
Why should the US decide your airport security?

| Thursday, 10 Oct. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:10 GMT

I've just flown into Belfast from London Heathrow this morning. A one hour flight from one part of the UK to another. Before boarding the plane I had to put all my luggage (when I say 'all' it was just a plastic bag but that's not important) through a scanner and had to remove both my belt and shoes before being allowed to go airside.

Your comments

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    That is all for now. Thanks for all your comments and to our fantastic audience in Belfast.

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    Matt in Florida emailed WHYS: I have seen all 3 existing episodes of the sitcom in question, and it is actually quite a good show. It's no where as racy as 3/4 of what's on in America and a criticizing a simple kiss between two characters is just absurd. I am neither fat, nor ripped, but find no reason for offense. American's are fat, rightly or wrongly, and to these actors should actually be praised. Have any of us forgotten Rosanne Barr?

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    James emailed us: Pavarotti is dead.

  4. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Daniel emailed us: This is the age of information so people should be getting healthier not fatter. There is no excuse. Any one with a bad addiction repulses me.

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    Callers from usa, Israel and beyond participating in @bbc_whys from @niassembly

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    Paul in California emailed us: I am so insensed by this woman's article. She has no right to judge these people by the way they look. There is NO WAY to know by looking at someone what behavior or condition has led to their body type.

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    Alex in Canada emailed WHYS: I'm not sure if ridicule is the right way to go about it. However something needs to be done about obesity. What really bothers me is seeing obese people raising their kids in the same lifestyle. It's an unfair disadvantage right from the start, both for their health and socially as well.

  8. Comment sent via SMS

    I never fly still on the airbus... Ben Laden it鈥檚 a crim because proclaim to kill innocent people. Vecheslav Lavrinoff Russia Kaluga region town Suhinichi

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    John emailed World Have Your Say: Gluttony is literally destroying our planet's ability to sustain humanity. Obesity is weak and immoral, and negatively affects the environment we all share. No excuses, America, we are the most obese.

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    @麻豆社_WHYS Dear Mike (rude guy, USA): "It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it."

  11. Comment sent via BLOG

    Lincoln in Fort Myers Beach writes on the WHYS blog: Being fat is too unhealthy and unattractive to be ignored. Before I got married, I told my fiance that if she ever got fat, it would be a deal breaker for me and she knows that it still holds true today, as it did then.

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    Daliah from Berlin emailed WHYS: I travel a lot and always feel harassed by security personnel. When I complained at the body check I was dismissed as too sensitive. I continue travelling because of work but get very anxious at the body checks and feel I am checked even more because they sense I am nervous. Yet, I think a bit of profiling is needed.

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Dear 麻豆社 about airport security. Governments always want us to be worried about something, then we do not look what they are doing! How is it that governments of so called "free" countries reduce freedom in an effort to protect that freedom? The airline "safety measures" are a complete waste of time, probably the US introduced them to reduce the unemployment numbers.

  14. Comment sent via Facebook

    Eric in the US on FB: I don't like the new security at airports! It makes all the small minded people out there that hate Americans think that they have won.

  15. Comment sent via SMS

    Being fat, and especially obese, reflects a personal choice as to whether to control one鈥檚 impulses or not. It has nothing to do with genetics or race,but purely a matter of will. I know - being rather chubby myself ! Banks, amsterdam

  16. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Jack emailed WHYS: While I feel that some of the security requirements for airline safety can be inconvenient I am dubious that they are being enforced very rigorously overseas. I flew back from England in February and I forgot to put several items in my checked baggage. Among these was my Swiss Army Knife! It was not caught when I went through security at Heathrow. If I hadn't had to change planes in New York to reach my home I could have taken them all the way.

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    Anthony in Craigavon (Northern Ireland): I wonder if the public would be quick to judge on who's fault it would be if these regulations were relaxed, and an incident was to happen which could have been prevented with the current security?

  18. Comment sent via Twitter

    @麻豆社_WHYS I favour all OTT airport security measures which discourage customers, so reducing air miles, jet fuel consumption & CO2 emission.

  19. Comment sent via Facebook

    Jesse on FB: The US has no right to decide my airport security.

  20. Comment sent via BLOG

    Ibrahim in the UK on the blog: As international terrorism has become more sophisticated the whole way that security is approached has to be updated. The authorities have to stay several steps ahead of the terrorists instead of playing catch-up every time a terrorist changes shape or method.

  21. Comment sent via BLOG

    Feesal on the blog: Isn't a friend in need a friend in deed? The US is a close friend of many countries including the UK. So I can't see anything wrong with the US requesting beefing up the security measures of its allies.

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    Hi this is Claudia. We are on air. Listen live here: Today we are asking two questions. After the British Airways chairman''s concerns about US airport security measures, we ask: Why should the US decide your airport security? And also, following the reaction to Maura Kelly''s blog on Marie Claire, we ask: Should obese people be criticised for their own good?