
2: Freya and the goblins - Part 1

Loki introduces us to another character - the beautiful but vain goddess, Freya, who looks after the weather and the seasons.

Freya and her husband, Odur, have been invited to a banquet by Odin. So Freya is on the look-out for a new necklace to wear. One day she's walking in Midgard when she stumbles across a cave. It's raining and Freya is worried about her hair鈥 so she goes inside. As she moves along the cave she begins to hear hammering鈥hen discovers goblins mining for silver and gold. The goblins are enemies of the gods, but they are also well-known for making fantasic jewellery and Freya is transfixed by the sight of a beautiful necklace. Freya is determined to possess it at all costs, so the goblins name their price: she is to give each of them a 'big sloppy kiss'.

Freya is horrified but does as the goblins ask鈥hen she runs back to Asgard and her husband, Odur. Freya thinks that with the necklace Odur will praise her beauty more than ever鈥ut how wrong she is!

Teacher Notes

This series can be used to increase pupils' familiarity with a broad range of texts and narratives, including myths, legends and traditional stories and to make connections between these and other stories they are familiar with.

It will also support a broad range of writing objectives.

Curriculum Notes

This series is relevant for teaching English at KS2, in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, and at First and Second Level in Scotland.

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More from the series: Viking Sagas

1: Odin creates the world. video

Loki relates how Odin creates Asgard (for gods), Midgard (humans) and Jotunheim (giants).

1: Odin creates the world

3: Freya and the Goblins - Part 2. video

Part 2 of a story about the goddess Freya and her underground meeting with the goblins.

3: Freya and the Goblins - Part 2

4: Thor and the Giants - Part 1. video

Loki and Thor journey to Jotunheim to challenge their enemies, the giants.

4: Thor and the Giants - Part 1