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Chris Evans | 13:24 UK time, Monday, 26 February 2007

Dear Bloggers,

How the devil wears prada are you ?

I have had a weekend full of…

…Guinness, red wine, big food, no sleep, two missed planes and I think there was a rugby match in their somewhere..

Literally just got back this second from Dublin, a day late with hangover still pending, dreading it kicking in. Hopefully it’ll wait till I’m asleep tonight.

The Irish, I know you know already but come on, how bloody nice are they. The most articulate, forthcoming, gentlest people on God’s earth. And the girls are so beautiful ! And so cool !!!

No wonder the paddys are so successful in the business world. I know quite a few very very rich Irish guys though you'd never guess in a million years. They are so modest with it, so understated but boy do they know how to have a good time.

In Ireland everyone drinks and no one worries about it. This is because of the way they drink. It’s all based around good conversation and a huge sense of occasion. Then once the drinking’s over, on you get with the day job.

Why are they so laid back about it all ? And why is it when you’re there it becomes completely infectious. If I’d done in England what I’ve done in the last two days in Ireland I would be half dead by now but other than feeling a good half stone heavier I actually feel quite well. At least I think I do.

The rugby itself wasn’t great as you may have concluded if you saw it however the atmosphere was electric. I have never heard singing so loud and again the respect of the Irish fans to all their English visitors was nothing short of moving. They even helped us sing our own national anthem !

I think I may end up living in Ireland, it’s bloomin’ cold though and wet. If it wasn’t either of these things I think half the world would emigrate there. I want to go back again soon, maybe to the west coast next time.

How much love is there for Helen Mirren around the country ? Everyone is so pleased for her. She’s so liked, it’s brilliant.

Did anyone read Clarkson in the paper yesterday ? He was hilarious, getting his middle class knickers in a right old twist he was. The poor man’ll give himself a coronary if he carries on. Very funny though.

Boys weekends - justifiable required bonding sessions or just an excuse to see if any of the female race still find you in any way attractive ? The latter, ladies let me tell you, if he claims otherwise he’s having you on.

CLP xxx


  1. At 01:28 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Sigh wrote:

    Sounds like fun CLP! Hope the hangover waits 'til after tonight's show.

    Am I first today???

  2. At 01:29 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Glad you had a good time Chris.

    I have Irish visitors staying at my house this coming weekend, so hopefully they will bring some of that fab Irish atmosphere with them.

    Have a great week.

  3. At 01:36 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    WOW It sounds as if you had a great weekend despite the rugby.Havn't blogged for a while but I have been reading all the great comments.Roll on 5 o clock.XXXAshy

  4. At 01:45 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris

    Never done Dublin. It is way up on the list though. In fact, up two places this week to number 3, pop pickers, following that glowing report.

    A good dose of caffeine should see you right for the show.

    A splendid weekend was had slapping paint on the kitchen walls, watching Fulham come oh-so-near to getting a good result against Man U (on telly alas as paint-slapping was not optional – see Mrs MfR for details), going out to the premier Italian restaurant in Surrey ( finer southern European eateries are most definately not available) and lunching in CLP’s former hang-out yesterday.

    Not all at the same time, of course.

    This week is panning out to be rather terrific too as we have just wangled (is that really a word?) a couple of VIP tickets to see Keane on Thursday.

    And who said Mondays were grim?

    Have a great week all.

    Peace and love


    PS Dirk wears white sox

    PPS Less than zero

  5. At 01:48 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Ahhhh Chrissie chrissie chrissie you do seem to have had far too much fun over the weekend - I also hope that your impending hangover waits until tomorrow morning so you have all day to recover.

    I agree that Ireland is a beautiful place to visit, last time I was there it only rained during the night. The scenery in the south is fabulous and I am aiming to visit again to see the delights of Galway and Cork next time.

    Must dash got to go back to work

    Keep your chin up mate - girl on the sofa awaits you this week and you better not be going on too much about the weekend's activities or she will be out of the door!!

    Best wishes to all bloggers
    Phoenix out

  6. At 01:49 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris et al

    Sorry for the long absence. This was due to a problem with connections at the Institute (the person responsible is no longer employed), along with being very busy on some long-overdue experiments.

    I've only been once to Ireland myself, hunting for hedgehogs. It was a less than fruitful trip, but I do share your views of the people, who were beyond friendly and hospitable. I'm still in touch with the landlady of a particular B&B we stayed in near Cork, who every Christmas sends me a pot of her homemade jam because I enjoyed it so much when we visited.

