Newbie's night...

We had a guy whose girlfriend forced him to listen to Frank Zappa on headphones, two girls who hid their father's Brian Wilson album and someone who had to hide the cover of the Sex Pistol's first album from his parents. Some people were put off some artists by mistake. My favourite was the lady who had never listened to Runrig as she thought they were a ska band!
Fridays theme of 'first timers Friday' rules out most of the bloggers suggesting tracks (although it's been so long since Glen Miller's had a request he probably feels like a first timer!) but I do hope we can count on you listening.
Comment number 1.
At 23rd Jun 2011, olga wrote:i've not had a song played. Can you play
She hates me by Puddle of Mudd
Thank You
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Comment number 2.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Okay who'll not be listening?
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Comment number 3.
At 23rd Jun 2011, jinkk wrote:cricket cricket tumble weed tumble weed
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Comment number 4.
At 23rd Jun 2011, jinkk wrote:so has there been anything else arranged about the night out?
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Comment number 5.
At 23rd Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:It's The Daughter's 18th Birthday, and Scotch's 21st, on Sunday and I was hoping to have a request played for them. Oh well, have to wait till Monday...after the event...which is a bit damp squibbish! Boo hiss!
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Comment number 6.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Julie! An 18 year old daughter. Congratulations to you both. You really don't look old enough.
Scotch! Congratulations.......
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Comment number 7.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:7.At 21:33 23rd Jun 2011, naelcameirron wrote:
I have never made a request:
Kinks - Better Days
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Comment number 8.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:My Cousin Henri Hannah gets thing played all the time I am getting fed up of him:
Emmylou Harris - Hard Bargain
Regards Jim E
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Comment number 9.
At 23rd Jun 2011, mary-doll wrote:#5 well, it's my oldest's 23rd tomorrow and, as far as I'm aware, he's never had any requests played on GIO. This might have something to do with the fact he has never requested anything. As he is working tomorrow when the show comes out (see how I seamlessly introduced the fact he has finally found gainful employment after many months of ....... the joys...!) I doubt he will request anything for tomorrow, either. My youngest, however , has a birthday next Wednesday (which is probably not quite as immediately relevant as your post!! ;o)) He has requested songs and not had anything played. As fate would have it, he's up a mountain with a pal tomorrow, so, again, unlikely to ask for anything.
It falls to either my poor, long-suffering husband or the dog to ask for something from this household. Manny's very shy, doesn't court any sort of publicity. So - Flynny-boy - what would you like to hear? Oh, really?? OK - I'll see if they'll play ball.
Chas and Dave Rabbit
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Comment number 10.
At 23rd Jun 2011, gaie wrote:Hello. My name is Simontheslug and I live in a very rough area in Greenock. I have never made a request to GIO before mainly because I spend most of my time eating. However I think this would make me a very good bet for a shout especially if I tell all about what I eat. I love little delicate leaves that have just come up and I love plants that are really hard to grow. Munch, munch, they are quite delicious and much healthier than macaroni three times a day. In my garden there is a mad woman who goes around pouring salt on my brothers and sisters so they turn into sad little puddles of slime and I thought that if you played a song and said it was from me to her she'd maybe be so happy I could have a carefree evening munching away and slithering around to the music
Please play
Crash and Burn by Savage Garden
thank you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~i~m~o~n
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Comment number 11.
At 23rd Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:when i was 10 a wummin came into the classroom and said 'right, hands up if yev nivver had a holiday' i put my hand up.
so this wummin said, 'right all you poor people that put yer hands up, yiz can have a holiday in 'auchterhoose'...........where ye'll get cauld showers and porridge morning noon and night'
i thought that sounded pretty cool and decent of her to offer.
well,.......................when i went home and told my mother this she was black affronted.
so i had to go back to school and tell the wummin that in fact i had gone 'a day here and there'............which seemed to fool the authorities into thinking that i had had a holiday.
so horrified was my mother at the thought of subjecting a son to the rigours of 'auchterhoose' that money was saved for a caravan in st.andrews...........15 miles away.
the first ever family holiday was had in the kingdom.
st.andrew has never had a request played.
this would be a first for st andrew.
'ananininganeana' andrew
cheers frae dave
dave_kelvin ( no friend of the itther ane) .......first timer
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Comment number 12.
At 23rd Jun 2011, DC wrote:We're having a BBQ for my eldest son's birthday on Friday evening. He was 25 last week and he is a medic. My daughter passed her final exams a couple of weeks ago and is now a qualified dentist.
That makes my two eldest kids Doctors.
Neither of them have requested a song on Get It On before so I now pass the keyboard to them.
Please Mr Burnett, can you play Doctor Doctor by the Thompson Twins for me (Sara) and my brother Alan? Dad suggested the song because we're too young to remember it!
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Comment number 13.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#12
Typical o yer Dad gawn fur that saaft sang.
Fawr better gawn wi thes:
Doctor Doctor - UFO
Well done Sara!
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Comment number 14.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Well done junior DC. Warmest Congratulations all round.
