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Chris Evans | 08:38 UK time, Saturday, 26 August 2006

So there we were at the bar as the clock struck twelve. Members of the EUROPEAN team were scattered about the place like pillars holding up the temple. All good souls every one of them. I was in the corner, the sails half way down yet not sure if this was truly the place to drop anchor, in the end I got caught and asked someone to marry me. It's always thus, here's what she has to say the next day...

Over breakfast, she looks swell, I won't tell you how but here are her words...

"So, Chris invited me to his room and , erm.. and I did in fact agree to go but then once the lift doors opened, I had a revelation, I'm not quite sure what that revelation was but i decided to cuddle myself instead of him. And i think we'll leave it at that."

Now it's time for the "nearest the pin challenge", so we have to pop off, but we will be back.The guest bloggershave agreed and will be on line soon.



  1. At 09:12 AM on 26 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good Morning Chris

    To be number 1 blogger of the day is a strange feeling - it's like you've found a buried treasure untouched by human hands .... or maybe not.

    You're particularly cryptic this morning which I've got to say is never good for my head especially on a Saturday morning. As for the lady and her revelation, well as it was the night before a big match I think you and the rest of the team should be pretty glad of that, but any lady that looks "swell" at breakfast I'd guess is always worthy of a proposal.

    Mucho looking forward to the guest bloggers so I'll be back.

    Happy putting


  2. At 09:16 AM on 26 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    GOOD MORNING CHRISTOP and fellow Bloggers
    looks like i'm first to bat or is that drive!
    mange tout mange tout chris you devil you!

    i'd like to take up golf but i can't afford to do it yet so i'll stick to the virtual one instead.

    have a great day the nerves must have gone now!

    blogging off (no pun intended)

    catch u later

  3. At 09:35 AM on 26 Aug 2006, steven burbidge wrote:

    I'll have a pint of whatever Chris was drinking!
    Sounds like he's having a great time.
    Well, that was my first blog,
    back to work now...

  4. At 09:51 AM on 26 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Close but no cigar!!!

    Better luck next time...??...

  5. At 11:15 AM on 26 Aug 2006, Audes wrote:

    Good arvo, its 'Audes down under',

    Im keeping up with the blogging ,my 3rd this week. Just finished work ........hairdresser to the stars of Perth, WA.

    So the sun is shining, its 24dgrs, end of winter and summer is on the way. A wee homesick today because this weekend is the Nottinghill Carnival and i used to go every year. Great times, good food,:) and a good ol' groove shakin' my booty to the sounds of Reggae, funk, soul, latin and Brazilian beats .............music wooohoo!
    Alas there isnt the same vibe this end so i sit here on City beach my local beach, the sun starting to set in the Indian Ocean, i remember the great times we had with many a friend i went with. 'You cant have it all Audes' i say to myself.....BUT WHY NOT?!

    Anyway talking about golf we played this 9 hole game of golf last week called Supa Golf. Its great as it is geared up for crap golfers like me. A professional golfer invented it so that all the family can play, just enlarged everything, the golf clubs bigger,the ball the size of a tennis ball and the holes alot bigger. Its all so colourful and Noddy like, you even get your own golf trolley with only four clubs and away you go its really cool as the whole family can join in and you dont feel so pressured with people waiting behind you 'coz you know theyre probably crap too. Im back next week to better mi handicap .....par 31 mine 54.

    So all the best for your golf weekend Chris cant watch ya but will hear all about it next week im sure, Adios mi amigos xxxxx Audley out xxx

  6. At 11:21 AM on 26 Aug 2006, The BigUN wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I did check the Blog earlier in the week and nothing. Here I am on a Saturday morning having just returned from walking the dogs and voila, you鈥檙e well and truly back!

    Look on the bright side after last night as it could just be the great escape and no reason for being glum at all? After all today is another day and another challenge so get out there and win the nearest the pin and she may just change her mind and tonight could be the night!

    Just remember you are there to pay golf and beat those pesky Americans so no distractions with the opposite sex now keep your mind on the job

    Al the best


    P.S . Remember winning is not everything鈥︹︹︹︹︹︹︹..it is far more important than that!

  7. At 12:11 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Samantha wrote:

    Blimey! What was all that about? Were you still the worse for wear when you 'blogged on' this morning, or just nervous?

    You caused a lady to have a revelation! That's worth celebrating in itself. Is she joining a convent now? :-)

    Good luck with the golf - hope you have lots of fun - look forward to reading all about it.

    S xx.

  8. At 12:30 PM on 26 Aug 2006, wrote:

    morning from old Granny jenny,

    My mother always used to say there are plenty more fish in the sea - I am still looking but you have so much going for you it will def happen.

    Courgette as we say up north!


  9. At 12:49 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Dr Josie Callum wrote:

    Nearest the pin. For a moment I thought you were talking about ten pin bowling.
    It must be a problem finding true love and not I'm just addicted to love honey (money).
    May I suggest a suitable disguise or perhaps an alais. You could claim everyone mistakes you for Chris Evans in public places.
    Infact I saw someone very much like you on a Camden Market stall once.

  10. At 12:54 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    I am completely muddled today, our wee town has it's hot air balloon festival today and we were up at 5.30am witht the kids to go see the mrning fly past (at 6am actually didn't happen till 7.15am) given that I babysat for a neighbour last night and did not get to bed till 12.30 (after a cup of tea and half a bar of chocolate) I am now very sleepy have just read your blog and thought uh? Sorry brain not working......must lie down....... night night....

    love Dot

  11. At 01:17 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    One of the drawbacks of being a famous face I suppose - people keen on you before they even meet you and it must be hard to know whether they'll 'kiss and tell', whether they fancy you because you are you or because you're a star, whether you would have pulled them if you weren't a star (of course YOU would, owing to charm, wit, style and so on!) etc etc. So many more issues than there are for the rest of us!

    Yes, the blog sure is cryptic - title makes it sound as if you, Chris, rejected her whereas the story relates that it was the other way round! She sounds a lovely lady. Better luck next time - maybe she'll have another, more advantageous revelation.

    Not many bloggers today, all busy planting or picking veggies I suppose, or out playing golf. But I'm sure we'll all be watching the golf match.


  12. At 01:30 PM on 26 Aug 2006, White Witch wrote:

    Er, eh??

    ANyone care to explain?

    Come back Chris, you looney!

    Happy Saturday everyone!


  13. At 03:58 PM on 26 Aug 2006, wrote:

    What's a Snog?

  14. At 04:09 PM on 26 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Life is for living.. you are definatly doing that buddy!!

    I guess thats why we have holidays!

  15. At 05:01 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Hi chris,

    Just got back from a fab day watching you and Ross Kemp play a few holes. Have there really only been 4 bloggs this morning? Must be all watching you as well.

    Don't go too mad tonight save it for tommorrow.

    Have an early night!!!!!!

    love lisa xxxx

  16. At 05:31 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Ernie (Els not!) wrote:

    I hope you score better on the golf course than at the bar LOL!

  17. At 05:45 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Mmmmmmmmmmmwah! ........

    Hey ! I asked you to marry me a little while ago and you didn't even reply to my text :).... I just wanted your mind and your body.......Doh!. ....and .....

    I have a house car and a whole host of other things ;) oh yeah, and a husband ( although not when I asked you)....

    Keep smiling


  18. At 06:10 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Wow! snog... snogging... what lovely words... theres nothing like a good snogger... stay cool....

  19. At 08:12 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Bev D wrote:

    ooooooo you naughty boy....sounds like you are having loads of fun!! Hi bloggers and thanks to everyone who said Happy Birthday..made my day!

  20. At 09:20 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Gail Hunter wrote:

    Chris, chris, chris, I didn't realize you were still blogging even though you are off. What a treat to log on and see a couple of blog entries. (Even if I have no idea what the latest is on about).

    Gail -x-

    P.S Just saw you on the telly for all star cup (if thats what its called?) Looking gooood!!!

  21. At 09:28 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    and there's me thinking you were taking your golfer status seriously this weekend!

  22. At 09:29 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello darlings... I'm one of those people who listen to radio 2 all day... it's just on all day... such good music etc., etc., etc., ... from early in the morning... any way right now there's a brilliant programme on Freddie Mercury... he'd have been 60 next week....bless him... was he cool or what... & dear Christophe I hope you get a snog... I'll listen to the Stones thing on Monday...

  23. At 11:04 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Blog site is a bit strange tonight - says 0 comments, yet there are 21 - and my previous comment didn't appear...see how this goes.
    Anyway Christophe good of you to take the time to blog, hope you're behaving yourself tonight in readiness for your great responsibility tomorrow. Best of luck and enjoy

  24. At 11:39 PM on 26 Aug 2006, Mary wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    What a pleasant surprise seeing your blog today xx We miss you Chris, my day isn't the same without a daily dose of your positive attitude xx

    I've been watching you at the Golf today, your looking good ;-) xx I watched last year too, what a fab time you all had and great viewing for us xx

    Great team we have.....come on Europe....wish I could be there.

    All the best Chris and team Europe xx

    ps. looking forward to reading the guest bloggers......Mr Nesbitt would be a good one
    oh and Wrighty too xx

  25. At 12:15 PM on 27 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Disaster!! Just got a hire car, Vauxhall Zafira & can't tune the radio into R2!! Anyone got a Zafira with the same problem??

    Also, Carlos (#13) - A snog is.... a pretty decent kiss usually performed with mouths open. Sometimes using tongues but I believe this derivation is know as French kissing. When tongues are used in America this is known as 鈥淔rench kissing in the USA鈥 if I am not mistaken???

    Anyway - no R2, might have to take some CD's as contingency!

  26. At 06:15 PM on 27 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:


    You looked rather hot on TV or was that Brucie with his jokes?


  27. At 06:47 PM on 27 Aug 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    Just thought I'd pop on and say hello. I've been busy flogging ice-creams all day which was quite hectic with the Bank Holiday. Glad to see you are enjoying yourself..that's what hols are all about. Can't wait til you come back though. Waiting with bated breath for you next blog xx

  28. At 09:38 PM on 27 Aug 2006, Jackie Allan wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Great game today, didn't realise you were quite so good!!!

    Hopefully, I can see it again tomorrow night after work - don't think work would appreciate me taking the day off - even though it's a holiday in England.

    Keep up the good work!

    Jackie x

  29. At 09:39 PM on 27 Aug 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    not worth commenting on. Pull yourself together and don't be so bloody self indulgent.

  30. At 10:12 PM on 27 Aug 2006, Paul wrote:

    Well played today Chris. Push on tomorrow and stuff it up the yanks both in the bar and on the golf course

  31. At 01:00 AM on 28 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good morning Chris

    Well I watched the golf today and you all played really well and lucky lucky you for having the joy of going up twice against Meat Loaf in two days, Monty must know you have nerves of steel.