    Boys weekends - mmmm, have done it, but wouldn't recommend it too often. I came back several hundred pounds poorer and with a rather sore head. Dolores just laughed when I told her how the horse had quite literally bolted whilst I was attached to its saddle.

    If anyone is interested, you can visit my blog and read the story of how I managed not to go to jail.


    J McC

  7. At 01:54 PM on 26 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Glad to hear you had such a good weekend. Dublin is utterly fantastic, I think. And, I agree, the Irish are just wonderful to be around. Very funny, so laid back and really friendly.

    Next time you're there, and looking for a wee pressie for your mum (or some other female!) walk up to the top of Grafton Street, on the left hand side just before St Stephen's Green. There you will find a quaint, lovely wee jewellers shop with some of the nicest people on the planet working there. After your shopping get yourself to McDaids pub, right next to the Westbury Hotel - great Guinness, great atmosphere! Just thinking about it, can I come along with you next time?!

    Boys weekends - these had not even been invented when I met my husband and I have to say that had he suggested taking off to Dublin, Amsterdam or any of these places for a "stag" or a "bonding" weekend, I would have been livid! Do I LOOK like I was born yesterday?

    Don't answer that!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    C xx

    P.S. Helen Mirren is an inspiration - really delighted for her!

  8. At 01:58 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    hi chris you make me want to go to Ireland real bad must go sometime this year

  9. At 01:59 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Sounds like you've had a great weekend CLP! I also read in the paper that you were there for the lovely Miss P when she was upset the other day - you really are a sweetheart.

    Any chance of a bit of Dixie Chicks on the show tonight???

    Waiting to hear if the Fox has had Little Fox no 2 yet as well!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.


  10. At 02:05 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon everyone!
    I so want to go to Dublin and Irland it looks like such an amazing place!
    I'm in love!! With David Tennant!! He is so lovely! I watched the programme he was in last night anf it was brilliant. I hope I marry a scottish man because I love the accent.

    Well done Helen Mirren! I just love it when the brits win the big awards at the Oscars.
    I hope this comment gets through, the beeb hasn't wanted to put me on recently.
    Have a wonderful week all you beautiful bloggers!, love missy xx
    15 days to Tenerife!WHOO HOO!!

  11. At 02:07 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Chris, have you read "Round Ireland with a Fridge"?

    By Tony Hawks. You'd love it. Maybe you could even recreate it!!!

  12. At 02:07 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    An earlyish blog on a Monday Christophe! This is fairly unprecendented of late...

    Anydoodle, the top of the afternoon to yeh! I too am suffering from one of Irelands exports, one or fifteen too many Magn*rs (other reasonably priced delicious yesterday, but a la the wonderful Irish, it was all based around good company and good conversation - had a fab weekend, made even better by not having to watch any football or rugby - I gather it wasn't good? My fairweather support for Chelsea FC apparently helped though...

    A friend of ours recently went on a Boy's Weekend, a-shootin' and a-drinkin'. In (just) one of his text messages to myself and the boy, he was complaining that 'apart from the barmaid, there was no female tottie to ogle at all.' We wondered if he had sent the same message to his girlfriend...

    Anyhoo, BRILLIANT to Helen Mirren, Crint Eastwar, Martin Scorcese and Ennio Morricone...

    But now, thank goodness, the clock towards the end of today has begun to speed up...just as the headache that is about to consist of my hangover is doing exactly the same...

    Chris, I hope your hangover does indeed only manifest once you have dozed off this evening...

    mal de tete

  13. At 02:18 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Ron (female) wrote:

    ... & what do you think girlies weekends consist of, hum?!!

    Ron (female)

  14. At 02:25 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Top of the afterrnoon all.

    I love Ireland and a bit of Foster and Allan.

    I'm not Scottish either Q honest!

    Hazel Love: Never knew you cared. At Easter time, we usually arrange a day coach trip for the residents. Last year was an assault course on Dartmoor, alas this proved a bit taxing for some residents,so looking for ideas for this years trip.

  15. At 02:32 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Seconding the 'Round Ireland with a Fridge' idea! A v. funny book.

    You should have had a couple of artichoke tablets form Holland & Barratt before heading off out for some frivolity. I have found them extremely beneficial for getting rid of the old hangover (or even preventing them occuring in the first place). It amazing the life skills stuff you learn at university!