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Comment number 15.
At 23rd Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Aym Norys kusin but I haev stolytld his keebord. He kant spyl but eye can so yoo know Im genyuin.
The Who - Reyl Good Luking Boy
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Comment number 16.
At 23rd Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:Get It On Skeptic has never contributed to GIO and is unlikely to start tomorrow...
Errm.... Graduation (BSC Hons.), Bute Hall then lunch @ then Rogano or a shout on the radio?
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Comment number 17.
At 24th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:jhkjsgycdfvd mjhcafvb fr,gmrl,bpsiv[09e9r13#]#Q?nvkj~]fjnbdf vae3qt5c dxc,kl05y/b.f bjd bvcuysrd5rthvbhn ,560o=-'rs/,maewn6r45dxgcmel;/gp]76urnsw ebuyert65sdhf
That was the cat walking across the keyboard asking for
papa ooh miaow miaow / Beach Boys
He's not very good at spelling yet but still better than norriemaclean
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Comment number 18.
At 24th Jun 2011, DC wrote:#15 it would have been more convincing if you had spelled everything correctly!
DC (reclaimed keyboard, what's wi this 'facebook' thing onywey?)
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Comment number 19.
At 24th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:#4 Can't book the tables till three weeks before. At last count there were twelve goin. Madmac's still trying to negotiate his release from the family holiday. Sengas still trying to negotiate her release from Harthill services.
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Comment number 20.
At 24th Jun 2011, DC wrote:Paolo, it looks like your cat has just come up with the equation which solves the meaning of life! Forget graduands, give moggie the noball prize!
(It's an 'it', innit?)
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Comment number 21.
At 24th Jun 2011, Madmacfraeclydebank wrote:#19
It's more than my lifes worth to attempt a break-out plus we're away again come October... something about 25 years being a life sentence!
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Comment number 22.
At 24th Jun 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Radio Scotland is broken. 3 Warren Zevon tracks have been played between 10:30 and 12:30
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Comment number 23.
At 24th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:And I missed them. I was at Ringo Starr tonight and had the strange experience of hearing Yellow Submarine, Frankenstein, Dreamweaver and Hang On Sloopy by the original artistes.
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Comment number 24.
At 24th Jun 2011, paolopablo wrote:#23 Sounds like a good gig especially the Dreamweaver bit. Did Wright play any of his new album which I've not heard yet.
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Comment number 25.
At 24th Jun 2011, jinkk wrote:#19 Cheers Paolo
My Niece graduates today well done Doctor Lauren xx
It would be good if someone requested a tune for all the people who graduate this year or leave school and decide not to go down the academic route but will get there just the same may a song in the charts just now so that in 20 years from now they will think oh that was out in 2011 that was the year I graduated! well done everyone xx
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Comment number 26.
At 24th Jun 2011, jinkk wrote:oh im just thinking that in 20 years when they have children etc they may not want to remember songs like S & M etc sign of the times x times they are a changing
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Comment number 27.
At 24th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#24
He played Love Is Alive. His voice is still strong. They all got two shots each so we had Free Bird, Rock'n'Roll Hoochie Koo (Edgar Winter/Rick Derringer), Kyrie Eleison, Broken Wings (Mister Mister's Richard Page), What I Like About You, Talking In Your Sleep (The Romantics' Wally Palmar). Drummer was Greg Bissonette (everyone from Spinal Tap to Santana). Ringo is keen on peace.
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Comment number 28.
At 24th Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#27
..and yet he plays Yellow Submarine to a live audience?
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Comment number 29.
At 24th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:Yes, it's that or the workhouse. If he'd only been sensible enough to listen to those pension advisers when he was in his 20s.
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Comment number 30.
At 24th Jun 2011, DC wrote:Do you think any of the production team will bother to read the blog today? I can imagine this morning's team meeting deciding not to open this thread at all
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Comment number 31.
At 24th Jun 2011, Senga wrote:#29 - Glen - He probably did. It seems that every band who ever had a hit is back on the road. They're not all doing it just because they love it!
#19 - Paolo - I'm in! I just need somebody to pour me onto the last train! LOL!
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Comment number 32.
At 24th Jun 2011, DC wrote:#31
Last train to Glasgow Central
Three men fae Carntyne
Any other Connolly dittys you feature in?
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Comment number 33.
At 24th Jun 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#27
Does Richard Page still wear that really long coat?
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Comment number 34.
At 24th Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:this blog is beginning to remind me of the time during a very famous bitterly fought by-election which went by the name of 'the most intelligent constituency' in the world.
are there nae thickoes on here at all?
my friend dale_kelvin tells me this has never been on.
pete atkin was half of a very talented brainy duo.
the other was some tv reviewer called clive james, who was apparently very brainy and taught himsel' russian.(that's brainy)
so keeping in tune with the brainy people dale_kelvin asked me to play this cos he is barred from tonites programme.