    Good luck for the morning - may all your shots be accurate.


  32. At 09:36 AM on 28 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Good morning Christophe
    Looking forward to today's golf. It's been good seeing you all so obviously enjoying yourselves. Hope the rain holds off for you and that everyone plays to their best

  33. At 09:57 AM on 28 Aug 2006, jane wrote:

    Well played yesterday chris, looking forward to watching today even though it`s against my principles to watch tv when the sun is shining!!

  34. At 12:46 PM on 28 Aug 2006, wrote:

    what? flipping hairies. What is he going on about? As if I'm not confused enough.... you have to get cryptic.

    And it says No Comments! What are you like.

    Good Golfing!


  35. At 12:52 PM on 28 Aug 2006, wrote:


    What on earth are you on about today mate?!

    Tell 'Murphy' that we all thought his 'Law' was great last night. (Probably better than your lift escapade by the sounds of things).



  36. At 04:42 PM on 28 Aug 2006, Mrs McColl wrote:

    It's not a bank holiday here in Edinburgh and it's raining.
    Went to see a fantastic show on Friday called Chanbara - it's all swords and drums... Brilliant.

    Sorry I don't like golf!

  37. At 05:24 PM on 28 Aug 2006, Chez wrote:

    'ello Chris,
    I need a lie down my brain is doing cartwheels,
    can we have that blog in english please?? lol
    heres hoping this one gets posted!!
    keep up keeping us entertained :0)
    Chez x
    p.s Roberto carlos, i would tell you what a snog is but i think i've forgotten sob sob lol

  38. At 07:02 PM on 28 Aug 2006, Jo Akins wrote:

    Chris, have just been watching the golf,,,, Mmmm need a little work on the putting... suggest you visit www.putting-solutions.co.uk

    Hope you have a great time, no doubt you will, at the gala evening

  39. At 07:28 PM on 28 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    WELL DONE CHRIS and TEAM Europe on winning the GOLF (BIG CHEERS TO ALL)

    and brucie on getting the winning putt


  40. At 07:32 PM on 28 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Well what an excellent win for Team Europe, well done to one and all. I'm not a golf fan at all but have really enjoyed the coverage and worryingly even understand a bit about golf now!

    Hope you all enjoyed the 19th :-)


  41. At 10:07 PM on 28 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    i was only giving my congratulations
    i get the message

    i'll not post anything for a bit

    i'm not going to be made out as some idiot


  42. At 12:00 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    Why sorry David Lumb?
    Your posts are right not wrong
    Our team won today
    We like what you say
    Put back your smile and blog on!

  43. At 12:42 AM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Would someone kindly let me know what the final score was as I have whiney kids that stunted when they saw that the golf was on so I got to see upto 5:30 on the final day.
    Missed the Ant & Dec 拢10000 challenge too -altho the kids managed to watch both episodes of Corrie?????
    I'm not having kids when I grow up

  44. At 07:43 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Gill wrote:

    Morning Christophe and all fellow bloggers!
    Fantastic result over the weekend, they were well and truly slaughtered!
    Still missing you on the drive home and will be on holiday next week when you come back but will just have to listen at home instead of in the car

  45. At 09:28 AM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Was that you Christophe or a GUEST BLOGGER? ;)

  46. At 09:31 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Abi wrote:

    Morning all!

    Glad you had a fun time, Chris, and congratulations to Team Europe. It looked like everyone had a great laugh all weekend.

    However, 2 points I feel I need to make are:

    1. I thought you were still ginger? You looked very blonde to me on the telly (are you using Sun-In or lemon juice or something?!). Having said that, the 'redness' quota was restored by the end of Saturday, at least facially, due to a lack of sun cream usage (silly boy).

    2. What happened to the guest bloggers then? Or was too much alcohol consumed in the bar?!!

    Enjoy the rest of your time off. It'll fly for you and drag for us, but Stuart is doing a good job as your understudy.


  47. At 09:32 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Superb play by Team Europe!

    A firm handshake & slap on the back to all, especially Brucie, he made me feel slightly wrong on the dancing programme but has painted himself in a new light this weekend, a very warm and generous man, LEGEND!!!

    Christoph, golf is a fantastic game I love it and play as much as I can, I really didn't knwo you were so good, great seing and timing, in fact all the Europeans were very capable around the course!

    How cool are Ant & Dec, those boys are quickly become a national treasure, from Biker grove all those years ago!

    Anyway must crack on...

    Have a good day all!
    ps; Hope your head is not to sore from the 19th Hole!

  48. At 09:38 AM on 29 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    sorry about that posting i'd had a pain of a day and i thought the posting hadn't been put on and i was a little tipsy as well.

    i'm kcab(back!) again

    i'll keep on blogging

  49. At 09:55 AM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris, have to say once again you have entertained, excellent, you create a smile which can`t be a bad thing can it.
    Never seen the point in watching golf but have to say we were riveted to the tele, oh dear Mr Wright, played a little like the Arsenal are at the moment, but just wait til we show, (where is Perry Groves when you need him)

    Oh yeah thanks for the amazing ideas with the eggs and truffles, food is a passion that can create that special evening, so forget the snogging get a pan out, some basil, garlic, tuna, tomatoes and make your own pasta.
    She will be putty in your hands, ok you should add a kendall jackson pinot noir.

    Till then you have our best attention.

    regards Mr Box.

  50. At 10:08 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    I was watching the golf overthe weekend (first time everand it is very addictive) And since I have been reading the blog, me like so many others, get to feel like we know you. Whilst seeing you on the screen I realised just how bizarre this was. Here was little old me watching you and supporting you like a friend, and you are non the wiser that I even exist. I suddenly feel so incredibly small. Then i came to wonder, do you even read the comments, have you ever been tempted to reply to any? Does it ever freak you out that there are people reading your thoughts, listening to you, you have entered there lives and you have no clue who they are and no little about them, and they are all so sure if you knew them you would be their bestfriend!!

    Seems rather strange to be asking questions that wont actually be answered!!!

    Anyway I think I may have a go at golf!!


  51. At 10:33 AM on 29 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    back again lots of talk of golf which I don't understand........

    where is everyone these days it seems to have gone v quiet

    builders still trying to get through to the house we now have 4 huge big holes in our walls very good ventilation - my office is freezing!

    I take it from the postings there was a good result - to the man with the whiney kids (I've got them too must be an epidemic) you have my sympathies - we have 3 tellies in our house but they only ever want to watch the one in living room! I saw v little telly over the weekend due to a culmination of v dusty house and an humungous ironing pile! Are any of you bloggers secretly leaving ironing at my house?

    love Dot

  52. At 10:39 AM on 29 Aug 2006, J wrote:

    Em 25 (blog 50).

    Managed to have a brief few words with Chris during his practice for the weekends golf, and YES he definately reads all the blogs.

    He remembered the detail of mine without any prompting.

    Didn't manage to see you at the Gala, but had a good time all the same! :-)

  53. At 12:05 PM on 29 Aug 2006, ju wrote:

    Dear Chris

    it is not fair! if i was her (the girl who looked swell) i would

    will you marry me instead?

  54. At 12:22 PM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    i missed the golf last night. wasn't feeling too well and went to bed. Sorry. Glad you won.

    Enthusiasm and fun will always win over competitive nature.

    looking forward to hearing your cheerful chatter tonight. Hope you aint too hungover. I imagine the post-winning party would have been a bit wild! If you've ever got a spare ticket for these things, I'm always open to new experiences.

    D W N B

  55. At 12:42 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Gill wrote:

    OK, you've found me out, it's me who leaves you my ironing (I HATE ironing!)

    You're right, it is really quiet, has everyone gone on holiday now that the kiddy winks are going back to school? Our lot go back over the whole of next week so still waiting for holidays here!)


  56. At 12:54 PM on 29 Aug 2006, TheBigUn wrote:


    Well done winning the golf! Nothing more than we expected from you and the team! :-)

    I must say we who were watching the TV were given a little more information than was called for in my opinion anyway. Whilst I am pleased you won Ian Wright, Wright Wrights socks the info on your preference of underwear was just over the line for the day time TV audience. (But it did make me laugh) :-))

    That apart I was entertained all day and will be looking to buy tickets and come along in person next year. Bruce (The golf-father) was great for one so young and all of the team were a credit to Europe although the Americans were gracious in defeat.

    Anyway enough about the now the golf is over any news on the lady who nearly led you astray and took your mind off the golf?


  57. At 01:08 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Michael wrote:

    Phew Rachel!!!!

    Bucket of water anybody!


  58. At 01:25 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    thanks blog no. 52!! Thats nice to know! Man he must have alot of spare time!!!

    Thankyou for reading my blog too no. 52!! doesnt it make you fell less anonymous!! ha ha

  59. At 01:47 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:


    I knew there was unrecognisable ironing in those huge piles.....

    cheers made me laugh!
    Love Dot

  60. At 03:31 PM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi all,

    Guess M. Evans is still a bit tired and emotional.

    Really enjoyed the golf - might watch some more now, thanx for the introduction.

    hugs to all

    jenny b

  61. At 03:46 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    Good to hear everyone's lively news and great that Team Europe won. Liked the 4-strong tee-off!

    Not everyone seems to have noticed that it's Mark Goodier sitting/standing in for Chris this week. Do presenters sit or stand during the programme - both I suppose.

    xx to all

  62. At 04:09 PM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    oh wow.

    Just read that Mark Goodier is on, not Christoph.

    That's made me a wee bitty glum. Was looking forward to the Christoph's Return.

    Anyways. Will just make me more eager for next week, or the next blog.

    Come on Christoph, Ou Est Tu?


  63. At 04:20 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Theresa wrote:

    I am a newbie and I have only just discovered this wonderful blog and comments.

    First, golf was brilliant - I thoroughly enjoyed it much to the annoyance of my family (we never watched golf in this house). Chris, you were brilliant, as was The Meat. When the ball hit a spectator and bounced off into a brilliant position I clapped so hard. Ant and Dec were brilliant too. I want to know what happened with Tuffers being rude at the auction - is any of it true?

    Rachel, very well said, you speak for very many women and I, on behalf of them, thank you. Guys read carefully and take detailed notes.

    Loving your work

  64. At 05:39 PM on 29 Aug 2006, bigjeff wrote:

    What on Earth does she want?.

