Parodies |
The People's Shop
by Vicky S
What a shame this ditty from the Fantasy Archers topic of , wasn't really sung at the opening of the Ambridge Community Shop.
The People's Shop is painted red,
(We found a tin in Robert's shed)
And ere the brush grew stiff and cold
We wrote "Organic Produce Sold."
We hung the garage flowers high
Beneath their blooms we'll smile and pry
Though Brian flinched and Susan sneered
We'll keep tradition going here.
Us volunteers are all au fait
With counting change and shop display
See banners bright and prices plain,
Sainsbury's loss? Ambridge's gain!
We'll calculate your shopping bill
- we've seen the inside of the till!
Push Archer produce to the fore
- they'll soon be queuing out the door.
With heads held proud so swear we all
To honour the rota on the wall
In stockrooms stark, with merry grin,
We'll rotate stock and stack the tins.
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