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Chris Evans | 10:25 UK time, Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Blustery, wet, cold, aghhh. A Tuesday in January. Two pound fifty for one tea bag and some hot water, I’d like to have been at that pricing meeting…

Alan Bennet in front of me in the queue for the paper, a legend, his famous bike outside, expertly leant against the pavement, one pedal jammed into submission against an unfriendly kerb. The great man, his head down as always.

There’s not much that pisses me off about Alan Bennett except his abundance of hair. Not only is there plenty of it but it’s so lush and lively. It is the hair of a well nourished public school boy, wild on top, kempt and cute at the sides. He still looks cool. He still is cool. I’m not a fan of his writing but I’m a fan of him.

His writing leaves me bored, only because it reminds me of my own childhood, similar observations that to me seem quite unremarkable. Good luck to him though, he seems to have done alright, doesn’t he ?

Went to watch the Idi Amin film last night, now there was a nutter. Who wants to be a despot ? What a bloody miserable existence that is, always worried someone’s trying to kill you and knowing that the only way out is death or being deposed.

I suppose that bit of it's a bit like being a d.j. Ha Ha ! x


  1. At 10:50 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Once again you are the voice of reason. The voice of one saying things we've always thought but never dared say for fear of being ostracized or accused of bullying the little guy...

    I don't get Alan Bennet's writing either.

    But I do get him as a person, too!!! You couldn't have said it more perfectly!!!

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come on Thursday.....


  2. At 10:51 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Morning peeps, you're right there chris. Cold damp and very misserable.

    Nut Eh my panto rehersal went superb. I just hope we have not peaked to early !!

    nurse Moll

  3. At 10:54 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Not cold damp and miserable here, but hey - the west coast of Scotland deserves some bloody sunshine. I can't believe it. Have gone out into the Marina and Sunshine to take pictures of it, that's how rare it it.

    Is beautiful. Beautiful Day... .and I've got another Tap class tonight. Can it get any better?


  4. At 10:59 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Morning all,

    Have just been for my walk, jogged on the trampoline for twenty minutes, listened to Paul McKenna I can make you thin, and typed some of my novel for an hour. It's amazing how much you can do before eleven isn't it? That's the beauty of being a dinner lady and a mum, you have lots of me time as long as you plan your time well.

    I think with Alan Bennet it's not so much what he writes as much as how he writes it. Yes the subjects he writes about are very ordinary, but he writes in a very special way. He makes it look easy, but I can tell you, it bloody isn't!

    The Amin film looks excellent, I'd love to see it but will have to wait for the DVD. That's the downside of having kids, I went to see Happy Feet last weekend! Mind you I thought that was pretty fab as kiddies' films go.

    Right, off to serve grub to ungrateful children,

    See ya,

    Em xx

  5. At 11:01 AM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good morning bloggers and schloggers,

    Chris it is only two days and we are back in the groove like you have never been away!

    Alan Bennett and his hair, this seems like a syndrome like big hair, little hair or big man, little manor Big house little house……you get he idea ;-)

    I hope the film was good Mrs B and I are hoping to watch it this weekend ;-)

    Happy birthday Littlest Hobo!


    P.S. It was entertainment day at the Day Centre and the amazing Claude was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff.

    As Claude went to the front of the meeting room, he announced, "Unlike most hypnotists who invite two or three people up here to be put into a trance, I intend to hypnotize each and every member of the audience."

    The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat pocket. "I want you each to keep your eye on this antique watch. It's a very special watch. It's been in my family for six generations."

    He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting. "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch."

    The crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface.

    Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until, suddenly, it slipped from the hypnotist's fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces.

    "Oh cr@p", said the hypnotist.

    It took three days to clean up the Day Centre

  6. At 11:02 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    I've always thought Alan Bennett was DULL DULL DULL...even his voice...some of his observations are quite witty, but most of the time he just leaves me standing...what paper did he buy?

    Idi Amin was a nutter. End of. Well done Forest Whitaker!

    No strange dreams last night then?

    Fab show by the way - SO GOOD to have you back!

    pneu tyres

    Moose, we're all waiting for you!

  7. At 11:04 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning Chris and bloggers!

    A wet and windy Tuesday indeed! Me and the bears got very muddy this morning and had to resort to hosing paws off.
    Moose- Can't beleive you missed 100 (another milestone gone)
    Kev C- Good luck on getting back to physical fitness, you should try having a couple of mad bears to exercise every day :)
    Tiger T- You can look at the playlist from the show when you get home if you don't know the tunes (handy hint#1)
    I'm off to get a new ski-jacket today 5 days and counting!!!!!!

    & the Bears

  8. At 11:09 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Kiddo, your def living in the wrong city today. Belfast is bright, bristling and beautiful, the sun is out, the frost is still glistening and winter is peeling away in front of my eyes. Fresh, fresh, fresh. Come over here and breath some glorious air!!

  9. At 11:12 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    No. It can't be. I don't believe it. There must be other posts waiting to usurp me....

    Think I had a technical hitch in the previous link so try this one instead...can't see myself until I've posted...

    Talking of things I don't get.
    What is it with women walking arm in arm?
    Schoolgirls doing it - some sort of signifying best friends status, I guess - I get that.
    But grown up women at work in a "professional" office? And not as a laugh either...but quite seriously. Saw it yesterday...don't get it.


    PS Maybe it was a sign that it's time to leave.

  10. At 11:16 AM on 16 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Good morning Chris xx

    When I got in bed last night I couldn't sleep for the wind and rain, but now the sun is shining! I feel guilty because I have flu and i'm snuggled under the duvet! Maybe I should get wrapped up and get some fresh air in my lungs, or maybe not.......

    Moose - Your number 1.....yippppeeee
    Everything comes to those who wait! I hope the same applies on Thursday but then it will be "Everyone"!

    Mary xx

  11. At 11:19 AM on 16 Jan 2007, JF wrote:

    Hello one and all, and welcome back Mr E. Was a joy to listen to you on the way home lastn night.
    Sorry I haven't been commenting/schlogging much recenetly - events at work have become hectic, but rest assured I am checking in daily!
    Wonder if my absence has even been noted?! (not a cry for sympathy! not playing Fishing For Compliments!)
    Hope all are well
    Easy now

  12. At 11:20 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris and Co!

    Well My little boy is three on friday! And I cant help butbe a little proud! He is beautiful, funny, clever and polite! So far so good!

    Im pleased that he remains untouched and oblivious to the breakdown of his parents marriage, the constant battle with money and his mothers occasional sadness. The world is still a marvellous place for him with endless possibilities!

    Moose could you please explain what is happening on Thursday? I am afraid I seem to be out of the blog loop and click due to my three weeks absence?

    I doubt I can make it however, I live all the way in North Yorkshire!

    love em26x

  13. At 11:23 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    I've never really followed Alan Bennet, as I always had the perception that he belonged to a generation I consider not be my own. That's not to diminish his contribution to the arts, which is considerable.

    I have followed 'The Last King of Scotland', not least because some of my work takes me to Uganda. I read and enjoyed the book shortly after it was published. But there was some - let's call it 'artistic licence', at the end that made me go tsk tsk. I won't say what it is here, but anyone who has been to Entebbe should know what I mean...


    J McC

    P.S. Dr Booth knows about the mistake and will gladly reveal all at the OAMC

  14. At 11:26 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    Way to go Moose - you made it first!!!

    This is probably controversial, seeing the previous comments, but I like Alan Bennett's writing - or most of it. Can't stand listening to him though, that voice is just annoying. (Sorry Alan if you're reading this!)

    I stood behind Angus Deayton in a queue once - he was buying a cup of coffee.

  15. At 11:27 AM on 16 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Managed to hear quite a lot of the show last night - really great stuff. HOW did you convince everyone to give a blood test?! No way would I have let you do that!

    As for Alan Bennett - sorry, but the man is brilliant. Have you actually watched any of the Talking Heads - Soldiering On? Cream Cracker Under the Settee? These stories are similar to your own?

    Pulling myself together - hey ho, it wouldn't do if we all like the same thing!

    Anyway, it's great to have to you back, I always value your opinions!

    Have a great day everyone!

    C xx

    P.S. Happy birthday to Littlest Hobo - I want to go to Vancouver!

    Well done Moose - you deserved #1!

  16. At 11:31 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Jo wrote:

    Hoo and most certainly ray


    Don't get hair envy Chris, another's mop wouldn't suit you, you'd never look at yourself in the same way again, you'd probably want to get it all cut like your usual hair.

    Hair is a very personal thing, what suits one person certainly wouldn't suit another - imagine the horror if you woke up one morning to find that the hair fairies had changed your comfortable lived in for years hair to that of someone else - you'd have to learn how to style it (or not, depending on whose you'd got), what shampoo suits it best, what it's character is like in varying weather conditions, not to mention the styling products, whether you now have dandruff or a bit of extra grey.

    :o) Jo

    PS Any more recipes with Galliano in them?

    PPS HW's to all

  17. At 11:36 AM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    moose, congratulations on posting the 850th post on the Christmas blog! Such a milestone it could not have happened to a nicer chap ;-)

  18. At 11:37 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Aw Chris you sound a bit pee'd off this mornin.
    A shock to the system going back to work yesterday perhaps? Tell you what though I am SO glad you're back, feels all nice and comfy again. I'm back to running to the car after work at 5 so I can catch the first few minutes of the show. I love your intro! You always make it sound as though we're in for such a treat over the next 2 hours - and of course we are! I remember when Idi Amin was in power and reading about the attrocities and terror - too scary. There's always a madman causing trouble somewhere isnt there and it's always men isnt it. Put women in charge and we'd be sorted eh!Anyway, back to work now - roll on 5 oclock!

  19. At 11:41 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    MWK - I thank you! Am I allowed to milk it all day or just until lunchtime? And stay under the duvet today...go for some fresh air tomorrow. Look after yourself...

