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Judy and her brothers |
My name is Judy Petran, and I was born Judith Smith on 28th October 1957 in Farnborough Hampshire. I was the youngest of three children, with two older brothers Richard and Andy. I now live in Weymouth with my husband Joe and three almost grown up children.
I have a few snapshot-type memories of my early years, but I do wonder how many of them have been influenced by photos and stories the family has told. The family moved to Walton-on-Thames in late 1963, so I know that any memories I have of the old house are before then, but I can't really date any of them, apart from those in the bad winter of 1963.
I mainly remember the endless summer days of childhood - playing in the garden, finding a kitten stuck in a tree, riding my tricycle down the street trying to keep up with my brothers' bikes. I remember Mum doing the washing using a mangle to squeeze the water out of the clothes. I always wondered what would happen if I put my hand in it, whether my fingers would come out as flat as the sheets. There were also numerous door-to-door sellers - the brush lady, the onion man, the knife grinder, who would come to the back door. How often they called I don't know - the fact I remember them probably means it was rare, even then.
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