    :o) Jo

  16. At 02:32 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Good Afternoon bloggers everywhere, and farewell!

    Perhaps I ought to explain, today will be my last day of blogging for three weeks, off to explore Cuba with Mrs DD, at least the sunshine, the sea, the Mojito and the Rum should further enhance the experience.

    Although, in fairness to our host (with the most enormous hangover coming!) I have in the past enjoyed the delights of Dublin's fair city, this was also linked to a sporting event (loosely) Eddie Irvine was winning something or other, and both the Irish Football teams were playing! Plenty of Black stuff was drunk, oh and somewhere in there we ended up at a wedding up at Carrick on Shannon. Other than that detail the entire weekend was a blub (meant to type blur, but felt the mistype was more appropriate under the circumstances). Dublin is just a cool city! Oh and Robbie was at Slane the same weekend, and their was a gaelic football match at Croke Park. In fact it was chaotic, but v good fun!

    At least you have a good Top Gear to catch up on, the two boys ripping it out of JC was very funny. well worth a watch.

    Anyway off to the airport tomorrow, so for now. See you in March!

    DD out

    PS Wish you were here

    PPS Sorry Matt but, there's only one Ronaldo!

    PPPS Arsenal and Chelsea are to be promoted ........... by Don King!!!

  17. At 02:34 PM on 26 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    Recognising the danger of alienating myself (again) I have to say that I don't get boy's weekends away. Not that I ever do them. When I have been I don't enjoy them. There is something about the presence of ladies that makes for an entirely more pleasant and memorable time. Maybe I just don't do such events often enough to want a change from the mixed ones?

    Having said that, I do get big rugby matches, drinking Guinness, Ireland in general and Dublin specifically. So much so that I did make a half-hearted attempt to get myself invited over with work last Friday and then 'forget' to come home until Sunday.
    I seem to remember a particularly judiciously named street/area that had lots of fine drinking establishments...
    Anyway, I would still rather be attending a big rugby match in Ireland with Guinness in the presence of a mixed group of men and women. Or all women and me would be entirely acceptable too.
    Any offers to join me in two years time?


  18. At 03:02 PM on 26 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CLP - so pleased you had a great weekend and if the music is softer tonight, we'll understand why! Let's hope the hangover doesn't attack until your show is over for the night!

    I've only been to Ireland once, for a weekend, and spent a lovely few days in Cork and Blarney. The people there were lovely and so welcoming and I'm determined to go back again, this time to sample the delights of Dublin - preferably not when there are any hen nights on the go!

    I have some very close female friends but I still don't like being out in a group of more than about half a dozen of them at any one time. That may sound strange but, like Moose, I much prefer the mix of male and female company. Can't explain why - I just do.

    jillygoat x

  19. At 03:03 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    Go on `ave a laff...

    A young boy went up to his father and asked, "What's the difference between potentially and realistically?" The father ponders for a moment and then answered "Go ask your mother if she would sleep with Robert Redford for a million quid and also ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million quid, then come back and tell me what you learned."

    So the boy went to his mother and asked "Mum would you sleep with Robert
    Redford for a million quid?" The mother replied, "Definitely, I wouldn't pass an opportunity like that."

    The boy then went to his older sister and asked "Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million quid?" The girl replied "Oh gosh, I would just love to do that, I would be nuts to pass up that opportunity."

    The boy then thought about it for a few days, and went back to his father.

    His father asked him "Did you find the difference between potentially
    and realistically?" The boy replied, "Yes, potentially we're sitting on 2 million quid, but realistically we're living with a couple of slappers."

    The father replied, "That's my boy."

  20. At 03:33 PM on 26 Feb 2007, martin james wrote:

    Blaaahny, blaaahny. Gingee, did you bring any four leaf glovers back to spread a little Irish good luck around?

    CLP, have you ever tried phoning the show on a Friday? Not possible; well it must be possible because people get through, but how they manage it is beyond me - I`ve tried 3 weeks in a row, from 4.55 to 6.55pm - worn 2 phones out with blisters on my fingers to proove it.

    Did you see Jeremy Clarkson with Kristin Scott Thomas's (his dream date!); it was so funny, I`m enjoying Top Gear more than I have done for a long time. And I`ve come to the conclusion they don`t need fast cars, just the likes of Laurel and Hardy et al!!

