.

    Louis’ programme last night was terrific, albeit scary as these people hung huge amounts of money (that they didn’t appear to have) on the next turn of the card or spin of the wheel. I hope that we don’t develop a culture like that as we bring in our so-called ‘super casinos’, but I bet we do.

    Well I would bet, but of course, I don’t gamble.

    Large amounts of home-cooking and sleeping, with a couple of visits to the gym, were the order of our weekend too.

    Now I am having to contend with good ‘ol computer crashes on reporting day.

    Ho hum.

    Perhaps I’ll go and stick a fiver on Fulham to win the FA Cup.........

    Peace & love


    PS Phoney Beatlemania

    PPS Aces High

    PPPS One louder

  13. At 04:16 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good evening,

    Man this is slow today. Totally agree with Chris about Top Gear, and Sunday tv in general. Its like they save up all the good stuff for just one night and then I have to forsake some programme to watch another. Unfortunately my digital recorder box thingy is not very good. It lets me record if I'm out, but not if I want to watch something on the other side - oh well, I guess there are more important things to worry about.

    Another quick snippet from my travels to New Zealand.

    I was there for my birthday, (24th Jan) and I must say it was the best day. I woke up in Queenstown where my hotel room opened out onto the fab gardens and beautiful views of the lake and mountains. I sat on the lawn with my birthday cuppa and my birthday ciggie, enjoying the early morning sun before heading off to go jet boating through Shotover Canyon. This is where they filmed some of the Lord Of The Rings. The jet boat goes very very quickly in some very very shallow water with lots of very very big rocks dotted all over the place. The boat also does 360 spins and the people in the boat get very very wet. It was great - I could wake up in that way every day if given the oppurtunity. After an hour of getting very very wet we returned to the hotel where I was given presents I wasn't expecting.
    After lunch - cheese and ham toastie - we headed up the Gondola and went on the luge which was also fun but not as wet. After that is was time for shopping which I am very good at and enjoy thoroughly. As it was my birthday I had to decide where we would have dinner so I plumped for Chinese. OMG! It was so tasty, and incredibly filling. I had Miso to begin with then beef and cashew nut with noodles. I now am determined to make my own miso. I have done it once before and it was ok, but I think I'll be more experimental this time. oh, also the weather was very sunny on my birthday - around 32 degrees, it was the hottest birthday I have ever had!

    I am preparing myself for a lonely Valentines Day. I can either stay in and mope or go out and enjoy, so I am booking my tickets to see Hot Fuzz. How romantic will that be!

    Speak soon,

    MW, a!

  14. At 04:19 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    great blog

  15. At 04:23 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:

    good afternoon chris and bloggers!
    A story of Jimmy Choo, I must listen to that!
    Oh Comic relief how I love it! Unfortunatly I will be in Tenerife when it's on :( But will be buying my red nose soon!
    Chris you have to go on top gear! I think you would be fab! And much better than Hugh Grant!
    Hope all you bloggers had a good weekend, missy xx

  16. At 04:30 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    You definitely sound more chipper than you did last week!

    Totally agree with the whole 'sleep' thing. I got up this morning and couldn't wait to go to bed tonight!

    We had a great weekend at our mate's 40th, and a delicious Sunday pub lunch with our friends and their families...but WE DO NEED MORE SLEEP please.....

    but before all that HOORAH...SHOES!!!! Tamara and Jimmy...love love love...38 1/2 or 5 1/2 (39 or a 6 if they're a bit snug...) just in case anyone needs to know...


    ps, pardon me boy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes???

  17. At 05:20 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Can't eat Beef ... Mad cow
    Can't eat chicken ... bird flu
    Can't eat eggs ... Salmonella
    Can't eat pork ... fears that bird flu will infect piggies
    Can't eat fish . heavy metals in the waters has poisoned their meat
    Can't eat fruits and veggies ... insecticides and herbicides


    I believe that leaves Chocolate!!!!!!!!

    Remember - - -
    spelled backwards is

  18. At 05:32 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hello Chris:0)

    Had a lovely weekend myself 2, not watched TopGear yet but video's last night and plan to watch tonight, looking forward to it now:0)

    Had a rather culinary weekend myself, found this recipe for bread made from Tanglefoot Beer, hehehe, Alcohic Bread :0)

    It was very yummie yummie 2!

    Have just installed a new radio in my office so i can now listen to the first 1/2 hour of the show "live" am lovong the 24 sound effect :0)


  19. At 05:34 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Helen wrote:

    Well I'm still in the office & unfortunately can't listen until I head for home.
    Just wondering what delights the M25 has in for me tonight as I try to get home to see my gorgeous children.
    Glad to hear Chris is getting the work/life balance - I still have no idea how to manage that one. The harder I work the harder I need to fill the weekends with fun - & then the more tired I feel come Monday! Get enough sleep & I feel I haven't had a break..... Hey ho
    Looking forward to heading home Just hope I make it to J21a while Chris is still on, makes the journey much more bearable!