    McCrumble - I'll add it to the agenda. I'm thinking we may also have to divide some jobs out. What with secretary, social secretary and chairmoose, I'm not getting much work done. Still, it's only the professional future (or rather lack of it...) of an undisclosed number of people that I hold in my hoof. No pressure then...

    Hazel - thanks for waiting!

    Em26 - follow the link!!!!!


    PS Should I be worried about a little "Privacy Report" icon popping up every time I go onto my other blog? Methinks my very own blog police here are watching me too. Let's hope they don't mark the Â鶹Éç as a site to report...or I'm really in trouble.

  20. At 11:45 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Moose at No 1

    Well done you! Though this page is very strange as earlier on you weren't there at all??????? I have no idea how all this blogging works. Me thinks I may be a bit of a blognophobe.

    & the Bears

  21. At 11:45 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Morning all, The real DD has now stood up!

    I have recovered my composure from my Gallo melodrama of last evening, mein alter ego has been returned to the cellar where he is, no doubt, eyeing up the next opportunity for causing mischief through the imbibement of the evil potion to excess!

    So is it the girl on the sofa?

    DD out

    PS Moose yes it is occassionally

    PPS Dr J, duly returned with thanks

    PPPS You've gotta fight, for your right

  22. At 11:49 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I prefer Alan Bennetts brother..... Gordon.

    Sorry to bring the intellect down, I just had to get that in.

    Lotsa love

  23. At 11:50 AM on 16 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Have a sneaky 5 mins to catch up - well done moose, you made #1

  24. At 11:58 AM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Moose - number 1 - YIPPEE!!!!!!! I don't feel quite so bad now!!

    I'd been blocked on yesterday's blog and I spent so long trying to get on it that I completely missed today's - doh!

    Alan Bennett - I sort of get his stuff but I always feel slightly uncomfortable watching it, if that makes sense?

    Chris - a brilliant first day back yesterday - lovely to hear you again.

    jillygoat xx

  25. At 12:02 PM on 16 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    The day is your's moose........enjoy!

    Mary xx

  26. At 12:05 PM on 16 Jan 2007, steve potts wrote:

    good morning Chris and bloggers,

    its very grey and wet here in the midlands £2.50 for a cup of tea is legal pickpocketry.

    Out tea machine here at work brews a nice tea fr 15p, yes I know machine tea is normally undrinkable but ours is ok.

    Many years ago whilst employed in the aerospace industry a work colleage gave me the recipe for the perfect chicken curry (and it was , and is). However all of her family were deported from Uganda by Amin , with no appeal they were forced to leave everything behind and only given days to leave the country.

    Peace be upon you bretheren,and Chris buy a thermos,they are £ 2.50 to purchase.

    Keep it real.


  27. At 12:08 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Karen S wrote:

    Afternoon!!!! Alan Bennet, there's a funny chap, I'm not a fan either but he did do a splendid job of reading Pooh Bear.

    Believe it or not, its quite nice in Plymouth today, my day off too.

    Missed you over Christmas, you keep me company on an otherwise tedious commute home. Good to have you back.

    Catch ya later


  28. At 12:08 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Good to have you back Chris and team.

    Re: Alan Bennet I have to say I am in full agreement with Chrissie S, the man is great, his observations are just so spot on, he can make you laugh and cry within seconds of each other.

    Also looking forward to the Idi Amin film, looks great (Can you look forward to a film about such a mentally flawed creature??)
    But then I've always had a rather morbid curiosity, not in a bad way, but always been interested in things such as Jack The Ripper etc. I must have read dozens of books on the subject, it's more what is it that drives these maniacs to commit the terrible things they do?

    Just thought best to explain meself incase you were all thinking I was some sort of nutter!

    Best get on with some work now
    cheers and take care

  29. At 12:12 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    I don't believe it ... I've been got at by the BP or whatever their initials are this week! I feel more at one with the rest of you now ...

    All I said was congratulations to Moose on his number 1 spot and that I like what I've read of Alan Bennett's writing. Is that controversial??? (I did also mention that I didn't like listening to the aforementioned author - AB not Moose - as I found his voice irritating, but I didn't swear or say anything I would find offensive. )

  30. At 12:16 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thank you everyone. You've been wonderful. I'd like to thank my parents, blub...my family, blub... and everyone else who has supported me through a difficult, blub, time of near misses, blub...oh and Gwyneth Paltrow, blub...

    Lyndyloo - I think posts with a website attached take a bit longer to get through..have noticed more delay on mine since I linked up...

    Kev C - sorry if you were celebrating too early!

    DWNB - enjoy the sun and tell him indoors I'm not barking, I was just born there.


    PS BigUn - thanks. Twice in one day - there's a first! Well, second actually but it was a long time ago...in Madrid (Spain, not New Mexico, though I've been there too...full of hippies - the New Mexico one. Nice pinon - I'm afraid you'll have to imagine the squiggly bit above the first n.)

  31. At 12:18 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good morning Christoph

    Detox Day 16 and all is well.

    I’m getting rather used to this sleeping lark and waking up feeling refreshed. I admit that I am still popping herbal ‘sleep-aids’, but I haven’t felt this good in ages.

    I’m pleased with my executive decision to attend the OAMC. In fact, I’m rather excited about the whole thing. I’m not sure about leaping through the pub doors and performing a jig to announce my presence though. I think I’ll slip in quietly and attempt to spot the blogger. Can’t be that difficult, can it?, after all, we are a strange breed. Obviously, if Mr E is there it will be easy. I wonder if he will recognise me........

    I always struggled with Hemingway. Not, physically, of course, he’d have crushed me with the tip of his little finger and drunk me under several tables to boot. No, his writing. A truly fascinating fellow, I went to his house in Key West, saw the urinal in the garden that he liberated from Sloppy Joe’s as a souvenier, his logic being that he had p****d so much money down there surely it was now rightfully his, and the salt-water swimming pool he had built on his wife’s instructions. Embedded in concrete is coin, this, he said, was his last few cents as her pool had cost him everything he had, so she may as well have the lot. In small doses he was very readable, try The Old Man And The Sea, but anything beyond that was a bit of a yawnathon for me. A shame it all ended the way it did.

    Anyway, a frustrating day of IT ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ – I’ve just learned that we are in a ‘down’, so although it is now 11.23, this won’t get posted until gone 1.00 – and my old friends, the auditors. Taking your advice Moose and throwing them the odd curveball to keep them on their toes and off my ‘precious’ accounts. If you know what I mean.

    Have a wonderful wet and windy Tuesday.

    Peace all.


    PS You’ve got the butterflies all tied up

    PPS Thrill my gorilla

    PPS I can’t drive, 55.

  32. At 12:19 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR T! BIG birthday KISSES XXX Will be checking out the webcam to look at the snow! Is your birthday now, today, or yesterday? I did time travel for 'A' level, but I can't work it out without a tardis...

    Jo - for you honey. Harvey Wallbanger - two different recipes, neither of which is going to make much of a dent in the Galliano for a wee while though. (other cocktail recipes are available)

    2 shots vodka, 1/2 shot Galliano, 6 shots orange juice


    1 shot vodka, 1/2 shot Galliano, 4 shots orange juice

    For either, pour the vodka and juice over ice into a tall glass, and layer the Galliano on top by pouring it over a teaspoon.

    and look what else I've found...just for you...

    Screaming Multiple Org*sm (other org*sms are available apparently...?!)

    1&1/2 shots each Cointreau and Bailey's and 1 shot Galliano, 2 shots full cream milk

    Pour one at a time into a tall glass over ice and gently stir. Garnish with strawberries or cherries. (this may or may not count towards your five a day. Other fruits are available)


    This is called a KGB, so better keep it quiet from Q I guess...oooh, and it's a shot!

    1/3 shot Kahlua
    1/3 shot Baileys Irish Cream
    1/3 shot Galliano

    Layer into a shot glass, and knock back!

    Don't say I never do nuffink for ya...

    Courage mes braves

    ps YAAAAAAAAAAAY Moose! weeeeeoooooo!
    One big fat golden star for you *

    pps J McC I'm looking forward to Dr Booth revealing all at the OAMC

  33. At 12:20 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Got a little bit more time now, boss gone to a meeting !!

    So Good Morning friends and fellow schloggers

    Moose, had a thought, I wonder if we could get a web cam set up for the OAMC on Thursday. Not to sure on Harvey wallbanger tho mate, i might raise a flagon of the finest ale that the friar as to offer. Although i think it will be a cup of the finest tea and a biccy, half way through panto rehersals, Oh Yes It Will !!!

    Hazel Love, Yes your right i was a 27yr old babe, well a young V fit yound st** Errr Man, strong legs and a six pack. Now i'm a middle aged man with decent pins and a barrell. But will get going a soon as panto out of way. Its taken over my life this month, but, It will all be over and done in just 12 days OMG.

    Lyndyloo, thanks for the support sweetheart, i'm going to need all the help to get rid of this unwanted 2-3 stone. Ive started to watch what Im eating. Had a baked spud and fresh chicken for lunch yesterday. No fish & chips or bacon sarnie.

    JoJo i think i got someones hair i seem to have got grey bits ??? LOL

    Hope all having a great day, did i read yesterday it was someones birthday, i think it was littlestHOBO Happy Birthday buddie have a good one. Im sure you'll have a tipple of your fav later.
    Works a little quiet today, must be the weather keeping the customers indoors.
    Time for lunch me thinks. catch you later folks

    Nurse Moll

  34. At 12:22 PM on 16 Jan 2007, john wrote:

    Excellent show last night Chris. Idi Amin was indeed a nutter. He was installed by a very nice man called Edward Heath. Perhaps we need some kind of nutter alert to stop our prime ministers making tragic mistakes of that kind.

    I watched the fabulous Robert Lindsay last night, playing his tonyness, now that was funny. Is it possible for a Despot to be elected?

  35. At 12:24 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Emily wrote:

    I am reading Alan Bennetts book at the moment - called something like unrecorded memories - about his life and I think he has done very well for himself and is a gentle comic, a bit like most of the tv shows on the Â鶹Éç!

