
Divide fractions by integers

To divide fractions by a whole number, we divide the numerator by the whole number and the denominator stays the same.

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Example 1

This jug of juice is \( \frac{4}{5}\) full and we need to share it out between two cups.

How much will be in each cup?

The calculation is \( \frac{4}{5}\) 梅 2.

Jug 4/5 full of juice and two cups

We know that 4 梅 2 = 2 so we can use that knowledge here.

You can visualise what \( \frac{4}{5}\) looks like with these bar models and how that is split between two.

A jug that is 4/5 full split into 2 cups. Demonstrated with bar models.

To work this out without using images we divide the numerator by the whole number and keep the denominator the same.

\( \frac{4}{5}\) 梅 2 = \( \frac{2}{5}\) .

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Example 2


There is \( \frac{9}{10}\) of a pizza left and we need to share it equally between 3 people.

As a fraction, how much pizza will each person receive?


As a calculation this is \( \frac{9}{10}\) 梅 3

Let's take a look at this problem visually.

9/10 represented as a circle, split between 3. 3 circles each representing 3/10.

We started with \( \frac{9}{10}\) and then shared out the \( \frac{9}{10}\) to 3 people.

9 梅 3 = 3 so each person gets \( \frac{3}{10}\)

Another way to work this out without using a diagram is to divide the numerator by the whole number and keep the denominator the same.

\( \frac{9}{10}\) 梅 3 = \( \frac{3}{10}\) .

Light grey line
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