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Nic Philps | 10:51 UK time, Monday, 29 January 2007

Ever had one of those weekends that never exist? Well I suppose you could say how would one know if it didn鈥檛 exist? What I鈥檓 trying to say is鈥

鈥y weekend in the possessive first person existed solely for 4 hours last night.

4 hours in which I made the fatal error of watching the new series of 24. The last time I watched 24 was three years ago in the Maldives. Billie and I bought the box set on DVD and spent the first 24 hours of our holiday watching all 24 episodes. As good as they were it tripled our jet lag and almost ruined the rest of our stay. Just hearing the theme tune last night conjured up blurred visions of sandy beaches and blue skies and along with the faint nausea of exhausted disorientation.

Its hard to believe Jack is still is in such demand and on top of his game after so long. What would the president do without him? 24 is superb, it鈥檚 like a drug that you know you shouldn鈥檛 touch but I did and now I鈥檓 counting down the minutes to next Sunday 8pm.

The other 2 hours was spent in the company of Louis Thereoux and Top Gear boys.

Did you like us, the second Richard Hammond say

鈥渙oh he doesn鈥檛 look right does he?鈥

When of course actually, five minutes later, he looked completely fine. I think Sunday nights are shaping up to be the best night on telly, in America, it鈥檚 always been this way!

Tonight we鈥檙e going Microwave crazy and hopefully I鈥檓 going to replay an interview with a woman whose story will stop you dead in your tracks鈥er鈥er鈥ahhh!

I鈥檒l see you at the nice end of Monday, 5 o鈥檆lock don鈥檛 be late, you have been warned.

CLP xx


  1. At 11:02 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Coops wrote:

    'Did you like us, the second Richard Hammond say

    鈥渙oh he doesn鈥檛 look right does he?鈥'

    Is it just me, or does that make no sense?

  2. At 11:03 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I have to say my weekend (and indeed week) was just brilliant! There was squeaky new snow (something that makes me go yippee!!! not Euuuooow like Chris) and have met some great new people. Missed the show, but only when I got back today, been too busy skiing and having a great time to miss anything much (apart from my bears).


  3. At 11:06 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh come on! How good was Top Gear last night?

    From the moment of JC announcing the entry of the Hamster to seeing the actual footage of the runs, the pieces to camera between the runs, and the footage of the incident about which we are no longer allowed to speak. So good to have the boys back on TV! Even got it recorded so Mrs DD can watch it upon her return from Barcelona tomorrow, as well as Waking the Dead, please do not tell me what happened I haven't seen it yet!!!
    Mrs DD's comment about the Barca v Celta Vigo match last night was, OK game, fantastic stadium, no atmosphere!! Just like being at Highbury .......... now!!

    DD out

  4. At 11:17 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning Back At Cha.

    Yes, busy weekend. Know what you mean, and I too enjoyed 24 with bottle Du Vin in hand and then lay around on the floor for a further hour or so, until I decided I couldn't stay up any longer.

    Yes, We all said,"he doesn't look right", but when they played the crash, and the footage prior to the crash, we realised it was just weight loss. His wee face is wee'er now. and his eyes look huge in his wee face. Poor Soul, and he looked truely mortified at having to climb down that stair case. But great to see him back, and hysterical listening to May and Clarkson slagging him of. Welcome Back Boys!

    Fence is beautiful.

    Moose is Writer Extra-ordinaire!


  5. At 11:17 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Morning all,

    I had a quiet weekend which I really enjoyed, I watched The Squid and the Whale on DVD (great film) and whooped my 7 year old on the Cars game on the Playstation, who says girlies are no good at console games? Next weekend is going to be a mad one, so it was nice to recharge my batteries.

    Just had a girl round to chat about becoming a childminder, I quite fancy it cos I love kids and the money can'tbe worse than being a dinner lady! Are there any childminders out there in blogland who can give me any advice?

    Sorry I haven't really referred to Chris's blog that much, but I've only seen 24 a couple of times so can't really contribute, although i do think Keifer Sutherland is pretty lush!

    Love and stuff,
    Em xx

  6. At 11:19 AM on 29 Jan 2007, T wrote:


    Chris the idea of a cookery programme sounds great go for it.
    I will agree with you on Sunday nights being great TV, especially now Top Gear is back, but I have to admit I have never watched an episode of 24 鈥 have I missed out or not?

    I was so busy I did not have time to read or add to the blog last week. I think it will be an impossible mission to try and catch up on it, so apologies to one and all if I did miss anything. I will try and stay on top of everything this week.

    Roll on 5pm


  7. At 11:26 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Yes I was wondering about that too! I taped it as I was sad enough to watch the BB evictions last night (oops).

    I thought that Richard Hammond seemed not quite right when he was on a chat show a little while back but, wow, hasn't he recovered well. Good luck to him.

    Deb x

  8. At 11:35 AM on 29 Jan 2007, km wrote:


    I agree, I was a tad confused as well, but hey it is Monday, and our system has went down, so sat twiddling thumbes till 11.45 when I can go to big supermarket and do the chocolate run, excellent get to spend 60 quid on choccies and crisps, love it when we get to the counter and the till lady/man gives you funny looks.

    Hope all have a good day

  9. At 11:42 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    An interesting excerpt from a NSW newspaper.

    A real precedence in judiciary has been set in Australian law

    A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Parramatta, NSW courtroom
    drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have
    custody of him.

    The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge
    initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law
    and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree

    The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him
    more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When
    the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy
    cried out that they also beat him.

    After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning
    that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the
    judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who
    should have custody of him.

    After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child
    welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the English
    Cricket Team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating

  10. At 11:43 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey CLP - Happy Monday!

    Top Gear was FAB last night - such a good show, even if you're not a petrol-head (which I'm not, although my new Honda Civic IS my baby even if it is a company car). I also love Jeremy Clarkeson's books - when you read them, you can hear him ranting as he writes. True genius.

