How much is violence a choice, and how much a natural human instinct? Read more
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How much is violence a choice, and how much a natural human instinct?
The Future of Renewable Energy
How do we develop a practical, reliable and cheap supply of renewable energy?
With smarter technology monitoring our behaviour how far should we compromise privacy?
The Air You Breathe
Could your ‘breath print’ be a marker as unique to you as your finger print?
Measuring Impact
Are we too obsessed with metrics and are we measuring the right values?
Whistle-blowers and Rumour-mongers
Who should we believe is telling the truth and why?
How do humans and animals cope with one of the strongest emotions: fear
Job Satisfaction
What does the notion of job satisfaction mean to you?
The Forum in Beijing
Do the internet and social media empower the Chinese individual or the state?
What gives you an advantage in life?
Hong Kong: A Blueprint for all China?
A lively debate from Hong Kong's City University about the city's uniqueness and future
Making it Big in Hong Kong: A Matter of Good Fortune?
A debate from Hong Kong's Fringe club about Asian economic success, luck and creativity
Why do humans co-operate?
Rwanda: Africa’s Agricultural Success Story?
How do we manage resources of food and water to make sure there is enough to go round?
A Rainbow Nation, a Rainbow World?
The past and future of race relations in South Africa and beyond
Gifts and Giving
What are the hidden messages behind the act of giving or receiving a gift?
Do our hands mark us out as human? Plus hand transplants and hands that make music
Twins and Doubles
Do twins really see the world differently from the rest of us?
The Developing Child
What goes on in the brain of a baby and how does it develop?
How does scarcity affect our behaviour and thinking?
Modern Alchemy
Transforming waste into valuable products
Catching neutrinos, unsuspecting gamers and pictures of elusive mammals
Trillions of dollars are spent on vanity megaprojects: is there no limit to human vanity?
Revolutionary Freedom
When dictatorships are overthrown, how should societies rebuild themselves?
What is the nature of reality and are there ways of gaining a new perspective of it?
The Power of Expectation
Can our expectations affect the outcome of what we do?
Reflecting on Love, Laughter and Friendship
A special programme from the London School of Economics Literary Festival 2014
Social mobility: are we too complacent?
New research shows that moving up or down in society can still take hundreds of years.
Can you train to be spontaneous? And if so, should you?
Fakes, forgeries and copies – how different are they?
How close are we to mapping all the land, the seas and the clouds in the sky?