    I do know chris is somewhere, but where, well i can only guess, but fear not ,for i will pervail and root out an old broom and sweep this fair maiden off her feet to give her what she wants, be it a house and a car and what else, hold on ill look,,,,,,, ahh, right im back, so she wants all of the above but more, and what does one get in return, this is what we have to ask ourselves here, does one get to marry this fair sweet maiden or does one get just a peck on the cheek and made to wash the dishes?.

    Well this is to ponder over this fine evening as one watch's the International Space Station passing over head at about 9 15p/m in the wsw sky and setting in the ese.

    right time to go.

  65. At 06:30 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello dear... well done on the golf course... & you look better as a blonde (no question),... very geekie bit like Bill Gates... but cool... & back to snogging... which is nice...there is a 'stage' prior to the actual snog... when you know you fancy it... & you know they do as well which is really nice & you get butterflys in the pit of your stomach... & then wow! yer just glued to each others faces... amazing but in a long term relationship snogging is the first thing to go... snogging is gorgeous... snog on blog... that's cool... ciao ciao.

  66. At 06:38 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Theresa wrote:


    Just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed the golf. I normally find it well, about as interesting as watching paint dry, but I loved it. I think you naming Brucie the GOLF FATHER MADE A SENIOR CITIZEN VERY HAPPY. Bless you. LOL T xx

  67. At 07:39 PM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Tuesday blues ahoy. You were right Chris, the bank holiday weekend passed way too quickly and that end-of-summer misery is setting in. I need to snap out of it so am hoping for some inspirational bloginess to lift me up and send me soaring,

    Your latest posting was intruiging.....How exciting! Do tell us more.

    Work was a pain in the rump today and you weren't there to make me laugh on the way home like the big brother I dont have. You see Chris, it's a massive public service you provide and you're darned good at it!!! I MISS YOOOOU terribly!!!!!!!!

    Lotsaluv and energy,

    feline x

  68. At 07:40 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris,


    not sure why my snogging/kissing blog was removed... why anyone would think it was rude/offensive is beyond me. As soon as you take the fun out of something , it's not fun anymore. I can do, bland, inoffensive, repettative, for 8 hours every day at work....

    Keep smiling


  69. At 08:16 PM on 29 Aug 2006, karen wrote:

    well done team europe. Great entertainment for
    a bank holiday weekend. Might start up lessons again!


  70. At 08:34 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Good Evening All fellow bloggers/bloggees

    Have to say the bank holiday weekend seems to have caught most of us unawares and we've not been blogging.... either that or we blog whilst working, which would explain alot!

    Anyhow, I caught a bit of the fair Mr Evans yesterday afternoon, whilst lounging on my sofa with nowt better to do! (had better hastily explain that all my BH plans feel through on Thursday evening! DOH!)

    I fear the blogmeister and the "alledged" guest bloggers may be suffering from the morning after in the only way an over 30 could! even tho 'tis 8.30pm! (well it would be rude not to!).

    Rachel (Blue Angel) - I can still see your post from lunchtime - so ruling out poltergeists in my laptop - I'm guessing they put it back after they realised it didn't really say anything other than the truth! Men really don;t know what they are missing out on!

    Linda (no.66) I agree that butterfly stage is probably the best feeling along with that first brush of the lips!

    Dot (no.51) can I still slip some more in then or have we been sussed? Darn it! I hate ironing as much as I hate walnuts!

    Anyhow guys, 'til the next time keep a good thought

    LL2TF xx

  71. At 08:42 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hi everyone..totally confused here, have I missed a blog from Chris? my last one is the one the the 26th August about the lady in the lift! You all appear to be talking about other 'stuff".. oh well never mind..bit of a newbie here so it doesn't take much to confuse me. Well done Chris and hurry back. x

  72. At 09:23 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    evenin' Christophe. I was getting ready to leave work at 5 and for a split second thought of a nice drive home (on the hateful North Circular at Tottenham) when I realised you wouldn't be on..........
    Anyway - really enjoyed the golf yesterday - my husband even missed England's innings in the 20x20 cos the golf was on - now that's a first..he hates golf.
    Looking forward to your next blog - looks like your mates didn't get round to blogging - but who can blame them enjoying such a good weekend - no time for logging on
    Tess x

  73. At 09:31 PM on 29 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Newbie here *waves to everyone*

    I HATE golf normally, but thank you Chris for making it so interesting and entertaining! :0)


  74. At 03:07 AM on 30 Aug 2006, morwenna wrote:


    Big wet 'mwahhh's'. Feel free to tongue full throttle, darling - the cold is cured and I'm fresh from the dentist! So bags of exchanged oral fluids all round - yum yum

    Well! Didn't you chaps do jolly well! **Hurrah for us** We certainly thrashed those over-seas sorts. Gosh! I was so excited I nearly stopped whipping the butler!

    Dear Ross, trying manfully to look like a pro but only succeeding in resembling a manual worker laying Tarmac with a rusty fork. Never mind I'm sure he'll do better come the Pantomime season.

    Darling Jane - so many children to choose from and she has to bring a particularly aesthetically displeasing one - or was that Ronnie Corbett?

    How scruffy Meat Pudding looked! Does that man know an iron is also something one uses to press clothing? And so unshaven! Imagine exchanging oral fluids with him! A most repugnant thought - yet strangely arousing.

    Poor old Iain. Cracking his balls all over the place without a thought for the older ones in the crowd - strange how he lost his form - he does so well in those commercials, don't you think?

    But what of you darling? I felt you looked a little wan. Don't tell me you'd been up all night hiding from those awful golf groupies? Darling, I've told you before - one sniff of Bulger Driver and that sort of person is off and chasing ones AEC, before one can say, 'Please don't do that I'm Sesquipedalophobic'
    Next time, retire straight to bed with a milky drink and a good book - talking of which.

    You'll be pleased to learn that cousin Sebastian is well on the mend. His stitches come out tomorrow and he should be up and shoe shopping within the next week - providing that he doesn't ride a bicycle or read Germaine Greer's, 'The Whole Women' unless accompanied by a trained counsellor

    Adore you


  75. At 09:23 AM on 30 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    Yeeeeehaaaaaaaaa! Wednesday already! nearly the weekend and i am definitely gonna get a day in the garden on Saturday come rain or shine!

    Good start to the day - read throught the blogs - your snog one is still there Rachel - I agree!!! all men take note! Extremely important information dished out on that blog!

    Even better though today received engineers info for a project I am working on and their designs do not interfere too much with mine!which means I do not have to change all my designs for a complicated extension I'm working on YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

    Happy days - can we talk about other things rather than golf now?

    PS Does anyone remember olde english spangles?

    Love Dot.

  76. At 10:03 AM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris


    What a fantastic morning it is here in Dorset. Lovely and sunny, although, with an ever so slight chill in the air; that little clue to let us know we're in the dying moments of summer. I guess by now you are on that walking holiday that you were talking about. Did you get new boots? Are they rubbing yet?

    We walked around some of the fields near our home last night: just a few miles; gone are the endless carpets of corn, which have been replaced with rough stubble and the ever hopeful weed, making the most of the sunlight, now that its dominant, masterful, majestic neighbour has been cut down to size.
    We sat on a hilltop overlooking Dorchester as the sun set, making a beautiful silhouette of Maiden Castle and just looked, for what seemed like ages, at the splendour of it all. Walking back home hand in hand, we even managed to steal a quick snog in the woods. It's really special when you can be in the arms of another person, and nothing else in the world matters.

    Getting back to snogging .. yes LL2TF # 71 very few men ever get it right....although my husband is learning...... my best snogs over the years though, have been with other women...... I still have fond memories of a chance meeting with a gorgeous woman called Zoe ..... in a nightclub in Norwich......... Gosh! Did we get it on................

    Keep smiling


  77. At 10:46 AM on 30 Aug 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Rachel, (69. At 07:40 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:)

    What are you talking about? Your contribution blog 56 (snogging) is still there! In fact I was that offended I read it twice :-) at least :-) keep up the good work! LOL

    Keep smiling even when doing the boring mundane stuff at work (like me now).



  78. At 10:55 AM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Christoph has been lost in the rough.

    Ou Est il?

    Sun is shining in Sunny Ayrshire - Very Golfy Type place. There are 6 Golf Courses in the town where I live and we are surrounded by courses. I don't play tho....

    Sunny Songs. The Cooks are on right now (is that how they spell it?) Nice and happy. But nothing beats.....

  79. At 11:18 AM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Oh, I'm so embarrassed Keith #78, someone complained yesterday on the R2 message board about my snogging post on the blog , saying that it was X-rated and blue in content. The next time I looked on here, it was gone, so I assumed that it had been deleted.
    Later last night it came back again, so maybe it was a technical hitch with the beeb website or gremlins in my PC. I don't know but I'm not going worry about it or give-up my usual style of blog...

    Keep smiling


  80. At 11:31 AM on 30 Aug 2006, ju wrote:

    Dear Chris

    hope you are enjoying your holiday
    look forward to your next blog - it is really exciting checking in - waiting to see what you have been up to
    it really is exciting you know!

    i had my hair cut last night and the hairdresser and I were commenting on you Chris (cause we were talking about fit men) i was saying i thought you were phwoor and he said he used to style soemone you know's hair and so i got excited and said what is he like about you - he said you were a nice man.
    he said he was in the audience of TFI Friday once- can you please bring TFI Friday back it was the best programme on tele - highlight of the friday evening. or even if you bring the sunday eve programme back anyone will do - by the way that blue jacket you wore was really sexy on you ...
    anyway ...
    Dot - i remember spangles the sweets if that is what you mean! - i also remember doing something really bad and stealing a packet of spangles from the post office - if someone dared me to i would - so naughty! i was only 8 at the time. i have not stolen anything since only all the herbal teas you get in hotels and biscuits cause i like them!
    i used to love spangles the red flavoured ones and do you remember pacers the white and green sweets and the chocolate called 'cabana' not sure if spelt correctly but they were really yummy. the choc had coconut and red cherries in it - so scrummy

    i am hungry bunny now might have to have lunch early!

    bye love juxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  81. At 11:43 AM on 30 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    oh I remember them (cabanas) now I'm feeling really old! i used to love nunch bars then they renamed them star bars and now i think they are something else!!

    oh no builders are back with a vengeance and trying to cut through the concrete ring beam to make the stair access to our new office - v noisy may have to go and walk dog with no longer sore paw!

    DWNB @ no 79 - I know glad the sun is shining for you we are a little further inland and it's kinda dull here!

    no worries off to walk dog - happy walking holiday Chris - enjoy!

    love Dot

  82. At 12:25 PM on 30 Aug 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Missing you xxxx

  83. At 01:36 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Rachel #80 and Keith #78

    If that's the best they can complain at then life ain't so bad!

    mmm... am slightly worried, however at the same time reassured that we are all focussing on a blog that revolves around snogging!

