Hickety Pickety my red hen
Hickey Pickety my red hen,
She lays eggs for Farmer Ben,
Farmer Ben comes every day,
To count how many eggs lie in the hay.
She's laid FIVE eggs today!
Hickey Pickety my red hen,
She lays eggs for Farmer Ben,
Farmer Ben comes every day,
To count how many eggs lie in the hay.
She's laid THREE eggs today!
Hickey Pickety my red hen,
She lays eggs for Farmer Ben,
Farmer Ben comes every day,
To count how many eggs lie in the hay.
She's laid FOUR eggs today!
Hickey Pickety my red hen,
She lays eggs for Farmer Ben,
Farmer Ben comes every day,
To count how many eggs lie in the hay.
She's laid TWO eggs today!
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Here we go round the mulberry bush. video
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The Hokey Cokey. video
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