    Taped 24 - too many adverts on Sky for my liking. But will watch Nip/Tuck tonight as can't wait any longer than a week to get my Nip/Tuck fix.

    How was Alton Towers/McFly/Rollercoaster experience? Have you still got any balance after riding the big dippers for hours on end?

    Our weekend was spent clearing out the loft in prep for a builder friend to lag it in a weeks time. We had a hoot looking at old school books, projects, college notes etc. All the grafitti on my books as to what I wanted to do to Simon Le Bon when I was 14 was quite obscene!!! Also got bleary eyed looking at our wedding album - was it really 11 years ago!?!?

    Took a king-sized 15 tog duvet to a textiles bank yesterday and got the giggles trying to feed it into the container. It says they take bedding so why why why make the chute so small?!?!?

    Started my Moonwalk training this morning - out at 6.30 for a one mile speed walk - took 20 minutes so will have to work on times (or not drink so much red wine the night before a training walk!) Next walk is Wednesday (1 mile), then Friday (2 miles) and then Sunday (3 miles). Apparently if I follow the plan, I'll be up to 26 miles in 16 weeks. We'll see!

    Right, best do some work now. Have just had my Monday Morning Meeting with The Boss (no, not Bruce Springsteen, sadly!) and now have minutes to type up etc etc.

    Bonjour mon amies!

    CtD x x

  11. At 11:47 AM on 29 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Just checking in for a quick minute, will come back later.

    Just to say to Coops (#1 !!!) - frighteningly enough, it makes perfect sense to me! Hang around this blog, in a couple of days you'll understand language that until today would have been gobbledegook (or something similar!).

    C xx

  12. At 11:49 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning All!

    Merry Monday - gosh, where does the weekend go? I had a long one, having booked Friday off work...

    Friday was spent being massaged, having hair cut and shopping - lovely! haven't doen anythign like that for ages - the whole day was such a day out of my 'normal' life that I made a serious decision about my future and actually don't feel anxious about it!

    Of course - there was the date on Thursday night!!!! I'm very pleased to report that I will actually be having a SECOND date (yes - can you catch your breath???) a second date with A. All in all was very lovely AND he's even chasing me to arrange a THIRD, even though we haven't had the second one (it's tomorrow!).

    I stayed up really late on Saturday night - not doing anything in particular, but had been at my sisters for a family thing earlier in the day and was very happy and continued the party (all by myself) when I got home!

    Sunday night TV is good, although I still prefer an early night with a book, as last night...

    Still want to know who Nic is though...

    Have a lovely day everyone!

    S xx.

    PS - was contacted at the weekend by a guy from GDFF who wanted to know if I wore high heels and also if I had boots!!!!

  13. At 11:49 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I agree #1 Coops that doesn't make sense. Ah I love Top gear so glad its back. Richard looks lovely as ever bless him.
    Microwaves! brilliant please tell the story of the lady in New York who after walking her dog put the wet dog in the microwave!! I think we all can imagine what happened to the dog!
    Hope all you lovely bloggers are well this morning, have a wonderful week. love missy xx

  14. At 11:51 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I'm now really scared, two Richard Hammonds!

    Does he have a series of lookalikes, a la Saddam.

    Would they all have been out of a job if Hamster had died?
    or would they have just passed off the replacements as the real thing?
    Have they already done this?
    Is that why he didn't look right?

    DD out

    PS Conspiracy theorist moi?

  15. At 11:54 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning CLP et al. Chris, just wanted to say I'd watch you doing a cooking prog! As you say, lovely to be back on the 'wanted' list.

    What did you do for the rest of the weekend then?????

  16. At 11:57 AM on 29 Jan 2007, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Went for a mooch along the beach in Southwold on Saturday - it was very sunny but freeeeeezing!

    Chris, I wish you hadn't told us the 24 story - we've bought the box set of the first series and are taking it away to Northumberland next week where we've rented a cottage for the week - perhaps we should take something else to watch instead!!

    Take care all, Happy Mondays to you!

  17. At 12:09 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Good Morning Chris n all.
    Agree that 24 is superb - the Americans really can do good TV. Have you got into Ugly Betty?
    I love that too. Wish someone would do a re-run of Seinfeld. My weekend involved mixing concrete - by hand - well shovel actually - to make a base for our new greenhouse - it was a hard slog but so satisfying when it was done. Also cleared a whole load of bramble from the steep bank opposite us. Had gloves on but still ended up with tiny thorn pricks all over my hands which hurt like hell! So for me it's the classic - glad to be back to work today for the rest! Lookin forward to the show - roll on 5pm!

  18. At 12:10 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    And.... I have yet to watch the 3 episodes of 24 (which is amazing I love it!) and I cried when I saw Richard Hammond on TG last night.


  19. At 12:16 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Chris!

    I'm assuming 4 hours was all that you had to yourself?! I'm lost on this series of 24 ... again! Just don't get the time to sit down with a glass of Merlot (other quality reds are available) and relax infront of the box.

    I saw the Top Gear interview with Richard Hammond on the News ... and cringed at all the cliched lines he came away with! He couldn't have planned those lines if he had tried! But I guess he's one of those guys who doesn't think the worst could happen .... otherwise where would he get the nerve to sit infront of a jet engine!! That guy is a walking miracle! But, yeah, he didn't look great at the beginning of the programme. You could get him on as the expert at stopping a car travelling at 280 miles per hour with your head! Ok .... the roll bar was there too ... but I think you'd have a blast interviewing him! Just don't go getting any ideas of following him into that kind f TV!

    Happy memories of beautiful beaches and blue skies. Perhaps I'll get BP'd for this, but I'm still upset that you 2 aren't together - you seemed the perfect couple. But, I know what it's like - been there, done that - it's just so nice to see that you can still talk to each other.

    Looking forward to the show!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

    'The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.'

    Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)

    'And so faith is closing your eyes and following the breath of your soul down to the bottom of life, where existence and nonexistence have merged into irrelevance. All that matters is the little part you play in the vast drama.'