    It either means we are missing out or we should out there sharing for those who are missing out! (think I prefer the latter option)

    Happy, happy Wednesday!!

    As always, keep a good thought!

    LL2TF xx

  84. At 01:57 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Well hello!

    Decided to break up the tedium of the day with a quick perusal of the old blog.... where are the entries???? :-(

    I was looking forward to a little Ross, maybe some Jimmy and a splash of Wrighty. Never mind, guess you're all stuck in the 19th....

    I somehow tricked myself into thinking you were back this week (duh) and was mightily disappointed when I got into my car last night and you weren't there! The drive home from Cheshire (grrrr - M6!) wasn't half as good as it is when i have you to entertain me (No offence Mark!).

    Still, you'll be back soon....


  85. At 02:01 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Dot #76,

    Spangles - gorgeous sweets!! I especially liked the green ones, apple flavour I seem to recall!! Mmm, my mouth is watering now just thinking about them!

    Tell me if I'm mad, but the Wagon Wheel/Curly Wurly debate.... tell me they ARE smaller now??!!

    Congrats on resolution of the design issue btw!


  86. At 02:06 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Ola Chris & fellow bloggers

    After a hectic morning doing school uniform shopping I'm just popping in here for a rest - my own fault I know for leaving it until there's only a week to go but I just couldn't face doing it any sooner!

    Rachel dont' be embarrassed in anyway re your snogging post, it was very good and will hopefully give some good hints to those who may need it be they male or female.

    Dot (76) - I don't remember those spangles but I did used to love Bulls Eyes, don't think they do them anymore. Used to be the highlight on pocket money day, 1/4 bulls eyes and 1/4 sherbet mmmmmm think I may need to go find a sweet shop at this rate.

    Right gotta run now, just dumped a load of ironing behind the chair at Dot's house - she'll never notice .....

    Take care 1 & all


  87. At 02:46 PM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Anyone know any good "snogging" evening classes where one can learn (or try to) the sophisticated art of snogging?

  88. At 02:51 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    I can't see any ironing at the moment for the dust created by the builders - you may just be able tosneak some in.....!

    love Dot

  89. At 03:19 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Theresa wrote:

    Good news:

    I have just had my annual service of my very old gas boiler and the engineer said it was in very good nick for its age (shame same can't be said for me!) and should last another year - hoorah. That means all the money I saved for it can be spent all all those lovely sweeties you have been talking about - my mouth is watering as I type.

    Missing Christophe but loving this blog.

  90. At 03:45 PM on 30 Aug 2006, ju wrote:

    Dear Chris

    just checking in one last time before i go home in a bit, i was just thinking i think all bloggers should get together and have a party somewhere in the middle of where everyone lives!
    chris i am sure you would love to join us!
    i think we should definately meet up before Christmas bloggers- what do you think? it would be a right laugh. then we will all know what we look like and when we blog we would know who is who and i am always trying to guess what you all look like, as the more you read the messages the more you feel you know about the bloggers - if you know what i mean.
    anyway i will stop writing nonsense and in the meantime where could we all meet? he he


  91. At 04:28 PM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    hi Ju,

    a party is a great idea. I do like parties- especially Christmas ones!...I try to imagine the other bloggers too when I read. It's fun :) If you have a website or even just a picture stored on the web somewhere, pop the URL in the website box on the blog entry screen, then folk can click on your name at the top of your blog to see the picture or website ..... there are a couple of my pictures on a page I use......

    Venue for a party? Depends where most folk live I guess .... although anywhere south of Manchester suits me...

    Keep smiling :)


  92. At 04:38 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    My boiler is leaking (90) and it's only 3 years old - can't get anyone out to have a look at it - hope it's not a cold winter!

    Doing a 12 hour shift today so had a look at the blogs by way of a wee break and to cheer myself up. Never mind only 4 hours to go!


  93. At 07:49 PM on 30 Aug 2006, katya wrote:

    hi Chris & all... I dn't know if you'll remember but a few weeks ago there were a few comments left about the development of Camden market and how no-one seems to lke the idea... well I've just found an online petition wher anyone who wants to can add their objection!!

    Happy blogging!

  94. At 08:44 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Dot - yes Olde English Spangles, one of later products and very nice too
    when did Spangles disappear?
    Tess x

  95. At 08:45 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    Snogging seems to have become the theme of the day - good one too.

    I thought my first-ever snog (when I was 12 or 13 I suppose) was totally disgusting, even though it was from one of the group playing at an open-air beach party. I remember running back to my room to wash my face and brush my teeth - and tongue - as fast as possible! My, how things change.... I notice I said the snog was FROM.... Probably it doesn't count as a snog unless it's a snog WITH

    Any more snog memories?

  96. At 08:54 PM on 30 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Blimley rachel 56#
    very racy you seem to have that one off to a tee!!!

    i agree with michael anyone got another bucket of water

    and has the mystery blogger been on yet and it's good to hear that christop reads the blog.

    catch you later need to spend a penny!

    carry on blogging(sounds like a carry on film)

  97. At 09:10 PM on 30 Aug 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Hi bloggers,

    Just catching up on all todays comments, just got in from work. All this talk of sweets is making my tummy rumble and there's nothing sweet to eat in the house,but then again i'm on a diet so maybe thats a good thing. Remember when you could go into a sweet shop with 10p and get a huge bag full? now you'll be lucky to get anything for that. Mojos were my fave and drumsticks.

    Love Lisa xxx

  98. At 07:35 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Martin wrote:

    Hi folks

    There is a wonderful sweety website that I am sure I won't be allowed to post but its something to do with 'bags of sweets', anyway I'm sure you all will work it out. Anyway I've just finished of a treat I've not had for yonks; pineapple rock, wow, almost better than what I imagine it would be like snogging Rachel. Come back Chris asap

  99. At 09:18 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Caz wrote:

    Now it's come to it, all of us bloggers are turning into COGS. If that Wogan fella can have his TOGS then I think we should set up a rival evening group. All of this inspired by Ju's suggestion in post 90 that everyone should meet up. Could even turn it into an annual event to rival the TOGS convention. x

  100. At 09:59 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Snogging - hmmmm....

    Haven't had a snog in absolute yonks - hoping to remedy that in the next few days - roll on Monday!!!

    Here's a questions guys.... when are you too old to enjoy playing competitive sport? This was the thought that crossed my mind last night, while running around a netball court, chasing girls 20 years younger than me, in the pouring rain. I have now had to buy a larger sports bag to accommodate the bottles of oxygen I must lug with me whenever I play and my son repeatedly reminds me that I am getting older and should take care of my brittle bones (he's 8 and I'm not!), but should I give up, or can I count it towards growing old disgracefully???


  101. At 10:14 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Linda wrote:

    hello bloggers, hope everyone had a lovely bh weekend, (yes I know its a few days late but had to catch up on washing ironing chores etc), a happy thursday to you all.

    Does anyone remember peppermint spangles, they were a square shape with a hole in the middle and sort of flattish. I'm realy going back here.

    Rachel, good snog info... but what about us speckie wearers, y'know, etiquete on head movements.

    luvvies all.

  102. At 10:20 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    I think a party sounds like a great idea! Its always good to meet new friends and put names to faces! Obviously Chris would be guest of honour! Probably have to be the middle of the country hey!!


  103. At 11:01 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Suzanne wrote:

    a virgin blogger here! have been enjoying all the contributions since Chris set it up. The idea of a party encouraged me to post... don't like to be left out of anything... so can I be invited too?

    S x

    p.s. love the show Chris... you have brightened up my long drives home back to London

  104. At 11:03 AM on 31 Aug 2006, SteveE wrote:

    Hey Chris, dying to hear an update from the golf - how did you go (I've been away and so not able to follow it).


  105. At 11:44 AM on 31 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    ah bliss - no builders today don't know where they are and should probably be shouting at someone as we are now in week 20 of a 12 week contract!? Still nice to have the place to myself!

    did a classic 'how to embarress your teenage daughter' last night - whilst emptying the dishwasher (no one else does) do an impression of kate Bush doing Wuthering Heights - yes the singing and dancing (tho I don't know if you call my wailing singing!), even better when lovely husband joined in and sung(!) along! Classic - she was mortified! I'm still laughing - she did have a laugh tho and thought we had been drinking (only one glass)!

    Have a good day everyone - I'm off to listen to kate Bush while i work!

    Love Dot

  106. At 12:16 PM on 31 Aug 2006, shy girl wrote:

    Hello Bloggers,

    Hope everyone is feeling fine on Thirsty Thursday!

    Talking about sweets... does anybody remember savoury vinegar crisps? I used to love them, I cannot remember who made them but i'm sure they were in a purple packet.

    Take care everybody xx

  107. At 12:17 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Karen A wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I saw you on Saturday at the practice golf posing in your buggy! Great fun all round. Love reading your blog, however very dissapointed you didn't keep it up through out the whole weekend. I would love to have read all the behind the scenes gossip. Perhaps you will enlighten us later.

  108. At 01:15 PM on 31 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Re Snogging,
    I was 10 when I was inflicted by my first snog.

    I was on holiday and a 14 year old boy asked very nicely for a snog, which all in all was very good for a first time, especially since I had never considered boys as a past-time. However it all went to ratchet when after a good couple of minutes snogging, he says, "Can I cop a feel of your t***."

    It was about 8 years before I got back to it after that!

  109. At 02:02 PM on 31 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and all,

    Mmmmmmmmmwah! ( you'll have to share that around)... ;)

    Gosh it's quiet today. What a day so far .......... I've been in the mother and father of all meetings this morning :- turn me over, I'm done on this side! I recieved a good grilling. Pub lunch! Now back in the office trying to remember what the meeting was about. :)

    I've had a peek at the sweets website; there are some fantastic memories on there......... Walnut Whips..... yummy ..... I loved those when I was young. They were a real treat.

    Each Thursday on our way home from school , we'd call into my Great Grandma's house for the "Thursday Shilling" , sounds great! Yep: but it did have a down-side. We had to have a spoon of Cod-Liver-Oil and a spoon of Black Treacle and Brimstone( Sulphur powder) in exchange for the Shilling. Not quite sure what all that stuff did for me but it was something we had to endure, if we wanted the reward. There was a corner shop, just down the road from my Great Grandma's house and it sold "everything" and I mean "everything". Well; to child, it sold everything ... ...sweets and toys... so this was the first place we would rush to, with our shilling. We would always come out with a huge bag of, 4-a-penny chews and 2-a-penny chocolate tools and the biggy was always a lucky bag ( the late 60s early 70s equivalent of a Kinder Egg) only much much better. They had sweets and a small (usually) Plastic Toy ( junk) that turned out to be of no entertainment value at all ... and that was when the toy ( what ever it was) worked. ( usually they didn't) ..... It all went pear shaped with decimalisation when the value of a shilling was decimated......... Oh and then my Great Gran died which kind of,..... infact...... completely, put and end to that weekly treat.

