On air at 17&18GMT: Luis Ocampo calls for Gaddafi arrest warrant
Monday, 5 May 2011
|18:00 - 19:00 GMT
Luis Moreno Ocampo, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, has called for an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi and two others for crimes against humanity.
On Sunday, the head of the British Armed Forces, General David Richards, told the Sunday Telegraph that the efforts by Nato member forces in Libya must intensify to ensure that Gaddafi goes.
Will an arrest warrant make any difference to the effort to remove Gaddafi from power? Is this the right approach to take? Should more be done against the Libyan leader?
We'll be discussing these questions on this evening's programme. Let us know what you think by posting your comments here.
Your comments
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Farhorizons tweets: Olympic marathon champion Sammy Wanjiru dies --> Another young & promising life wasted.</p>
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I agree that the treatment of DSK amounts to a hideous media circus. What if he turns out to be innocent? Ottilie, Prague
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Amhill tweets: A tragedy for the marathon and distance running. In his short life, Sammy Wanjiru showed he was one of the best ever</p>
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WhatElse posts on letsrun.com: Wow, I'm in complete shock just like everyone else reading this news. My greatest memory of Sammy is when he pushed the pace in the Olympic Marathon and dropped everyone. As an American, of course I was rooting for Ryan Hall and the lot, but watching Sammy push through the terrible Beijing conditions to an Olympic record, you couldn't say he didn't deserve it more. RIP Sammy. Thanks for inspiring a new generation.</p>
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@Â鶹Éç_WHYS Treatment of Strauss-Kahn is fairly normal in U.S. standards. Not sure what is standard for the rest of the world. #whys
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Ailishhh tweets: RIP Sammy Wanjiru. As a middle distance runner, i understand what great achievements he had made and how he will be missed.</p>
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George in Uganda: The ICC should not rush its decision. Arresting Gaddaffi may satisfy the rebels but could worsen the situation.</p>
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Krs Bauer tweets: Many here are calling court footage of #DSK humiliating, shocking, harsh etc..</p>
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Tim posts:<span data-jsid="text"> We need justice not prejudice! I admit that Gaddafi is guility but he is as guility as Bush or Blair. If ICC turned a blind eye on Bush, Gadafi should be left alone.</span></p>
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Benyamin in Pennsylvania posts: This is awesome. Too often brutal dictators are allowed to go into exile or are not brought to justice. This man needs to be held accountable for the tens of thousands he has killed in this movement and all those put to death or prolonged imprisonment and torture in the past 42 years.</p>
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Elvis posts: The law has to take its course. If the law says he has to be denied bail, then so be it. I'll be really disappointed if he is found guilty.</p>
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Xenos59 posts on The Daily Beast: UN arrest warrant, what a laugh, I'm sure Qadaffi is shaking in his robes</p>
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Turkson in Ghana: What is the ICC waiting for?Gaddafi is committing crimes against humanity and you sit there and watch him kill his own country men without acting? He must be arrested and prosecuted period.</p>
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Idowu posts: Let him be arrested and prosecuted.</p>
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Benson in Malawi posts: Arresting Gadafi wont work he knows he has nothing to lose.</p>
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Abvp tweets: It took Ocampo 5 years for Bashir's arrest warrant but like a week for the Gaddafis... he's quickly becoming every tyrant's nemesis.</p>
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Tedla emails: If Gadaffi goes to ICC let us also give a ticket to Saleh and Asad. why not ?</p>
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Mr Ethiopia posts on america blog.com: So how do these crimes differ from the innocent civilians killed during the Iraq war, if the ICC is charging one government for a specific criteria, then the ICC needs to charge all governments that same way.</p>
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Monde in Zambia posts: What about the ICC investigating abuses by the rebels?</p>
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British Foreign Minister William Hague tweets: Good news that ICC prosecutor is seeking #Libya arrest warrants. Shows there will be no impunity & increases pressure on the regime.</p>
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Trigger10 posts on Washington Post: What about Syrian Assad? Is he any better? He is killing his people too.</p>
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Ogunjobi in Nigera posts: There have been lots of crimes against humanity. The fact that some have escaped prosecution by the ICC should not be sited to excuse Gaddafi. If he can be arrested, so be it. Arresting Gaddafi is good for Libya and Africa.</p>
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George posts on MotherJones.com: I do wish that NATO were not taking such an interventionist position so as to keep from stepping on the authority of the ICC, the brutality of Libya is a thing that the West has been kept confused about for decades.</p>
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We''re live on air now beginning our discussion talking about calls by ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo to issue an arrest warrant for Colonel Gaddafi. Is it a good idea?
On air at 17&18GMT: Luis Ocampo calls for Gaddafi arrest warrant
| Monday, 5 May 2011 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT
Luis Moreno Ocampo, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, has called for an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi and two others for crimes against humanity.