    PS you were off the show for so long I thought that maybe the Â鶹Éç had sacked you and I had missed the annoucement! New year, new job so I miss the first half hour of the show but get to listen to you for longer - swings and roundabouts!

  36. At 12:40 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    Sorry - hadn't been BP'd at all just need to refresh more often - as I believe Hazel Love reminded us some time ago.

    I agree with MfR - never have got Hemingway. Just about managed A Farewell to Arms then gave up the effort to read something that I enjoyed instead of endured.

    Kev C - I think there's a hair fairy conspiracy because I've got grey ones too and they weren't there a while ago, I'm sure. Is one of the little people sneaking in at night with hair whitening stuff and selecting a few random strands to do at a time????

  37. At 12:56 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hello Chaps, Chapettes and the lovely Chris and the Drive time A team

    Hey Moose..Number 1- wallow in it, enjoy it, milk it, carry it on ‘til tomorrow, see if you can be number 1 tomorrow aswell..
    Maybe we should all hold back so Moose can get …3 in a row!
    Grown up girls arm in arm – perhaps they were drunk? Perhaps they were helping each other to stand, maybe they’d seen you, Moose, and swooned!!

    It’s so lovely to be back with virtual friends, I enjoyed the show last night, Chris….blood tests..hilary hairy a*se as my husband would say

    I’ve been behind Matthew Kelly in a queue, he was paying for petrol

    I don’t get AB either, I’m a southerner..(however, now in Scotland) I suppose it doesn’t reflect my childhood or my experiences.. I have just read Girl with a pearl earring for the book club I’m in (I’m way behind the times!) but I thought it was fantastic..passionate without any physicalness, a great read.

    Jo - Hair – well, I’d love to have blond hair, curly, just to see what it would be like.. do they have more fun?

    Em – well done on time planning
    JF – welcome back
    Em26 – I’m with you 1. proud of child and 2.live too far away for Thursday, we’ll just have to hear from them all on Friday
    Have to cut short..boss is suspicious!
    Love Caroline x

  38. At 01:03 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love,
    I hope you have informed your boy of your intention to have a few drinks on Thursday, and that you are in particular looking forward to a Screaming O*gasm...
    I prefer a slow comfortable kind of cocktail myself, on a beach. In Cornwall...

    The plan to get there early on Thursday avoids the need for a loud entrance...sneaky, huh!, although we might need to arrange a different call sign between us. I'll go around asking people if they are Captain Cookie and you can ask people if they are Barking mad.


    PS Can anybody tell I'm excited yet???

  39. At 01:23 PM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Not having a good day today - I seem to have the Tuesday glums.

    1) I stood behind the late Ted Rogers (3-2-1) at a petrol station in Liphook, Hants - he had the worst dyed red/brown hair I've ever seen!

    2) Stood behind Anthea Turner at the checkout in Godalming's Waitrose.

    3) At a Lords Taverner's cricket match at Arundel Castle I had my photo taken with Fraser Hines (once of Emmerdale Farm fame)

    4) Stood behind Dame Judi Dench at a cashpoint at Victoria Station

    Oh, I mix with the movers & shakers, I do!!! Well, I stand behind the movers & shakers anyway ..... that's me though, always a step behind!

    Littlest Hobo - happy birthday matey xxxx

    jillygoat xx

  40. At 01:33 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just a wee Update.

    Sun is still SHINING in Ayrshire........


    PS - I once met Isla St Clair at a Pro-Am Golf Tournament......

  41. At 01:42 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon All

    Well done Moose for top spot #1

    Alan Bennett - have never read any of his books but think I should give it a go

    Mange tout Mange tout and Chaise Lounge people


  42. At 01:51 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    This is getting bad ... the boss thinks I'm archiving emails and stuff and has no idea that the files are still in the same mess they were first thing this morning ... hope she's not one of you under a pseudonym or it could be curtains!

    Reading Jillygoat's list reminded me that I shook hands with Ken Dodd once - should I admit to that or will the Inland Revenue want to speak to me?

  43. At 01:54 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Well I just have to join in...rude not to.

    On one day in Cardiff in May last year...

    1. I stood next to Ray Winstone (and Billy Mitchell from Eastenders) in the heliport.

    2. I was in the row behind Ian Rush (have a great photo of him wrapped in a West Ham flag!)

    3. I know I shouldn't mention it (again) but I walked past the great Chris Evans standing at the gate trying to get in.

    4. Teddy Sheringham looked at us and waved as he went on the pitch (2 lone voices from the Liverpool end singing for him). That one's for you Gaby!!!

    But that's all nothing!!! ...this Thursday I'm going to be sitting next to quite a few of the most famous bloggers on this blog!


    PS This time next year Rodders, people will be saying "I went to the first OAMC with the famous ..." (Fill in the blanks...)

    PPS...and we'll be millionaires!

  44. At 01:55 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Moose #30 Ya i was running around, well walking around office with a bottle of champers, well a warm coffee. hahahah

    moose #38 Im shocked, but right with ya, cant beat the screaming beach thingy !! Girls ? waht do you think ?? (and you got it passed the BP 's)

    Jillygoat I once sold Fraser Hines a Nissan Car (other makes available) back in 1987 in Halifax he was at his peak in Emmerdale, I didn't have a clue who is, till the all the girls at dealership got giddy !!

    caroline my wife went blond a few years ago and NO they don't have more fun !! much prefer sort of reddish head that she as now, a bit of fire, if you know what i mean.

    Have Fun peeps only 3 hrs to Chris

  45. At 02:06 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good grief - how can anyone not like Alan Bennet. As EmM says in post #4 it's not what he writes it the way he writes it. I would read his shopping lists; he is one of the world's observers.

    Beautiful day up here in the North West with frost of the windscreen, and I actually managed to see Comet McNaught this morning.

    Choux fleur x

  46. At 02:11 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Is it true yer can buy a suit at Assda for 19 english pounds yet a cup of english tea is 2.50.

  47. At 02:13 PM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Kev C - I'm with you on the beach - well not literally anyway. I think Mrs C might have something to say about that, and I'm not arguing with a redhead, what with me being a blonde and all that!

    I'll admit that I wasn't sure who Fraser Hines was at the time, but he was the youngest of the Lords Taverners cricketers so he was the lesser of quite a few (well 10 obviously) evils!

    jillygoat x

    PS Moose - I'm also with you on the beach, if there's room for us all that is

  48. At 02:15 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Cheryl wrote:

    G'day bloggers! Haven't blogged since before Christmas so a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all.

    Alan Bennett/good hair - I always find Alan Rickman has a commanding head of heair for a man of his era, and a commanding voice to boot. Ken Barlow's mop is quite enviable for the older man .....

    Welcome back CLP - great to drive home to your dulcet tones last evening. Loved the new 'don't say that doesn't make you feel good' slot. Can I recommend? "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Andy Williams. I defy anyone NOT to join in with the I Love You Baby chorus. Fantasmico!

    Mika - I think he sounds like Justin Hawkins. Checked out Mika's website this morning - a RIOT of colour. Amazing!!

    I joined the 21st Century yesterday and purchased a bright pink iPod Nano. Spent last night downloading iTunes, so tonight I'm gonna play some more and try to put some music on my new toy. Whatver next? Podcasts? Broadband? The world is my lobster!

    Righteo, best do some work.

    Cheryl x

  49. At 02:19 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi everyone....welcome back Chris. Idi Amin was an a tyrant and as a Scotsman I thank "Ally McCoist " he was never "The Last King Of Scotland". That honour should go to Walter Smith , surely? lol
    I must agree with Sandra 18 ...you never seem to get a female despot do you? They would be too busy shopping , talking to their friends on the phone or rearranging the furniture to waste precious time in such a nasty way!
    These bad guys always get their come uppance...... look at Saddam. Maybe they think of excecution as an occupational hazard?
    I will be tuning in this evening Chris....good to have your tip top show back on air.....

    Billy xxxx htpp://journals.aol.co.uk/brownbshaw/a-number-one-hit-song-...

  50. At 02:20 PM on 16 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi again,

    Back for a "quickie"!

    First, Nicki - I don't think you are a nutter, and not just because you agreed with me earlier! I think we are all quite curious about unsolved mysteries. I work with someone who has read every book ever written about JFK and she's still not satisfied!

    KevC, wishing you all the best for next week. I know all the work that goes into preparing for a show like this and then it's all over before you know it! Enjoy!

    Moose, re: OAMC - how many do you have on board for Thursday? I know for sure that Hazel Love, Jillygoat, Matt and of course yourself will be there. How many more? Also, will you all reveal your real names to each other?! I really, really hope Chris comes along and surprises all of you! So looking forward to Friday to hear how it all goes!

    C xx

  51. At 02:30 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    I came 3rd on Julian Clary's Sticky Moments. I am the proud owner of a 'Fanny the Wonderdog' statuette, but alas, there is no tape of the show...

    Barry Sheen stood behind me at Gatwick Airport coming up an escalator.

    Jonathan Pryce stood next to me at a bar.

    Richard O'Brien walked past me up some stairs, and SPOKE to me.............omg

    Boy George spilt my drink. He did buy me another one though. Just a shame it was only half a lager!

    Jonathan Adams asked if he and his friend could sit with me and my friends in a pub. On the same night I was introduced to Barry Bostwick........omg

    I sold two members of an England Cricket team (not the current line-up, other teams were available) a pack of 20 rothmans each. One of them also bought some rolos.

    I'm damn sure that Tracey-Ann has got MILYONS of these stories...

    .........In the meantime, anyone who enjoys the R*cky H*rr*r Sh*w (other singalong musicals are available) will know what I mean!

    don't dream it

    ps I have no idea who may have been the lucky recipient of the last rolo.

    pps I see it all to realise these crimson spots are dripping from my hands

  52. At 02:40 PM on 16 Jan 2007, ecw wrote:

    I can't stop myself eating the sweets leftover from Christmas! And they're not even mine, they're my kids.