    Real Live Preacher

  20. At 12:43 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Kyleigh wrote:

    Yes Coops, it doesnt make sense!

    Come on Christophe Lambie Pie, tell us what you meant to type... you little monkey.

    I LOVED seeing the best bits of Louis Theroux too... that man is amazing!


  21. At 12:48 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Gary Wales wrote:

    Sunday nights are GREAT for telly!

    The only night of the week that I look forward to putting my tootsies up with a glass of cheeky vino...

    Whilst I've seen all the Louis Theroux's before - it still makes for a cringing watch doesn't it?

  22. At 12:52 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Yup, Us too, the second richard hammond came on, said "ooh he doesn't look right". But when they showed the replay of the accident and the footage shot before it.... you can see that it is because he has lost so much weight. His eyes look huge in his wee shrunk face.

    I love 24.... I try so hard not to get wrapped up in TV programmes, but am loving that... despite Jack's ability to recover from 20 months in a Chinese jail, not speaking to anyone, getting handed over to be killed, tortured again... and now... he's fit as a fiddle, running CTU. Who cares... is excellent fun.


  23. At 12:58 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Is there anyone there!? It's awfully quiet here today! Are the Blog Police sitting with their feet up, listening to Jeremy and munching on hot cross buns!?

  24. At 01:04 PM on 29 Jan 2007, emily wrote:

    Hamster always looks fine to me! :-)

  25. At 01:15 PM on 29 Jan 2007, dave wrote:


    24 is the best show ever to come out of america, it has you gripped all the way through. no filler episodes like most series. two hours again this sunday, i will be a nervous wreck by the end of it.

    looking forward to the show


  26. At 01:26 PM on 29 Jan 2007, km wrote:

    ummm, is nothing getting through, or am I going to look silly when this post arrives and it is post 258 or something.
    computers now working here, so apparently that means I have to as well, how unfair :o)

  27. At 01:30 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    People, a belated Burns-ish "poem" I forgot to post last week on the day. Enjoy......
    (but maybe you shouldn't be eating when you read)

    Oh what a sleekit, horrible beastie
    Lurks in yer stomach efter a feastie
    Just as ye sit doon among yer kin
    There sterts tae stir an enormous wind

    The neeps an' tatties an' mushy peas
    Stert workin like a gentle breeze
    But soon the puddin' wi' the sonsie face
    Will hae ye blawin' a' ower the place

    Nae matter whit the hell ye dae
    A'body's gonnae huv tae pay
    Even if ye try tae stifle
    It's like a bullet oot a rifle

    Haud yer bum tight tae the chair
    Tae try an' stop the leakin' air
    Shift yersel' fae cheek to cheek
    An' pray tae God it disnae reek

    But a' yer efforts go assunder
    Oot it comes like a clap o' thunder
    It ricochets aroon' the room
    Michty me! A sonic boom!

    God almighty, it fairly reeks
    Ah hope ah huvnae shit ma breeks!
    Straight tae the bog ah better scurry
    Aw whit the hell, it's no' ma worry

    A 'body roon' aboot me's chokin'
    Wan or two are nearly boakin'
    Ah'll feel much better fur a while
    Ah cannae help but raise a smile

    "Wis him!!" ah shout, wi accusin' glower
    Alas, too late, he's just keeled ower
    "Ya dirty bugger!!" they shout and stare
    Ah dinna feel welcome ony mair

    Where e'er ye be, let yer wind gang free
    Sounds jist the job for thee and me
    Whit a fuss at Rabbie's perty
    Ower the sake o' wan wee ferty

  28. At 01:44 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Just wondered (but not in a malicious way, so please don't BP me!) ...... why are posts taking sooooooooooo long to appear of late?

    CtD x x

  29. At 01:46 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Nick wrote:

    1) Coops: makes no sense to me neither.

    I read it twice but it just wouldn't go in.

  30. At 02:12 PM on 29 Jan 2007, martin wrote:

    I`ve been listening to a song, a song written and sung by Jimmy Nail called Big River. It`s a great song, the words are profanic, it`s all about the demise and destruction of the ship building industry in the North East. Try and get a copy from anywhere and listen. I wonder how many hard working Welsh workers from the Burberry factory can relate to it. What happened to `Made in Britain`?

  31. At 02:25 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    RSS feed doesn't seem to be working properly - hmmm?

    Um - I did think that about Richard Hammond, but I think he had just lost a little weight - and he was so embarrassed by the showgirls and the stairs thing. Glad they're back though - just good fun.

    Looking forward to the microwave piece - I refuse to have one in the house.

    ciao xx

  32. At 02:29 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    What's up with the blog today, Mr E? Usually you are inundated with cheeky chaps and chapettes, but only Coops seems to have been able to sneak through! Did he/she get in there and bolt the door behind him/her?!

    It's a glorious day here in Inverness. Gettting over the sickness so taking wee one (Charis ... not Willie!) out to feed the ducks.

    One of my US xanga buddies was talking about the blizzards in early 1977, which reminded me of the drought of 1976 here. Do you remember that? We had water tankards coming round the village cos there was no water in the taps. After seeing the climate change programme last week, made me wonder what our climate is going to be like over the next few decades. Scary stuff.

    Huggles, Susan

  33. At 02:32 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Sigh wrote:

    Where is everybody?????

  34. At 02:34 PM on 29 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    Tight for time again today as work is getting in the way of blogging ;-(

    I only managed to watch about two hours of TV all weekend and guess what they were the same two as you Chris. Louis Thereoux and Top Gear. Both made me laugh out loud so that can not be bad ;-)

    Richard Hammond. It must have been so hard for him to put himself in front of millions and accept adulations fro all around him. I had a small tear in my eye and I am not even sure why! Still the man is quality and I am so pleased to have him back on my screen.

    Later all, time permitting and BP allowing ;-)


  35. At 02:54 PM on 29 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hello out there! I would like to comment on Chris's blog today (Mon, 29th Jan) but NOTHING is showing up comments-wise!