  20. At 05:54 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Good day one and all ya'll

    Pleased to hear everyone had a good weekend. To be honest the weather was indeed buuutiful.

    We are doing the Quizz of the week at the home for Retired Cabaret Artists tonight.
    Yes, Sale of the century. I was busy picking up prizes from the local charity shops today.

    MESSAGE FOR MC Crumble Good luck for the 7th. I take it you will not be needing my services as Lawyer even after all my expereince with ironside.

  21. At 06:23 PM on 05 Feb 2007, mjg wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    Great weekend, as said on thursday, went to friends in bexley heath whilst listening to arf

    had a great meal and some great fun

    also fired up for this week - have fun all

    taking an assembly at sixth form college about love...? interesting huh??!!

  22. At 07:12 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Jonny Ablett wrote:

    Weekends for resting!? Have a word with yourself Mr..... Think about us poor beggers that have to work weekends, late shifts, night shifts!!!

    But on saying that there is nothing like a lazy day in the middle of the week knowing everyone else has to work! Days off are for perfecting the skill of doing nothing.

    And Hugh Grant... always thought he was a tool, but what a funny guy! shame about the problem with his chap's crackers though...

    laters peeps

  23. At 07:42 PM on 05 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Evening Christoff!

    Going to have to listen again to tonight's show! Not been a great day inn the Simpson household! Running out of clothes, bedding, wipes, towels, clothes, and energy!

    Now, tell me ... what is it with these meetings that go on for hours!? I used to hate calling staff meetings, cos I knew that some folk could go on for HOURS about stuff that really didn't matter.

    However .... a 3 hour meeting for Comic Relief seems somehow ok, doesn't it? Go for the nine til ten, then you can relax for the rest of it!

    As for weekend ... Mr E you have a duty to your devoted listeners to look after yourself, to rest at the weekend, eat healthily, do something that soothes and nourishes your soul, do some exercise (though I really trimmed up when I had my dog)! Home made burgers and fishcakes aren't too bad, eh? T-bone steak .... has to be well reared, preferably organic, and medium rare!

    Helen ... do tell .... what's the secret!?

    Looking forward to hearing about Jimmy Choo and Michael Van Strat!

    Have a great evening!


    Susan, Highland lass

  24. At 08:25 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Mandie wrote:

    If you want cold come over to Michigan USA. It's -12c.

  25. At 09:07 PM on 05 Feb 2007, kaz wrote:

    hi christophe and fellow bloggers.

    Agree very cold today. Glad Monday over.
    Food sounds good shame about the steak.


  26. At 01:04 AM on 06 Feb 2007, Jill wrote:

    Time I sampled some sleep. Like the silky black dog who's lying on my feet.

    CLP -
    Much as I love this place, I agree with DWNB that it could be better for you to write to us bloggeroos once a week. It must be a real hassle trying to find the time five days a week. No wonder you're tired! Hope you enjoyed Notes from a whatsit enough to stay awake. Sounds good, plan to go soon.

    Love 'n stuff
    Jill xxx

  27. At 01:10 AM on 06 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Got thrown a bit of a curve ball today. Went to collect NZ holiday pics from the developers, got home, selected one of the many packets, opened it up to find pics from my wedding day. Bugger!

    I say bugger because I had thought that progress had been made with my emotions, that I was quite calm with the situation and what with him moving away to a different country in the next 6 weeks for a year I thought I could bid him farewell in a nice, friendly manner - wish him luck and then get on with sorting myself out. However, the pictures are mainly of the happy couple and it reminds me of how good we were together. Maybe I see things differently to how they really were, rose coloured glasses and all that - but looking at these photos I don't think so.

    So what were the emotions I went through? Well, an overwhelming sense of love mainly, followed by disappointment and loss. Strangely there was no anger, I don't think I've felt anger for some time now. There was definitely frustration in there too. I do miss him, not all the time I have to admit, but sometimes. I no longer go to bed and cuddle his pillow, wishing he was with me, to hold me in his arms and make me feel safe like he used to - I don't think he could make me feel safe again. But I miss him when I'm cooking dinner, or when I'm stood in the field on my own. I miss him when a certain song gets played on the radio and when something silly makes me laugh. I miss him when I look at the night sky and I missed him today when I saw these bloody pictures. The problem is, I can't tell him that. I can't tell the man that wrenched me out of his heart and out of his life that I still have these feelings for him. I can't make myself that vunerable just to be hurt again, which is exactly what would happen.

    He used to tell me that he loves me, misses me, wants me back. That doesn't happen much now, and there have been no actions to prove his statements. I don't know what I want him to do, and if he did it I still don't know for certain that everything would work out for us. The 1st cut is the deepest, but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th all hurt just as much if not more.

    I said he was the love of my life, and I still stand by that. The passionate, all consuming rollercoaster of emotions that we shared together could be nothing else. So yes, he is the love of my life but that doesn't automatically mean we will always be together. Does it?

    Desperately in need of help and sleep,

    MW, a!

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