  53. At 02:46 PM on 16 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Hello again Chris and everyone. Just popped home for something (and a cup of tea while I'm here) then must dash out again for a lecture - but simply HAD to have a quick peep at what was going on.

    To top it all, I'll miss switching on at 5pm today - but am sure it'll be a great show.

    Lots of wonderful comments flying about folks, so keep up the good work and I'll catch up later this evening (much later by the sound of it). Not complaining though as I'm having a great time.

    It's a lovely day here in my little corner of the northeast. Seriously the sun's shining, the sky's that beautiful pearly blue, with a hint of soft pink hovering over the sea, on the horizon and the wind has almost disappeared. The seagulls are wheeling about, shouting their heads off and everything is gorgeous.

    Mind you, that can change in the wink of an eye, so who knows what it'll be like when I'm walking home this evening.

    Can't wait to get home later and settle down with you all.

    lots of love

    sallycat xxx

  54. At 02:53 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Jillygoat - I am sitting here blushing at the thought! My office colleagues have started making "Is it warm in here?" and "Are you OK, Moose, you look a bit flushed?" comments.
    (I nearly typed my real name in there instead of Moose - that would have spoiled Thursday's fun...)

    Talking of beaches...
    We once went to a beach near Logan Rock that Mrs Moose used to frequent as a child. After half an hours clambering down rocks we hit the beach, only to find that in the meantime (so she said) it had turned into naturist hang-out (and yes I do mean literally - BigUns lady who shot herself in the knee was there - with all her sisters and her mum and aunties).
    We did NOT join in. And I didn't see anyone famous there...

    Chrissie S - not sure exactly how many. That's part of the fun. We'll never know if anyone else is going to turn up until we hear a familiar cry when the door opens... Dr Mark Booth (attending on behalf of McCrumble), Sammie and JoJo I think on top of your list (except I don't think Jillygoat can make it?). There is no register, no roll call. As to real names - check out my blog for party games...one real name at least WILL be revealed! I might get everyone attending to swear silence though...some of the stuff I put on here would be dynamite in the wrong hands, if my true identity went with it...


    PS Can't believe I'm still up there! Every time I refresh I expect it to disappear only to be replaced by a 3 page long missive from Hazel that the blog police have taken this long to read and understand whether it could pass or not...:-)

    PPS Hi Q! How y'all doing....congratulations on the mention on the show yesterday. I didn't catch it myself but BigUn says Chris talked about you. Remember - any publicity is good publicity.

  55. At 03:00 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Harry Shalliker wrote:

    when you off for so long, why don't you have a permanent clone to keep your marvellous patter going ?

    when you are " live" you can always keep the Clone under lock and Key!!!!!

  56. At 03:01 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Can anybody tell me why news readers always tell me what is going to happen, who is going to say what later in the day.
    And weather forecasters always tell me what the weather has been earlier in the day.

    Surely news readers should report what has happened and weather people should tell me what is going to happen.

    Am i asking for too much?

  57. At 03:05 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Cheryl wrote:

    Fanny The Wonderdog .... Class!

    As lovely as Valerie is, she'll never live up to the canine benchmark of Fanny ....

  58. At 03:05 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Can anybody tell me why news readers always tell me what is going to happen, who is going to say what later in the day.
    And weather forecasters always tell me what the weather has been earlier in the day.

    Surely news readers should report what has happened and weather people should tell me what is going to happen.

    Am i asking for too much?

  59. At 03:05 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    that's what you think...should I bring the tape with me on Thursday? It was my favourite show and I have every one on video, fully catalogued.


  60. At 03:10 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    that's what you think...should I bring the tape with me on Thursday? It was my favourite show and I have every one on video, fully catalogued.


  61. At 03:23 PM on 16 Jan 2007, fillybay wrote:

    Hi folks,Ive been hiding in a bunker not far from Chiddingfold for a day or two.Hiding from the blog coppers!!! They got me too many times n Ive been sulking!!!!
    Want to go play on thurs but no can do............too much mud to wade through to get there!!
    Suggestion for feb..........the m.My big bday that month too............be fun.
    Have spent the day waiting for Aga repair man and alarm service guy............always waiting for the man never getting the delivery!!!
    Looking forward to the show tonight..........put some sunshine into my day,love n stuff to all,xx

  62. At 03:34 PM on 16 Jan 2007, JF wrote:

    Caroline - thank you x
    AB - I love him. His book is Untold Stories. Sad and funny all at once. History Boys one of the best plays I have ever seen. Maybe it's a Yorkshire thing?
    Mika - I love him too. I hear Queen (the band, not HRH)

  63. At 03:38 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Oooh look.

    Everybody is getting on here twice twice.

    Is it a subtle Moose ploy to get #100 as well as #1???????

    Oh yes, and Moose, (please excuse us for a minute everyone) I can't leave my comment on your blog since you've done something. I did try to open an account, but am not doing something and it's even more frustrating (dare I say it as I love them so...?) than the Blog Police to try to get it sorted.

    In the meantime...Games.....hmmmmm...what about...?

    1. Who threw that beer mat?
    2. Find the ladies.
    3. Is that diet coke?
    4. Put the world to rights.

    Now we have to have a trophy for the winner too.

    ChrissieS - COME! Please come!

    Parker - I have absolutely no idea why either. Sorry.

    sallycat - delighted the weather continues fine. It's bleedin' 'orrible 'ere. The rain continues horizontal.

    OOOOH a crunchie and a cuppa char. Must be t o'clock.

    sur la plage

    ps Edward

    ps and I might have bl*ody known YOU'D have it! Do you know who I am yet?

    ppps QQ Barney McGrue

  64. At 03:47 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Perhaps Christophe can bring JC and Fanny along with him, although thinking about it I believe I read somewhere that Fanny had died!

    This is something that Sarah K and the Togmeister are always complaining about. Why can't you just have announcements, why do you need an announcement of the announcement and what is going to be said. Part of the problem of the spin machine I'm afraid.

    Thank you for typing quietly and leaving me out of conversations this morning the additional shut eye and recovery time has been put to good use.

    DD out

    PS Big weekend next week Liverpool v Chelsea and Utd v Arsenal at the Emirates

    PPS Best wishes to all for the OAMC for Thursday, I will raise a glass at 7:30 (empty of course)

  65. At 03:48 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hazel - Fanny the W D- v.v. good
    jillygoat - fraiser Hines - what a dish
    Moose - Ian Rush - what a tash

    Well, if we're going on to famous situations rather than just standing behind someone famous...
    Can I share,too? Darth Vader ( or The Green Cross code Man- what ever floats your boat) was almost my Dad ( well, Dave Prowse, who played him, went out with my mum, for a while)
    I was on a programme called Talkabout hosted by Andrew O Connor (who's he?) didn't do too well, but got to stay in a hotel in Leeds..and that night met Los Lobos..La la la La Bamba
    Was on R&J being motivated to lose weight 2 yrs ago (I did, but it's all back on again now)
    Went to college with some of Dexy midnight Runners/Joboxers
    finally, Massive Attack have drunk Light Ale at my mum's house... Bit of an obvious Bristol vibe going on there!

    Love Caroline x

  66. At 03:49 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Susie Mac wrote:


    Just wanted to say so far his year lots of rotten things have happened, house sale falling through, car broken into, ill parents ....

    BUT my 16 year old son has turned over a new leaf and is being kind and helpful to me and his brother, so everything feels rosy, You know they say you are only sent what you can deal with. Now I know what that means.

  67. At 04:01 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Shall I say it again?

    February location is on the agenda for discussion on Thursday (see my blog for the full agenda), but I do feel a strong pull towards the Mulberry...will Chris be able to do that on a school night? Is it just me, or is the weekend out for most people? Also, I have to confess to not knowing where the Mulberry is. Help? Please. But shhhhhhh! I was going to ask Matt quietly on Thursday, but I've blown my cover now.

    Other thoughts on my mind are Glasgow (Scottish round - as long as they haven't left the union by then!!), or Milton Keynes (seems central enough for most of the English...

    Parker - you echo my sentiments entirely. The one thing that you used to be able to rely on was the sports results. Now you get the speculation about the Special One on the news and have to switch to News 24 for the sports RESULTS (other 24 hour news channels are available). As to the weather forecast..."You got a window? Open it!"


    PS Chrissie S - Gaby too. I thought she was on your list but have just noticed she wasn't. (Sorry Gaby - nothing personal - am struggling to keep up today due to own blog and work commitments).

  68. At 04:13 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Shall I say it again?

    February location is on the agenda for discussion on Thursday (see my blog for the full agenda), but I do feel a strong pull towards the Mulberry...will Chris be able to do that on a school night? Is it just me, or is the weekend out for most people? Also, I have to confess to not knowing where the Mulberry is. Help? Please. But shhhhhhh! I was going to ask Matt quietly on Thursday, but I've blown my cover now.

    Other thoughts on my mind are Glasgow (Scottish round - as long as they haven't left the union by then!!), or Milton Keynes (seems central enough for most of the English...

    Parker - you echo my sentiments entirely. The one thing that you used to be able to rely on was the sports results. Now you get the speculation about the Special One on the news and have to switch to News 24 for the sports RESULTS (other 24 hour news channels are available). As to the weather forecast..."You got a window? Open it!"

    Hazel - sorted now. Technological dumbness on my part I'm afraid. Forgot to enable comments from Anyone on the new blog...thought it was linked to my Profile. Duh!


    PS Chrissie S - Gaby too. I thought she was on your list but have just noticed she wasn't. (Sorry Gaby - nothing personal - am struggling to keep up today due to own blog and work commitments).

  69. At 04:16 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    Things are looking up - I've just found a banana in my desk drawer. It's a bit old and spotty (aren't we all?) but will go admirably with a cup of tea. Must go and put the kettle on. Do you think it will suit me?