On Sunday, the head of the British Armed Forces, General David Richards, told the Sunday Telegraph that the efforts by Nato member forces in Libya must intensify to ensure that Gaddafi goes.
Will an arrest warrant make any difference to the effort to remove Gaddafi from power? Is this the right approach to take? Should more be done against the Libyan leader?
We'll be discussing these questions on this evening's programme. Let us know what you think by posting your comments here.
Your comments
Comment sent via unknown: 23129
<p> Farhorizons tweets: Olympic marathon champion Sammy Wanjiru dies --> Another young & promising life wasted.</p>
Comment sent via SMS
I agree that the treatment of DSK amounts to a hideous media circus. What if he turns out to be innocent? Ottilie, Prague
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<p> Amhill tweets: A tragedy for the marathon and distance running. In his short life, Sammy Wanjiru showed he was one of the best ever</p>
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<p> WhatElse posts on letsrun.com: Wow, I'm in complete shock just like everyone else reading this news. My greatest memory of Sammy is when he pushed the pace in the Olympic Marathon and dropped everyone. As an American, of course I was rooting for Ryan Hall and the lot, but watching Sammy push through the terrible Beijing conditions to an Olympic record, you couldn't say he didn't deserve it more. RIP Sammy. Thanks for inspiring a new generation.</p>
Comment sent via unknown: 23057
@Â鶹Éç_WHYS Treatment of Strauss-Kahn is fairly normal in U.S. standards. Not sure what is standard for the rest of the world. #whys
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<p> Ailishhh tweets: RIP Sammy Wanjiru. As a middle distance runner, i understand what great achievements he had made and how he will be missed.</p>
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<p> George in Uganda: The ICC should not rush its decision. Arresting Gaddaffi may satisfy the rebels but could worsen the situation.</p>
Comment sent via unknown: 23129
<p> Krs Bauer tweets: Many here are calling court footage of #DSK humiliating, shocking, harsh etc..</p>
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<p> Tim posts:<span data-jsid="text"> We need justice not prejudice! I admit that Gaddafi is guility but he is as guility as Bush or Blair. If ICC turned a blind eye on Bush, Gadafi should be left alone.</span></p>
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<p> Benyamin in Pennsylvania posts: This is awesome. Too often brutal dictators are allowed to go into exile or are not brought to justice. This man needs to be held accountable for the tens of thousands he has killed in this movement and all those put to death or prolonged imprisonment and torture in the past 42 years.</p>
Comment sent via unknown: 23129
<p> Elvis posts: The law has to take its course. If the law says he has to be denied bail, then so be it. I'll be really disappointed if he is found guilty.</p>
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<p> Xenos59 posts on The Daily Beast: UN arrest warrant, what a laugh, I'm sure Qadaffi is shaking in his robes</p>
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<p> Turkson in Ghana: What is the ICC waiting for?Gaddafi is committing crimes against humanity and you sit there and watch him kill his own country men without acting? He must be arrested and prosecuted period.</p>
Comment sent via unknown: 23129
<p> Idowu posts: Let him be arrested and prosecuted.</p>
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<p> Benson in Malawi posts: Arresting Gadafi wont work he knows he has nothing to lose.</p>
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<p> Abvp tweets: It took Ocampo 5 years for Bashir's arrest warrant but like a week for the Gaddafis... he's quickly becoming every tyrant's nemesis.</p>
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<p> Tedla emails: If Gadaffi goes to ICC let us also give a ticket to Saleh and Asad. why not ?</p>
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<p> Mr Ethiopia posts on america blog.com: So how do these crimes differ from the innocent civilians killed during the Iraq war, if the ICC is charging one government for a specific criteria, then the ICC needs to charge all governments that same way.</p>
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<p> Monde in Zambia posts: What about the ICC investigating abuses by the rebels?</p>
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<p> British Foreign Minister William Hague tweets: Good news that ICC prosecutor is seeking #Libya arrest warrants. Shows there will be no impunity & increases pressure on the regime.</p>
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<p> Trigger10 posts on Washington Post: What about Syrian Assad? Is he any better? He is killing his people too.</p>
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<p> Ogunjobi in Nigera posts: There have been lots of crimes against humanity. The fact that some have escaped prosecution by the ICC should not be sited to excuse Gaddafi. If he can be arrested, so be it. Arresting Gaddafi is good for Libya and Africa.</p>
Comment sent via YOURSAY
<p> George posts on MotherJones.com: I do wish that NATO were not taking such an interventionist position so as to keep from stepping on the authority of the ICC, the brutality of Libya is a thing that the West has been kept confused about for decades.</p>
Comment sent via host
We''re live on air now beginning our discussion talking about calls by ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo to issue an arrest warrant for Colonel Gaddafi. Is it a good idea?