    Please help, O-Blog Police!

    C xx

  36. At 03:16 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Is anyone there y'all

  37. At 03:43 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello dear.... wow! long time no talk... been busy living & all those lovely things... but still read & listen... you seem fine & cool & that's nice... but yes... DVD series & beaches, warmth & blue skies etc struck a cord... I treated myself to Deadwood the first series... brilliant... I just love cowboys & bluegrass & I'm off to the Bahamas on February 14th... cool day to travel... for a month... staying with best mate... he's gay & we've known each other for over 35 years & it's just so easy when you've known each other that long... & it's almost my birthday which means I'm Aquarius... which means Amethist & all those lovely shades of purple & lilac & life just gets better with age & everything is an adventure...O.K man... stay cool... I'll send you a card... be good... ciao ciao... X..

  38. At 03:45 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Where is everyone today? How come Coops got a posting? Hello if you're all out there!!!!!

    CtD x x

  39. At 03:56 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Blogs gone mad - BP's being over sensitive?

    What a cruddy start to the week!

    Oh well, tomorrow can only get better!

    :o) Jo

  40. At 05:14 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ah, the micrograve...killer of any useful nutrients in your food...

    You just cannot beat cooking food fresh and proper.

    We have just got a bit used to doing everything in a microsecond...its madness...we need to slow down, green up a bit and STOP expecting fantastic food to come out of a pierce and ding...it takes a bit more effort!

    Loving the show,

    Tracey x

  41. At 05:17 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    The Blog appears very weird today, with odd squares and Greek letters in between words. What is going on? And only ONE comment - can't be so. Don't know whether it's my PC playing dead, or some glitch at the Beeb,.

    Coops - it's 'Did you, like us, the second RH appeared on screen, say "ooh he doesn't look right.....'
    Anyway, it was great to see the Hamster again and he sure is a walking miracle. What a nice guy.

    Must rush off to listen to the show. Evidently will be missing something special. xx

  42. At 05:25 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Jennie (from the blog) wrote:


    what has gone on in my absence? seems you went missing one day?

    Anyway just a quick check in to say hi to you all. I am now in possession of a russian visa, tickets to new zealand and my P45! first time i've not had a job in my life. Scary huh!

    Cornwall was beautiful last week and you should all get down there if you can - its stunning at this time of year.

    CLP - glad you are a non microwaver - I only used mine for heating frozen peas so gave up and it now lives in my loft - also has the added advantage that you can't eat ready meals because MOST require a microwave so I have to cook properly and avoid the temptation to bankrupt myself whilst eating rubbish.

    hope you are all well

    Love Jennie from the blog

  43. At 06:08 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi all....
    I was checking in on my lunch hour to say hi and read your posts but there is only one, I think there is something wrong with the site ???

    I am still alive!!!! Have you missed me??? I have missed you all !!! I have been trying to catch up with the posts but it is hard this working for a living lark!!!

    Talking of weekends, where do they go? I think time goes faster on the weekends, the wizards are definitely at work methinks!!

    I hope you are all well and I will check in again later to catch up on the gossip :-)
    Luv, Joan xxxxx

  44. At 06:38 PM on 29 Jan 2007, charlotte wrote:

    It works!!!!!
    great show as always!!!

  45. At 07:19 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hellooooo! Where is everyone? Did someone organize a party on another blog and everyone was invited except Coops, Joannie, and myself? Ok, I am feeling a bit left out...a little vulnerable.

    I love 24!! However I find that I trully have to suspend reality when I watch it. Honestly, all of that stuff happening to one person in a 24 hour period. Do you think Jack Bauer often thinks, "Oh $%#^!! Here we go again!!! I should have stayed in bed this morning."

    Well, wherevery you all are, I hope you are back tomorrow.


  46. At 07:41 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Stuart wrote:

    Agreed Coops! I'm wondering if Chris meant "Did you, like us, the second Richard Hammond appeared say - ooh he doesnt look right does he?"
    Personally I just thought he looked like he'd lost weight. Which you could well do after a very near-fatal accident.
    It was moving stuff, especially the extremely ironic things he said before the fateful last run, like "I feel so alive" and "I dont want to go upside down". Wow.
    How is that man alive after that crash? It was obviously not his time to go. Great telly though. Not sure I agreed with some of Jeremys comments but each to their own I suppose.
    Sad to see today that the inventor of 'Vampire' blaming Richard for the accident saying he shouldnt have stepped on the brakes when the tyre shredded...

  47. At 08:20 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Sandra H wrote:

    hi Amanda, Coops, Lyndyloo & co - I ask myself the same question? I thought I was on the wrong blog both yesterday & today?? Where can everyone be?
    I'm probably going cause major groans around the blog now but here goes.....does anyone else other than me think (gulp...big breath) that Take That's new album is a cheeky little number? There! I've said it! Please don't let me be alone on this one? I promise to watch TopGear next week, I quite like Mr Hammond even tho' I'm a bit lacking in the car knowledge dept....
    Well, glad Monday's all but done, catch up tomorrow xx

  48. At 08:42 PM on 29 Jan 2007, baileybug wrote:

    Hi Chris

    The blind lady who's not blind anymore - WOW.

    I bet I wasn't the only person driving home with watery eyes having heard her complete and utter joy at seeing things for the 1st time.

    Great choice of music to finish the clip with. Made me think that we all take so much for granted.


  49. At 09:02 PM on 29 Jan 2007, clarkie wrote:

    Whilst it was good to see Richard Hammond looking so well following his crash, i still can't help feeling that Top Gear is getting near its sell by date.
    All the links are appearing a little over rehearsed.
    That said I happily sat through it all, and the scenes in the studio after the crash were very moving.