  70. At 04:19 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon chaps and chapesses,

    I'm in pain today. Last year I had major back surgery resulting in part of my spine being reinforced with titanium (the hazards of being a gymnast when I was young). The recovery process was slow but I can happily say that there's 150% improvement now and everything is as it should be........Until today. Am a little worried that my belly dancing class has done something to it. Perhaps it's just that I overdid it with the swimming as well. Seeing how much I loved my first class last week I would hate to have to stop going. Any words of wisdom from all you intelligent, smart bloggers...oh and the rest of you?

    Susie Mac - sorry the start to your year has been rubbish. It's horrid when you think New Year, new start etc and things are horrible. I've been feeling a bit like that - thinking everything would be idfferent and yet everything has stayed the same really. At least your son is being angelic :))) Sending you {{{{{hugs}}}}}xxx

    Lotsa love

  71. At 04:23 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and a good day to all back in Blighty,

    "Procrastination is the thief of time"

    So let's get on with it, shall we? Good.

    Well, my birthday has dawned. After a delightful call from my parents, an unmentionable good morning from my dear wife and an early arrival at work, the day is already of to an utterly auspicious commencement at 0730.

    Moose, Hazel, Gaby, BigUn, Hazel Love, ChrissieS-----and anyone else who offered me felicitous salutations, I thank you most sincerely for such warm greetings. Such pleasantries always seem more spontaneous than obligatory when coming from kind folks such as yourselves.

    After a lunchtime meeting with some lads and lasses from Denver, I shall, without hesitation, traverse to my local for a quiet potation, some fine company, piquant food and them more libations of the ale and Oban varieties. Splendidly propitious in every respect.

    To one and all, enjoy the day and celebrate life.

    Good day to you

    Dr. T

  72. At 04:23 PM on 16 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Me again!

    Hazel Love #63 - oh, you have no idea how I wish I could attend the OAMC! But it's impossible - I live in Glasgow, I'll be at work on Thursday until 6pm and I have to accept it!

    Do you know something? I really think there is a wee chance Chris will show up. In the future, I am sure there will be more and more attendees, but at this first meeting, there will only be a few and I think Chris just may come along. Once your club grows and grows, it would just be impossible for Chris to attend. I really hope he shows up on Thursday!

    C xx

    Susie Mac - it must seem that you are being singled out - it is horrible when so many things go wrong one after the other. Sounds like your son has grasped this though, and that's terrific. You are doing your job well!

    Last - can I say BigUn, your joke this morning was a belter!

  73. At 04:27 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Rats! Just typed out a long messgae and PC crashed.

    Having slowly counted to 10 I will start again.....

    Afternoon Chaps and Chapesses,

    I'm got a bit of a dilemma. Inorder for you to advise I feel I need to begin at the beginning...
    Last year I had major back surgery resulting in part of my spine being reinforced with titanium. Being only 33 we all came to the conclusion that years of intense gymnastics when I was young was to blame. Anyway surgery was successful and my life has improved 150% since the long recovery process ended. That is until today - I am in great pain. Now the consultant told me last year that I have a degenerative diseases but hopefully the worst has been fixed and I may experience no more problems. Then last week I went to my fisrt belly dancing class, as you all know. Over the weekend I went swimming a coupole of times and today I'm in agony. I would hate to have to stop the belly dancing as I loved it so much - what to do. Should I wait and see how this pain progresses, do you think the dancing was a bad idea? I'm really upset about it. Anyw words of wisdom from you wise and wonderful bloggers?

    Susie Mac - sorry to hear your 2007 has been rubbish so far. It's horrid when you gear yourself up for a New Year, new start etc and things are pants. Good to hear your son is being angelic - long may it continue. Sending you {{{{{hugs}}}}} to, hopefully, bring some cheer to you. Maybe you should go to OAMC on Thursday - guaranteed to cheer up even the saddest people.

    Lotsa love to all

  74. At 04:30 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hazel - fixed now!!! Comment away. And you thought you had half your life back!! Ha ha ha ha ha......And you've spotted my evil plan to take over the world....except the BP are working furiously against me...this probably won't get through either as it will be too easily misconstrued...

    Caroline - are you Cornesh? Proper job!

    Dissing Dave - shhh don't tell Hazel. He's (JC) in my Russell Brand category of celebrities...if you tell her she'll realize I'm winding her up on the video front.

    All Fannies are very welcome on Thursday! as are Lucies and Poppies and Gabies and Jillies and Garies and Barries and anybody else with a name ending in y.


  75. At 04:35 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    oOoooh check me out with an underliney thingy ma jig.

    D U L L day at work and then an evening meeting tonight starts at 5:30 - do people not understand the necessity of The Chris Evans Show (I sang that, could you tell?) How Very Dare They!

    :o) Jo

  76. At 04:37 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Littlest Hobo!

    I can see the snow!

    Happy birthday if it is now!

    Look everyone, it's snowing where Littlest Hobo lives!

    * * *
    * * * *
    * * * *
    ** ** * *
    ** * **** *
    * * ****


    Susie Mac - it just has to get better. We're all here if you need us xx

  77. At 04:40 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    My 3rd or 4th blogg today.


    MOOSE Just been to your blog, wow when do you get time to work !! hehehe
    I do wish i could make Thursday sounds like it will be a scream. The Panto as to come 1st this month. Feb, well i got to look at when and how far been a Yorkshire lad tha nose, it could be a bit to far. Maybe we should have a Northern meet on same night. Open to suggestions on that one.

    Hazel Love Barry Sheen, one of my all time top sportsman, I met him in the late 70's at Earls court Motorcycle show. Well when i say met, he asked me to put a cig out for him. Ugh. Top fella tho.

    Chrissie s Thanks for your wishes, will keep you upto date with the goings on at rehersals etc, we not thespians, just a group of friends and family who put a panto on for charity each year, this will be our 4th and its coming together nicely.

    Only 15 mins to our leader.

  78. At 04:43 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Moose #67 - I get the Good Morning Vietnam quote. Great film


  79. At 04:44 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi agin all

    Moose thank you kindly I did hear mentioned the the blog police East 33rd but my precint is 51 west,

    Hey, I was famous once, I had to fake the death of Robert Maxwell. We had a stand in who thought he was auditioning for a part in an Alan Bennett show, about a biscuit under a sofa. Well that's the way the cookie crunmbles I guess.

  80. At 04:52 PM on 16 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Me again! (I tried earlier but was blown out of the water - and I said a lot of nice things!).

    Hazel Love #63 - HOW I would love to attend the OAMC! I will be thinking of all of you on Thursday. I have the tiniest wee feeling that you just might see Chris! If there is any meeting he can attend, it will be the first one. After that, there will just be too many of us and it will be impossible. I have my fingers crossed for you guys!

    Susie Mac - you must feel that you are being singled out at the moment. It's a nightmare when things go wrong, one after the other. Still, it sounds like your son knows you need his help and that's terrific. You are doing your job well!

    Moose - sorry I have the list for the OAMC all mixed up! Thank goodness you have your finger on the pulse!

    C xx

  81. At 04:57 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Karen K wrote:

    Hi Chris

    So great to have you back !

    I have a birthday coming up and for it I have requested the latest digital radio - you can record your favourite programmes and play them back at your leisure - like sky plus, you can also pause live radio. When said radio is given to me on my special day I will be able to lay in bed and listen to you - just hope the old brain doesn't think it's 5.00 in the evening. Seriously though, there is so much good stuff on radio 2 - are you listening to Aid and Ben on Saturday lunch time - Teenage Kicks - really good.

    The other great thing that happens on my birthday is that it's the first day we get to ride to and from work in the daylight - what a gift eh !

    Seriously great to have you back

    Karen x

  82. At 04:58 PM on 16 Jan 2007, sarah wrote:

    Welcome back Chris- you have been missed.

  83. At 04:58 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings once again from Vancouver,

    Hazel- Indeed you can see snow. It is fairly light at present but a mere fifteen minute drive away, the mountains are getting even more to add to the already great base. Fabulous for skiing this year.

    Ah, the beauty of nature, the majesty of the mountains and the inspiration of such wonder.

    Is it too early for a drink?

    Good Day to you

    Dr. T

  84. At 05:08 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    You should have seen my trying soooooooo hard not to launch into "Good Morning Vietnam!!!!!!!!!! Hey this is not a test....." etc etc in the office.
    Although I think I cry of "Good Morning Vietnam" is a good alternative for Thursday night if Voulez Vous jiggy jig offends too much.

    Sounds horrible with your back. And much as I don't want to make light of it...maybe you should leave the belly dancing this week and come to the OAMC instead...just a naughty thought...a Harvey Wallbanger or one of Hazel's cocktails might just do the trick...

    Got to go now and at least catch some of the show on the way to the gym.


  85. At 05:14 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Kaz wrote:

    Chris so glad you are back, have really missed you. The show is fab. xx Kaz

  86. At 05:25 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings once more from Vancouver,

    Incidentally, I saw Phil 'The Cat' Tufnell in a bar in Cape Town during the 2003 Cricket World Cup. I think he was working for Â鶹Éç Radio in some capacity. On the evening that I saw him, however, he was incredibly inebriated and proceeded to drop a glass of red wine on his own foot and suffer cuts. Amusing indeed. What a great chap, he really was loving it. Naturally, after some minor, on-site first aid, he was soon quaffing more...

    Good Day to you

    Dr. T

  87. At 05:37 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Moose - I did reply on your own blog re: Harvey Wallbanger or water but I feel the track is being lost with all the various blogs going on. So I am posting it here and now:

    "I'll have a Harvey Waterbanger please - hold the water!" Boom Boom!

    Good Morning Vietnam - I guess you have the soundtrack as that makes it easier to quote. Maybe you should shout out both:

    Good Morning Vietnam, parlez vous jiggy jiggy?!

    Anyway I don't know why I writing this to you as you've gone to the gym. How very fit of you.

    Your suggestion re: my back is a fine one - doesn't help me and my quandry though...