'sheer quivering genius'......................p.atkin/c.james (very brainy)
thanks, i think he said your name was bryan.
thanks bryan.
dale said i had to shout the catchphrase at the radio @ 6.10 monday to friday.
GIO!! wow i'll gie it a try
cheers frae mrs. atkin (pete's mum).........i don't really know that dale_kelvin
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Comment number 35.
At 24th Jun 2011, Will Power wrote:If only the anonymous texter hadn't had a request played before ☺
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Comment number 36.
At 24th Jun 2011, Will Power wrote:Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time
This week ☺
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Comment number 37.
At 24th Jun 2011, Will Power wrote:First time on GiO:
Aerials Up - All Your Mothers Daughters
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Comment number 38.
At 24th Jun 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:'The Reith Clause of Fair Play Pamphlet 1937
There is a little known clause in the above pamphlet that was ahead of its time in as much as it states quite clearly and implicitly that .....'anyone who listens to a Â鶹Éç wireless is entitled to a 'fair crack of the whip' with due regard to 'theme' type programmes which may eminate from locations which may be named something like 'pacific quay' notwithstanding any restrictions placed on said wireless listeners.
However restrictions placed on ANY wireless listeners by anyone with initials BB is rendered invalid by my friends in the Upper House.The views of my friends still in the Lower Lounge Bar are discounted'.
We're back in.
one from the start of history
cheers frae
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Comment number 39.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:After the facebook post being up for 5 hrs...C songs requested by 5 facebookers. 2 of the requests come with a comment like "play it but I don't really like it". Hope they have better success via e-mails, texts etc.
I'd enjoy hearing Kylie's "Better The Devil You Know" (requested via FB) but not other songs, mainly about 'first times' by Pulp, Madonna, Stones etc so I'll probably not listen. I'll be preparing dark chocolate and vanilla layered semifreddo for The Daughter's Birthday party on Sunday. Did I mention she'll be 18 then and I'd rather wanted to ask for a special song for her...before the festivities fizzle out...and for Scotch on his 21st the same day...ach weel...sigh!
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Comment number 40.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#39...C songs??? Eh??? 9 songs...sigh!
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Comment number 41.
At 24th Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:I'm tremedously impressed that we've got 39 posts and no theme.
I completely forgot to buy tickets for Paul Simon. Jeezus.
Maybe Smiffy and myself will take a toddle down to the Armadillo and see if anyone's flogging them outside. Mind you, I'm not keen on the Armadillo, but for Paul Simon it's probably just right.
I was among those celebrating graduations last night.Another lawyer in the family. I agree with Senga, they should play a communal blog track for all the Blog graduates who have never requested before - something they'll never forget!
I suggest Tickets To Waterfalls - Jack Bruce it'll wind our Katie up, she just doesn't 'get it'.
regardez youse
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Comment number 42.
At 24th Jun 2011, gaie wrote:congratulations to ALL the blog-connected graduates. Special days.
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Comment number 43.
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Comment number 44.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Previously on the blog...
Re: Paul Simon
Your favourite West-end venue is organising a coach to the Paul Simon gig and a wee dram for as near as damn it one hundred of your Earth pounds. But you probably received the email already...
You're not on their mailing list?
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Comment number 45.
At 24th Jun 2011, henri hannah wrote:#44 Seemingly not - your email prompted me the other night and it then went out of my head.Damn.
Anyway, I'll take a drive down in a few minutes and have a look.
regardez vous
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Comment number 46.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Adam,
You may wish to leave a comment on this blog.
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Comment number 47.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#43 I'll keep you some.
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Comment number 48.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Yummy! Keep it away from Garfield...
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Comment number 49.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:He only likes Ben & Jerry's Phish Food
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Comment number 50.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Oh well, if Mary-Doll's Dog gets a request played (albeit credited to the rabbit)...
Big Fat Pete the Cat would really something to be played for The Daughter for her 18th on Sunday (had I mentioned that at all?)...she is his favourite person in the world...
'Redemption Song' - Bob Marley...she loves Bob Marley
She also likes Country music...really likes Carrie Underwood - 'Before He Cheats...Scotch will be 21 the same day as The Daughter. He likes country music but probably doesn't like Carrie Underwood...oh well...can't please everyone!
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Comment number 51.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#49?!?
How can he afford that?
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Comment number 52.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#39, #50
Yon crowd heading to Hampden must be "The Dark Side Convention".
Mr. MacLean is conspicuous by his absence.......
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Comment number 53.
At 24th Jun 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:#51. He got his Saturday job at the fishmongers back...he's promised to behave. My but he does look fetching in the white coat and wellies!
Aaw...Bryan's no keen on pets sending in requests...poor Daughter.
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Comment number 54.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#53
If he touches my semifreddo he'll be sleeping with the phishes.......
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Comment number 55.
At 24th Jun 2011, Glen Miller wrote:#33
He was wearing what looked to me (an M&S man) like a designer suit. He still has a strong voice.
This blog is much more fun when it's not clogged up with requests.
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Comment number 56.
At 24th Jun 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#55
M&S? What happened to the
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