    Dare I mention snogging again... I see my earlier blog has been removed...... again .. or at least I cannot see it from this end..maybe it's me...........

    Pinapple rock sounds like something I should be introduced to. :)

    Keep smiling


  110. At 02:08 PM on 31 Aug 2006, sally wrote:

    afternoon all

    lovely to know you're all still out there and blogging away.

    surely we would have to be called COBS cos we are bloggers not geezers, not yet anyway. its maybe only a matter of time.....

    loving the meeting up idea.

    take care all

  111. At 02:24 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Billy-Bob wrote:

    Hi all

    Rachel - as entertaining as always. I would expect nothing less from a Dorset girl - my other half is from Poole and is just the most wonderful person in the world! There must be something in the water down there (alas I'm a northern boy).

    You must officially be the best-known of Chris's blog-ettes, especially after the snogging blog...

    So what has Chris been up to with his absence from the blog??? ANY IDEAS GANG??? An afternoon could be really livened up with some witty thoughts...

    Take it easy all...........

    B x

  112. At 03:13 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello.... sweets & snogging... wanting to meet... which part of the country are we in...do we know each other yet... are we running before we can walk... do we smoke or toke... have we gone beyond or is this what blogging is about... I'm hooked... I check it out in the morning... along with my bank balance & hotmail... I imagine I know you... but I don't... O.K... if we did arrange a gathering what tunes would be in the background... & at the end of the day the reason I got into radio 2 many moons ago was the music... what newspaper do you read... I'm a toking Telegraph reader...I love coconut ice & peanut brittle... rum punches on Bahamian beaches... Donny Hathaway... Billy Paul... Donna Summer... Barry White.... Teddy Pendergrass... George Benson... Steve Wrights Sunday love songs.... etc etc etc...which brings us back to snogging...which is where we started... stay cool....

  113. At 03:14 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    oooaah Blue Angel Rachel, your celebrated and so-educational Snog Blog does seem to have vanished again, what a tragedy. I was meaning to cut and paste it into my Handy Hints page the opportunity arose to use it. Perhaps it will return. Hope so. Must be more people who appreciate it than who complain (weird!!!) This to-ing and fro-ing of blogs changes all the entry numbers too.... so confusing.

    Anyhows, sure we'll all win through. Rachel, took up your suggestion, clicked on your name and was greeted by you looking gorgeous. FAR too young to remember walnut whips... Perhaps it was Great Gran's doses of cod liver oil, the black treacle and brimstone that provided you with the elixir of youth??? Must pop into the health food shop and enquire................

    xxx to all

  114. At 03:19 PM on 31 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hope he's okay wherever he is, I think he should give us his mobile number just so's we can check up and make sure he's okay.

    I'd hate to think of him stuck somewhere, with someone needing our help and can't get in touch with us.

    Dog With No Brain

  115. At 03:47 PM on 31 Aug 2006, susan wrote:

    Hey everyone!

    Gosh, I remember my first kiss at school and I'm talking thirty years ago! It was with Tommy White and we made a right pair - both gingers! He had the whitest skin you've ever seen - he was transparent. Wonder what ever happened to him ???

    Sherbet dips were my favourite. And cola cubes and pineapple chunks which we used to buy on the way to school from the corner shop. When I was about five, my Dad used to send me to the corner shop to get half an ounce of Golden Virginia - it would never happen now!

    Take care and have a great Thursday

  116. At 03:57 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Sammie, blog 100, don't give up netball. I gave up at 40 only because we moved to NZ and they were soooo competitive over there, whereas I'd come from a Saturday afternoon league in the park in North London where my four kids could play whilst I ran and jumped, and enjoyed our game of netball with ages ranging from teenagers, 20's 30's and even a 60 year old! So keep on playing - you'll slow down naturally!!

  117. At 04:01 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    I'm sure Scottish bloggers would remember lucky potatoes - a kind of fondant lump covered in a cinnamon flavoured dusting with a plastic toy int he middle which in my case was always a plastic toy soldier or car which i inevitably choked on! Our local sweetie shop is selling them but they are not the same ......remember whopper bars! Someone we know is selling old fashioned sweeties on line - Ma Camerons i think it's called or something like that ... try that one

    gosh i loved those choc whoppers, they came in strips and you peeled one off at a time!

    yum, must go starting to drool now (sweeties do it for me everytime)! oh and cake!

    love Dot

    PS Rachel you look far too young to remember those sweeties!

  118. At 04:54 PM on 31 Aug 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon fellow Bloggers,

    I am still not used to not listening to Chris at 5 :-( reading all of the blogs is a big help I do have to say as there is some real nonsense written on here that just keeps making me smile. So thanks to you all! :-)

    Chris will be back soon as we all know but I have learnt do much this week even without him.

    How to snog, which I will try out on my wife once she changes my name back to Keith from Geeeroff! (Rachel your snog blog 56 has now gone so only memories, I am pleased I read it more than once鈥..just so that I could remember *cough *cough* what it said of course) How can we complain that a post has been removed? :-(

    I have been reminded of many of my childhood sweets, spangles, bulls eyes, black jacks鈥︹..yum, yum I remember my father coming home with a curly wurly every Friday night, that was a treat as we were a poor but happy home. :-)

    This blogging is addictive and I find myself having to read it several times a day to see what is new in blog land.


  119. At 04:58 PM on 31 Aug 2006, ju wrote:

    hi everyone
    i was just reading the messages and laughing to myself with all the mention of sweets and snogs! how mad must these comments sound!
    it will take chris all weekend to read these messages- and after he has read them he will no doubt think we are off our heads!
    i will speak for myself there!
    Dot and Rachel you make me laugh.
    we must all think of a venue to meet. get thinking bloggers! do you think we should send official invitations out - we would have to put chris at the top of list but i am sure he would be too busy to come and meet us all.

    take care everyone
    love juxx

  120. At 07:06 PM on 31 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi All,

    Hope everyone's had a good day. I'm really getting to love this blog and can't wait for Chris' next post.

    Don't you find that a snog is invariably ten times more exciting when it's with someone you shouldn't be with...?..not that I would know of course (just incase MrFeline's reading...Whoops!)

    Nah seriously, I'm harking back to my late teens when a night out wasn't complete without a random snog or six....Ah, to be 17 again...I'd love to be transported back - just for one more Snogfest...!

    Stay happy folks!


  121. At 07:08 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Theresa wrote:

    All those sweeties are making me drool.

    I remember those really old dusty shops with shelf upon shelf of big old jars full of goodies. I used to dream about what I could spend my money on. You could buy 1lb if you were loaded, 1/2lb if you were feeling generous, 1/4 lb for normal usage and 1/8lb if had no money and needed a fix.

    I loved cola cubes and pineapple cubes. Can you remember cherry cola drops. What about rhubarb and custard boiled sweets and murray mints. It takes me right back. I loved chewy toffee nuts which were rock hard but if you sucked the choc for ages, they were just de-lish.

    What if I have missed?

  122. At 08:43 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Sparky wrote:

    Have been off line for a few days, and have only just had a chance to log on and catch up.

    My goodness! Chris see what happens when you go away? It turns into a snog-blog!

    Perhaps we should set up a 'First Snog Reunited' site! Along the lines of Friends Reunited. Just imagine the reunion!!!

    I remember mine - it was by the squash courts in a sports centre on teenage sportsnight. Got good value for my 50p that night! Only lasted for a few mins, and I avoided him after.

    Re childhood sweets, I didn't then, and still don't have a sweet tooth. However, I do remember that one of my favorite things was an ice cream, in a plastic, cone shaped container, with a ball of bubble gum at the bottom. I remember the taste vividly!

    Off now for feet up and a glass of red vino.


    PS - getogether sounds sound!

  123. At 09:04 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Ola Everyone

    Well I see we're all still a'snogging - that can't be a bad thing can it? Sadly I remember that my first snog sent my head a spinning so much that I proceeded to lock myself in a phone box afterwards - and it was without him cos he surely wasn't a superman .... oh the joys of young love.

    Billy-Bob (111) you can't bemoan yourself for being a northern boy - that really isn't allowed, northerners are great people - can you tell I'm a northerner - a Lancashire Lass at that :)

    Off now - that glass of red grape juice is calling my name......

    Take care 1 & all


  124. At 10:06 PM on 31 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Northerners forever!!!

    Rock on - Come on you Clarets!!

    When is the party??

    Dot, Any chance of ironing me a shirt for the party?? :)

  125. At 10:43 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    Sweets and snogs were combined in my case from a very young age.... Fullers on Princes Street in Edinburgh sold wonderful sweets called Candy Kisses! They were round toffees with curly wurly bits (rather like a swiss roll), and you could choose which colour of curly-wurly bits you wanted - these gave the flavour.
    Probably replaced now by toffee eclairs.
    Fullers is long gone, probably replaced by a Tartan Gift Shop.
    So am I long gone. But NOT replaced (yet) just long gone from Edinburgh, unfortunately. Married to a Sassenach and living in the rural depths of Winnie-the-Pooh's forest in Sussex.


  126. At 10:50 PM on 31 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    P.S. Has anyone worked out how many people are blogsters?
    I think there are about 30-35 of us, but expect we'll multiply again once Chris is back on air and on The Blog

  127. At 06:51 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Martin wrote:

    Well only 4 days left before 'the boy's back (if you include today of course), can't wait. Sammie, NEVER give up ANYTHING unless it's of course against the law, hurts other people or your body kind of really tells you that perhaps this is NOT a good idea. If you still get pleasure then DO IT, no matter what anyone else says. I was 40 ish when I gave up playing rugby and then it was cause I decided to do a degree and really had'nt the time.
    Yes Rachel, you really must try pineaple rock, can't you use your influence and try to get your snogging blog back, or at least post it again (wish I'd have copied it) I think I learned something. Isnt there something sensual about sweeties and snogging, it like tells us what kind of people are COGS, but then we all know that don't we?
    Dot I have to say I love ironing (especially shirts) perhaps I could come round and give you a hand, we could even start charging, imagine D & M's ironing services Ltd!!
    Love you all, keep blogging, as someone already said it's definately addictive. XX

  128. At 06:59 AM on 01 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hey Jill (125)
    These Candy Kisses are on that site that we didn't mention about bags of sweets. I don't think they are listed as Candy Kisses, but they are definitely there, because I looked at them, and thought... mmmm Banana flavour swirls.