    Lyndyloo - loving you rblog pages x

    Lotsa love everyone

  88. At 05:39 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Dr T - the sun is always past the yard arm in some part of the world, so from that point of view, of COURSE it's not too early for a drink!

    I have to drive so I'll have to wait until having driven to partake of a felicitous libation...in the meantime, I raise the future vodka and lemonade to you in salute!

    Cheers, have a lovely birthday mwah mwah.

    by the by...

    It snowed on my birthday once, and the boy I fancied (this was when I was 12...) fell over on the path coming up to my house for the birthday party! I administered first aid, then my mum gave him a plaster...

    I like birthdays! Now we all have so many new friends (albethem mostly virtual) there are so many more opportunities to celebrate!

    Rock me Amadeus

    Moose, the gym, really?

  89. At 05:42 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:


    First : Before I forget, those of you going to the OAMC on Turdsday, have a "blast".

    2nd : Welcome back Christophe. Know what u mean ref "£2.50 for a teabag and a pot of water". I know the rumours of tight-fisted Scots but I just resent the feeling of being ripped off. I don't mind paying for good food or good service (ergo I had 4 people out recently who had all turned 40 within the two weeks and two 'tag-alongs' and I was £12.99 each for a great Chinese Buffet). I normally drink Green Tea but if out if cafes I revert to standard tea because I won't pay the £1.50 to £2 for the pot of water and a herbal teabag (which I can get out of a SuperMarket for 90p for 20). I don't "club" because I refuse to pay to get in to somewhere to feel ripped off for drink. I was at a Civil-Partnership ceremony this time last year (almost to the day) and the party was in a club where money had been put behind the bar. I happened to look at the price list later on in the proceedings and it was something like 85p for a dash of lime. What PLANET are those people on???? Or is it me ???? I don't think that particular club is any better or worse than another.

    Ref Alan Bennet : Funnilly enough, I bought the video sets of Talking Heads 1 and 2 at a car-boot sale just before Christmas. Haven't watched yet. They are in the "to do" pile. I have a shredder-bin full of DVDs and videos to watch and what did I do over the holiday period (apart from write on here and make some people cry)? I joined a DVD library. One of the "HightStreet" ones.

    People I have met : a few years ago it was Dundee's bi-centinial (or summat). It must have been pre-1997 because I've spent every Festive period in Glasgow since. Anyway, I went along to the "live event" of Carol singing and "readings". As it happened I was at the "opening" bit of the fence at the Hospitality Caravan. So I saw Kirsty Wark (long before her 'Newsnight' days, she was on Â鶹Éç Scotland) in her knee-length leather boots, was so engrossed in proceedings Joanna Lumley had to say "Excuse me please" so she could get past and then I was able to say "Welcome to Dundee" to Wendy Craig (of Butterflies and "Nanny" etc) who then proceeded to stand on my foot and nearly went her length.
    Those were my brushes with celeb UNTIL just before Christmas when I was prattling on Sally Traffic's answwer machine when she broke in to get clarification. Talk about STAMMERING! "I have to go", she said, "I'm due on air". My granny in Coatbridge used to say I didn't get embarassed, you had to paint a red neck on me but I burned CRIMSON when she told Chris she was late because she was talking to me. I even muttered some very naughty words under my breath, whilst sweating a river. Then she got the place WRONG. It was Sherifmuir, NOT Sheriffhall (methinks she has got too used to saying "Sherrifhall roundabout" where there always seems to be hiccups).

    Anna Log #69 : There is a woman in my office who LOVES spotty bananas. She always swaps mine that I've left in the cupboard and forgotten about for a fresh one. There was a time I thought my bananas lasted AGES until I caught her swapping them.

    Moose #7 : an addedndum to your things you don't 'get', the women walking arm-in-arm. I remember once when I was in Braahead Shopping Centre outside Glasgow I saw two male 20-somethings walking hand-in-hand. I have to tell you, for reasons of clarity, that they were "non-white". I'm ashamed to say, my first thought on seeing them was "Good God, does their religion allow that?"

    Now, I'm not "ist" anything; racist, sexist et al but there was one night about five years ago when I drunkenly decided to wind up one of our number in the pub who is very much women's lib. The gang looked on in horror as I opined that she was a typical example of why women were not emotionally suitable for positions of responsibility. I STILL have the scar under my eye where her ring caught me when she set about me.............. :-)

    Have a good one people...........

  90. At 06:15 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ah, the Evans Blog is back in action.

    Cold and blustery perched in the Solent today too.

    As a recently reformed latte addict, I'm now a lot better off financially than I used to be.

    A marketing genius has persuaded many of the British public to part with extraordinary amounts of cash for a hot beverage. Are we content to pay because we're buying into a certain lifestyle??

    As Pottsie #26 mentioned. Buy a flask!

  91. At 06:45 PM on 16 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    oh my goodness, i cant keep track. The blog is soooooo busy now everyone is back!!

    I am a bit hit and miss with Alan Bennett, loved the thora hird thingy he did tho.....or the thora hird thing of his should i say. But then i love [ed] thora hird, my hero!

    I once stood in a q behind Eddie Jordan at an airport. He was flying to geneva and talking to someone on the mobile....not at the same time obviously. He was quite dashing in real life! Also met another of my heroes, the fantastic Brian Blessed, and Gordon was alive!

    Moose - 1st huraagh!

    Jillygoat - Judi Dench, i wouldnt have been able to contain myself!

    Dr T - happy birthday!! x

    Him in doors is bathing the mancub and i am about to order pizza, naturally i will leave some on my plate.......!?


  92. At 06:58 PM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    So here we go again! :-)

    The Trawler men was first shown on Â鶹Éç 3 I think as I watched one a couple of weeks ago and realised I had seen it before ;-) I did watch it again as it is quite obvious that they are totally mad. It is compelling TV although for some of us southern softies you may need to use the sub titles as the Scottish accents are very strong.

    As for meeting famous people where do I start…..I have had tea with Princess Ann and been introduced to Prince Charles and Prince Andrew. I have attended a garden party at Buck Palace and although the Queen was there I can not say I got too close.

    I volunteered my services to Charlton TV outside broadcast when they covered golf’s Volvo masters in Valderama for the two years prior to the Ryder cup (I was invited back to help with the cup but unfortunately I could not make it) being held there and met and drank beer with nearly all of the European golf tour and the caddies. I caddied in the pro am with Thomas Bjorn and Wayne Reilly. My job with the TV led me to meet all of the producers and commentators such as Peter Ousterhouse as we all used the same canteen.

    I drank for a night in a small Nairobi bar with Oliver Reed only for some reason I do not remember to much abut that night.

    I drank a long afternoon away with Jim Davidson in Torquay of all places I was wasted; he went on stage that night!

    (I can see a theme going here where I am always drinking which I can tell you it is not true, sometime I spent sobering up!)

    I used to play rugby at quite a good level and in the eighties and early nineties I played and socialised with most of the top players in the country. In 1996 I was with all of the top coaches involved in UK rugby at the time in Birmingham voting on the future of English rugby (this was when we voted to change the game to professional) I attended with three votes to cast…..the rest is history ;-)

    This has not exhausted my list as I have worked for two years at the Glastonbury Festival and I have had direct dealings with Michael Eavis (the godfather of Glastonbury). Due to the nature of the job I did I had a pass (Free) with access to all areas so bumped into too many of the turns to mention.

    Right that is enough for today for me time to go home! Nice to hear Chris give the blog a mention to those of us who continued to blog while he was away and said again if we listen to the show as well we are schloggers!

    So good night all from Keith the schlogger!

  93. At 07:28 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Livingstone wrote:

    I've not read any Alan Bennett, nor have I seen his bicycle but good on him for having abundant hair. On a completely different matter, my three new year's rezo's are 1) get fit (still to do) 2) stop eating rubbish (getting there); 3) stop being judgmental and as a result negative (soooo hard.) I find it especially hard not to be judgmental when I am relying on someone for something and they haven't delivered. Usually for very good reasons. But it still bugs. It's a toss up between getting the job done or being compassionate - oh how I wish I could juggle the two!

  94. At 07:37 PM on 16 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Big Un, i so didnt see that one coming. And i can usually spot a rugby player a mile off, having a certain soft spot for men of the rugby persuasion. ;o)

    And working on Glastonbury, as a fellow festival worker i can say how impressed i am - Michael Eavis certainly is the godfather of festivals!!

    really must switch off, pizza will be here any minute now.

    ding dong.


  95. At 07:39 PM on 16 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    A fab day in the east of Scotland. No wind. No rain. Rather, a bright, sunny, crisp day. Aaaahhhh.

    According to the forecast it's all to change on Thursday. 80mph gales and the possibility of snow. Just great!!!!!!

    Bring on the spring - pleeeeeeease.


  96. At 07:47 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Lyndyloo - you go girl! CLP read out your text.....hope you heard it?

    Didn't see the Trawlermen prog. I hate it when you miss something and then hear how good it was over and over again the next day. Note to self: remember to watch it if it gets repeated.

    As for famous encounters I believe I have led a sheltered lifestyle - although Brian Jacks (he of Judo and Superstars fame) asked me to marry him when I met him at a Pro-am golf day (I was only 8).

    Not sure who is still around but, hey! Who cares if I'm talking to myself - sometimes get the best answer that way.

    Swimming having to take a back seat tonight - my back is moaning at me. Feel very guilty but so be it.

    Lotsa love everyone,

  97. At 08:07 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Paul Powner wrote:

    I worked on a trawler as a lad and it is indeed a tough life. Compensations in the rough weather when you're not allowed on deck and can marvel at the power and grandeur of the sea. Not too many people get to see that close up...unique!

    I responded to your 'what makes you feel good' though my response was a scene not a sound

    Check out Â鶹Éç1 Sunday 6pm 'when love comes to town' to see the beautiful sights of Badachro....stirs the soul....

    Special pub too!

  98. At 08:15 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Evening all.

    OK, so we're name dropping and showing off. I can play that game!