  21. At 03:35 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Moose, re: Any offers to join me in two years time?


    ...and further to my previous post, which should have read...many Magn*rs (other reasonably priced delicious cider and cider type drinks are available) yesterday, but a...

    Muchos apologicos.

    In other news.

    I went to Dublin a few years ago. Stayed at a fab hotel, had an absolutely WONDERFUL time being fed and watered, shopping, eating, drinking etc, and I won the Irish Writers Pub Crawl Competition while I was there too hoorah! We did all right for James*n's (other Irish Whiskys available) that day, shame I don't drink the stuff! I also was invited to a 'lock-in' at a pub called The Stand. Bliss.

    Ashy, welcome back lovely! I mistchu!

    DD, I do hope you and Mrs Dissing have a fab time, and I know this isn't strictly Cuban, and I'm sure you (being SO cosmopolitan 'n all) will have already tried a Caipirinha. Made with Cachaca which is a fermented sugar drink, similar to white rum, but MUCH nicer, and makes the Caipirinha is slightly more tart and refreshing than the Mojito.

    I'm sooooooooooooooooo jealous. Me and the boy probably won't be able to get away until late October, early November...


    ps Physical, you're so
    pps Imitation of life

  22. At 03:42 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Titch wrote:

    Chris...with a name like Dennehy you'd have thought I'd know what to expect this weekend...those Irish eyes( and hearts) were certainly smiling!!! NEVER had such a great w .end in Dublin. The generosity of those lovely people, and the moving atmosphere in the stadium will be a memory I will cherish...Even saw you walking down O Connel St ( eating your banana!!) after the match... but thought you deserved a weekend off too, so didn't disturb.

  23. At 03:42 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Moose, re: Any offers to join me in two years time?


    ...and further to my previous post, which should have read...many Magn*rs (other reasonably priced delicious cider and cider type drinks are available) yesterday, but a...

    Muchos apologicos.

    In other news.

    I went to Dublin a few years ago. Stayed at a fab hotel, had an absolutely WONDERFUL time being fed and watered, shopping, eating, drinking etc, and I won the Irish Writers Pub Crawl Competition while I was there too hoorah! We did all right for James*n's (other Irish Whiskys available) that day, shame I don't drink the stuff! I also was invited to a 'lock-in' at a pub called The Stand. Bliss.

    Ashy, welcome back lovely! I mistchu!

    DD, I do hope you and Mrs Dissing have a fab time, and I know this isn't strictly Cuban, and I'm sure you (being SO cosmopolitan 'n all) will have already tried a Caipirinha. Made with Cachaca which is a fermented sugar drink, similar to white rum, but MUCH nicer, and makes the Caipirinha is slightly more tart and refreshing than the Mojito.

    I'm sooooooooooooooooo jealous. Me and the boy probably won't be able to get away until late October, early November...


    ps Physical, you're so
    pps Imitation of life

  24. At 04:26 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi bloggers and bloggettes

    Boy's weekends Girl's weekends. It's all about something different. So you go out on a boys weekend to do something blokey and sport based but it always ends in a club drinking copious amounts of beer and trying your luck with a girl, let's face it, anyone will do; and she is out on a girl's weekend of shopping, followed by drinking copious glasses of a slightly alcoholic fruit based drink, seeing if she still has it when it comes to getting a guy up on the dance floor. The guys though, all in their early 40s, glued to the wall with a pint of larger, just watching and waiting for the slow number to come on so they can smooch across the dance floor to spit in your ear.

    We all know it's going no further than the Kebab shop.......

    It's what weekends are for..... every now and again....anyway.....:)

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  25. At 04:26 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Dont Tease Old Ladies.....

    Defense Attorney:
    Will you please state your age?

    Little Old Lady:
    I am 86 years old.

    Defense Attorney:
    Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April

    Little Old Lady:
    There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me.

    Defense Attorney:
    Did you know him?

    Little Old Lady:
    No, but he sure was friendly.

    Defense Attorney:
    What happened after he sat down?

    Little Old Lady:
    He started to rub my thigh.

    Defense Attorney:
    Did you stop him?

    Little Old Lady:
    No, I didn't stop him.

    Defense Attorney:
    Why not?

    Little Old Lady:
    It felt good. Nobody had done that since my Albert died some 30 years ago.

    Defense Attorney:
    What happened next?

    Little Old Lady:
    He began to rub my breasts.