  50. At 09:11 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Gavin wrote:

    did you enjoy alton towers

  51. At 09:18 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    Glad the blog's been fixed. Miss all the comments - mine never made it to the site - but we'll make up for it tomorrow
    Nitey nite all you lubberly people
    xxxxxxxxxxxxx Jill

  52. At 09:22 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hello All

    I was in a real dilemma today because I kept on refreshing, and nothing..then I look now (21.20pm), and there are 5..
    Well, coops, lyndyloo, dissing Dave, Joanie and Amanda..You are in the unique.."Through thick and thin and BP" club. Well done!
    I'll be lurking tomorrow to find out what happened
    Lots of Love
    PS I've never got into 24..(not enough hours in the day!)

  53. At 09:32 PM on 29 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Is there anybody there?

    CLP - on tonight's drivetime, heard the clip from the radio 4 show, covering Sheila. That was something else - WOW! Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It would have been a shame to miss something as wonderful as that.


  54. At 09:36 PM on 29 Jan 2007, sandra cowper wrote:

    what was the name of the wpoman who regained her sight, whose interview was replayed on the show today??

  55. At 09:53 PM on 29 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Think there may be a problem with the site here.

    Anyway, just wanted to say that the article tonight on the show about Sheila the blind woman that got her sight in adulthood was amazing. Thanks for broadcasting it CLP.


  56. At 10:30 PM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I love Richard Hammond.
    And so do my family.
    So great he is alive and well, and so good to put the accident to bed.
    He has the driving instinct of a fighter pilot and is so watchable on TV.
    Here's to you and your family Hammie!
    Be safe

  57. At 10:35 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Kt G wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    Just wanted to say what a godsend tonights show was. Having had a truly rubbish day I was looking forward to Christophe et al helping to pass the time until bedtime for the little cherubs. Then I heard the lady talking about her experience of seeing for the first time and this amazing story was followed by Louis Armstrong singing 'Wonderful World' and, well, I was gone. So there I am standing in the kitchen with tears running down my face and thinking about how lucky I am, when my four year old comes in and asks who would win a fight between a T-Rex and spiderman.

    And that's what it's all about...

    Kt x

  58. At 12:30 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I was listening to the Show while Driving back from Manchester to Northampton & was on a go slow on the M6 due to Heavy Traffic & ahead of Me all I could see were the Red Brake Light going on ahead of Me & I sighed & had thoughts of Home were playing in My mind, Had the Dog to Feed.

    Chris then played a Clip about a Woman who had been Blind for many Years but had managed to regain Her Site & the Descriptions of Bright Colours, Rain Drops on Flowers & seeing Her beloved Husband for the very first time, a miracle.

    Suddenly the Red Brake Lights in Front of Me didn't seem so bad.

  59. At 09:50 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    great show

  60. At 09:53 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hallo All.

    Glad Blog is Back Fit and Well. Glad also to see Joannie back fit and Well. Missed Lady who regained site, will listen again this afternoon during Steve Wright. Hate to say it but he makes me feel quite uncomfortable when I'm listening now, he's very sarky to people.... getting tired of it all is he?

    It is indeedy a Wonderful World, and I fill up every time I hear ole Satch'mo.

    www.cloudappreciationsociety.co.uk check it out. I appreciate them, and I got a badge.


  61. At 09:53 AM on 30 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    Wasn't it just a nightmare not being able to use the blog yesterday?! Chris, if you decide to stop the blog, I don't know what I'll do!

    Just calling in to say Sandra H #42 - you are not alone - Take That are terrific. I received the new CD at Christmas and I just love it. Loved them the first time around too. Back for Good - best love song ever!

    Joannie - good to hear from you. Sounds like you are getting to grips with your new job - it always takes a little time!

    Jennie # 37 - when is your trip? Is it a holiday, and why do you need a Russian visa? Just curious!

    Have a great day everyone, will no doubt call in again once we have heard from Chris.

    C xx

    P.S. I LOVE Richard Hammond!

  62. At 09:54 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:


    Glad blog seems to be back to normal now, just wanted to say the blind lady who regained her sight, was amazing, thankyou so much for playing her interview. What did it for me was how matter of fact she was about everything, i was blinking back the tears while chopping veg for tea (no not onions before you ask!) and when the song came on that was it. Soggy veg all round!

    Also just wanted to say Sandra H, i don't have the Take That album but i think their new single Shine is great and the video really uplifting, Jason looks gorgeous if a little skinny. I have just finished reading Gary Barlow's autobiography and Robbie doesn't come out of it looking too good at all. He reminds me a bit of the old you Chris, maybe you should take him to one side and give him some fatherly advice!

    Love to all of you, Em xx

  63. At 09:58 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Happy Tuesday peeps and neeps

    Firstly Steeevie fae - vera guid indeed wee man!

    Secondly, the boy, having been looking forward to seeing the return of the Hamster, missed it. Ah well. It'll be on UKTV Gold before long...he was quite under the impression that it was on last night (Mon) but then, obviously not...The reason he missed it, in case anyone is interested, is because his birthday celebrations for Sat eve got way too out of hand, and the last people to leave went at 2pm yesterday...monday...thanks to all of you who wished him happy birthday! The whole week was!

    ...and I tend to agree Chris, no news on how the roller coasting went? There must be something you could share surely?

    ca va bien merci

    ps I did try to look on here several times last night and could only see Coops, then this morning lyndyloo was at No#1, then I did a refresh, and there was Coops again! I just dunno!

    pps lyndyloo, glad you had a great time!!

  64. At 09:58 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning CLP! How are you this blustery, sunny Tuesday morning?

    Glad you got the blog sorted out - I didn't have any of the bizarre extra bits! Must have been a wee booger in the system!

    Missed the first part of the show because had to go to nasty supermarket beginning with T and ending in o! We are really trying hard to shop ethically and reduce the carbon miles of our food. We are blessed with a great farm shop that sources its produce locally, within around a 30-60 mile radius. And a great wholesale shop that's fair-trade

    So trying to listen again, but Charis is being particular monkey like this morning .... carrying on from the shenanigans at midnight ... 'Mummy ... I bounce! Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce!' Have you ever tried to pretend that you are really angry at your child, when you are actually desperately trying not to laugh!!??