    Cliff Richard made me a cup of tea in his kitchen once, I shared a packet of ciggies with Rick Parfitt at his flat, got p****d with Richard Hammond in St Andrews and as for Mr E, well, I can't say because he'll tell me off.

    Moose. The Mulberry is in Chiddingfold, on the road to Petworth, about 9 miles from Rudgwick. I would say that if you want Mr E to fork out for a round it ought to be a weekend job, Saturday being best. Perhaps you could canvass the crew or we could have a chat about it on Thursday.

    How cool does that sound? Chat about it on Thursday. I'm like a kid before Christmas! Well, I'm always like a kid before Christmas, before Christmas.

    Hope the gym sesh went well, I've just been myself.

    Sleep well my friends.


    PS If the evil spirit arms the tiger with claws, Brahman provideth wings for the dove.

  99. At 08:33 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Monica-ca-ca-ca wrote:

    Dear Christophe,

    You are so very welcome back! As if January was not miserable enough without being deprived of the fun, frolics of the people's philosopher, CLP.

    The grey, cold days of Jan sure are dragging on. When is it spring, by the way? I so look forward to birdsong, daffs peeping through the soil and longer, brighter days.

    I am hoping with your return, your optimism and the schloggers' companiionship will carry will carry me through until at least pay day.

    Once a month club - have a good one. I will be with you in spirit and am celebrating by stepping out to a local hostelry myself - on a school night too!

    love to all


    p.s. once washed my hands next to This Morning's Denise Roberston

  100. At 08:44 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    .....surely #100?


  101. At 08:56 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    MfR - A big fat CONGRATS to you on reaching 100!

  102. At 09:38 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning, morning (well evening really, but you get the drift...)

    Chris - I shan't bother with the Idi Amin film - I can make myself feel morose thanks!!

    Re: Alan Bennett - he is an acquired taste...

    Moose - #1!!! Well done you!


    OAMC - if I come (on my own, as no-one else I know is free), I will really struggle with one of my idiosyncracies and yes - Chris it actually links in with the 'just in case' thing you did tonight (yes peeps - got to listen to the show!!!).. I can't, can't, can't, absolutely positively can NOT walk into a pub on my own... 'just in case' no-one's there that I know.... Now I know that may seem incredibly ridiculous to you all - it does to me - but I just CAN'T!!!! Going to have to work something out....

    Dating :-)

    I have a date for Friday!!!!!!! He's called Mr A, he's a couple of years older, has a couple of kids, has been divorced for a couple of years and seems really nice! OMG - what on earth to wear??? I have suggested meeting at a village pub at a halfway point between our respective locations....

    Have also had the offer of ANOTHER date!!! Blimey - just like buses - except I'm not going to accept - the guy lives more that an hours drive away and the amount of wretched travelling I do for work, well...

    ALSO, hoping to hear from Mr P tonight. I also like him. He's a little older, divorced, one child, seems really nice too!!! I say hoping, as I'm off to bed soon, so if he doesn't get in touch very soon, we'll have to leave it until tomorrow.

    Such THRILLS!!!

    As if that's NOT enough! Had a message, through GDFF (other dating websites are available) from a guy suggesting I Google (other internet search engines are available) him... Well, all I can say is that I responded to his message with a "Thanks, but no thanks!" He's had a book published called (and I kid you not...) 'The Sh*ggers Guide to Internet Dating (please accept my most humblest apologies if I have offended anyone...)

    Tra la lah!!

    Well, I need to go to bed now - I am so tired, it feels like Thursday!

    S. xx.

    PS - Chris, if you did come on Thursday, you could accompany me into the bar....

  103. At 09:47 PM on 16 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Don't believe it - lost my wonderful (!) blog again. Oh darn it.

    Never mind, tomorrow's another day, so here's hoping I can get to the bottom of it all.

    Lots of love to everybody and looking forward to catching up tomorrow.

    Just had a thought - I might be able to hear the show again. Is it true that programmes are available online for a week after they've been broadcast?

    Em 26 - I'm thinking of you and know that you're a wonderful mother to your dear little birthday boy. I hope that you both have a lovely day on Friday.

    The worry about money and all the other situations that you're having to deal with are certainly a drain on you, but things will improve. In a few years time, you'll be able to look at the wonderful young man who is your son and know that he is your greatest achievement. When bringing my children up on my own, I cried myself to sleep more times than I can count, but they are my very best friends now.

    Jax - Please take care of yourself and try to rest your poor back for a little while. We don't want you doing any permanent damage.

    Anyway, I'd better let you all go and am looking forward to hearing the OAMC report on Friday. Wish I was going.

    xxx sallycat

  104. At 10:07 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Been out at a meeting and come in to find Matt has swiped the 100. Congrats...

    Haven't checked my other blog yet...will do straight after this...so apologies if there's something on there that appears to be ignored on here. Confused?

    Caught some of the show, but not the reference to us. Did get Rock me Amadeus - the car was bouncing!

    Firsthalf decent gym session for a few weeks due to man flu. Feels good. I have my post on my other blog planned for tomorrow...and don't want to give too much away...cliffhanger, huh?

    Tomorrow is my d-day. I have a paper to finish writing first off then into the boss at lunchtime to discuss the paper and then my future...I think there are only 3 possible outcomes and I have tried to prepare my response to all 3. Can't go wrong! Famous last words!

    Look. I'm still there at #1....funny feeling.

    Kev C - I don't do a lot. That's why I'm pushing my employers so hard to "clarify my future". Am bored of it now though. It's overrated.

    Matt - thanks for the directions. I'm in the know.

    Lyndyloo - heard your text too - well done!

    Anna - people always say I look like a rugby player ;-) I'm not sure whether they mean fat or with a squashed nose and ugly ears? Or both?

    Steevie and others...the women arm in arm were not drunk, it was the middle of the day and they were simply walking through the reception area of my place...I wanted to yell "Grow up" at them...would that have been extreme?
    Remember seeing male couple in Germany in 1988 kissing in the street...they were a bit ahead of the UK (or GB or whatever) in such matters! And there was me a 21 year old who had led a sheltered life (until then!)

    Hazel - yes really the gym. I want to be looking my best for Thursday!

    Dr T - a little late, but never too early on your birthday!!! Hope it was a good one and you were too plastered to read this until very late on Wednesday...

    That's all folks - over to the other one now...

  105. At 10:40 PM on 16 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Can't listen to the show as my computer needs to download the next thingywotsit. Is this day ever going to improve? On top of that I'll miss tomorrow's show as well. Oh woe is me.

    I'm also sad that I haven't been able to contact any of my pals from the christmas blog - what a marathon that was.

    I'm thinking of all you darlings and won't even start to list your names, because someone will be left out and that would never do.

    However - to Moose, this is just to say good luck tomorrow, your d day. And what did himself say about us? Please put me out of my misery, because I can't bear the suspense.

    This really is goodnight and I'll talk tomorrow.

    xxx sallycat

  106. At 10:44 PM on 16 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Has there really not been a post since 7pm?

    Just catching up again. I have not been lucky enough to meet anyone famous (that I can remember) :-( I think the closest I have is Lenny Henry walking into my other half in a book shop in Reading!

    Jax hope the back holds out for your next lesson.

    Off now to nurse the wounds after doing too much in the gym. I think I will ache tomorrow.


  107. At 10:55 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good afternoon from Vancouver,

    Meeting over, pub beckons. My first shall be a toast to my birthday, my second to the inaugral meeting of the OAMC. I only wish I could be there in person.

    Have all kinds of fun, frolics and festivities.

    Good day to you

    Dr. T

  108. At 11:05 PM on 16 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Littlest Hobo continue enjoying your birthday. Many happy returns.

    Sallycat...... just to answer you about listening to the previous weeks show(s) again- your are right you can. When you get into the Radio 2 option and have clicked onto your preference for Mr Evans, instead of then choosing the BLOG option on the right, if you look under the picture of CE you will see that you have a line which says LISTEN AGAIN TO SHOW ON
    Mon/Tues/Weds/Thu/Fri and you can click on the day you want to hear. A box will then pop up "Â鶹Éç radio player" and the day's show you have picked will begin. You can pause the show i.e. for boiling the kettle or loo visits, answering the phone or front door, so you don't miss anything. Just click on pause again to restart from where you stopped the show. If you are looking for a particular bit you wanted to hear again you can fast forward five and fifteen minutes too. These three options are on the top left hand side of the drop down box under the phrase "Now playing".
    Also I replied on yesterday's blog - earlier today - re losing your comment when trying to post. If you immediately just click onto the "BACK" button at the top left of the screen you are looking at now.... you can get the message back in the comment box.
    I hope I haven't confused you above. You'll probably get plenty of more succinct answers to help you.
    All the best and Good night.

  109. At 12:43 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Granny Bev wrote:

    I look forward to the Thursday/Friday blog to read about the OAMC.

    I'm an oldie and, whilst reading and thinking "I'll reply to that", when it comes to making a comment - I've lost the plot!

    I was going to brag about Barry Sheene and Nigel Mansell (along with pilots from the Red Arrows) visiting my village Church, but The Big'Un and MfR outdid me.

    Just another thing - Sammie #102 GO! Just go and wear a big hat or a lapel badge that says "Chris Blog OAMC"!

  110. At 01:47 AM on 17 Jan 2007, lynne peters wrote:

    hi chris,
    1st time ive checked the blog, as enjoyable as the show and a great way to keep in touch, ive just gone back to work and miss the show Mon and Tues and will check in to see whats been happening!



  111. At 02:12 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Jani wrote:

    Hi all,

    Am at work again but home pooter fixed and will be back any day now - yay!

    Wow, reading todays' blog was hard work but I think I got there. Have no famous meets to brag about but I once won a Max Boyce album in a competition in the local paper. Dont even remember what the competition was, have blocked it out.

    Kev C - good luck with panto - they are hard work but satisfying! Was going to make innuendoish comment but not brave enough yet.