    Defense Attorney:
    Did you stop him then?

    Little Old Lady:
    No, I did not stop him.

    Defense Attorney:
    Why not?

    Little Old Lady:
    His rubbing made me feel all alive and excited. I haven't felt that good

    in years!

    Defense Attorney:
    What happened next?

    Little Old Lady:
    Well, by then, I was feeling so "spicy" that I just laid down and told
    him "Take me, young man. Take me now!"

    Defense Attorney:
    Did he take you?

    Little Old Lady:
    Hell, no! He just yelled, "April Fool!" And that's when I shot him, the little bastard.

    You go girl!!!

  26. At 04:29 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I have a severe case of Blogitis Repedemic today.

  27. At 04:33 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi bloggers and bloggettes

    Boy's weekends Girl's weekends. It's all about something different. So you go out on a boys weekend to do something blokey and sport based but it always ends in a club drinking copious amounts of beer and trying your luck with a girl, let's face it, anyone will do; and she is out on a girl's weekend of shopping, followed by drinking copious glasses of a slightly alcoholic fruit based drink, seeing if she still has it when it comes to getting a guy up on the dance floor. The guys though, all in their early 40s, glued to the wall with a pint of larger, just watching and waiting for the slow number to come on so they can smooch across the dance floor to spit in your ear.

    We all know it's going no further than the Kebab shop.......

    It's what weekends are for..... every now and again....anyway.....:)

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  28. At 04:39 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Lily wrote:

    Which flight were you on? I flew back myself today and got in around the same time.

    That rugby was sooooo fantastic!!!!!!! I didn't get to Croker (ie Croke Park), but I had enough of a sense of it all where I was. My throat hurts from screaming so much.

    What you say about us Irish and drink is very true. There's always an occassion because we always know somebody who has something that needs celebrating or comiserating or it's a catch-up with friends you haven't seen in a while. It's always a good time out :-)

    A recommendation for your return trip - Galway. It's my favourite place. I grew up in Kildare, but I adore Galway. As for a good time to go there in particular - Arts Festival and Galway Races time (usually July/August).

    Enjoy your hangover :-)

  29. At 04:40 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I'm with the Tony Hawks fans - Round Ireland with a Fridge is excellent.

    I am three-quarters Irish by descent, so that must make me nearly OK. I think the remaining German quarter hypes up most of the laidback-ness however!

    I nearly saw Helen Mirren live in a Jacobean play when I did my A levels, but she was 'indisposed'. We had to make do with Bob Hoskins instead. :o)

  30. At 04:42 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I'm with the Tony Hawks fans - Round Ireland with a Fridge is excellent.

    I am three-quarters Irish by descent, so that must make me nearly OK. I think the remaining German quarter hypes up most of the laidback-ness however!

    I nearly saw Helen Mirren live in a Jocobean play when I did my A levels, but she was 'indisposed'. We had to make do with Bob Hoskins instead. :o)

  31. At 04:44 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Sounds as though you've had a top weekend - nothing wrong with letting your hair down - you don't do it anywhere near as much as you used to, so will be a refreshing change for you.

    MFR - I 'did' Dublin a few years back - thoroughly enjoyed myself, although would love to go back, as the weekend was far too short to fit in all the things I wanted to do! Can recommend the tour in an amphibious vehicle...

    DD - Have a great time in Cuba!

    Quiet one for me - did blog over the weekend and mentioned the Rugby....Croke Park looks like a fantastic venue, I could feel the atmosphere from my sofa!!

    Boys weekends are just as you said matey - an excuse to find out if women still find you attarctive. Question is - if they do, what do you do about it, if anything at all?

    Girls weekends - now there's a completely different kettle of fish. I know women that love Hen weekends, so they can go away and behave as badly as they like, with no worries about their husbands finding out. On the other hand, most of my friends look forward to them as some time out of their usual lives - no longer a mother or wife/partner, but just themselves... The debate is open...

    Seeing flutterby man tonight (other men are available....) - I was due to attend my birthday dinner with my family (yes - was going to be a Greek night), so flutterby man went to watch his footie team play away and stayed 'up north'. In the end though, because my dad's poorly (sprained back AND flu!!) we had to cancel :-( Get well soon dad.

    Anyhow - flutterbies are fluttering, palms are sweating and I really have no idea what to wear and will be seeing him in about 4 hours from now....