    Chris, the interview with Sheila was incredible! Didn't it just give you the slap in the face that we all need!? I was driving home from the nasty supermarket at the time, and suddenly I was seeing everything in a new light! Really makes you think - thank you once again for pulling us up short with a fantastic piece of radio, Chris!

    I'm not a huge fan of microwaves - only defrost and reheat and heating my plates - but don't trust them! Far better to cook from scratch. Do you have an aga in your new house, Chris?

    Group huggles,


    Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
    Eating a Big Mac and Fries
    Along came a spider and sat down beside her
    'Yuck', it said, 'I prefer flies'

    Gavin Walker

  65. At 10:28 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Stewart wrote:

    The interview with Sheila Hocken was amazing!

    Sandra, you can listen to the interview, which was broadcasted on the 27th Jan, from the Radio 4 Saturday Live site.

    Not too sure if web links work in the blog, but go to the bbc site then /radio4/saturdaylive/. From there you should be able to find the blog entry called "Regaining Sight", or a link to listen again.




  66. At 10:32 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Back again, Chris! The microwave lady has really made me think! Energy saving 鈥 what do you think? I just don鈥檛 think it tastes the same! Might peruse her book, though 鈥 but I am rather obsessive about cookery books - we have four shelves worth in our kitchen! And are they really going to take my gas away?! I love cooking with gas 鈥 it was one of the reasons we bought the flat! Tell Rebecca Mummy鈥檚 milk doesn鈥檛 need heated up!

    Lindale - are you still on hols? Or did you find this wonderful snow in the UK? Glad you had good skiing! Looking forward to the photos!

    Dissing Dave - when Mrs DD has finished with Waking the Dead, would you pass it on? I watched part 2 last night 鈥. just didn鈥檛 get it! But was determined to watch it to the end! How thick am I?!

    DWNB - Moose is definitely going to be published!

    Em M - hark at you , on the Playstation (other games consoles are available)! I just don鈥檛 get them! And I鈥檝e been banned from the Wii since walloping my Mum with my backhand!

    T - looking forward to you being able to add more to the blog - it鈥檚 a scunner when life is too busy to get onto the blog!

    Cheryl the Diva - that brought back memories of my school books and pencil cases, which are still in my parents鈥 loft! Best of luck with your Moonwalk! I鈥檓 kinda thinking I might have to take up jogging to get rid of all this weight!

    ChrissieS - yup 鈥 the blog made perfect sense to me too!

    Sammie - what a great way to spend a Friday! Glad the date went well! Keep us posted! There鈥檚 a photo of Nic in the photo collection on Chris鈥檚 site - yum!

    Missy - how could you!!!???? You bad Missy! Hope you鈥檙e having a great week too!

    Susan - is the cottage in the middle of nowhere?! I鈥檇 take some horror films!

    Steevie fae Dundee + Glas - that was just hilarious! How on earth did you get that through!? I want to hear you on the show reading that out!

    Linda Brady - I am so jealous! Have a fab time in the Bahamas!

    Jennie (from the blog) - You must be sooooooooooooooooooo excited! What a great feeling!

    Joannie (Toronto) Of course you were missed! How鈥檚 life with you?

    Amanda - Don鈥檛 know about Jack Baer, but I know I often think, "Oh $%#^!! Here we go again!!! I should have stayed in bed this morning."

    Stuart - I was quite upset at that report too!

    Sandra H - don鈥檛 tell anyone, but it鈥檚 growing on me too!

    Kt G - who would win a fight between a T-rex and Spiderman?!

    Have a fab day everybody! Hey Moose 鈥 what colour are we today?!

    Love and huggles,

    Susan, the Highland lass

    Muddleheaded Mary

    Mary had a little weep
    As she dined on bread and jam
    Her freezer was in such a muddle
    That she couldn't find her lamb

    Gavin Walker

  67. At 10:56 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Ok then

    Mary had a little lamb
    It's fleece was black as soot
    And every where that Mary went
    It's sooty footy put

    JOANNIE! Glad you haven't got time to do much commenting on here, coz it means you must be too tired from enjoying your lovely new job! Good to hear from you again, and hope all ok!

    and sorry but, Linda Brady, Bunch, Bahamas, Bananas - Erdos Bacon of 3? Does this work?

    Seriously, have a fab time. I went to St Loosha a few years ago, stunning and fabulous people.

    badam badee I'll name that tune in three

  68. At 11:16 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey - Happy Turquoise Tuesday bloggers!

    SusanS - when you're feeling low of spirit, get up in that loft and go thru those old school books, pencil cases etc. Far far better than any anti-depressant on the market, I can assure you!

    Bloogers - do you think CLP is getting tired of blogging? Postings seem to be appearing later and later, and there's a distinct lack of blog-mention on the show now. Come on CLP - keep up the blog - we love you! I rely on the blog to pass the loneliness in the portacabin!

    Will check back later when today's post has appeared.

    CtD x x

  69. At 11:36 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Lyndyloo - pink champagne shellfish - what are you like?!?

  70. At 11:51 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    I'll second what Cheryll says - your daily blogs really brighten up the day (smulchy as that sounds!). You always have something thought provoking to say and it always leads to great discussion. I know how hard it can be to find something to say on your blog every day - but you succeed where I don't!

    Hazel love - very witty ditty!

    Cheryl the Diva - who's name is one your pencil case!? I'm hoping to do a blog on that! Just for fun!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

    Humpty Dumpty
    Sat on a wall
    But Humpty Dumpty
    Felt too tall

    Next Humpty Dumpty
    Sat on the floor
    But Humpty Dumpty
    Felt too small

    So Humpty Dumpty
    Sat on the fence
    ...How very English

    Gavin Walker

  71. At 11:52 AM on 30 Jan 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    It's now TUESDAY, TUESDAY and it looks as if some sort of normality has returned to the blog. That was so weird yesterday.

