Five little men in a flying saucer
FIVE little men in a flying saucer
flew round the world one day.
They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight
So one man flew away.
FOUR little men in a flying saucer
flew round the world one day.
They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight
So one man flew away.
THREE little men in a flying saucer
flew round the world one day.
They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight
So one man flew away.
TWO little men in a flying saucer
flew round the world one day.
They looked left and right but they didn't like the sight
So one man flew away.
ONE little man in a flying saucer
flew round the world one day.
He looked left and right but he didn't like the sight
So one man flew away.
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