    So, have to go - (hmm - shall I wear combats with the cute stripey plimsolls??? Not wearing jeans again, wore them on Friday - BIG SIGH - Friday!!) and try to make some decisions - how ridiculous!!

    Have a Magical Monday all,

    S xx.

    P.S. Take That touring in Nov/Dec!!!!

  32. At 04:45 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I'm with the Tony Hawks fans - Round Ireland with a Fridge is excellent.

    I am three-quarters Irish by descent, so that must make me nearly OK. I think the remaining German quarter hypes up most of the laidback-ness however!

    I nearly saw Helen Mirren live in a Jocobean play when I did my A levels, but she was 'indisposed'. We had to make do with Bob Hoskins instead. :o)

  33. At 04:48 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon, Christoff!

    Guinness and red wine …… soooooooooooooooo good for you! Big food, no sleep and missed planes, so NOT good for you! Glad you had a grand boys weekend away!! I’ve never been to Ireland, but the Irish I’ve met have all been fab … that’s the Celtic blood for you, though! I don’t think they’re as daft about their drinking as their English and Scots cousins are! A bit like the French and the way they drink, huh? Maybe you could have a wee break there in March?

    Well done to Helen Mirren! Didn’t see the Oscars, in fact haven’t heard much more about them!

    Stevie Frae Dundee + Glas - thanks so much for that honey! Really appreciate you doing that …. Though do think you should join us!! J

    The Scottish Meet is open to anyone in the area at the time, by the way!

    Gotta go, just now, folks! Loading up the car to drive down to my folks in Oban for the week. Charis and my sister keeping me company. Any chance of a wee tune, Chris? FatBoy Slim’s Weapon of Choice would be great accompaniement to the windy road round Loch Ness (yes …. I’ve seen mysterious goings on on the Loch!) and through Fort William!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland Lass

  34. At 04:50 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Sounds as though you've had a top weekend - nothing wrong with letting your hair down - you don't do it anywhere near as much as you used to, so will be a refreshing change for you.

    MFR - I 'did' Dublin a few years back - thoroughly enjoyed myself, although would love to go back, as the weekend was far too short to fit in all the things I wnated to do! Can recommend the amphibious vehicle tour...

    DD - Have a great time in Cuba!

    Quiet one for me - did blog over the weekend and mentioned the Rugby....Croke Park looks like a fantastic venue, I could feel the atmosphere from my sofa!!

    Boys weekends are just as you said matey - an excuse to find out if women still find you attarctive. Question is - if they do, what do you do about it, if anythig at all?

    Girls weekends - now there's a completely different kettle of fish. I know women that love Hen weekends, so they can go away and behave as badly as they like, with no worries about their husbands finding out. On the other hand, most of my friends look forward to them as some time out of their usual lives - noi longer a mother or wife/partner, but just themselves... The debate is open...

    Seeing flutterby man tonight (other men are available....) - I was due to attend my birthday dinner with my family (yes - was going to be a Greek night), so flutterby man went to watch his footie team play away and stayed 'up north'. In the end though, because my dad's poorly (sprained back AND flu!!) we had to cancel :-( Get well soon dad.

    Anyhow - flutterbies are fluttering, palms are sweating and I really have no idea what to wear and will be seeing him in about 4 1/2 hours from now....

    So, have to go - (hmm - shall I wear combats with the cute stripey plimsolls??? Not wearing jeans again, wore them on Friday - BIG SIGH - Friday!!) and try to make some decisions - how ridiculous!!

    Have a Magical Monday all,

    S xx.

    P.S. Take That touring in Nov/Dec!!!!

  35. At 04:51 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I suggest you take two of these special F5 pills every twenty minutes, and report back to me every half hour and I'll monitor your condition!

    Dr DD out

  36. At 04:52 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I suggest you take two of these special F5 pills every twenty minutes, and report back to me every half hour and I'll monitor your condition!

    Dr DD out

  37. At 04:55 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I suggest you take two of these special F5 pills every twenty minutes, and report back to me every half hour and I'll monitor your condition!

    Dr DD out

    Aaaaah, it's catching

  38. At 05:08 PM on 26 Feb 2007, john wrote:

    Clarkeson is correct almost all of the time everything else is just stalinism in disguise. Republics are much cooler than here. Time we had one. Chris Evans for president. Lol..

  39. At 05:16 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Lily wrote:

    Which flight were you on? I flew back myself today and got in around the same time.

