
Is the West right to be scared of China?

| Monday, 10 Oct. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

I'd like the Global Times to open today's blog post:
'Friday the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, an incarcerated Chinese criminal...The Nobel committee once again displayed its arrogance and prejudice against a country that has made the most remarkable economic and social progress in the past three decades. The Nobel Prize has been generally perceived as a prestigious award in China, but many Chinese feel the peace prize is loaded with Western ideology In 1989, the Dalai Lama, a separatist, won the prize. Liu Xiaobo, the new winner, wants to copy Western political systems in China....The Nobel committee made an unwise choice, but it and the political force it represents cannot dictate China's future growth.China's success story speaks louder than the Nobel Peace Prize.'
It's a taste of the country's position on the winner that many elsewhere are calling a 'man of principle'. And whilst China would prefer to call Mr. Xiaobo anything but, the economic giant is hardly surprised by the West's reaction. According to sources inside the China, the award highlights one thing; 'an extraordinary terror of China's rise and the Chinese model."

Your comments

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    That''s all from World Have Your Say today. We''re back tomorrow. See you then!

  2. Comment sent via BLOG

    Nate from Portland on the blog - Your Chinese guests made reference to the West supporting the "5 Evils," namely Taiwan and Tibetan independence, Uighur self-determination, rights for free practice of religion particularly the Falun Gong, and Chinese democracy and human rights advocats (i.e. "dissidents"). The fact that the Chinese authorities act as if these are great evils rather than competing causes with some legitimate ethically sound claims is a pretty good reason to be afraid

  3. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Jim Karanouh-Schuler WCPN Cleveland emailed - Maybe the people in China who worry about the US influencing their country with the Peace Prize should talk with the American Right, who believe that when President Obama received the Prize, people were trying to unduly influence America.

  4. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Francis in Trinidad and Tobago emailed - I think that there is a fear in the West over the economic rise of China because of the perceived potential for the abuse of military power that economic supremacy could afford... In much the same way the US is perceived as having abused their military power with invasion of sovereign states like Panama and Iraq.

  5. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    John in Lake Oswego emailed - It's not China as a model of government that presents the greatest threat to the West - it's their ability to radically undercut the price of virtually every product manufactured. It isn't so much of a threat to democracy as it is a threat to capitalism

  6. Comment sent via Facebook

    Bwale on Facebook - China's growth is as a result of them exploiting desparate developing countries like mine(Zambia)...use of cheap labour and disregard of human rights...when these countries realise they are being exploited and act,the story will change

  7. Comment sent via BLOG

    Max on the blog - the only solution is to boot out every politician who succumbs to lobbying and then redraft plus create new legislation regarding the behaviour of MNC's, large corporations and banks.

  8. Comment sent via Facebook

    Saju Mathew on Facebook - STOP using Made-In-China stuffs.. Yours as well as My economies will start to WORK.. Always remember what happened to China after they found PAPER Currency.. By 2020, we may all agree that 2010 was 'Far BETTER'..!!

  9. Comment sent via Facebook

    Eva Phraha Swarrenger on Facebook - Speakin' from Uganda... The chinese come n build infrastructure in africa without strings attached. The west should surely be scared. Gone will be the days when aid is exchanged 4 a yes vote on the security council!

  10. Comment sent via Facebook

    Illuminatas Jacques on Facebook - Yes,pretty scared,you take a look at global debt position,then look in Africa how much influence they are wielding,which makes me think Chinese are not only going to dominate but intimidate. They have already surpassed no guessing whos next,however shame on them over human rights

  11. Comment sent via Facebook

    Athene Longjumper on Facebook - We should stand up to China! Our entrepreneurs gave all that power to China out of greed, but we must not let ourselves influence by the dictators!

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    Chris in Boston emailed - Nobody wants to see a dictatorship rule the world like when Germany tried in the 30s. To deprive chinas rural population of basic rights is unchinese and unpatriotic.

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    When in 1959 Boris Pasternak was rewarded on Literature Nobil prize, in Soviet newspapers Mr Pasternak had been called the Traitor of Communism. And then writer

  14. Comment sent via Facebook

    Migwi in Kenya on - China has the best economic model. An integration of some capitalism and socialism. Its maximising the benefits of the two

  15. Comment sent via SMS

    The west is not scared of China-its the policy that is causing tension. Alex in Chicago USA

  16. Comment sent via Facebook

    Nittin Raj on Facebook - Ofcourse but not only China but Brazil, India & Russia too popularly know as BRIC!

  17. Comment sent via Facebook

    Jiban Sinjali Rana Magar on Facebook - communism could never overpower democracy

  18. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    John in Cleveland emailed - The problem isn't that China is a rising economic power. The problem is that they have lied, cheated and stolen to become a rising economic power. China is an insult to true economic power. They have long manipulate their currency unfairly to get to where they are today. This is what is damning.

  19. Comment sent via Facebook

    Emma in Uganda on Facebook - China is never going to lead the world. The west has shown good society management over the years - China will be like the Soviet Union, which posed a threat and collapsed never to rise again.

  20. Comment sent via Facebook

    Moses on Facebook - For the Chinese media to start saying the West is jealous of their economic growth is an excuse meant to run from the real issues raised .Perhaps Beijing can tell me how the west is envious of their economic prosperity by awarding a Chinese citizen a Prize.

  21. Comment sent via BLOG

    Donnamarie in Switzerland on the blog - As a citizen of both the USA, which China is challenging as the world's superpower, and of small neutral Switzerland, I am not afraid of China's growing power but I do not welcome it, either; at least not in its present form

  22. Comment sent via host

    We''re live now, discussing whether the West should be afraid of China. Listen here:

  23. Comment sent via BLOG

    Pancha Chandra on the blog - Economic prosperity does not mean that basic human values can be neglected! Economic empowerment is excellent but must go hand-in-hand with human rights and full personal freedoms

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    Tom Koller on Facebook - Their rising power comes directly from their starting to do what we want. Why would we fear that?

  25. Comment sent via BLOG

    Chintan in Houston on the blog - To be afraid of Chinese economic might seems a bit hypocritical because the west believes in capitalism and therefore money and everyone aims to make more in a perfect system. To be afraid of your neighbor just cause your neighbor is getting rich seems unfair. It basically exposes the fear that west has of the change in status quo that China might bring.

  26. Comment sent via BLOG

    Edward on the blog - This is pure propaganda! China is developing its military to defend its country

  27. Comment sent via BLOG

    Casper on the blog - It surprises me when I hear people in the west complaining that China doesn't practice fair trade - because who practices fair trade anyway? African farmers are disadvantaged by the subsidies that western governments give to their farmers. What has the west done to rectify this?

  28. Comment sent via host

    Today we''re discussing whether the West should be scared of China. There''s some strong feeling on this - not least from John Mearsheimer, who is on our programme and who says "To put it bluntly: China cannot rise peacefully." Listen live from 1700 GMT.