Gently touching and talking to your baby is a great way to help support their development.
So newborns enjoy your touch and they're stimulated by your touch, so if you can take some timeout of your day to interact with your baby through touch it can help to develop that nice bond between you and your baby.
Sometimes babies might like the soft edge of a blanket. And if you can have some skin-to-skin contact it's reassuring because they can smell you, they can hear your heart beat.
When you're stimulating her through touch, then look really closely. Her vision is still developing at this point so they need to see things that are within close range.
And you might find that she tries to mimic your facial expressions. Yeah. So babies like to stick their tongue out. Because they're learning from you. They're born ready to learn.
It's also important to talk to them at the same time. She needs to be able to hear you speaking to her so that she's got the chance to learn about all of the different sounds of the language that she's learning.
I've spoken to some parents and they say that it can sometimes feel a little bit awkward, because they don't know what to say and if that is the case, you can try singing to your baby or reading with your baby, because that kind of gives you a scaffold for a conversation. It gives you a topic to talk about.
It's great to stimulate baby's senses, whether that's through touch, or whether that's through talking, or smiling. They like to communicate with you.