You've found an older version of the Sex ID test. Take the up-to-date version of the test, which has been changed to make it more enjoyable and easier to use.
Try to answer all the questions - your results and the experiment depend on you completing the test.
This experiment includes personal and sexual questions, please skip any that make you uncomfortable.
If you don't have time to complete the test in one go you can use the Save and finish later button.
Complete simple tasks to find out how your brain works. 6 mins
Testosterone and your ring finger. You'll need a ruler for this. 5 mins
Your body can reveal clues about your mind. 3 mins
What's your mate preference? The attractiveness test. 5 mins
What you see in others and the roots of your behaviour. 5 mins
Words, 3D shapes and what they say about you. 5 mins