    That rugby was sooooo fantastic!!!!!!! I didn't get to Croker (ie Croke Park), but I had enough of a sense of it all where I was. My throat hurts from screaming so much.

    What you say about us Irish and drink is very true. There's always an occassion because we always know somebody who has something that needs celebrating or comiserating or it's a catch-up with friends you haven't seen in a while. It's always a good time out :-)

    A recommendation for your return trip - Galway. It's my favourite place. I grew up in Kildare, but I adore Galway. As for a good time to go there in particular - Arts Festival and Galway Races time (usually July/August).

    Enjoy your hangover :-)

  40. At 05:32 PM on 26 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:


    Glad you enjoyed 21st century Dublin. It is indeed a wonderful town and the people are nice. I'm sure you'll agree that affluence tends to improve people's mood and Ireland is indeed affluent and very self confident now. Long may it continue!

    To be fair we've never been that lacking in confidence. Any country that can kick the world's biggest imperial power of the time into the Irish sea can hardly be described as shy and retiring!

    However, you still see how deprived the country has been until relatively recently when you go into the deep south west of the country. Some of my relatives still didn't have running water in the house as recently as the mid-1980s! When telling my sophisticated Dublin colleagues of my roots in Kerry back in the early 1990s one of them retorted "they still live in caves down there don't they?" You can probably guess we didn't get on but he wasn't far from the truth in some cases. It's still the best place in the world though! WARNING: if you can't stick a bit of "soft" weather stay away :-)

  41. At 06:44 PM on 26 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Great show CLP!

    I get the feeling you might still be in a drunken Irish haze and your hangover is still to kick in but no matter you are still brilliant!

    Boys/Girls weekends away- They're great! If you're with someone who you love and trust then it's no problem and if you're single you get to spend some time with your "attached" mates without their partners (which is often difficult). The problems only arise if you have one or both of the partners who doesn't trust the other... then you can expect fireworks!

    Jezza Clarkson and Christin Scott Thomas- Absolutely hilarious! Can't beleive that he said he loved all those hideous cars to be likeable to her... ahh the things we say to impress a hero!

    That's my bit for today...

    & the Bears

  42. At 07:54 PM on 26 Feb 2007, anna wrote:

    So chris, what exactley do you think girls weekends are for.

    ok so not exclusively that, we have to catch up on each others love lives first, but after that - its always nice to think you might still have it...... sadly, it is some time since i went out with the girls as the last time, its just not the same as it used to be. Instead of people thinking im a bit foxy, they now just think im pregnant. which im not. the last man to ask me that found that stella really wasnt his colour.


    PS Calling MfR. you have been missed! Im sure there is a muffin with your name on it.

  43. At 08:31 PM on 26 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah Lambie Pie, the Prodigal Eejit back from God's own country.

    Yes indeed, what about that rugby match. I wept buckets during the National Anthem, and not because I'm a maniacal Englishwoman, but because this was SUCH a huge big deal for the Irish, and despite the best efforts of our press to stir up bitterness and hatred, they rose to the occasion with such enthusiasm, dignity and warmth. It's no exaggeration to say that it restored my optimism for the future of the human race.

    Which is why you'll be finding me in me little chapel in Termonfeckin, with me phone on me pulpit and me downstairs loo in the confessional, feeding the donkeys at the bottom of the garden and joining the Knitting Circle just as soon as I can get me wheelbarrow, hard hat and chain-saw off the ferry.

    The Irish have that self-effacing thing sewn up. They celebrate their own ineptitude, adore it when you call them eejits (when in fact, the reverse is the truth; what is it they say about madness and genius being inextricably linked), call a spade a shovel, are delighted to call their politicians a shower of gobshites on national radio and TV, and yet forgive their personal indiscretions as Boldness, and have a passion, particularly for anything pointless, that is so infectious it's awesome.

    And another thing. You don't see plastic bags blowing in hedgerows in Ireland. They've taxed plastic bags so now it's a paper bag or nothing. No problem.

    See. Genius.


  44. At 08:46 PM on 26 Feb 2007, john mac wrote:

    sounds fun wish iwas there icould do with a boys weekend like that

  45. At 09:35 PM on 26 Feb 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    I think I had deja vu several times reading todays postings!

    Did somebody mention red wine?

    Moose - you do say the nicest things.

    MfR - yeah where have you been.

