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This Sceptred Isle


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This Sceptred Isle

National Government and Naval Mutiny
Depression was a problem in 1931, the government declared everyone should "Buy British". Unemployment was high. The financial crisis in Germany was effecting British banking which had many assets there. The Bank of England had to borrow money from the United States and France. However they demanded a balanced budget and the only way the Labour government could envisage achieving this was to cut unemployment benefit.

Finances were beginning to look vaguely more positive when the Royal Navy mutinied at Invergordon. 12,000 ratings objected to their pay cut. The navy put the ships to sea and returned them to their home ports and undertook to review the pay cuts. But the damage was done. The mutiny was one influence on international speculation against the pound and the Government's consequent decision to devalue the pound and come off the Gold Standard.

Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin

  • Born in Kennington, London
  • From a very poor, theatrical family
  • Became one of the first moving picture film actors, moving to Hollywood in 1914
  • His films were prolific
  • He was wise enough to realise that the character he had created for himself could only be mute and when talking pictures arrived he changed his image
  • Left America after the Second World War and lived in Switzerland

did you know?
Spain was declared a Republic in 1931. King Alfonso abdicated and came to London.

Extract From The Illustrated London News
December 12th, 1931.

"Speaking of the economic crisis through which this country is passing leads one naturally to the idea of the slogan of today, 'Buy British' . . . It requires but little reflection to realise that the factors of 'Buy British', the food of the nation, and the nation's health, can, and should, go together. There is much to be said for the statement that a country is best suited by its own food; but what cannot adequately be produced in our own home land, and is still desirable, can be supplied by some part of the British Empire. All staple articles of diet-meat, bread, fowl, fish, fruit, vegetables, cereals, eggs, butter and cheese, and the rest - are thus at our command . . . Why, then, need we for a second entertain the idea of trading with Alien countries for our food material? Fresh food in England is unsurpassed; while the purity of Dominion overseas products cannot be disputed. Scientific methods little dreamt of by the consumer have been increasingly applied to the preparation and preservation of our articles of diet . . . science has now been brought into service to such an extent that we can rest assured that such foods are not only germ free, but that the active principles and vitamins, so necessary to health, remain unimpaired."

Select historical period

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1926 General Strike
1929 MacDonald becomes Prime Minister for the second time
1930 The Simon Report on India
1931 A National Government is formed
1932 Mosley begins the British Union of Fascists
1933 Hitler becomes German Chancellor
Roosevelt becomes US President
1935 Baldwin becomes Prime Minister
1936 George V dies
Edward VIII becomes King
Edward VIII abdicates
George VI becomes King
1937 Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister

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