    Anyway, whatever coulour of day it is, HAVE A GOOD ONE.


  72. At 11:54 AM on 30 Jan 2007, Coops wrote:

    Well well well - where's today's post?

    I'm glad I wasn't the only one who got confused about the Richard Hammond thing yesterday!

    By the way, I read this blog most days but have never dipped my toe in before now. So, hello all - I'm a new boy! Hope you don't mind me joining in - I promise to behave!


  73. At 11:56 AM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    What happened yesterday then? I had the strangest dream last night - I was arguing with a market stall holder who wouldn't sell me any of his prawns and Mr E came along, pulled me to one side and kissed me!! It was very nice actually Chris but a little alarming - I don't normally kiss men in public next to shell fish stalls! I think Freud would have a field day with that one.

    ciao xx

  74. At 12:08 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Hello Peeps & Schloggers

    I'm back, Sorry Chris Ive not heard the show for about a week, Ive not seen any TV so i cant comment on the Hammond thingy. Although i do think the guy is a walking legend having been thru what he did.

    Anyway i finally get back to been me and NOT Nurse Molly Coddle, yes the panto is done finished completed, for another 9months anyway. It went, not without the hicup's, superbly. Ive had some really good feed back for all the cast not just me. We even raised 拢500 for charity from ticket sales, raffles etc leaving us with a little towards costumes for next year, which i heard a rumour is going to be Jack & the Beanstalk.

    Nice to be back, I cant belive the lads at work have tuned in to a local station, UNTIL 5.00 anyway !!!!

  75. At 12:09 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Take That... huuuuuuuge sigh!!!!

    Saw them TWICE last year - they were FABULOUS - was really disappointed they weren't on the R2 shortlist for the Brits Best Live Act award - their show really was well worth watching twice. Although actually, as I now have the Tour DVD too - I have seen it a few more times (not too many - don't want to spoil myself too much!)

    So pleased the boys are back - hoping for a tour from them this year too!

    Susan S - is Nic single???

    S xx.

  76. At 12:16 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Susan S,

    Have just looked at the Drivetime gang photos - Nic is luvverly!!!

    S xx.

  77. At 12:41 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    Chris is a bit late today isn't he? I have a bit of time (most unusual when just back from holibobs) and am getting a bit restless.
    Sammie/ Susan S - Nic is indeed a very gorgeous man, in fact I think I sent an email to the show saying so (is that sad?)

    It was great listening to that lady's words on getting her sight last night wasn't it? It makes you realise how lucky you are. I spent last week in some of the most glorious landscapes admiring bright blue skies and snow capped mountains and much as I was in wonder at it then somehow her words made me feel as though I hadn't taken in as much as I could so I took some time to look through my photos again last night.

    Oh what is is to have all our senses....

    & the Bears

  78. At 12:43 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    The Diva is once again checking in for blog action!

    Coops - well done for getting through yesterday on your first dip in the water - us regulars like to vie for being first, so bask in your sucessful glow whilst it lasts, my friend - and welcome to the blogmunity!!!

    SusanS - my school books were covered with Duran Duran, Wham, David Sylvian, Marc Almond (hmmmm!?) and then in sixth form it was more Robert Smith, Ian Astbury, Pete Burns - eclectic taste! I was convinced that I'd one day become Mrs John Taylor - I went to see Duran Duran at The Forum in London when they first re-formed in 2003 - it was such a small intimate venue and I almost wet myself with excitement at being soooooooo close to my heroes!!! Needless to say, Mr Diva was mortified - he always thought he was The One and had never taken true notice of my depth of affection for Simon, John, Nick, Roger and Andy ...... those were the days!

    My first concert ever was Wham! at Hammersmith in 1983 on their Club Fantastic tour! I lost my voice screaming - it was the shuttlecocks down the shorts tour.

    Just done my good deed for the day. Been emailing a colleague at another office - she's down in the dumps so I've sent her some flowers - I feel really good now, kinda virtuous!

    Ho hum. Best dip into work again - i think that's what i'm here for!

    Cheryl the Diva x x

  79. At 12:46 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    The Diva is once again checking in for blog action!

    Coops - well done for getting through yesterday on your first dip in the water - us regulars like to vie for being first, so bask in your sucessful glow whilst it lasts, my friend - and welcome to the blogmunity!!!

    SusanS - my school books were covered with Duran Duran, Wham, David Sylvian, Marc Almond (hmmmm!?) and then in sixth form it was more Robert Smith, Ian Astbury, Pete Burns - eclectic taste! I was convinced that I'd one day become Mrs John Taylor - I went to see Duran Duran at The Forum in London when they first re-formed in 2003 - it was such a small intimate venue and I almost wet myself with excitement at being soooooooo close to my heroes!!! Needless to say, Mr Diva was mortified - he always thought he was The One and had never taken true notice of my depth of affection for Simon, John, Nick, Roger and Andy ...... those were the days!

    My first concert ever was Wham! at Hammersmith in 1983 on their Club Fantastic tour! I lost my voice screaming - it was the shuttlecocks down the shorts tour.

    Just done my good deed for the day. Been emailing a colleague at another office - she's down in the dumps so I've sent her some flowers - I feel really good now, kinda virtuous!

    Ho hum. Best dip into work again - i think that's what i'm here for!

    Cheryl the Diva x x

  80. At 12:52 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey - Thanks for the Link to the Sheila Hocken interview... amazing.

    CLP - did you know she is a Dog Expert.... You could have another Dog Expert on.


  81. At 12:54 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey - Thanks for the Link to the Sheila Hocken interview... amazing. What a fantastic Lady.

    CLP - did you know she is a Dog Expert.... You could have another Dog Expert on.


  82. At 12:56 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey - Thanks for the Link to the Sheila Hocken interview... amazing. What a fantastic Lady.

    CLP - did you know she is a Dog Expert.... You could have another Dog Expert on.