    And well done to HRH (oooops Dame) Helen Mirren.


  46. At 11:05 PM on 26 Feb 2007, andy pattinson wrote:

    check out galway chris its mini dublin without the hustle and bustle of a big city...you will love it..

  47. At 10:07 AM on 27 Feb 2007, jules wrote:


    As a Manchester girl married to an Irish man (who lost his accent on the boat over) I would have to agree with you about Ireland. My husband's family is from the west coast and we have a fabulous time every time we visit.

    Was in Limerick 2 weeks ago and collected a Glen of Imaal terrier called Lucas who is the most laid back puppy I've ever met (bit like the husband) must be a trait of the Irish.

  48. At 10:38 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Em M wrote:

    Morning all,

    Susan S - the lady with the blog is Judith O'Reilly (Wife in the North), hope you enjoy reading it.

    Em xx

  49. At 11:21 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Katie wrote:

    Um, hello everyone (shy wave) so I'm still wondering about this whole blogging thing etc - what do most people use it for, just recording opinions etc., like Chris? Aaaaaand (she adds hopefully) can anyone recommend good sites that are of real use for people with specific and non specific learning difficulties a bit of a weird question I know but any response would be lovely, thank you.

    Quick save the post with something musical and groovy before it slithers into the realm of boringness... do you reckon we could get Chris to play some Cream on the show, g'on you know you want to Mr Evans!

  50. At 05:28 PM on 27 Feb 2007, emma wrote:

    Chris, you soooo know how to keep us all laughing!

    You're just so like the rest of us when it comes down to it - a commitment to looking after yourself one day and a bloody great bender of a boys' weekend within 48 hours! Nice to know your mind and life are as messy as mine and everyone else's. You've brightened up some less-than-great recent times. Thanks!

    Em x

  51. At 09:35 PM on 27 Feb 2007, PT wrote:

    66mins into 2nd half man u 3 reading 1 running my virus scan whats a blog ? am I blogging?what does it mean? I think I`ll have another glass of red and chill.nearly always listen to your show.Thought JW was good too yYOU ARE OBVIOUSLY the best replacement
    Allthe stuff PT

  52. At 01:52 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Jihn Holmes wrote:

    Well Chris, you have been to Ireland quite a few times, but have you been to Dingle? I lived in Essex for a number of years and there used to be some lovely pubs there, sadly disappearing into big bar restaurants and constant TV.

    Im a Corkman but 3 pubs you wud love in Dingle. Dick Macs, Ashes and McCarthys bar.
    McCarthys wud make anyone smile, on the left is a hardware shop with boxes gathering dust for decades, and the right is the bar!

    The West is beautiful, but the south west is spectacular. Inch beach is worth a stop on your way there. Sure if your interested, Im sure we could arrange something for ya.

    Dont get to hear your show much as im in the car during your show and cannot pick up the beeb other than five live, but I have enjoyed your shows on Virgin and GLR.
    Now that was a while ago! Saturday mornings were hysterical, normally helped with the hangover. Did you ever think when you were doing the BILLY sketch on GLR that you wud marry a Billy?

    Lads weekends are special, they NEED to be preserved. Particularly rugby weekends. Last bastion of freedom. 7 years we followed Munster and we reached Mecca in Cardiff last May. I remember the England Rugby World Cup victory, when believe it or not MOST Irish fans were screaming for England, and when JW dropped that Goal the whole place went nuts and that was early on a Saturday Morning. We are quietly hoping for your support in September when we play the All Blacks in the final!!

    Good luck and keep comin here, we love people who enjoy the craic!!

  53. At 08:45 AM on 02 Mar 2007, Brian Nulty wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Can't stop bumping into to you - seen you in the Coffee Bean Cafei n Haddington Road on the Saturday morning, you were looking very jovial and fresh ! Also seen you in De Barra's Irish bar down in the Algarve over new the New Year. Who was that pretty girl with you oth times ?

  54. At 11:00 PM on 27 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    would you check out some of my art work which you can see if you look on pythongallery.co.uk

    I am at present looking to put a small exhibition on in londen,so any contacts would greatly be appreciated.
    I lived in the Algarve for five years and have just resently returend.Know gerry and all the gang at de barras and the melting pot, and also have two large pieces of my art work in the glass fronted villa across from Antonios at julias beach
    well I look forward to hearing from you.
    thank you for being you kindest regards Victoria

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