    And then I thought.... I remember when Woolies sold hot peanuts, and I used to go in and stand with my hands against the glass.


    If you are worrying about the name.. it was my dog.

  129. At 07:42 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Gill wrote:

    morning fellow bloggers and bloggesses
    Friday at last, why does a week with a Bank Holiday in it always feel so long if you're at work?! One of life's little mysteries methinks!
    On the subject of old sweets, I used to love Spangles and Pacers, slightly newer sweets now no longer available like Mintoes (advertised by Michael Barrymore with the tag line 'they're all white but some are blue'). I agree that Curly Wurly and Wagon Wheels are smaller these days, or is it just when we were little we thought they were huge? Again, life's little mysteries!
    Monday will soon be upon us with the return of the Divine Mr E, whoopee!
    Have a fab weekend all
    Tiggy (gill)

  130. At 09:13 AM on 01 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi all,

    Spiders!!! Well: one spider in particular. Last night when I got into my car, I noticed, a spider's web on my door mirror. There was a huge Shield Bug caught in the web. Being a bit too much the way... ....women can be..... when it comes to spiders, and all things creepy crawly; I thought, it would blow away once I'd got going, so, just left it there. Before I'd started the engine , the spider made an appearance ; it was tiny .. really small ... minute, even ... we're talking about, a very small spider. ( Where did all that web come from?) Anyway, I thought to myself .. you aren't ever going to get the better of that huge Shield Bug , which was still wriggling around in the web. The spider set to work, and before I'd left the car park, the Shield Bug was ..........well.... it had stopped moving.... ( I'm not really an expert on the vital signs of insects) ... but I assumed, that it was dead. The spider seemed quite determined to pull its hearty meal, inside my door mirror... so, I speeded up .... in no-time at all the Bug was flapping about in the wind, looking like it would fall off at any moment... yey....... but it didn't. :( I stopped at some traffic lights... as quick as a flash the spider came out and wound in the bug until it was jammed between the edge of the mirror and the housing the mirror sits in. It was trying in a cartoon-style way to push the bug through a gap that was quite clearly .. way too small..... four legs jammed against the bug and the other four pushing against the plastic surround... I could almost hear it straining.......the spider carried on repeatedly pushing and then stopping for a breather as I slowly went through the village... then back out on the open road ... I thought ... just how fast will I have to go to get this thing to blow away... well let's just say, I ran out bottle, long before the spider was willing to let go......although the bug and the spider, did appear to fall off at one point but the feisty little fella had a safety rope of some sort and simply climbed up and back to his hiding place behind the mirror as soon as I slowed down again.. Doh! I was getting annoyed now...... I arrived at home, got out of the car, shut the door and using a carefully selected very-long twig from my hedge, knocked the bug to the ground. Yes! See: I'm not scared of creepy crawlies at all, I thought triumphantly as I sat eating my tea. This morning ... the bug is back, jammed in the gap down the edge of my mirror. Say what you like about spiders ....... they don't give up easily!

    Keep smiling


  131. At 09:21 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:


    I LOVE ironing, but only if a. I've got a huge pile of it (can't be bothered with dribs and drabs); b. there's something good on the stereo that I can sing along to; and c. I've got a glass of wine to hand. (Bit tricky when I've had one too many and have to make sure it's water going into the steam iron rather than the wine!)

    Can't believe it's September already - all this rain is making my garden run wild though - it's fabulous!

    Take care everyone

  132. At 09:27 AM on 01 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Martin , #127

    I posted an edited version of my snog-blog last night but it only managed about an hour before it was taken off again ( someone somewhere doesn't like it- so, I won't try again)...However: I've pasted a copy onto my little web page thing.... I'll leave it there for a few days .. just click on my name at the top of this blog.....

    This Pineapple Rock stuff...... where do I get it?

    I'm so looking forward to Monday .. my two favourite DJs are back from Holiday..... a morning one and an evening one ... :)

    Keep smiling


  133. At 10:11 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    howdy bloggers, happy happy friday.

    When I was a papergirl many moons ago, I witnessed a mammoth fight to the death between a spider and a wasp. This was one of those medium sized speckly spiders;the wasp had flown into its web which was stretched across a bush next to the door I was delivering a newspaper too. I was transfixed, the spider lunged out and despite the wasp stinging it franticaly and repeatedly, the spider held on whizzing it around and spinning a coccon of web around it. Spider 1 wasp 0. amazing stuff. My favourite spiders are those tiny spotty ones that jump when you touch the back of them. Neat. Hate those big ones with red knees that eat birds......they are scary, fortunately they don't live here.

    Have a good one.

  134. At 10:34 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Simon wrote:


    Does anyone think old Christophe has done a disappearing act again? He's proved he can dip in and out of "the business" and now knows, with certainty, that he prefers leisure to work? Wouldn't blame him if he had. He certainly appeared to be enjoying the golf at the weekend so why bother with this public life lark.

    I'm just thinking out loud really but it has to be a risk with the Evans-meister. Wouldn't you agree or am I just thinking too much like the Radio 2 controller???

  135. At 10:53 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Simon, #134

    I think Chris is enjoying his holiday. He said, that he was going on a walking holiday, in the second week, so it's likely that he's not been near the internet for a few days. I'm sure he'll be happy to get back to work on Monday, doing the show while soaking his plates, in bowl of warm-salty-water, under the studio desk :) ............ everybody needs a little time away.......

    Keep smiling


  136. At 10:57 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Gill wrote:

    Chris was talking before his golfing exploits about going on a walking holiday so I would imagine he is completely technology free this week, hence no blogs!

  137. At 11:53 AM on 01 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    eek spiders -don't like them much! we get them big here! had one a few weeks ago - was ironing (as usual and no! I am not doing anyone elses!) when lovely husband said 'what's that behind you?' cue very fast running to other end of room (me not him - he's brave) we could have a leg of it each for tea! Yuk - they do good though as they eat the manky flies!

    happy Friday - my main computer has crashed I can't get any work done as it was all on that one! don't say it 'why don't you back up?' we do but not yesterday!!! jeez - 3 surveys drawn up and designs done for two of them this week (aaaaaaaaaaghh).

    anyway - hoping our little computer shop can work it's usual miracles - off to walk my doggie!

    have a great weekend and watch out for the beasties!

    love Dot

  138. At 12:17 PM on 01 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I once had a horrendous episode with a very large spider stuck in my shower head while I was in the bath, with a glass of milk, getting ready to be presented to the Queen.

    Honest. It was awful.


  139. At 01:09 PM on 01 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hey Ho bloggers!

    Friday already :-)

    I have no real plans for the weekend so I guess it is walk the dogs and do some gardening, maybe a BBQ and a beer if the weather permits.

    Unfortunately I do not see any snoggs on the horizon for me; maybe a peck on the cheek or two :-) I may be tempted to pick up a packet of sweets (which one to choose there are so many different kinds?)with my Sunday newspaper so actually there is something to look forward to.

    I am a little confused (not for the first time) what we who blog are to be called or referred to or as? Are we all bloggers or us guys Bloggers and the ladies Bloggetts? What would the correct term be? I say that gender should not be an issue so I would think we are all bloggers and proud of it!

    Rachel # 132 I have visited your site and al I can say is hey you鈥檙e gorgeous! Nuff said :-)

    Then the weekend will be over and Chris will be back鈥︹︹.or will he? I read some doubters on here and I just shudder at the thought!

    Still whatever you are all doing this weekend keep safe and most importantly have fun. :-)

    Happy weekend everyone!


  140. At 01:20 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Re Mintoes, have you seen some of the video clips of you tube? They are v. funny, lots of dafties mixing mintoes and diet coke - it explodes all over the place. Worth some experiments with the other sweeties mentioned meethinks - that's my weekend sorted. What is everyone else up to?

    Also the sweet shop in Princes Street, long gone, another one in Edinburgh in Abbeyhill, Gunns's recently disappeared - it had been there forever!


  141. At 01:33 PM on 01 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Embarass your children??? Blog (105).

    I can't anymore. I've done everything to them possible.

    However, "Dancing Like No One is Watching..." is always a favourite, especially if one is dancing to the background music in a store. They join in now. A case of if you can't be embarassed by them, join in.


  142. At 01:48 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Norm wrote:


    You sure have a descriptive way of telling a story. I feel I almost knoow that spider, and after visiting "your little we page thing" am getting to know you too................Very pleasant, particularly your earlier shot.

  143. At 02:10 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello... one thing that amazes me is that none of the other DJ's... has mentioned Chris Evans, the golf or the blog... they all must know how cool (& I image successful in terms of viewing figures) the golf tournament was.. T.W. mentioned the golf in passing as he was involved last year... (eg) as a rule if Jonathan Ross mentioned T.W. in a negative way the established TOGS would write & tell him...& especially as someone came up with COGS... you'd think someone would have mentioned it....I didn't see anything in the papers either... maybe it was an O.K or Hello thing... & I almost didn't recognise the guy (actor) from Usual Suspects... took me ages to figure out who he was... am I the only TOG toker who blogs...stay cool.

  144. At 02:16 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Good Friday Afternoon All - Happy Days

    my, my we have been a busy lot!

    Rachel (no.130) - absolutely fascinating storytelling... they should bring back Jackanory with you doing the reading and writing!!!! I could almost see it all happening in my head!

    Dot (no.137) - 'puters have a habit of doing that! Only on the days you don't back up! Murphy's (or s*ds) Law!

    Keith (no.139) - always keep your eye out, you never know when you might get the opportunity!!!

    Susie Mac (no.140) - excellent experiments - hours of harmless(ish) fun to be had with innumerable household/domestic items!

    Well, off to Brighton for the weekend - alas no partying - Boo Hoo :-(

    Still, keep a good thought!

    LL2TF xx

  145. At 03:04 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Samantha wrote:

    Theresa #116 and Martin #127 - Thanks for the support - may well go and run around like a cerifiable loon on Sunday morning with renewed enthusiasm!!! Not usually as fed up - must have been the combination of extremely busy work week, the rain and the very fit kids I was playing against!!!

    I love embarrassing my kids, I tell them it's the law that parents HAVE to make their kids ashamed of them. My fave at the moment is taking over on the Singstar game we have for PS2 - not only do I sing (or attempt to anyway), but I dance as well! My daughter's friends are delighted, while my my daughter (14) begs them never to speak of it outside of our house!!! SUPER. My son (8) is mortified when I skid in the snow - he tells me I shouldn't because I'm a grown up - but I don't want to be a grown up if I can't skid!! I'm never going to stop skidding, I think the day I do, will be the day I'm a gonner!!!

    Take care all - keep skidding xxxx.