    ANd Hey Coops - Welcome to the Gang.

    Cheryl, yep, was just thinking the same myself, but then thought that maybe our CLP has got more things going on in his life than we are aware of right now... remember the day AWOL last week.... he'll be here when he can.


  83. At 01:13 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey - Thanks for the Link to the Sheila Hocken interview... amazing. What a fantastic Lady.

    CLP - did you know she is a Dog Expert.... You could have another Dog Expert on.

    ANd Hey Coops - Welcome to the Gang.

    Cheryl, yep, was just thinking the same myself, but then thought that maybe our CLP has got more things going on in his life than we are aware of right now... remember the day AWOL last week.... he'll be here when he can.


  84. At 01:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    DWNB - I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. At least CLP writes his own blog on a daily basis. Regulars will know my near-obsession with tousle-haired Russell - 'his' blog is written by Matt and it only appears weekly - yikes!!!!!!!

    The CLP blogmunity is miles, miles better - no competition!!!!!

  85. At 01:35 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    On my pencil case - Paul Weller - gorgeous!

  86. At 01:59 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hiya all,

    Not been about for a few days, reading but not posting much.

    Hi to all you newbie bloggers, and welcome.

    I missed the article about the lady regaining her site, but kind of picked up the gist of it, I was filling up and I didn't even hear it! (note to self: must toughen up, I don't know whats going on with me the last few years I've been getting all soppy/weepy over the slightest thing) However that was a massive thing, you'd have to have tear ducts of iron not to feel it!

    Well my news is...the second innterview, I got the job, well sort of, apparently myself and 1 other were so close the company couldn't decide, however a.n.other was available immediately and I must do a months notice, so they offered it to a.n.other but offered me a 14 month contract to start in a months time, and cover maternity leave. This caused much worry and 'should I shouldn't I' moments, but decided not to go for it as I will still have the gift of a hefty mortgage in 14 months time and have been inthe out of work position before and don't fancy doing it again. So still looking.

    Take care

  87. At 02:03 PM on 30 Jan 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    DWNB - are you aware that you are repeating yourself? I say, are you aware that you are repeating yourself? (That's my Fred Elliot impersonation!)


  88. At 02:14 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    O M G

    I'm Sorry.

    I just kept pressing. And Nothing Was happening.

    I actually Gave Up. Thought the Blog Police were blocking me at Source.


  89. At 02:25 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Em M - do you still have this affinity for The Modfather?

  90. At 02:43 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon to all,
    Just wanted to say belated birthday greetings to Kev C for last week(?) Well done - Nurse.

    Last night I was cheoked after listening to the Sheila Hocken interview and then he goes and puts Louis Armstrong on! Shares in Bowater-Scott, methinks.

    It reminded me of the first time I "forgot" my husband (then boyfriend) was blind - I was driving him to a visually handicapped cricket match in Leeds. As we passed Roundhay Park there was a glorious flower bed in full bloom with the sun shining on it and I said "Ooh quick David look at the colour of those flowers" and he says "Where"? Whilst looking at the opposite side of the road! He knew which side the park was and had done it for devilment! Yorkshiremen - can't live with 'em, can't dig up the M42!!

    Have a pleasant afternoon folks.

    PS: Has anyone rung to check he's alright??
    Mr E mentioned he might be tempted to try microwaving some veg. After all the negative comments the machine may well have bit back!!!

  91. At 02:51 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Susan S- I love pink champagne and shellfish.... luckily the people I was with were all equally as indulgent and a great time was had by all.... :)

  92. At 03:15 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon to all,
    Just wanted to say belated birthday greetings to Kev C for last week(?) Well done - Nurse.

    Last night I was chocked after listening to the Radio 4 interview and then he goes and puts Louis Armstrong on!
    It reminded me of the first time I "forgot" my husband (then boyfriend) was blind - I was driving him to a visually handicapped cricket match in Leeds. As we passed Roundhay Park there was a glorious flower bed in full bloom with the sun shining on it and I said "Ooh quick David look at the colour of those flowers" and he says "Where"? Whilst looking at the opposite side of the road! He knew which side the park was and had done if for devilment! Yorkshiremen can't live with 'em, can't dig up the M42!!
    Have a pleasant afternoon folks.

    PS: Has anyone rung to check he's alright??
    Mr E mentioned he might be tempted to try microwaving some veg. After all the negative comments the machine may well have bit back!!!

  93. At 03:17 PM on 30 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Right - I am starting to think that Chris is having quite a tough time of it at the moment. He is never this late with his blog.

    Chris, no worries, no pressure, just do what you have to do!

    Hope everyone else is o.k. I am sort of struggling today, it's just coming up to the end of the month, I got paid last Friday and already my bank balance is looking "not so good"!

    Nothing to report really, just checking in!

    C xx

    P.S. It is getting lighter in the mornings/evenings, don't you think?!

  94. At 03:27 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Dani wrote:

    Chris - every time that 24 has brought out a new box set - I've had a lost weekend - like you say it's a drug! However, I'm now have Sky and am in the land of the normal people who watch it a week at a time! Roll on Sunday!

    Dani x

  95. At 03:30 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Chris, Chris, where are you today????
    S'been a funny old week on the blog what with yesterday's probs and now no you. Really envy km8 yesterday getting 拢60 to spend on choc and crisps. My employer has just withdrawn free milk for our tea and coffee and we have to buy our own......and it's a huge profitable finance company!!! Anyway hope all's well Chris and see you tonight.
    Sandra x

  96. At 08:29 AM on 12 May 2007, Dave Donaldson wrote:

    trying to find details of one of your guests a while back who raffled his house and was going to give percentage to a horse or pony sanctuary. Do you still have his web address or contact number as I am very intrested in doing the same.
    Keep up the good work
    Dave Donaldson, forgot to mention, Terry Venables was looking for you a while ago in the Turks Head, you wasnt there so we got hammered anyway.
    Regards to all on the show

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