    Moose - good luck Thursday - I finish my shift at 9am so may be asleep by 7.30 but if not will raise a glass.

    Sammie - are you me??? Cannot ever, ever go into pub on my own - not even my local 'just in case' and internet dating - weird and wonderful people - good fun though.

    Night night all.

    Jani x

  112. At 03:31 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Jani wrote:

    How could I forget the most important thing???

    Welcome back Christophe....you have been sorely missed. Drive in on two days and home on two days is back to normal, comforting self.

    Jani x

  113. At 08:09 AM on 17 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Morning, only 1 more sleep to go and i am ded envious of those of you that can go to OAMC on Thursday. I am working in Notts on Thursday and have meetings on friday that i cant get out of, just not going to be able to get down - and i really did try to organise it, even told him in doors all about you all last night and he wouldnt have minded if i had gone.

    Oh well, i will definately be there in spirit.

    So Sammie, a wanted woman!! Good Luck for Friday!!!

    Moose - a rugby player is a rugby player in my eyes, Mrs Moose should consider herself a lucky woman. And if she doesnt, she should read the blog! :o)

    am off to Nottingham again today, will try and catch up later.


  114. At 08:12 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Morning all, humpday everybody!!!

    1 more day to the inaugural meeting of the OAMC (other monthly gatherings are available, but I doubt they will be as cool), 2 more days till those that can't make it get to read all about it!!!

    Congrats to Moose for being #1 and MfR for being #100, whilst scooting around last night, it appeared that we did finally manage to crash the yule blog, although I haven't checked it yet today.

    Sammie, I trust you had a good run to Bexleyheath t'other day enjoying the company of the one and only, 'tis my home territory and have spent many happy hours in various hostelries on the Broadway and round and about!

    I feel like I have lost track of the blog over the past 36 hours, did anything important happen?
    Did Matt run off with Gaby again? Has Cathmel crashed her computer? Did Hazel Love? How is Wilsmar? Is Dr JMcC still searching for votes?
    These and many more questions will be answered in next weeks edition of Blog!

    DD out

    PS I see City scraped through last night?

    PPS Scooby dooby doo be dooby doo doo (Strangers in the night!)

    PPPS HA HA said the clown

    PPPPS Get your coat Trig, we're leaving.

  115. At 08:23 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Lovely friends,

    Haven't had a minute to read your posts yet but just wanted to say Hi......Hi!! xx

    Thank you again for all your helpful advice and good counsel. I told them I was not taking Option Z. Long story. Yesterday at work was absolutely exhausting...rushed off my feet (and even that is an understatement)...I lay down in front of the fire (like a dog (no cheeky comments here if you please : )) for half an hour when I got home.

    Anyway, I think it is a big day today for two of my lovely virtual friends, Keith and Moose - so good luck guys.

    Will catch up later


    ps I am so behind with current affairs that I don't even know if my boys are playing B'ham or N'castle.

    pps Two pints of guiness and a packet of cheese and onion crisps in the drawing room please Mr 'Udson...it's never too early.

    pppps where is ?

    ppppps Coppell
    ppps oh, thank goodness

  116. At 08:33 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    I wanted to post on your blog before work but my machine is not wanting to use the link to connect me. It is a problem here not there.

    Anyway, good luck today - a few of us on here have some big decisions this week don't we.

    See you tomorrow. Have been thinking it through (lots!) and it is funny because I have imagined what you all look like, so when I walk in i will be looking for the people that I imagine you to resemble....how bizarre - there will be a group of people and I will go up to them and say 'excusez moi, ecoutez, are you Moose or Dr Booth ??!!!!!'


    ps Look forward to seeing all of you lovely people tomorrow. How strange this language is. First of all I typed, addressing all of you ' I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow'. Then I thought it may seem as if I was just addressing Moose and was looking forward to seeing all of him!!

  117. At 08:33 AM on 17 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Morning all

    I ache! Definitely did too much in the gym last night & I thought exercise was supposed to be good for you. I think I will pass on walking up the stairs tomorrow evening at Covent Garden and will take the lift.

    Moose – hope all goes well today, will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on.

    Sammie – I am with you on the walking into pubs etc, but I figured there may be a number of people looking a bit lost so hopefully we will all find each other.

    Dr T – slightly late, happy belated Birthday, I hope you had a great day yesterday

    Off to start some work now, will check later


  118. At 08:41 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Mornin schmornin tout le monde

    Ca va?

    Well. Me and the boy went to collect a car last night as (Gaby!) mine has been given the death knoll...sob! I'm akshully quite upset as it previously belonged to my (now sadly deceased) ex-father in law. Ah well, all good things come to an end. Mind you, the new car is super fabby, and the boy can't wipe the smile off his face because it belonged to a friend of his, and he has coveted it from afar for ages! This is not to be confused with our neighbours ass by the way...

    Granny Bev - good to have you back. I know what you mean, I have to write myself notes because I have the short term memory of a goldfish.

    Sammie - I've gotta walk in on my own too as I'm not sure what time the trains get in, so perhaps if we can arrange something? Can see you on 'the OAMC blog'? Let me know.

    Sallycat - I'm not going to answer any of your questions. I find it hard enough listening the first time around!

    LYNDYLOO ! Can't believe I missed your text! I missed him read me out a while ago too! Blargh!

    Rock me Amadeus...sublime, then The Mighty Quinn - MY FAVOURITEST RECORD OF ALL TIME!!!!

    vien les rouges

    ps anna - Pizza? You mean you didn't cook? Actually, we were invited to friends for dinner last night. When we got there, they had forgotten they had invited us for dinner...takeaway on the way home anyone?

    pps a small amontillado and a jam doughnut in the pantry please Mrs Bridges...

    ppps #100 MfR. Please report to Mr Butters for your merit badge at break time.

  119. At 08:58 AM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Good morning folks and this is just a quick hello before I have to get on with other stuff. I've read the first few of today's posts (no doubt by the time I've sent this there'll be several more added to the list).

    I had a feeling we'd crashed the Christmas blog, because tried to peek in yesterday and most of it was a blank!!! Now that MUST be some kind of record.

    Can't go into any detailed responses I'm afraid, but would just like to say:

    Wilsmar - Thank you so much for your really helpful advice, re. listening to previous shows. I've just got to update my system (I can't get into the progs at the moment, but will get that sorted out today when I get back later on). Thanks also for your info. on finding my lost comments - but had lost it! Head down in shame on doing that.

    That's results because I haven't been able to keep up with all that's going on.

    Much love to you all, have a wonderful day and thankfully I'll be hooked into the 21st century when I get back and will have heard Chris's Tuesday programme.

    Thinking of you both, dear Keith and Moose - as well as everyone else of course.

    Oh well, on with the day.

    xxx sallycat

  120. At 09:05 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I was going to resist until the new blog came up but I can resist anything but temptation...

    Just felt it important to confess to Anna that I used to be a hooker.

    Then I became a centre. Once I was a number 8.
    Then I retired at the grand old age of 21. Haven't played since. Have been to a number of County Championship finals involving Cornwall - what a great day out to see Twickenham full of the black and gold. No other counties seem to take it seriously, but all the Cornesh turn up. Last one out of Cornwall switch the lights off!

    Happy that's out.
    Work now. back later!

  121. At 09:21 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:


    It's D (for DUBYA) Day today...

    I'm sending BIG LOVE and luck for you both. Hope everything goes ok.

    JAX - It may be your back adjusting to hitherto unknown stresses. Let your belly dancing teacher know, and she/he may be able to modify some of the moves so they aren't quite so strenuous. Also, swimming, either the crawl (which twists your back and hips) or the breast stroke (which contracts your back) at the same time as doing some other exercise can be harmful.

    Above all, whatever exercise you do, be it dancing or swimming, ALWAYS ALWAYS warm up and cool down!!!!!!!!

    This is from someone with a prolapsed disk and three abnormal vertebra...

    Now. Work.
    hey ho

    ps one more sleep...

  122. At 09:27 AM on 17 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Happy humpday everyone

    Moose - have you cooled down a little now? Sorry about that!!!!

    You're quite right, I won't be able to make the OAMC in London but could maybe make the Mulberry as a friend lives in Godalming, which is closer than Kent!

    Moose me darling - good luck with your meeting with the pointy headed one!!!!!

    Lindyloo - well done on getting a mention on last night's show!!!

    jillygoat x

  123. At 09:42 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hump day so time for a Q, fave three records of all time

    1. Sittin (on the dock of the bay) - Otis Redding

    2. Chasing Cars - Snow patrol

    3. Hopelessly devoted to you - Olivia Neutron Bomb

    DD out

    PS Smile! You know you want to - with apologies to Big 'Un

  124. At 10:31 AM on 17 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    I am sorry Gaby but I could just not resist ;-) (and I know you expect nothing else) When one of my dogs lie down in front of the fire I usually give them a Boneo I do hope that did not happen to you! ;-))))


  125. At 07:14 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Harryshal wrote:

    don't drink and"Drive"
    a man is driving home after drinking one too many after playing golf.
    A policeman spots him driving erratic and tells him he is too drunk to drive.
    too drunk to drive, officer? I can hardly putt.

    Chris I presume your golf is good and that you have a chauffeur???????

  126. At 04:25 AM on 19 Jan 2007, wendy P wrote:

    I absolutely agree that one should build a little nest when the weather outside is frightful. I have just built myself a big nest (everything here is bigger) on an island just off Seattle, US. Outside it is horrid, horrid, horrid. We have just recovered from a power cut which lasted 6 days. At first this doesn't seem to bad until you turn on the tap and realise that the water from the well is pumped up from an electric pump and then , well, it actually all becomes a little stinky actually. We resorted to filling our weelie bin from a , not so nearby, river. I have newfound respect for the settlers......actually maybe they should have stayed in good old England!

    I truly hope that you and your car feel better soon. Over here they swear by cramberry juice....it's quite good with gin.

  127. At 12:51 PM on 02 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Don't Worry, Be Happy! =)

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