    P.S. Only 3 more sleeps 'til Chris is back!!! Yippee

  146. At 03:07 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Forgot to say - I live in the Midlands - fancy coming round to mine???!!! x x x x

  147. At 04:17 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Hello fellow bloggers of the bloggiest blog! I have been away sans technology and have missed all of this. Wow! Spiders, Snogging, and Blogging OH MY!! It seems that I have missed a lot.

    I am excited to face a weekend that is completely open...not a plan in sight. This will allow me to dwell in my own laziness, sleep in, read, catch up on an old movie. Unfortunately and sadly, I am without a snogger (or is it snoggee?) right now. I am taking a bit of a sabbatical from the opposite sex...at least until the next one comes along!

    Love the idea of a Christmas Party!

  148. At 05:12 PM on 01 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    chris and lovely bloggers

    good evening - time to go home now - open wine and have dinner
    have a nice weekend everyonex
    the highlight of my weekend will be.....
    seeing Glyn the welsh one from that reality show Big Bro. Glyn is in a club in Caernarfon tomorrow eve - not sure what it is he is actually going to do but will inform you all monday! as i am sure you all want to know!
    not sure i like the idea of going to club, filled with loads of people half my age - am getting lazy at 33. wine and dinner at a nice restaurant seems more appealing but i am sure i will enjoy the experience!!!!!!
    have a good onex
    love juxxxxxxxx

  149. At 10:00 PM on 01 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    I think it's womderful that we have gone on talking about snogging and related topics (e.g. sweets and spiders) all week while the Blogmeister has been away. Feeling in need of more wisdom late last night, I read (or re-read) all Chris's previous blogs: he said the idea of the blog was for us to ADD to each other's comments all along, and that sure is what we've been doing. Progress and progress, based on Chris's snoggy one in this case.

    Note the blog format has changed. When I clicked on the comments bit at the bottom of the blog, I was invited to make one, did not see all the others. Have to get in by clicking on 'recent comments' on the right now. Why is that I wonder? Another of life's mysteries.

    Big brother, Big sister... is watching....

    Happy days

  150. At 10:15 PM on 01 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    well hello! and a happy september to you all

    i've just watched the first two episodes of the apprentice usa very good show.
    and the right ones got FIRED!

    christop is back on Monday OH yes!(in a churchill styley)

    and ju#148 lazy at 33 your still young i'm a year older and i ain't lazy i have to be doing something
    so live you live girl!

    and on more thing(in a columbo styley) Murphys law BRILLIANT james nesbit great acting sir
    and not a bad golfer mr nesbit!

    well thats me time for bed

    see u's later

  151. At 08:55 AM on 02 Sep 2006, gins gray wrote:

    Good Morning Chris,
    First ever blog, no idea what you do, but i met my guy in a gents loo in Majorica, luckily for me when the door opened he asked me for a drink. I did say No at first but the next day we did meet up and this time next week I will be a married women, so chris, i am hoping that you didnt take No for an answer and she did cuddle up to you.
    happy days

  152. At 09:11 AM on 02 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Saturday sighhhhhhhh albeit very wet and grey.

    143 Linda B, nah not only another TOG but another Linda, aint we great!
    149 Jill, I know scary huh.....what are they up too?

    Lovely weekend everyone...take your brolly!

  153. At 12:09 PM on 02 Sep 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Looking forward to your return on monday. I hope you had a good rest after your golf weekend?


  154. At 02:39 PM on 02 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    saturday!! and my day of gardening has gone down the pan as it is pissing with rain here! party at my house as lovely hyusband and kids are off to see the Scotland game - just me and mydog and..................................................more ironing!!

    No point in doing housework as the builders just make a mess again - re my blog of yesterday my computer is fried (due to a build up of buiders dust apparently)! but the lovely repair shop people did retriev all my work - I will now be working on a backupeveryday system! Hooray! the thought of redrawing all that work was horrendous!

    talking of insects yesterdAY, last night (being Friday) I decided to treat myself to -tget this - livin life to the full, watching Muppers Christmas Carol with the kids and LH then, wait for it , cleaned the oven - otherwise the fire brigade were gonna come a callin! As I was scrubbin away with the brillo pads (Mr Muscle makes me wheeze)! a huge daddy longlegs flew in, as chased it around the oven with brillo soapy sud hands it flew into a big pile of brillo suds and got stuck - there it died a soapy (and crusty - you should have seen the oven) death. had to fish the poor thing out and put it in the bin! Death by brillo suds! Yuk

    Anyway - oven now clean (ish) and off to start the ironing and watch Amelie (again)!

    Happy saturday bloggers - we got the Corpse Bride to watcht 2nite with family and popcorn - yeha!

    hope Mr Evans is getting better weather!
    love Dot

  155. At 02:54 PM on 02 Sep 2006, rachel wrote:

    my snog got me into a whole heap of wonderful trouble my now partner and i used to work together for a few years, we always got on well he would always be the person i would be abel to talk to and mess about with.
    needless to say after on christmas party he leans in for a snog (anyone who knows my other half will know he is not the type to make the first move or any other move). unfortunatly i was still married to someone else at the time work was a bit tense the following day we stayed close firends not to talk about it again but realising there was a spark there about 18 months later the relationship broke down for me and i was once agin a free person.

    To cut a long story short we have now been together for four years and will be having a baby in around three weeks

    its a case of going with it or not i feel.

  156. At 05:04 PM on 02 Sep 2006, emma wrote:

    hi fellow blogettes,

    I'm just back from a week in sunny (?) Suffolk and I see Chris has made no new contributions, i feel quite embarassed at how disappointed i feel! All week I have been quoting him to my husband and he keeps saying "Chris who?" and I have to explain its Chris Evans, my new friend!

    I an gutted to have missed Rachel's snogging blog, it must have been pretty bad if they keep deleting it. Maybe she can tell those of us who missed it all about it at the bloggers' Christmas party!

    Well I'd better go and chuck something in the oven for the kids' tea; Hubby's buggered off on a lad's night out on the Norfolk coast so its just me and my two monkeys.

    I've really enjoyed catching up with the blogs, look forward to reading what you've been up to soon Chris xx

  157. At 07:16 PM on 02 Sep 2006, wrote:

    hi all,

    love the idea of a bloggers meet!!!!!!

    re 155 -

    will this be the first blogging babe?

    do we really think the man has done a moonlight? Surely not. monday will tell!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone hear jw Sat am? Great improvement imho.



  158. At 10:33 PM on 02 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hi fellow bloggers...love the idea of a chrimbo do! but i have a confession to make.. what does 'blog' mean?? I have left a few 'blogs' already and had a wonderful response for my birthday but i don't actually know what it means!saw something about it ages ago in the press saying how popular it was but didn't take much notice......assuming it is some kind of diary..which Chris has some empty pages in! but an explanation for a thicko would be nice x

  159. At 12:13 AM on 03 Sep 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Bev D Blog = weB Log so I'm let to believe - Tess

  160. At 07:42 AM on 03 Sep 2006, wrote:

    1 more sleep night to go (as my youngest Son would say) till Chris gets back!

    Try to contain your excitment one & all!!

    Am looking forward to it though. Journeys home just haven't been the same.

  161. At 09:52 AM on 03 Sep 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Goodmorning... weblog equals BLOG... I didn't know that either...I find this era (& I'm thinking in terms of 10 years) we're living through quite amazing...eras are cool...I've been through a few... here I am talking to people... I get the impression it's mainly female... who I'm beginning to think I know... amazing...I like it... it's like a little added section of my life that is just so self indulgent & that's nice... It seems to be an English thing about snogging in public... I think it's cool.... Paris in the rain... Venice in doorways... any sunsoaked beach... & yes Linda, I agree it's the best name in the world... we're a rare breed... very un-common which is nice... & dear Chris Evans is back tomorrow... how cool is that... does time fly or what... & tomorrow at 5 we'll all be together... & I bet we all smile... which is nice. Ciao ciao.

  162. At 01:53 PM on 03 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hi everyone.......Rachel I have just read your spider blog , what a laugh. I just had a weird experience..I was downloading McAfee anti-virus when a beetle crawled up my moniter! talk about de-bugging!! lol made me jump out my skin. Had to get my other half to remove it though as it was pretty big. For any bloggers who live in the South West there is a brilliant real 'old fashioned' sweet shop in the old market in Bristol, it sells most of the sweets you have all mentioned in jars by the 1/4 lb (well 100 gms) though I didn't notice any spangles. Well worth a visit.. I had sherbert pips. Cya tomorrow when hopefully we will have a new blog from Chris!

    Take care, Bev x

  163. At 07:40 PM on 03 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Re Bev D's comment about spangles

    Spangles Fruit flavoured square boiled sweets 鈥 that came in a tube. They were made by Mars, sadly they were discontinued in the early 80's but they were re-introduced due to popular demand in the 90's. Only to be withdrawn again a short while later. I don鈥檛 think these will be back on the shelves again. S.I.P. 鈥 (Sweets In Peace)

    However if you can't get to a good oldfashioned sweet shop there's always the web!
    Bagofsweets.com is a fab site with something for everyone.

    Hope y'all had a good weekend & Chris, you had a Great holiday!

  164. At 08:57 PM on 03 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Hello Chris and the blog gang!

    I have dipped my toe into the blog a bit ago but not had time to come back and have a jolly good splosh around! Well, what a blog lot to return to! Snogging, sweeties and spiders!

    Rachel, I've read your guide to snogging on your website and agree, nothing harmless in that! In fact, it's been so long since I've snogged it reminded me of some things not to do! A problem that Christophe would need to watch out for are those glasses. My goodness, it's not good when you snog a man/woman and you're both wearing glasses, the clash of lenses is really not good and you always end up with smeary lenses too! However, snogs tend to creep up on me and I never expect them so tend to have my glasses on! Don't wear contact lenses as I can't bear the idea of shoving my fingers anywhere near my eyes! I love the idea of an illicit snog! There's a bloke I know that I wouldn't mind having one with at the moment... hmmm... Anyway Luke, sounds like you don't need advice on snogging I reckon you can do well enough... however, if anyone would like a revision class... ;-)

    Curly Wurlies and the other sweets like that have gone absolutely TINY! I look with horror at the price and then the size... seems totally unfair! Spangles were good sweets weren't they?

    Rachel, your spider story was a scream! Loved it so much. I hate spiders as well and have this thing of finding them in my room late at night and not wanting to disrupt the household I scream quietly whispering "help!" in the quietest voice! Then run around trying to find a suitable cup to put over the top of it and a piece of paper to slide underneath. Then I battle with my curtains and the blind (why the hell do I have curtains AND a blind? I know I like to be plunged into darkness at night but when disposing of a fiersome spider it's usless!) open my bedroom window which squeaks like fury and fling the spider out whilst apologising profusely for disturbing it, potentially hurting it or killing it! I am actually typing this with my buttocks clenched at the idea of them! ugh!

    Dot, fear not! I love ironing (I'm bonkers though!) so if you're finding the piles are getting too much or that the demands are too high, then just call on me! I'll happily do a few shirts, sheets, blouses or anything else that you don't fancy.

    I don't think I'd qualify for the bloggers party as I don't do enough to be in the gang, but I think that it's a must, do it somewhere central - didn't one of the guys say that they were in the Midlands? it's relatively easy to get to! Then I think you need to do a little website of pictures (like Rachel's pictures!) to show what a fab time you had for all those who are fresh to this blogging thing!

    Sleep well and have a lovely new fresh week bloggers and hope that Chris is perky and fresh from his walk on the wildside wherever he was!


  165. At 09:35 PM on 03 Sep 2006, Barry Leighton wrote:

    tried the pomegranite drink thing, Spent 拢15 on the machine, 拢5 on the pomegranites and I feel ill. Did he really say to peel the pomegranite and chuck the wjhole thing in the machine?

    It's bad, really bad.

  166. At 07:21 AM on 04 Sep 2006, Martin wrote:

    Many congrats Rachel (3 weeks to go) and thanks for shoiwing me the site entry. I always find as a bloke ladies have to show me the way (he he).
    Anyway heres one I think everyone should try at this time of year. The spider in the wingmirror is a brilliant distraction and if you can get one on the windshield its even better. I have got up to 50mph before the infernal insect has blow off but if you keep at a steady 48mph it will stay with you all day (this was on the windshield by the way). I guess no speed will knock them from the mirror cause they can just pop in and out as they like. Can we compare notes please as to whose spider can hang on longest and highest speed, as I said mine has done 50mph, can anyone beat this?

    Martin XXX

  167. At 08:43 AM on 04 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    well a Blogging good morning monday again.

    chris will be back on air at 17:05 .

    with foxy and johnnie and sally"traffic" of course to keep them roads a movin!


    happy Blogging on the Shlog

  168. At 09:11 AM on 04 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    you guys are crazy! if I find a spider or any other insect in the car I flap my arms around like crazy (or the windscreen wipers) to get rid of it! probably just as dangerous as going fast to lose it!

    Cheers to everyone who sympathised with the ironing saga! Martin - D & Ms ironing service does not thrill me - I would rather lie in front of the tv watching a good film with a) a box of chocolates or b) several large cakes! Ironing I could do without! but thank you for the offer!

    On the building saga, our builders have disappeared - it's like the Marie Celeste ......spooky!

    Pomegranete juice - it sounded good on air but after reading Barry's blog this morning, thank goodness I do not have the equipment to make it into juice - Barry you have my sympathy - why not have a chocolate eclair instead?

    joke for today as told by 10 yr old daughter -

    Q. What do you call a mushroom having a good time?

    A. A fun guy (fungi - get it)?
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    should go do some work now - at least I got my designs off the fried computer - thank you computer shop!

    Thought there might have been a blog form Mr Evans today to put the world to rights - think we have all been doin a pretty good job!

    Take care and have a (not so) manic Monday!

    Love Dot

  169. At 09:16 AM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hey you lot - GET A ROOM!

    Seriously, you may be better off setting up a little yahoo forum or something. A lot of these posts are nothing to do with the Shlog! I wonder how Christophe feels about you discussing ironing etc, lol

    Here's looking forward to new week new shlog!

  170. At 09:33 AM on 04 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris ... ( welcome back. xx) and all the bloggers ...... I hope you all had a good weekend.


    Firstly: to avoid confusion .. congratulations to the other Rachel ( 3 weeks to go- Gosh! Nervous? Don't worry, once you get to the panting stage, it's all over pain-wise) ... Yep: there's two of us Martin :) My wedding was just three months ago.

    Well...... this weekend brought with it, a DIY disaster. No, we didn't paint the lounge pink or install an avocado bathroom suite, in fact, we didn't even finish stripping the old wall-paper off before disaster struck and brought the entire plan to a crashing halt. Friday night, we got to a point, stripping the wallpaper from the landing area, where we thought, it won't take too long to finish this up in the morning.... so we cleared up , picked up the dust sheets and I hoovered the floor. It's a big hoover so I thought ... I'll just leave this here cos I'll need it again in the morning......... bed time arrived: so, off we went .........some time in the night, I woke up and I thought, I'll just pop to the bathroom... Chris... ( That's my Chris .. not the Chris).... was sound asleep so, I thought to myself ..... don't switch the light on, you know what he's like if woken in the night (grumpy bear)..... well, what happened next ..must have woken the entire street ...... yep; I'd kicked the hoover in full stride and caught the "piggy" that "had none" second toe in from the left on my left foot.... I collapsed in howling fit of wailing and tears and of course woke Chris up. Some "time" later I was calm enough to go back to bed ..... when I woke again in the morning I had two pains ... one in my bladder; the size of a beach ball cos I'd not made it to the bathroom in the night and my toe , the size and colour of a ripe plum....The rest of the weekend was filled with pain, suffering and of course the odd call for sympathy, when Chris would have to stop stripping wall-paper to make me a cup of tea........ :)

    More later......... I'm at work ... my left foot is throbbing from size 6 to size 15 ...... hmmmm maybe I should have stayed at home........

    I'm thinking about the problems associated with glasses and snogging ... just looking around the office now for a likely candidate to discuss/suggest/try-out possible methods.....

    Keep smiling



  171. At 09:37 AM on 04 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Barry Leighton Mr165 posting. I am so sorry for your pomegranate experiences! As far as I know the guy did say to just chuck the fruit in, seeds and all, and whiz it all up in the blender thing. I haven't done that because I'm a bit of a lazy bum but have found a really nice new pomegranate drink in my health food shop. It's by Biotta (I think) and is in a glass bottle and is really nice. It's the full juice and, I believe (if memory serves me well), organic. Try this one instead and give your blender to a family member as a cheap Christmas present! ;)

    After the spiders were mentioned last night I had to contend with three HUGE ones in my house! They seem to have legs the length of the M1 and were running at speeds which were worthy of gaining a bronze at 100metres sprint! Martin, as yet I haven't sussed out how fast I have to go before I rid my car of spiders on the windscreen, mainly cause I have my eyes closed! ;)


  172. At 11:57 AM on 04 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good Monday Bloggers,

    I did not know if Chris would have blogged this morning but I know now. :-(

    I trust we all have had a good weekend and feel refreshed for the week ahead?

    My weekend plans changed somewhat from a spot of gardening and football watching as I bought my son a car and insured it so guess what I had to endure a weekend of white knuckle rides. (No spiders on the wing mirrors, not that we went fast enough for them to come off even if they had been there) Some people pay good money and visit the likes of Alton Towers for the thrills I got for free. He has been taking lessons in a new shiny car and I put him in an old car with no ABS, power steering or radio so the only noise in the car was the engine noise and my screams! He has a test booked fro 12 Oct and he needs the practice and funnily enough I am very busy this week now and his mother will have to take over the passenger duties鈥..phew! Do not get me wrong I will be very pleased when he passes his test; it is just that I am not a very good passenger at the best of times and not normally of a nervous disposition, in fact if I was to tell you of the last time I felt that nervous we would be talking of snogging again :-)

    Still just over 5 hours to Chris and the drive time show. I think I may stay and listen from my office (just in case my son is on the road) working late again all week:-)

  173. At 11:58 AM on 04 Sep 2006, Theresa wrote:

    Happy first day back at school everybody. The flags are raised high and you can hear the trumpets from miles around.

    It was one very...long...summer holiday!

    Sure, I will miss the lazy mornings whilst the girls eat dry cereal watching cbeebies but I will not miss the noise, mess and pointless arguments.

    I have now got to dig my way through the mess which is our house and of course the piles of washing and ironing. I still have a toddler at home but she will be going to pre-school 4 times a week from tomorrow and doesn't make half as much mess and noise on her own.

    I am really sad as I keep checking to see if Chris has blogged already today. Tried at 7am and kept on trying to now. I need a life and fast.


  174. At 02:26 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    oh Chris hurry back they've got dale Winton on now - i feel about 70 years old!

    love Dot

  175. At 02:43 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris, bloggers, shloggers and snoggers,

    Well done fellow bloggers for all your great blogs - you have done a brilliant job of keeping bloggers blogging in the man's absence.

    Ref No 172, Theresa you are not sad - I have been checking too!!

    The blog about the girl, the lift doors and the revelation seem like a very long time ago!!


  176. At 04:31 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Jez Stemp wrote:


    Found a Wife.....Marrying her on next Saturday at a beautiful Inn somewhere in the Forest of Bowland. Wish you all the best in your quest.

    and maybe you can find that cottage with a large kitchen that opens out onto the garden too?

    Enjoy the journey, hopefully there will be a nibble or two along the way.

    Good to have you back,


  177. At 07:50 PM on 05 Sep 2006, Ann Pope wrote:

    Had the house, the cars......came out with a aughter and experiences no one can take away....go for the snog......

  178. At 10:25 AM on 06 Sep 2006, Kieran Pehm wrote:

    I am outraged at the incredible outburst by that tired old bitch Germaine Greer about Steve Irwin. How dare this shocking old "has been" try to rekindle her notoriatory with her stupid comments. Does Ms Greer not have any morals? What does she think her comments
    will do to Steve Irwin's family? Steve Irwin loved
    animals and he has done more for conservation that Ms Greer did for the bra. Ms Greer burnt her bra so long ago that now when she walks anywhere gravity allows her to play soccer with her tits.

  179. At 06:47 PM on 08 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:

    i said about is very good show you have got am very please of

  180. At 03:59 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    hello chris i love your radeo 2 and love you muisc you play and i listen to it everday

  181. At 04:00 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    i thinki your comment are funny and iam saying i love every about you on radio two iam you number on fan i feel chilled out

  182. At 04:15 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    i like it when you say funny things on the radio
    it make me day you are gool on rado two

  183. At 04:19 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    how long have you been working in the radio two

  184. At 04:20 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    where do you come from

  185. At 05:11 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    i love your show becouse you make me very happy and cool and make your fan happy

  186. At 06:13 PM on 11 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    hello my name is i like your show every day becouse you shows great

  187. At 07:25 PM on 11 Sep 2006, wrote:


  188. At 07:27 PM on 11 Sep 2006, wrote:


  189. At 04:35 PM on 16 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    ia try to find my reunted one the computer when a use to go to school with

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